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We describe a method of expressing azimuthally anisotropic surface wave velocities on the Earth using a local and smooth spherical-spline parametrization. Anisotropy in the Earth leads to azimuthally varying Love and Rayleigh wave velocities that can be expressed as (cos 2ζ, sin 2ζ) and (cos 4ζ, sin 4ζ) perturbations to the isotropic velocities, where ζ is the direction of surface-wave propagation. The strength of the perturbations varies laterally, and a current goal of seismic tomography is the detailed global mapping of these variations. Several parametrizations have previously been used to describe azimuthally varying velocities. The representation proposed here uses spherical splines and is designed to describe smooth variations in both the strength and geometry of azimuthal anisotropy. The method builds on a simple geometrical approximation for the local azimuth of propagation expressed at the defining spline knot points. It avoids the singularities at the poles that result when azimuthal variations are parametrized using traditional scalar spherical harmonics. Compared with a generalized spherical-harmonic expansion of the tensor fields that represent 2ζ and 4ζ azimuthal variations smoothly on a sphere, the new method offers the advantages of local geographical support and simplicity of implementation.  相似文献   

A crustal seismic velocity model for the UK, Ireland and surrounding seas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A regional model of the 3-D variation in seismic P -wave velocity structure in the crust of NW Europe has been compiled from wide-angle reflection/refraction profiles. Along each 2-D profile a velocity–depth function has been digitised at 5 km intervals. These 1-D velocity functions were mapped into three dimensions using ordinary kriging with weights determined to minimise the difference between digitised and interpolated values. An analysis of variograms of the digitised data suggested a radial isotropic weighting scheme was most appropriate. Horizontal dimensions of the model cells are optimised at 40 × 40 km and the vertical dimension at 1 km. The resulting model provides a higher resolution image of the 3-D variation in seismic velocity structure of the UK, Ireland and surrounding areas than existing models. The construction of the model through kriging allows the uncertainty in the velocity structure to be assessed. This uncertainty indicates the high density of data required to confidently interpolate the crustal velocity structure, and shows that for this region the velocity is poorly constrained for large areas away from the input data.  相似文献   

We measure the degree of consistency between published models of azimuthal seismic anisotropy from surface waves, focusing on Rayleigh wave phase-velocity models. Some models agree up to wavelengths of ∼2000 km, albeit at small values of linear correlation coefficients. Others are, however, not well correlated at all, also with regard to isotropic structure. This points to differences in the underlying data sets and inversion strategies, particularly the relative 'damping' of mapped isotropic versus anisotropic anomalies. Yet, there is more agreement between published models than commonly held, encouraging further analysis. Employing a generalized spherical harmonic representation, we analyse power spectra of orientational (2Ψ) anisotropic heterogeneity from seismology. We find that the anisotropic component of some models is characterized by stronger short-wavelength power than the associated isotropic structure. This spectral signal is consistent with predictions from new geodynamic models, based on olivine texturing in mantle flow. The flow models are also successful in predicting some of the seismologically mapped patterns. We substantiate earlier findings that flow computations significantly outperform models of fast azimuths based on absolute plate velocities. Moreover, further evidence for the importance of active upwellings and downwellings as inferred from seismic tomography is presented. Deterministic estimates of expected anisotropic structure based on mantle flow computations such as ours can help guide future seismologic inversions, particularly in oceanic plate regions. We propose to consider such a priori information when addressing open questions about the averaging properties and resolution of surface and body wave based estimates of anisotropy.  相似文献   

Ambient noise tomography is a rapidly emerging field of seismological research. This paper presents the current status of ambient noise data processing as it has developed over the past several years and is intended to explain and justify this development through salient examples. The ambient noise data processing procedure divides into four principal phases: (1) single station data preparation, (2) cross-correlation and temporal stacking, (3) measurement of dispersion curves (performed with frequency–time analysis for both group and phase speeds) and (4) quality control, including error analysis and selection of the acceptable measurements. The procedures that are described herein have been designed not only to deliver reliable measurements, but to be flexible, applicable to a wide variety of observational settings, as well as being fully automated. For an automated data processing procedure, data quality control measures are particularly important to identify and reject bad measurements and compute quality assurance statistics for the accepted measurements. The principal metric on which to base a judgment of quality is stability, the robustness of the measurement to perturbations in the conditions under which it is obtained. Temporal repeatability, in particular, is a significant indicator of reliability and is elevated to a high position in our assessment, as we equate seasonal repeatability with measurement uncertainty. Proxy curves relating observed signal-to-noise ratios to average measurement uncertainties show promise to provide useful expected measurement error estimates in the absence of the long time-series needed for temporal subsetting.  相似文献   

A general tomographic technique is designed in order (i) to operate in anisotropic media; (ii) to account for the uneven seismic sampling and (iii) to handle massive data sets in a reasonable computing time. One modus operandi to compute a 3-D body wave velocity model relies on surface wave phase velocity measurements. An intermediate step, shared by other approaches, consists in translating, for each period of a given mode branch, the phase velocities integrated along ray paths into local velocity perturbations. To this end, we develop a method, which accounts for the azimuthal anisotropy in its comprehensive form. The weakly non-linear forward problem allows to use a conjugate gradient optimization. The Earth's surface is regularly discretized and the partial derivatives are assigned to the individual grid points. Possible lack of lateral resolution, due to the inescapable uneven ray path coverage, is taken into account through the a priori covariances on parameters with laterally variable correlation lengths. This method allows to efficiently separate the 2ψ and the 4ψ anisotropic effects from the isotropic perturbations. Fundamental mode and overtone phase velocity maps, derived with real Rayleigh wave data sets, are presented and compared with previous maps. The isotropic models concur well with the results of Trampert & Woodhouse. Large 4ψ heterogeneities are located in the tectonically active regions and over the continental lithospheres such as North America, Antarctica or Australia. At various periods, a significant 4ψ signature is correlated with the Hawaii hotspot track. Finally, concurring with the conclusions of Trampert & Woodhouse, our phase velocity maps show that Rayleigh wave data sets do need both 2ψ and 4ψ anisotropic terms.  相似文献   

We present a complete ray theory for the calculation of surface-wave observables from anisotropic phase-velocity maps. Starting with the surface-wave dispersion relation in an anisotropic earth model, we derive practical dynamical ray-tracing equations. These equations allow calculation of the observables phase, arrival-angle and amplitude in a ray theoretical framework. Using perturbation theory, we also obtain approximate expressions for these observables. We assess the accuracy of the first-order approximations by using both theories to make predictions on a sample anisotropic phase-velocity map. A comparison of the two methods illustrates the size and type of errors which are introduced by perturbation theory. Perturbation theory phase and arrival-angle predictions agree well with the exact calculation, but amplitude predictions are poor. Many previous studies have modelled surface-wave propagation using only isotropic structure, not allowing for anisotropy. We present hypothetical examples to simulate isotropic modelling of surface waves which pass through anisotropic material. Synthetic data sets of phase and arrival angle are produced by ray tracing with exact ray theory on anisotropic phase-velocity maps. The isotropic models obtained by inverting synthetic anisotropic phase data sets produce deceptively high variance reductions because the effects of anisotropy are mapped into short-wavelength isotropic structure. Inversion of synthetic arrival-angle data sets for isotropic models results in poor variance reductions and poor recovery of the isotropic part of the anisotropic input map. Therefore, successful anisotropic phase-velocity inversions of real data require the inclusion of both phase and arrival-angle measurements.  相似文献   

This work is a study of the upper-mantle seismic structure beneath the central part of the Eurasian continent, including the northern Mongolia, Altai and Sayan orogenic areas and the Baikal rift zone. Seismic velocity models are reconstructed using the inverse teleseismic scheme. This scheme uses information from earthquakes located within the study area recorded by the Worldwide Network. The seismic anomaly structure is obtained for different volumes in the study area that partially overlap one another. Special attention has been paid to the reliability of the results: several noise and resolution comparisons are made.
The main results are as follows. (1) A cell structure of anomalies is observed beneath the Altai–Sayan region: positive, cold anomalies correspond to regions of recent orogenesis, negative anomalies are located beneath the depression of the Great Lakes in Mongolia and Hubsugul Lake. (2) A large negative anomaly is observed beneath the Hangai dome in Mongolia. (3) Strong velocity variations are obtained in a zone around Baikal Lake. A large negative anomaly is traced beneath the southern margin of the Siberian craton down to a depth of 700 km. Contrasting positive anomalies (4–5 per cent) are observed at a depth of 100–300 km beneath the Baikal rift. Our geodynamical interpretation of the velocity structure obtained beneath central Asia involves the existence of two processes in the mantle: thermal convection with regular cells, and a narrow plume beneath the southern border of the Siberian plate.  相似文献   

We compare 3-D upper mantle anisotropic structures beneath the North American continent obtained using standard and improved crustal corrections in the framework of Non-linear Asymptotic Coupling Theory (NACT) applied to long period three component fundamental and higher mode surface waveform data. Our improved approach to correct for crustal structure in high-resolution regional waveform tomographic models goes beyond the linear perturbation approximation, and is therefore more accurate in accounting for large variations in Moho topography within short distances as observed, for instance, at ocean–continent margins. This improved methodology decomposes the shallow-layer correction into a linear and non-linear part and makes use of 1-D sensitivity kernels defined according to local tectonic structure, both for the forward computation and for the computation of sensitivity kernels for inversion. The comparison of the 3-D upper mantle anisotropic structures derived using the standard and improved crustal correction approaches shows that the model norm is not strongly affected. However, significant variations are observed in the retrieved 3-D perturbations. The largest differences in the velocity models are present below 250 km depth and not in the uppermost mantle, as would be expected. We suggest that inaccurate crustal corrections preferentially map into the least constrained part of the model and therefore accurate corrections for shallow-layer structure are essential to improve our knowledge of parts of the upper mantle where our data have the smallest sensitivity.  相似文献   

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