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利用1961—2010年中国东北122站逐日降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料及中国国家气候中心整理的160站月平均温度资料,对东北6月、7月、8月的降水进行分型,在此基础上分析各类降水型对应的环流形势。结果表明:东北6月、7月、8月降水均可划分为两大类四小类,6月与8月的分型结果相同,为全区一致型(同多型、同少型)和南北反位相型(南部型、北部型),7月可分为全区一致型(同多型、同少型)和东西反位相型(东部型、西部型)。6月东北降水主要受东北冷涡影响,冷涡越强,降水越多,且当鄂霍次克海阻塞高压出现明显异常时,6月东北降水将呈现南北反位相特征;7月、8月降水主要受东亚夏季风影响,其中东北降水全区一致型与西太平洋副热带高压的位置以及沿亚洲西风急流东传的波列有关,而降水南北(东西)反位相型则与西太平洋副热带高压的强度有关。  相似文献   

The dominant patterns of the winter (December–February) surface air temperature anomalies (SATAs) over Central Asia (CA) are investigated in this study. The first two leading modes revealed by empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis represent the patterns by explaining 74% of the total variance. The positive phase of EOF1 is characterized by a monopole pattern, corresponding to cold SATAs over CA, while the positive phase of EOF2 shows a meridional dipole pattern with warm and cold SATAs over northern and southern CA. EOF1 is mainly modulated by the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) in the troposphere, and the negative AO phase may be caused by the downward propagation of the precursory anomalies of the stratospheric polar vortex. EOF2 is mainly influenced by the Ural blocking pattern and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The SATAs associated with EOF2 can be attributed to a dipole-like pattern of geopotential height anomalies over CA. The dipole-like pattern is mainly caused by the Ural blocking pattern, and the NAO can also contribute to the northern part of the dipole.摘要本文利用经验正交函数分解方法 (Empirical orthogonal function, EOF) , 针对1979–2019年冬季 (12月–2月) 中亚地区地面气温异常进行了研究. 结果表明, 中亚地区冬季地面气温异常的前两个EOF模态解释方差总占比可达74%. 其中, 第一模态 (EOF1) 正位相为一致型变化, 对应中亚地区气温冷异常; 第二模态 (EOF2) 正位相则为南北偶极型变化, 对应于中亚地区南冷北暖型气温异常. EOF1可能受到冬季北极涛动 (Arctic Oscillation, AO) 负位相的调制, 而AO的负位相则可能来自于前期平流层极涡正位势高度异常下传. EOF2则可能受到乌拉尔山阻塞及冬季北大西洋涛动 (North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO) 的共同调制. 乌拉尔山阻塞可引起中亚区域南北偶极型气温异常, 而冬季NAO可对该偶极型气温异常的北侧产生贡献.  相似文献   

The one-layer radiation atmospheric model with SRB (Surface Radiation Budget) database for 1984-2007 was used to obtain the estimation of variations in the distribution of surface temperature for a case of general increase in atmospheric albedo by 1%, that is, surface temperature decreases by 1°C on average on the globe.  相似文献   

利用1979—2015年ECMWF逐日再分析资料,通过EOF分解和回归分析研究了冬季北太平洋大气低频环流的年际和年代际变化特征及其与海表面温度异常(SSTA)和大气环流异常之间的联系。研究结果表明:冬季中纬度北太平洋地区850 h Pa低频尺度环流存在3个明显的变化模态:第一模态为海盆尺度的单极型异常气旋(反气旋)式环流,同期太平洋SSTA呈现El Ni1o(La Ni1a)以及PDO暖位相(冷位相)空间分布,阿留申低压强度增强(减弱),对流层中高层是正位相(负位相)的PNA型遥相关,北太平洋天气尺度风暴轴中东部南压(北抬);第二模态为在白令海峡和副热带地区呈气旋式与反气旋式环流南北向偶极型变化,同时中纬度北太平洋SSTA呈现NPGO(North Pacific Gyre Oscillation)正位相(负位相)的空间分布,黑潮区域SSTA偏暖(偏冷),北太平洋SSTA经向梯度加大(减小),对流层中高层为负位相(正位相)的WP型遥相关,北太平洋天气尺度风暴轴整体偏北(偏南),强度增强(减弱);第三模态为北太平洋中西部和北美西岸呈气旋式与反气旋式环流东西向偶极型异常,黑潮区域SSTA偏冷(偏暖)而北太平洋东部SSTA偏暖(偏冷),SSTA纬向梯度加大(减弱),同时赤道东太平洋出现类似La Ni1a(El Ni1o)的SSTA分布,北太平洋天气尺度风暴轴中东部明显减弱(加强)而西部略有加强(减弱)。  相似文献   

Summary Daily 500-hPa geopotential height and 250-hPa meridional wind reanalyzed data obtained from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction are used to document austral winter (May to September) and summer (November to March) high-frequency variability in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) midlatitudes for the 1990–1994 period. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) technique is used to determine the high-frequency patterns for these variables in selected areas. The high-frequency anomalous 500-hPa geopotential height patterns for two areas in the SH midlatitudes (the zonally global domain and the western hemisphere) and the high-frequency anomalous 250-hPa meridional wind patterns in the western hemisphere between 15° N and 70° S are discussed. The high-frequency winter and summer patterns for both variables feature a wavetrain structure in the SH midlatitudes which is related to synoptic-scale systems, such as cyclones and anticyclones associated with frontal zones. The dominant high-frequency patterns in the SH midlatitudes manifest in the eastern hemisphere while the secondary ones appear in the southeastern Pacific. Analysis of the western hemisphere data reveal that the wavetrain in the South American sector extends northeastward over the continent, thus affecting the regional weather conditions. An important result presented here concerns the preference of the intense synoptic systems in the eastern hemisphere and in the southeastern Pacific to occur in a sequential instead of an intermittent fashion. This result might have a potential for being used in weather monitoring.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the evolution of large-scale circulations before and after the beginning of the Meiyu and analyzes the formations of the typical vertical circulation pattern associated with Meiyu and its relationship with the Meiyu rainband. Results show that the typical vertical circulation pattern during the Meiyu season is characterized by the ??two-leg??-type pattern in the vorticity field, a typhoon eye-like structure of the equivalent potential temperature field, as well as the sharp gradient of the equivalent potential temperature zone, i.e., the Meiyu front are typically presented in the Meiyu season. Tracking its evolution process, we find that the typical vertical circulation pattern is built at late March and early April along with the rainband locating at the area south to the Yangtze River. This typical pattern and the rainband both advance northward affecting Jianghuai valley since the beginning of Meiyu. Moreover, the typical vertical circulation pattern derived from Meiyu season has been formed in April and corresponds to the reverse of the land-sea thermal contrast between the Eastern Asia and western Pacific Ocean, demonstrating the close relationship of the movement between the rainband and the march of the East Asian subtropical summer monsoon.  相似文献   

The objective Lamb circulation type (CT) classification method, based on the strength, direction and vorticity of the geostrophic flow, is applied to Belgium. Eleven different large-scale synoptic circulation patterns are derived on a daily scale for the period 1962 and 1999. The circulation patterns are subsequently related to precipitation amount and occurrence for six stations characterising different regions in Belgium, namely coastal, flat and hilly areas. Based on precipitation occurrence and intensity, five wet classes are defined, which are responsible for 83% of the total precipitation amount. It is shown that a regression model based on CT as predictors represents precipitation variability better in winter and autumn than in spring and summer. On the monthly scale and in winter, CTs explain 60.3% of the precipitation variability.  相似文献   

基于气象台站降水观测资料,本文分析了1960—2016年半干旱区盛夏(7、8月)降水量时空变化特征,探讨了典型降水量时空分布型与大气环流及水汽输送的关系。结果表明,1960—2016年半干旱区7月和8月降水量的主导空间模态均可归纳为“区域一致型”和“区内反向型”。“区域一致型”时间序列显示1960—2016年7、8月降水量均呈减少趋势,但8月减少趋势更明显。这一时间序列与大气环流及水汽通量输送之间相关性分析显示,欧亚遥相关以及中纬度西风气流与7月降水量变化密切相关;而西太平洋副热带高压是影响半干旱区8月降水量变化的主要原因。相较而言,“区内反向型”年际变率较小但年代际变化明显,当北方半干旱区受反气旋性环流控制时,易形成北方半干旱区西部地区降水偏多而东部地区偏少的格局。  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau is a region sensitive to climate change, due to its high altitude and large terrain. This sensitivity can be measured through the response of vegetation patterns to climate variability in this region. Time series analysis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) imagery and correlation analyses are effective tools to study land cover changes and their response to climatic variations. This is especially important for regions like the Tibetan Plateau, which has a complex ecosystem but lacks a lot of detailed in-situ observation data due to its remoteness, vastness and the severity of its climatic conditions. In this research a time series of 315 SPOT VEGETATION scenes, covering the period between 1998 and 2006, has been processed with the Harmonic ANalysis of Time Series (HANTS) algorithm in order to reveal the governing spatiotemporal pattern of variability. Results show that the spatial distribution of NDVI values is in agreement with the general climate pattern in the Tibetan Plateau. The seasonal variation is greatly influenced by the Asian monsoon. Interannual analysis shows that vegetation density (recorded here by the NDVI values) in the entire Tibetan Plateau has generally increased. Using a 1 km resolution land cover map from GLC2000, seven meteorological stations, presenting monthly data on near surface air temperature and precipitation, were selected for correlation analysis between NDVI and climate conditions in this research. A time lag response has also been found between NDVI and climate variables. Except in desert grassland (Shiquanhe station), the NDVI of all selected sites showed strong correlation with air temperature and precipitation, with variations in correlation according to the different land cover types at different locations. The strongest relationship was found in alpine and subalpine plain grass, the weakest in desert grassland.  相似文献   

利用1961—2016年华东地区106个气象观测站的日降水数据和再分析资料,分析引起山东半岛夏季降水异常的大气环流型及其与前期下垫面因子(海温和土壤湿度)的关系,结果发现:1)当孟加拉湾出现西南风异常,日本列岛以南和贝加尔湖西南侧地区分别呈反气旋和气旋式环流异常时,加强了向山东半岛的水汽输送,配合区域大气上升运动异常最终导致山东半岛夏季降水偏多;反之,当孟加拉湾出现西北风异常,日本列岛以南和贝加尔湖西南地区分别呈气旋和反气旋式环流异常时山东半岛降水偏少。2)孟加拉湾和北太平洋中部关键区的对流层整层位势高度与下垫面海温自春季持续至夏季存在显著正相关,当两个地区的整层位势高度均呈正异常时,分别对应夏季孟加拉湾的强西风气流和日本列岛以南的反气旋环流异常。3)区域土壤湿度异常引起的感热和潜热通量异常,可能是引起贝加尔湖关键区位势高度和山东半岛局地对流异常的原因:贝加尔湖西南地区土壤湿度偏大时,其上空对流层位势高度为负异常;山东半岛地区土壤湿度偏大时,其上空对流层大气出现异常上升运动。4)利用关键区春季下垫面因子(海温和土壤湿度)建立山东半岛夏季降水的统计预测模型,留一交叉检验的距平同号率达到75%。这些结果可为山东半岛夏季降水预测提供重要参考。  相似文献   

An analysis of Italian seasonal temperatures from 1961 to 2006 was carried out, using homogenized data from 49 synoptic stations well distributed throughout Italy. The results show remarkable differences among seasons. Stationarity characterizes winter series, except for Northern Italy (where a warming trend from 1961 is identified); a positive trend over the entire period is recognized for spring series. Summer series are marked by a negative trend until 1981 and by a positive trend afterwards; finally, autumn series show a warming starting from 1970. The relationship between seasonal temperatures and four teleconnection patterns (North Atlantic Oscillation, East Atlantic Pattern, Scandinavian Pattern and Arctic Oscillation) influencing European climate was investigated through Spearman rank correlation and composites. Among the results, the strong linear correlation with the East Atlantic Pattern in all seasons but autumn is remarkable; moreover, the explained variance varies between 31.9% and 50.4% (leaving out autumn). Besides these four atmospheric patterns the role of other factors (e.g. soil moisture) is not dealt with, but their importance and the need for more investigation is pointed out.  相似文献   

夏季淮河流域大气环流型在降水趋势预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用NCEP/NCAR逐日海平面气压场资料,利用Lamb-Jenkinson大气环流分型方法对淮河流域夏季环流进行分型,并利用逐步回归方法建立了淮河流域夏季降水趋势的预测模型。结果表明:影响夏季淮河流域的主要环流型有南风型、西南风型、东南风型及气旋性环流,这些环流型都具有显著的年际和年代际变化特征,利用大气环流型建立的夏季淮河流域降水趋势预测模型具有一定的预报能力。  相似文献   

Autoregressive logistic regression models have been successfully applied in medical and pharmacology research fields, and in simple models to analyze weather types. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a general framework to study atmospheric circulation patterns capable of dealing simultaneously with: seasonality, interannual variability, long-term trends, and autocorrelation of different orders. To show its effectiveness on modeling performance, daily atmospheric circulation patterns identified from observed sea level pressure fields over the Northeastern Atlantic, have been analyzed using this framework. Model predictions are compared with probabilities from the historical database, showing very good fitting diagnostics. In addition, the fitted model is used to simulate the evolution over time of atmospheric circulation patterns using Monte Carlo method. Simulation results are statistically consistent with respect to the historical sequence in terms of (1) probability of occurrence of the different weather types, (2) transition probabilities and (3) persistence. The proposed model constitutes an easy-to-use and powerful tool for a better understanding of the climate system.  相似文献   

Interannual to multidecadal modes in ocean/atmosphere dynamics in the North Atlantic region have been identified using sea salt aerosol proxy records from northern Greenland ice cores over the last 1,000 years. Sea salt concentrations show a consistent relationship with anomalies in the meridional pressure gradient over the North Atlantic region over all considered time scales. These pressure anomalies are connected to shifts in storm tracks, leading to lower pressure and higher storm activity, hence, higher sea salt export over the Greenland ice sheet. Two modes of long-term variability with a period of 10.4 years and 62 years could be identified. The latter is connected to long-term changes in sea surface temperature (SST) as documented by a high correlation of North Atlantic SST with our sea salt record over the last 150 years. Long-term reconstruction of these modes shows that the 10.4-year cycle has been a phenomenon persistent over the last millennium while the 62-year cycle has been mainly active after 1700. Accordingly, the longer-term persistence of this multidecadal variability in sea salt points also to significant variations in SST over the last 300 years.  相似文献   

基于1961-2020年夏季塔里木盆地33站逐日降水数据和NCEP/NCAR大气环流再分析数据,分析了塔里木盆地夏季降水的年代际变化特征及影响环流。结果表明,塔里木盆地夏季降水在1986/1987年发生了由少到多的年代际突变,降水显著增加的区域主要位于盆地的西部和北部,主要由降水日数的增加贡献。不同年代际背景下,影响塔里木盆地夏季降水的环流配置存在一定差异。1961-1986年,影响盆地夏季降水的中亚副热带急流位置显著南移,中亚上空的异常气旋位于40°N附近,水汽源于阿拉伯海;1987-2020年,影响盆地夏季降水的中亚上空异常气旋位置位于40°N以南,水汽源于孟加拉湾和西北太平洋。东大西洋—西俄罗斯大气遥相关型在塔里木盆地夏季降水的年代际变化中扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

东亚—北太平洋大气环流和瞬变扰动的年代际变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了东亚—北太平洋大气环流、大气斜压性和天气尺度瞬变扰动活动的年代际变化特征。东亚—北太平洋地区低层大气温度和比湿及高层的西风急流都存在明显的年代际变化。西风年代际异常与大气斜压性年代际异常之间有密切联系。夏季北太平洋北部到西伯利亚高原上空的天气尺度瞬变扰动活动年代际增强,但夏季低层瞬变热力和瞬变水汽强迫的年代际异常对北太平洋中纬度低层平均温度和比湿年代际异常的作用并不显著。冬季,西太平洋西风急流年代际增强与急流下方大气斜压性年代际增加相一致,使该地区瞬变扰动年代际增强,增强的瞬变扰动将更多能量传送给西风气流,巩固了西风急流的年代际异常。年代际尺度上冬季异常的瞬变热力强迫和瞬变水汽强迫对低层大气温度和比湿异常有显著的削弱作用。  相似文献   

基于区域性高温过程综合强度指数,利用1961年1月—2017年8月全国2452个气象站的日最高气温和2017年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析2017年我国区域性高温过程的特征,并探讨2017年夏季我国第2次区域性高温事件的形成机理。2017年我国区域性高温过程呈现强度强、日数长、覆盖范围大的特点。在气候变暖的背景下,我国单次区域性高温过程最大影响范围呈极明显扩大趋势。2017年7月上中旬,强大的大陆高压控制我国北方地区,进而造成了这次影响范围广、持续时间长的高温事件。7月下旬,我国广大南方地区处于副热带高压脊的控制下,强大的下沉气流和反气旋环流,使得大气层更加稳定,最终导致高温天气的形成。  相似文献   

 The study seeks to describe one method of deriving information about local daily temperature extremes from larger scale atmospheric flow patterns using statistical tools. This is considered to be one step towards downscaling coarsely gridded climate data from global climate models (GCMs) to finer spatial scales. Downscaling is necessary in order to bridge the spatial mismatch between GCMs and climate impact models which need information on spatial scales that the GCMs cannot provide. The method of statistical downscaling is based on physical interaction between atmospheric processes with different spatial scales, in this case between synoptic scale mean sea level pressure (MSLP) fields and local temperature extremes at several stations in southeast Australia. In this study it was found that most of the day-to-day spatial variability of the synoptic circulation over the Australian region can be captured by six principal components. Using the scores of these PCs as multivariate indicators of the circulation a substantial part of the local daily temperature variability could be explained. The inclusion of temperature persistence noticeably improved the performance of the statistical model. The model established and tested with observations is thought to be finally applied to GCM-simulated pressure fields in order to estimate pressure-related changes in local temperature extremes under altered CO2 conditions. Received: 26 March 1996 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

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