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The allocation of CO2 emissions to specific sources is a major policy issue for international aviation, especially for determining allocations for emissions trading schemes. This paper addresses the problem by recommending a possible methodology to allocate emissions to specific sources using detailed air traffic data. The basis for the calculations is an air traffic sample for one full-day of traffic from the UK. In order to analyse aircraft fuel burn use and hence CO2 emissions, the Reorganized Air Traffic Control Mathematical Simulator (RAMS Plus) and the Advanced Emission Model (AEM III) are used. The results from these detailed simulations are compared with two of the most widely-used aviation CO2 emission estimates to have been made for the UK: the SERAS study and NETCEN estimate. Their estimates for the year 2000 are 26.1 and 31.4 Mt, respectively. In addition, the most recent NETCEN estimate for the year 2003 is 34.1 Mt of CO2. Our estimate of total aviation CO2 emissions, using detailed simulations and real air traffic data, is 34.7 Mt for the year 2004. In addition, emission estimates are compared with two global aviation emission inventories: AERO2K and SAGE. Contributions of the highest-emitting flights and aircraft types are identified. International departures dominate; 6% of flights account for 50% of total emissions. The largest aircraft emit the most per flight-km, although not per passenger-km. Different methodologies and their implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

A carbon sequestration strategy has recently been proposed in which a forest is actively managed, and a fraction of the wood is selectively harvested and stored to prevent decomposition. The forest serves as a ‘carbon scrubber’ or ‘carbon remover’ that provides continuous sequestration (negative emissions). Earlier estimates of the theoretical potential of wood harvest and storage (WHS) based on coarse wood production rates were 10?±?5 GtC y?1. Starting from this physical limit, here we apply a number of practical constraints: (1) land not available due to agriculture; (2) forest set aside as protected areas, assuming 50 % in the tropics and 20 % in temperate and boreal forests; (3) forests difficult to access due to steep terrain; (4) wood use for other purposes such as timber and paper. This ‘top-down’ approach yields a WHS potential 2.8 GtC y?1. Alternatively, a ‘bottom-up’ approach, assuming more efficient wood use without increasing harvest, finds 0.1–0.5 GtC y?1 available for carbon sequestration. We suggest a range of 1–3 GtC y?1 carbon sequestration potential if major effort is made to expand managed forests and/or to increase harvest intensity. The implementation of such a scheme at our estimated lower value of 1 GtC y?1 would imply a doubling of the current world wood harvest rate. This can be achieved by harvesting wood at a moderate harvesting intensity of 1.2 tC ha?1 y?1, over a forest area of 8 Mkm2 (800 Mha). To achieve the higher value of 3 GtC y?1, forests need to be managed this way on half of the world’s forested land, or on a smaller area but with higher harvest intensity. We recommend WHS be considered part of the portfolio of climate mitigation and adaptation options that needs further research.  相似文献   

It is important to improve estimates of large-scale carbon fluxes over the boreal forest because the responses of this biome to global change may influence the dynamics of atmospheric carbon dioxide in ways that may influence the magnitude of climate change. Two methods currently being used to estimate these fluxes are process-based modeling by terrestrial biosphere models (TBMs), and atmospheric inversions in which fluxes are derived from a set of observations on atmospheric CO2 concentrations via an atmospheric transport model. Inversions do not reveal information about processes and therefore do not allow for predictions of future fluxes, while the process-based flux estimates are not necessarily consistent with atmospheric observations of CO2. In this study we combine the two methods by using the fluxes from four TBMs as a priori fluxes for an atmospheric Bayesian Synthesis Inversion. By doing so we learn about both approaches. The results from the inversion indicate where the results of the TBMs disagree with the atmospheric observations of CO2, and where the results of the inversion are poorly constrained by atmospheric data, the process-based estimates determine the flux results. The analysis indicates that the TBMs are modeling the spring uptake of CO2 too early, and that the inversion shows large uncertainty and more dependence on the initial conditions over Europe and Boreal Asia than Boreal North America. This uncertainty is related to the scarcity of data over the continents, and as this problem is not likely to be solved in the near future, TBMs will need to be developed and improved, as they are likely the best option for understanding the impact of climate variability in these regions.  相似文献   

This paper formally introduces the concept of mitigation as a stochastic control problem. This is illustrated by applying a digital state variable feedback control approach known as Non-Minimum State Space (NMSS) control to the problem of specifying carbon emissions to control atmospheric CO2 concentrations in the presence of uncertainty. It is shown that the control approach naturally lends itself to integrating both anticipatory and reflexive mitigation strategies within a single unified framework. The framework explicitly considers the closed-loop nature of climate mitigation, and employs a policy orientated optimisation procedure to specify the properties of this closed-loop system. The product of this exercise is a control law that is suitably conditioned to regulate atmospheric CO2 concentrations through assimilating online information within a 25-year review cycle framework. It is shown that the optimal control law is also robust when faced with significant levels of uncertainty about the functioning of the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

A combination of linear response models is used to estimate the transient changes in the global means of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, surface temperature, and sea level due to aviation. Apart from CO2, the forcing caused by ozone (O3) changes due to nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions from aircraft is also considered. The model is applied to aviation using several CO2 emissions scenarios, based on reported fuel consumption in the past and scenarios for the future, and corresponding NOx emissions. Aviation CO2 emissions from the past until 1995 enlarged the atmospheric CO2 concentration by 1.4 ppmv (1.7% of the anthropogenic CO2 increase since 1800). By 1995, the global mean surface temperature had increased by about 0.004 K, and the sea level had risen by 0.045 cm. In one scenario (Fa1), which assumes a threefold increase in aviation fuel consumption until 2050 and an annual increase rate of 1% thereafter until 2100, the model predicts a CO2 concentration change of 13 ppmv by 2100, causing temperature increases of 0.01, 0.025, 0.05 K and sea level increases of 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 cm in the years 2015, 2050, and 2100, respectively. For other recently published scenarios, the results range from 5 to 17 ppmv for CO2 concentration increase in the year 2050, and 0.02 to 0.05 K for temperature increase. Under the assumption that present-day aircraft-induced O3 changes cause an equilibrium surface warming of 0.05 K, the transient responses amount to 0.03 K in surface temperature for scenario Fa1 in 1995. The radiative forcing due to an aircraft-induced O3 increase causes a larger temperature change than aircraft CO2 forcing. Also, climate reacts more promptly to changes in O3 than to changes in CO2 emissions from aviation. Finally, even under the assumption of a rather small equilibrium temperature change from aircraft-induced O3 (0.01 K for the 1992 NOx emissions), a proposed new combustor technology which reduces specific NOx emissions will cause a smaller temperature change during the next century than the standard technology does, despite a slightly enhanced fuel consumption. Regional effects are not considered here, but may be larger than the global mean responses.  相似文献   

At a national scale, the carbon (C) balance of numerous forest ecosystem C pools can be monitored using a stock change approach based on national forest inventory data. Given the potential influence of disturbance events and/or climate change processes, the statistical detection of changes in forest C stocks is paramount to maintaining the net sequestration status of these stocks. To inform the monitoring of forest C balances across large areas, a power analysis of a forest inventory of live/dead standing trees and downed dead wood C stocks (and components thereof) was performed in states of the Great Lakes region, U.S. Using data from the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program of the U.S. Forest Service, it was found that a decrease in downed wood C stocks (?1.87 Mg/ha) was nearly offset by an increase in standing C stocks (1.77 Mg/ha) across the study region over a 5-year period. Carbon stock change estimates for downed dead wood and standing pools were statistically different from zero (α?=?0.10), while the net change in total woody C (?0.10 Mg/ha) was not statistically different from zero. To obtain a statistical power to detect change of 0.80 (α?=?0.10), standing live C stocks must change by at least 0.7 %. Similarly, standing dead C stocks would need to change by 3.8 %; while downed dead C stocks require a change of 6.9 %. While the U.S.’s current forest inventory design and sample intensity may not be able to statistically detect slight changes (<1 %) in forest woody C stocks at sub-national scales, large disturbance events (>3 % stock change) would almost surely be detected. Understanding these relationships among change detection thresholds, sampling effort, and Type I (α) error rates allows analysts to evaluate the efficacy of forest inventory data for C pool change detection at various spatial scales and levels of risk for drawing erroneous conclusions.  相似文献   

本文运用农业气象统计基本原理和方法,在计算上采用界面友好的SPSS统计软件,建立了自贡水稻产量的年景定量预测模型.经统计和应用检验,该模型具有较高的信度和实用性,可作为水稻产量定量预报的有效工具之一,为农业生产管理和农产品流通贸易提供前瞻性决策依据.  相似文献   

用SPSS建立自贡水稻产量年景预测模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文运用农业气象统计基本原理和方法,在计算上采用界面友好的SPSS统计软件,建立了自贡水稻产量的年景定量预测模型。经统计和应用检验,该模型具有较高的信度和实用性,可作为水稻产量定量预报的有效工具之一,为农业生产管理和农产品流通贸易提供前瞻性决策依据。  相似文献   

Air temperature retrieval from remote sensing data based on thermodynamics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary A new approach to retrieving air temperature from land surface temperature is presented. The new method is based on thermodynamics. Two important parameters, namely crop water stress index and aerodynamic resistance, were used to build a quantitative relationship between the land surface temperature and the ambient air temperature. The method was applied using MODIS satellite data for a location situated in the North China Plain. Comparing the measurement values at meteorological stations with air temperature, derived by the method for certain pixels, indicates that derived values can be obtained within an accuracy of 3°C for more than 80% of data processed. Sensitivity studies also suggest that inaccuracies associated with measurement error in the model variables are also within the 3°C range.  相似文献   

Summary A land-surface model (MOSES) was tested against observed fluxes of heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide for two primary forest sites near Manaus, Brazil. Flux data from one site (called C14) were used to calibrate the model, and data from the other site (called K34) were used to validate the calibrated model. Long-term fluxes of water vapour at C14 and K34 simulated by the uncalibrated model were good, whereas modelled net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was poor. The uncalibrated model persistently underpredicted canopy conductance (g c ) from mid-morning to mid-afternoon due to saturation of the response to solar radiation at low light levels. This in turn caused a poor simulation of the diurnal cycles of water vapour and carbon fluxes. Calibration of the stomatal conductance/photosynthesis sub-model of MOSES improved the simulated diurnal cycle of g c and increased the diurnal maximum NEE, but at the expense of degrading long-term water vapour fluxes. Seasonality in observed canopy conductance due to soil moisture change was not captured by the model. Introducing realistic depth-dependent soil parameters decreased the amount of moisture available for transpiration at each depth and led to the model experiencing soil moisture limitation on canopy conductance during the dry season. However, this limitation had only a limited effect on the seasonality in modelled NEE.  相似文献   

Kleidon (2009) concludes that warm climates impose important constraints on the evolution of large brains relative to body size, confirming our previous hypothesis (Schwartzman and Middendorf 2000). Here we update the case for our hypothesis and present a first approximation estimate of the cooling required for hominin brain size increase using a simple model of heat loss. We conclude that Pleistocene glacial episodes were likely sufficient to serve as prime releasers for emergence of Homo habilis and Homo erectus. In addition, we propose that atmospheric oxygen levels may been an analogous constraint on insect encephalization.  相似文献   

Summary Nocturnal eddy-covariance carbon dioxide fluxes have uncertainties arising from non-stationary atmospheric processes. Low-level jets (LLJ) are one of the prominent nocturnal boundary-layer phenomena observed over non-mountainous terrain, and are capable of generating shear and turbulence close to the ground. The influence of intermittent LLJ activity on nocturnal carbon dioxide exchange measurements is investigated using wind profile observations and eddy-covariance flux measurements over a tall forest canopy. Results suggest that the buildup and venting of CO2 are closely associated with LLJ activity during the night. Of significance in quantifying nocturnal fluxes, this paper demonstrates how low-level jet activity introduces sporadic coupling between the canopy and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Emissions may affect climate indirectly through chemical interactions in the atmosphere, but quantifications of such effects are difficult and uncertain due to incomplete knowledge and inadequate methods. A preliminary assessment of the climatic impact of changes in tropospheric O3 and CH4 in response to various emissions is given. For a 10% increase in the CH4 emissions the relative increase in concentration has been estimated to be 37% larger. The radiative forcing from enhanced levels of tropospheric O3 is estimated to 37% of the forcing from changes in CH4. Inclusion of indirect effects approximately doubles the climatic impact of CH4 emissions. Emissions of NOx increase tropospheric O3, while the levels of CH4 are reduced. For emissions of NOx from aircraft, the positive effects via O3 changes are significantly larger than the negative through changes in CH4. For NOx emitted from surface sources, the effects through changes in O3 and CH4 are estimated to be of similar magnitude and large uncertainty is connected to the sign of the net effect. Emissions of CO have positive indirect effects on climate through enhanced levels of tropospheric o3 and increased lifetime of CH4. These results form the basis for estimates of global warming potentials for sustained step increases in emissions.  相似文献   

Eddy fluxes of CO2, water vapor,and sensible heat over a deciduous forest   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Fluxes of CO2, latent heat and sensible heat were measured above a fully-leafed deciduous forest in eastern Tennessee with the eddy correlation technique. These are among the first reported observations over such a surface. The influences of solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit and the aerodynamic and canopy resistances on these mass and energy exchanges are examined. Following a concept introduced by McNaughton and Jarvis (1983), examination of our data suggest that the water vapor exchange of a deciduous forest is not as strongly coupled with net radiation as is that of agricultural crops. The degree of decoupling is smaller than in the case of a coniferous forest. This difference may be attributable in part to the greater aerodynamic resistance to water vapor transfer in a deciduous forest. It appears that the concept of decoupling may be extended to the CO2 exchange of a deciduous forest as well.Published as Paper No. 7832, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Research Division. ATDD Contribution No. 85-17.  相似文献   

基于2015年降水微物理特征测量仪(PMCS)在南京地区获得的3次降水过程的雨滴图像资料,利用图像处理算法得到雨滴形状、尺度、轴比、倾斜角、垂直速度等特征参量,研究了雨滴的微物理特征空间分布规律。结果表明:直径较小的雨滴轮廓呈圆环状,随着粒子直径增加,雨滴轮廓呈现出椭圆形和底部扁平顶部凸起状。PMCS测得的雨滴轴比—直径拟合关系同经验模型相比误差较小,雨滴轴比概率分布呈现高斯分布特征。雨滴倾斜角分布于0°两侧,方差为15.9°,小雨滴倾斜角受湍流影响较大,摆动范围较大。雨滴垂直速度随直径增大而增大,垂直速度拟合曲线同Atlas速度经验模型分布较为一致。  相似文献   

高婷  曾燕  何永健  邱新法 《气象科学》2014,34(5):473-482
提出一个基于NCEP风向数据估算全国夏季降水的模型。根据NCEP地面气压、经纬向风数据计算得到全国1971—2000年夏季各月盛行风向;并将盛行风向与宏观坡向夹角的余弦值作为降水的坡向因子,以此区分山体迎风坡和背风坡降水的空间分布。利用站点观测资料、数字高程模型数据、坡向、坡度因子,采用逐步回归分析法,建立估算夏季降水的回归方程,得到全国1971—2000年夏季各月及总降水量的空间分布图,并对模型结果进行检验与对比分析。结果表明,此方法估算夏季总降水量的平均绝对误差为27 mm,平均相对误差为11.8%。模型结果能体现迎风坡与背风坡的雨量差,符合客观规律,能够定性、定量地再现中国夏季降水的实际空间分布特征。  相似文献   

以西班牙萨拉曼卡地区为研究区域,联合Sentinel-1后向散射系数和入射角信息、Sentinel-2光学数据提取的植被指数以及地面实测数据,构建了BP神经网络土壤湿度反演模型,并将该模型应用于试验区土壤湿度反演.结果 表明:1)基于Sentinel-1卫星VV和VH极化雷达后向散射系数、雷达入射角和Sentinel-...  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that increased atmospheric CO2 concentration is one of the most important factors altering land water balance. In this study, we investigated the effects of increased CO2 on global land water balance using the dataset released by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 derived from the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis second-generation Earth System Model. The results suggested that the radiative effect of CO2 was much greater than the physiological effect on the water balance. At the model experiment only integrating CO2 radiative effect, the precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET) and runoff had significantly increased by 0.37, 0.12 and 0.31 mm year?2, respectively. Increases of ET and runoff caused a significant decrease of soil water storage by 0.05 mm year?2. However, the results showed increases of runoff and decreases of precipitation and ET in response to the CO2 fertilisation effect, which resulted into a small, non-significant decrease in the land water budget. In the Northern Hemisphere, especially on the coasts of Greenland, Northern Asia and Alaska, there were obvious decreases of soil water responding to the CO2 radiative effect. This trend could result from increased ice–snow melting as a consequence of warmer surface temperature. Although the evidence suggested that variations in soil moisture and snow cover and vegetation feedback made an important contribution to the variations in the land water budget, the effect of other factors, such as aerosols, should not be ignored, implying that more efforts are needed to investigate the effects of these factors on the hydrological cycle and land water balance.  相似文献   

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