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The construction of twin tunnels at shallow depth has become increasingly common in urban areas. In general, twin tunnels are usually near each other, in which the interaction between tunnels is too significant to be ignored on their stability. The equivalent arbitrarily distributed loads imposed on ground surface were considered in this study, and a new analytical approach was provided to efficiently predict the elastic stresses and displacements around the twin tunnels. The interaction between 2 tunnels of different radii with various arrangements was taken into account in the analysis. We used the Schwartz alternating method in this study to reduce the twin‐tunnel problem to a series of problems where only 1 tunnel was contained in half‐plane. The convergent and highly accurate analytical solutions were achieved by superposing the solutions of the reduced single‐tunnel problems. The analytical solutions were then verified by the good agreement between analytical and numerical results. Furthermore, by the comparison on initial plastic zone and surface settlement between analytical solution and numerical/measured results of elastoplastic cases, it was proven that the analytical solution can accurately predict the initial plastic zone and its propagation direction and can qualitatively provide the reliable ground settlements. A parametric study was finally performed to investigate the influence of locations of surcharge load and the tunnel arrangement on the ground stresses and displacements. The new solution proposed in this study provides an insight into the interaction of shallow twin tunnels under surcharge loads, and it can be used as an alternative approach for the preliminary design of future shallow tunnels excavated in rock or medium/stiff clay.  相似文献   

In this study, a simplified analytical closed‐form solution, considering plane strain and axial symmetry conditions, for analysis of a circular pressure tunnel excavated underwater table, is developed. The method accounts for the seepage forces with the steady‐state flow and is based on the generalized effective stress law. To examine the effect of pore pressure variations and also the boundary conditions at the ground surface, the formulations are derived for different directions around the tunnel. The proposed method can be applied for analysis and design of pressure tunnels. Illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the performance of the proposed solution and also to examine the effect of seepage forces on the stability of tunnels. The simplified analytical solution derived in this study is compared with numerical analyses. It is concluded that the classic solutions (Lame's thick‐walled solution), considering the internal pressure as a mechanical load applied to the tunnel surface, are not applicable to pervious media and can result in an unsafe design. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

钻爆法施工常造成隧道边界不平整,隧道分析模型一般将开挖界面光滑处理,忽略了边界不平整对围岩应力的扰动作用。将隧道超欠挖值当作中心偏量小参数,利用摄动法得到了静水压力下圆形隧道的弹性应力解。计算分析表明:超欠挖改变了隧道洞壁附近围岩的应力状态,围岩应力随超欠开挖曲线呈波浪状变化,应力变化量与超欠挖曲线幅值及曲线斜率有关;环向应力变化最大值在洞壁处,其应力集中系数分别在超挖及欠挖顶点达到局部极大与极小值,径向应力变化最大值靠近洞壁表面,切应力变化最大值位于超挖与欠挖表面相交处;扰动应力在径向衰减较快,影响范围约为1~2倍的隧道半径。  相似文献   

沈路遥  钱建固  张戎泽 《岩土力学》2016,37(8):2293-2298
推导了平移模式下的地表沉降理论显式解,在此基础上提出了任意挡墙变位诱发墙后地表沉降的简化计算方法。分别与平移、绕墙趾及绕墙顶等3种变位模式下的弹性有限元数值解进行对比分析,对简化解析方法进行了验证。最后将这一简化解析方法应用于工程案例预测,与软土地基现场实测结果进行对比,发现理论预测的地表沉降曲线与实测值相吻合,且较准确地预测了最大沉降发生的位置,表明了该简化解析方法的实用性。  相似文献   

震害调研表明,活动性断裂带区域的隧道灾害最为严重。针对错动作用下穿越活动性断裂带隧道的纵向响应进行了研究,推导了隧道纵向力学响应的解析解并进行了验证。考虑断裂破碎带围岩力学性质较差且处于错动变形的主要影响区,将隧道沿纵向进行分区,包括错动影响区、过渡影响区和非影响区。采用Pasternak双参数弹性地基梁,假定不同分区的地基参数和计算模式不同,建立了满足变形和内力连续的隧道纵向力学解析模型并进行了求解。解析计算结果与数值模拟结果、室内试验数据基本一致,验证了解析解的正确性。结果表明:错动作用下,活动性断裂带区域的隧道内力和变形发生了显著变化;隧道纵向挠曲变形与错动方向一致,但在断裂带与上下盘交界区域发生了反向的挠曲;在正断层错动下,纵向弯矩在断裂带与上下盘交界区域达到最大值,且上、下盘区域的隧道拱顶分别出现受拉和受压区域;断裂带区域内的剪力远大于其他区域,且受到较大弯矩,隧道结构易发生破坏。上述计算结果与实际调研结果相一致,表明了提出的解析计算方法可用于活动性断裂带错动下的隧道纵向响应分析。最后,针对地基系数和断裂带宽度两个关键参数进行了敏感性分析,得到了有益规律,可为该类区域的隧道设...  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical solution for the prediction of internal forces and displacements of a jointed segmental precast circular tunnel lining. The effects of joint stiffness on the performance of the tunnel lining are discussed. The ‘force method’ is used to determine the internal forces and displacements of jointed tunnel lining. Five shield‐driven tunnel cases are adopted to study the effects of joint stiffness, soil resistance, joint distribution and joint number on the internal forces and displacements of circular tunnels. Laboratory model tests are conducted to verify the proposed analytical solution. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the excess pore‐air and pore‐water pressure dissipations and the average degree of consolidation in the 2D plane strain consolidation of an unsaturated soil stratum using eigenfunction expansion and Laplace transformation techniques. In this study, the application of a constant external loading on a soil surface is assumed to immediately generate uniformly or linearly distributed initial excess pore pressures. The general solutions consisting of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are first proposed. The Laplace transform is then applied to convert the time variable t in partial differential equations into the Laplace complex argument s. Once the domain is obtained, a simplified set of equations with variable s can be achieved. The final analytical solutions can be computed by taking a Laplace inverse. The proposed equations predict the two‐dimensional consolidation behaviour of an unsaturated soil stratum capturing the uniformly and linearly distributed initial excess pore pressures. This study investigates the effects of isotropic and anisotropic permeability conditions on variations of excess pore pressures and the average degree of consolidation. Additionally, isochrones of excess pore pressures along vertical and horizontal directions are presented. It is found that the initial distribution of pore pressures, varying with depth, results in considerable effects on the pore‐water pressure dissipation rate whilst it has insignificant effects on the excess pore‐air pressure dissipation rate. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical solution is presented for a buoyant tunnel in an elastic half‐plane. The tunnel undergoes a prescribed displacement along its boundary, and the surface of the half‐plane is stress‐free. The solution uses the complex variable method and consists of conformally mapping the hole and half‐plane to an annular region. The complex potentials each contain two logarithmic terms due to the resultant buoyancy force acting on the tunnel, and as a result the displacements at infinity are unbounded. An example is presented for the case of a rigid buoyant tunnel in a half‐plane with gravity loading. Even though the tunnel does not deform, the buoyancy effect can be clearly seen in the contours of the displacements and stresses. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

饱和土半空间中圆柱形孔洞对平面P波的散射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李伟华  赵成刚 《岩土力学》2004,25(12):1867-1872
在 Biot饱和多孔介质动力学理论的基础上,首次建立了求解饱和土半空间中圆柱形孔洞对平面 P 波散射问题的波函数展开法。首先。分析了具有圆柱形孔洞的饱和土半空间场地在平面 P 波入射下产生散射波系,并将入射波和散射波的波函数在圆柱坐标下展开。然后,引入边界条件,求出散射波函数的待定系数,从而,得到饱和土半空间中圆柱形孔洞对平面P波的散射问题的解析解。根据所得的波函数的解,可求解区域内的位移、应力的值,同时,分析了入射波频率、入射角对柱面上的应力集中因子的影响。  相似文献   

3孔小间距浅埋暗挖隧道地表沉降控制技术研究   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21  
通过模型试验对软弱围岩下3孔小间距浅埋暗挖隧道的地表沉降控制技术进行了深入研究。结果表明:不同的预加固强度、开挖进尺,对隧道的地表沉降、围岩压力、洞周位移都有很大影响。  相似文献   

A semi‐analytical method for calculating the response of single piles and pile groups subjected to lateral loading is developed in this paper. Displacements anywhere in the soil domain are tied to the displacements of the piles through decay functions. The principle of virtual work and the calculus of variations are used to derive the governing differential equations that describe the response of the piles and soil. The eigenvalue method and the finite difference technique are used to solve the system of coupled differential equations for the piles and soil, respectively. The proposed method takes into account the soil surface displacement along and perpendicular to the loading direction and produces displacement fields that are very close to those produced by the finite element method but at lower computational effort. Compared with the previous method that considered only the soil displacement along the loading direction, accounting for the multi‐directional soil displacement field produces responses for the piles and soil that are closer to those approximated by the finite element method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing the hydraulic head distribution for a constant‐head test performed in a well situated at the centre of a patchy aquifer is presented. The analytical solution for the mathematical model is derived by the Laplace transforms and the Bromwich integral method. The solution for the hydraulic head has been shown to satisfy the governing equations, related boundary conditions, and continuity requirements for the hydraulic head and flow rate at the interface of the patch and outer regions. An efficient numerical approach is proposed to evaluate the solution, which has an integral covering an integration range from zero to infinity and an integrand consisting the product and square of the Bessel functions. This solution can be used to produce the curves of dimensionless hydraulic head against dimensionless time for investigating the effect of the contrast of formation properties on the dimensionless hydraulic head distribution. Define the ratio of outer‐region transmissivity to patch‐region transmissivity as α. The dimensionless hydraulic head for α=0.1 case is about 2.72 times to that for α=10 case at dimensionless large time (e.g. τ?106) when the dimensionless distance (ρ) equals 10. The results indicate that the hydraulic head distribution highly depends on the hydraulic properties of two‐zone formations. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李传勋  王素 《岩土力学》2018,39(10):3548-3554
软土非线性固结变形计算目前还主要依赖于数值方法,致使非线性固结理论的工程应用受到极大限制。引入经典的e-lg?' 和e-lgkv非线性关系,在自重应力均匀分布假定下通过变量代换并利用迭代法给出压缩指数Cc与渗透指数Ck比值不等于1时的非线性固结近似解析解。在Cc /Ck趋近1时本文解与其等于1时的差分解及精确解相差无几。但如果Cc /Ck值偏离1,该近似解会存在一定偏差,且偏差值会随Cc /Ck值偏离1的程度和外荷载增加而逐渐增大。在一般工程荷载作用下,如果Cc /Ck值介于0.9~1.1之间,本文解的平均固结度与差分解间最大偏差在2%左右。当Cc /Ck值在0.75~1.25之间时,本文解的平均固结度与差分解最大偏差在5%左右。如果Cc /Ck值在0.5~1.5之间,本文解的平均固结度与差分解间最大偏差在10%左右。当外荷载一定时,土层的非线性固结速率会随着Cc /Ck值的增大而减慢。如果Cc /Ck<1,土层的非线性固结速率会随外荷载的增大而加快;相反,如果Cc/Ck>1,土层的非线性固结速率会随外荷载增大而减慢。  相似文献   

An analytical model on the general behaviour of a tunnel head, reinforced by finite length bolts is proposed. This model is based on the homogenization method and spherical symmetry assumption. Despite its simplicity, and in consequence its limits of validity, it does allow a quick estimation of the key design parameters: frontal displacement, extension of decompressed zone, ground stresses and bolt tension, and constitutes thereby a very useful and handy tool for design engineers. In particular, the influence of the reinforcement length, as well as other important design parameters, are studied by the proposed model. The charts resulting from the parametric studies are directly applicable. Otherwise, the comparison to a 3D numerical model is also presented in this paper. The first results provide the validation of the analytical solution, at least in terms of average extrusion movements. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张玉军  张维庆 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):41-44
基于已有的工作和Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则,建立了热-水-力三场共同作用下的圆形洞室弹塑性解析解,并分别在单力场、热-力场、水-力场、热-水-力场以及改变介质强度参数的条件下计算和比较了围岩中的应力分布、变化及塑性区范围。结果显示,温度场使得塑性区半径有所减小,但总的来看温度作用不明显;与仅有力作用时相比,孔隙水压力使得塑性区半径、径向应力和切向应力有较大幅度增长。  相似文献   

Heterogeneities, such as fractures and cracks, are ubiquitous in porous rocks. Mesoscopic heterogeneities, that is, heterogeneities on length scales much larger than typical pore size but much smaller than the wavelength, are increasingly believed to be responsible for significant wave energy loss in the seismic frequency band. When a compressional wave stresses a material containing mesoscopic heterogeneities, the more compliant parts of the material (e.g., fractures and cracks) respond with a greater fluid pressure than the stiffer portions (e.g., matrix pores). The induced fluid flow, resulting from the pressure gradients developed on such scale, is called mesoscopic flow. In the present study, the double‐porosity dual‐permeability model is adopted to incorporate mesoscopic heterogeneities into rock models to account for the attenuation of wave energy. Based on the model, the damping effect due to mesoscopic flow in a one‐dimensional porous structure is investigated. Analytical solutions for several boundary‐value problems are obtained in the frequency domain. The dynamic responses of infinite and finite porous layer are examined. Numerical calculations show that the damping effect of mesoscopic flow is significant on the pore pressure response and the resulting effective stress. For the displacement, the effect is seen only at the very low frequency range or near the resonance frequencies. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张仪萍  饶勤波  王洋  李涛 《岩土力学》2011,32(8):2397-2401
基于复合地基等应变条件下应力和位移的精确解,得到了桩土应力比、沉降比、径向位移和桩土侧压力系数等的计算公式。分析了它们随桩土压缩模量比和置换率的变化规律,并在分析过程中与Priebe法做了比较,详细分析了Priebe法中所做假设对计算结果的影响。分析表明,Priebe法中忽略桩体体积应变的假设会带来较大的误差,而针对径向变形计算和桩土侧压力系数的假定由于影响的相互抵消作用,其综合影响不一定很大。  相似文献   

徐慧峰  钱彦岭  邱静  谢迪波 《岩土力学》2010,31(5):1651-1656
在地下管线弹性波探测中,由位于地下圆孔边界上有限时长的力源激发形成瞬态场,应用波函数展开法对此波场进行建模。以波函数和待定系数组成的级数序列描述探测波场中的势函数,根据界面处应力和位移连续的边界条件求解待定系数,从而得到波场中弹性波的解析解。据此进行数值研究,分析探测波场中弹性波的传播特征,说明了散射波的类型以及能量对比关系,并总结了反射信号幅值与地下管线物理参数之间由声阻抗匹配程度支配的反射信号强度变化规律,而管线半径对反射信号强度的影响要大于物理参数的作用。最后以实验结果验证上述结论。  相似文献   

An analytical solution for the deflection and internal forces of an existing tunnel because of tunneling underneath is presented. The existing tunnel is modeled as a Timoshenko beam resting on a Winkler foundation, which takes into account the contribution of shear deformation to the total deflection of the existing tunnel. The validity of the analytical solution is verified by a centrifuge test, and the merit of this analytical method is confirmed by comparison with the conventional Euler–Bernoulli beam model. Influential factors on the behavior of the existing tunnel are investigated by consideration of the variations of subgrade modulus, ground loss induced by the new tunnel construction, vertical clearance between the new tunnel and the existing tunnel, and relative existing tunnel–soil stiffness. Results show that the proposed analytical method is a valid and effective method to evaluate shearing‐induced deformation in existing tunnels with large diameters. Results also show that the pattern and the amplitude of the response of the existing tunnel are affected largely by ground loss induced by the new tunnel construction, vertical clearance between the new tunnel and the existing tunnel, and relative existing tunnel–soil stiffness. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple analytical solution to Fredlund and Hasan's one‐dimensional (1‐D) consolidation theory for unsaturated soils. The coefficients of permeability and volume change for unsaturated soils are assumed to remain constant throughout the consolidation process. The mathematical expression of the present solution is much simpler compared with the previous available solutions in the literature. Two new variables are introduced to transform the two coupled governing equations of pore‐water and pore‐air pressures into an equivalent set of partial differential equations, which are easily solved with standard mathematical formulas. It is shown that the present analytical solution can be degenerated into that of Terzaghi consolidation for fully saturated condition. The analytical solutions to 1‐D consolidation of an unsaturated soil subjected to instantaneous loading, ramp loading, and exponential loading, for different drainage conditions and initial pore pressure conditions, are summarized in tables for ease of use by practical engineers. In the case studies, the analytical results show good agreement with the available analytical solution in the literature. The consolidation behaviors of unsaturated soils are investigated. The average degree of consolidation at different loading patterns and drainage conditions is presented. The pore‐water pressure isochrones for two different drainage conditions and three initial pore pressure distributions are presented and discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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