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We consider the very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray observations of the blazar 3C 66A with the GT-48 Cherenkov telescope in the period 2002–2004 in comparison with the quasi-simultaneous ASM/RXTE observations in the energy range 2–10 keV. We show that there are positive correlations between the VHE gamma-ray and X-ray fluxes from this object recorded in the observing periods of 2002–2004.  相似文献   

We present the results of six BeppoSAX observations of 1ES 2344+514, five of which were taken within one week. 1ES 2344+514, one of the few known TeV BL Lac objects, was detected by the BeppoSAX Narrow Field Instruments (NFI) in the range 0.1 and ≈50 keV. During the first five closely spaced observations 1ES 2344+514 showed large-amplitude luminosity variability, associated with spectacular spectral changes: in particular, the last observation found the source to be several times fainter, with a much steeper X-ray spectrum . The energy-dependent shape of the light curve and the spectral changes both imply a large frequency shift (by a factor of 30 or more) of the peak of synchrotron emission. At maximum flux the peak was located at, or above, 10 keV, making 1ES 2344+514 the second blazar (after Mrk 501) to have a synchrotron peak in the hard X-ray band. The frequency shift, and the corresponding increase in luminosity, might be caused by the onset of a second synchrotron component extending from the soft to the hard X-ray band where most of the power is emitted. Rapid variability on a time-scale of approximately 5000 s has also been detected when the source was brightest.  相似文献   

Most of the extragalactic sources from which very-high-energy (VHE, E > 1011 eV) gamma-ray fluxes have been detected belong to the category of high-energy peaked BL Lacertae objects (HBLs)—the sources in which the synchrotron radiation peaks in the UV or X-ray band. They often have higher X-ray luminosities than the VHE gamma-ray energy output, which makes them the most valuable objects for studying the characteristic spectral and temporal variations in the region of the synchrotron peak of the spectral energy distribution. The blazar 1ES 1426+428 belonging to this category is a target of many multiwavelength studies, both orbital and ground-based ones. The properties of its X-ray emission have also been investigated using RXTE/PCA, XMM-Newton, and SWIFT observations. Archival PCA/RXTE data with a total exposure time in 2002 and 2004 of ≈120h and the most recent available background and calibration files have been used. The extracted light curves of 1ES 1426+428 in the 2.9–24 keV energy band have shown an intense flaring activity on various time scales. Analysis of the observational data has also confirmed the spectral hardening with increasing X-ray intensity typical of blazars. The flaring state of the object is also characterized by a flat spectrum, which steepens with decreasing flux. The previously detected evidence of a spectral hysteresis in a separate flare has also been confirmed. Observations of 1ES 1426+428 with the SWIFT/XRT telescope and the EPIC instrument onboard XMM-Newton have revealed several intermediate-intensity flares in the 1.5–12 keV energy band with flux variations reaching a factor of 2, while analysis of the light curves has revealed a correlation between two components of the X-ray emission from the object.  相似文献   

The galaxy Mrk 421 was observed with the GT-48 Cherenkov telescope in 2004. The observations revealed a very-high-energy gamma-ray flux at a confidence level of 4.8 σ. Comparison with the constant gamma-ray flux from the Crab Nebula yielded an estimate of the total flux from Mrk 421, 1.7 ± 0.7 Crab (E ≥ 1 TeV).  相似文献   

The results of observations of the quasar J0530+1331 (B0528+134) with the radio telescopes RATAN-600 at frequencies of 4.6, 8.2, 11.2, 21.7 GHz and RT-32 at the Zelenchukskaya and Badary observatories of the Quasar network of the Institute of Applied Astronomy, the Russian Academy of Sciences, at frequencies of 4.84 and 8.57 GHz in 2014–2015 are presented. A strong variability on a timescale of 20 days at 4.6–11.2 GHz has been detected over three months of daily RATAN-600 observations; the variability indices are V = dS/〈S〉; = 0.65?0.39. The spectrum of the variable component is falling toward high frequencies with an index α = ?0.76. The structure and autocorrelation functions at 4.6 GHz show an additional process on a timescale of 7 days. No delay of the main process has been detected between 11.2 and 8.2 GHz; the delay between 8.2 and 4.6 GHz does not exceed two days. The most likely cause of the observed variability is the scattering by inhomogeneities of the interstellar medium. The variability has been obtained at theminimum activity phase of the source. The intraday variability (IDV) has been searched for at both RT-32 telescopes since April 2014. Out of 38 successful observing sessions for the source, only three have shown a variability on a timescale of four hours or more at a significance level no higher than 0.1%. This confirms our conclusion drawn from the previous IDV measurements for other sources that the IDV is observed mainly at the maximum phases of long-term variability of the sources.  相似文献   

We here report a monitor of the BL Lac object 1 ES 1218+304 in both B-and R-bands by the GWAC-F60 A telescope in eight nights,when it was triggered to be at its highest X-ray flux in history by the VERITAS Observatory and Swift follow-ups.Both ANOVA and χ~2-test enable us to clearly reveal an intraday variability in optical wavelengths in seven out of the eight nights.A bluer-when-brighter chromatic relationship has been clearly identified in five out of the eight nights,which can be well explained by the shock-in-jet model.In addition,a quasi-periodic oscillation phenomenon in both bands could be tentatively identified in the first night.A positive delay between the two bands has been revealed in three out of the eight nights,and a negative one in the other nights.The identified minimum time delay enables us to estimate the M_(BH)=2.8 × 10~7 M_⊙ that is invalid.  相似文献   

The AMANDA neutrino telescope has recently reported the detection of high-energy neutrinos spatially and temporally coincident with the flaring of the TeV blazar 1ES 1959 + 650. If high-energy neutrinos are in fact generated by this blazar, it would be the first strong evidence for the hadronic acceleration of cosmic rays. At present, the statistical significance of this observation cannot be reliably assessed, however. In this letter, we investigate whether circumstances exist where the source can produce the flux implied by the coincident events. We show that if the TeV gamma-ray emission observed from 1ES 1959 + 650 or other nearby TeV blazars is the result of accelerated protons interacting with nucleons, it is reasonable that AMANDA could detect several events during a flaring period. Such rates require that the spectral index of the source be rather high (for instance 2.8 for 1ES 1959 + 650) and that the Lorentz factor of the jet be fairly small (Γ  1).  相似文献   

Comparison of the INTEGRAL upper limits on the hard X-ray flux before and after the low-energy GRB 031203 with the XMM measurements of the dust-scattered radiation at lower energies suggests that a significant fraction of the total burst energy could be released in the form of soft X-ray radiation at an early afterglow stage with a characteristic duration of ~100–1000 s. The overall time evolution of the afterglow from GRB 031203 may have not differed qualitatively from the behavior of standard (i.e., more intense) bursts studied by the SWIFT observatory. The available data also admit the possibility that the dust-scattered radiation was associated with an additional soft component in the spectrum of the gamma-ray burst itself.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of the optical R band and 1.5–12 keV band X-ray monitoring of the high-energy peaked BL Lacertae source 1ES 1959+650 performed during 2002–2007 with the 70 cm Meniscus Telescope of Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory (Georgia) and the All-Sky Monitor on board the Rossi X-ray Time Explorer, respectively. The observed long- and short-term outbursts are fitted with the lightcurves obtained by means of the modeling of synchrotron flares that are assumed to be the result of a propagation of the relativistic shock waves through the jet of 1ES 1959+650, pointed to the observer. Different values of the input parameters (shock velocity, particles’ spectral index, sizes of emission region, minimum and maximum Lorentz factors of the particles etc.) are used in order to fit the simulated lightcurves whose constructed by means of observational data. This investigation shows that both shock velocity and physical conditions in the jet of 1ES 1959+650 should be variable from flare to flare. The shocks are found to be mildly relativistic with the apparent speeds β=0.46–0.85, expressed in the units of c. Spectral index of the particle energy distribution varied from 2.10 to 2.17 for the long-term flares while it is higher in the case of short-term outbursts: s=2.32–2.45 that is suggested to be a result of the deceleration of shock front during its passage through the shell situated downstream the Mach disc. The average strength of a turbulent magnetic field ranged from 0.025 gauss to 0.04 gauss for different long-term flares while the values of 0.07–0.14 gauss were adopted for the different short-term outbursts. The lengths of variable jet area found to be of 0.13–0.47 pc with the transverse extents of (0.5–1.0)×1017 cm in the case of long-term flares. The same characteristics for short-term outbursts were (2.74–5.5)×1016 cm and (0.2–04)×1017 cm, respectively. We conclude that both shock velocity and properties of pre-shocked plasma were not the same in 1ES 1959+650 for the different flaring epochs.  相似文献   

Gamma-ray burst analyses at neutrino telescopes are typically based on diffuse or stacked (i.e., aggregated) neutrino fluxes, because the number of events expected from a single burst is small. The interpretation of aggregated flux limits implies new systematics not present for a single burst, such as by the integration over parameter distributions (diffuse fluxes), or by the low statistics in small burst samples (stacked fluxes). We simulate parameter distributions with a Monte Carlo method computing the spectra burst by burst, as compared to a conventional Monte Carlo integration. With this approach, we can predict the behavior of the flux in the diffuse limit as well as in low statistics stacking samples, such as used in recent IceCube data analyses. We also include the flavor composition at the detector (ratio between muon tracks and cascades) into our considerations. We demonstrate that the spectral features, such as a characteristic multi-peak structure coming from photohadronic interactions, flavor mixing, and magnetic field effects, are typically present even in diffuse neutrino fluxes if only the redshift distribution of the sources is considered, with z ? 1 dominating the neutrino flux. On the other hand, we show that variations of the Lorentz boost can only be interpreted in a model-dependent way, and can be used as a model discriminator. For example, we illustrate that the observation of spectral features in aggregated fluxes will disfavor the commonly used assumption that bursts with small Lorentz factors dominate the neutrino flux, whereas it will be consistent with the hypothesis that the bursts have similar properties in the comoving frame.  相似文献   

The power-law decay of the X-ray emission of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows 050319, 050401, 050607, 050713A, 050802 and 050922C exhibits a steepening at about 1–4 h after the burst which, surprisingly, is not accompanied by a break in the optical emission. If it is assumed that both the optical and X-ray afterglows arise from the same outflow then, in the framework of the standard forward shock model, the chromaticity of the X-ray light-curve breaks indicates that they do not arise solely from a mechanism related to the outflow dynamics (e.g. energy injection) or the angular distribution of the blast-wave kinetic energy (structured outflows or jets). The lack of a spectral evolution accompanying the X-ray light-curve break shows that these breaks do not arise from the passage of a spectral break (e.g. the cooling frequency) either. Under these circumstances, the decoupling of the X-ray and optical decays requires that the microphysical parameters for the electron and magnetic energies in the forward shock evolve in time, whether the X-ray afterglow is synchrotron or inverse-Compton emission. For a steady evolution of these parameters with the Lorentz factor of the forward shock and an X-ray light curve arising cessation of energy injection into the blast wave, the optical and X-ray properties of the above six Swift afterglows require a circumburst medium with a r −2 radial stratification, as expected for a massive star origin for long GRBs. Alternatively, the chromatic X-ray light-curve breaks may indicate that the optical and X-ray emissions arise from different outflows. Neither feature (evolution of microphysical parameters or the different origin of the optical and X-ray emissions) was clearly required by pre-Swift afterglows.  相似文献   

We report on the extreme behaviour of the high-redshift blazar GB B1428+4217 at   z = 4.72  . A continued programme of radio measurements has revealed an exceptional flare in the light curve, with the 15.2-GHz flux density rising by a factor of ∼3 from ∼140 to ∼430  mJy in a rest-frame time-scale of only ∼4 months – much larger than any previous flares observed in this source. In addition to new measurements of the 1.4–43  GHz radio spectrum, we also present the analysis and results of a target-of-opportunity X-ray observation using XMM–Newton , made close to the peak in radio flux. Although the X-ray data do not show a flare in the high-energy light curve, we are able to confirm the X-ray spectral variability hinted at in previous observations. GB B1428+4217 is one of several high-redshift radio-loud quasars that display a low-energy break in the X-ray spectrum, probably due to the presence of excess absorption in the source. X-ray spectral analysis of the latest XMM–Newton data is shown to be consistent with the warm-absorption scenario which we have hypothesized previously. Warm absorption is also consistent with the observed X-ray spectral variability of the source, in which the spectral changes can be successfully accounted-for with a fixed column density of material in which the ionization state is correlated with hardness of the underlying power-law emission.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of Chandra ACIS observations of the field of TeV J2032+4130, the first unidentified TeV source, detected serendipitously by HEGRA. This deep (48.7 ks) observation of the field follows up on an earlier 5 ks Chandra director’s discretionary observation. Of the numerous point-like X-ray sources in the field, the brightest are shown to be a mixture of early and late-type stars. We find that several of the X-ray sources are transients, exhibiting rapid increases in count rates by factors 3–10, and similar in nature to the one, hard absorbed transient source located in the earlier Chandra observation of the field. None of these transient sources are likely to correspond to the TeV source. Instead, we identify a region of diffuse X-ray emission within the error circle of the TeV source and consider its plausible association.  相似文献   

The black hole candidate Cyg X-1 was observed in ultra low state on march 30, 1997 using Large Area Scintillation counter Experiment (LASE) in the hard X-ray energy region of 20–180 keV. During the 30 minute exposure a combined signal of 68 sigma was obtained, however, the measured flux at 50 keV was lower by a factor of 2 than the minimum flux reported so far. Using the recent orbital ephemeris of the source, our snap-shot observations were made at ϕ5.6 = 0.915, which corresponds to the binary minimum revealed by the ASM light curves. The daily average data from the BATSE detectors give the source intensity level to be higher by a factor of 5. Very low flux values measured in the present experiment suggest that the hard X-ray source may have been partially occulted by the primary companion during its transit near the X-ray minimum.  相似文献   

The results of simultaneous measurements of variations of UV radiation (in a band near the hydrogen Lα line, 121.6 nm) and hard X-ray and gamma-ray radiation (50 keV-200 MeV) performed by the VUSS-L and SONG instruments, respectively, onboard the CORONAS-F spacecraft are presented for periods of solar flares. Variations in the Lα ultraviolet radiation during the impulsive phase of a flare are shown to be synchronous with those of hard X-ray radiation. Temporal variations of UV and X-ray fluxes correspond to the progressive heating of higher and higher regions of the solar atmosphere and the energy transfer from the lower layers of the solar atmosphere to the coronal areas of flare regions. The energy of electrons in beams arising during the impulsive phase of flares can be as high as 500 keV. The velocity of the energy propagation from the regions of its release to the upper layers of the solar atmosphere can reach several tens of kilometers per second.  相似文献   

Fourier analysis performed on the data of three balloon observations (20–200 keV) of Cygnus X-1 has shown a significant peak of the power spectral density at about 17 s. Possible periodic pulsations, sustained over periods of at least one hour, could be responsible for the peak we detected. Results of computer simulations in terms of a superposition of randomly occurring pulses give some support to this interpretation.Paper presented at the COSPAR Symposium on Fast Transients in X-and Gamma-Rays, held in Varna, Bulgaria, May 1975.  相似文献   

We present a phase-resolved ROSAT HRI X-ray light curve of the dwarf nova OY Car in quiescence. The X-ray flux is eclipsed at the same time as the optical eclipse of the primary, and the region of X-ray emission is comparable in size to the white dwarf. We use subsequent optical observations to update the orbital ephemeris of the system.  相似文献   

Observations at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory are used to show that the ultrahigh-energy gamma-ray flux from the galaxy Mk 501 varies with a $23\mathop .\limits^d 2$ period. The period was determined by the HEGRA team from the 1997 observations.  相似文献   

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