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In the present study, mass movements (landslide and mudslide) bound to a gully located at Mendong, a suburb of Yaoundé in Cameroon were examined using hydrological, geotechnical and geomorphological observations. The data indicate that water is an important causative factor of mass movements in the area studied. In fact, the water flow (waste water and runoff) provokes the saturation of materials at the slope foot. These materials lose their mechanical qualities and some deep ruptures generate landslide. During the rainy season, when the cumulative rainfall is more than 200 mm, these landslides are accompanied by mudslides that generate disturbances on the infrastructure situated around the gully and farther downstream. The economic and environmental damages resulting from the Mendong mass movements are considerable, such as degradation of the topography, losses in farm land, transportation and downstream sedimentation in a pond situated at the slope foot, loss of life and damage to the economy. All this calls for a multidisciplinary and integrated approach to hazard assessment and risk mitigation, which included data collection and interpretation, growing public and authority awareness, and preventing or reducing runoff and waste water flows by proper management and drainage.  相似文献   

Two cores of sediments, named NR and EB, were collected in the Simbock Lake (Mefou watershed, Yaoundé) to assess their provenance and the degree of heavy metal pollution based on mineralogical and geochemical data. The sediments are sandy, sand-clayey to clayey, and yellowish brown to greenish brown, and with high amounts of organic matter (average value of TOC is 1.95%). The sediments are mainly composed of quartz, kaolinite, accessory goethite, smectite, rutile, feldspars, illite, gibbsite, and interstratified illite-vermiculite. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy shows that kaolinite is less crystallized in the NR core than in the EB core. The Index of Compositional Variability (ICV), Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA), Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA), and the Rb/Sr and K2O/Rb ratios indicate a high weathering intensity in the source area. These sediments have low contents in Al2O3, Fe2O3, Na2O, K2O, MgO, and CaO as well as high values in SiO2, P2O5, TiO2, and MnO relative to the upper continental crust. The concentrations of Cr, V, Ba, and Zr are higher in the NR core than those in EB. The total rare earth element (REE) content varies between 78 and 405 ppm. The light REE are abundant (LREE/HREE ~?18–59; avg.?=?25.61). The chondrite-normalized REE patterns exhibit (i) negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* ~?0.38–0.62; avg.?=?0.5), (ii) slight positive Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce* ~?1.11–1.34; avg.?=?1.11), and (iii) high REE fractionation ((La/Yb)N ~?12.3–51.75; avg.?=?25.61). The enrichment factor (EF) shows that the Mefou watershed through the Simbock Lake sediments is slightly polluted by the agricultural and urban activities.  相似文献   

The Central Africa Fold Belt (CAFB) is a collision belt endowed with gold deposits in Eastern Cameroon area mined for about 50 years. However, favorable areas for gold exploration are poorly known. This paper presents (1) the kinematics of the brittle deformation in the Kékem area in the SW portion of the Central Cameroon Shear Zone and (2) constraints gold mineralization events with respect to the collisional evolution of the CAFB. The authors interpret that the conjugate ENE to E and NNW to NW trending lineament corresponds to the synthetic (R) and the antithetic (R’) shears, which accompanied the dextral slip along the NE to ENE striking shear. The latter coincides with the last 570–552 Ma D3 dextral simple shear-dominated transpression, which is parallel to the Bétaré Oya shear zone hosting gold deposits. Gold mineralizations, which mainly occurred during the last dextral shearing, are disseminated within quartz veins associated to Riedel’s previous structures reactivated due to late collisional activities of the CAFB as brittle deformation. Gold mineralizations occurred mainly during the 570–552 Ma D3 event. The reactivation, which might be due to dextral simple shear during mylonitzation, plausibly remobilized the early gold deposits hosted in syn-compressional rocks and/or possibly focused deep-sourced fluid mixed with those released by dehydration. Therefore, the Central Cameroon Shear Zone where Kékem is located, and which shows similar petrographical and structural features to those controling Batouri gold district, is a target area for gold exploration in Cameroon.  相似文献   

The authors’ survey of the Ganga–Meghna–Brahmaputra (GMB) plain (area 569,749 km2; population >500 million) over the past 20 years and analysis of more than 220,000 hand tube-well water samples revealed groundwater arsenic contamination in the floodplains of the Ganga–Brahmaputra river (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and Assam) in India and the Padma–Meghna–Brahmaputra river in Bangladesh. On average, 50 % of the water samples contain arsenic above the World Health Organization guideline value of 10 μg/L in India and Bangladesh. More than 100 million people in the GMB plain are potentially at risk. The authors’ medical team screened around 155,000 people from the affected villages and registered 16,000 patients with different types of arsenical skin lesions. Arsenic neuropathy and adverse pregnancy outcomes have been recorded. Infants and children drinking arsenic-contaminated water are believed to be at high risk. About 45,000 biological samples analyzed from arsenic-affected villages of the GMB plain revealed an elevated level of arsenic present in patients as well as non-patients, indicating that many are sub-clinically affected. In West Bengal and Bangladesh, there are huge surface water in rivers, wetlands, and flooded river basins. In the arsenic-affected GMB plain, the crisis is not over water scarcity but about managing the available water resources.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes, such as C, N, O and S, are successfully used as classical environmental tracers. During the last few years, heavy stable isotopes are getting more and more attention as tracers and proxies in biogeochemical and environmental studies. Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICPMS) has enabled scientists to obtain high precise isotopic analyses of heavy elements such as Cl, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg and Pb. These isotopic systems can be used as important tracers in studying metal contaminants, biomedical processes and pollution of aquatic environments. MC-ICPMS is a powerful technique for the isotopic analysis of most elements, with the exception of light elements such as H, C, N and O and noble gases. The advantage of the ICP source is that it can ionize all elements with very high sensitivity. Various inlet systems can be used to introduce samples into the mass spectrometer, for instance gas chromatography (GC), liquid chromatography (LC), laser ablation, or conventional liquid nebulization. The aerosol is transported by an Ar and/or He gas flow into the ICP source where it is effectively ionized and introduced into the mass analyzer through a differential pumping system. The variable multicollector detector array allows the user to adjust the detector positions along the focal plane of the mass spectrometer so that all isotopes of interest can be measured simultaneously. Molecular interferences as carbides, nitrides, oxides, argides or doubly-charged species can show up in the mass spectrum and interfere with the elemental isotope peaks. High mass resolution is needed to effectively discriminate against these interferences. The ion optics of the Finnigan NEPTUNE is specially designed to meet this requirement and expand the power of isotope ratio measurements even to elements where previously isobaric interferences were the limit.  相似文献   

We describe contemporaneous changes in environmental quality and social deprivation in English local authority districts over four decades, using secondary source GIS modelled data on environmentally intrusive development. The distribution of this development is described with respect to the Townsend material deprivation score, corroborated against the Breadline Britain index. Spatial patterns of environmental intrusion and material deprivation change markedly over the period, although a clear environmental inequality remains throughout. However, it is not the most deprived who experience the greatest decline in their environmental quality, as most of the increase in environmental intrusion occurs in those districts whose population were amongst the most affluent in the early 1960s. We note that the environmental justice implications of these observations are dependent upon conceptions of justice held, and reflect on the challenge of testing, through empirical longitudinal analysis, the notion that environmental sustainability and social justice are incompatible.  相似文献   

Research conducted in the Yamé Valley (Dogon Country, Mali) provides valuable information about the river systems and their Holocene evolution in Sudano-Sahelian West Africa. Past research in the region has relied primarily on marine and lacustrine records. The new results confirm correlation between palaeoclimatic fluctuations recorded in both the river system and in tropical African lakes. They offer a new continental milestone for understanding of the environmental repercussions of Holocene monsoon oscillations. These studies demonstrate the value of river systems as a palaeoenvironmental record and the role of palaeoclimatic and anthropogenic factors in the Holocene dynamics of Sudano-Sahelian hydrosystems.  相似文献   

Summary Dykes of Cenozoic age (37.5±2.3Ma) crop out in the Tchircotché area (Garoua rift, north Cameroon). They consist of a lamprophyric (monchiquite) series with diopside, subsilicic kaersutite and apatite phenocrysts, Ba–Ti-rich biotite microphenocrysts and Cr-diopside xenocrysts scattered in a matrix of analcitic composition containing oligoclase, albite and sanidine microlites and carbonate ocelli.Major and trace element distributions are interpreted in terms of crystal fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene, amphibole and Fe–Ti oxides. The Tchircotché monchiquites show a relatively restricted range of initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.70366–0.70387), of Nd values (+2.5 to +2.7), and rare earth element patterns similar to those of the least differentiated basalts of the Cameroon Line. This supports a common magma source region. This mantle source is infra-lithospheric and is strongly enriched in incompatible elements (light REE, Zr, Sr, Ba) probably transported by volatile- and halogen-rich fluids. The monchiquites appear to be derived by low degrees of partial melting as attested by steep REE patterns and high contents of other incompatible elements, suggesting the presence of residual garnet in the source. Several lines of evidence support the occurrence of phlogopite in the source region of Tchircotché lamprophyre magma.  相似文献   

TerCharts is a comprehensive, fast, flexible, and versatile ternary charting utility that can be used for ternary data presentation analysis and modeling across many scientific disciplines. TerCharts is developed using Microsoft (MS) Excel 2003 and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) which is an object oriented programming language developed by MS as a tool to enhance the capabilities of MS products. The Excel–VBA interface is important because normally chemical, geochemical, and mineralogical data used in teaching and basic research are processed using Excel spreadsheets, making TerCharts a more convenient tool for generating ternary charts which in turn can be used for data presentation and analysis. Ternary charts generated by this utility can be improved, edited, and modified utilizing MS Excel’s powerful charting and editing techniques.  相似文献   

Identification of capacities for development of ecotourism is an undeniable priority in any country. For this purpose, various methods have been proposed by different researchers for locating regions with a potential for the development of ecotourism. These regions have different strong and weak points depending on the regional conditions. Evidently, the use of quantitative methods and reduced expert involvement in the process of decision-making and evaluation can yield better results. Therefore, in this research, a multi-criteria evaluation method based on fuzzy logic and network analysis process (ANP) has been used for the evaluation of the development of ecotourism. Therefore, one of the semi-northern regions of the country—Taleghan county, Alborz province—which has different capacities regarding ecotourism was chosen and investigated. Ecological and socio-economic criteria and indices were first identified and then quantified by fuzzy method, after which they were normalized. Further, the weight of factors was determined by the ANP method. Thereafter, using weight linear combination (WLC) operator, all the layers were combined and the region’s potential for ecotourism was zoned. The outcomes show that out of the entire area, 75.2% has different abilities for ecotourism development, while the remaining area lacks any special ability. Further, the results of the research indicate that the concurrent use of fuzzy logic and ANP method in determining the priority and weight of criteria provides more logical and flexible conditions compared to other methods for land evaluation in the context of the mentioned aim through WLC method.  相似文献   

Richard Mbatu 《GeoJournal》2010,75(5):443-458
This paper characterizes changes in land use and forest cover in southern Cameroon. In doing so, we use remotely sensed data to define the rates and area of forest loss and cover change in two reference areas over a period of 16 years (from 1984 to 2000)—the Buea-Limbe area in the southwest province and the Bertoua area in the east province. We relate socio-economic data of these study areas with results from the empirical spatial analysis to explain causes of deforestation. A second set of explanations, which we call the theoretical perspective, attributes deforestation in southern Cameroon to the intricacies of modernization, world-systems, and neo-Malthusian theories.  相似文献   

Lithology and Mineral Resources - The Haléo-Danielle Plateau bauxite deposit forms the largest part of the 15 km long Minim-Martap Bauxite ore district in the Adamawa Region of Cameroon. The...  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1986,33(4):255-264
The Rooiberg (Felsite) Group is a rare example of a conformable succession that apparently spans the period of evolution of an oxygen-rich atmosphere. This conclusion is reached indirectly from a review of the Proterozoic stratigraphy of South Africa, and directly from a consideration of the Rooiberg itself. The atmospheric transition coincides with the stratigraphic interval between the dark silicic lavas and associated grey volcaniclastics of the Damwal Formation, and the overlying red rhyodacites and intercalated red-bed sedimentary rocks of the Selonsrivier Formation. Radiometric age measurements indicate that this transition occurred after 2224 ± 21 Ma but before 2090 ± 40 Ma.  相似文献   

This paper examines how gender relations within rural communities in north-central Mexico affect women’s perceptions of and responses to environmental and social risks. Several studies currently exist which suggest various reasons as to how people especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change perceive their risks, and how this influences their responses. In this paper, I take a feminist approach to questions of social–environmental risks and adaptation to argue that risk perception is tightly linked to knowledge production, and knowledge production is a power-laden process involving the constant negotiation of resources, responsibilities and knowledge. I base this argument on the results of fieldwork conducted from September 2009 to May 2010 with women residents of two ejidos in northern Guanajuato, Mexico. In drawing from feminist political ecology studies, I intend to show how gender, environmental knowledge, risk perception and thus, adaptation are constituted by and embedded in social relations of power.  相似文献   

At a time of economic crisis and sharply rising food prices, urban farming is increasingly helping to sustain households. Gender is generally thought to be a key variable in this but studies are still in their infancy. Looking at the phenomenon from a livelihood perspective and based on a survey carried out in Buea, Cameroon, this paper deals with a number of key issues related to gender and urban gardening, including access to resources, division of labour and the benefits and challenges encountered. An additional variable, namely the marital status of the gardener, is also considered. There appear to be important differences between male and female gardeners in various respects, and marital status plays a role not only among female gardeners but to some extent among male gardeners too.  相似文献   

The Huai’an Complex in the north-western Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton is recognized to have undergone high-pressure metamorphism with controversial ages. Two mafic granulite samples (17HT13 and 16HT22) from Huangtuyao of the Huai’an Complex are documented for metamorphism based on petrography, mineral chemistry, phase equilibria modelling and zircon dating. The rocks comprise garnet, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, amphibole, plagioclase and ilmenite. They show clockwise P-T paths involving the pre-Tmax decompressional heating, the Tmax and the post-Tmax cooling stages. The pre-Tmax decompressional heating is revealed by the core-rim/mantle anorthite-ascending zoning in coarse-grained plagioclase. The Tmax stage is constrained to 8.5–10.5 kbar/980–1010 °C (17HT13) and 7.5–9.5 kbar/1000–1030 °C (16HT22) by the high Ti content of amphibole, and the anorthite content of coarse-grained plagioclase rims/mantles and fine-grained plagioclase cores. These temperatures are slightly higher than the results of amphibole thermometers (∼940–980 °C). The post-Tmax cooling is defined by the later growth of amphibole and some conventional geothermobarometers. Because it is dominated by temperature with ilmenite present, the Ti content of amphibole is proposed as a reliable thermometer, and the Ti-rich amphibole with Ti > 0.28 p.f.u. or TiO2 > 2.4–2.6 wt% is indicative of ultrahigh-temperature (>900 °C, UHT) conditions. The anorthite content of plagioclase is also significant in confining peak temperatures for UHT granulite but requires defining proper water content. Zircon dating for 17HT13 yields an upper intercept age of 1910 ± 35 Ma, representing the cooling of UHT granulite. We conclude that the Huai’an Complex may have at least locally undergone UHT metamorphism at ∼1.92–1.91 Ga after high-pressure granulite metamorphism at ∼1.95 Ga, similar to the Jining Complex. Therefore, the Huai’an and Jining Complexes share the same tectonic evolution involving ∼1.95 Ga crustal thickening, ∼1.92–1.91 Ga extension with regional or local UHT metamorphism, and subsequent cooling and uplifting.  相似文献   


Occurrence of drought, as an inevitable natural climate feature, cannot be ceased while happening. However, costs of the consequences could be alleviated using mature scientific integrated approaches. To reduce the amount of damage, it is required to provide “Contingency” and “Mitigation” action plans. For this reason, development of efficient operating instructions for various regions based on weather conditions and field studies is needed as well as having a sophisticated understanding of socioeconomic situations. This paper describes an approach to provide the first national agricultural drought risk management plan for a river basin in Iran country as a pilot. The study lasted for 3 years as a national technical research project for the “soil conservation and watershed management research institute.” To reach the objectives, besides holding workshops and specialized think-tank meetings, field researches were done. Based on the socioeconomic data sources in the basin and the results of meetings by participation of local managers and residents, the final plan was developed. Moreover, in order to carry out this research, different climatic, agricultural and local information were collected in the watershed. In the next steps, potential risks and vulnerabilities of various agricultural sectors due to the hazard were evaluated. In this study, a nine-step approach to develop an agricultural drought risk management plan proposing different scientific–managerial phases based on the latest experts’ opinions, released international scientific best practices, and existing conditions governing the region was followed. With respect to the average income of US$ one million from agriculture and animal husbandry in the river basin, total drought loss varies from US$ 86,000 to US$ 258,000 for a range of light to very intense drought conditions, respectively. The setup of these nine executive phases defined monitoring, forecasting, and warning steps in working teams and managed the subprograms in partnership with stakeholders and decision-makers to mitigate the rate of drought damage from 30 to 47% (depending on the severity of the drought condition).


Ogbonnaya Igwe 《Landslides》2014,11(2):319-326
A catastrophic rock debris avalanche on one of the highlands demarcating Cameroon and Nigeria, 3 days after a transient period of heavy rainfall in November 2010, killed two people and damaged economic trees, plants and farmlands. Detailed field investigation and sampling were undertaken by a team from the International Programme on Landslide to analyse the slope movement. The investigation was in two phases—5 days and then 7 months after the event to study the effect of alternating dry and rainy seasons on the geotechnical properties of the materials associated with the slope failures. It was also aimed at assessing the effect of time on the morphology of the slip plane as a new approach to understanding the development of potential failure planes and reactivated landslides. Available evidence showed that present failure planes form mini-deposition axes which may become future slip zones as they are still steep enough to accelerate instability. The research also traced the pattern of rock weathering and joints evolution in the area and found that the systematic weathering of feldspar in the basement aggravated slope instability by creating zones of weakness characterized by structures that aid fragmentation. Soils were thin (<1 m) in some slopes and deep (>2 m) in others and may represent the differential effect of weathering and erosion on the mountains which are important in analyzing the mechanism and mobility of the failed masses. Samples collected were subjected to various geotechnical laboratory tests such as unconsolidated undrained triaxial, consistency, particle size and permeability tests.  相似文献   

The Méiganga area is situated in the Adamawa–Yadé domain (AYD) of the Pan-African fold belt in Cameroon. The AYD is characterized by abundant plutonic rocks that intruded Palaeoproterozoic gneisses. It is cut by the transcurrent Central Cameroonian Shear Zone (CCSZ). The studied area is made up of metadiorite (MD), pyroxene-bearing granite (PGr) and biotite-muscovite granite (BMGr), hosted in a metasedimentary sequence of amphibole-biotite gneisses. The granitoids are metaluminous to slightly peraluminous, and mainly of I-type (ASI ≤ 1.1), representing a high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic suite. They were derived from crustal protoliths (BMGr), from rocks of mantle origin (MD, PGr), and/or from the remelting of metabasalt or metatonalite (MD, PGr). Four successive deformational phases (D1, D2, D3, and D4) are present in the Méiganga area. The S1 foliation is formed by tectonic transposition of the S0 primitive surface represented by contacts between the gneiss and intercalated amphibolites. The synmigmatitic D2 deformational phase is characterized by S2 banded schistosity, S2/C2 sinistral shear planes, and F2 folds with axes parallel to a L2 stretching lineation. Imprints of the D2 and subsequent deformational phases are similar in the metadiorite and host rocks, implying syn-D2 emplacement and crystallization of the metadiorite; therefore 614–619 Ma 207Pb/206Pb zircon evaporation ages obtained for this rock type date the syn-D2 magmagenesis. Similarly, the D3 phase of the PGr is 601 ± 1 Ma, dated by the 207Pb/206Pb evaporation method. D4 is a late-stage brittle deformational phase. Sinistral movement of the CCSZ is associated with D2, whereas its latest activity, characterized by dextral slip, cannot be older than emplacement of the 558 ± 2 Ma BMGr (207Pb/206Pb zircon evaporation age).  相似文献   

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