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Despite the abundant evidence for the enrichment of phosphorus during the petrogenesis of natural ferro-basalts, the effect of phosphorus on the physical properties of these melts is poorly understood. The effects of phosphorus on the viscosity, density and redox ratio of a ferro-basaltic melt have been determined experimentally. The viscosity measurements were obtained using the concentric cylinder method on a ferro-basaltic melt above its liquidus, at 1 atm, in equilibrium with air and with CO2. The density measurements were performed using the double Pt-bob Archimedean method at superliquidus conditions under 1 atm of air. The redox ratio was obtained by wet chemical analysis of samples collected during physical property measurements. Phosphorus pentoxide reduces ferric iron in ferro-basaltic melt. The reduction due to P2O5 is much larger than that for most other oxide components in basaltic melts. A coefficient for the reduction of ferric iron has been generated for inclusion in calculation schemes. The effect of P2O5 on the viscosity is shown to be complex. The initial reduction of ferric iron with the addition of P2O5 results in a relatively small change in viscosity, while further addition of P2O5 results in a strong increase. The addition of phosphorus to a ferro-basaltic melt also reduces the density. A partial molar volume of 64.5±0.7 cm3/mol for P2O5 in this melt has been obtained at 1300° C, yielding a volume of 12.9 cm3/mol per oxygen, consistent with a tetrahedral coordination for this high field strength cation. The effects of P2O5 on redox state, density and viscosity provide constraints on the structural role of phosphorus in these melts. The results suggest a complex interaction of phosphorus with the aluminosilicate network, and tetrahedral ferric iron. In light of the significant effects of phosphorus on the physical and chemical properties of ferro-basaltic liquids, and the extreme enrichments possible in these liquids in nature, the role of phosphorus in these melts should, in future, be considered more carefully.  相似文献   

The vertical fingering motions which can occur when warm, salty water overlies colder, fresher water are important to the vertical flux of salt in the ocean. An analogous and not uncommon situation is that where turbid water overlies clearer and denser water. For the case of an originally sharp horizontal interface between the two water layers (associated, as an example with an interflow due to a warm, muddy river entering a stratified lake), the resulting downward sediment flux is compared with that occurring by way of gravitational settling. Rules are proposed to ascertain when the fingering effect could be important to sedimentation. For example, it seems that fingering could be of consequence in the situation where the sediment has a diameter of 2 μm and the upper layer is about 1°C warmer than the (clear) lower layer, when the upper-layer concentration is 1 ppm. The effect of fingering on the residence time of a gravitationally stable turbid layer is calculated. Such layers may be more short-lived than commonly thought.  相似文献   

In the development of oil and gas reservoirs, the transport of miscible fluids in porous rocks is a key issue for oil and gas recovery. The simplified unidirectional flow model is employed to investigate the effects of the viscosity ratio on dispersion in semi-infinite homogenous media. The viscosity is supposed to be unsteady due to changing component concentration over time. In cases of both a viscosity ratio larger and less than 1, the pollutant concentration and flow velocity are computed at different initial conditions and viscosity ratios. The analytical solutions are then developed by introducing new variables and transforming the equation governing advection–diffusion equation in semi-infinite homogeneous media with a continuous source. A comparison of the numerical solution with the analytical solution revealed a similarity over 98%, highlighting the usability of the analytical solution. If the viscosity ratio is larger than 1, flow velocity declines exponentially and concentration attenuates with transporting time. In addition, the timescale plays a significant role and the effects become more prominent in long-term transport. In the case of a viscosity ratio less than 1, both the timescale and viscosity ratio variables have little influence on the changing speed of the concentration profile. This work helps to predict the position and the time required to reach the harmless pollutant concentration when monitoring fracturing fluids transportation into groundwater system and would be especially useful in designing and interpreting laboratory experiments studying the miscible flow.  相似文献   

The Linnan subsag is the main oil producer of the Linpan oil zone. Based on the oil group composition, gas chromatography data and biomarker analysis, it was indicated that crude oils from different oilfields varied greatly in group composition and showed obvious heterogeneities in the aspects of precursor type, crude oil maturity and hydrocarbon depositional environment. According to the characteristics of source rocks, three oil populations can be distinguished, i.e., the southern, northern and transitional oil populations. Furthermore, on the basis of post-reservoir reworking processes, the medium conditions of hydrocarbon-generating environment and differences in maturity, six oil families and twelve sub-families were distinquished. An integrated study suggested that the factors leading to such heterogeneities in crude oil composition mainly include different source rocks, multi-stage oil/gas charging, geo-chromatographic effects during oil/gas migration, reservoir heterogeneities and various post-reservoir secondary alterations.  相似文献   

Determining sources of sediment to coastal systems is an important and complex problem that figures prominently in a myriad of geological, geomorphological, geochemical, and biological processes. Lithogenic (226Ra,228Ra,228Th,230Th,232Th) and fallout (137Cs,210Pb) isotopes were employed in conjunction with sedimentological methods to determine rates of sedimentation in the Nueces Delta and Nueces-Corpus Christi Estuary and to assess the relative importance of marine versus terrestrial sediment sources to the estuary. Similarity of lithogenic isotope ratios in surface sediments throughout the system precluded a numeric approach to discerning the importance of each of the two large scale sediment sources (terrestrial and marine). A stepwise, graphical examination of discrete lithogenic isotope activity concentrations shows more promise. Terrestrial, marine, and bay sediment means for226Ra versus232Th,226Ra versus230Th, and228Ra versus232Th show that terrestrial and marine sediment sources have different signatures, despite having similar grain size distributions (sands), and that sediment deposited in Nueces and Corpus Christi Bays are indistinguishable from the terrestrial component. Supporting evidence is provided by thorium isotopes,230Th versus232Th,228Th versus232Th, and228Th versus230Th. Nueces Delta sedimentation (0.09–0.53 g cm−2 yr−1) shows a subtle gradient, with rates generally lower in the west and progressively higher moving east, likely reflecting contrasts in land use and topography. Nueces Bay cores differ from those in Corpus Christi Bay in that sands comprise a larger percentage of their composition, and they are mixed over greater depth, most likely due to geographic and physiographic effects. Sediment accumulation rates consistently decrease over the first 20 km from the Nueces River and become constant after that, implying that the river is the most significant source of sediment to the estuary. The interpretation of sediment supply to this estuary as dominated by terrestrial inputs is based on three complimentary sets of data: sediment grain size distributions, discrete lithogenic isotope data (Ra versus Th and Th versus Th), and sediment accumulation rates for both Nueces and Corpus Christi Bays.  相似文献   

Touboul  Julien  Kharif  Christian 《Natural Hazards》2016,84(2):585-598
The kinematic and dynamic of steep two-dimensional focusing wave trains on a shearing flow in deep water are investigated analytically and numerically. In the absence of waves, the vorticity due to the vertical gradient of the horizontal current velocity is assumed constant. A linear kinematic model based on the spatio-temporal evolution of the frequency is derived, predicting the focusing distance and time of a chirped wave packet in the presence of constant vorticity. Furthermore, a linear model, based on a Fourier integral, is used to describe the evolution of the free surface on shearing current. To compute the fully nonlinear evolution of the wave group in the presence of vorticity, a new numerical model, based on a BIEM approach, is developed. On the basis of these different approaches, the role of constant vorticity on rogue wave occurrence is analysed. Two main results are obtained: (1) the linear behaviour expected in the presence of constant vorticity is significantly different from what is commonly expected in the presence of constant current and (2) the nonlinear effects are found to be of significant influence in the case at hand.  相似文献   

Radon gas is a human health hazard; long-term exposure to high radon concentrations through inhalation is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Nova Scotia has been previously identified as a potential high risk region because of the geology. As such, the gas transport through Halifax’s fine grained leucomonzogranite (FGL) unit of the South Mountain Batholith needed to be quantified to further remediation efforts. Using controlled laboratory experiments, four different soil columns were created using the Halifax Regional Municipality’s (HRM) highest producing field tills and bedrock. Permeability, diffusivity, radon-222 gas concentrations, and gas transit time/speed were measured in both dry tills (field moisture) and wet tills (simulated rain event moisture). Columns with HRM till displayed the highest radon concentrations, and were less permeable with additional moisture. Radon diffusivity calculated from CO2 was 7.52 × 10?8 m2 (dry), and 3.37 × 10?8 m2 (wet); diffusivity calculated from 222Rn was 7.30 × 10?7 m2 (dry), and 6.47 × 10?7 m2 (wet). The average FGL transit time in a 60 cm column was 3.57 days (dry), and 3.82 days (wet). Locally this study presents two different methods for diffusivity calculations, for a unit lacking previous diffusivity information. The radon gas concentrations and transport speeds quantified the transport mechanisms within the till. Globally, the correlation between soil moisture, and radon/permeability values was established using these results. The link between diffusivity and permeability was also confirmed using field tills. Implications were made for building foundations, as well as the depth and type of material necessary to reduce radon gas from reaching the surface.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2003,18(12):1825-1838
One of the proposals for large-scale sequestration of fossil fuel-derived CO2 is deep geologic disposal in depleted oil/gas reservoirs or deep aquifers. Previously published scenarios for this inadequately proven technology have either ignored or dismissed the possibility of vertical migration of gases caused by overpressure. Overpressuring of a reservoir or aquifer will be necessary in order to have acceptable rates for dispersal of injected CO2. This research describes methodology and the results of measurement of microseepage of CO2 and CH4 at a large-scale CO2-enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operation at Rangely, Colorado, USA. Shallow and deep soil gas concentrations, and direct transport of CO2 and CH4 into the atmosphere were measured. The interpretation of the measurements was complemented by both stable and radiogenic isotopic measurements of C. The results have demonstrated an estimated microseepage to the atmosphere of approximately 400 metric tonnes of CH4/a from the 78 km2 area of the Rangely field. Preliminary estimates of deep-sourced CO2 losses are <3800 tonnes/a, based on stable isotope measurements of soil gases. Several holes up to 10 m deep were drilled on, and off the field for nested gas sampling of composition and stable C isotopic ratios for CO2 and CH4. Carbon-14 measurements on CO2 from these holes indicate that deep-sourced CO2 microseepage losses were approximately 170 tonnes/a.  相似文献   

Batch flotation tests on low- and high-rank Australian coals showed that it was difficult to reduce the original ash yield substantially whilst maintaining high recovery. The ash yield of the flotation concentrates was found to be mainly the result of the recovery of composite coaly grains containing both carbonaceous matter and mineral matter. Even 50 μm grains were composite in nature, the mineral matter being very finely disseminated. Separation of the flotation products using the heavy-liquid density-gradient technique showed that flotation recovery of coaly grains of a given size decreased with increasing relative density of the grains. The effect was much greater for coal of low rank. The fall in recovery correlated with an increase in the proportion of hydrophilic mineral matter in the composite grains, rather than with the changing proportions of the macerals vitrinite and inertinite.  相似文献   

A comprehensive observational database of Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) index points from northwest Europe (Belgium, the Netherlands, northwest Germany, southern North Sea) has been compiled in order to compare and reassess the data collected from the different countries/regions and by different workers on a common time–depth scale. RSL rise varies in magnitude and form between these regions, revealing a complex pattern of differential crustal movement which cannot be solely attributed to tectonic activity. It clearly contains a non-linear, glacio- and/or hydro-isostatic subsidence component, which is only small on the Belgian coastal plain but increases significantly to a value of ca 7.5 m relative to Belgium since 8 cal. ka BP along the northwest German coast. The subsidence is at least in part related to the Post-Glacial collapse of the so-called peripheral forebulge which developed around the Fennoscandian centre of ice loading during the Last Glacial Maximum. The RSL data have been compared to geodynamic Earth models in order to infer the radial viscosity structure of the Earth's mantle underneath NW Europe (lithosphere thickness, upper- and lower-mantle viscosity), and conversely to predict RSL in regions where we have only few observational data (e.g. in the southern North Sea). A very broad range of Earth parameters fit the Belgian RSL data, suggesting that glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) only had a minor effect on Belgian crustal dynamics during and after the Last Ice Age. In contrast, a narrow range of Earth parameters define the southern North Sea region, reflecting the greater influence of GIA on these deeper/older samples. Modelled RSL data suggest that the zone of maximum forebulge subsidence runs in a relatively narrow, WNW–ESE trending band connecting the German federal state of Lower Saxony with the Dogger Bank area in the southern North Sea. Identification of the effects of local-scale factors such as past changes in tidal range or tectonic activity on the spatial and temporal variations of sea-level index points based on model-data comparisons is possible but is still complicated by the relatively large range of Earth model parameters fitting each RSL curve, emphasising the need for more high-quality observational data.  相似文献   

Ralf Hesse   《Quaternary Research》2009,71(3):426-436
Aeolian dunes are widely used to reconstruct paleoenvironmental conditions. However, terminal dune fields (ergs) in the coastal desert of southern Peru – where information regarding Quaternary paleoenvironmental conditions is very limited – have until now not been used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions and the time depth of their accumulation is unknown. Here, different estimates are derived to constrain the time depth recorded in the Dunas Pampa Blanca, a terminal dune field in coastal southern Peru. Dune field age is calculated using the volume of the Dunas Pampa Blanca and (i) recent aeolian transport rate in migrating transverse dunes feeding the Dunas Pampa Blanca (derived from digital processing of sequential Landsat and Quickbird images) and (ii) limitations posed by recent fluvial sediment supply to the source of aeolian transport. The resulting maximum age estimate of 70 ± 8 ka (from aeolian transport) compares with a minimum age estimate of 4–75 ka (from sediment supply). However, a minimum age estimate of 110–450 ka is deduced from the tectonic and topographic evolution of the region. This discrepancy contradicts the hypothesis of late Quaternary stability in the Peruvian coastal desert and indicates that recent conditions of aeolian sediment supply and transport are not representative for the late Quaternary.  相似文献   

In this paper we advocate the use of Newton's law of gravitational attraction to ensure perfect consistency between gravity and height data. Starting with the absolute gravity on the topography we decompose this signal into a number of quantities associated with physics of the system. To model gravitational attraction from topography we use DTM and Newton's law of gravitational attraction. A residual part of the gravity signal is interpreted as inconsistency between gravity and heights. In the paper we discuss a method by which such inconsistency (at least in principle) can be decomposed into a “gravity error” and a “terrain error”. In practice such separation is not possible because the two types of error are nearly 100% correlated. The inconsistency can be interpreted as a measure of ambiguity of the gravity-terrain models which are consistent with a set of measured/interpolated data. We discuss the influence of such ambiguity on the accuracy of the geoid for the investigated area of Jutland, Denmark.  相似文献   

The crosslinking reaction caused by blending different biopolymers and/or adding a crosslinking agent to biopolymers was studied. The rate of crosslinking reaction was estimated with weight swelling ratio (WSR), viscosity, and biodegradability. The crosslinked material from blending two biopolymers or mixing a crosslinking agent with a mixture of two biopolymers showed a polymeric volume change, a high microbial resistance even after 80 days, and a viscosity increased because of chemical functional groups to form extensive intra- and interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs). The organized IPN is a base block in building a three-dimensional (3-D) crosslinked biopolymer structure. This 3-D structure can be utilized in the environmental and geotechnical applications such as an environmental barrier or containment to encapsulate and treat hazardous materials against toxic flow in a subsurface engineering system.  相似文献   

During the Holocene the volcano Hekla explosively emitted highly silicic tephra on four occasions. The ash was widely dispersed by the wind. Distinctive light-coloured ash layers are now to be seen in the peats of Northern Iceland. Ash from the 1104 AD eruption was carried as far as Scandinavia. The most recent three tephra are preserved in the top 6 m of sediment in Lake Svinavatn. Chemical data from the sediment of Lake Svinavatn, which lies near the north coast of Iceland 170 km from Hekla, reveal the presence of silicic ash above the tephra visible to the naked eye. Unlike the vertical spread of ash in ocean sediment cores which results from biological mixing effects, the upwards spread of ash in the Svinavatn lake sediment cores appears to have been produced by erosion of ash from the lake catchment in the decades following the eruptions. The variations in concentrations of 11 elements, as determined by neutron activation analysis, can be explained by an exponentially decreasing input from catchment erosion. The additional input to each of the three Hekla ash layers was in the region of 3% of the ash which fell on the Svinavatn catchment.  相似文献   

Saturated and aromatic biomarker ratios continue to change systematically through the oil window and into the gas-condensate window to high vitrinite reflectances (Ro = 1.16%) in mature marine and lacustrine Mesozoic clastic samples from a South African basin. Two of the ratios reverse above Ro = 0.9%. These unusual maturation effects result from isolated periods of high rates of maturation increase. The basin cooled regionally after the break-up of Gondwana but high heating rates prevailed during the late Cretaceous-early Tertiary, as Africa moved across a hotspot, and again in the late Tertiary as a result of a possible hotspot and hydrothermal event.  相似文献   

Panday  Suman  Dong  Jia-Jyun 《Landslides》2021,18(12):3875-3889

Continuous 5-day (August 4–9, 2019) torrential rainfall in the monsoon season triggered more than 90 landslides on northwest-southeast extended mountain range of Mon State, Myanmar. In this study, remote sensing images, DEM, and limited fieldworks were used to create the landslide inventory. The topography features of these landslides are analyzed via ArcGIS. The largest one occurred on 9 August 2019 and caused 75 deaths and 27 buildings were damaged. This landslide occurred on gentle topography (slope angle, 23°) with long run-out, in which the angle of reach was relatively low (10°). The volume was 111,878 m3 was mainly composed of weathered granite and red soil and the sliding depth was approximately 7.5 m. Topographic characteristics including the relative slope height, angle of reach, and slope angle of source area of 35 landslides with areas?>?4000 m2 were analyzed. The spatial distribution characteristics and topographic features of the 35 landslides below are distinguished: (1) the concentration of most of landslides on southwest-facing slopes showing the heterogeneous spatial distribution of landslide; (2) an uncommon landslide distribution in which more than half of landslide originates from upper slope; (3) the range of the angle of the source area (17°–38°) compatible with the internal friction angle of soils in tropical regions (17°–33°); and (4) the tangent of the angle of reach is generally smaller than 0.5 (angle of reach?<?27°) shows a relative high mobility and the relation between landslide mobility and the slope angle of the landslide source area is similar to the one of earthquake-triggered landslides, even though the triggering mechanism, landslide type, and landslide volume are dramatically different.


The effectiveness of aquifer remediation is typically expressed in terms of a reduction in contaminant concentrations relative to a regulated maximum contaminant level (MCL), and is usually confirmed by sparse monitoring data and/or simple model calculations. Here, the effectiveness of remediation is re-examined from a more thorough risk-based perspective that goes beyond the traditional MCL concept. A methodology is employed to evaluate the health risk to individuals exposed to contaminated household water that is produced from groundwater. This approach explicitly accounts for differences in risk arising from variability in individual physiology and water use, the uncertainty in estimating chemical carcinogenesis for different individuals, and the uncertainties and variability in contaminant concentrations within groundwater as affected by transport through heterogeneous geologic media. A hypothetical contamination scenario is developed as a case study in a saturated, alluvial aquifer underlying an actual Superfund site. A baseline (unremediated) human exposure and health risk scenario, as induced by contaminated groundwater pumped from this site, is predicted and compared with a similar estimate based upon pump-and-treat exposure intervention. The predicted reduction in risk in the remediation scenario is not an equitable one—that is, it is not uniform to all individuals within a population and varies according to the level of uncertainty in prediction. The importance of understanding the detailed hydrogeologic connections that are established in the heterogeneous geologic regime between the contaminated source, municipal receptors, and remediation wells, and its relationship to this uncertainty is demonstrated. Using two alternative pumping rates, we develop cost-benefit curves based upon reduced exposure and risk to different individuals within the population, under the presence of uncertainty.  相似文献   

刘健  张载松  韩烨  吴星 《岩土力学》2015,36(2):361-368
对水泥浆液黏度时变性进行了试验研究,证实了工程常用水灰比范围内水泥浆液服从宾汉姆流体特性;不同水灰比浆液黏度均随注浆时间增大而大幅度增加。根据试验结果,考虑注浆过程中水泥浆液黏度随时间的变化,对盾构壁后注浆水泥浆液的扩散规律及因注浆而造成的管片压力进行了推导及分析。计算表明:相同注浆时间条件下,水泥浆液扩散半径及注浆对管片产生的压力值均随注浆压力的增大而增大。考虑浆液黏度时变性后,扩散半径、注浆对管片压力值等均较不考虑浆液时变性时减小,且随注浆压力的增大,浆液黏度变化对管片压力值的影响更加明显。相同注浆压力条件下,浆液扩散半径及对管片产生的压力值均随注浆时间的增长而增加,但注浆前期增长速度较快,而后逐渐减缓。研究成果对于盾构壁后注浆工艺选择及参数设计具有较大的指导意义。  相似文献   

The present paper investigates the mechanical behaviour of oil sand specimens in triaxial compression tests at both ambient and elevated temperatures. The emphasis is particularly on core sample disturbance and on the multiphase/strongly heterogeneous nature of the material that introduces difficulties in achieving an objective characterization of its shear behaviour. First, the effect of sample disturbance on the behaviour of the oil sand is studied. Tests are performed on both disturbed and recompressed specimens. Recompression to large stress prior to shearing improves evaluation of the initial stiffness and associated volumetric changes of the oil sand, strongly affected by sample disturbance. A method for the correction of test results obtained from disturbed specimens is also proposed. The corrected results are in good agreement with those pertaining to recompressed specimens. Furthermore, a general classification of the tested oil sands into lean and rich in bitumen, where the former shows much softer and weaker behaviour, is considered to help in addressing the variability in sample composition. As for thermal aspects, the experimental results indicate that both strength and stiffness exhibit a limited temperature dependency. The temperature does not affect lean oil sand specimens, whereas heating considerably increases deformability of rich specimens.  相似文献   

秦岭商丹构造带内发育的晚三叠世沙沟街韧性剪切带蕴含大量地质信息,很好地记录了秦岭印支期碰撞造山过程。为了探究该剪切带的运动学特征及其动力学背景,在野外观测、显微构造分析的基础上,对其中发育的糜棱岩进行了磁组构和运动学涡度研究。岩石磁学和磁组构分析结果显示:样品的平均磁化率Km值总体较高,载磁矿物主要为磁铁矿等铁磁性矿物;磁化率各向异性度PJ值较大,表明构造变形较为强烈;形态参数T值多大于0,反映磁化率椭球体以扁球体为主;磁线、面理优势产状与野外观测到的矿物线、面理较为一致。结合磁组构、边界断层以及C面理产状,认为沙沟街韧性剪切带具有左行走滑挤压的运动学特征。运动学涡度Wk值及其分布特征表明,沙沟街剪切带中纯剪切作用所占的比重总体大于简单剪切作用,并且剪切带的核部应位于北界断层附近。综合分析认为,沙沟街韧性剪切带的运动学特征反映了总体斜向汇聚背景下的局部走滑挤压,与商丹带西段发育的同期韧性剪切带具有完全反向的运动学指向,这可能与碰撞导致的侧向挤出构造有关  相似文献   

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