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临清拗陷东部构造样式及其形成演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
临清拗陷东部自中生代以来构造体制多次转变,盆地演化及构造特征复杂,发育多种类型的构造样式.以盆地分析理论为指导,通过对全区的地震资料的精细解释,总结研究区的构造样式类型,并对其成因进行分析,探讨构造演化上古生界煤成气成藏的控制作用.结果表明:临清拗陷东部构造样式可分为挤压、伸展和反转3种,其中,挤压构造样式以叠瓦逆冲为主,伸展构造样式分为掀斜断块、滑动断阶和重力背形3种,反转构造样式分为正反转和负反转2种.研究区在地质历史上构造活动剧烈,经历印支运动和燕山晚期运动的强烈挤压、燕山早期运动的弱挤压作用以及燕山中期和喜山早期的强烈拉张,不同类型的构造样式由不同的构造运动所形成;上古生界煤成气成藏主要受构造演化所控制,主要发育4种油气藏类型.该研究将对研究区上古生界煤成气勘探提供指导作用.  相似文献   

根据地震及钻井、测井资料,编制苏北盆地高邮凹陷许庄构造断裂平面及剖面图,分析江苏油田苏北盆地许庄构造的断层特征、构造演化及其断层活动特点.结果表明:许庄构造为平行式阶梯状和"y"型断层组合,真①断层与真②断层间所夹持的断块发育多米诺式正断层.断层演化顺序为真①断层在泰州组—阜宁组沉积时,沿先期存在的逆断层回滑首先发育,并伴生次级断层,戴南组—三垛组沉积时停止活动,盐城组又有所活动;真②断层在戴南组沉积时开始发育,部分延续了真①断层伴生的次级断层,其活动持续到盐城组沉积.  相似文献   

根据地震及钻井、测井资料,编制苏北盆地高邮凹陷许庄构造断裂平面及剖面图,分析江苏油田苏北盆地许庄构造的断层特征、构造演化及其断层活动特点.结果表明:许庄构造为平行式阶梯状和“y”型断层组合,真①断层与真②断层间所夹持的断块发育多米诺式正断层.断层演化顺序为真①断层在泰州组-阜宁组沉积时,沿先期存在的逆断层回滑首先发育,...  相似文献   

从银川盆地岩石圈和莫霍面的变化特征、地壳热结构特征、活动断裂和基底构造特征几方面分析论述了盆地地热形成的地质构造条件 ;通过分析盆地内新生界地层岩性及其垂向变化、储盖层条件、盆地地形地貌特征 ,讨论了盆地地热水形成的水文地质条件。  相似文献   

延吉盆地位于吉林省东部延边朝鲜族自治州境内,包括延吉市、龙井市部分地区。地理坐标为东经129°14′~129°46′,北纬42°32′~43°04′之间。延吉盆地属于吉林省东部一个较大的中生代断陷盆地,其形态呈正方形,东西宽约50km,南北长约55km,面积1670km2。  相似文献   

利用测井和地震资料,结合地质构造背景,选取中非Doseo盆地典型剖面进行构造解释,采用平衡剖面技术恢复盆地的构造演化过程,基于地幔对流作用探讨盆地的成因演化机制.结果 表明:受Doseo-Khartoum转换断裂系作用影响,平面上,Doseo盆地为伴生次级断裂与主干断裂斜交的断裂组合形式;剖面上,盆地断裂倾角表现为高角...  相似文献   

辽宁庄河地区构造活动强烈,构造变形样式多种多样,反映了在不同体制下,构造变形由下部构造层次到上部构造层次的系统变化,从早期褶皱变形到后则破裂变形过程中岩石韧性递减的系统演变。笔者利用构造解析方法,初步确定了该区的构造序列并探讨了构造演化过程。  相似文献   

苏北盆地金湖凹陷西斜坡构造特征及构造演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于苏北盆地金湖凹陷的地质及地球物理资料,根据区域构造演化背景和剖面,描述了该凹陷的构造特征,讨论了该凹陷西斜坡构造演化阶段,并探讨了其构造演化特征.结果表明:金湖凹陷西斜坡地区断裂构造发育,大部分断层弧形弯曲,断层以小级别断层为主,断层组合以拉张型为主,断块圈闭发育;西斜坡在新生代期间的构造演化可划分为斜坡发育阶段(古新世阜宁期)、差异抬升阶段(始新世戴南期—三垛期)、逆冲褶断阶段(始新世三垛期末)、构造稳定阶段(新近纪和第四纪)等4个阶段;新生代构造活动强弱交替,断层活动差异性明显,古新世阜宁期和始新世三垛期断层活动规模和活动强度较大,新生代整体持续西抬东降,有利于聚集来自斜坡东部深部凹陷的油气形成油气藏.  相似文献   

兰坪陆相盆地演化与金属矿床的形成   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对兰坪陆相盆地地质资料的综合分析,可将兰坪陆相盆地的演化分为碰撞后裂谷盆地演化阶段、坳陷盆地演化阶段、前陆盆地演化阶段和走滑拉分盆地演化4个阶段。同时对这些演化阶段对应的金属矿床进行了研究,结果发现,兰坪盆地内几乎每一个重要的演化阶段都形成了不同程度的矿化作用,并以此为基础形成了喜山期大规模成矿作用。  相似文献   

本文从阜新盆地盆缘断裂研究入手,应用地质力学的观点对盆地的构造演化进行讨论。阜新盆地发育有6组盆缘断裂,即东西向、北东向、北西向、南北向、北北东向和北东东向断裂,其中以前4种断裂为主。所有盆缘断裂除具明显的压性、压扭性特征外,还具有其它的力学性质,其运功方式也是多变的。盆缘断裂大致可以划分出3个期次:第1期力学性质表现为压性、扭性、张性;第2期力学性质为压性、压扭性、张性为主兼扭性;第3期为压扭性、扭张性、张扭性。它们具有统一的应力场,是一定方向、一定方式地壳运动的产物。燕山运动第四幕导致盆地强烈回返上升,燕山运动第五幕和喜山运动形成了现今阜新盆地的构造格局。  相似文献   

The research area is situated in the western part of Tarim basin, which includes Awati depression and Bachu uplifted block. It underwent three times processes of compression in a large scale and a near term extension since Cambrian. The first compression occurred during Middle Cambrian to Devonian, which formed fault band folds in NW axial direction. They were "under-water uplift" and distributed all over the research area. The second compression occurred in Late Permian and formed fault band folds and a few fault propagation folds in NS axial direction. They are developed near Tumuxiuke fault belt and the northern research area. The western anticline is bigger than the eastern one in extent and size. The third compression occurred during Palaeogene to Quaternary and formed tumuxiuke fault belt and fault propagation folds in NW direction. They are distributed over the south part of the research area. Tumuxiuke fault belt is a big scale dextral reversed strike-slip fault belt; it transformed or destroyed the fold structure of the research area. A short-term extension occurred during Early Permian. Tarim Basin is in the rift forming stage of craton, and there exist widespread basic vol- canic rocks, basic intrusive bodies and dikes.  相似文献   

对银川盆地的主要断裂及构造演化、GPS速度场、现代地震活动及其震源深度剖面等进行研究。结果表明,银川盆地受到太平洋板块北西向俯冲和青藏高原北东向挤压作用影响,并处于剪切拉分断陷环境;GPS速度场显示,盆地内断裂南段比北段速率大,2009~2015年的水平拉张变形和剪切变形与1999~2007年相比有所减小,而速率值相对增加;现今地震资料及震源深度剖面显示,地震主要分布在断裂附近,并且地震的震源深度受断裂控制,说明断裂对地震有很好的控制作用;盆地内GPS平行速率和小震活动与断裂活动性具有较好的相关性,GPS平行速率大,小震活动密集,断裂的活动性强。  相似文献   

According to well logs, core, seismic and other geological data, the authors studied the tectonic evolution stages, trap formation stages, fault and fracture development in the Bashituo area, and furthermore, analyzed the time of hydrocarbon accumulation, hydrocarbon migration pathways and related controversial issues in the study area. It is believed that the tectonic evolution in the study area can be divided into three stages, namely Late Hercynian, the Early Himalayan and the Late Himalayan. In the Late Hercynian, tectonic movement led to folding and faulting, resulting in the embryonic form of anticlinal traps. In the Early Himalayan, affected by both tectonic movement and transformation, deep faults reactivated and cut through the Lower Tertiary strata. After the Early Himalayan tectonic movement, faulting stopped and no vertical migration pathway was available. Then hydrocarbon migrated laterally along the sand bodies in the Bachu Formation and accumulated in the Carboniferous reservoirs. However, the Carboniferous accumulation was formed late, and the tectonic movement was weak at the Late Himalayan, and faults were underdeveloped, so the reservoirs in the deep Bachu Formation were not disturbed.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the tectonic evolution of the Qaidam Basin. The authors carried out a paleomagnetic study on 39 samples of 7 sites from Hongsanhan section, northwest Qaidam Basin. Stepwise thermo-demagnetization isolated a high-temperature component (HTC), which passes the fold and reversal tests at 95% confidence level. It suggests that the HTC should be primary. Unblocking temperature (about 685℃) and the experiment of isothermal remanence indicate that hematite is the mainly carrier of the remanence. A tilt-corrected mean direction is: Ds=7.1°, Is=38.5°, α95=7.4°. Corresponding to a palaeopole at, φ=250.1°E, λ=72.0°N, A95=6.8°, Compared with the reference APWP of Eurasia, the sampling area occurred a non-significant rotation (3.4°±5.5°) relative to Eurasia since Eocene due to the affect of left-lateral Altyn fault, Based on the paleomagnetic results of early Cretaceous and Teritary within the Qaidam block, we can obtained the mean clockwise rotations from the samples deposited from 160 Ma to 45 Ma is 24.5°±9.0°, and from 38 Ma to present is -0.5°±7.5° relative to present geomagnetism respectively. During the Mid Eocene (45~38 Ma) rotation phase, there should existing an important early tectonic event in northern part of the present-day Tibetan Plateau, which probably represents one of large-scale strike-slip events of the Altyn strike-slip fault.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the tectonic evolution of the Qaidam Basin. The authors carried out a paleomagnetic study on 39 samples of 7 sites from Hongsanhan section, northwest Qaidam Basin. Stepwise thermo-demagnefizafion isolated a high-temperature component (HTC), which passes the fold and reversal tests at 95 % confidence level. It suggests that the HTC should be primary. Unblocking temperature (about 685℃ ) and the experiment of isothermal remanence indicate that hematite is the mainly carrier of the remanence. A tilt-corrected mean direction is: Ds= 7.1°, Is= 38.5°, α95 = 7.4°. Corresponding to a palaeopole at, φ= 250. 1°E, λ= 72.0°N, A95 = 6.8°, Compared with the reference APWP of Eurasia, the sampling area occurred a non-significant rotation (3.4° ± 5.5°) relative to Eurasia since Eocene due to the affect of left-lateral Altyn fault, Based on the paleomagnetic results of early Cretaceous and Teritary within the Qaidam block, we can obtained the mean clockwise rotations from the samples deposited from 160 Ma to 45 Ma is 24.5° ± 9.0°, and from 38 Ma to present is - 0.5° ± 7.5° relative to present geomagnetism respectively. During the Mid Eocene (45 -38 Ma) rotation phase, there should existing an important early tectonic event in northern part of the present-day Tibetan Plateau, which probably represents one of large-scale strike-slip events of the Altyn strike-slip fault.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Helium is a trace element in natural gas and the lightest element of all rare gases. It is formed during natural nuclear processes and it is chemi- cally stable. Because of its strong diffusibility and permeability, it is used as a very sen…  相似文献   

The volcanism in Qiangtang Basin is very frequent due to the divergence and subduction of the various plates. The study indicates that these volcanics are formed in different tectonic settings: 1 )Hercynian volcanics are mainly basalts and are formed in the intraplate and intercontinental rift. 2 ) Indosinian volcanics markedly vary in the distribution and composition and reflect transitional MORB and island are environments respectively. 3) Yanshanian volcanics consist predominantly of basalts, andesites, dacites and rhyolites and are characterized by calc- alkaline volcanic suite, indicating island arc setting. 4)Himalayan volcanics are complicated and associated with intraplate orogency. The volcanism provides important tectonic information for recognizing the evolution of Qiangtang Basin.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地中部上古生界沉积相演化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用钻井资料和地质资料对鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界沉积相演化进行详细的研究。分析了本溪期(海侵)、太原期(海侵扩大)、山西期(海退)、石盒子期(海陆交互)和石千峰期(陆缘湖泊)等5个时期的古地理环境、岩石类型、沉积相类型和平面展布特征。得出这5个时期在盆地内构成了一个海侵海退旋回,形成了从滨浅海相到海陆过渡的三角洲相、河流湖泊相陆源沉积。控制生成了三角洲相分流河道砂砾岩、水下分流河道砂砾岩以及潮坪相砂坝等有利储集岩带,潮坪相发育的煤系地层为烃源岩。上石盒子组洪泛平原形成泥质岩盖层。生油岩和储集岩叠置或互侧式组合关系,形成本区受砂体分布控制的岩性气藏。  相似文献   

Dongsha Island and the adjacent sea area locate at the northern continental margin of the South China Sea (SCS), and is connected to the east by the Manila Trench. Analyses of seismic stratigraphy and gravity, magnetic and drilling wells data led to the discovery of three post-fault sequences (Ⅴ, Ⅵ, Ⅶ). Extensive tectonic uplift, magma activity and erosion occurred in Dongsha Island and the adjacent area, where most of the faults in the northeastern SCS were still active during Pliocene and Quaternary. Two groups of faults trending NEE and NW were developed during Late Cenozoic. We conclude that three important tectonic movements, especially Dongsha movement(4.4 - 5.2 Ma) and Liuhua movement (1.4 - 1.89 Ma), controlled the structural framework in the Dongsha rise; whose deformation in the east is stronger than that in the west and whose stress field variation suggests that the tectonic uplift in the study area contributed to magmato-tectonic events correlated to the main collision phases between the East China and Taiwan 5 - 3 and 3 - 0 Ma ago.  相似文献   

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