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In this paper, the technique of quasi-lossless compression based on the image restoration is presented. The technique of compression described in the paper includes three steps, namely bit compression, correlation removing and image restoration based on the theory of modulation transfer function (MTF). The quasi-lossless compression comes to a high speed. The quality of the reconstruction image under restoration is up to par of the quasi-lossless with higher compression ratio. The experiments of the TM and SPOT images show that the technique is reasonable and applicable.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionWiththerapiddevelopmentofaerialandspaceremotesensingtechnique,thedigitalcamerahasbeenexplored ,andmappingexperimentswiththiskindofdigitalimagesarebeingprocessedastheregularmodeofareophotogrammetry .Ontheotherhand ,thetechniqueofintegrationo…  相似文献   

邓飚 《遥感学报》2010,14(1):197-206
遥感技术能够快速有效地探明地上和地下古遗址的分布信息,在现代考古中发挥着重要的作用,逐渐成为考古研究的重要手段。阐述了遥感考古探测的基本原理,以遥感考古探测平台为序系统介绍了遥感考古探测方法与进展情况,对遥感考古探测的作用、局限性及发展前景进行了评述。  相似文献   

Landsat MSS data in the form of BW imagery were used to generate Soil Map of Punjab convering an area of about 5 million ha. MSS bands 2 and 4 (L4) were interpreted singly and combined to form a compostie interpretetion map with which field check, was translated in terms of soils. The abstraction level attained was Great Groups of Soil Taxonomy. The distribution of soils of Punjab, with Aridisols in the SW through Inceptisols in the Central zone, to Alfisols in the NE sectors suggested a strong geographic bias in their evolution. The major soils of the aridic zone (SW sectors of the state) are: Camborthids, Calciorthids, Torripsamments and Torrifluvents and of the Ustic zone (Central Punjab) are Ustochrepts and Haplustalfs (the most productive soils of the State), Ustipsamments and Ustifluvents. The salt affected soils are found interspersed with these soils. In the udic zone (NE fringe), Hapludalfs, Eutrochrepts, Udifluvents, Udorthents and Hapludolls are the major soil formations. The soil map reveals that about one-third of the total area of the state suffers from various soil problems, such as soil salinity and sodicity, water logging, and soil erosion. For increasing agricultural production, these soils need to be brought under the plough. The study leads to conclude that for quick and precise macro level land use planning, the use of Landsat imagery is imperative.  相似文献   

As per recommendations of Working Group for National Action for Reservoir Sedimentation Assessment, National Institute of Hydrology has taken up study on sedimentation for 25 reservoirs in India during X plan period using remote sensing technique. One such study for Hirakud reservoir in Mahanadi basin in Orissa for year 1999–2001 is described here. Reservoir’s original utilizable and gross volumes were 5818 and 8136 M m3, respectively. Minimum draw down level (MDDL) and full reservoir level (FRL) for reservoir are 179.83 and 192.02 m, respectively. Linear Imaging Self Scanning (LISS)- III data of Indian Remote Sensing Satellites (IRS) 1C and 1D, covering elevation range between 180.68 and 191.89 m, were used. Rule based classification was applied to ‘water index’ and radiances of near infrared band to determine water spread area. Revised live storage capacity was 4842 M m3. The silt index for the live storage area was 2.623 ha m (100 km2 year)-1 (0.376 % of live storage or 21.9 M m3 year-1). Total live storage lost in sedimentation was 984 M m3 (16.90 % of live storage).  相似文献   

RS与GIS技术在库区地质灾害调查中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
谢韬  何政伟  黄民奇  许辉熙  汪宙峰 《测绘科学》2007,32(1):130-131,134
本文以黄河班多一级水电站库区地质灾害调查为例,利用RS与GIS技术进行地质灾害信息提取与分析。在对卫星影像信息进行增强处理的基础上,通过GIS数据管理和空间分析功能对多源数据进行叠加分析,利用可视化工具—虚拟地理信息系统(VirtualGIS)构建研究区三维场景,多方位、多角度挖掘地质灾害信息。结果表明:采用RS与GIS技术可以快速、准确、高效地提取地质灾害信息和与之相关的地表信息,实现地质灾害调查与分析的目的。  相似文献   

The Himalayas has one of the largest concentrations of glaciers outside the Polar Regions. Various reports suggest that significant number of mountain glaciers is shrinking due to climatic variations. Monitoring of these glaciers is important to assess future availability of water resources in the Himalayan region. However, Himalayan glaciers are normally difficult to monitor due to the rugged, mountainous terrain. Therefore, images of Indian Remote Sensing Satellite were used to monitor glaciers in the Baspa basin. Investigations have shown the presence of 30 glaciers in the basin, with areal extent of 167 km2. Out of these, 19 glaciers, with areal extent of 140 km2 were selected to estimate retreat. Investigation suggests that almost all glaciers are retreating in the study basin and overall 19% deglaciation has been observed from 1962 to 2001. In general, altitude distribution appears to have significant influence on glacial retreat. Glaciers located around 5000 m altitude range are showing 24% loss as compared to 14% by glaciers located in altitude range higher than 5400 m. In addition, mean altitude of glacier terminus is shifted upward by 88 m, i.e. from 4482 to 4570 m in last 39 years. The glacial volumes were estimated using regression relationship between area and depth. The investigations have suggested that 19.10 km3 of glacial water stored in the 19 glaciers in 1962, has been reduced to 14.71 km3 in 2001, respectively, an overall loss of 23 percent in a period between 1962 and 2001. These investigations suggest that all glaciers in the Baspa Basin are reducing and in long term, such reducing trend can create scarcity of water in the region.  相似文献   

Wetershed management requires spatial knowledge of vegetation attribute, alongwith landuse, socio-economic and physical parameters. Aglar watershed, which drains in the river Yamuna, is situated in a socio-economically backward region. Any development plan in this region will require an approach which considers natural unit of watershed and its parameterisation. The study highlights the utility of space remote sensing data in obtaining spatial information of vegetation and existing landuse through visual interpretation of 1:50,000 scale Landsat TM false colour composite. Aglar watershed has been identified as forested having distinct vegetation distribution and landuse practice in southern and northern aspects of the watershed. Southern aspects are more inhabited and subjected to terrace cultivation and acute shortage of vegetation resources for fuelwood and fodder. The northern aspect is thickly vegetated with low-population density.  相似文献   

One of the most violent volcanic eruptions in recorded history is the Krakatau eruption on August 27, 1883. This caldera-forming eruption destroyed two thirds of the Krakatau volcanic island in the Sunda Strait resulting in the remaining three small islands later known as the Krakatau complex. From 1927 to 1929, eruptions in the center of Krakatau complex have produced a new volcano named Anak Krakatau, which continuously builds its body through eruptions until now. One eruption event took place between 2007 and 2008 with several eruptions that lasted in total from the end of October 2007 to August 2008. Eruptions were characterized by Strombolian activity with ash columns 1 km high, as well as pyroclastic and lava flows. We monitored the ground deformation of Anak Krakatau Volcano by interfering PALSAR data from June 2007 to February 2009. The result of InSAR technique shows a complex pattern of ground deformation. Inflation up to 4 cm, together with subsidence around the crater, was measured for almost three months before the eruption with a volume increase of approximately 1 × 106 m3. After the eruption, the southwest side of the volcanic cone subsided by 18 cm, whereas the northeast side of the cone uplifted 12 cm in almost two years. The observed ground deformation after the eruption can be explained by 4 m of tensile opening along a dipping rectangular tensile dislocation buried in an elastic half-space, approximately 400 m below sea level.  相似文献   

The scope of this research was to study lake morphology using spatial simulation technique, to develop revised elevation-capacity curve, to develop elevation-water spread area curve, to study the relation between suspended sediment and remote sensing satellite data, and to estimate suspended sediment load in the lake using a Geographic Information System coupled with ground truth. The study area was the Bhopal Upper Lake, which has been classified as one of the major wetlands in India by the Ministry of Water Resources, India. A precise digital elevation model was created using 0.5 meter interval contour information collected from bathometric surveys. Water-spread areas at different water levels were simulated spatially in a Geographic Information System (GIS) through the neighbourhood connectivity operator. Revised elevation-capacity curve and elevation-area curve of the lake were prepared using the simulated results. Simulated water spread area at full tank level (FTL) was compared with the actual water spread area delineated using remote sensing data. Water samples at different locations of the lake were collected and located using the Global Positioning System (GPS) instrument. These samples were analysed in the laboratory for suspended sediment concentration. Different image processing techniques were applied to LANDSAT 5 TM satellite digital data (except thermal band). Correlation between radiance values of band 2 and suspended sediments was established and a positive linear equation was found to fit the data best. Spatial distribution of suspended sediment load was estimated using the developed regression equation and band 2 radiance image of the complete lake. Total suspended sediment load and loss of capacity at full tank level were computed.  相似文献   

Parkachik Glacier is located in the Suru sub-basin of the Upper Indus River, Zanskar Himalaya. The Glacier has been analysed using Corona KH-4B (1971), Landsat-TM (1999), field survey (2015), Google EarthTM (2015) and ASTER GDEM (2015) for frontal recession and area changes. Overall, from 1971 to 2015, the Glacier has retreated by 127 ± 0.09 m i.e. (0.75 ± 0.07%) at a rate of 2.9 ± 0.004 ma?1 with a simultaneous decrease in area from 49.5 to 48.8 km2 i.e. 740 ± 0.7 m2 (1.5 ± 0.09%) at a rate of 74 ± 0.7 m2a?1. However, during recent decade (1999–2015), the rate of glacier recession of 3.9 ± 0.004 ma?1 with a corresponding area loss of 500 ± 0.74m2 (1 ± 0.1%) was higher than the retreat rate of 2.3 ± 0.001 ma?1 and an area loss of 240 ± 0.02m2 (0.48 ± 0.08%) during 1971–1999. In the field, the evidences of glacier recession are present in the form of separated dead ice blocks from the main Glacier, recessional dumps/moraines, active ice calving activity and a small proglacial pond/lake at the terminus/snout of the Glacier. However, the recession over the studied period has been very slow and is controlled by its topographic configuration, particularly the large altitudinal range (6030–3620 m), almost northerly aspect and steep slope (average ~ 30°).  相似文献   

森林扰动遥感监测研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为陆地生态系统的主体,森林的碳循环与碳蓄积对研究陆地生态系统起着重要作用,但目前森林扰动资料的缺乏在很大程度上影响着区域森林碳通量的估算精度。在对森林扰动监测方法和监测指数进行总结的基础上,对几种森林扰动监测指数进行了比较研究。鉴于当前基于长时间序列的森林扰动研究主要集中在北美国家,国内鲜有系统报道,因此,针对我国森林变化特点,结合长时间序列扰动分析方法和适宜的扰动监测指数,研究适用于我国森林的扰动监测模型具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

海面油膜高光谱遥感信息提取   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
针对辽东湾海域的Hyperion高光谱遥感数据特点, 结合海面油膜光谱与Hyperion影像特征, 对该数据进行水陆分离与最小噪声分离(minimum noise fraction, MNF)变换处理, 在辽东湾海域MNF波段影像的2D散点图中, 海面油膜的出现会在其边缘形成一个异常散点区域, 可区分油膜与干扰信息,结合提取的海面油膜端元的MNF波谱, 通过混合调制匹配滤波(mixture tuned matched filtering, MTMF)技术, 成功地提取研究区海面油膜信息, 有效监测海面油膜  相似文献   

高光谱遥感是当前地质遥感研究的前沿和热点,国内外的相关研究集中在数据处理、矿物填图、模型构建等方面,利用航空高光谱遥感技术进行区域成矿背景的研究较少。然而,要解决好高光谱遥感找矿问题,首先必须研究区域成矿背景,特别是找矿方向和有利的找矿区段,否则构建的找矿模型将不能充分发挥作用。本文以核工业北京地质研究院国家级遥感重点实验室装备的航空高光谱成像系统在甘肃柳园—方山口地区获取的可见光-近红外(CASI),短波红外(SASI)高光谱遥感数据为数据源,利用矿物填图方法所填的区域矿物分布图,探讨了柳园—方山口地区的区域成矿条件,厘定了找矿要素,构建了区域成矿构造格架,分析了区域已知矿产的空间分布规律,探索了该区的区域找矿方向和最佳找矿地段。在此基础上,利用建立的高光谱遥感找矿预测方法,新发现了7处找矿靶区,取得了显著的地质找矿效果。该成果不仅对指导柳园—方山口地区进一步找矿有重要作用,而且提出的一套高光谱遥感技术研究区域成矿背景的思路、途径和方法,对其他地区的高光谱遥感地质应用也具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

遥感是一门应用性极强的现代地球信息学科,在总结分析遥感学科理论发展与遥感应用新特征基础上,进行遥感学科发展与应用理论探索,是推动遥感学科与应用迈上新台阶的重要任务。本文通过对现有遥感学科组成及分类体系的分析,首先提出了一种基于方法论的遥感学科分类新方法,在分析遥感应用中普遍存在的跨时空特征基础上,从遥感应用新视野提出了跨时空遥感的理论,最后结合典型案例剖析了跨时空遥感的应用。跨时空遥感理论的建立顺应遥感学科发展的需要,遥感应用时空观的提出对今后遥感应用具有参考价值。  相似文献   



The Himalayan zones, with dense forest vegetation, cover a fifth part of India and store a third part of the country reserves of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, the details of altitudinal distribution of these carbon stocks, which are vulnerable to forest management and climate change impacts, are not well known.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the use of Remote Sensing techniques for the integrated economic land use planning in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, agricultural land use being the main objective. Broad aspects of physiography, soil, land use etc. have been described. An idea about the soil environment and erosion hazards is given. A land use pattern on the basis of land capability and land suitability classification together with cropping pattern has been evolved and the model has been developed for the Island.  相似文献   

The Alaknanda River is the most significant parental river of Ganga and forms an 11.5 km long and 2.5 km wide valley, locally known as the Srinagar Valley. The purpose of the present study is to highlight the recent landform changes in the Alaknanda channel course after the Kedarnath disaster, 2013. The Kedarnath flood completely changed the channel morphology of the Alaknanda river. The river changed its course at Srikot, SSB and Sriyantra Tapu with lower terraces being silted by sands at Ranihat, SSB, Bhaktiyana and Sriyantra Tapu. A new depositional terrace also formed opposite to Sriyantra Tapu. New lateral channel bars, braided channels, back swamp, rapids, pools and river souls were identified in the channel course of the river. Shifting of the channel course at Chauras still remains a serious problem for the Garhwal University Chauras Campus. About 2–5 m silt was deposited on the lower terrace at SSB, and ITI. The Srikot river bed was appended to 4.60 m. Shifting of channel course remains a serious threat to the Srinagar valley. Urbanization, sand and boulders mining, construction of dam, hydrological canal, road and settlements are the prominent example of anthropogenic activities which affect the shifting channel.  相似文献   

Remote Sensing has emerged as a key technology in recent years to generate spatial information. Exploration of this technology to its maximum potential requires trained personnel and for wider understanding of the subject it needs to be introduced in our educational system. With the rapid technological advances being made by remote sensing information and decision support systems, it has become very important that training in remote sensing keeps pace with these advances. For wider acceptability of remote sensing well thought of plan needs to be made for human resources development through training and education in Remote Sensing. Various issues for training and education in Remote Sensing have been discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Detection and delineation of waterlogging by remote sensing techniques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing - The execution of irrigation projects without the provision of adequate drainage system has disrupted the equilibrium between the ground water...  相似文献   

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