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Application of grain size data allowed the construction of maps of two typical loessic formations of North Pampa. A Sand Sea covering the central Argentine plain and a Peripheral Loess Belt to the northeast, compose the Pampean Aeolian System. A region of 20,000 km2 in the Loess Belt (Santa Fe and Córdoba provinces) was studied. Thick loess outcrops are located in this region. The Tezanos Pinto Loess, Upper Pleistocene-Lower Holocene in age, and the San Guillermo Fm, Late Holocene in age, are analysed in this article. The silt content has been taken as the main parameter for mapping. In general, the pattern of the isoplethic curves is similar in both maps. These maps show that the silt content in both loessic units progressively increases from SSW to NNE. In the Loess Belt, the silt content increases from 55 to 60% in the SSW (at the transition belt to the Sand Sea) up to 75–80% in the NNE (along a distance of 120–200 km). Other sedimentological data of the outcropping loess-paleosols sequences are presented as complementary information.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(5):989-1016
Groundwater from the Quaternary loess aquifer of La Pampa, central Argentina, has significant problems with high concentrations of As (up to 5300 μg L−1) as well as other potentially toxic trace elements such as F, B, Mo, U, Se and V. Total As concentrations in 45 loess samples collected from the aquifer have a range of 3–18 mg kg−1 with a mean of 8 mg kg−1. These values are comparable to world-average sediment As concentrations. Five samples of rhyolitic ash from the area have As concentrations of 7–12 mg kg−1. Chemical analysis included loess sediments and extracted porewaters from two specially cored boreholes. Results reveal a large range of porewater As concentrations, being generally higher in the horizons with highest sediment As concentrations. The displaced porewaters have As concentrations ranging up to 7500 μg L−1 as well as exceptionally high concentrations of some other oxyanion species, including V up to 12 mg L−1. The highest concentrations are found in a borehole located in a topographic depression, which is a zone of likely groundwater discharge and enhanced residence time. Comparison of sediment and porewater data does not reveal unequivocally the sources of the As, but selective extract data (acid-ammonium oxalate and hydroxylamine hydrochloride) suggest that much of the As (and V) is associated with Fe oxides. Primary oxides such as magnetite and ilmenite may be partial sources but given the weathered nature of many of the sediments, secondary oxide minerals are probably more important. Extract compositions also suggest that Mn oxide may be an As source. The groundwaters of the region are oxidising, with dissolved O2, NO3 and SO4 normally present and As(V) usually the dominant dissolved As species. Under such conditions, the solubility of Fe and Mn oxides is low and As mobilisation is strongly controlled by sorption–desorption reactions. Desorption may be facilitated by the relatively high-pH conditions of the groundwaters in the region (7.0–8.8) and high concentrations of potential competitors (e.g. V, P, HCO3). PHREEQC modelling suggests that the presence of V at the concentrations observed in the Pampean porewaters can suppress the sorption of As to hydrous Fe(III) oxide (HFO) by up to an order of magnitude. Bicarbonate had a comparatively small competitive effect. Oxalate extract concentrations have been used to provide an upper estimate of the amount of labile As in the sediments. A near-linear correlation between oxalate-extractable and porewater As in one of the cored boreholes investigated has been used to estimate an approximate Kd value for the sediments of 0.94 L kg−1. This low value indicates that the sediments have an unusually low affinity for As.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(3):259-284
Groundwaters from Quaternary loess aquifers in northern La Pampa Province of central Argentina have significant quality problems due to high concentrations of potentially harmful elements such as As, F, NO3-N, B, Mo, Se and U and high salinity. The extent of the problems is not well-defined, but is believed to cover large parts of the Argentine Chaco-Pampean Plain, over an area of perhaps 106 km2. Groundwaters from La Pampa have a very large range of chemical compositions and spatial variability is considerable over distances of a few km. Dissolved As spans over 4 orders of magnitude (<4–5300 μg l−1) and concentrations of F have a range of 0.03–29 mg l−1, B of 0.5–14 mg l−l, V of 0.02–5.4 mg l−1, NO3–N of <0.2–140 mg l−1, Mo of 2.7–990 μg l−1 and U of 6.2–250 μg l−1. Of the groundwaters investigated, 95% exceed 10 μg As l−1 (the WHO guideline value) and 73% exceed 50 μg As l−1 (the Argentine national standard). In addition, 83% exceed the WHO guideline value for F (1.5 mg l−1), 99% for B (0.5 mg l−1), 47% for NO3-N (11.3 mg l−1), 39% for Mo (70 μg l−1), 32% for Se (10 μg l−1) and 100% for U (2 μg l−1). Total dissolved solids range between 730 and 11400 mg l−1, the high values resulting mainly from evaporation under ambient semi-arid climatic conditions. The groundwaters are universally oxidising with high dissolved-O2 concentrations. Groundwater pHs are neutral to alkaline (7.0–8.7). Arsenic is present in solution predominantly as As(V). Groundwater As correlates positively with pH, alkalinity (HCO3), F and V. Weaker correlations are also observed with B, Mo, U and Be. Desorption of these elements from metal oxides, especially Fe and Mn oxides under the high-pH conditions is considered an important control on their mobilisation. Mutual competition between these elements for sorption sites on oxide minerals may also have enhanced their mobility. Weathering of primary silicate minerals and accessory minerals such as apatite in the loess and incorporated volcanic ash may also have contributed a proportion of the dissolved As and other trace elements. Concentrations of As and other anions and oxyanions appear to be particularly high in groundwaters close to low-lying depressions which act as localised groundwater-discharge zones. Concentrations up to 7500 μg l−1 were found in saturated-zone porewaters extracted from a cored borehole adjacent to one such depression. Concentrations are also relatively high where groundwater is abstracted from close to the water table, presumably because this zone is a location of more active weathering reactions. The development of groundwaters with high pH and alkalinity results from silicate and carbonate reactions, facilitated by the arid climatic conditions. These factors, together with the young age of the loess sediments and slow groundwater flow have enabled the accumulation of the high concentrations of As and other elements in solution without significant opportunity for flushing of the aquifer to enable their removal.  相似文献   

This work studies the water quality of the Pergamino–Arrecifes River zone in the Rolling Pampa, northeast Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Temperature, pH, specific conductivity, Na, K, Mg, Ca, , Cl, , , Si, Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Br, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Li, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, Se, Tl, U, V, Zn, and the environmental stable δ18O and δ2H isotope ratios were determined in 18 sampling stations. Natural and anthropogenic features influence surface and groundwater quality. Point pollution sources (septic wells and other domestic and farming effluents) increase the nitrate concentration. The values of pH, , Al, As, B, Fe, and Mn exceed the respective Argentine reference thresholds in different sampling stations for human drinking water; B, Mo, U, and V for irrigation; and V and Zn for cattle consumption.  相似文献   

The field properties, micromorphology, grain-size, geochemistry, and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages of two late Quaternary sections have been used to reconstruct the sequence of pedosedimentary processes and to provide insights into landscape evolution in part of the Northern Pampa of Argentina. Paleosols developed in paludal sediments adjacent to the Paraná river at Baradero and in loess at Lozada can both be correlated and linked to other sites, thus enabling for the first time the tentative recognition and tracing of a diachronous soil stratigraphic unit that probably spans the equivalent of at least part of marine oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 5. The paleosol at Lozada was truncated and buried beneath fluvial sediments during the time span of OIS 4 and 3. Eolian gradually replaced paludal inputs at Baradero over this period, and there were also two clearly defined breaks in sedimentation and development of paleosols. The period corresponding to OIS 2 was marked by significant loess accumulation at both sites with accretion continuing into the mid-Holocene only at Lozada. The more developed nature of the surface soil at Baradero probably reflects a combination of a moister climate and a longer soil-forming interval.  相似文献   

A lithological and mineral magnetic study of three soil and underlying sedimentary sections located at different topographic positions in the Undulating Pampa was performed. On the basis of grain size analyses, clay, silt and sand mineralogy, and total Ti/Zr relationship three different sedimentary units were recognised in the profiles under study suggesting that the area has been influenced by three different sources of sediments. Magnetic susceptibility (MS) appears to be related to lithology, allowing the identification of some material and lithologic discontinuities. In the studied cases the maximum values of MS appear in both the B horizons of the present zonal soils as well as in the primary or reworked loess levels. In contrast, minimum values are associated with calcrete, paleosol, and hydromorphic horizons. Although magnetic susceptibility appears to be an effective means for identifying different materials and pedological features in this area, due to the superposition of effects on the magnetic signal a thorough interpretation of MS requires that a composite analysis should be made.  相似文献   

The fluctuation of the water table east of La Pampa province and northwest of Buenos Aires province, Argentina, influences agricultural production in the region because it is closely related to the alternation of dry and wet periods. Sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies have been used as predictors to forecast atmospheric variables in different regions of the world. The objective of this work is to present a simple model to forecast seasonal rainfall using SST distribution in the Pacific Ocean as a predictor. Once the relationship between precipitation and water-table fluctuations was established, a methodology for the prediction of water-table fluctuations was developed. A good agreement between observed and predicted water-table fluctuations was found when estimating water-table fluctuations in the summer and autumn seasons. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Arsenic pollution in groundwater from Hetao Area,China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
. Hetao Area, China is a district where arsenic concentrations in drinking water are elevated. The 180,000 people that inhabit the 6,100 km2 of the seven counties in the area show symptoms of arsenic poisoning. In this paper, the distribution and origin of arsenic in groundwater were studied. The results demonstrate that the affected district boundaries encompass an area with high contents of As in well water, which the local inhabitants drink and use in daily life. This district is labeled as a population pathological change area. The isotope ratios of 87Sr/86Sr (0.7100–0.7164), 206Pb/204Pb (18.3817–19.1871), and 207Pb/204Pb (15.7581–15.9578) in groundwater of the population pathological change area are close to the ratios measured in water from mine areas (87Sr/86Sr=0.7196, 206Pb/204Pb=19.1940, 207Pb/204Pb=15.9574), and are somewhat close to ratios in Yellow River, water which is used to irrigating in Hetao Area (87Sr/86Sr=0.7168, 206Pb/204Pb=18.3495, 207Pb/204Pb=15.5969). The average content of As in the drinking water is as high as four times more than the environmental standard of As in drinking water. The study suggests that the origin of the As in groundwater of the population pathological change area in Hetao Area is transported from higher elevations where mineral deposits exist. Mining of some of the deposits has occurred for a long time. Mining practices can result in release of toxic elements, which can then be transported from the mining district down gradient.  相似文献   

In Argentina, loess/palaeosol sequences were studied from the two sections at Monte Ralo and Corralito, located near to the city of Córdoba in the east of the Pampean ranges. Infrared optically stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and thermoluminescence (TL) dating techniques were applied to set up a more reliable chronological framework for the Upper Pleistocene loess record. IRSL ages increase with depth and are stratigraphically consistent. The oldest loess exposed correlates at least to the penultimate glaciation. The luminescence dating study gives evidence for humid climate conditions with soil formation during the last interglacial period and the middle pleniglacial correlating to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 and 3, respectively. Three extended periods of soil formation are recorded in the loess/palaeosol sequences at the Corralito section. These buried soils most likely correlate with the last interglacial and early last glacial period. During the Middle Pleniglacial, two palaeosols are intercalated in the loess successions. In the Córdoba area, the periods of increased loess accumulation and deposition of loessic sediments correlate with more arid and glacial periods during the Early Pleniglacial, the Middle Pleniglacial and the Late Glacial. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tourmalinites that are distally associated with tungsten deposits of the Pampa del Tamboreo area, San Luis, Argentina, contain tourmalines retaining evidence for its origin and evolution. Tourmaline grains uncommonly contain small grains of detrital tourmaline. Analysis of a single detrital tourmaline grain reveals that it is a Ca-rich “oxy-dravite”. Proximal to the detrital cores there are inner domains of asymmetric tourmaline overgrowths that developed during low grade metamorphism. Volumetrically dominant tourmaline overgrowths in the outer domain are concentrically zoned aluminous dravite and “oxy-dravite” with Al/(Al + Fe + Mg) = 0.71–0.74 and Mg/(Mg + Fe) = 0.64–0.71. Variability of Al is primarily controlled by the deprotonation substitution R + OH = Al + O2− (where R = Fe + Mg), and is a function of the activity of H2O. A likely evolutionary scenario is one in which volcanogenic material is altered by hydrothermal fluids in the sea floor resulting in an aluminous and magnesian residuum. With further hydrothermal circulation and incipient metamorphism, boron-rich fluids are expelled from metasedimentary and metavolcanic basement rocks and develop Mg-rich tourmalinites in the aluminous, magnesian host rocks. The tourmalinization process occurs over a range of metamorphic conditions and with fluids of variable activity of H2O.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution and its harmful consequences for the population’s health derived from coal production in the locality of Ensenada (Argentina) is studied by magnetic and non-magnetic means. Coke is used for the production of industrial coal. This is a final product obtained in petroleum refineries. Coke is a non-magnetic material showing values of magnetic susceptibility close to zero. Conversely, the magnetic susceptibility of the coal released from factory chimneys is considerably enhanced due to the building of magnetic fibers and spherules inside the furnace, used for coal production. Due to this property, the magnetic content of coal can be used as environmental proxy for studying the environmental impact caused by coal industries in urban areas. The values of magnetic susceptibility decrease as the distance from the contamination source increases. This indicates that magnetic concentration is lower. The grain size of magnetic particles also decreases according to the distance, which is seen when analyzing the grain size parameters. According to the different non-magnetic approaches applied, the particles released by the industry, which affect the region, fall within the rank of breathable particles (<2.5 μm). Besides, inhalable particles are also found (2.5–10 μm). Such determinations are consistent with inter-parametric ratios applied in the study of grain sizes. The undesirable dust of the local coal industry also carries heavy metals which are dangerous for the population’s health, like Zn, Cu, Pb and V.  相似文献   

典型草原露天煤矿区地下水环境演化机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
伊敏露天煤矿位于中国东北部呼伦贝尔草原上,多年来的矿业活动对区域地下水环境造成严重影响,同时也给原本脆弱的草原生态环境带来威胁。文章以伊敏煤矿区地下水为研究对象,对比煤矿开采前(1973年)后(2016年)地下水系统的变化特征,运用流场对比、数理统计、Piper三线图、库尔洛夫式等对矿区地下水流场和水化学场的时空演化规律进行研究,以揭示强烈人工干预下草原矿区地下水与环境的相互作用机制。结果表明:露天煤矿开采活动使矿区地下水原生的还原环境变为氧化环境,煤层中的黄铁矿(FeS 2)被氧化、产酸并引发后续一系列反应,其结果导致矿区地下水pH值降低,总硬度(TH)、SO 2- 4、Fe 2+、Fe 3+、Ca 2+、Mg 2+离子浓度升高;水化学类型由以HCO 3—Na ·Ca ·Mg型为主演化为以HCO 3 ·SO 4—Na ·Ca ·Mg型为主;煤矿开采强烈疏排地下水加速了区域地下水循环速度,使地下水向着淡化方向发展,TDS、COD、Na ++K +等均呈降低趋势。  相似文献   

Back-arc volcanism was active in central-western Argentina (provinces of Mendoza and La Pampa) from the Miocene through historic times. The rocks of 39 monogenetic volcanoes located in this area were studied in order to define their geochemical characteristics. The dominant rock texture is porphyritic, with intergranular, pilotaxitic and hyalophitic groundmasses. The most frequent phenocrysts are olivine followed by olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene. Their SiO2 content varies between 42.3 and 51.2 wt.%, the most abundant rocks are trachybasalts, followed by basalts and basanites, all of them alkaline. The rocks display enrichment of incompatible elements that varies according to the geographic location and age. There is an increase in incompatible element concentrations from the southern and central to the northern zones. Also, in the northern part of the study area, the behavior of incompatible elements varies with time; the incompatible element ratios of the Plio–Pleistocene rocks show arc signature, while the rocks of the Miocene De la Laguna volcano show intraplate affinity. We conclude for this sector that the mantle source region was modified after the generation of Miocene magmas by subduction-related fluids. These fluids are related to a late Miocene episode of subhorizontal subduction, i.e., after the generation of the rocks of De la Laguna volcano.  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of the implementation of hydrochemical and isotopic techniques to identify and explain the processes that govern solute exchange in two groundwater-dependent shallow lakes in the Southeastern Pampa Plain of Argentina. Water samples (lakes, streams, spring water and groundwater) for hydrochemical and stable isotopic determination were collected and the main physical–chemical parameters were measured. The combination of stable isotope data with hydrogeochemical techniques was used for the identification of sources and preferential recharge areas to these aquatic ecosystems which allowed the explanation of the lake water origin. The hydrochemical processes which explain Los Padres Lake water chemistry are evaporation from groundwater, CO2 input, calcite dissolution, Na+ release by Ca2+ and Mg2+ exchange, and sulfate reduction. The model that best aligns with La Brava Lake hydrochemical constraints includes: mixing, CO2 and calcite dissolution, cationic exchange with Na+ release and Mg2+ adsorption, and to a lesser extent, Ca/Na exchange. This model suggests that the fractured aquifer contribution to this water body is greater than 50 %. An isotopic-specific fingerprint for each lake was identified, finding a higher evaporation rate for La Brava Lake compared to Los Padres Lake. Isotopic data demonstrate the importance of these shallow lakes as recharge areas to the regional aquifer, becoming areas of high groundwater vulnerability. The Tandilia Range System, considered in many hydrogeological studies as the impermeable bedrock of the Pampean aquifer, acts as a fissured aquifer in this area, contributing to low salinity waters and with a fingerprint similar to groundwater isotopic composition.  相似文献   

典型岩溶槽谷区地下水化学特征及地球化学敏感性分析   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
利用2012年4月—2013年3月的水化学数据研究了重庆老龙洞地下河流域地下水系统地球化学敏感性。结果表明,研究区表层岩溶泉和地下河水化学阳离子分别以Ca2+、Mg2+和Ca2+、Na+为主,阴离子以HCO3-、SO42-为主;表层岩溶泉雨季Mg2+/ Ca2+摩尔比和地下河雨季Na+/ Ca2+摩尔比旱季大于雨季,表层岩溶泉和地下河雨季 HCO3-/SO42- 摩尔比分别为3.428~6.524、3.122~5.966,旱季HCO3-/SO42-摩尔比分别为5.693~8.664、3.428~6.524,表现出低SO42-、高HCO3-的特征,主要受农业活动影响的表层岩溶泉主量元素地球化学敏感性依次为HCO3-> SO42->Ca2+> NO3-> Mg2+> Na+> K+>Cl-,而受农业活动、工业活动、城镇建设活动等多种因子共同影响下的地下河主量元素地球化学敏感性有所变化,依次为HCO3->Na+> Ca2+> K+> Cl-> Mg2+> NO3-> SO42-,随着人类影响的加剧,离子敏感指数将会有增加的趋势。   相似文献   

Aquifers within the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin (Atacama Desert, northern Chile) are the sole source of water for the coastal city of Iquique and the economically important mining industry. Despite this, the regional groundwater system remains poorly understood. Although it is widely accepted that aquifer recharge originates as precipitation in the Altiplano and Andean Cordillera to the east, there remains debate on whether recharge is driven primarily by near-surface groundwater flow in response to periodic flood events or by basal groundwater flux through deep-seated basin fractures. In addressing this debate, the present study quantifies spatial and temporal variability in regional-scale groundwater flow paths at 20.5°S latitude by combining a two-dimensional model of groundwater and heat flow with field observations and δ18O isotope values in surface water and groundwater. Results suggest that both previously proposed aquifer recharge mechanisms are likely influencing aquifers within the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin; however, each mechanism is operating on different spatial and temporal scales. Storm-driven flood events in the Altiplano readily transmit groundwater to the eastern Pampa del Tamarugal Basin through near-surface groundwater flow on short time scales, e.g., 100–101 years, but these effects are likely isolated to aquifers in the eastern third of the basin. In addition, this study illustrates a physical mechanism for groundwater originating in the eastern highlands to recharge aquifers and salars in the western Pampa del Tamarugal Basin over timescales of 104–105 years.  相似文献   

Airports are potential, and quite frequently also actual, sources of serious groundwater pollution. This is due to the large amounts of liquid fuel being handled all the time, to the physicochemical properties of oil hydrocarbons, and often to technical errors in the transport and storage of fuels. The environment is further affected by liquid and gaseous emissions escaping during the take-off and landing of aircraft Snow in the vicinity of runways has been found to contain oil hydrocarbons in concentrations of tenths to units of milligrams per liter Moreover, soil tends to accumulate carcinogenous benzopyrenes. In rock formations, oil hydrocarbons spread as a separate layer as well as in solution in porous permeable formations, pollution by a free product affects areas on the order of tens of meters, while hydrocarbons in solution penetrate to distances of hundreds of meters or even kilometers. More complex conditions for the spreading of oil-based substances arise in fissured rocks. Aviation kerosene as a separate phase was found to migrate over 700 meters within 5 months through fissure systems in sandstones Prevention is the most efficient way of protecting groundwater from oil pollution. Preventive surveys are based on the drilling of observation wells at suitable points of the potentially endangered areas. Monitoring of these wells provides timely detection of possible leaks of oil products into the aquifer In the case of an emergency, it is necessary to remove, as soon as possible, the oil substances from the surface or to remove the contaminated soil. When the contaminant has penetrated into the aquifer, the reparatory measures are usually based on hydraulic protection which consists of a system of boreholes. The respective hydrocarbon product is removed from the formation by pumping, the process being speeded up by the change in groundwater flow caused by the creation of depression cones The example of Prague Airport is suitable for describing a successful, although complex and expensive, purification of a Chalk aquiter polluted among other things by a leak amounting to 300 m3 of aviation kerosene. Vapex filters have proven very satisfactory for purifying the contaminated water Preventive protection of groundwater and mineral waters using monitoring devices is being carried out at Karlovy Vary Airport No groundwater pollution has so far been observed in this instance. However, a seasonal variation in the content of hydrocarbons dissolved in groundwater has been established. The highest content occurs in the spring months. Observation wells situated in the tectonic zone can also be utilized for reparative pumping  相似文献   

The karst groundwater in northern China is an important source of water supply. Its capacity for self-renewal is a key factor affecting its sustainable use. The Pingyi–Feixian karst aquifer in central and southern Shandong Province is a typical karst water source, contributing 54% to the total groundwater taken from the region. In this study, 25 groups of water samples were collected from the Pingyi–Feixian karst aquifer in November 2013. The compositions of isotopes of tritium (3H), carbon-13 (13C), and carbon-14 (14C) were measured. As indicated by the tritium values between 7.1 and 12.2 TU, the Pingyi–Feixian karst groundwater is primarily originated from both historical atmospheric precipitation and modern precipitation. The 14C ages corrected by δ13C were between 146 and 5403 years. Specifically, the shallow groundwater is younger than deep groundwater. Groundwater age tends to increase along the flow path. The ages of the groundwater in recharge area were between 146 and 1348 years, while the ages of deep groundwater in flowing area were generally between 2000 and 4000 years. The ages of the groundwater in discharge area with little anthropic exploitation were larger than 4500 years, whereas these with large amounts of exploitation were less than 1500 years. The shallower the groundwater, the stronger its capacity for renewal. The renewable capacity of karst groundwater in discharge area was significantly affected by anthropic exploitation. The karst groundwater in the areas with less exploitation showed the weakest capacity, whereas that in the area with intensive exploitation was much older and had a stronger renewable capacity.  相似文献   

A survey of the quality of groundwater across a broad area of the North China Plain, undertaken in 1998 to 2000, indicates that nitrate pollution is a serious problem affecting the drinking water for a vast population. The use of nitrogen (N)-fertilizer in agriculture has greatly increased over the past 20 years to meet the food needs of the rapidly expanding population. During the study, 295 water samples were collected from wells and springs to determine the water chemistry and the extent of nitrate pollution. High concentrations of nitrate, especially in a recharge area along the western side, but also in the vicinity of Beijing and locally in other parts of the plain, pose a serious problem for the drinking water supply. In places, the nitrate concentration exceeds the maximum for safe drinking water of 45 mg/L. The intense use of N-fertilizer and the widespread use of untreated groundwater for crop irrigation contribute greatly to the problem, but no doubt the disposal of industrial and municipal waste into streams and infiltrating the aquifer also contribute to the problem; however, the lack of data prevents evaluation of those sources. In the recharge area, nitrate is found at depths of as much as 50 m. Near Beijing, relatively high concentrations of nitrate occur at depths of as much as 80 m. In the discharge area, in the vicinity of the Yellow River, high concentrations of nitrate occur at depths of <8 m.

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Resumen Contaminacíon de nitratos a causa de prácticas agrícolas en diferentes zonas hidrogeológicas del sistema de flujo regional de aguas subterráneas en la planice del norte de China. Un estudio de la calidad del agua subterránea en una zona amplia de la planice del norte de China se llevó a cabo entre 1998 y el año 2000. Este estudio indica que la contaminación de nitratos es un problema grave que afecta el agua potable de una vasta población. El uso de fertilizantes a base de nitratos en la agricultura ha aumentado considerablemente durante los últimos 20 años para satisfacer las necesidades alimentices de la creciente población. Durante el estudio, se tomaron 295 muestras de pozos de agua y manantiales para determinar la química de las aguas y el grado de contaminación por nitratos. Altas concentraciones de nitratos, especialmente en una zona de recarga a lo largo del lado oeste, asì como en la cercanía a Pekín y en zonas locales en otras partes de la planicie, presentan un problema serio al sumunistro de agua potable. En ciertos lugares, la concentracióon de nitratos excede el nivel máximo de seguridad para el agua potable 45 mg NO3/L. El intenso uso de fertilizantes de nitratos y el abundante uso de agua subterránea sin tratamiento para la irrigación de cultivos contribuyen sustancialmente al problema. Sin embargo, sin lugar a dudas, la descarga de deshechos industriales y municipales en arroyos y en el acuífero también contribuyen al problema. La falta de datos impide la evalución de dichas fuentes. En la zona de recarga se encuentran nitratos hasta los 50 m de profundidad. Cerca a Pekín, concentraciones relativamente altas de nitrato ocurren hasta los 80 m de profunidad. En las zonas de descarga afectadas por el Río Amarillo las concentraciones altas de nitrato se encuentran solamente a menos de 8m de profundidad.

Resumé Une campagne dévaluation de la qualité de leau souterraine entreprise entre 1998 et 2000 à travers une vaste étendue de la plaine du nord en Chine indique que la pollution par les nitrates est un problème sérieux qui affecte la qualité de leau souterraine pour une abondante population. Lutilisation de fertilisants azotés pour lagriculture a augmenté considérablement durant les 20 dernières années afin de rencontrer les besoins alimentaires dune population à forte croissance. Lors de cette étude, 295 échantillons deau ont été prélevés dans des puits et sources naturelles afin de déterminer la composition chimique de leau souterraine ainsi que létendue de la pollution par les nitrates. Des concentrations élevées de nitrates, en particulier dans une zone de recharge le long de la limite ouest de la plaine, mais aussi dans la région de Beijing et sporadiquement dans la plaine, posent de sérieux problèmes à la consommation de leau souterraine. A certains endroits, la concentration en nitrates excède la valeur maximale acceptée pour la consommation qui est de 45 mg NO3/L. Lutilisation intensive de fertilisants azotés ainsi que lutilisation répandue deau souterraine non traitée pour lirrigation contribuent pour beaucoup au problème, mais il ne fait pas de doute que le rejet des déchets municipaux et industriels dans les rivières et aquifères y est aussi pour quelque chose. Par contre, le manque de donnés ne permet pas dévaluer la contribution de chacune de ces sources. Dans la zone de recharge, les nitrates se retrouvent à des profondeurs allant jusquà 50 m. Près de Beijing, des concentrations relativement élevées de nitrate ont été mesurées à des profondeurs allant jusquà 80 m. Enfin, dans la zone démergence affectée par la rivière Jaune, les fortes concentrations se retrouvent à une profondeur maximale de 8 m.

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