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根据2003年朝阳市大气环境监测资料,分析了朝阳地区大气污染的时间变化特征。研究结果表明:由于朝阳市存在工业布局不合理,生产工艺、污染处理设施落后等问题,市区大气污染问题较为突出;朝阳地区低空逆温频率偏高,而且贴地逆温强度相对较强,非贴地逆温平均底高相对较低,使得污染源排放的污染物在逆温层下输送扩散,不利于大气污染物的稀释。  相似文献   

Large-scale air pollution transport (LSAPT) in the Yellow Sea region and their inflow onto the Korean Peninsula were observed through satellite images and ground measurements. LSAPT includes regional continental air-masses saturated with pollutants originating from China and subsequently landing on or passing through the Korean Peninsula. It is also possible to identify the distribution and transport patterns of LSAPT over the Yellow Sea. The ground concentrations for PM10, PM2.5 and CO measured at Cheongwon, located in the centre of south Korea, were compared with NOAA satellite images. Notably, the episodes observed of the LSAPT show a PM2.5 to PM10 ratio of 74% of the daily maximum concentrations. However, cases of duststorms were clearly distinguished by much higher PM10 concentrations and a ratio of 30% of PM2.5 to PM10 for daily maximum concentrations. For the episode on January 27, 2006, the inflow of a regionally polluted continental air-mass into the central and southwestern regions of the Korean Peninsula was observed sequentially at various ground observatories as well as by satellite. The north airflow dissipated the clouds over Mt. Halla on Jeju Island and further downwind, reducing air pollution and creating a von Kármán vortex.  相似文献   

利用周至2012年1月1日—2017年9月30日气象观测资料及空气质量监测资料,分析了近五年周至地区污染特征及冬季重污染天气过程中气象条件的影响,结果表明:周至地区冬季空气污染情况最为严重,五年来重度污染等级以上(包括重度污染和严重污染)日数(简称重污染日)共计119d,重污染天气频发。该地区冬季重污染日气象条件:以静稳天气为主,风速较小,主导风向为偏西北风,这使得大量外来污染源在本地堆积;低于冬季平均值的气温使得大气逆温现象更易发生,大气层结稳定;高于平均值的相对湿度使得颗粒物吸湿增长加剧,重污染日前连续无有效降水使得空气中的污染物得不到有效冲刷,不利于污染物扩散,使得重污染天气进一步加重。  相似文献   

胡倬  唐仁茂 《气象》1988,14(6):16-18
本文使用对数律和幂指数律公式,计算了年平均和不同稳定度、不同风速等级下的丘陵山地的风指数(α)和综合粗糙度(Z_0)值,对公式及计算结果的适用性进行了探讨。结果表明,对于地面边界层(SBL),此两公式在丘陵山区条件下均有较好的适用性。可利用某地年平均地面风速(V_(10))和数次实测烟囱口高度的风速(V_烟),应用对数律或幂指数律推算该地各高度上的风速。对于丘陵山区,对数律可适用于地面以上300m层次内。  相似文献   

Emissions of air pollutants such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides and particulates have significant health impacts as well as effects on natural and anthropogenic ecosystems. These same emissions also can change atmospheric chemistry and the planetary energy balance, thereby impacting global and regional climate. Long-term scenarios for air pollutant emissions are needed as inputs to global climate and chemistry models, and for analysis linking air pollutant impacts across sectors. In this paper we present methodology and results for air pollutant emissions in Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios. We first present a set of three air pollution narratives that describe high, central, and low pollution control ambitions over the 21st century. These narratives are then translated into quantitative guidance for use in integrated assessment models. The resulting pollutant emission trajectories under the SSP scenarios cover a wider range than the scenarios used in previous international climate model comparisons. In the SSP3 and SSP4 scenarios, where economic, institutional and technological limitations slow air quality improvements, global pollutant emissions over the 21st century can be comparable to current levels. Pollutant emissions in the SSP1 scenarios fall to low levels due to the assumption of technological advances and successful global action to control emissions.  相似文献   

利用2015-2018年3月宝鸡市区气象监测站地面观测资料与环境监测站空气质量数据进行对比分析,结果表明:①早春宝鸡市区首要污染物为PM2.5、PM10和O3。2016年与2018年3月污染日数多,主要气象因素是降水量偏少,连续无降水日数持续时间长,东风日明显多于西风日。②PM10质量浓度(C(PM10))变化与日平均气压、日降水量关系密切,且均为反相关;PM2.5质量浓度(C(PM2.5))与日最小相对湿度正相关特征明显;臭氧质量浓度(C8h(O3))与日最小相对湿度呈显著反相关,与日平均气温的正相关特征明显。③气压升高,连续性降水越多,西风日越多,越有利于污染物质量浓度的下降。C(PM10)大值区多出现在偏南风或偏东北风时;C(PM2.5)和C8h(O3)在偏东风时较大。④C8h(O3)主要出现在前期日最高气温突然增加5~8℃的当天和日最高气温为近期极值后的1~2 d。⑤沙尘天气使C(PM10)与C(PM2.5)明显升高;早春影响宝鸡市区的沙尘天气主要有蒙古气旋东移和冷空气东移南下两种地面形势。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the science–policy interaction in international negotiations in the context of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's Convention for Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). It addresses the question how participants in the assessment process divide and co-ordinate work between science and policy and how this enhances credibility, legitimacy and relevance with multiple audiences. For this purpose the article combines an analytical framework to approach effectiveness of scientific assessment in policy making, with the notion of boundary work and co-production of science and policy. The article argues that knowledge produced within the CLRTAP process and the institutional setting in which this knowledge production takes place cannot be separated from each other. Furthermore credibility, legitimacy and relevance are to a large extent determined by boundary work in an early stage of the process. At the same time boundary work has to take place continuously in order keep the assessment process credible, legitimate and relevant for new audiences. The application of a combined framework for analysing credibility, legitimacy and relevance and for analysing boundary work turns out to be helpful in describing in detail what happens in practice at the science–policy interface. In particular it helps to address the question of the way participants in the assessment process divide and co-ordinate work, how this shapes design elements and how this enhances credibility legitimacy and relevance of an assessment.  相似文献   

Summary The annual and diurnal variation of the conductivity near the ground at Athens, based on long-term data, are presented. The diurnal double oscillation is a characteristic of the atmospheric electric climate of Athens. In addition, the influence of air pollution due to smoke and sulfur dioxide and of wind speed (as an element affecting the dispersion of pollulants) on large ion concentration and on conductivity has been examined. The air pollution, which is often severe in Athens area, results in decreasing conductivity and increasing large ion concentration, while the influence of wind speed is also pronounced. The results justify the use of conductivity as a pollution index. Finally the plausible influence of air temperature and relative humidity and of their rate of change on air electrical conductivity, has been examined. The results are ambiguous and depending on the season, especially for relative humidity.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

Similarity criteria for modeling atmospheric flows in air and water are reviewed. It is shown that five nondimensional parameters plus a set of nondimensional boundary conditions must be matched in model and prototype. The neglect of the Rossby number can lead to serious errors in modeling of diffusion in a prototype with a length scale greater than about five kilometers. The Reynolds number, the Peclet number and the Reynolds-Schmidt product criteria may be neglected if the model flow is of sufficiently high Reynolds number. The Froude number criterion appears to be the most important. The complete specification of boundary conditions is found to be nebulous, but is discussed in some detail. Over-roughening of the model surface may be necessary to satisfy a roughness Reynolds number criterion. Both air and water appear to be suitable fluids to use as modeling media.On assignment from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce.  相似文献   

A model for the calculation of the turbulence flow field and air pollutant concentrations in urban canyons is developed. A two-dimensional set of hydrodynamical equations and a threedimensional diffusion equation are solved numerically with a personal computer. Different boundary conditions were investigated. Three flow regimes were found: without vortex, with one vortex, and with two vortexes, within an urban canyon. The influence of building density and wind speed components along the street was also investigated.  相似文献   

Health damages from air pollution in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluates air pollution-related health impacts on the Chinese economy by using an expanded version of the Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis model. We estimated that marginal welfare impact to the Chinese economy of ozone and particulate-matter concentrations above background levels increased from 1997 US$22 billion in 1975 to 1997 US$112 billion in 2005, despite improvements in overall air quality. This increase is a result of the growing urban population and rising wages that thus increased the value of lost labor and leisure. In relative terms, however, welfare losses from air pollution decreased from 14% of the historical welfare level to 5% during the same period because the total size of the economy grew much faster than the absolute air pollution damages. In addition, we estimated that particulate-matter pollution alone led to a gross domestic product loss of 1997 US$64 billion in 1995. Given that the World Bank's comparable estimate drawn from a static approach was only 1997 US$34 billion, this result suggests that conventional static methods neglecting the cumulative impact of pollution-caused welfare damage are likely to underestimate pollution-health costs substantially. However, our analysis of uncertainty involved in exposure–response functions suggests that our central estimates are susceptible to significantly large error bars of around ±80%.  相似文献   

基于2014-2018年关中区域西安、咸阳、渭南、铜川、宝鸡等5个主要城市6种大气污染物(PM10、PM2.5、SO2、CO、NO2、O3)的逐日平均质量浓度和气象探空资料,分析了关中地区大气污染物时空分布特征、重污染过程持续性特征及逆温发生频率.结果表明:关中地区大气污染超标日达31%以上,西安最多为47%,其中颗粒...  相似文献   

Episodes of air pollution over Cape Town are identified using multi-year time series of SO2 and NOx concentrations. The associated meteorological conditions are studied both from synoptic and meso-scale perspectives using detailed observations, statistical analyses and numerical model simulations. Atmospheric conditions are most conducive to poor dispersion in the winter months, April to August. Episodes are initiated by the eastward passage of an intense, synoptic anticyclone over the Cape Town area. The 850 hPa geopotential height typically rises to 1600 gpm a day before the episode. Northeasterly berg winds are common and act to dry out the boundary layer. A nocturnal radiation inversion forms with a mean strength of 11 °C and extends from the surface to 953 hPa (500m). Gradient and thermal winds tend to cancel out providing for low net transport rates for near-surface emissions. Acoustic sounder profiles for two episodes illustrate a reduction of winds and turbulence within the boundary layer. The episode surface circulation is simulated using a two-layer model. Hills which lie upstream of Cape Town obstruct the northeasterly flow during the morning.  相似文献   

The results of investigations of the foehn influence on the air pollution level are given as the Colchian Lowland (the southwestern Caucasus) and the Akhangaran valley (Western Tien Shan) case study. The calculations of distribution fields of the NOx concentrations in the Akhangaran valley are considered. It is shown that foehn processes influence substantially the atmosphere pollution level in the mountain countries. Their due regard, when studying the atmosphere pollution, will allow significant increasing of the accuracy of ecological estimates of the natural environmental state. A conclusion is made that this meteorological event ought to be referred to regional dangerous meteorological conditions that promote intensification of the local atmosphere pollution.  相似文献   

This paper gives data on air pollutant emissions from industrial sources and motor vehicles in the USSR. It discusses their distribution over the territory and trends during recent years. It studies methods of application of the emission data to assess air pollution.  相似文献   

用污染潜势指数和污染浓度指数等方法结合当地的天气气候特点,以及污染源分布状况,建立了污染预报模型,作大庆城区24h空气污染浓度指数预报,经验证效果较好。现已投入业务使用,并开始对外发布预报。  相似文献   

本文从大庆地区冬、春、夏季逆温特征入手,得出了大庆地区冬季逆温频率最高,厚度大,强度大。春季次之,夏季最弱,即冬季是最不利于大气污染物扩散、稀释的季节这个结论,同时利用实际环境空气质量监测资料分析了逆温与大庆地区大气污染二者之间的关系,指出了逆温是制约大气污染的主要污染气象条件之一,逆温持续性、强度和层高对大气扩散影响存在着正比关系,即逆温频率越高、厚度越大、强度越高,可吸入颗粒物的浓度越高,大气污染越严重的规律;最后,有针对性地提出了大庆地区防治大气污染的六项措施。  相似文献   

复合型大气污染对中国环境,健康和经济存在巨大的不利影响.2013年以来的减排措施有效改善了空气质量.目前,我国已进入大气污染与气候变化协同治理的关键阶段.在季节-年际尺度上,对大气污染(霾,臭氧和沙尘暴)的准确预测可以为有关部门的减排措施提供有效的科技技撑.近年来,全球科学家在理解中国气候变化,大气污染变率及相关物理机...  相似文献   

自动与人工观测的气压差异分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
利用陕西省97个气象站2004—2007年间自动与人工平行观测期间的资料,分析了陕西和陕西不同地域人工与自动观测气压的差异并对气压月、年平均值进行了显著性检验。结果表明:人工观测比自动观测日平均气压平均偏高0.21 hPa,标准差为0.30 hPa;气压差值有明显的地域特征;气压对比差值的日、月变化规律明显;DYYZ和CAWS系列测压仪的性能没有明显差异;自动与人工观测时间不同步对定时值有一定影响,但对气候分析没有影响;校准值随时间漂移是气压传感器的主要误差源之一;自动站所测气压可与人工站气压连续使用。  相似文献   

利用MODIS、OMI和CALIPSO卫星资料,结合地面环境监测数据、气象观测数据和后向轨迹模式(Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model,HYSPLIT),对汾渭平原2018年11月23日至12月6日沙尘和人为混合空气污染过程进行分析....  相似文献   

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