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中天山石冰川特征研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
朱诚  崔之久 《地理学报》1992,47(3):233-241,T002
中天山研究区内石冰川有数百条之多,在86°E以西地区以阿尔卑斯型为主,东部则以科罗拉多型为主。前者具有规模大、活动性强的特点,后者正相反。东部叶状石冰川在结构上分为三层,具有“一冻到底”的特点。作者认为本区石冰川东西间分布差异主要是因西部更冷湿所致,地形、岩性、冰川和灾害地貌过程等因素促进了这种差异的形成。  相似文献   

The service seNorge ( http://senorge.no ) provides gridded temperature and precipitation for mainland Norway. The products are provided as interpolated station measurements on a 1 × 1 km grid. Precipitation gauges are predominantly located at lower elevations such as coastal areas and valleys. Therefore, there are large uncertainties in extrapolating precipitation data to higher altitudes, both due to sparsity of observations as well as the large spatial variability of precipitation in mountainous regions. Using gridded temperature and precipitation data from seNorge, surface mass balance was modeled for five Norwegian glaciers of different size and climate conditions. The model accounts for melting of snow and ice by applying a degree‐day approach and considers refreezing assuming a snow depth depended storage. Calculated values are compared to point measurements of glacier winter mass balance. On average for each glacier, modeled and measured surface mass‐balance evolutions agree well, but results at individual stake locations show large variability. Two types of problems were identified: first, grid data were not able to capture spatial mass balance variability at smaller glaciers. Second, a significant increase in the bias between model and observations with altitude for one glacier suggested that orographic enhancement of precipitation was not appropriately captured by the gridded interpolation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the recent evolution of Italian glaciers through an analysis of all available terminus fluctuation data that the authors have entered in a glaciers database (named GLAD) containing 883 records collected on glaciers from 1908 to 2002. Furthermore, a representative subset of data (249 glaciers located in Lombardy) was analysed regarding surface area changes. For the analysis of terminus fluctuations, the glaciers were sorted by size classes according to length. The data showed that during the 20th century Italian Alpine glaciers underwent a generalized retreat, with one distinct and well documented readvance episode that occurred between the 1970s and mid‐1980s, and a poorly documented one around the early 1920s. The rates of terminus advance and retreat have changed without significant delays for the larger glaciers with respect to the smaller ones. However, the smaller the glacier, the more limited the advance (if any) during the 1970s and early 1980s. The behaviour of glaciers shorter than 1 km appears to have changed in the last decade, and between 1993 and 2002 they retreated at a very high rate. The analysis of the subset of data led to a quanti‐fication of surface reduction of c. 10% from 1992 to 1999 for glaciers in Lombardy. Small glaciers proved to contribute strongly to total area loss: in 1999, 232 glaciers (c. 90% of the total) were smaller than 1 km2, covering 27.2 km2 (less than 30% of the total area), but accounted for 58% of the total loss in area (they had lost 7.4 km2).  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple analytical model for estimating rock glacier age by coupling the ratio of frontal advance to total rock glacier length and the ratio of debris volume in the rock glacier to present debris flux in the talus cone–rock glacier transition zone. The model was applied to two rock glaciers at Prins Karls Forland, Svalbard. By assuming volumetric debris contents in the deforming layer of the rock glacier of between 0.3 and 0.4, we obtained age estimates for the rock glaciers of between 12 ka and 24 ka. The corresponding average rockwall retreat rates are between 0.30 and 0.62 mm a‐1. Considering the limitations of the model, we suggest a minimum age of 13 ka for the initiation of rock glacier development. Using this age, rockwall retreat rates for the seven rock glaciers investigated at Prins Karls Forland are between 0.13 and 0.64 m ka‐1 (assuming the volumetric debris content for the whole rock glacier/talus cone is 0.35). The model requires further testing on other datasets, better field estimates of the debris content and depth of the deforming layer, and could also benefit from the inclusion of an unsteady debris supply function in order to refine age estimates.  相似文献   

Glacier advance and recession are considered key indicators of climate change. Understanding the relationship between climatic variations and glacial responses is crucial. Here, we apply archival digital photogrammetry to reconstruct the decadal scale glacial history of an unmonitored Alpine valley glacier, the Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzerland, and we use the data generated to explore the linkages between glacier recession and climate forcing. High precision digital elevation models were derived. They show continual recession of the glacier since 1967, associated with long‐term climatic amelioration but only a weak reaction to shorter‐term climatic deterioration. Glacier surface velocity estimates obtained using surface particle tracking showed that, unlike for most Swiss glaciers during the late 1970s and early 1980s, ice mass flux from the accumulation zone was too low to compensate for the effects of glacier thinning and subsequent snout recession, especially during the rapid warming that occurred through the 1980s. The results emphasise the dangers of inferring glacier response to climate forcing from measurements of the terminus position only and the importance of using remote sensing methods as an alternative, especially where historical imagery is available.  相似文献   

自2005年以来,我国科考队员利用双频GPS在北极黄河站附近的Austre Lovénbreen 和 Pedersenbreen两条冰川上每年一次开展高精度的冰川运动观测,获取了冰川表面监测标杆的精确位置和运动速度。2009年4月,我国考察队员在这两条冰川上开展了密集的GPS点位数据采集,藉此开展北极两条冰川的冰面地形测量。在分析单频GPS动态单点定位数据用于冰面地形测量的可行性基础上,经过平差计算获得了两条冰川的冰面地形数据,进而生成冰面DEM和等高线,制作冰面地形图。经与高精度控制点比较,冰面DEM高程的误差为0.78m,在冰川季节性高程波动和年消融的变化范围之内。由于SMART-V1型GPS设备是当前冰川研究工作中应用较多的pulseEKKO型探地雷达配套的一个重要部件,本文的结论对于同类仪器开展冰川测量工作具有参考价值,对基于高密度的GPS动态单点定位测量方法用于冰面地形测量的数据处理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

天山冰川消融参数化能量平衡模型   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
康尔泗 Ohmur  A 《地理学报》1994,49(5):467-476
本文运用在天山乌鲁木齐河源的冰川能量平衡观测和常规气象站观测要素,建立了冰川消融参数化能量平衡模型。以日照、日平均气温、低云量、水汽压和风速为模型基本输入因子,模拟计算和讨论了消融期冰川表面辐射平衡和能量平衡。  相似文献   

This paper recognizes the contribution of Professor Wilfried Haeberli for his inspiration and leadership in the field of permafrost science and his generous encouragement, both direct and indirect, to the ETH Researchers who have, through him, endeavoured to contribute to this fascinating research area. The multidisciplinary investigations described in this paper have focused on three rock glaciers, Muragl, Murtèl‐Corvatsch and Furggwanghorn, all of which have been subject to a varying degree of prior study, and which are continuing to attract new generations of researchers to understand and explain the processes and predict future behaviour. This paper marks a stage at which it is possible to summarize some advances in the state of the art and associated innovations that can be attributed to early motivation by Wilfried Haeberli and offers a tribute as well as gratitude for his ongoing feedback and advice. Some thoughts on the development of thermokarst due to water ponding and flow, and a conceptual model of geotechnical mechanisms that aim to explain some aspects of rock glacier kinematics, are also introduced.  相似文献   

弹性应变能的积聚是产生岩爆的内因,但岩爆的发生往往具有外界因素的扰动.据些首先分析了动力扰动对岩爆触发的机理,然后结合某水电站引水隧洞岩爆实例,利用复反应分析原理计算了动力扰动过程对岩爆的影响.  相似文献   

Long‐term observations of partly debris‐covered glaciers have allowed us to assess the impact of supra‐glacial debris on volumetric changes. In this paper, the behaviour of the partially debris‐covered, 3.6 km2 tongue of Pasterze Glacier (47°05′N, 12°44′E) was studied in the context of ongoing climate changes. The right part of the glacier tongue is covered by a continuous supra‐glacial debris mantle with variable thicknesses (a few centimetres to about 1 m). For the period 1964–2000 three digital elevation models (1964, 1981, 2000) and related debris‐cover distributions were analysed. These datasets were compared with long‐term series of glaciological field data (displacement, elevation change, glacier terminus behaviour) from the 1960s to 2006. Differences between the debriscovered and the clean ice parts were emphasised. Results show that volumetric losses increased by 2.3 times between the periods 1964–1981 and 1981–2000 with significant regional variations at the glacier tongue. Such variations are controlled by the glacier emergence velocity pattern, existence and thickness of supra‐glacial debris, direct solar radiation, counter‐radiation from the valley sides and their changes over time. The downward‐increasing debris thickness is counteracting to a compensational stage against the common decrease of ablation with elevation. A continuous debris cover not less than 15 cm in thickness reduces ablation rates by 30–35%. No relationship exists between glacier retreat rates and summer air temperatures. Substantial and varying differences of the two different terminus parts occurred. Our findings clearly underline the importance of supra‐glacial debris on mass balance and glacier tongue morphology.  相似文献   

The endolithic lichen Lecidea auriculata is known to enhance rock surface weathering on the Little Ice Age moraines of the glacier Storbreen in Jotunheimen, central southern Norway. This study demonstrates the reduction in Schmidt hammer Rvalues that followed the rapid colonization by this lichen of pyroxene‐granulite boulders on terrain deglaciated over the last 88 years. In the absence of this lichen, the characteristic mean R‐value of boulder surfaces is 61.0 ± 0.3; where this lichen is present, R‐values are lower by at least 20 units on surfaces exposed for 30–40 years. A similar reduction in rock hardness on rock surfaces without a lichen cover requires about 10 ka. The rapid initial weakening of the rock surfaces is indicative of rates of biological weathering by endolithic lichens that may be two orders of magnitude (200–300 times) faster than rates of physico‐chemical weathering alone. If not avoided, the effects of this type of lichen are likely to negate the effectiveness of the Schmidt hammer and other methods for exposure‐age dating, including cosmogenic‐nuclide dating, in severe alpine and polar periglacial environments. The results also suggest a new method for dating rock surfaces exposed for <50 years.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of local convergence and divergence of air on turbulent transfer at a mid-latitude alpine fellfield site. Pairs of simultaneous wind and temperature profile measurements on a knoll crest and primary slope (aspect =0, 90, 180, and 270°) are analyzed assuming the logarithmic law. Friction velocity (u*) and roughness length (z0) vary systematically from windward to leeward slopes. General relationships of the form u* = f(u) are derived for conditions of westerly flow with wind speed (u) ranging between 2 and 24 m s-1. Coefficients in the empirical equations for estimating u* at sites on the knoll from wind speed measurements on the crest vary in a consistent manner with respect to local convergence and divergence. Large differences in z0 values between windward and leeward sites correspond with contrasts in surface temperature.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper examines new geomorphological, chronological and modelling data on glacier fluctuations in southernmost South America in latitudes 46–55°S during the last glacial–interglacial transition. Establishing leads and lags between the northern and southern hemispheres and between southern mid‐latitudes and Antarctica is key to an appreciation of the mechanisms and resilience of global climate. This is particularly important in the southern hemisphere where there is a paucity of empirical data. The overall structure of the last glacial cycle in Patagonia has a northern hemisphere signal. Glaciers reached or approached their Last Glacial Maxima on two or more occasions at 25–23 ka (calendar) and there was a third less extensive advance at 17.5 ka. Deglaciation occurred in two steps at 17.5 ka and at 11.4 ka. This structure is the same as that recognized in the northern hemisphere and taking place in spite of glacier advances occurring at a time of high southern hemisphere summer insolation and deglaciation at a time of decreasing summer insolation. The implication is that at orbital time scales the‘northern’ signal dominates any southern hemisphere signal. During deglaciation, at a millennial scale, the glacier fluctuations mirror an antiphase 'southern’ climatic signal as revealed in Antarctic ice cores. There is a glacier advance coincident with the Antarctic Cold Reversal at 15.3–12.2 ka. Furthermore, deglaciation begins in the middle of the Younger Dryas. The implication is that, during the last glacial–interglacial transition, southernmost South America was under the influence of sea surface temperatures, sea ice and southern westerlies responding to conditions in the 'southern’ Antarctic domain. Such asynchrony may reflect a situation whereby, during deglaciation, the world is more sensitized to fluctuations in the oceanic thermohaline circulation, perhaps related to the bipolar seesaw, than at orbital timescales.  相似文献   

基于“人口红利”视角的东莞市产业经济发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取依靠外来劳动力发展经济最典型的地区东莞作为研究对象,研究人口红利对东莞区域经济发展的影响。研究发现,外来工对东莞经济发展起到重要支撑作用,东莞利用人口红利发展"外来工经济"的特征明显。但人口红利对东莞在产业升级、社会治安、资源环境、城市可持续发展等区域经济发展问题上也存在不利影响。东莞市面临着经济和社会双转型的问题,必须从以"廉价劳动力优势"换取积累的模式转向低投入、低消耗、低排放和高效率的轨道,可以通过转化加强职业教育投入、重视本土企业发展等措施应对这一问题。  相似文献   

基于遥感和GIS的重庆市近30年城市形态演化特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于8期遥感影像,研究了1978—2005年重庆市城市空间形态特征和演变过程。采用紧凑度指数、放射状指数和分形维数等城市空间形态定量研究的方法计算了不同时期重庆市城市空间形态的参数。结果表明,2005年重庆市建成区面积由1978年的87.32km^2增加到282.21km^2。改革开放后重庆市先后经历了20世纪80年代的相对稳定期、80年代中期以后的缓慢发展期和近年来的高速发展期,目前是扩展速度较快的时期,整个城市呈跳跃式发展。该时期增加的城市建成区面积中,有76.86%来自于周边的耕地,有20.52%来自于对周边农村居民点和其他建设用地的占用。  相似文献   

Enhanced delivery of water‐saturated, ice‐marginal sediments to the glacier surface is a response to glacier thinning that has the potential to increase both levels of sediment transfer through the glacier hydrological system and total basin sediment yields. Preliminary observations made during summer 2007 at Austre Brøggerbreen, Svalbard, confirm that ice‐marginal debris flows in the upper reaches of the glacier are actively delivering sediments to the glacier surface, which may then be flushed into the glacier's hydrological system. During a four‐day observation period, several stochastic pulses in water turbidity were observed at a single portal where solely supra‐ and englacial drainage emerge at the glacier margin. The erratic suspended sediment fluxes were hypothesized to originate from ice‐marginal sources. Quantitative analysis of continuous turbidity and discharge data confirm that discharge is not driving these turbidity pulses and, combined with observational data, that the most likely origin is the delivery of water‐saturated sediments to the glacier surface from ice‐marginal, debris flows with subsequent transfer to the portal via the glacial drainage system. These observations illustrate the potential importance of the paraglacial component to the overall sediment cascade of deglaciating basins and highlight the need for careful interpretation of turbidity records, where stochastic pulses in turbidity may be attributed to sources and processes other than ice‐marginal sediment inputs.  相似文献   

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