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《中国煤炭地质》,原名《中国煤田地质》,创刊于1989年,是由中国煤炭地质总局主办的以煤炭地质科技为主的综合类学术性期刊,是中国科技核心期刊。本刊主要栏目有:煤田地质、煤层气、岩页气、矿井地质、矿井安全、水文地质、工程地质、环境地质、物探、钻探等,征稿要求如下。1来稿要求理论、技术有创新,论点明确,资料数据可靠,文字简练通顺。要附有200~300字的中(英)文摘要及3~8个关键词。2来稿必须提供作者姓名、单位、详细通讯地址、邮编、联系电话及电子信箱。另外,作者简介(第一作者)应包括作者姓名、出生年、性别、籍贯、毕业院校、专业、技术职  相似文献   

大明山钨矿区位于大明山脉那汉沟北东侧,广西武鸣、上林、马山三县交界处,与大明山林场毗邻,隶属武鸣县两江镇管辖。区内蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源,包含有钨、铜、金、银、铅、锌、锰、钼等多种资源,尤其是钨、铜、钼富集明显,并以钨矿尤为重要。矿区经过长期调查、勘探和开采,如今这种勘探工作依然如火如荼地进行。大明  相似文献   

新矿物——张衡矿   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
张衡矿是在安徽毫县陨石中发现的一种天然矿物。其共生矿物有橄榄石、单斜辉石、斜方辉石、斜长石、正长石、白磷钙矿、石英、黑云母、白云石、方解石、刚玉、陨硫铁、铁纹石、镍纹石、铬铁矿、钛铁矿、镁铁尖晶石、镍黄铁矿、石墨、方铁矿、自然铜、磁铁矿等。矿物为金黄色,条痕铜黄色。不透明,具金属光泽。晶体为粒状、不规则粒状、片板状、树枝状,粒度为0.13×0.15-0.1×0.35mm~2。H_?=145-150kg/mm~2。无理解。密度(计算值)=8.32g/cm~3。反光下为亮黄色,均质。电子探针分析结果;Cu52.77,Zn46.78,Fe0.12,Al0.05,Cr0.25,Ni0.01,总和99.98wt%。理想化学式为CuZn。经X射线粉晶分析确定为等轴晶系,体心格子,无序结构,空间群为Im3m,a=2.952(2)A。晶胞体积V=25.72A~3,Z=1。  相似文献   

本文介绍了彩色钻石的概念,论述了其特点、分类。据彩钻的色度深浅将彩色(以红、绿、蓝、紫、粉为例)详细分为15级:微、弱、浅、浅淡、淡、淡中、深淡、中、中彩、彩、浓彩、浓、深、极深、暗,简化后分8级:弱、浅、淡、中、彩、浓、深、暗。关于彩色钻石的明亮度详细划分为8级:很暗、暗、较暗、较明、明亮、亮、亮彩、阳亮。简化为4级:暗、较明、明亮、阳亮。颜色色种的稀有度分级有:顶端稀有色种的红色系,极度稀有色种的绿色系、橙色系、紫色系,稀有色种的蓝色系、粉色系,较稀有色种的棕色系、黑色,少见色种的灰色系、褐色系,较少见色种的黄色系。文中对彩钻大小的粒度也进行了界定,并对彩钻的致色因素做了探讨,分作岩浆期致色、岩浆期后致色、未知的复杂因素致色等。指出了彩钻所包含的研究领域。  相似文献   

4月8日的海南三亚,大海、蓝天、椰树、花卉相互辉映,风景秀美,春色宜人。在总局领导的亲自关怀指导下,《中国煤炭地质》杂志首届理事会会议暨煤炭地质科技论坛。在此地举行。经过与会的各级领导、专家学者和会务工作人员的紧张而辛勤工作,圆满地完成了各项议程,收到了预期效果。对此,大家普遍反映,会议暨论坛时间虽短。但组织周密、议题鲜明、内容丰富、形式新颖、别开生面,收获颇多、不虚此行。  相似文献   

奇石,又称观赏石,雅石,是指不事雕琢,具有自然美感的石头。包括奇特的化石,矿物晶体和岩石等。奇石具有独特的形态、色泽、质地、纹理。奇石具有观赏、收藏及科研价值。古人云:“山无石不奇,水无石不清,园无石不秀,室无石不雅。赏石清心,赏石怡人,赏石益智,赏石陶情,赏石长寿。”观赏奇石,要讲究瘦、漏、透、皱、清、丑、顽、拙、奇、秀、  相似文献   

改革开放以来,江苏省在矿产资源勘查取得较好的成果,尤其在深部矿产如石油、煤、铁、铅、锌、硫、磷、钛、石盐、芒硝、石膏等勘查效益显著。主要是实践中加强了基础地质调查,资料的研究开发,高新技术的应用,勘查专项规划,成矿区远景调查,重点地区勘查示范,优势矿产综合勘查与评价,提高了矿产勘查攻深找盲的突破能力。对加强矿产勘查科学研究和人才培养提出了建议。  相似文献   

戴克  沈永和 《地质论评》1947,12(Z2):299-301
本书共二百九十四页,分十五章,其目录如下: 序言,版图表,第一章、为何研究石英。第二章、石英之历史。第三章、研究石英之方法。第四章、关于石英之结晶。第五章、石英之结晶体。第六章、结晶之石英。第七章、块状  相似文献   

土壤中的钼,常伴有钨、锡、铜、铅、锌、银、铼、锰、铁、钒、铋等多金属,尤其是钨、铁、锰、铅对钼的测定带来干扰。本文采用碳酸钠-氧化锌熔融后硫氰酸盐比色法测定多金属矿石中钼。实验研究确定了各试剂最佳加入量,熔矿和显色的温度、时间,显色酸度和干扰消除等因素,提高了方法的灵敏度和稳定性。试样在0.00-500.00ug范围内均呈良好的线性,相对误差小于3%,方法相对标准偏差(RSD,n=9)值小于4.0%。实验采用平行样实验、国家一级标准物质重复实验、空白实验进行实验质量控制和验证。国家一级标准物质测定值与推荐值相符。该方法在实际生产中能准确、快速、大批量分析样品,满足了地质普查和实验测试工作的需要。  相似文献   

壮族可能是最为器重过节的一个民族了。在一些壮族地区,几乎每个月都有节过。著名节日有春节、三月三、七月十四等。如果按顺序排列,壮族最隆重的节日是春节,其次是七月十四鬼节、三月三、清明、八月十五中秋,此外,还有青蛙节、牛魂节、端午节、重阳节、尝新节、冬至节、送灶节等等。  相似文献   

利用一个全球海冰气耦合模式对北半球高纬海冰的主要气候特征进行了数值模拟。结果表明 ,模拟结果中海冰的季节变化特征合理 ,冬季海冰的主要地理分布特征都模拟得很好 ,但夏季北冰洋内部靠近欧亚大陆部分边缘海区海冰密集度模拟得偏大。模拟结果中 ,北半球高纬地区冬季海冰密集度具有显著的年际变化 ,变化最显著区域位于格陵兰海 ,其次是巴伦支海 ,这些特征均与观测结果一致。对这个海冰气耦合模式在北半球海冰平均气候状况、季节变化和年际变化方面模拟能力的检验结果表明 ,当前的研究工作为下一步进行长期变化趋势的模拟打下了基础。  相似文献   

位于灵山-藤县与博白-梧州区域性深大断裂之间的大洲盆地及周边在1/20万水系沉积物测量中发现了多个锡多金属化探异常,以Sn为主,件生W、Au、Ag、Pb、As、Sb、Bi等.异常面状分布,浓集中心明显,具浓度分带.部分异常经1/万土壤测量验证,异常再现良好,经槽、钻探揭露和验证,发现了多个锡矿体.矿体赋存在诛罗系天堂组...  相似文献   

阵列声波测井信号的时频局域相关能量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种基于信号时、频局域相关能量的新的时-频信号分析方法——Rihaczek分布,对多极子阵列声波测井信号进行了分析。该方法有着比较明确的物理意义,对不同岩性、构造的响应具有很好的区分和识别能力。声波的Rihaczek分布对不同的岩性,以及由不同岩性组成的构造破碎带具有明显不同的表现特征。利用相应的模式识别方法,可以对这些岩性、构造进行有效的区分和识别。  相似文献   

 The purpose of this study is to investigate the rates and mechanisms of recharge and evaporation in soils of a desert environment using two environmental tracers (chloride and oxygen-18). The profiles of chloride concentration and oxygen-18 enrichment in soil-water, together with the depth distribution of water content in soil, reveal information about long-term recharge and instantaneous evaporation processes without needing to know the physical properties of the soil. Three holes were hand-augured, in different desert settings in southeastern New Mexico. The chloride concentration profiles were used, with the chloride mass balance method, to estimate long-term recharge rates in these three holes as 0.5, 0.8, and 2.4 mm yr–1. Analysis using a bimodal flow and transport model shows that possibly 85% of the recharge occurs via movement of water through preferred pathways in the root zone. Preferential flow was evident in all three sampling sites. Clay layers have a noticeable effect on the development of water content distribution and thus on oxygen-18 enrichment and chloride concentration profiles. The spatial variation in clay layering partly explains the variation in recharge rate estimates. Received: 13 October 1995 · Accepted: 15 November 1995  相似文献   

对2016年全年颗粒物监测浓度数据进行统计分析,得到了安徽省颗粒物污染的空间分布、浓度和粒径,以及污染传输特征。结果表明,淮河以北、沿江和江淮之间、长江以南和皖南山区城市颗粒物污染随地理位置不同表现出明显的区域化特征,污染程度由北向南减轻,污染过程明显表现出由北向南逐步扩散传输的规律,污染程度越重,污染深入南方的范围越广,持续时间也越长。冬季污染较重的城市,上午出现明显的高浓度时段,全天变化为"双峰双谷"型。夏、秋季节夜间细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度贡献比增加。PM2.5与PM10(可吸入颗粒物)质量浓度比值冬季最高,春季较低。污染重的城市冬季PM2.5占比高。  相似文献   

In the coal measure strata, igneous rocks are often invaded, and their occurrence, size, and distribution form play an important role in mining safety. The breakage of hard and thick igneous rocks easily induces dynamic disasters, such as rock burst, mine seismicity, gas outburst, and surface subsidence, which seriously threaten mine safety production. In view of the working face with overlying hard and thick igneous rocks, the evolution characteristics of mining stress and energy distribution under hard and thick igneous rocks were investigated. Furthermore, the influence law of different horizons and thicknesses of igneous rock on overlying strata movement law, stress distribution, and energy distribution was analyzed based on FLAC3D numerical simulation. Results show that no evident subsidence of the overlying strata exists before the igneous rock is broken. Additionally, the subsidence amount of the overburden is suddenly increased after the igneous rock is broken, thereby showing significant mutability. Before the igneous rock breaks, a high stress area is formed around the goaf, and the stress concentration gradually increases with the increase of the mining scope. After the igneous rock breaks, the coal under high stress is prone to induce dynamic disasters under the action of strong dynamic load. However, the advanced abutment pressure and stored energy rapidly decreased. The accuracy of the numerical simulation is verified by field monitoring. Results of the study are of considerable significance for safe mining of working face under similar geological conditions.  相似文献   

宝兴厂矿区是与喜马拉雅期富碱斑岩有关的多金属成矿集中区,地层、斑岩体、矿化体具有明显的物性差异,有利于开展激电测量,圈定多个物探异常,工程验证发现多金属矿化体.  相似文献   

路堤下浆固碎石桩复合地基现场试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浆固碎石桩是一种新型的桩基技术,结合其在宁波绕城高速公路软土路基处理中的工程应用,进行了路堤下浆固碎石桩复合地基现场试验研究,通过实测地基的竖向和侧向变形以及桩、土应力和孔隙水压力,分析了浆固碎石桩复合地基的主要工作性状。试验结果表明,浆固碎石桩复合地基总沉降量小,稳定速度快,工期短;桩顶应力集中现象明显,桩体置换作用明显,同时也发挥了桩间土的承载力特性;孔隙水压力消散速度较快,减小了次固结引起的工后沉降。  相似文献   

地球化学元素分布规律的研究是揭示元素矿化富集及空间变化规律的重要途径之一,查明指示元素的含量及其空间分布特征,对于评价矿床深边部含矿性具有指导意义。本文运用统计及克里格插值方法查明黄埠岭金矿成矿指示元素的分布特征,认为矿脉中除Ni和Hg以外其余9个元素的均值明显高于克拉克值,元素的分散富集作用强烈,元素的垂向分带特征明显,可作为矿床深部含矿性评价的依据。  相似文献   

The influences of solids concentration, molecular weight of dispersant, particle size and distribution, and temperature on the rheological behaviour of limestone slurries have been investigated. The results reveal that when the solids concentration of a limestone slurry (< 100 μm) is increased from 60 wt.% (35.71 vol.%) to 78.5 wt.% (57.49 vol.%), the rheological behaviour of the slurry is transformed from a weakly dilatant characteristic to a pseudoplastic one with a yield stress, which is in combination with a thixotropic property at a higher solids concentration (i.e., ≥ 75 wt.% or 52.63 vol.%). At a certain shear rate, the apparent viscosity and the relative viscosity of the slurry increase exponentially with solids concentration. The extrapolated Bingham yield stress increases rather sharply in a power-law form with increasing solids concentration when the solids concentration of the slurry is larger than 70 wt.% (i.e., 46.36 vol.%). An attainable maximum packing solids fraction (?m) is predicted as ?m = 64.6 vol.% at the certain limestone–water suspension system. A polymeric dispersant named Dispersant S40 with a molecular weight of 5500 appears most effective for the reduction of the apparent viscosity of limestone slurry due to its good electrosteric stabilization and effective avoidance of depletion flocculation. The smaller the particle size and the narrower the size distribution, the more evident the pseudoplastic property of limestone slurry is with a larger yield stress and a larger apparent viscosity at a given shear rate in the range of 12 to 1200 s− 1. Also, a statistic model describes a relationship between the particle size and distribution and the apparent viscosity of the slurries at a given solids concentration (i.e., 70 wt.% or 46.36 vol.%). However, a sufficient additive dosage of Dispersant S40 (i.e., ≥ 0.1 wt.%) significantly decreases or even eliminates the rheological differences of limestone slurries (apparent viscosities and extrapolated yield stresses) resulting from the difference in particle size and distribution. Besides, the apparent viscosity of limestone slurries decreases with increasing temperature in the range of 13 to 55 °C, regardless of the absence or the presence of Dispersant S40.  相似文献   

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