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中国建筑领域用能亟需实现低碳能源转型。瑞典在经济合作与发展组织(OECD)国家中单位一次能耗碳排放强度和单位GDP碳排放强度皆为第二低,其低碳转型之路对于中国实现碳中和具有重要的参考意义。文中计算了瑞典建筑单位面积终端能耗强度与碳排放强度,结果表明瑞典建筑用能强度约为中国的2.3倍,而碳排放强度仅为中国的1/10。从建筑类别、建筑用能分项等多角度进一步展开对比研究,分析了瑞典建筑低碳转型采用的技术体系与政策机制,从优先节能理念、实现建筑电气化、减少建筑供热耗热量、构建零碳热源等方面提出了中国建筑领域实现碳中和的政策建议:我国需通过推广居民绿色生活方式、提倡“改善型”的室内环境营造理念避免未来建筑能耗出现显著增长,并通过建筑规范约束新建建筑保温性能、推进既有建筑节能改造等措施减少建筑采暖需热量,且需要促进各类余热资源和生物质燃料的收集与利用实现低碳供热,本文可为中国建筑部门低碳发展的战略规划提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

现在“节能减排”已经成为了大家耳熟能详的口号,“减排”主要是指减少向大气的二氧化碳排放量,低碳生活也越来越受到人们的关注和追捧。那么.今天.你低碳了吗?  相似文献   

本研究在了解国内外低碳经济发展经济的基础上,从中国国情出发,提出要走符合国情的中国特色低碳发展道路,并提出节能减排提高能效、发展可再生和清洁能源、增加碳汇等主要任务,以及主要政策措施建议。  相似文献   

气候变暖是当今时代所面临的最大挑战之一。在全球应对气候变暖的同时,作为前沿经济理念和发展模式的低碳经济应运而生了。按照低碳经济的内涵,江西发展低碳经济面临着机遇和挑战,总体上对正在实现“进位赶超、跨越发展、加快崛起”的江西是后发优势。为此,要做好八个方面的工作:坚持发展与保护并重不动摇,全社会树立低碳经济理念与方式,持续开展节能减排,大力发展低碳能源,着力改善自然生态系统质量,建立低碳与生态工业园区,加强农村环境综合整治,以科技创新支持低碳经济。  相似文献   

采用燃料生命周期方法,选取能耗、CO2、NOx和SO2排放等关键节能减排指标,对我国纯电动汽车、汽油汽车和混合动力汽车进行比较分析。通过对2010年和2020年两个时间点的考察,发现推广纯电动汽车并不一定有利于节能减排:在2010年技术水平和能源结构下,纯电动汽车的燃料周期能耗和CO2排放低于燃油汽车(包括汽油汽车和混合动力汽车),但NOx和SO2排放要高出燃油汽车50%以上;到2020年,若国家相关规划目标得以实现,纯电动汽车的燃料周期能耗和CO2排放将比2010年下降30%左右,NOx和SO2排放将比2010年下降80%以上,但由于发动机技术迅速改进等原因,届时纯电动汽车的燃料周期CO2、NOx和SO2排放等都高于混合动力汽车。在此基础上,进一步分析了纯电动汽车节能减排效益的不确定性,并提出改善纯电动汽车节能减排效益的政策建议,如将纯电动汽车的推广与电力系统改造行动结合起来、基于能耗水平对纯电动汽车和燃油汽车进行分类管理等。  相似文献   

中国能源领域低碳技术发展路线图   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着气候变化问题成为当今国际社会普遍关注的全球性问题,国际社会包括发展中国家在内,都在为应对气候变化进行着不懈的努力。对中国来说,实现低碳发展也成为未来必然要遵循的社会经济发展途径,而技术在其中将起到至关重要的作用。本研究基于中国综合政策评价模型,分析得到了未来中国实现低碳排放情景的技术发展路线图。研究结果显示,未来中国仍具有实现低碳发展的潜力和机会,但需要加快和加大关键低碳技术的应用和普及力度,并为此提供相应的政策措施支持。  相似文献   

为应对全球气候变化的挑战,发展低碳经济已成为国际共识。根据核能的特点,分析了核电燃料链的温室气体排放及其与其他能源链的比较,指出核能是各种能源中温室气体排放量最小的发电方式。介绍了世界主要核电国家发展核能减排温室气体状况,分析了我国发展核电的温室气体减排效益,提出积极发展核能是我国构建低碳型能源结构、应对气候变化的合理有效选择。  相似文献   

通过系统地比较各主要国家CO2排放总量、人均排放量及排放强度等,总结发达国家碳排放特点,分析中国碳排放历程及各阶段出现的原因。比较分析发达国家和发展中国家应对气候变化的相关政策,结合中外碳排放特征,总结中国碳排放及应对气候变化面临的主要问题。提出中国新常态下应对气候变化的建议,包括在国际层面上,积极参与气候谈判,推动国际社会低碳化发展,在中国层面上,切实改变经济增长方式,引领经济低碳发展等。  相似文献   

以主体功能定位为依据的国土空间开发格局为切入点,选择其中的城市化地区(重点/优化开发地区)进行社会经济和温室气体排放特征现状分析。研究认为,不同城市化地区所承载的城市(镇)化任务是十分不同的:优化开发区应以稳定和疏解人口为主,争取尽早达到排放峰值并下降;重点开发区应是承接非城市化地区人口(特别是重点生态功能区)的主要地区。但是这些地区普遍存在发展后劲不足或发展粗放的问题,进一步吸纳经济和人口的能力可能受限。在低碳发展的大背景下,寻找新的增长点和产业低碳化转型是重点开发区承担新型城市(镇)化任务的前提条件。  相似文献   

低碳城市目前已成为世界各地共同追求的经济发展目标。从实现低碳城市最有效的手段——低碳城市规划出发,介绍低碳概念对城市规划的冲击,阐述了我国低碳城市规划现状和主要内容。论述了气候可行性论证的必要性和发展现状,以及气候可行性论证如何在低碳城市规划中发挥作用。提出了作为支撑城市低碳规划技术手段之一,气候可行性论证可以在设计和实现低碳城市规划的政策引导、技术支撑、体制创新等三个方面提供支撑。文中着重就气候可行性论证作为技术支撑展开了论述。  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of innovation in low-carbon energy technologies distinguishing between research and development and technology diffusion as a response to alternative climate policies. We assess the implications of second-best policies that depart from the assumption of immediate and global participation and of full technology availability. The analysis highlights the heterogeneous effects of climate policy on different energy R&D programs and discusses the contribution of important determinants such as carbon price and policy stringency, policy credibility, policy and technological spillovers and absorptive capacity.  相似文献   

This paper explores optimal near-term technology R&D in the face of uncertain damages caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases. The paper puts particular emphasis on understanding how optimal near-term R&D expenditures might vary based on the technologies pursued in the R&D program. The exploration is conducted in the context of varying impacts from R&D on the global abatement cost function. The R&D planning problem is considered first within a theoretical framework and is then pursued in a stylized application using the DICE model. The paper provides intuition into the circumstances under which near-term technology R&D might increase or decrease under uncertainty, thereby serving as a hedge against climate uncertainty.  相似文献   

To achieve environmental sustainability and reduce their vulnerability to oil shocks, countries can develop new energy technologies. Technological advances reduce the cost of structural changes in the energy economy, and thus also increase the political feasibility of such changes. But what explains international variation in the form and quality of energy technology innovation? We build on previous theories and offer an integrated account: increasing oil prices reinforce existing sectoral innovation systems, both politically and economically, thus allowing public policymakers and private entrepreneurs to profitably invest in new energy technologies. We test this theoretical argument against data on public R&D expenditures and patents in the domain of renewable energy technology for industrialized countries from 1989 to 2007. We find strong support for the interactive hypothesis. Thus, we contribute to literatures on (i) domestic responses to international shocks, (ii) environmental sustainability and energy security, and (iii) the political economy of technology innovation.  相似文献   

Mitigating climate change will require innovation in energy technologies. Policy makers are faced with the question of how to promote this innovation, and whether to focus on a few technologies or to spread their bets. We present results on the extent to which public R&D might shape the future cost of energy technologies by 2030. We bring together three major expert elicitation efforts carried out by researchers at UMass Amherst, Harvard, and FEEM, covering nuclear, solar, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), bioelectricity, and biofuels. The results show experts believe that there will be cost reductions resulting from R&D and report median cost reductions around 20 % for most of the technologies at the R&D budgets considered. Although the improvements associated to solar and CCS R&D show some promise, the lack of consensus across studies, and the larger magnitude of the R&D investment involved in these technologies, calls for caution when defining what technologies would benefit the most from additional public R&D. In order to make R&D funding decisions to meet particular goals, such as mitigating climate change or improving energy security, or to estimate the social returns to R&D, policy makers need to combine the information provided in this study on cost reduction potentials with an analysis of the macroeconomic implications of these technological changes. We conclude with recommendations for future directions on energy expert elicitations.  相似文献   

Increasing the rate of climate technology transfer is a critical concern. The international community facilitates the development and deployment of climate technologies for the needs of the South in two primary ways: first, through the use of multilateral frameworks for technology transfer and, second, through in-country capacity building for research, development, and deployment in developing countries. However, scant attention is given to whether national-level frameworks in industrialized countries can support technology transfer. This issue may be of particular relevance to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developed countries, due to their relative lack of experience in international markets. The barriers that prevent SMEs from developing and exporting more technologies to the South are identified, by using Israel as a case study. Although Israel is an important global source of climate technology innovation, it currently does not engage much with the developing world. Four principle barriers to greater involvement of OECD SMEs in technology transfer for climate mitigation in developing countries are: (1) lack of knowledge of market needs in developing economies, (2) lack of financial mechanisms to support R&D, (3) lack of opportunities for partnership building, and (4) lack of support for demonstration sites in developing countries.  相似文献   

David Popp 《Climatic change》2006,77(3-4):311-341
Because of the long-term nature of the climate problem, technological advances are often seen as an important component of any solution. However, when considering the potential for technology to help solve the climate problem, two market failures exist which lead to underinvestment in climate-friendly R&D: environmental externalities and the public goods nature of new knowledge. As a result, government subsidies to climate-friendly R&D projects are often proposed as part of a policy solution. Using the ENTICE model, I analyze the effectiveness of such subsidies, both with and without other climate policies, such as a carbon tax. While R&D subsidies do lead to significant increases in climate-friendly R&D, this R&D has little impact on the climate itself. Subsidies address the problem of knowledge as a public good, but they do not address the environmental externality, and thus offer no additional incentive to adopt new technologies. Moreover, high opportunity costs to R&D limit the potential role that subsidies can play. While R&D subsidies can improve efficiency, policies that directly affect the environmental externality have a much larger impact on both atmospheric temperature and economic welfare.  相似文献   

The relationship between R&D investments and technical change is inherently uncertain. In this paper we combine economics and decision analysis to incorporate the uncertainty of technical change into climate change policy analysis. We present the results of an expert elicitation on the prospects for technical change in carbon capture and storage. We find a significant amount of disagreement between experts, even over the most mature technology; and this disagreement is most pronounced in regards to cost estimates. We then use the results of the expert elicitations as inputs to the MiniCAM integrated assessment model, to derive probabilistic information about the impacts of R&D investments on the costs of emissions abatement. We conclude that we need to gather more information about the technical and societal potential for Carbon Storage; cost differences among the different capture technologies play a relatively smaller role.  相似文献   

Combining policies to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere with policies to reduce emissions could decrease CO2 concentrations faster than possible via natural processes. We model the optimal selection of a dynamic portfolio of abatement, research and development (R&D), and negative emission policies under an exogenous CO2 constraint and with stochastic technological change. We find that near-term abatement is not sensitive to the availability of R&D policies, but the anticipated availability of negative emission strategies can reduce the near-term abatement optimally undertaken to meet 2°C temperature limits. Further, planning to deploy negative emission technologies shifts optimal R&D funding from ??carbon-free?? technologies into ??emission intensity?? technologies. Making negative emission strategies available enables an 80% reduction in the cost of keeping year 2100 CO2 concentrations near their current level. However, negative emission strategies are less important if the possibility of tipping points rules out using late-century net negative emissions to temporarily overshoot the CO2 constraint earlier in the century.  相似文献   

CO2 capture and storage (CCS) in geological reservoirs may be part of a strategy to reduce global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Insight in the risks associated with underground CO2 storage is needed to ensure that it can be applied as safe and effective greenhouse mitigation option. This paper aims to give an overview of the current (gaps in) knowledge of risks associated with underground CO2 storage and research areas that need to be addressed to increase our understanding in those risks. Risks caused by a failure in surface installations are understood and can be minimised by risk abatement technologies and safety measures. The risks caused by underground CO2 storage (CO2 and CH4 leakage, seismicity, ground movement and brine displacement) are less well understood. Main R&D objective is to determine the processes controlling leakage through/along wells, faults and fractures to assess leakage rates and to assess the effects on (marine) ecosystems. Although R&D activities currently being undertaken are working on these issues, it is expected that further demonstration projects and experimental work is needed to provide data for more thorough risk assessment.  相似文献   

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