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Acoustic backscatter images of the seafloor obtained with sidescan sonar systems are displayed most often using a flat bottom assumption. Whenever this assumption is not valid, pixels are mapped incorrectly in the image frame, yielding distorted representations of the seafloor. Here, such distortions are corrected by using an appropriate representation of the relief, as measured by the sonar that collected the acoustic backscatter information. In addition, all spatial filtering operations required in the pixel relocation process take the sonar geometry into account. Examples of the process are provided by data collected in the Northeastern Pacific over Fieberling Guyot with the SeaMARC II bathymetric sidescan sonar system and the Sea Beam multibeam echo-sounder. The nearly complete (90%) Sea Beam bathymetry coverage of the Guyot serves as a reference to quantify the distortions found in the backscatter images and to evaluate the accuracy of the corrections performed with SeaMARC II bathymetry. As a byproduct, the processed SeaMARC II bathymetry and the Sea Beam bathymetry adapted to the SeaMARC II sonar geometry exhibit a 35m mean-square difference over the entire area surveyed.On leave at the Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7420, Washington D.C. 20375-5350.  相似文献   

This paper examines the potential for remote classification of seafloor terrains using a combination of quantitative acoustic backscatter measurements and high resolution bathymetry derived from two classes of sonar systems currently used by the marine research community: multibeam echo-sounders and bathymetric sidescans sonar systems. The high-resolution bathymetry is important, not only to determine the topography of the area surveyed, but to provide accurate bottom slope corrections needed to convert the arrival angles of the seafloor echoes received by the sonars into true angles of incidence. An angular dependence of seafloor acoustic backscatter can then be derived for each region surveyed, making it possible to construct maps of acoustic backscattering strength in geographic coordinates over the areas of interest. Such maps, when combined with the high-resolution bathymetric maps normally compiled from the data output by the above sonar systems, could be very effective tools to quantify bottom types on a regional basis, and to develop automatic seafloor classification routines.  相似文献   

The Red Sea is an unusual example of a rift basin that transitioned from its evaporitic stage to fully open-ocean conditions at the end of the Miocene (∼5.3 Ma), much more recently than older Mesozoic margins around the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. The patterns of halokinetic deformation occurring in the Red Sea are potentially of interest for understanding more generally how evaporite deposits deform during this early stage. Relevant to this issue, a line of reconnaissance sidescan sonar data (GLORIA) collected along the Red Sea in 1979 is re-evaluated here. We first interpret the data with the aid of newly compiled bathymetry from multibeam sonars in the central and southern Red Sea. Features in the acoustic backscatter data are associated with ridges, valleys and rounded flow fronts produced by halokinetic deformation. Some areas of higher acoustic backscattering from the evaporites are suggested to relate to roughness produced by deformation of the evaporite surface. Within the volcanic (oceanic) axial valleys, areas of differing high and low backscattering suggest varied sediment cover and/or carbonate encrustations. With the benefit of the above experience, we then interpreted data from the northern Red Sea, where there are fewer multibeam data available. Rounded fronts of halokinetic deformation are present in the Zabargad Fracture Zone, a broad, shallow valley crossing the Red Sea obliquely. The presence of halokinetic deformation here is evidence that subsidence has occurred along the fracture zone. Elsewhere in the northern Red Sea, the GLORIA data reveal folds in the evaporite surface, suggesting local areas of convergence, like those implied by multibeam data from inter-trough zones further south. Some linear features are observed, many of which are likely to be ridges overlying salt walls. Interestingly, several such features are oriented along an accommodation zone that is oriented parallel to the plate spreading direction. Several rounded, corrugated features are interpreted as possible evaporite flow fronts. Overall, the impression from the data is of a strongly mobile seabed in the Red Sea because of halokinetic deformation, involving both vertical and horizontal movements. However, salt walls appear more common than in the central and southern axial Red Sea, where horizontal movements instead tend to dominate.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the use of bathymetric sidescan sonar for automatic classification of seabed sediments. Bathymetric sidescan sonar, here implemented through a small receiver array, retains the advantage of sidescan in speed through illuminating large swaths, but also enables the data gathered to be located spatially. The spatial location allows the image intensity to be corrected for depth and insonification angle, thus improving the use of the sonar for identifying changes in seafloor sediment. In this paper we investigate automatic tools for seabed recognition, using wavelets to analyse the image of Hopvågen Bay in Norway. We use the back-propagation elimination algorithm to determine the most significant wavelet features for discrimination. We show that the features selected present good agreement with the grab sample results in the survey under study and can be used in a classifier to discriminate between different seabed sediments.  相似文献   

When isobath maps of the seafloor are constructed with a bathymetric sidescan sonar system the position of each sounding is derived from estimates of range and elevation. The location of each pixel forming the acoustic backscatter image is calculated from the same estimates. The accuracy of the resulting maps depends on the acoustic array geometry, on the performances of the acoustic signal processing, and on knowledge of other parameters including: the platform's navigation, the sonar transducer's attitude, and the sound rays' trajectory between the sonar and the seafloor. The relative importance of these factors in the estimation of target location is assesed. The effects of the platform motions (e.g. roll, pitch, yaw, sway, surge and heave) and of the uncertainties in the elevation angle measurements are analyzed in detail. The variances associated with the representation (orientation and depth) of a plane, rectangular patch of the seafloor are evaluated, depending on the geometry of the patch. The inverse problem is addressed. Its solution gives the lateral dimensions of the spatial filter that must be applied to the bathymetric data to obtain specified accuracies of the slopes and depths. The uncertainty in the estimate of elevation angle, mostly due to the acoustic noise, is found to bring the main error contribution in across-track slope estimates. It can also be critical for along-track slope estimates, overshadowing error contributions due to the platform's attitude. Numerical examples are presented.On leave at the Naval Research Laboratory, Code 7420, Washington D.C. 20375-5350, U.S.A.  相似文献   

通过分析GeoAcoustics公司的GeoSwath相干多波束系统的二进制原始文件结构,使用VC 6.0设计出各传感器字段的数据结构,并编程实现相干多波束数据的提取和图形可视化。该技术方法对于GeoSwath系统多波束数据的提取和分析处理有参考意义。  相似文献   

浅水高分辨率测深侧扫声纳系统及其海上应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍浅水高分辨率测深侧扫声纳系统(SBSSS)的工作原理和硬件结构,然后介绍系统进行海上井场区域调查的情况,最后给出系统的实时工作结果和水深数据后处理结果.并把系统获得的水深和地貌结果分别与EM3000D多波束测深系统的水深结果、Klein2000型侧扫声纳系统的地貌结果进行对比分析.比较结果表明,浅水高分辨率测深侧扫声纳系统与其他系统获得的结果一致,经数据后处理,测深精度达到IHO特级标准要求.  相似文献   

Mine detection and classification using high-resolution sidescan sonar is a critical technology for mine counter measures (MCM). As opposed to the majority of techniques which require large training data sets, this paper presents unsupervised models for both the detection and the shadow extraction phases of an automated classification system. The detection phase is carried out using an unsupervised Markov random field (MRF) model where the required model parameters are estimated from the original image. Using a priori spatial information on the physical size and geometric signature of mines in sidescan sonar, a detection-orientated MRF model is developed which directly segments the image into regions of shadow, seabottom-reverberation, and object-highlight. After detection, features are extracted so that the object can be classified. A novel co-operating statistical snake (CSS) model is presented which extracts the highlight and shadow of the object. The CSS model again utilizes available a priori information on the spatial relationship between the highlight and shadow, allowing accurate segmentation of the object's shadow to be achieved.  相似文献   

Multibeam bathymetric system (MBS) has been widely applied in the marine surveying for providing high-resolution seabed topography. However, some factors degrade the precision of bathymetry, including the sound velocity, the vessel attitude, the misalignment angle of the transducer and so on. Although these factors have been corrected strictly in bathymetric data processing, the final bathymetric result is still affected by their residual errors. In deep water, the result usually cannot meet the requirements of high-precision seabed topography. The combined effect of these residual errors is systematic, and it’s difficult to separate and weaken the effect using traditional single-error correction methods. Therefore, the paper puts forward a new method for weakening the effect of residual errors based on the frequency-spectrum characteristics of seabed topography and multibeam bathymetric data. Four steps, namely the separation of the low-frequency and the high-frequency part of bathymetric data, the reconstruction of the trend of actual seabed topography, the merging of the actual trend and the extracted microtopography, and the accuracy evaluation, are involved in the method. Experiment results prove that the proposed method could weaken the combined effect of residual errors on multibeam bathymetric data and efficiently improve the accuracy of the final post-processing results. We suggest that the method should be widely applied to MBS data processing in deep water.  相似文献   

中国科学院海洋研究所在开展西太平洋马里亚纳海山区多学科综合科学考察的过程中,利用"科学"轮船载的全水深多波束测深系统Seabeam3012对多个海山进行了地形测量工作。针对作业过程中遇到的恶劣海况导致采集数据质量差、多波束系统易检测错误海底信息、测线布设难度大等问题,提出了基于船体姿态对数据质量影响分析的多波束测线方向优化、基于地形变化并参考浅地层剖面资料的作业参数优化和基于实时采集情况的多波束采集测线布设优化等一系列措施,有效地提高了海山区多波束数据采集质量,并提高了作业效率。获得的高品质地形数据,为多学科协同研究奠定了基础,为ROV等设备的现场作业提供了安全保障。  相似文献   

多波束声呐图像是进行海底底质分类的主要数据源之一,由于受海洋噪声、声波散射和混响、仪器设备等因素影响,其经各项常规改正后仍存在明显残差,突出表现在中央波束区和条带重叠区,难以形成高质量的声呐图像。文中分析了多波束声呐图像残差的成因及影响,提出了一种基于多条带最小二乘拟合的多波束声呐图像残差处理方法。首先,得到相邻声脉冲(ping)信号中央区域、重叠区域以及整体趋势的拟合函数;然后,通过拟合函数计算得到中央和重叠区域的残差改正系数;最后,通过改正系数进行残差改正。实验分析表明,该方法在保留原始细节的基础上,有效削弱了残差对声呐图像的影响,对多波束声呐图像处理具有参考和应用价值。  相似文献   

We present a gridded Sea Beam bathymetric map of a 5100 km2 area between 9° and 10° N on the East Pacific Rise (included as a color separate accompanying this issue). The raw bathymetric data are renavigated using a technique for calculating smooth adjustments to navigation that incorporates absolute constraints from satellite fixes and acoustically-located explosive shots, and relative constraints from the misfit of bathymetric data at ship track crossovers. We describe a back-projection technique for gridding the bathymetric data that incorporates an approximation for the power distribution within a narrow-beam echo sounding system and accounts for the variable uncertainties associated with multi-beam data. The nodal separation of the resulting map is ~ 80 m in both latitude and longitude, and the sampling of grid points within a 60 × 85 km2 region is in excess of 99%. A formal analysis of variance is applied to the gridded bathymetric data. For each grid point, the difference between the variance of data from within a track versus data from between tracks provides an upper bound on the magnitude of bathymetric misfits arising from navigational errors. The renavigation results in an 88% reduction in this quantity. We also examine the effects of renavigation on the misfit of magnetic and gravity data at crossovers and compare our results with other bathymetric surveys. A striking feature of the final bathymetric map is the sinuous regional shape of the rise axis. In plan view, the local trend of morphology sometimes varies by up to 15° and the distances separating changes in morphological trend are about 10–20 km. In cross section the slopes of the rise flanks are notably asymmetric and show some correlation with the offset of the axial magmatic system as detected by seismic methods.  相似文献   

SeaMARC II and Sea Beam bathymetric data are combined to create a chart of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) from 8°N to 18°N reaching at least 1 Ma onto the rise flanks in most places. Based on these data as well as SeaMARC II side scan sonar mosaics we offer the following observations and conclusions. The EPR is segmented by ridge axis discontinuities such that the average segment lengths in the area are 360 km for first-order segments, 140 km for second-order segments, 52 km for third-order segments, and 13 km for fourth-order segments. All three first-order discontinuities are transform faults. Where the rise axis is a bathymetric high, second-order discontinuities are overlapping spreading centers (OSCs), usually with a distinctive 3:1 overlap to offset ratio. The off-axis discordant zones created by the OSCs are V-shaped in plan view indicating along axis migration at rates of 40–100 mm yr–1. The discordant zones consist of discrete abandoned ridge tips and overlap basins within a broad wake of anomalously deep bathymetry and high crustal magnetization. The discordant zones indicate that OSCs have commenced at different times and have migrated in different directions. This rules out any linkage between OSCs and a hot spot reference frame. The spacing of abandoned ridges indicates a recurrence interval for ridge abandonment of 20,000–200,000 yrs for OSCs with an average interval of approximately 100,000 yrs. Where the rise axis is a bathymetric low, the only second-order discontinuity mapped is a right-stepping jog in the axial rift valley. The discordant zone consists of a V-shaped wake of elongated deeps and interlocking ridges, similar to the wakes of second-order discontinuities on slow-spreading ridges. At the second-order segment level, long segments tend to lengthen at the expense of neighboring shorter segments. This can be understood if segments can be approximated by cracks, because the propagation force at a crack tip is directly proportional to crack length.There has been a counter-clockwise change in the direction of spreading on the EPR between 8 and 18° N during the last 1 Ma. The cumulative change has been 3°–6°, producing opening across the Orozco and Siqueiros transform faults and closing across the Clipperton transform. The instantaneous present-day Cocos-Pacific pole is located at approximately 38.4° N, 109.5° W with an angular rotation rate of 2.10° m.y.–1 This change in spreading direction explains the predominance of right-stepping discontinuities of orders 2–4 along the Siqueiros-Clipperton and Orozco-Rivera segments, but does not explain other aspects of segmentation which are thought to be linked to patterns of melt supply to the ridge axis.There are 23 significant seamount chains in the mapped area and most are created very near the spreading axis. Nearly all of the seamount chains have trends which fall between the absolute and relative plate motion vectors.  相似文献   

在冷泉调查研究中,多波束系统因其快速高效、成本较低的特点被广泛应用.本文靶定南海北部陆坡琼东南盆地冷泉发育区,介绍了SeaBeam 3030多波束系统在冷泉发育区中的调查应用实例.通过分析多波束水深数据和水体数据,确定了调查区海底地形地貌以及水体羽状流特征,同时对该冷泉区开展综合调查的必要性进行了初步分析.研究表明,调...  相似文献   

High-resolution, side-looking sonar data collected near the seafloor (100 m altitude) provide important structural and topographic information for defining the geological history and current tectonic framework of seafloor terrains. DSL-120 kHz sonar data collected in the rift valley of the Lucky Strike segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 37° N provide the ability to quantitatively assess the effective resolution limits of both the sidescan imagery and the computed phase-bathymetry of this sonar system. While the theoretical, vertical and horizontal pixel resolutions of the DSL-120 system are <1 m, statistical analysis of DSL-120 sonar data collected from the Lucky Strike segment indicates that the effective spatial resolution of features is 1–2 m for sidescan imagery and 4 m for phase-bathymetry in the seafloor terrain of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift valley. Comparison of multibeam bathymetry data collected at the sea-surface with deep-tow DSL-120 bathymetry indicates that depth differences are on the order of the resolution of the multibeam system (10–30 m). Much of this residual can be accounted for by navigational mismatches and the higher resolving ability of the DSL-120 data, which has a bathymetric footprint on the seafloor that is 20 times smaller than that of hull-mounted multibeam at these seafloor depths (2000 m). Comparison of DSL-120 bathymetry with itself on crossing lines indicates that residual depth values are ±20 m, with much of that variation being accounted for by navigational errors. A DSL-120 survey conducted in 1998 on the Juan de Fuca Ridge with better navigation and less complex seafloor terrain had residual depth values half those of the Lucky Strike survey. The quality of the bathymetry data varies as a function of position within the swath, with poorer data directly beneath the tow vehicle and also towards the swath edges.Variations in sidescan amplitude observed across the rift valley and on Lucky Strike Seamount correlate well with changes in seafloor roughness caused by transitions from sedimented seafloor to bare rock outcrops. Distinct changes in sonar backscatter amplitude were also observed between areas covered with hydrothermal pavement that grade into lava flows and the collapsed surface of the lava lake in the summit depression of Lucky Strike Seamount. Small features on the seafloor, including volcanic constructional features (e.g., small cones, haystacks, fissures and collapse features) and hydrothermal vent chimneys or mounds taller than 2 m and greater than 9 m2 in surface area, can easily be resolved and mapped using this system. These features at Lucky Strike have been confirmed visually using the submersible Alvin, the remotely operated vehicle Jason, and the towed optical/acoustic mapping system Argo II.  相似文献   

The variation of the backscatter strength with the angle of incidence is an intrinsic property of the seafloor, which can be used in methods for acoustic seafloor characterization. Although multibeam sonars acquire backscatter over a wide range of incidence angles, the angular information is normally neglected during standard backscatter processing and mosaicking. An approach called Angular Range Analysis has been developed to preserve the backscatter angular information, and use it for remote estimation of seafloor properties. Angular Range Analysis starts with the beam-by-beam time-series of acoustic backscatter provided by the multibeam sonar and then corrects the backscatter for seafloor slope, beam pattern, time varying and angle varying gains, and area of insonification. Subsequently a series of parameters are calculated from the stacking of consecutive time series over a spatial scale that approximates half of the swath width. Based on these calculated parameters and the inversion of an acoustic backscatter model, we estimate the acoustic impedance and the roughness of the insonified area on the seafloor. In the process of this inversion, the behavior of the model parameters is constrained by established inter-property relationships. The approach has been tested using a 300 kHz Simrad EM3000 multibeam sonar in Little Bay, NH. Impedance estimates are compared to in situ measurements of sound speed. The comparison shows a very good correlation, indicating the potential of this approach for robust seafloor characterization.  相似文献   


A giant submarine slump, encompassing a 91‐km by 26‐km block, occurring on the continental slope offshore Iquique, Chile, was identified during a SeaMARC II survey. Utilizing SeaMARC II side‐scan imagery, bathymetry, and seismic reflection data, five morphostructural zones of the slump were identified: the fissured zone, scar zone, tensional depression, central block, and front zone. The fissured zone was developed on the crown of the slump; the scar zone is characterized by scars with the crescent‐shaped slip surfaces and throws ranging from 200 m to 50 m. The tensional depression zone is marked by an area voided by mass slumping, while the central block morphology was formed by uplift. The front zone is comprised of both compressional and tensional subzones. The compressional subzone is characterized by a relative topographic low, on the middle slope, whereas the extensional subzone is characterized by a convex pattern of alternated ridges and hollows, which may represent the debris of the slump on the lower slope. The formation of the slump was strongly influenced by the subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the Chile continental margin, which resulted in the subsidence of the continental slope with a resultant increase in the slope gradient and pore‐water pressure in the sedimentary layers. Slump formation was further facilitated by the development of a complex fault system associated with the subduction and by the triggering effect of earthquakes in the area.  相似文献   

In an initial stage, the Sea of Marmara developed as a graben and, in due course, considerable volumes of sediments were deposited in this basin. Before 200 ka, a new fault (New Marmara Fault) cutting through the whole basin developed, which postdated large sub-marine land sliding in the western part of the basin. This mass movement created the Western Ridge. The initiation of this strike-slip fault indicates that the extensional stress regime was replaced by a new, shearing stress field. In the eastern part of the Marmara Basin, the New Marmara Fault consists of two branches. The northern one replaces the normal faulting at the bottom of the northeastern slope of the basin. As a result, this slope has been rejuvenated. The southern branch is located along the central axis of the basin, forming the major extension of the North Anatolian Fault Zone within the region. Two restraining bends were formed because of the counterclockwise rotation of that part of the Anatolian Block. This resulted the uplifting of the Eastern Ridge and the formation of the positive flower structure within the Tekirdag Basin. The establishment of the compressional regime around the Sea of Marmara also resulted in the northwest–southeast shortening of the initial Marmara Basin.  相似文献   

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