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高层钢结构地震失效模式控制的失效路径修正法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要研究高层钢框架结构的地震失效模式及其控制方法。首先,给出了高层钢结构的地震失效模式的分析方法;其次,提出了根据结构的失效路径来加强构件对高层钢结构的地震失效模式进行控制的方法;然后,提出了结构整体抗震能力的分析方法以及分别相应于设计能力和屈服能力的能力储备分析方法;最后,通过对一座15层的钢框架结构进行典型地震动下的极限时程分析和极限pushover分析,得到高层钢框架结构的失效模式和整体抗震能力以及相应于最弱失效模式的能力储备,并验证了本文中地震失效模式控制方法的有效性。本文的研究表明,高层钢结构的地震失效模式控制可以采用结构失效路径修正(薄弱构件加强)来实现。  相似文献   

基于Zhou-Nowak数值积分法的结构整体概率抗震能力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
结构整体概率抗震能力分析是新一代基于性能的地震工程中的一个重要模块,以往的研究主要采用平均值一次二阶矩法或Monte Carlo模拟法,分析了这2种方法存在的问题。为了有效地考虑结构系统随机性对结构整体抗震能力的影响,将Zhou-Nowak数值积分法与结构非线性静力推覆分析相结合,提出了基于Zhou-Nowak数值积分法的结构整体概率抗震能力分析方法,以新一代地震工程模拟仿真软件OpenSees为计算平台,以最大层间位移角作为结构整体抗震能力参数,对钢筋混凝土框架结构的整体概率抗震能力进行分析,并用Monte Carlo模拟法结果进行验证,从而建立了钢筋混凝土框架结构相应于不同性能水准的整体概率抗震能力模型。算例分析表明,所提方法是一种具有较高效率和较好精度的结构整体概率抗震能力分析方法。  相似文献   

基于MVFOSM有限元可靠度方法的结构整体概率抗震能力分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
结构整体概率抗震能力分析既属于结构体系抗力统计分析研究内容,也属于地震易损性分析研究范畴,多采用数值模拟方法.作为一种不确定性传递的近似解析分析工具,平均值一次二阶矩方法(MVFOSM)广泛地应用于结构构件抗力的统计分析,但是很难应用于结构整体抗力的统计分析,主要困难在于结构反应是基本随机变量的隐式函数,梯度信息很难得到.将结构体系抗力的统计分析和地震易损性分析结合起来,通过基于MVFOSM的有限元可靠度方法,以新一代的地震工程模拟仿真软件OpenSees为计算平台,以最大层间位移角作为结构整体抗震能力参数,对钢筋混凝土框架结构的整体概率抗震能力进行分析,并用Monte Carlo模拟法结果进行验证,从而建立了钢筋混凝土框架结构的整体概率抗震能力模型.算例分析表明,MVFOSM有限元可靠度方法的精度和效率都很高,只需要进行一次有限元分析即可较为准确地获得结构整体概率抗震能力的前二阶矩信息.  相似文献   

介绍了IDA方法的基本原理和分析步骤,采用Etabs软件对12个不同设防烈度、不同层数的高层剪力墙结构进行增量动力分析,给出了各结构模型在不同性能水平的最大层间位移角,并探讨了抗震设防等级和高度对剪力墙结构抗震能力的影响。研究表明,随着抗震设防等级的提高,结构的抗震能力会有显著的提升,而随着结构高度的增加,结构的抗震能力会相应降低。  相似文献   

基于改进点估计法的结构整体概率抗震能力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确定能力中位值和能力离差值是结构整体概率抗震能力分析的两个关键问题,文中分析了现有方法存在的缺点。在Zhao-Ono点估计法的基础上,引入基于随机向量边缘概率分布信息的Nataf变换,提出了改进的点估计法。将改进点估计法与Pushover分析相结合,提出了评估结构整体概率抗震能力统计矩的随机Pushover分析方法。以某五层三跨钢筋混凝土框架结构为例,应用本方法,进行结构整体概率抗震能力分析,得到了结构整体抗震能力的易损性曲线。分析表明,所提方法是一种具有较高效率和较好精度的结构整体概率抗震能力的分析方法。  相似文献   

基于应变模态的钢结构构件焊缝损伤定位方法的研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
本文探讨了用应变模态对钢结构焊缝损伤进行识别与定位的方法。应变模态对结构局部损作斩反应敏感,是对结构进行微小损伤诊断的较理想的损伤识别指标。文中以一简支工字型梁为研究对象,分别采用基于应变模态差的三种定位准则和神经网络方法,对其进行了单处和两处焊缝损伤定位的研究。结果表明,基于应变模态差的定位准则对于这两种情况的损伤都具有较高的定位识别率,但不能区别出单处和两处损伤;而采用神经网络方法不仅可以区别出单处和两处损伤,而且训练好的网络对受噪声污染的测试样本也具有较好的识别效果。  相似文献   

钢支撑性能对高层钢结构动力反应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢框架-支撑结构体系是高层钢结构常用的结构体系。支撑的性能对高导钢框架-支撑体系的动力性能影响较大,其中支撑的工细比是关键的影响因素。文中通过大量的计算分析研究支撑长细比对高层钢框架-支撑体系弹塑性地震反应的影响,所得结论可供工程设计时参考。  相似文献   

高层钢结构地震反应形状记忆合金拉索控制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过形状记忆合金(SMA)材料的超弹性性能试验确定了SMA材料的各项参数和常温状态下的本构模型。对采用SMA拉索实施振动控制的20层钢结构的Benchmark模型的地震响应进行了时程分析。计算结果表明,实施SMA拉索控制后,层间相对位移可降低70%左右,且SMA材料很好的耗能作用有效地减少了地震能量向上部楼层的传递,对上部结构具有一定的隔振作用;顶层相对位移的控制效果达到51%;顶层加速度可降低43%;地震波强度和拉索初应变对拉索的被动控制效果影响较大。最后给出了拉索的安装位置与拉索的应变之间的关系曲线,建议了合理的布置方案。  相似文献   

高层钢框架结构的薄弱层加强与最弱失效模式控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要研究通过加强薄弱层的方法对高层钢框架结构的最弱失效模式进行控制的方法。首先,给出了结构的非线性计算模型和倒塌失效模式判别准则;然后,利用均匀损伤的概念,给出了高层钢框架结构的损伤模型及结构的变截面位置;最后,重点研究了高层钢框架结构的最弱失效模式中的薄弱层的加强准则。通过加强最弱失效模式中的薄弱层,可消除结构的最弱失效模式,验证了本文中地震失效模式控制方法的有效性。本文的研究表明,通过加强最弱失效模式中的薄弱层,可使高层钢框架结构的失效模式得到控制。  相似文献   

As a result of rapid economic growth and urbanization in the past two decades,many tall buildings have been constructed in China Mainland,offering researchers and practitioners an excellent opportunity for research and practice in the field of structural engineering. This paper reviews progress by researchers throughout China Mainland on the seismic research of tall buildings,focusing on three major topics that impact the seismic performance of tall buildings. These are:(1) new types of steel-concrete composite structural members such as steel-concrete composite shear walls and columns,(2) earthquake resilient shear wall structures such as shear walls with replaceable structural components,self-centering shear walls and rocking walls,and(3) performance-based seismic design,including seismic performance index,performance level and design method. The paper concludes by presenting future research needs and directions in this field.  相似文献   

The effects of higher modes and torsion have a significant impact on the seismic responses of asymmetric-plan tall buildings.A consecutive modal pushover(CMP) procedure is one of the pushover methods that have been developed to consider these effects.The aim of this paper is to modify the(CMP) analysis procedure to estimate the seismic demands of one-way asymmetric-plan tall buildings with dual systems.An analysis of 10-,15-and 20-story asymmetric-plan buildings is carried out,and the results from the modified consecutive modal pushover(MCMP) procedure are compared with those obtained from the modal pushover analysis(MPA) procedure and the nonlinear time history analysis(NLTHA).The MCMP estimates of the seismic demands of one-way asymmetric-plan buildings demonstrate a reasonable accuracy,compared to the results obtained from the NLTHA.Furthermore,the accuracy of the MCMP procedure in the prediction of plastic hinge rotations is better than the MPA procedure.The new pushover procedure is also more accurate than the FEMA load distribution and the MPA procedure.  相似文献   

建筑物震害空间分布模拟GIS方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一个基于GIS技术的建筑物震害空间分布模拟方法,该方法首先利用GIS的模拟活化技术把地震影响场,建筑震害预测等分析模型形成可供空间分析使用的二次数据,并纳入城市基础数据库之中,构成综合基础数据库。然后利用GIS把多重空间数据进行空间复合,给出城市建筑物震害的空间分布及其统计特征,并识别出城市建筑物的重灾区。最后利用东营市建筑区为例,说明该方法的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a performance-based methodology for the assessment of seismic vulnerability and capacity of buildings. The vulnerability assessment methodology is based on the HAZUS methodology and the improved capacity- demand-diagram method. The spectral displacement (Sd) of performance points on a capacity curve is used to estimate the damage level of a building. The relationship between Sd and peak ground acceleration (PGA) is established, and then a new vulnerability function is expressed in terms of PGA. Furthermore, the expected value of the seismic capacity index (SCev) is provided to estimate the seismic capacity of buildings based on the probability distribution of damage levels and the corresponding seismic capacity index. The results indicate that the proposed vulnerability methodology is able to assess seismic damage of a large number of building stock directly and quickly following an earthquake. The SCev provides an effective index to measure the seismic capacity of buildings and illustrate the relationship between the seismic capacity of buildings and seismic action. The estimated result is compared with damage surveys of the cities of Dujiangyan and Jiangyou in the M8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, revealing that the methodology is acceptable for seismic risk assessment and decision making. The primary reasons for discrepancies between the estimated results and the damage surveys are discussed.  相似文献   

高层钢结构抗震pushover分析的侧向力分布模式及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对高层钢结构抗震Pushover分析的适用性和侧向力分布模式的选取等问题,首先,介绍和分析了Pushover分析常用的五种侧向力分布模式及其本质特征;然后,给出了判断侧向力分布模式合理性的准则;最后,通过对比一座15层的平面钢框架结构在Ⅳ类场地的典型地震动下的非线性时程分析和五种侧向力分布下的Pushover分析中的破坏形式和弹塑性反应,研究了高层钢结构抗震Pushover分析的适用性和各侧向力分布模式的合理性;在此基础上,本文给出了高层钢结构Pushover分析时侧向力分布模式的选取建议。  相似文献   

针对超限高层建筑结构抗震设计,提出了基于性能设计方法的性能目标,通过结构在小震、中震、大震作用下的弹性、弹塑性静力和动力时程分析,对三水准地震作用下结构构件进行了承载力定量分析。从理论上证明了结构性能可以达到“小震不坏,中震可修,大震不倒”的抗震设防目标,同时进行了1:20模型的结构振动台试验,确证了实际结构设计的安全性。  相似文献   

Performance based design becomes an effective method for estimating seismic demands of buildings. In asymmetric plan tall building the effects of higher modes and torsion are crucial. The consecutive modal pushover (CMP) procedure is one of the procedures that consider these effects. Also in previous studies the influence of soil-structure interaction (SSI) in pushover analysis is ignored. In this paper the CMP procedure is modified for one-way asymmetric plan mid and high-rise buildings considering SSI. The extended CMP (ECMP) procedure is proposed in order to overcome some limitations of the CMP procedure. In this regard, 10, 15 and 20 story buildings with asymmetric plan are studied considering SSI assuming three different soil conditions. Using nonlinear response history analysis under a set of bidirectional ground motion; the exact responses of these buildings are calculated. Then the ECMP procedure is evaluated by comparing the results of this procedure with nonlinear time history results as an exact solution as well as the modal pushover analysis procedure and FEMA 356 load patterns. The results demonstrate the accuracy of the ECMP procedure.  相似文献   

In this study, a direct static design method for structures with metal yielding dampers is proposed based on a new design target called the seismic capacity redundancy indicator (SCRI). The proposed method is applicable to the design of elastic‐plastic damped structures by considering the influence of damper on different structural performance indicators separately without the need for iteration or nonlinear dynamic analysis. The SCRI—a quantitative measure of the seismic capacity redundancy—is defined as the ratio of the seismic demand required by the target performance limit to the design seismic demand. Changes in the structural SCRI are correlated with the parameters of the supplemental dampers so that the dampers can be directly designed according to a given target SCRI. The proposed method is illustrated through application to a 12‐story reinforced‐concrete frame, and increment dynamic analysis is performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The seismic intensity corresponding to the target structural performance limit is regarded as a measure of the structural seismic capacity. The required seismic intensity increases after the structure is equipped with the designed metal yielding dampers according to the expected SCRI. It is concluded that the proposed method is easy to implement and feasible for performance‐based design of metal yielding dampers.  相似文献   

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