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Summary On the basis of whole-rock and mineral chemistry two main magmatic groups can be established for the Paleozoic Volcanism of the Carnian Alps. High-Ti Volcanics (HTV) and Low-Ti Volcanics (LTV). Spilitization processes have not masked the primary magmatic character. The two groups are characterized by very different trace element patterns and cannot be correlated by a fractionation process. The HTV require an enriched mantle source whereas the geochemistry of the LTV indicates strong crustal contamination. Both magmatic groups are consistent with a major rifting episode. The contamination via assimilation of crustal rocks of the LTV group implies that rifting developed in a continental area.
Petrogenese der paläozoischen Magmatite der Karnischen Alpen
Zusammenfassung Auf der Grundlage von Gesteins- und Mineralchemie der paläozoischen Vulkanite der Karnischen Alpen können zwei magmatische Hauptgruppen unterschieden werden: die Hoch-Ti Vulkanite (HTV) und die Nieder-Ti Vulkanite (LTV). Der Prozess der Spilitisation vermochte die ursprünglichen magmatischen Charakteristika nicht zu überdecken. Die zwei Gruppen sind durch sehr verschiedene Spurenelementgehalte charakterisiert und können nicht durch einen Differentiationsprozeß verknüpft werden. Die HTV erfordern eine angereicherte mantle source, während die Geochemie der LTV deutlich auf Kontamination hinweist. Beide magmatische Gruppen sind aus einer rifting Episode hervorgegangen. Die Kontamination der LTV-Gruppe durch Assimilation von Krustengesteinen zeigt, daß das rifting sich in einer kontinentalen Umgebung entwickelte.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

Metapelitic gneisses occuring as lenses and bands within the migmatites of the Gruf-Complex in the eastern Pennine Alps contain various combinations of the minerals quartz, biotite, cordierite, garnet, sillimanite, plagioclase. K-feldspar, spinel, orthopyroxene, anthophyllite and muscovite. The most common rock type is represented by a darkschistosebiotiterichcordierite-garnet-sillimanite-gneiss. A consistent pressure-temperature range of 3–4 kb and 600–650° C has been calculated for the last metamorphic equilibration from six geological thermobarometers. However, from textural evidence it may be concluded that the rocks were at both higher temperatures and pressures prior to the PT-conditions calculated from thermobarometry. Although the maximum conditions reached are unknown and earlier stages are poorly preserved it is suggested that they coincide with the maximum conditions deduced from rare occurrences of sapphirine granulite in the Gruf-Complex. These are 10 kb and 800° C (Droop and Bucher 1983). Sillimanite+K-feldspar, orthopyroxene+quartz, spinel+quartz and garnet-K-feldspar persisting in rocks with low activity of H2O are strong evidence for this. The H2O required to make the observed high degree of equilibration at 3–4 kb and 600–650° C possible was presumably released by crystallizing migmatitic melts present in the quartzo-feldspathic gneisses of the Gruf-Complex. Further evidence comes from the PT-coordinates of the H2O-saturated muscovite granite solidus which coincides with the high temperature limits of inferred equilibration above and which the rocks must have crossed along the decompression and cooling path during their metamorphic evolution.  相似文献   

The carbonate platform of the upper Wetterstein Formation (Cordevol) of the Drau Range (Austria) shows a distinct facies differentiation which depends on the palaeotopography. Although most areas of the platform were permanently flooded, a periodically emergent palaeotopographic high (Bleiberg facies) occurred near to the centre of the platform. The resulting cyclic sequences are composed of subtidal and intertidal to supratidal carbonates and emersion horizons. Typical shallowing upward cycles occur, as well as deepening upward, symmetrical and incomplete cycles. These types of cycles, with long-term emersion phases, can be explained by eustatic sea-level oscillations. It can be shown, due to an excellent lithostratigraphy based on distinct emersion horizons, that the cycle-type varies along a marker bed while the vertical distance between the emersion horizons is retained. Therefore the cycles cannot be explained by eustatic sea-level oscillations alone; local events which produce a local relief are necessary.A compiled profile of the Bleiberg facies is simulated with the help of a one-dimensional, parametric computer model. The quantification of some parameters which result from this simulation is used to verify and quantify the effects of relief on sedimentation.  相似文献   

The Miocene Lavanttal Basin formed in the Eastern Alps during extrusion of crustal blocks towards the east. In contrast to basins, which formed contemporaneously along the strike-slip faults of the Noric Depression and on top of the moving blocks (Styrian Basin), little is known about the Lavanttal Basin. In this paper geophysical, sedimentological, and structural data are used to study structure and evolution of the Lavanttal Basin. The eastern margin of the 2-km-deep basin is formed by the WNW trending Koralm Fault. The geometry of the gently dipping western basin flank shows that the present-day basin is only a remnant of a former significantly larger basin. Late Early (Karpatian) and early Middle Miocene (Badenian) pull-apart phases initiated basin formation and deposition of thick fluvial (Granitztal Beds), lacustrine, and marine (Mühldorf Fm.) sediments. The Mühldorf Fm. represents the Lower Badenian cycle TB2.4. Another flooding event caused brackish environments in late Middle Miocene (Early Sarmatian) time, whereas freshwater environments existed in Late Sarmatian time. The coal-bearing Sarmatian succession is subdivided into four fourth-order sequences. The number of sequences suggests that the effect of tectonic subsidence was overruled by sea-level fluctuations during Sarmatian time. Increased relief energy caused by Early Pannonian pull-apart activity initiated deposition of thick fluvial sediments. The present-day shape of the basin is a result of young (Plio-/Pleistocene) basin inversion. In contrast to the multi-stage Lavanttal Basin, basins along the Noric Depression show a single-stage history. Similarities between the Lavanttal and Styrian basins exist in Early Badenian and Early Sarmatian times.  相似文献   

The Austroalpine basement complex has a complicated pre-Alpidic history which begins with the Caledonian era. In the late Precambrian (?) and early Paleozoic a magmatic-sedimentary rock sequence is formed presumably in an island-arc or active continental margin environment. Subduction with eclogite formation is followed by collision, high-grade metamorphism and anatexis in the Ordovician. This Caledonian basement is preserved in parts of the Austroalpine crystalline mass. The post-Caledonian deposits are mainly shelf type sediments with intercalated volcanics, although there is evidence for an oceanic basin to the south. The Variscan facies zones are arranged in SW-NE direction, oblique to the Alpidic trend. In a first stage of Variscan orogeny in the Carboniferous, south(east)-vergent decollement nappes, syntectonic flysch deposits, and granitoids are formed along with regional metamorphism. This is followed by a second stage in the Permian with north(west)-vergent thrusting, renewed granite formation, and metamorphism. The Variscan nappe pile is today exposed in a deeper level in the west or northwest than in the east or southeast.  相似文献   

Detrital chromian spinel is a key mineral in paleogeographic reconstructions. The chemical compositions of the spinels provide even more specific information about their host ophiolites because their chemistry is related to the degree of melting of the mantle peridotite and thus to the geotectonic environment of ocean crust formation.Based on sedimentological evidence ophiolites arising from two different oceanic domains (the Ligurian-Piemont basin and the Vardar basin) supplied Eastern Alpine sediments as source terrains of the ophiohtic detritus. A tentative model of the development of the ophiolitic belts is infered from the chromian spinel chemical variability from a number of sample locations from nearly all chromian spinel-bearing formations of the Eastern Alps. The »Tethyan« spinels (with southern provenance) reflect the composition of the source area (analogous to the Dinaro-Hellenic ophiolite belt) of a harzburgite sub-province eroded during the Lower Cretaceous and a lherzolite sub-province which was additionally eroded since the mid-Cretaceous.The detrital spinels of northern provenance (»Penninic« spinels) and the present-day ophiolite outcrops in the Penninic windows of the Eastern-Alps indicate possibly a sequence of subduction/obduction stages and resulting ophiolite complexes, which is similar to the Dinarides.
Zusammenfassung Detritischer Chromspinell hat sich als wichtiges Mineral für paläogeographische Rekonstruktionen erwiesen. Aus der chemischen Zusammensetzung können spezifische Informationen über die ophiolithischen Herkunftsgesteine abgeleitet werden, da die Spinellchemie vom Aufschmelzungsgrad des Mantelperidotits und damit vom geotektonischen Milieu der ursprünglichen Ozeankrustenbildung abhängt.Der ophiolithische Detritus in den ostalpinen Sedimenten muß aufgrund der sedimentologischen Daten aus zwei unterschiedlichen Zonen abgeleitet werden, die einerseits auf die Schließung des penninischen Ozeans, andererseits auf die Obduktionszone am Nordostrand des jurassischen Vardar-Ozeans zurückgeführt werden können. Aus der Spinellchemie-Verteilung einer Anzahl von Probenlokalitäten von nahezu allen chromspinellführenden Schichtgliedern der Ostalpen wird versuchsweise ein Modell der Entwicklung dieser Ophiolithzonen abgeleitet. In den Spinellen südlicher Herkunft (»Tethys-Spinelle«) widerspiegelt sich die Zusammensetzung des Liefergebietes in Analogie zu den dinarischen Ophiolithen. Dieses Liefergebiet bestand aus einer Harzburgit-Subprovinz, die während der Unterkreide erodiert wurde, sowie aus einer Lherzolith-Subprovinz, die zusätzlich ab der Mittelkreide der Erosion zugänglich war.Aus den detritischen Spinellen nördlicher Herkunft (»Pennin-Spinelle«) sowie Spinellen von Ophiolithen der penninischen Fenster läßt sich möglicherweise eine ähnliche Abfolge von Subduktions/Obduktionsstadien mit den entsprechenden Ophiolithtypen ableiten wie in den Dinariden.

Résumé Les spinelles chromifères jouent un rôle important dans les reconstitutions paléogéographiques. Leurs compositions chimiques fournissent des informations spécifiques sur les péridotites ophiolitiques dont elles proviennent; en effet le chimisme des spinelles dépend directement du degré de fusion partielle du manteau supérieur et, partant, de l'environnement géotectonique dans lequel la croûte océanique s'est formée.Dans les sédiments des Alpes Orientales, les observations sédimentologiques permettent d'attribuer à deux sources distinctes les éléments détritiques d'origine ophiolitique. Ces sources sont rapportées d'une part à l'océan pennique en cours de fermeture, d'autre part à la zone d'obduction du bord nord de l'océan jurassique Vardar. Les spinelles ont été échantillonés en divers points de presque toutes les formations sédimentaires à spinelles chromifères des Alpes Orientales; la répartition de leur chimisme suggère un modèle de l'évolution des deux régions-sources ophiolitiques.Les spinelles de provenance méridionale (»spinelles de Théthys«) reflètent la composition d'une région-source comportant une sub-province à harzburgites en voie d'érosion au Crétacé inférieur et une sub-province à lherzolites mise en évidence à partir de l'Aptien/Albien.Les spinelles de provenance septentrionale («spinelles penniques»), comme celles des ophiolites qui affleurent dans les fenêtres penniques, laissent supposer une suite de processus de subduction/obduction, avec les complexes ophiolitiques qui en résultent, comme dans les Dinarides.

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The Eastern Alps in Austria have been interpreted as a pile of thrust sheets resulting from the collision of two continental masses. The only remains of the ocean-floor which may once have separated these continents could be the highly deformed greenschists, metasediments and serpentinites found in the lower thrust sheets. To test this hypothesis, a total of sixty mafic rocks from the Großglockner, Mooserboden, Fusch, Hochtor, Matrei Zone and Strobl localities have been analysed for the stable trace elements, Ti, Zr, Y, Nb and Cr, and the less stable elements K, Rb, and Sr. Visual and statistical comparison of the stable elements with known magma types reveals that five of the sample groups classify clearly as tholeiitic ocean-floor basalts, while one group, the Fusch locality, classifies as within-plate (probably ocean island) basalts. It is suggested that the tectonic units containing such rocks comprise a mélange of disrupted oceanic crust, upper mantle and seamounts, pelagic sediments and continental margin sediments. The rocks may have formed in a large ocean basin, rather than a marginal basin behind an island arc.  相似文献   

The two Alpine orogenic phases of the Eastern Alps, in the Cretaceous and in the Tertiary, were both accompanied by the formation of mineral deposits. However, subduction-related magmatic belts as well as the typical “Andean” ore deposits are missing. Therefore, the role of metamorphism in East Alpine metallogeny was tentatively explored for more than 60 y, although for a long time without tangible results. Microthermometric, geochemical and isotopic investigations of fluid inclusions from selected Alpine mineral deposits presented allow a preliminary confirmation of the involvement of metamorphic fluids in their origin. Deposits which were formed immediately after the first, Cretaceous orogeny, were produced at high pressures by fluids of very high salinity and high density, and with an isotopic composition of the water falling into the metamorphic field. These fluids are best understood as products of metamorphic de-volatilization of rocks of the subducted South Pennine domain. In contrast to this, the deposits formed after the second, Tertiary orogeny, originated at relatively low pressures from fluids with an appreciable content of CO2 and of low to moderate salinities. Isotopic compositions of this carbon indicate a deep crustal or even mantle source for CO2, while the water is isotopically more heterogeneous and may have mixed sources, both surficial and metamorphic. Tectonic control of these mineralizations is late-orogenic trans-tensional faulting, which exposed hot metamorphic rocks to fluid convection along brittle structures. These deposits conform best to the model of metamorphogenic metallogenesis by retrograde leaching, although ponded metamorphic fluids and mantle volatiles may also have been involved. Received: 4 August 1998 / Accepted: 5 January 1999  相似文献   

Balancing lateral orogenic float of the Eastern Alps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Oligocene to Miocene post-collisional shortening between the Adriatic and European plates was compensated by frontal thrusting onto the Molasse foreland basin and by contemporaneous lateral wedging of the Austroalpine upper plate. Balancing of the upper plate shortening by horizontal retrodeformation of lateral escaping and extruding wedges of the Austroalpine lid enables an evaluation of the total post-collisional deformation of the hangingwall plate. Quantification of the north–south shortening and east–west extension of the upper plate is derived from displacement data of major faults that dissect the Austroalpine wedges. Indentation of the South Alpine unit corresponds to 64 km north–south shortening and a minimum of 120 km of east–west extension. Lateral wedging affected the Eastern Alps east of the Giudicarie fault. West of the Giudicarie fault, north–south shortening was compensated by 50 to 80 km of backthrusting in the Lombardian thrust system of the Southern Alps. The main structures that bound the escaping wedges to the north are the Inntal fault system (ca. 50 km sinistral offset), the Königsee–Lammertal–Traunsee (KLT) fault (10 km) and the Salzach–Ennstal–Mariazell–Puchberg (SEMP) fault system (60 km). These faults, as well as a number of minor faults with displacements less than 10 km, root in the basal detachment of the Alps. The thin-skinned nature of lateral escape-related structures north of the SEMP line is documented by industry reflection seismic lines crossing the Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA) and the frontal thrust of the Eastern Alps. Complex triangle zones with passive roof backthrusts of Middle Miocene Molasse sediments formed in front of the laterally escaping wedges of the northern Eastern Alps. The aim of this paper is a semiquantitative reconstruction of the upper plate of the Eastern Alps. Most of the data is published elsewhere.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3D) lithospheric density structure of the Eastern Alps was investigated by integrating results from reflection seismics, receiver function analyses and tomography. The modelling was carried out with respect to the Bouguer gravity and the geoid undulations and emphasis were laid on the investigations of the importance of deep lithospheric features. Although the influence of inhomogeneities at the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary on the potential field is not neglectable, they are overprinted by the response of the density contrast at the crust–mantle boundary and intra-crustal density anomalies. The uncertainties in the interpretations are in the same order of magnitude as the gravity field generated by the deep lithosphere.After including the deep lithospheric geometry from the tomographic model it is shown that full isostatic equilibrium is not achieved below the Eastern Alps. However, calculation of the isostatic lithospheric thickness shows two areas of lithospheric thickening along the central axis of the Eastern Alps with a transition zone below the area of the TRANSALP profile. This is in agreement with the tomographic model, which features a change in lithospheric subduction direction.  相似文献   

The exhumation of metamorphic domes within orogenic belts is exemplified by the Tauern window in the Eastern Alps. There, the exhumation is related to partitioning of final orogenic shortening into deep-seated thrusts, near-surface antiformal bending forming brachyanticlines, and almost orogen-parallel strike-slip faults due to oblique continental plate collision. Crustal thickening by formation of an antiformal stack within upper to middle crustal portions of the lower lithosphere is a prerequisite of late-stage orogenic window formation. Low-angle normal faults at releasing steps of crustal-scale strike-slip faults accomodate tectonic unloading of synchronously thickened crust and extension along strike of the orogen, forming pull-apart metamorphic domes. Initiation of low-angle normal faults is largely controlled by rock rheology, especially at the brittle-ductile transitional level within the lithosphere. Several mechanisms may contribute to uplift and exhumation of previously buried crust within such a setting: (1) Shortening along deep-seated blind thrusts results in the formation of brachyanticlines and bending of metamorphic isograds; (2) oversteps of strike-slip faults within the wrench zone control the final geometry of the window; (3) unloading by tectonic unroofing and erosional denudation; and (4) vertical extrusion of crustal scale wedges. Rapid decompression of previously buried crust results in nearly isothermal exhumation paths, and enhanced fluid circulation along subvertical tensile fractures (hydrothermal ore and silicate veins) that formed due to overall coaxial stretching of lower plate crust.  相似文献   

The thermal histories of Tertiary basins situated around and within the Eastern Alps are examined using coalification data.Waples' method is used to estimate paleogeothermal conditions. The data suggest that the basins' thermal histories are intimately related to late Alpidic geodynamics of the Eastern Alps.Basins situated near the thrust front (Eastern Alpine foredeep, Vienna basin) are characterized by hypothermal histories and low coalification gradients. This is a consequence of relatively thick crust, high paleosedimentation rates in the Alpine foredeep, and Oligocene to Early Miocene stacking of cool sediments along the southern margin of the Eastern Alpine foredeep. Extension in the Vienna basin region is restricted mainly to shallow crustal levels and did not change the thermal pattern beneath the Alpine nappes. Major hyperthermal events of Oligocene age and local coalification maxima in the central Slovenian basin date from magmatic activity along the Periadriatic lineament, caused by Oligocene subduction. In Miocene times subduction migrated eastward and magmatic activity shifted to the northern Slovenian and Styrian basins, resulting in a strong hyperthermal phase of Ottnangian to Lower Badenian age in these basins.Rapid uplift of the Tauern window in the central part of the Eastern Alps, due to buoyancy, is related to E-W directed crustal stretching and resulted in raised heat flow in Miocene times in the Tauern window region, and in relatively high rank in adjacent Tertiary basins (Wagrain, Tamsweg).Present geothermal patterns are controlled primarily by raised heat flow along the south-eastern margin of the Alps, a consequence of thinned crust beneath the Pannonian basin.
Zusammenfassung Die Inkohlungsbilder von tertiären Sedimentbecken, die im Bereich der Ostalpen situiert sind, werden hinsichtlich der thermischen Geschichte diskutiert. In einigen Becken erfolgt eine Abschätzung der paläogeothermischen Verhältnisse mit Hilfe derWaples-Methode. Die Inkohlungsbilder der Tertiärbecken belegen eine enge Beziehung zwischen der thermischen Geschichte dieser Becken und der jungalpidischen Geodynamik der Ostalpen.In der Nähe der Überschiebungsfront gelegene Becken (Molassebecken, Wiener Becken) werden durch hypothermische Verhältnisse und geringe Inkohlung charakterisiert. Dies ist eine Folge relativ dicker Kruste, hoher Paläo-Sedimentationsraten in der alpinen Vortiefe und des Übereinanderstapelns kühler Sedimente am Südrand des Molassebeckens während Oligozän und frühem Miozän. Die Extension im Wiener Becken war auf den obersten Krustenabschnitt beschränkt und hat die thermischen Verhältnisse unterhalb der alpinen Decken nicht beeinflußt.Die magmatische Aktivität entlang der Periadriatischen Naht steht in Zusammenhang mit der oligozänen Subduktion und ist für hyperthermische Ereignisse und lokale Inkohlungsmaxima in oligozänen Sedimenten des zentralen Slowenischen Beckens verantwortlich. Im Miozän wanderte die Subduktion ostwärts und die magmatische Aktivität verlagerte sich in das nördliche Slowenische und Steirische Becken. Dadurch wurde in diesen Becken eine starke hyperthermische Phase während Ottnang bis Unterbaden initiiert.Der rasche isostatische Aufstieg des Tauernfensters in den zentralen Ostalpen steht mit miozäner, E-W gerichteter Dehnungstektonik in Zusammenhang. Er ist für erhöhten Wärmefluß im Miozän im Bereich des Tauernfensters und für die relativ hohe Inkohlung des Wagrainer und Tamsweger Beckens verantwortlich.Die heutigen geothermischen Verhältnisse werden vor allem durch erhöhten Wärmefluß am Südostrand der Alpen geprägt. Dieser ist eine Folge der Krustenausdünnung unter dem Pannonischen Becken.

Résumé La houillification des bassins sédimentaires tertiaires des Alpes orientales est discutée dans la perspective de leur histoire thermique. Les conditions paléogéothermiques sont estimées au moyen de la méthode deWaples. L'étude de la houillification de ces bassins montre une relation étroite entre leur histoire thermique et la géodynamique des Alpes orientales à la fin du Tertiaire.Ces bassins, situés à proximité du front de charriage — il sagit du Bassin molassique et du Bassin viennois —, se caractérisent par leur condition «hypothermique» et leur faible gradient de houillification; cette propriété provient de l'épaississement de la croute terrestre due à une sédimentation rapide en avant des Alpes et à l'empilement tectonique des sédiments froids les uns sur les autres le long de la bordure méridionale du Bassin molassique au cours de l'Oligocène et du Miocène inférieur. L'extension, dans la région du Bassin viennois, s'est limitée à un niveau crustal peu profond et n'a pas influencé la situation thermique dans les nappes alpines.L'activité magmatique le long du linéament périadriatique, due à la subduction oligocène, est contemporaine des événements «hyperthermiques» et des maxima locaux de houillification dans les sédiments oligocènes du bassin central de Slovénie.Pendant le Miocène, la subduction progressa vers l'est et l'activité magmatique se déplaça vers les bassins de Slovénie septentrionale et de Styrie, avec comme conséquence, dans ces bassins, une phase «hyperthermique» marquée à l'Ottnangien et au Badenien inférieur.La montée isostatique rapide de la Fenêtre des Tauern dans la partie centrale des Alpes orientales est en relation avec l'extension tectonique est-ouest au Miocène; elle est responsable d'un flux thermique élevé dans la région de la Fenêtre et d'une houillification relativement importante dans les bassins tertiaires adjacents de Wagrain et de Tamsweg.La géothermie actuelle de la bordure sud-est des Alpes est régie par un flux thermique élevé, conséquence de l'amincissement crustal sous le bassin Pannonique.

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New Rb/Sr data on mineral and whole rock samples from in and around the south-east corner of the Tauern Window are presented. Pennine orthogeneisses yield an Rb/Sr whole rock age of 279±9 m.y., while orthogneiss samples from the Altkristallin Sheet near Innerkrems, Carinthia, yield an age of 381±30 m.y. by the same technique. The apparent mineral age break across the margins of the Tauern Window is investigated in an area of good structural and petrofabric control. The post-Palaeozoic history of the Eastern Alps is then discussed in the context of the available Rb/Sr data. It is argued that the bulk of the Katschberg Phyllites are of pre-Mesozoic age; that the major overthrusting movements of the Austroalpine Units were completed by 60–65 m.y.; and that the Peri-Adriatic intrusives can be little older than middle Tertiary.  相似文献   

The Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE) fingerprints global environmental perturbations and biological extinction on land and oceans and is potentially linked to the Wrangellia Large Igneous Province (LIP). However, the correlation between terrestrial environmental changes and Wrangellia volcanism in the Ordos Basin during the CPE remains poorly understood. Records of negative carbon isotopic excursions (NCIEs), mercury (Hg), Hg/TOC, and Hg enrichment factor (HgEF) from oil shales in a large-scale terrestrial Ordos Basin in the Eastern Tethys were correlated with marine and other terrestrial successions. The three significant NCIEs in the study section were consistently correlated with those in the CPE successions of Europe, the UK, and South and North China. The U-Pb geochronology indicates a Ladinian–Carnian age for the Chang 7 Member. A comprehensive overview of the geochronology, NCIE correlation, and previous bio- and chronostratigraphic frameworks shows that the Ladinian–Carnian boundary is located in the lower part of Chang 7 in the Yishicun section. HgEF may be a more reliable proxy for tracing volcanic eruptions than the Hg/TOC ratio because the accumulation rates of TOC content largely vary in terrestrial and marine successions. The records of Hg, Hg/TOC, HgEF, and NCIEs in the Ordos Basin aligned with Carnian successions worldwide and were marked by similar anomalies, indicating a global response to the Wrangellia LIP during the CPE. Anoxia, a warm-humid climate, enhancement of detrital input, and NCIEs are synchronous with the CPE interval in the Ordos Basin, which suggests that the CPE combined with the regional Qinling Orogeny should dominate the enhanced rate of terrigenous input and paleoenvironmental evolution in the Ordos Basin.  相似文献   

We present a database of geochronological data documenting the post-collisional cooling history of the Eastern Alps. This data is presented as (a) georeferenced isochrone maps based on Rb/Sr, K/Ar (biotite) and fission track (apatite, zircon) dating portraying cooling from upper greenschist/amphibolite facies metamorphism (500–600 °C) to 110 °C, and (b) as temperature maps documenting key times (25, 20, 15, 10 Ma) in the cooling history of the Eastern Alps. These cooling maps facilitate detecting of cooling patterns and cooling rates which give insight into the underlying processes governing rock exhumation and cooling on a regional scale.The compilation of available cooling-age data shows that the bulk of the Austroalpine units already cooled below 230 °C before the Paleocene. The onset of cooling of the Tauern Window (TW) was in the Oligocene-Early Miocene and was confined to the Penninic units, while in the Middle- to Late Miocene the surrounding Austroalpine units cooled together with the TW towards near surface conditions.High cooling rates (50 °C/Ma) within the TW are recorded for the temperature interval of 375–230 °C and occurred from Early Miocene in the east to Middle Miocene in the west. Fast cooling post-dates rapid, isothermal exhumation of the TW but was coeval with the climax of lateral extrusion tectonics. The cooling maps also portray the diachronous character of cooling within the TW (earlier in the east by ca. 5 Ma), which is recognized within all isotope systems considered in this study.Cooling in the western TW was controlled by activity along the Brenner normal fault as shown by gradually decreasing ages towards the Brenner Line. Cooling ages also decrease towards the E–W striking structural axis of the TW, indicating a thermal dome geometry. Both cooling trends and the timing of the highest cooling rates reveal a strong interplay between E–W extension and N–S orientated shortening during exhumation of the TW.  相似文献   

Morphological analysis of the drainage system in the Eastern Alps   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We study the morphology of the major rivers draining the Eastern Alps to test whether the active tectonics of this part of the orogen is reflected in the shape of channel profiles of the river network. In our approach we compare channel profiles measured from digital elevation models with numerically modelled channel profiles using a stream power approach. It is shown that regions of high stream power coincide largely with regions of highest topography and largest uplift rates, while the forelands and the Pannonian Basin are characterised by a significantly lower stream power. From stream power modelling we conclude that there is young uplift at the very east of the Eastern Alps, in the Bohemian Massif and in the Pohorje Range. The impact of the Pleistocene glaciations is explored by comparing properties of rivers that drain in proximal and distal positions relative to the ice sheet during the last glacial maximum. Our analysis shows that most knick points, wind gaps and other non-equilibrium features of catchments covered by ice during the last glaciations (Salzach, Enns) can be correlated with glacial processes. In contrast the ice free catchments of the Mur and Drava are characterized by channels in morphological equilibrium at the first approximation and are showing only weak evidence of the strong tectonic activity within these catchments. Finally, the channel profiles of the Adige and the divide between the upper Rhine and Danube catchments differ significantly from the other catchments. We relate this to the fact that the Adige and the Rhine respond to different base levels from the remainder of the Eastern Alps: The Adige may preserve a record from the Messininan base level change and the Rhine is subject to the base level lowering in the Rhine Graben.  相似文献   

In the Dolomites of northernmost Italy the carbonate‐platform growth came to a standstill late in the Early Carnian (Late Triassic). The response to this shutdown of shallow‐water carbonate production in the interplatform basins is largely unknown because erosion has removed most of the soft basinal sediments, giving rise to today's scenic landscape of the Dolomites. Mapping in the central part of the Dolomites and newly available core material has recently revealed a well‐preserved succession of basinal rocks within the Heiligkreuz Hospiz Basin (ital. Ospizio di Santa Croce Basin). In this paper, the regional depositional nature of arrested carbonate platform production is reconstructed by tracing its sedimentological record across the slope and into the basin. The uppermost St. Cassian Formation, the time‐equivalent basinal rocks to the prograding carbonate platforms, is overlain by the Heiligkreuz Formation, whose basal succession was deposited in a restricted and oxygen‐depleted environment immediately post‐dating the platform demise. The succession consists mainly of mudrocks, marlstones, and peloidal packstones, with abundant low‐diversity ostracod and pelecypod fauna and early diagenetic dolomite. C and O isotope values of the basal Heiligkreuz Formation, post‐dating platform demise, average + 2·4 and ? 2·4‰, respectively, and largely overlap the isotopic composition of St. Cassian carbonates. A shift toward slightly lower δ13C values in the Heiligkreuz Formation may reflect incorporation of isotopically depleted C released during bacterial sulphate reduction in the Heiligkreuz sediments. Sedimentological, palaeobiological and geochemical indices suggest that near‐normal marine conditions persisted long after the shutdown of shallow water carbonate‐platform growth, although there are clear indications of severely reduced oxygen levels in the restricted Heiligkreuz Hospiz interplatform basin. The Early Carnian platform demise induced a distinct switch in the locus of carbonate production from the shallow‐water platform and slope to the basin floor and a decrease in the availability of dissolved oxygen in the basinal waters. It is inferred that anoxia extended at least temporarily to the top of the carbonate slope, as indicated by the onlap of normal‐marine mounds by dark marlstones of the basal Heiligkreuz Formation.  相似文献   

Late Jurassic formations of the Northern Calcareous Alps (NCA) contain ample evidence of synsedimentary tectonics in the form of elongate basins filled with turbidites, debris flows and slumps. Clasts are derived from the Mesozoic of the NCA; they commonly measure tens of metres in diameter and occasionally form kilometre-size bodies. These sedimentologic observations and the presumed evidence of Late Jurassic high-pressure metamorphism recently led to the hypothesis of a south-dipping Jurassic subduction zone with accretionary wedge in the southern parts of the NCA. We present new 40Ar/39Ar dates from the location of the postulated high-pressure metamorphism that bracket the age of this crystallization not earlier than 114–120 Ma. The event is therefore part of the well-documented mid-Cretaceous metamorphism of the Austro-alpine domain. Thus, there is currently no evidence of Late Jurassic high-pressure metamorphism to support the subduction hypothesis. The sediment record of the Late Jurassic deformation in the NCA, including the formation of local thrust sheets, is no conclusive evidence for subduction. All these phenomena are perfectly compatible with synsedimentary strike-slip tectonics. Large strike-slip fault zones with restraining and releasing bends and associated flower structures and pull-apart basins are a perfectly viable alternative to the subduction model for the Late Jurassic history of the NCA. However, in contrast to the Eastern Alps transect, where arguments for a Jurassic subduction are missing, a glaucophane bearing Jurassic high-pressure metamorphism in the Meliatic realm of the West Carpathians is well documented. There, the high-pressure/low-temperature slices occur between the Gemeric unit and the Silica nappe system (including the Aggtelek-Rudabanya units), which corresponds in facies with the Juvavic units in the southern part of the NCA. To solve the contrasting palaeogeographic reconstructions we propose that the upper Jurassic left lateral strike-slip system proposed here for the Eastern Alps continued eastwards and caused the eastward displacement of the Silica units into the Meliatic accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

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