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浪致混合对亚热带冬季海洋混合强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
上层海洋在全球气候系统中起着至关重要的作用。对上层海洋层结及混合的模拟偏差一直是海洋和气候数值模式发展中悬而未决的问题。本文首先评估了CMIP5中45个模式对上层海洋层结模拟的偏差,确认了冬季亚热带地区海洋模式垂向混合偏强。随后,基于自然资源部第一海洋研究所地球系统模式(FIO-ESM v1.0),分别开展了1986−2005年期间包含和关闭海浪垂向混合情况下的数值实验,分析浪致混合对亚热带冬季海洋混合强度模拟的影响及机制。发现浪致混合使得气候模式中亚热带海域冬季的海洋层结增强,增强的层结使上层海洋更加稳定。首次揭示了增加浪致混合反而降低了海洋总体的垂向混合率:浪致混合使北半球冬季亚热带海域混合率从无浪实验的227 cm2/s降低到有浪实验的178 cm2/s,降低了21.6%;南半球冬季亚热带海域混合率从无浪实验的189 cm2/s降低到有浪实验的165 cm2/s,降低了12.7%。进一步分析发现,浪致混合主要是通过增加冬季亚热带海域上层海洋的热含量从而强化了海洋的层结,最终改善了气候模式对上层海洋混合的模拟。  相似文献   

本文将波生运动和波湍相互作作用的参数化方案嵌入一维垂向混合模式GOTM中,并与不考虑波浪效应以及仅考虑波浪破碎的试验结果进行对比,发现不考虑波浪效应时,海表温度模拟结果偏高,混合层深度模拟结果偏浅,偏差在夏季尤其明显。波浪破碎对湍流的增强作用仅限于上层几米甚至仅限于表层,对整个混合层的温度分布和混合层深度影响不大。波生运动和波湍相互作用则有效增强海洋上层的湍流强度,改善模式高估海表温度而低估混合层深度的问题,温度分布模拟结果降低了上层温度同时增大了次表层温度,与观测更加相符。波生运动和波湍相互作用增大了海洋上层的湍流剪切生成项、湍动能、耗散率和湍流输运系数,两者对上混合层的温度分布、湍流强度和湍流输运作用的改善结果十分相似。波生运动和波湍相互作用的影响在冬季并不明显,此时可能有其他混合机制占主导地位。  相似文献   

上层海洋通过海气交换影响大气-海洋耦合系统,海浪引起的垂向混合影响上层海洋结构,从而在气候预测过程中发挥着重要的作用。本文基于国家海洋局第一海洋研究所地球系统模式(FIO-ESM),以2016年为例,分别开展了耦合和关闭海浪模式情况下的短期气候预测实验,分析浪致混合对北太平洋海表温度(SST)季节性预测的影响。通过对模式预测的SST异常(SSTA)进行定量评估发现,浪致混合能够显著降低北太平洋高纬度海区预测误差,在(45°N,150°E)附近海区SSTA改善可达1℃,气候模式能够更好地预测SSTA的经向分布特征,特别是能够准确地反映25°~45°N海区SSTA分布特征。通过分析有浪和无浪两个实验的热收支贡献发现,垂向混合是导致上层海洋温度差异的主导影响因子。海浪通过改变垂向混合,使2016年北太平洋SST在高纬度海区大幅降低,在低纬度海区略有升高,最终提升了模式对北太平洋SST的季节性预测能力。  相似文献   

关于海气耦合模式气候漂移及敏感性的一点探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从概念性的大气或海洋系统及海气耦合系统出发,通过简单的理论分析指出:用观测气候场作为边界条件来调试大气或海洋模式并非最佳选择;海气耦合漂移是由两部分组成的,其中一部分源于未耦合模式模拟得到的气候状态与观测气候状态之间的系统误差,而另一部分则源于海气系统的非线性相互作用;海面“通量修正”可以消除因模式气候与观测气候之间的系统误差而引起的那部分漂移,但仍保留了海气系统的大部分非线性相互作用项.本文最后利用中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的海气耦合模式进行了敏感性试验,指出耦合漂移受到模式海洋的垂真发辨的率、海洋温盐扩散方案、海气耦合强度等诸多因素的影响.  相似文献   

一种冰-海洋模式的热力耦合方案   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
冰与海洋的热力耦合对冰与海洋环流的模拟有极其重要的影响,是冰-海洋相互作用的一个重要方面.对其精确确定需要详细考虑冰-海洋界面附近的湍流过程,这在长时期的模拟特别是气候模拟中,常受到技术条件的限制.过去的研究常常假设冰下海洋混合层的温度为冰点,特别是在单纯冰模式的模拟中,但考虑海冰漂移和冰点变化的效应时,这一假设是不精确的.因此,弱化冰下海洋混合层温度为冰点的约束,不考虑详细的冰-海洋界面和海洋混合层的湍流过程,根据冰-海洋耦合系统的能量收支关系,设计了一个简化的冰-海洋热力耦合方案.对该方案引起的海洋混合层适应、热力结构和海冰发展的影响进行了分析,并将其用于全球冰海洋耦合模式的数值试验,结果表明,在大气热力强迫下该耦合方案既可使冰区混合层海水温度向冰点适应,又使冰边缘带海水温度与冰点保持明显差异,能够较好地反映冰-海洋热力相互作用.利用该耦合方案构造的全球冰-海洋耦合模式模拟的海冰范围及季节变化与实际观测非常接近.  相似文献   

波浪破碎过程产生的湍流动量和能量垂向输运对于加快海洋上混合层中垂向混合具有显著效果.采用二维实验室水槽中对波浪破碎过程进行模拟.对采集的波浪振幅时间序列采用希尔伯特变换定位破碎波位置,波浪的破碎率随有效波高的增加而增大,波浪谱分析得到的波浪基本周期与有效周期结果相似.实验中采用粒子图像测速技术(particle ima...  相似文献   

分析了2018年秋季澳门海域的温盐平面与垂向分布特征,并利用线性优化法确定上混合层深度。结果表明:澳门氹环岛近岸存在温度高于外海区域且梯度较大的暖水带,主干道内海水混合强烈,洪湾水道下泄径流量远大于上溯潮水,盐度整体偏低。温盐具有Ⅰ—Ⅳ4种典型的垂直分布类型:其中Ⅰ类具有明显的3层结构,即上混合层、跃层与下混合层,集中分布于紧邻开阔水域的东、南部海域;Ⅱ类结构的跃层梯度较小,无底部混合层,潮致混合效应较Ⅰ类强,主要存在于澳门南部海域,两者上混合层深度与水深比值约为0.6;Ⅲ类与Ⅳ类为强混合结构。澳门海域水体以混合作用为主,垂向交换条件良好,对海气热量与物质通量等的屏障作用微弱,利于大气复氧与水体自净。  相似文献   

HYCOM海洋模式是垂向混合坐标模式的代表。基于HYCOM海洋模式,采用三层嵌套技术对东海南部海域的海洋环流进行仿真建模研究。通过对仿真结果的验证表明,HYCOM模式的垂向混合坐标方案能够很好的模拟地形复杂海域的环流。  相似文献   

采用POMgcs(Princeton Ocean Model with generalized coordinate system)和MITgcm(MIT General Circulation Model)两个海洋数值模式,研究了M-Y2.0、基于固壁近似假定的M-Y2.5、基于波浪破碎作用的M-Y2.5和KPP 4种垂向混合参数化方案对模拟黄海夏季上层温度结构的影响。结果表明,M-Y2.0和基于固壁近似假定的M-Y2.5方案低估了黄海上层的湍动能,模拟的黄海夏季温度上混合层的效果与实测相比均偏浅,不能够很好地重构黄海夏季温度的垂直结构。而基于波浪破碎作用的M-Y2.5和KPP方案均可以增加海洋上层湍动能的输入量,模拟的黄海夏季温度上混合层的效果与实测较为一致。故推测黄海夏季的上层结构是受波浪混合和流场剪切等物理机制共同调节的,若通过合理的垂向混合参数化方案将这些物理机制的作用加以体现,将会较真实地模拟和重构出黄海夏季海温上层结构。  相似文献   

为了提高对上层海洋的模式模拟准确性,为台风海气耦合模式提供更加合理的动量交换耦合方案,文章应用一个分粒径段的海洋飞沫函数给出一个新的海面拖曳系数CD计算方案,它体现了台风高海况条件下海洋飞沫层使海面拖曳系数数值减小特点。论文以2014年第15号台风"海鸥"经过南海强化观测区域时段作为个例,应用POM(Princeton Ocean Model)三维海洋环流模式进行数值模拟试验,结果发现低风速情况下,考虑海洋飞沫因素后的CD与传统计算方案数值相近,在高风速情况下,考虑海洋飞沫因素后的CD方案与模式传统计算方案不同,表现出随风速增长趋缓,直至随风速略有下降现象。与传统拖曳系数方案相比,采用新的拖曳系数方案后,模拟的台风条件下上层海洋的温度降温幅度、混合层深度加深幅度、温跃层强度减弱程度都略有减弱,这些模拟特征与观测事实更加接近。  相似文献   

基于普林斯顿(POM)模式,采用不同的垂直混合方案并考虑太阳短波辐射的作用,对渤海、黄海夏季垂直热结构进行了数值试验。试验结果表明,夏季波浪混合控制着渤海、黄海上混合层的形成,加入波浪混合能明显改善陆架浅海的夏季温度垂直结构。太阳短波辐射对渤海、黄海夏季上层垂直热结构有一定的作用,研究夏季海洋上层垂直热结构应该包括太阳短波辐射的影响,特别是对于水深相对较深的黄海。  相似文献   

Ocean temperature responses to Typhoon Mstsa in the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled model, with 21 layers in the vertical and (1/8) °horizontal resolution, was employed to investigate the oceanic responses to Typhoon Mstsa which traversed the East China Sea (ECS) during the period of 4 - 6 August, 2005. Numerical experiment results are analyzed and compared with observation. The responses of the sea surface temperature (SST), in a focused area of (27° -29°N, 121° - 124°E), include heating and cooling stages. The heating is mainly due to warm Kuroshio water transportation and downwelling due to the water accumulation. In the cooling stage, the amplitude of the simulated cold wake ( -3℃ ), located on the right side of this typhoon track, is compared quite well with that of the satellite observed SST data. The wave-induced mixing(Bv) plays a key role for the SST cooling. Bv still plays a leading role, which accounts for 36%, for the ocean temperature drop in the upper ocean of 0 - 40 m, while the upwelling is responsible for 84% of the cooling for the lower layer of 40 - 70 m. The mixed layer depth (MLD) increased quickly from 28 to 50 m in the typhoon period. However, the simulated MLD without the wave-induced vertical mixing, evolution from 13 to 32 m, was seriously underestimated. The surface wave is too important to be ignored for the ocean responses to a typhoon.  相似文献   

The significant underestimation of sea surface temperature (SST) and the temperature in the upper ocean is one of common problems in present climate models. The influence of the wave-induced mixing on SST and the temperature in the upper ocean was examined based on a global climate model. The results from the model coupled with wave-induced mixing showed a significant improvement in the simulation of SST and the temperature in the upper ocean compared with those of the original model without wave effects. Although there has still a cold bias, the new simulation is much closer to the climatology, especially in the northern ocean and tropical ocean. This study indicates that some important physical processes in the accurate simulation of the ocean may be ignored in present climate models, and the wave-induced mixing is one of those factors. Thus, the wave-induced mixing ( or the effect of surface waves) should be incorporated properly into climate models in order to simulate or forecast the ocean, then climate system, more accurately.  相似文献   

海浪搅拌混合对北太平洋海表面温度模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用NCEP再分析风场驱动WAVEWATCH III海浪模式对北太平洋海域的海浪过程进行模拟,利用浮标观测资料对模拟出的海浪要素有效波高进行验证,发现他们之间具有很好的一致性。基于模式输出的有效波高等波浪要素,利用特征波参数化理论,在海洋环流模式中引入海浪搅拌混合作用,分析其对北太平洋海表面温度模拟的影响,初步数值模拟结果表明,sbPOM模式在考虑海浪搅拌混合作用以后,模拟精度进一步提升,这对提供一个准确的大气模式下边界条件具有重要作用。  相似文献   

《Ocean Modelling》2011,39(3-4):267-279
Near-surface enhancement of turbulent mixing and vertical mixing coefficient for temperature owing to the effect of surface wave breaking is investigated using a two-dimensional (2-D) ocean circulation model with a tidal boundary condition in an idealized shelf sea. On the basis of the 2-D simulation, the effect of surface wave breaking on surface boundary layer deepening in the Yellow Sea in summer is studied utilizing a 3-D ocean circulation model. A well-mixed temperature surface layer in the Yellow Sea can be successfully reconstructed when the effect of surface wave breaking is considered. The diagnostic analysis of the turbulent kinetic energy equation shows that turbulent mixing is enhanced greatly in the Yellow Sea in summer by surface wave breaking. In addition, the diagnostic analysis of momentum budget and temperature budget also show that surface wave breaking has an evident contribution to the turbulent mixing in the surface boundary layer. We therefore conclude that surface wave breaking is an important factor in determining the depth of the surface boundary layer of temperature in the Yellow Sea in summer.  相似文献   

The velocity fluctuations of wind over wind-waves in a wind tunnel are measured with a X-type hot-wire anemometer at some heights over the water surface.The observed vertical profiles of the wave-induced velocity fluctuations and the wave-induced Reynolds stress at the wave spectral peak frequency are different from those expected from the inviscid quasi-laminar model;i.e., the observed vertical profiles of the power spectral density of the wave-induced horizontal or vertical velocity fluctuations of wind have the minimum value at the height much heigher than the critical layer, and the value of the wave-induced Reynolds stress is negative at several heights over the water surface. From the comparison between the experimental results and the numerical solutions of a linear model of the turbulent shear flow over the wavy boundary, it is shown that the discrepancy described above can be attributed to the atmospheric turbulence.  相似文献   

The influence of the nonbreaking surface wave-induced mixing under the mixed layer on the oceanic circulation was investigated using an isopycnal-coordinate oceanic circulation model. The effect of the wave-induced mixing within the mixed layer was eliminated via a bulk mixed layer model. The results show that the wave-induced mixing can penetrate through the mixed layer and into the oceanic interior. The wave-induced mixing under the mixed layer has an important effect on the distribution of temperature of the upper ocean at middle and high latitudes in summer, especially the structure of the seasonal thermocline. Moreover, the wave-induced mixing can affect the oceanic circulation, such as western boundary currents and the North Equatorial Currents through changes of sea surface height associated with the variation of the thermal structure of the upper ocean.  相似文献   

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