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The quantitative inversion of present-day downhole thermal indicator information enables (a) assessment of the effective paleoheat flux recorded by thermal indicators, and (b) determination of geological parameters related to the dynamical burial history of sedimentary strata. The logic of the general inversion scheme underlying seven thermal indicators, viz. vitrinite reflectance, sterane, and/or hopane isomers, sterane aromatization, optical rotation,39Ar/40Ar, pollen translucency, and fission scar tracks in apatite is presented, and their capability for resolving paleoheat flux is noted. In a second paper, determination of chemical and physical parameters, as well as several other quantities of geological interest (such as the sizes and erosion times of multiple unconformities, stratigraphic ages, paleo-overpressure, igneous intrusion timing, overthrust timing and frictional heat generation, fault and slump timing, thermal effects due to radioactive layer emplacement, and salt emplacement and dissolution timing) are discussed. Such events impact on both burial and thermal histories of sedimentary layers.Resolution problems are discussed also in the second paper, as is an attractive scheme called thermal indicator tomography for sorting out degrees of resolution, precision, and uniqueness of the relevant geological parameters for each process in combination with determination of the effective paleoheat flux. Detailed statements on the mechanics of implementing the tomographic approach are provided.  相似文献   

A quantitative tomographic method to determine simultaneously several geological, geochemical, and geothermal parameters associated with reconstruction of the geohistory and thermal history of sediments in a well is presented. Using vitrinite reflectance data from the well Inigok-1, National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska, the numerical algorithm was tested and found to be effective in delineating the variation of heat flux with time. In addition, the size and timing of a major unconformity also were bracketed. Application of tomography using apatite fission track distributions with depth as a thermal indicator enabled not only the thermal history of two wells in the NW Canning Basin of Australia to be determined, but also the chemical parameters associated with fission track annealing to be constrained. Results of both the Alaska study and the Australian study were consistent with the qualitative behavior inferred from current geological models.  相似文献   

Thermal indicator data are used in an inverse mode to determine ages of stratigraphic horizons simultaneously with paleoheat flux. Results from blind tests on wells with horizon ages ranging from Ordovician through Carboniferous and Jurassic to Miocene indicate that thermal indicator inversions are capable of resolving such ages to within about 10% uncertainty. Results using the inversion procedure with one thermal indicator (vitrinite reflectance) were comparable to the results using another independent thermal indicator (sterane isomerization) in the same well. The activation energy for sterane isomerization was determined to be 30±15 kJ mol–1. In addition: (a) the age of a stratigraphic horizon, the thickness of eroded sediments at an unconformity, and the variation of paleoheat flux with time were determined simultaneously by thermal indicator inversion in a single well; (b) two neighboring wells, less than 10 km apart, provided essentially identical ages for the same formation when tested using the inversion procedure. The ability to determine stratigraphic horizon ages from inversion of thermal indicator data implies that sedimentation rates can be determined; thus, basinal evolution can be inferred to a degree of resolution not previously obtainable from assumed interpolation methods applied to determine the age of horizons between a limited set of stratigraphic horizons of known ages.  相似文献   

A dynamical tomography method, which inverts dynamical indicators to evaluate the parameters controlling geological processes as well as those in intrinsic equations of state, was introduced into a 2D fluid flow/compaction model termed GEOPETII (developed at the University of South Carolina), with the assumption of invariance to spatial location of parameters in equations of state, but allowing geologic process parameters to change with well location. Synthetic tests, including sensitivity analysis, are given to illustrate the operation of the system. The nonlinear inverse two-dimensional tomography method, together with a systematic linear search procedure, provides a useful approach to determine and constrain the parameters entering quantitative models of dynamical sedimentary evolution. Applying the method to an interpreted section from a seismic line in the Navarin Basin. Bering Sea. Alaska, the predictions of present-day formation thicknesses, porosity, and fluid pressure with depth are improved at four controlling well locations (Amoco Mishu No. 1, Exxon Redwood 1, Exxon Redwood 2, and Amoco Danielle), relative to previous results which used only a forward model. In this way the geohistory and structural development of the basin can be defined better, which helps in the reconstruction of thermal history, and so of hydrocarbon generation, migration, and accumulation histories in relation to structural and stratigraphic development.  相似文献   

李赛赛 《地质与勘探》2016,52(3):524-536
广西西大明山地区是广西重要的整装勘查区之一。区内与岩浆活动密切相关的内生矿床丰富,然而仅在局部地表上发现少量的小型岩脉,区内隐伏岩体的预测研究一直是个热点。文章借助广西大规模地质矿产勘查项目,在成岩成矿理论的指导下,通过对区域地质、地球物理、地球化学及遥感等特征的系统分析,确定了西大明山地区深部隐伏岩体的大致分布范围和埋藏深度。在区内选定了埋藏较浅的隐伏岩体预测靶区,有针对性地采取了高精度的地、物、化等方法圈定隐伏岩体的具体位置,经验证有ZK31901、ZK40004两个钻孔分别在500m和960m以下发现了隐伏的黑云母花岗闪长岩,同时在隐伏岩体上部发现了具有工业价值的罗维钨铋矿床。预测靶区验证钻孔成功发现岩体,不仅为相邻地区的隐伏岩体预测工作提供了典型的范例,而且对西大明山地区成矿系统、矿床成因的研究乃至找矿勘查工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

付义临  李涛  徐友宁  张江华  吴耀国 《地质通报》2015,34(11):2061-2065
土壤重金属累积作用指示因子的确定,目前常用方法主要是基于背景值。背景值的研究受到长期关注,并在部分地区积累了较丰富的资料,然而也有些区域受人类活动等的影响,其背景值已不易获得,以致于该方法使用受阻,很有必要另寻适宜方法。为此,分别尝试利用灰色关联度分析与描述性数理统计原理筛选指标因子,并以小秦岭金矿区农田土壤为典型案例开展验证性研究。结果表明,所研究的两种方法能为上述两种情况筛选出适宜的指示因子,是土壤重金属累积作用指示因子筛选的适宜方法。  相似文献   

随着苏里格气田北部山1段、盒8段碎屑岩气藏的不断发现,其物源引起了人们的重视。为了查明苏里格气田北部山1段、盒8段的物源问题,应用数理统计的方法,结合碎屑组分特征、重矿物分布特征、岩屑类型、石英颗粒的阴极发光等特征,对苏里格气田北部地区山1段、盒8段的物源进行了系统的研究。结果表明:苏里格气田北部地区在山1段、盒8段沉积时期,受到北部和东北部2个物源方向的影响,物源区为盆地北缘的阿拉善-阴山古陆。物源与苏里格气田北部地区沉积体系的展布格局和储集砂体的物性具有密切的关系  相似文献   

杨天南  薛传东 《地质学报》2022,96(5):1680-1696
运用板块构造理论解释造山带地质演化是当前地质学研究的难点,也是地质学基础理论创新的可能方向。包括印度 欧亚大陆侧向碰撞带在内的国内、外造山带构造演化尚未取得共识,大多表现为“大量高质量数据与诸多充满争议的演化模型共存”。产生这些争议的主要原因包括“高质量数据”的时、空分布样式未受足够重视、以及部分关键地质体物理属性鉴别存在争议。这些问题为地质学发展与理论创新留下了巨大的空间。持续10多年西南三江造山带区域地质填图、构造解析揭示了侧向碰撞带构造格架、地壳变形历史,提出了印度 欧亚大陆碰撞新的三阶段模型。这一研究实践表明,严格按照 “构造解析方法”体现的“三步骤”研究范式开展区域地质填图是造山带理论创新的基础与保障。区域地质填图是造山带研究中难度最大的工作之一,要求填图人员必须具备广泛、坚实的地质学理论基础,以及运用基础理论解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

This is an extended abstract of Hu et al., 2012. The timing of the initial collision between India and Asia remains a matter of considerable debate, with views ranging from ~70 Ma to ~35 Ma. Here the initial In-dia-Asia contact is defined as the time at which the edge of the Indian continent margin first underthrust the Asian trench, leading to the complete consumption of the Neo-tethyan lithosphere, followed by continental subduction.  相似文献   

碎屑重矿物由于相对比较稳定,蕴含重要的成因信息,对其进行电子探针成分分析,能够还原岩石形成的物源区和盆地构造背景。内蒙古西乌旗早二叠世寿山沟组一段主要由砂岩夹砾岩等组成,二段主要由粉砂岩、泥岩等组成。重矿物分析表明,寿山沟组一段和二段砂岩重矿物主要有锆石、尖晶石和石榴子石等,指示其物源区为岩浆岩和变质岩。重矿物电子探针成分分析结果显示,电气石成分指示其具贫锂花岗岩和变沉积岩物源,尖晶石成分指示其具岛弧和洋中脊玄武岩类物源,石榴子石成分指示其具高级变质基性岩源区。综合物源分析显示,寿山沟组主要来源于迪彦庙蛇绿岩、锡林浩特杂岩和本巴图组玄武岩等。结合区域地质对比,认为寿山沟组形成于弧后盆地,古亚洲洋在早二叠世时期尚未闭合。  相似文献   

随着煤矿开采深度的不断增加,带压开采已经成为深部矿井普遍应用的一种采煤方法,而带压水上采煤的关键问题之一是确定采动引起的底板破坏深度。针对董家河煤矿5号煤层开采引起的底板采动破坏深度开展相关研究,以该矿的507综采工作面开采为工程背景,采用理论分析和数值模拟相结合的办法,动态再现了整个底板岩层渐进破坏过程,并得出底板岩层的最大破坏深度为10~11 m,该结果与现场实测结果一致;同时给出了该矿底板岩层破坏深度与工作面斜长和埋深关系的经验公式。该结论为董家河煤矿带压开采工作面煤层底板突水预测与防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

何云 《地质与勘探》2023,59(1):43-53
风化壳型矿床的资源储量,大多采用水平投影地质块段法进行估算,目前划分地质块段的原则与方法尚不统一。以云南省武定县梅子箐风化壳型钛铁砂矿V1号矿体由78个钻孔控制的南矿段为研究实例,对划分地质块段的主要参数——矿体铅直厚度(m)、钛铁矿含量(kg/m3)、金红石含量(kg/m3)进行数理统计与图解分析,提出划分地质块段的方法。具体方法是:(1)以勘查网中地理位置相邻的3个或4个探矿工程围成的区域,作为划分地质块段的基本区块;(2)对单工程、基本区块的主要参数进行统计与计算,对基本区块的主要参数、关键参数进行图解分析;(3)将地理位置相邻、关键参数类型相同的基本区块进行归并,得出合理的地质块段划分方案。该方法能够合理地控制地质块段数量,优化地质块段划分方案,科学合理、简单易行,可在风化壳型钛铁砂矿和其他风化壳型矿床中推广使用。  相似文献   

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