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构造煤化学结构演化与瓦斯特性耦合机理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
煤是对应力和应变非常敏感的一种特殊岩石,在不同的应力-应变环境和构造应力作用下,煤的物理结构、化学结构及其光性特征等都将发生显著变化,从而形成具有不同结构特征的、不同类型的构造煤。构造煤在变形的过程中,镜质组反射率将发生规律性变化,并被较为广泛地应用于煤田构造的定量研究,高温高压变形实验也证实了这一现象。为了深入探讨煤镜质组光性组构变化的微观机理,将X-射线衍射、顺磁共振和核磁共振等技术应用于不同类型构造煤以及高温高压实验变形煤的化学结构研究。研究表明,构造煤化学结构演化与镜质组反射率的演化具有密切的内在联系,镜质组反射率的光性异常是构造煤化学结构演化在物理光学性质上的具体体现。不同类型的构造煤由于物理和化学结构上的不同,导致瓦斯含量和透气性等瓦斯特性上的重大差异,糜棱煤特殊的物理和化学结构决定了其高含气量和低透气性的特征,是矿井瓦斯突出的危险地带,因此,可以通过构造煤分布规律的研究,进行矿井瓦斯富集与突出危险性的评价与预测,为矿井瓦斯灾害的研究提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

The sequence of events determining the initial stages of star formation is analyzed in framework of the self-enrichment scenario. The computations are based on a single-zone chemo-dynamical model. It is shown that the first episode of star formation was characterized by an initial mass function shifted toward massive stars (M ≥ 8M). We argue that the transition to a star formation with a normal (Salpeter) initial mass function was due to more efficient radiative cooling of the proto-globular cluster gas after its enrichment to a metallicity of Z ~ 0.02 Z in agreement with those observed in globular clusters.  相似文献   

We consider the basic physical processes resulting in a differential, microscopic redistribution of stellar matter, generally known as diffusion. The main effect of diffusion in the solar interior is a segregation of light and heavy elements in the gravitational field. As a result, the abundance of helium and heavy elements in the solar envelope is reduced, while it becomes enriched by hydrogen. We present estimates of the degree of settling for a sequence of evolutionary models via numerical solution of the generalized diffusion equation. The effect of the ion charge (in the approximation of full ionization) on the settling rate is studied in detail. Abundance variations are given for the centers of the models, as well as for the convective envelope of the modern Sun. We analyze the effects of the thermal and concentrational diffusion on the evolution of the chemical-composition profile. Quantitatively, the effect of thermal diffusion is not very large, but it leads to the appearance of new features in the hydrogen-abundance profile, namely, a discontinuity at the base of the convective zone. The effect of concentration diffusion is relatively small, and is appreciable only at the model center at late stages of the evolution, and also close to the base of the convective envelope. All the mechanisms studied are necessary components of a modern model for the internal structure and evolution of the Sun.  相似文献   

沈立建  刘成林 《岩石学报》2018,34(6):1819-1834
通过搜集显生宙以来不同地质时期内海相碳酸盐岩鲕粒及胶结物矿物成分、钾盐矿床矿物种类及组合特征、蒸发岩盆地中石盐流体包裹体成分,并利用这些资料与人工海水模拟实验得到的石盐中Br分配特征的对比,得出海水成分在5.5亿年以来的显生宙期间,经历了五个阶段:其中晚元古代至寒武纪早期、二叠纪早期至中生代早期、新生代早期至现今,这些时期的原始海水组成特征系数m(SO_4~(2-))+m(HCO_3~-)/2m(Ca~(2+)),为Na-Mg-K-SO_4-Cl型海水,此期间沉积的钾盐矿床的钾镁盐矿物主要为钾盐镁矾、无水钾镁矾、杂卤石、硫酸镁石等含MgSO_4矿物,海相鲕粒和碳酸盐胶结物矿物成分为文石;而寒武纪早期至石炭纪、中生代早期至新生代早期,原始海水组成特征系数m(Ca~(2+))m(SO_4~(2-))+m(HCO_3~-)/2,为Na-Mg-KCa-Cl型海水,此期间沉积的钾镁盐矿物主要为光卤石和钾石盐,甚至含有溢晶石,海相鲕粒和碳酸盐胶结物矿物成分为方解石。根据石盐流体包裹体成分计算得出:显生宙期间,海水K+含量大部分时间变化幅度较小,为9.3~11.5mmol/kg H_2O(除了石炭纪和晚元古代),平均为10.55mmol/kg H_2O。Mg~(2+)含量在早寒武世≥67mmol/kg H_2O、晚志留世至中泥盆世31~41mmol/kg H_2O、晚古生代≥48mmol/kg H22O、晚白垩世34mmol/kg H_2O和现代55.1mmol/kg H_2O。Ca~+含量在晚元古代至古生代早期≤11mmol/kg H_2O、古生代早期至石炭纪22~35mmol/kg H_2O、石炭纪至中生代早期≤17mmol/kg H_2O、中生代早期至新生代早期19~39mmol/kg H_2O及新生代早期至今7~21mmol/kg H_2O。SO_4~(2-)含量在晚元古代至古生代早期≥23mmol/kg H_2O、古生代早期至石炭纪5~17mmol/kg H_2O、石炭纪至中生代早期13~22mmol/kg H_2O、中生代早期至新生代早期5~19mmol/kg H_2O及新生代早期至今12~29.2mmol/kg H_2O。海水Ca~(2+)与SO_4~(2-)含量的相对变化是控制海相钾盐矿床钾镁盐矿物类型的基本因素。同时,利用以上数据计算得到的显生宙各时期海水[m(Mg~(2+))+m(SO_4~(2-))]/[m(K~+)+m(Ca~(2+))]的变化与各时期海相蒸发岩系石盐层底部的Br含量变化具有同步性,进一步验证了显生宙期间海水成分是不断变化的,是约束海相蒸发岩钾盐矿物类型的主要因素。海水成分变化的控制因素为洋中脊热液和陆地水,其中洋中脊热液起主要作用,而控制这些因素变化的根本原因为板块构造运动。  相似文献   

Results of modeling the chemical evolution of protostellar objects are presented. The models take into account the existence of different dust populations with distinct grain sizes, total mass fractions, and temperatures. In addition to ”classical” dust grains, the models include an entirely different second dust population, with dust grain sizes of 30 Å and a higher temperature. Two chemical-evolution models are compared, one taking into account only classical dust and the other including both dust populations. The influence of a complex dust composition on the general evolution of the molecular contents of prestellar cores and the abundances of a number of chemical species is studied. At early evolutionary stages, differences are mainly determined by the modification changes in the photoprocesses’ balance due to efficient UV absorption by the second population of dust grains and in collisional reactions with the dust grains. At late stages, distinctions between the models are also determined by the increasing dominance of additional reaction channels. The species that respond to the presence of small grains in different ways are separated into different groups. Allowing for the presence of small grains makes it possible to significantly lower the water abundance in the gas phase.  相似文献   

The structure and the principal evolution stages of the Akademicheskaya consedimentary structure in the North Chukchi sedimentary basin are discussed. The formation of the discussed structure took place under the effects of compressional strain from the Wrangel-Herald fold-thrust zone. This took two stages: Late Cimmerian, which contributed the most to the formation of the structure and was manifested most intensively in the first half of the Late Cretaceous, and a less intensive stage that probably occurred in the Miocene.  相似文献   

杨文采 《地质学报》2008,82(1):1169-1177
:本文讨论川甘青复理石盆地的地质概况、地壳属性、形成机制和资源前景。这个地区是中央造山带 中未发生陆陆碰撞的构造单元,包括甘南、青海东及川西北的倒三角形地区,过去称为“松潘甘孜造山带”。地壳波 速结构的特点包括:①上地壳分两层,上层的波速较低的沉积岩层,厚度可达7km,波速小于6.0km/s;下层为结晶 基底,波速6.0~6.2km/s。②中地壳为正常波速,但厚度较大,可达20km 以上。③下地壳波速从6.6km/s随深度 上升到7.3km/s,厚度亦增加到20km 以上。上述特点的产生与复理石盆地形成时洋壳的俯冲有关。构造演化可 分四个阶段,①洋壳俯冲阶段;②深水浊流沉积及等深流沉积阶段;③ 陆坡凸起沉积加剧阶段;④ 古特提斯洋封闭 以后,地壳推挤成高原阶段。川甘青复理石盆地也许是中国大陆浅层油气勘探的最后希望。在盆地边部及西秦岭 西延余脉,有良好的金矿资源开发前景。  相似文献   

Summary The structural and chemical characteristics of pseudotachylytes generated during seismic events along a Pan-African fault zone in Kenya document an evolution consisting of two principal steps. In the first stage, crushing of the host rock during the onset of frictional sliding led to preferential disruption of biotite and hornblende, due to their low fracture toughness and low shear yield strength. The products of this first stage are preserved as thin cataclasite zones along the margins of the pseudotachylyte veins. Melting of the crushed host rock occurred during the second stage, due to the heat generated by frictional sliding, grain size reduction, and the release of water from biotite and hornblende. The chemical and mineralogical composition of the cataclasite and the increasing temperature during seismic slip were the main factors that controlled the composition of two chemically distinct pseudotachylyte melts. During rapid cooling, amphibole microlites (melt 1) and plagioclase microlites (melt 2) crystallized from the two pseudotachylyte melts.
Die strukturelle und chemische Entwicklung von Pseudotachylyten während seismischer Ereignisse
Zusammenfassung Die strukturellen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Pseudotachylyten, die durch seismische Ereignisse entlang einer Pan-Afrikanischen Störungszone in Kenia erzeugt wurden, dokumentieren eine zweistufige Entwicklung. Im ersten Stadium, zu Beginn des Reibungsgleitens, führte die mechanische Zerkleinerung des Ausgangsgesteins zu einem bevorzugten Zerbrechen von Biotit und Hornblende, aufgrund ihrer geringen Bruch- und Scherfestigkeit. Die Produkte dieses ersten Stadiums sind in Form dünner Kataklasitzonen an den Rändern der Pseudotachylitgänge erhalten. Während des zweiten Stadiums kam es aufgrund der Reibungswärme, der Kornverkleinerung und dem bei der Zerstörung von Biotit und Hornblende freigesetzten Wasser zum Aufschmelzen des zermahlenen Gesteins. Die chemische und mineralogische Zusammensetzung der Kataklasite und die zunehmende Temperatur während des seismischen Gleitens waren die wesentlichen Faktoren, die die Zusammensetzung zweier chemisch unterschiedlicher Schmelzen kontrollierten. Während der schnellen Abkühlung kristallisierten Amphibol-Mikrolithe (Schmelze 1) und Plagioklas-Mikrolithe (Schmelze 2) aus den beiden Pseudotachylit-Schmelzen.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Single crystal X-ray investigation shows that machatschkiite crystallizes in space groupR3c witha hex =15.127(2) Å andc hex =22.471(3) Å. The crystal structure was determined by direct methods and Fourier syntheses; the refinement by least squares methods led toR=0.04 for 645 independent reflections. Our X-ray results, supplemented by a partial electron microprobe analysis, indicate that the chemical formula of machatschkiite is close to Ca6–x Na x (AsO4)(AsO3OH)3(PO4)1–x (SO4) x ·15H2O (x0.3) withZ hex =6. The atomic arrangement of machatschkiite represents a new structure type and seems to be the first example of a crystal structure in which three oxygens of an AsO4 group are acceptors of each one hydrogen bond from three surrounding AsO3(OH) groups.
Machatschkiit: Kristallstruktur und Revision der chemischen Formel
Zusammenfassung Röntgenographische Einkristalluntersuchungen zeigten, daß Machatschkiit in der RaumgruppeR3c mita hex =15,127(2) Å undc hex =22,471(3) Å kristallisiert. Die Kristallstruktur wurde mit direkten Methoden und mit Fourier-Synthesen bestimmt; die Verfeinerung nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate führte für 645 Reflexe aufR=0.04. Unser Röntgenbefund, der durch eine partielle Elektronenstrahlmikroanalyse ergänzt wird, weist darauf hin, daß die chemische Formel des Machatschkiites mit guter Näherung Ca6–x Na x (AsO4)(AsO3OH)3 (PO4)1–x (SO4) x ·15H2O (x0,3) mitZ hex =6 lautet. Die Atomanordnung des Machatschkiites stellt einen neuen Strukturtyp dar und ist anscheinend das erste Beispiel, in welcher drei Sauerstoffe einer AsO4-Gruppe Akzeptoren von je einer Wasserstoffbindung dreier benachbarter AsO3OH-Gruppen sind.

With 4 Figures

Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Dr.F. Machatschki, Editor of Tschermaks Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 1948–1968.  相似文献   

Geochemistry and chemical evolution of saline lakes of Western Mongolia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents data on the major and trace element composition of saline lakes of western Mongolia. The main geochemical types of lakes distinguished in the study are soda-, chloride-, and sulfaterich lakes. Lake water equilibria with major carbonate, sulfate, chloride, and other rock-forming minerals were calculated. The results show that the major factors controlling the formation of each lake type include evaporation and water-rock interaction processes, and the latter factor plays a critical role in freshwater and soda lakes and only a minor role in chloride lakes. Special attention was given to the soda lakes and the factors controlling lake water chemistry.  相似文献   

显生宙非骨屑碳酸盐矿物经历了文石海和方解石海的交替,主要造礁生物和沉积物生产者的骨骼矿物与非骨屑碳酸盐矿物具有同步变化的趋势。这种长期的变化趋势可以用海水化学Mg/Ca摩尔比的变化来解释。流体包裹体、同位素和微量元素等证据也证实了海水化学在地质历史中经历过剧烈的变化。虽然生物诱导矿化和生物控制矿化的相对重要性一直存在争议,但古生物地层记录和人工海水养殖实验结果都表明,海水化学演化对生物矿化有重要的影响,体现在造礁生物群落的兴衰、生物起源时对骨骼矿物类型的选择以及微生物碳酸盐岩在地质历史中的分布等。这些为研究前寒武纪海水化学演化、古气候和古环境的重建、同位素地层对比以及碳酸盐的沉积和成岩等问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Petrological data provide a good record of the thermal structure of deeply eroded orogens, and, in principle, might be used to relate the metamorphic structure of an orogen to its deformational history. In this paper, we present two‐dimensional thermal modelling of various subduction models taking into account varying wedge geometry as well as variation of density and topography with metamorphic reactions. The models clearly show that rock type accreted in the wedge has important effects on the thermal regime of orogenic wedges. The thermal regime is dominated by radiogenic heat production. Material having high radioactive heat production, like the granodioritic upper crust, produces high temperature metamorphism (amphibolitic conditions). Material with low radioactive heat production results in low temperature metamorphism of greenschist or blueschist types depending on the thickness of the wedge. Application of this model to seemingly unrelated areas of the Central Alps (Lepontine Dome, Grisons) and Eastern Alps (Tauern Window) explains the coexistence and succession of distinct Barrovian and blueschist facies metamorphic conditions as the result of a single, continuous tectonic process in which the main difference is the composition of the incoming material in the orogenic wedge. Accretion of the European upper continental crust in the Lepontine and Tauern Domes produces Barrovian type metamorphism while accretion of oceanic sediments results in blueschist facies metamorphism in the Valaisan domain.  相似文献   

The impact of variations in the fraction of binary stars producing type Ia supernovae, β, on the chemical evolution of spiral galaxies is analyzed numerically. Even modest variations in β appreciably affect the evolution of the relative abundances of iron-group and alpha-process elements. If a substantial number of the damped Lα systems manifest in the spectra of quasars are due to spiral galaxies, the large scatter of the abundances of various elements displayed by these systems can be accounted for by variations in β.  相似文献   

Gas chromatograms of the saturated hydrocarbon fractions of the South Oman crudes are characterised by a striking series of peaks (called X-peaks throughout this paper) eluting between the n-alkanes mainly in the C20–C26 range. A GS-MS study, combined with optimised GC resolution shows that each peak is a superposition of subpeaks which correspond to a complex series of monomethylalkanes. The X20 peak in the chromatogram, for instance, is found to be composed of virtually co-eluting peaks corresponding to 5-, 6-, 7-, 8-, 9- and 10-methylnonadecane. The larger X22, X23 and X24 peaks are superpositions of a similar set of monomethylalkanes and in addition a series of (presumably) dimethylalkanes of which the structures are only partly solved. The large abundance of these iso-alkanes is very specific for South Oman crudes and may be caused by their (pre-) Cambrian origin or a specific source material.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(7):425-431
Scientific discoveries, national regulations, and international agreements impact our lives. If we bring all three together in a solid but flexible governance structure, then we are able to address those impacts and share more evenly their consequences across different nations. This is what the Montreal Protocol has done in its 30 years of life and will continue to do thanks to the recent Kigali Amendment. There are many lessons for diplomacy to be drawn from the recent negotiations, including the critical role of science. The most important lesson in reaching consensus is the injection of optimism, pride, ownership of the process, and building trust among all nations. The solid yet flexible foundation of the Montreal Protocol provided a firm grounding for the Kigali negotiations to experiment with the different negotiating techniques in a forum where countries, industry, non-governmental organizations, and scientists are brought together by the United Nations.  相似文献   

基于信息熵和均衡度对长沙市2006~2012年城市土地利用结构的演变进行分析,并运用灰色关联度分析法探讨其与经济水平、产业结构及人口发展3个一级指标及其11个二级指标的关联程度,对各指标与地类变化的关联性进行排序,确定主要的影响因素。研究表明:7年间长沙市城市各职能类土地面积都在增加,增幅有所差异;信息熵总体呈现下降趋势,均衡度和优势度则趋于稳定;经济水平和产业结构的发展是长沙市城市土地利用结构演变的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

莱州湾凹陷近年获重大油气发现,但构造演化特征复杂,烃源岩、沉积体系展布特征以及油气运聚规律认识尚不够深入。本文利用多种钻井资料,结合区域地质研究,首先对本区构造演化所产生的断裂与圈闭特征进行分析,划分出3级断裂体系以及3种类型圈闭,并深入研究了构造演化对油气生成与演化、优质储盖组合的分布以及油气运移与聚集的控制作用,总结了沙三段自源型油气藏以及其它层系它源型油气藏两种油气成藏模式,指出下一步有利勘探方向。  相似文献   

Based on the tested data of pressure and vitrinite reflectance of some wells in sedimentary basins, abnormal high pressure is regarded as not the only factor to retard the increase of vitrinite reflectance (R o). Apart from the types of the organic matter, the physical environment (temperature and pressure) and chemical environment (fluid composition and inorganic elements) will result in the abnormal vitrinite reflectance values in the sedimentary basins. This paper tested trace elements and vitrinite reflectance data from the the abnormal high pressure and normal pressure strata profiles, respectively, and found that the acidic and lower salinity starta are favorable for the increase of R o. By discussing the corresponding relationship between the contents of some trace elements in the mudstone and the vitrinite reflectance values, the typical trace elements were found to suppress and/or catalyze the vitrinite reflectance of organic matter, while the elements of Ca, Mn, Sr, B, Ba and P may result in the retardation of R o. However, elements of Fe, Co, Zn, Ni and Rb may catalyze the organic matter maturation. This study is conductive to the organic maturation correction, oil and gas assessment and thermal history reconstruction by the paleothermometry. Translated from Acta Geologica Sinica, 2006, 80(11): 1760–1769 [译自: 地质学报]  相似文献   

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