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The aim of this study is to numerically model the fracture system at percussive drilling. Because of the complex behavior of rock materials, a continuum approach is employed relying upon a plasticity model with yield surface locus as a quadratic function of the mean pressure in the principal stress space coupled with an anisotropic damage model. In particular, Bohus granite rock is investigated, and the material parameters are defined based on previous experiments. This includes different tests such as direct tension and compression, three‐point bending, and quasi‐oedometric tests to investigate the material behavior at both tension and confined compression stress states. The equation of motion is discretized using a finite element approach, and the explicit time integration method is employed. Edge‐on impact tests are performed, and the results are used to validate the numerical model. The percussive drilling problem is then modeled in 3D, and the bit‐rock interaction is considered using contact mechanics. The fracture mechanism in the rock and the bit penetration‐ resisting force response are realistically captured by the numerical model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers numerical modelling of rock fracture induced by dynamic bit–rock interaction in percussive drilling. The work presented here extends the author's earlier research on the topic from the axisymmetric case to 3D case. The numerical method for modelling rock fracture includes a constitutive model for rock and a contact mechanics‐based technique to simulate the bit–rock interaction. The constitutive model is based on a combination of the recent viscoplastic consistency model, the isotropic damage concept and a parabolic compression cap. This model is improved here from its earlier state by calibrating the softening laws using fracture energies GIc and GIIc in tension and compression, respectively. Moreover, the viscosity modulus in tension is calibrated based on the dynamic Brazilian disc test. With these enhancements, the developed method is applied to 3D case of the bit–rock interaction problem assuming one symmetry plane. Single impact with single and multiple‐button bits is simulated. In the latter case, an initial borehole is modelled in order to simulate the usual in‐situ drilling conditions. The different failure types observed in the experiments as well as the interaction between the buttons resulting in chipping are realistically captured in the simulations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A numerical model to predict landslide movements along pre‐existing slip surfaces from rainfall data is presented. The model comprises: a transient seepage finite‐element analysis to compute the variations of pore water pressures due to rainfall; a limit equilibrium stability analysis to compute the factors of safety along the slip surface associated with transient pore pressure conditions; an empirical relationship between the factor of safety and the rate of displacement of the slide along the slip surface; an optimization algorithm for the calibration of analyses and relationships based on available monitoring data. The model is validated with reference to a well‐monitored active slide in central Italy, characterized by very slow movements occurring within a narrow band of weathered bedrock overlaid by a clayey silt colluvial cover. The model is conveniently divided and presented in two parts: a groundwater model and a kinematic model. In the first part, monthly recorded rainfall data are used as time‐dependent flow boundary conditions of the transient seepage analysis, while piezometric levels are used to calibrate the analysis by minimizing the errors between monitoring data and computed pore pressures. In the second part, measured inclinometric movements are used to calibrate the empirical relationship between the rate of displacement along the slip surface and the factor of safety, whose variation with time is computed by a time‐dependent stability analysis. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We performed deformation experiments on a foliated mylonite under high temperature and pressure conditions in this study. To investigate the effect of pre‐existing fabric on the rheology of rocks, our samples were drilled from natural mylonite with the cylinder axis parallel to the foliation (PAR) and perpendicular to the foliation (PER). We performed 25 tests on seven PAR samples and 21 tests on seven PER samples at temperatures ranging from 600 to 890 °C, confining pressures ranging from 800 to 1400 MPa, and steady‐state strain rates of 1 × 10−4, 1 × 10−5 and 2.5 × 10−6 s−1. In the temperatures of 600–700 °C, the deformation is accommodated by semi‐brittle flow, with the average stress exponent being 6–7 assuming power law flow; in the temperature range of 800–890 °C, deformation is mainly by plastic flow, with an average stress exponent of n = 3 and activation energies of Q = 354 ± 52 kJ/mol (PER and PAR samples). The experimental results show that the strengths of PER samples are higher than those of PAR samples. Deformation microstructures have been studied by optical and electron microscopy. The original foliation of PER samples is destroyed by deformation and replaced by a new foliation, but the deformation of PAR samples followed the original foliation. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements show a strong lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of the quartz c axis fabrics of the starting samples and deformed PER and PAR samples. However, the c axis fabric of quartz in experimentally deformed PER and PAR samples varied with temperature and strain rate is different from that seen in the starting mylonite sample. The initial quartz c axis fabric of the starting mylonite sample has been transformed into a new fabric during experimental deformation. Dehydration melting of biotite and hornblende occurred in both PER and PAR samples at temperatures of 800–890 °C. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite element model for pile‐driving analysis is developed and used to investigate the behaviour of pre‐bored piles, which are then driven the last 1.25 or 2.25 m to their final design depth. The study was conducted for the case of saturated clays. The model traces the penetration of the pile into the soil and accommodates for large deformations. The non‐linear behaviour of the clay in this study is predicted using the bounding‐surface‐plasticity model, as applied to isotropic cohesive soils. The details of the 3‐D numerical modelling and computational schemes are presented. A significant difference was observed in the pile displacement during driving, and in the computed soil resistance at the pile tip, particularly at the earliest driving stages. No difference in soil resistance at the soil pile interface along the pile shaft was detected between the pre‐bored piles whether driven 1.25 or 2.25 m. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impact of the growth and development of the City of Nairobi on the water budget is simulated using a high-resolution limited-area numerical model. The water substance fields are modelled with full physics in a control experiment. Five sensitivity experiments are then performed by altering the land-use/cover over the domain of study to assess the influence of the city, forests and terrain undulations on the water substance fields. Results showed that the highest evaporation occurred in areas of the study domain with open grasslands/scattered bush-land's vegetation types and the least at the city centre. Deforestation would lead to a substantial increase in the loss of water effected through evaporation despite a reduction in transpiration. The observed rainfall amount and frequency were highest in the high ground portions to the northwest of the study domain. Numerical analyses showed that the urban heat island had a destabilizing effect on the flow, which enhanced convection that resulted in increased rainfall downwind of the urban area. Further growth and expansion of the city of Nairobi would increase the area and amount of rainfall received. Deforestation would decrease rainfall amounts. Massive reforestation would increase the observed rainfall. There has been a decrease in soil moisture at the current location of the city centre; the decrease is bound to increase with the expansion of the city. The City of Nairobi has resulted in a large decrease in the soil moisture through converting the natural fabric to concrete/asphalt material. Deforestation would result in a marginal decrease in the soil moisture. Further growth and development of Nairobi City would modify the water substance budget appreciably. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The smooth‐joint contact model based on distinct element method has been widely used to represent discontinuity in the simulation of fractured rock mass, but there is rare efficient guidance for the selection of proper parameters of smooth‐joint contact model, which is the basement for using this model properly. In this paper, the effect of smooth joint parameters on the macroscopic properties and failure mechanism of jointed rock under triaxial compression test is investigated. The numerical results reveal that the friction coefficient of smooth joint plays a dominant role in controlling mechanical behaviors. The stiffness of smooth joint has a relative small influence on the mechanical behaviors. Poisson ratio decreases with the reduction of normal stiffness but increases with the reduction of shear stiffness. The reduction of smooth joint strength, which is determined by normal strength, cohesion, and friction angle of smooth joint, contributes to the breakage of bonded smooth joint and ultimately decreases the strength of the specimen. We proposed a detailed calibration process for smooth‐joint contact model according to the relationship between smooth‐joint parameters and mechanical properties. By following this process, the numerical results are validated against corresponding experimental results and good agreement between them can be found in stress‐strain curves and failure modes of different joint orientations. Further analyses from the microperspective are performed by looking at transmission of contact force, the nature and distribution of microcracks, and the particle displacement to show the failure process and failure modes.  相似文献   

马少坤  邵羽  吕虎  WONG K S  吴宏伟  陈欣  江杰 《岩土力学》2016,37(6):1563-1568
为解决地下水位随季节升降变化时隧道开挖对邻近桩基的长期影响难题,通过三维离心模型试验,研究了地下水位循环变化时隧道对群桩的长期影响。主要分析水位循环变化时地表长期沉降、桩顶长期附加沉降、桩身长期附加弯矩和附加轴力的变化规律。试验结果表明:在隧道附近,地下水位循环变化尤其是降水对地表长期沉降影响更为明显。地表长期附加沉降随着地下水位循环次数增加而增大,且呈衰减式变形,即使经过3次水位升降循环也不能稳定;桩基长期附加沉降显著,其附加沉降量占总沉降量的50%以上;前、后桩的长期附加轴力基本为正值,桩总轴力增加,对既有受压桩极为不利,附加轴力拐点位置及最大值有所区别;经过3次地下水位循环变化后,前、后桩桩身弯矩反弯点个数减少,但桩身最大附加弯矩均明显变大,当达到极限弯矩,桩身出现塑性铰,这对穿越厚软弱层地基中的既有受压柔性桩极为危险。  相似文献   

We present the first testate amoeba‐based palaeohydrological reconstruction from the Swiss Alps, and the first depth to the water table (DWT) calibration dataset for this region. Compared to existing models, our new calibration dataset performs well (RMSEP = 4.88), despite the length of the water table gradient covered (53 cm). The present‐day topography and vegetation of the study mire Mauntschas suggest that it is partly ombrotrophic (large Sphagnum fuscum hummocks, one of which was the coring site) but mostly under the minerotrophic influence of springs in the mire and runoff from the surrounding area. Ombrotrophic Sphagnum fuscum hummocks developed at the sampling site only during the last 50 years, when testate amoebae indicate a shift towards dry and/or acid conditions. Prior to AD 1950 the water table was much higher, suggesting that the influence of the mineral‐rich water prevented the development of ombrotrophic hummocks. The reconstructed DWT correlated with Pinus cembra pollen accumulation rates, suggesting that testate amoebae living on the mire and P. cembra growing outside of it partly respond to the same factor(s). Finally, temperature trends from the nearby meteorological station paralleled trends in reconstructed DWT. However, contrary to other studies made on raised bogs of northwestern Europe, the highest correlation was observed for winter temperature, despite the fact that testate amoebae would more logically respond to moisture conditions during the growing season. The observed correlation with winter temperature might reflect a control of winter severity on surface moisture during at least the first part of the growing season, through snow melt and soil frost phenomena influencing run‐off. More ecohydrological work on sub‐alpine mires is needed to understand the relationships between climate, testate amoebae and peatland development. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A simulation study of the sea breeze circulation and thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) characteristics has been carried out at the tropical site Kalpakkam on the east coast of India, for operational atmospheric dispersion prediction. The community based PSU/NCAR MM5 Meso-scale meteorological model is used for the study. Three cases on typical days in summer (24 May 2003), southwest (SW) monsoon (1 July 2001) winter season (2 February 2003) with different large-scale flow pattern are studied. The MM5 model is used with 3 nested domains with horizontal grid resolutions 18 km, 6 km and 2 km and 26 vertical levels. The model is integrated for 24 hours in the above cases with initial and boundary conditions taken from NCEP-FNL analyses data. Observations of 10 meteorological stations and coastal boundary layer experiments conducted at Kalpakkam are used for comparison and validation of the simulation. The characteristics of simulated sea breeze and TIBL at Kalpakkam are seen to vary in the above cases according to the prevailing large-scale winds and surface fluxes. The sea breeze circulation is seen to develop early with larger strength and inland propagation in the summer case under the influence of moderate synoptic wind and strong heating conditions than in the SW monsoon and winter cases. The horizontal and vertical extents of TIBL are found to be larger in the summer case than in other cases. Although model parameters agree in general with observations, all the fine features are not clearly captured and some slowness in model sea breeze development is also seen. The results indicate the need to improve i) the initial conditions by assimilation of available surface/upper air observations to reduce model bias and ii) surface net radiation parameterisation. The model could predict the essential features of the local circulation and further improvement is expected with better initial condition data and incorporation of more realistic surface data.  相似文献   

The influence of hydrodynamics on the chemical composition of sediments is based on the uneven distribution of element abundances in different size fractions. In this study, 72 size‐fractional sediments from the Huanghe (Yellow River) and Changjiang (Yangtze River) riverbeds were measured with XRD, SEM, ICP‐AES and ICP‐MS. The analysis results show that the mineral and chemical characteristics change with grain size in the Huanghe and Changjiang sediments. According to the principal components analysis, three independent geochemical factors were found. The first factor elements, Zr, Hf, Th, U, Y, La and TiO2 are influenced by the existence of heavy minerals. The second factor elements, Al2O3, alkalis, alkaline earth (excluding Ca and Sr) and most of the transitional metals are dominated by clay minerals. The third factor group includes Ca and Sr, which were controlled by calcium‐bearing mineral contents and chemical weathering intensities. The various grain size distributions greatly affect the mineralogical and chemical compositions of bulk sediments. Compared to other size fractions, the 5–6PHI size fractions of the Huanghe and Changjiang sediments have special mineralogical and chemical compositions, and intermediate volume percentages. Weight or volume percentage of each size fraction may be more suitable than mean grain‐size of the bulk sediment to elucidate the grain size effects. Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values increase steeply with decreasing grain size, while Weathering Index of Parker (WIP) values are relatively stable. Because of the big influence of the abundance of clay minerals on CIA values, it is questionable to use CIA as a proxy of weathering intensity. Considering the clay mineral effects, stability in values and heterogeneous material properties, WIP has the potential to indicate the chemical weathering intensity of sediments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

松辽盆地大庆长垣隆起区砂岩型铀矿资源丰富,但成矿条件复杂。以大庆长垣南端四方台组砂岩型铀矿为研究对象,基于三维地震精细解译成果,对长垣隆起区铀矿的分布特征、富集主控因素及成矿模式开展研究。结果表明:①三维地震资料是刻画断层与砂体分布的有效手段;②砂岩型铀矿主要富集在四方台组一段的河道砂体中,与沟通深部油气储层的输导断层邻近;③河道砂体、油气输导断层及油气圈闭是控制砂岩型铀矿富集的3个主要因素;④长垣隆起区的砂岩型铀矿是含铀地下水与油气运聚协调配合局部富集的结果,建立了输导断层与油气圈闭联合控矿模式。研究成果为含油气盆地砂岩型铀矿勘探提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

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