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泛北冰洋海区存在水温升高、入流水增加、海冰面积和厚度减少等不同于其他大洋的环境变化,其浮游生态系统对全球变暖的响应逐渐受到重视.入流水为北冰洋陆架海和海盆带来的大西洋和太平洋的浮游生物种类无法成功繁殖建立本地种群.随着入流水流量的增加,外来浮游生物种类的分布区域向北扩展,促进了浮游生物跨洋输送.由于大西洋入流水流量较大...  相似文献   

本文研究了精子入卵过程中太平洋牡蛎精子超微结构的变化规律。研究表明 ,精子入卵过程分为 4个时期 :顶体反应期、穿卵前期、穿卵期和融合期。顶体反应期 ,精子顶体物质释放 ,顶体致密部分向外延伸 ,形成 1层保护膜 ,亚顶体腔开始向顶端突起 ;穿卵前期 ,亚顶体腔前突形成顶体锥 ,并向卵膜释放亚顶体物质 ,精子外膜后移 ;穿卵期 ,精子核及线粒体进入卵膜形成的受精锥 ,线粒体数量减少 ,顶体突消失 ,精子外膜和尾部脱落 ;融合期 ,精子核进入卵内与质膜融合 ,核解体。  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs) were measured in atmospheric samples collected from the North Pacific to the Arctic Ocean between July and September 2012 to study the atmospheric concentration characteristics of PCBs and their gas/particle partitioning. The mean concentration of 26 ∑PCBs(vapor plus particulate phase)(∑PCBs) was 19.116 pg/m3 with a standard deviation of 13.833 pg/m3. Three most abundant congeners were CB-28,-52 and-77, accounting for 43.0% to ∑PCBs. The predominance of vapor PCBs(79.0% to ∑PCBs) in the atmosphere was observed. PCBs were negative correlated with the latitudes and inverse of the absolute temperature(1/T). The significant correlation for most congeners was also observed between the logarithm of gas/particle partition coefficient(log KP) and 1/T. Shallower slopes(from-0.15 to-0.46, average-0.27) were measured from the regression of the logarithm of sub-cooled liquid vapor pressures(logpo L) and log KP for all samples. The difference of the slopes and intercepts among samples was insignificant(p0.1), implying adsorption and/or absorption processes and the aerosol composition did not differ significantly among different samples. By comparing three models, the J-P adsorption model, the octanol/air partition coefficient(KOA) based model and the soot-air model, the gas/particle partitioning of PCBs in the Arctic atmosphere was simulated more precisely by the soot-air model, and the adsorption onto elemental carbon is more sensitive than the absorption into organic matters of aerosols, especially for lowchlorinated PCB congeners.  相似文献   

刘敬圃  林晶 《海洋科学》1995,19(5):26-28
西北太平洋是世界上台风多发生地区,而中国又是这一地区受台风影响次数最多的国家,正确评价及讨论台风发生及其强度频率的变化,在全球环境变化研究中具有十分重要的意义。由于台风的产生给西北太平洋沿海地区带来了大量的降水,从而改变了我国内陆地区的河流径流分布格局及模式。这一基本事实已经引起许多科学家的关注。对于西北太平洋的现代台风与历史台风的研究已经积累了大量的资料以及研究成果。作者是在前人大量的对现代台风产生、发展规律研究的基础上,去反演地质历史时期西北太平洋台风发生的频率及强度。这对进一步探讨末次冰期…  相似文献   

白令海、西北冰洋等高生产力海域在北冰洋"生物泵"中起到重要作用;海水升温、海冰消退等北极快速变化,将强烈影响该海域"生物泵"的结构与规模,并在沉积物中有机质的来源与新鲜程度上有所体现,可用脂肪酸加以指征。对第五次、第六次中国北极科学考察在以上海域采集的表层沉积物进行脂肪酸含量(以沉积物干重计)及组成分析,结果显示楚科奇海陆架总脂肪酸含量非常高((97.15±55.31)μg/g),白令海盆最低((15.00±1.30)μg/g),加拿大海盆、楚科奇海陆坡、白令海陆架居中(分别为(88.65±3.52)μg/g,(70.35±11.32)μg/g与(38.28±14.89)μg/g)。海源脂肪酸占总脂肪酸比例最高(86.82%±7.08%),陆源次之(8.45%±6.62%),细菌最低(4.63%±2.24%);硅藻指数(16:1ω9/16:0)在楚科奇海陆架(> 0.82)、白令海陆架边缘(> 0.65)较高,其他区域均较低。脂肪酸结果表明:(1)该海域沉积有机质主要来自海源,陆源贡献小;在北部、南部楚科奇海陆架、白令海陆架边缘,硅藻生物量占主要优势;细菌脂肪酸比例显著低于...  相似文献   

During 1995–2011, annual production of winter-spring cohort of Ommastrephes bartramii for Chinese squidjigging fishery has greatly fluctuated, which is closely related to the environmental conditions on the spawning and fishing grounds. To better understand how squid recruitment and abundance were influenced by ocean environmental conditions, biological and physical environmental variables including sea surface temperature(SST), SST anomaly(SSTA), chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentration and the Kuroshio Current were examined during years with the highest(1999), intermediate(2005), and lowest(2009) catches. Catch per unit effort(CPUE) of the squid-jigging vessels was used as an indicator of squid abundance. The results indicated that high SST and Chl a concentration on the spawning ground in 1999 resulted in favorable incubation and feeding conditions for squid recruitment. Whereas the suitable spawning zone(SSZ) in 2009 shifted southward and coincided with low SST and Chl a concentration, resulting in a reduction in the squid recruitment. The small difference of SSZ area in the three years suggested the SSZ provided limited influences on the variability in squid recruitment. Furthermore,high squid abundance in 1999 and 2005 was associated with warm SSTA on the fishing ground. While the cool SSTA on the fishing ground in 2009 contributed to adverse habitat for the squid, leading to extremely low abundance. It was inferred that strengthened intensity of the Kuroshio force generally yielded favorable environmental conditions for O. bartramii. Future research are suggested to focus on the fundamental research on the early life stage of O. bartramii and mechanism of how the ocean-climate variability affects the squid abundance and spatial distribution by coupling physical model with squid biological process to explore transport path and abundance distribution.  相似文献   

El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation(ENSO)是热带太平洋海气作用最强的年际信号,其变化会引起全球气候异常,对东亚季风具有重要影响。2000年后中部型ElNi?o频繁发生,掀起了ENSO多样性研究热潮; El Ni?o的复杂性也对ENSO理论研究和预测提出了新的挑战。为进一步理解并深入研究ENSO物理机制,本文总结了近年来对两类ENSO的最新认识;特别对副热带太平洋通过海气界面"大气桥"和太平洋副热带-热带经向环流圈的内部经向翻转环流这一"海洋通道"与热带太平洋建立联系的相关成果进行了阐述,并对存在的关键问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

热带太平洋海面风的年际变化对海平面变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海平面变化研究的意义在于掌握其变化规律,预测其未来变化及其可能对人类生存生活环境产生的影响。本文使用随机动态和相关分析方法分析卫星高度计资料,结果发现,除了显著的季节信号外,全球海平面存在显著的2~7a的年际周期,相关分析结果显示,这一年际周期跟ENSO密切相关。在太平洋不同纬度海平面对ENSO事件的响应整体上呈现出高纬衰减的变化特征。ENSO期间海平面变化剧烈,在热带太平洋区域,海平面变化受纬向风应力的调制,具有区域特征,海平面的年际变化与赤道流相关达0.6以上,揭示了风主要是通过Ekman作用影响海平面变化。  相似文献   

南北半球副热带高压对赤道东太平洋海温变化的响应   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文利用1974年1月到1996年12月重分析(NOAANCEP-NCARCDAS-1)全球500hPa位势高度场资料,及同期赤道太平洋各海区SST资料,研究了南北半球副热带高压的变化特征及其对赤道东太平洋SST变化的响应。结果表明,全球副热带高压的变化及对SST的响应,在南北两个半球有很好的一致性。全球副热带高压强度的变化与超前3个月SST的正相关最为显着。对SST响应最强烈的区域主要在南北纬30°之间的低纬,低纬地区局地SST对副热带高压也有强烈的影响。从10°到30°纬度,对SST的响应分别落后于赤道2~9个月。在中、高纬大气环流的响应表现为波列特征,对暖SST及冷SST的响应波列基本相反,但对暖SST的响应更为显着。海温和副热带高压的月际持续性有明显的季节变化,副热带高压9-10月的相关障碍可能与NinoC区SST8-9月的相关障碍低点有关。  相似文献   

环境因子对太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前言海洋环境的变化明显地影响着海区太平洋牡蛎(Crassostreagigas)的生长。包括其它的双壳类动物,研究都表明:存活率主要决定于遗传因子,而生长虽然个别种群可以很好的适应于某地的栖息条件,但是受周围环境条件影响很大。水温、盐度、饵料浓度和水深等是影响双壳类动物生长的主要环境因子。试验已证明:四鞭胞藻(Tetraselmissuecica)和角毛藻(Chaetoceroscalcitrans)是太平洋牡蛎和食用牡蛎(Ostreaedulis)获取脂类、碳水化合物和蛋白质的藻类[1]。然而饵料的数量和质量对于天然环境中牡蛎的营养状况也有影响。本文则就环境因…  相似文献   

西北冰洋中太平洋入流水营养盐的变化特征   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用1999,2003和2008年夏季(7-9月)三次中国北极科学考察数据资料,分析和讨论太平洋入流水营养盐的分布和楚科奇海关键生物地球化学过程对太平洋水化学性质的改造.结果表明,2003和2008年在白令海峡南部64.3°N纬向断面(BS断面)由于水团性质差异显著,营养盐呈西高、东低的分布趋势.2003年BS断面水柱...  相似文献   

The Northwest Pacific Carbon Cycle Study (NOPACCS) was a program aimed at investigating the carbon cycle of the North Pacific Ocean, which can be thought of as a large reservoir of carbon dioxide. NOPACCS was also aimed at estimating the North Pacific's capacity as a carbon sink. Project design, scientific results, and data availability, and subsequent projects resulting from this project are also described in this review. Studies of the upper ocean processes focused on the latitudinal differences in the fugacity of carbon dioxide; and on the detail of plankton community structures. Intermediate water was studied in relation to the formation of North Pacific Intermediate Water and the amount of accumulated anthropogenic carbon. The sedimentation process, past carbon cycle and coral reefs were also studied during the project. A preliminary, overall view of the carbon cycle of the North Pacific was drawn from the results of the project and compared to global values.  相似文献   

殷嘉晗  张林 《海洋预报》2020,37(3):72-81
利用我国第六次—第九次北极科学考察雪龙船走航探空数据,计算北极太平洋扇区和白令海的夏季对流层高度,分析对流层内的风速、温度、水汽廓线,从而确定对流层结构,并分析各要素的垂直分布和经向分布特征。结果表明:夏季北极太平洋扇区和白令海的递减率对流层顶、冷点对流层顶平均值分别为10 003 m、10 116 m,对流层高度随纬度增加而降低。夏季北极大气对流层低层和对流层顶存在逆温,对流层顶的逆温高度和厚度随纬度增加而降低。大气可降水量与纬度呈负相关,且集中于对流层中低层。近地面的风速受地表摩擦力的影响较明显,对流层内的风速随高度增加而增大,高空急流的强度和高度随纬度增加而减小,风廓线和急流易受天气尺度过程的影响。研究结果揭示了夏季北极太平洋扇区和白令海的对流层结构,并可用于检验数值预报模式对北极大气垂直结构的预报效果、评估再分析资料描述北极大气垂直结构的能力。  相似文献   

周群  魏立新 《海洋学报》2021,43(1):82-92
利用美国气象环境预报中心和美国国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析资料以及中国气象局发布的热带气旋(TC)最佳路径数据集,本文探讨了1950–2018年期间晚春(5月)北极涛动(AO)与随后夏季(6–9月)西北太平洋上空热带气旋生成频数的关系.研究表明,晚春AO对夏季西北太平洋TC生成有明显的预报指示意义,二者...  相似文献   

A comprehensive analysis of sea ice and its snow cover during the summer in the Arctic Pacific sector was conducted using the observations recorded during the 7th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition(CHIANRE-2016) and the satellite-derived parameters of the melt pond fraction(MPF) and snow grain size(SGS)from MODIS data. The results show that there were many low-concentration ice areas in the south of 78°N, while the ice concentration and thickness increased significantly with the latitud...  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in surface waters of the Pacific Ocean during October–November, 1995, were determined using a high-temperature combustion method. The DOC in the surface mixed-layer was approximately homogeneous with a concentration between 55 and 89 μmol C l−1. This homogeneity indicates that there is a strong control of the vertical distribution of DOC by mixing processes. The DOC concentrations in the mixed-layer in the subtropical region were up to 27 μmol C l−1 higher than in the tropical region. This difference reflects the subtropical accumulation and the tropical export of DOC. There is a significant positive correlation between DOC and chlorophyll a concentrations in the mixed-layer of the North Pacific subtropical region, suggesting that phytoplankton is the primary source of DOC accumulated in this region. Calculations using simple box models suggest that DOC export in the tropical region (0–50 m depth, 10°N-10°S, along 160°W) occurs primarily by poleward advection at a rate of 0.5–3 mmol C m−2day−1. A comparison with estimates of the export rate of particulate organic carbon published in previous studies leads us to conclude that DOC export may contribute less to the carbon budget in the tropical region than has recently been supposed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ciliates are important components in planktonic food webs,but our understanding of their community structures in different oceanic water masses is limited.We report pelagic ciliate community characteristics in three seas:the tropical West Pacific,the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean.Planktonic ciliate abundance had"bimodal-peak","surface-peak"and"DCM(deep chlorophyll a maximum layer)-peak"vertical distribution patterns in the tropical West Pacific,the Bering Sea and the Arctic Ocean,respectively.The abundance proportion of tintinnid to total ciliate in the Bering Sea(42.6%)was higher than both the tropical West Pacific(7.8%)and the Arctic Ocean(2.0%).The abundance proportion of small aloricate ciliates(10–20μm size-fraction)in the tropical West Pacific was highest in these three seas.The Arctic Ocean had higher abundance proportion of tintinnids in larger LOD(lorica oral diameter)size-class.Proportion of redundant species increased from the Arctic Ocean to the tropical West Pacific.Our result provided useful data to further understand ecology roles of planktonic ciliates in different marine habitats.  相似文献   

大气环流优势模态对北极海冰变化的响应Ⅰ.北极涛动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王宏  周晓  黄菲 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):57-67
利用美国冰雪中心海冰密集度数据,分析了1979-2012年北极海冰面积的时间变化特征,发现北极海冰具有显著的年代际变化特征,分别在1997和2007年前后存在两次年代际转型突变点,相应的大气环流优势模态——北极涛动(AO)也存在显著的时空变化。1979-1996年阶段海冰下降趋势较弱并以较强的年际振荡为主,AO模态较强且显示出低频振荡特征;1997-2006年阶段北极海冰快速减退趋势占优,同时伴随着较弱的年际振荡,AO模态减弱且振荡周期缩短;2007-2012年阶段海冰范围较快下降同时具有极强的年际振荡,方差变化是前两个阶段的2~3倍,AO不仅强度加强,空间结构也发生了变化,极涡中心分别向格陵兰岛和白令海峡一侧延伸,这种结构有利于极地冷空气入侵欧洲和北美。利用ECHAM5大气模式进行的数值试验结果也证实了较强振荡的海冰强迫对AO模态的改变具有决定作用。  相似文献   

In this study we test Talley's hypothesis that Oyashio winter mixed-layer water (26.5–26.6σ θ) increases its density to produce the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) salinity minimum (26.7– 26.8σθ) in the Mixed Water Region, assuming a combination of cabbeling and double diffusion. The possible density change of Oyashio winter mixed-layer water is discussed using an instantaneous ratio of the change of temperature and salinity along any particular intrusion (R l ). We estimate the range of R l DD required to convert Oyashio winter mixed-layer water to the NPIW salinity minimum due to double diffusion, and then assume double-diffusive intrusions as this conversion mechanism. A double-diffusive intrusion model is used to estimate R l DD in a situation where salt fingering dominates vertical mixing, as well as to determine whether Oyashio winter mixed-layer water can become the NPIW salinity minimum. Possible density changes are estimated from the model R l DD by assuming the amount of density change due to cabbeling. From these results, we conclude that Oyashio winter mixed-layer water contributes to a freshening of the lighter layer of the NPIW salinity minimum (around 26.70σθ) in the MWR.  相似文献   

北冰洋浮游生物空间分布及其季节变化的模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
低营养级浮游生物生态动力过程对环境变化的响应非常敏感。随着全球气候变化加剧,北冰洋正在经历快速的环境变化。厘清北冰洋低营养级浮游生物季节分布与变化特征是探究北冰洋生态系统对环境快速变化响应的前提,也是评估北极海区固碳能力的重要依据。基于此,本文构建了海洋–海冰–生物地球化学循环模型,并对北冰洋叶绿素浓度以及浮游生物结构的时空变化特征进行了模拟,结果表明:(1)北冰洋表层叶绿素浓度的峰值主要出现在5月,且太平洋一侧叶绿素浓度高于大西洋一侧;随着海水层化,表层受营养盐限制的海区呈现次表层叶绿素浓度最大值现象,且由陆架向海盆,次表层叶绿素浓度最大值层逐渐加深;9月,叶绿素浓度高值重回水体上层,太平洋一侧海区表层叶绿素浓度呈现较为明显的次峰值。(2)由于太平洋和大西洋入流营养盐浓度及结构的不同,北冰洋表层浮游生物群落结构存在明显空间差异。太平洋一侧,硅藻和中型浮游动物占优,硅藻在5月和9月出现生物量峰值,微型浮游植物在3月、5月和6月维持相对较高生物量;而大西洋一侧,在早春-春末夏初-夏秋经历了微型浮游植物-硅藻-微型浮游植物的演替,总体而言,微型浮游植物和微型浮游动物占优。此外,两侧海区浮游动物浓度峰值相较浮游植物滞后约半月。  相似文献   

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