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本文对高度异常及垂线偏差的截断误差进行了估计,导出了高阶截断系数的近似表达式。这些截断系数是振幅逐渐衰减的正弦函数,而且其振幅与斯托克司函数在界圆φ_0处的值密切相关。经分析认为,采用莫洛金斯基的最小平方逼近方法,将可使截断误差的数量级大为降低,值得在实际中采用。为了进一步提高截断系数的收敛速度,建议在最小平方逼近的基础上,附加上界圆φ_0处的边界条件,这样将较单纯的逼近为优。为此提出两种实施的方法:利用拉格朗日的条件极值和利用样条函数逼近。 相似文献
本文给出了GEM 10 B地球重力模型2—36阶、2—12阶以及13—36阶等三幅全球自由空气重力异常图.在2—12阶和2—36阶重力图中,全球重力异常呈现出双层环状结构特征.内环是环绕太平洋地区的正异常带,外环是紧密包围着环太平洋正异常带的巨大负异常带.在13—36阶重力图中,全球大洋海岭地区几乎全部呈低幅值(0—10mGal)正异常. 本文分析了利用递推公式计算勒让德函数的稳定性问题,给出一组适合计算机运用的完全正规化缔合勒让德函数计算公式.采用该组公式计算(双精度运算)的完全正规化缔合勒让德函数值在θ≥1°,L≤300阶时,其εL误差小于10-13. 为了解决对高阶勒让德函数值计算精度的估计问题,本文提出以完全正规化缔合勒让德函数的σl=1性质为基础的σL函数精度判定法.该方法简便易行. 相似文献
本文给出了GEM 10 B地球重力模型2-36阶、2-12阶以及13-36阶等三幅全球自由空气重力异常图.在2-12阶和2-36阶重力图中,全球重力异常呈现出双层环状结构特征.内环是环绕太平洋地区的正异常带,外环是紧密包围着环太平洋正异常带的巨大负异常带.在13-36阶重力图中,全球大洋海岭地区几乎全部呈低幅值(0-10mGal)正异常. 本文分析了利用递推公式计算勒让德函数的稳定性问题,给出一组适合计算机运用的完全正规化缔合勒让德函数计算公式.采用该组公式计算(双精度运算)的完全正规化缔合勒让德函数值在θ≥1°,L≤300阶时,其εL误差小于10-13. 为了解决对高阶勒让德函数值计算精度的估计问题,本文提出以完全正规化缔合勒让德函数的σl=1性质为基础的σL函数精度判定法.该方法简便易行. 相似文献
利用Shamway和Der的多道最大或然性反褶积原理,讨论了从单台三分量远震P波波形中分离接收函数径向与垂向分量复谱比的方法.根据Tarantola的波形反演理论发展了接收函数复谱比的非线性反演方法.本文的反演方法除了拟合接收函数的复谱比之外,还需拟合时间域中接收函数垂向与径向分量的初至振幅比.合成波形数据反演的结果表明本文方法的反演结果不依赖初始模型.利用该方法和CDSN台网兰州台记录的宽频带远震P波波形数据,研究了该台站的接收函数及其随方位角的变化.接收函数复谱比非线性反演给出了该台站下方140km深度岩石层的S波速度结构,得到兰州台下方地壳厚度为54ks,岩石层厚度为94km. 相似文献
利用Shamway和Der的多道最大或然性反褶积原理,讨论了从单台三分量远震P波波形中分离接收函数径向与垂向分量复谱比的方法.根据Tarantola的波形反演理论发展了接收函数复谱比的非线性反演方法.本文的反演方法除了拟合接收函数的复谱比之外,还需拟合时间域中接收函数垂向与径向分量的初至振幅比.合成波形数据反演的结果表明本文方法的反演结果不依赖初始模型.利用该方法和CDSN台网兰州台记录的宽频带远震P波波形数据,研究了该台站的接收函数及其随方位角的变化.接收函数复谱比非线性反演给出了该台站下方140km深度岩石层的S波速度结构,得到兰州台下方地壳厚度为54ks,岩石层厚度为94km. 相似文献
R. E. WHITE 《Geophysical Prospecting》1973,21(4):660-703
A seismic trace recorded with suitable gain control can be treated as a stationary time series. Each trace, χj(t), from a set of traces, can be broken down into two stationary components: a signal sequence, αj(t) *s(t—τj), which correlates from trace to trace, and an incoherent noise sequence, nj(t), which does not correlate from trace to trace. The model for a seismic trace used in this paper is thus χj(t) =αj(t) * s(t—τj) +nj(t) where the signal wavelet αj(t), the lag (moveout) of the signal τj, and the noise sequence nj(t) can vary in any manner from trace to trace. Given this model, a method for estimating the power spectra of the signal and incoherent noise components on each trace is presented. The method requires the calculation of the multiple coherence function γj(f) of each trace. γj(f) is the fraction of the power on traced at frequency f that can be predicted in a least-square error sense from all other traces. It is related to the signal-to-noise power ratio ρj(f) by where Kj(f) can be computed and is in general close to 1.0. The theory leading to this relation is given in an Appendix. Particular attention is paid to the statistical distributions of all estimated quantities. The statistical behaviour of cross-spectral and coherence estimates is complicated by the presence of bias as well as random deviations. Straightforward methods for removing this bias and setting up confidence limits, based on the principle of maximum likelihood and the Goodman distribution for the sample multiple coherence, are described. Actual field records differ from the assumed model mainly in having more than one correctable component, components other than the required sequence of reflections being lumped together as correlated noise. When more than one correlatable component is present, the estimate for the signal power spectrum obtained by the multiple coherence method is approximately the sum of the power spectra of the correlatable components. A further practical drawback to estimating spectra from seismic data is the limited number of degrees of freedom available. Usually at least one second of stationary data on each trace is needed to estimate the signal spectrum with an accuracy of about 10%. Examples using synthetic data are presented to illustrate the method. 相似文献
A simple unified equation of apparent resistivity for a general four-electrode array is developed. The main idea is the analytical integration of the Stefanescu expression for potential over a layered earth by writing an exponential approximation for the kernel function. Finally a matrix equation is developed to estimate the kernel function from observed apparent resistivity values. The general equation automatically reduces to the particular configuration once the electrode separations are modified suitably. Examples for Schlumberger and Wenner configurations are numerically calculated to estimate the precision of the method. Good results in a short execution time are obtained, irrespective of the shape of the apparent resistivity curve. Finally, the full interpretation of one theoretical resistivity curve and two field resistivity curves is demonstrated. The more stable ridge-regression estimation method is used in the identification of layer parameters from the kernel function. 相似文献
C. VENETIS 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(2):105-111
Abstract Under certain assumptions the stage-discharge relationship of a channel cross-section can be approximated by a logarithmic relationship. Observational pairs of stage and discharge plotted on log-log paper often cluster around a straight line and this suggests that the assumptions involved are often approximately satisfied. In such cases the parameters of the logarithmic relationship are usually estimated graphically from the position and slope of the straight line on the log-log paper. In this paper principles and methods are outlined for the estimation of the parameters with estimates of their standard error, via regression analysis. Because the water level of zero flows is usually one of the unknown parameters, the regression is non-linear and least squares optimal estimates can be obtained by a step-by-step approximation. The variances of the parameter estimates can be obtained from the dispersion matrix of the joint distribution of the least squares estimators via the likelihood function. An estimate of the error in predictions of the discharge depending on the corresponding stage may be obtained. 相似文献
系统误差及传递误差对山东重力变化的影响分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对2009年以来的重力资料采用新的8位点号平差程序,利用绝对重力控制的相对重力测量10期资料进行了经典平差计算和系统误差检验分析,揭示了经系统误差改正后的重力变化结果较小,基本符合山东正常重力变化幅度。另外,对测网的传递误差带来的影响进行了简单的讨论,从而基本去除无震异常值较大的弊端,为合理科学分析山东重力场变化特点提供了前提条件。 相似文献