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Report on a computer analysis of wave response of a spar buoy that has been operated successfully in the Mediterranean over the past ten years, to find out how the presence of a large horizontal plate at the bottom affects its wave response. The calculations show that the addition of a damping plate decreases have response for short waves but increases the response for very long waves.  相似文献   

A floating breakwater produces less environmental impact, but is easily destroyed by large waves. In this paper, the spar buoy floating breakwater is introduced with a study on the wave reflection and transmission characteristics and mooring line tension induced by the waves. Mei (The Applied Dynamics of Ocean Surface Waves, Wiley, New York (1983) 740 p) proposed a theoretical solution for the reflection and transmission coefficients as the wave propagates through a one-layer slotted barrier. For a multiple-layer fence system, the analytical solution is proposed linearly. The results show that the theoretical computations agree well with the experimental trends. For a multiple-layer fence system, the transmission coefficients become maximal as the layer spacing to wavelength ratio moves to 1/2. Conversely, the coefficients become minimal, as the ratio moves to 0.3. To estimate the maximum tension of the mooring line, both numerical calculations and laboratory experiments were executed. The numerical calculation results were similar to the experimental results.  相似文献   

The objective in this experimental work is to evaluate the capability of several cylindrical buoys to follow and measure waves. Eleven configurations have been studied, eight among which were furnished with disks of different diameters at the waterline. The experiments took place in the test basin at ISITV. On the one hand, we have obtained a set of transfer coefficients for each frequency and each configuration in regular waves. On the other hand, we have determined the corresponding transfer functions, then we have used the latter to measure irregular waves. The time signals as measured by the buoys with and without corrections have been compared with wave gage measurements and subjected to a wave-by-wave analysis. The results allow the conclusion that the buoy with a medium size disk constitutes the best compromise. In fact, it permits the buoy to follow the free surface while minimizing parasitic motions.  相似文献   

We made and set a spar buoy in September 1975 at Tsuyazaki for the purpose of developing the buoy system to acquire the oceanographical data. Motions of the buoy were also measured in terms of three components of acceleration, roll, and pitch. The buoy was removed from the site in May 1978.A method of eliminating influence of the buoy motion on the measured wave data was invented and examined by using the field data. It was found that the influence of the buoy motion on the wave data was so small that the amount of correcting the motion was negligible. In addition wave data obtained at the buoy were compared with those obtained at the fixed type platform, which was built in 1974 to get the reference data of wind, waves and currents. The agreement was found to be good. The performance of the buoy was as good as intended. Thus, it was shown that the buoy so far developed could be used as the platform for oceanographic research such as measuring wind and waves with higher precision.  相似文献   

A. Umar  T. K. Datta 《Ocean Engineering》2003,30(13):1625-1646
The nonlinear dynamic analysis of a multipoint slack moored buoy is performed under the action of first and second order wave forces. The nonlinearity of the system is caused by the geometric nonlinearity of the mooring lines. The resulting nonlinear equation of motion is solved by an incremental time marching scheme. The nonlinear responses of the system are analysed to investigate different kinds of dynamic instability phenomena that may arise due to the nonlinearity of the system. As an illustrative example, a hollow cylindrical buoy anchored to the sea bed by means of six slack mooring lines is considered. The responses of the system are obtained and analysed for three regular waves namely, 5 m/5 s, 12 m/10 s and 18 m/15 s. The results of the study show that different kinds of instability phenomena like nT subharmonic oscillations, symmetry breaking bifurcation and aperiodic responses may occur in slack mooring systems. Further, a second order wave force may considerably influence the dynamic stability of such systems.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic characteristics of heave plates with different form edges of Truss Spar Platform are studied in this paper.Numerical simulations are carried out for the plate forced oscillation by the dynamic mesh method and user defined functions of FLUENT.The added mass coefficient and the damping coefficient of heave plate with tapering condition and the chamfer condition are calculated.The results show that,in a certain range,the hydrodynamic performance of heave plate after being tapered is better.  相似文献   

以三类内孤立波理论(Kd V、e Kd V和MCC)的适用性条件为依据,采用Morison和傅汝德-克雷洛夫公式分别计算Spar平台内孤立波水平力和垂向力,结合时域有限位移运动方程,建立了有限深两层流体中内孤立波与带分段式系泊索Spar平台相互作用的理论模型。以东沙群岛某海域实测内孤立波为对象,数值分析了在内孤立波作用下某经典式Spar平台的内孤立波动态载荷、运动响应及其系泊张力的变化特性。研究表明,内孤立波不仅会对Spar平台产生突发性冲击载荷,使其产生大幅度水平漂移运动,而且还会使其系泊张力显著增大。因此,在Spar平台等深海平台的设计应用中,内孤立波的影响不可忽视。  相似文献   

K. E. Steele   《Ocean Engineering》2003,30(17):2179-2199
This paper describes the refinement of a previously published procedure for estimating Mean Wave Direction using azimuth, pitch, and roll derived from only the bow and starboard components of the earth magnetic field. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this refined procedure, it is applied to sensor time series records taken over a single twenty-minute period aboard a pitch-roll buoy, and results are presented. On the assumption that the method will be verified by additional data, practical means to apply it operationally are outlined.  相似文献   

以新型激光雷达浮标系统为研究对象,基于ANSYS/AQWA开展了激光雷达浮标系统运动响应特性数值研究,研究了浮标吃水深度、形状参数对于激光雷达浮标运动响应的影响规律,分析了附加质量、辐射阻尼、运动响应RAO及一阶、二阶波浪力等水动力参数。采用时域分析方法对不同风浪流荷载入射角度下的激光雷达浮标锚泊系统张力特性进行了计算分析。研究结果表明:随着浮标吃水深度的增加,浮标纵荡方向响应无明显变化,垂荡响应显著增大;随着浮标底部圆台直径的增大,浮标纵荡方向响应变化较小,而圆柱形浮标垂荡运动响应显著大于圆台形浮标;当浮标系泊锚链发生松弛—张紧状态变化时易出现极端张力,且极端张力出现的幅值和频率随有效波高的增大和谱峰周期的减小而增大。  相似文献   

半潜式平台垂荡响应抑制措施研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
半潜式平台垂荡响应较大,对生产平台立管和采油树系统的选择、钻井平台钻杆升沉补偿装置等提出更高要求,增大了作业和维护成本。针对这一问题,在传统结构基础上提出了三种新的结构概念:1)在浮筒底部加垂荡板;2)沿立柱外延加垂荡板;3)改变立柱为变截面结构。通过数值分析对各平台模型水动力性能进行比较,结果表明,各新型结构对半潜式平台垂荡起到一定程度的抑制效果。由于在浮筒底部加垂荡板的方案效果比较突出,对该方案进一步做了优化和改进工作,并对平台在南海百年一遇波浪环境条件下的垂荡响应概率密度函数和响应极值进行了预报和对比研究。  相似文献   

K. E. Steele  D. W. Wang 《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(17-18):2121-2138
The assumption that the East and North deck slopes of a pitch–roll buoy respond to East and North sea slopes as simple harmonic oscillators is routinely made by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) and others producing directional wave data. Although directional wave data derived with this assumption usually appear to be of good quality, the validity of the assumption has not previously been more directly demonstrated. In this paper, a method is proposed to judge the validity of the assumption for any set of time series records of buoy angular motion. The proposed method is applied to 200 record sets taken by an NDBC buoy located at ocean station 46024, and to five record sets taken by another NDBC buoy at 46051. For the 46024 data, it was demonstrated that the simple harmonic oscillator assumption was near perfectly valid. For the smaller 46051 data set, the simple harmonic oscillator assumption was shown to be slightly less valid.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of the offshore structure motion response and associate mooring line tension is important in both technical applications and scientific research. In our study, a truss spar platform, operated in Gulf of Mexico, is numerically simulated and analyzed by an in-house numerical code ‘COUPLE'. Both the platform motion responses and associated mooring line tension are calculated and investigated through a time domain nonlinear coupled dynamic analysis. Satisfactory agreement between the simulation and corresponding field measurements is in general reached, indicating that the numerical code can be used to conduct the time-domain analysis of a truss spar interacting with its mooring and riser system. Based on the comparison between linear and nonlinear results, the relative importance of nonlinearity in predicting the platform motion response and mooring line tensions is assessed and presented. Through the coupled and quasi-static analysis, the importance of the dynamic coupling effect between the platform hull and the mooring/riser system in predicting the mooring line tension and platform motions is quantified. These results may provide essential information pertaining to facilitate the numerical simulation and design of the large scale offshore structures.  相似文献   

Many studies have been published concerning the influence of the immersed shape (in still water) of a floating body on its response and power capture from ocean waves. With a few notable exceptions, much of this analysis has assumed small amplitude motion and linear models have been employed to predict response. The form of the upper surface of such a body has received little attention. Here, we show how the shape of the upper (top) surface of a floating body can be designed to ensure that the response amplitude of the body is within a specified value. This is of considerable importance to the survivability of wave energy devices. The approach used is to achieve a large increase of both natural period and hydrodynamic damping for only a small change of float mass. These two factors impose a hydrodynamic limit on the displacement which may be exploited to avoid the ‘end-stop’ problem often encountered in wave device design. To demonstrate the change of response, experimental measurements are presented of the response of an axisymmetric float with rounded base and conical upper surface with rounded perimeter due to a range of regular, irregular and focused wave conditions. Power extraction is not considered since the mechanically undamped response represents the worst case. In contrast to a simple, straight-sided axisymmetric float, a smaller change of mass is required to satisfy a particular response amplitude limit. Although a significant reduction is not expected, hydrodynamic damping may reduce with increasing physical scale, and this remains to be quantified.  相似文献   

The authors describe Wavescan, a multipurpose data buoy specially designed for directional wave measurements and meteorological data collection. Their objective was to produce a second-generation high-capability metocean data buoy, with full in situ processing, real-time telemetry, and onshore result presentation. Emphasis is on the design of a buoy hull with the wave-following capability needed to accurately measure wave slope while at the same time retaining the stability to operate and collect meteorological data under the extreme conditions the buoy is likely to meet. The authors briefly review the advantages and disadvantages of the various buoy hulls that have been employed for collection of metocean data. The stability and dynamic response of the final design are then discussed, and results from a field test intercomparison during which a prototype buoy was deployed for several weeks off the mid-Norway shore are examined. The Wavescan system functions and the directional wave analysis are summarized. It is concluded that Wavescan has reached its design goals  相似文献   

锚泊式海洋剖面观测浮标系统   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
<正>观测技术是促进海洋科学逐渐走向成熟的关键因素之一,海洋科学从物理、生物到地质,从海气交换到大洋剖面水体,观测尺度和范围跨越时间和空间几十个数量级[1]。目前随着观测技术的发展,海洋科学发展所依赖的海洋数据获取方式正在从"考察"向"观测"转变[2],而且海洋环境监测已进入从空间、沿岸、水面及水下对海洋环境进行全方位、全天候立体监测的时代。然而,目前我国大部分的海洋环境监测技术仍然依  相似文献   

On the heave radiation of a rectangular structure   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, an analytic solution to the heave radiation problem of a rectangular structure is presented. To solve the problem analytically, the nonhomogeneous boundary value problem is linearly decomposed into homogeneous ones, which can be readily solved. To provide further comparisons to the present analytic solution, a boundary element method is also presented to solve the problem. The present analytic solution is compared with the result by Black et al. [(1971)] Radiation and scattering of water waves by rigid bodies. J. Fluid Mech. 46, 151–164], and the boundary element solution, and the comparisons show very good agreements. Upon examination of the present analytic solution, it is shown that the solution satisfies the nonhomogeneous boundary condition in a sense of series convergence. Using the present analytic solution, the generated waves, the added mass and the radiation damping coefficients, as well as the hydrodynamic effects of the submergence and the width of the structure, are investigated.  相似文献   

概念性地设计了一种新型半潜—Spar混合浮式基础,以5 MW水平轴风机为例,研究了该新型浮式基础支撑的浮式风力机系统的动力响应。基于三维势流理论和Morison公式,应用SESAM软件建立浮式基础模型,在频域内计算了该浮式基础的水动力参数和响应算子,分析了浮式基础的运动性能。考虑叶片气动载荷和浮式基础波浪载荷,应用FAST软件对风机—浮式基础系统进行时域计算,分析风力机系统的运动性能。结果显示,该浮式基础运动幅值较小,具有良好的运动性能。  相似文献   

We discuss the materials of model experiments concerning the behavior of different constructions of prototypes of buoy carriers for buoy stations subjected to forcing of wind, waves, and surface currents.  相似文献   

A 9.1 m yacht hull was instrumented to measure its three-dimensional motion when moored in the open sea. The hull was deployed on three occasions for a total period of about 2 months and encountered a wide range of wind-wave conditions including a strong gale. The data have been analysed to give the response for each component of motion in terms of amplitude and relative phases. The hull motion is compared spectrally to the waves observed by a nearby Waverider. The hull was found to behave as a surface-keyed buoy, with a well defined response for a wide range of conditions. The presence of a resonance in pitch and roll is evident in the data with typical rms values being 5° and 10°, respectively, for significant wave height of 5 m. From data on the mooring dynamics it is concluded that the peaks observed in the tension are a result of the viscous drag opposing the change in the catenary of the mooring and the slow drift oscillations of the buoy. This type of hull is a versatile and economical candidate as a platform for meteorological and oceanographic instrumentation.  相似文献   

On May 22 and 24, 1995, a buoy, designed to float with the water surface and equipped with a GPS antenna, was deployed off the California coast at 16 locations near the Texaco oil platform, Harvest. The purpose of this deployment was threefold:.(1) to demonstrate the ability of this style of buoy to calibrate the TOPEXIPOSEIDON (TIP) altimeter range measurement as it overflew the platform: (2) to demonstrate the ability of the buoy to map the ocean's surface over a 10‐km‐diameter circle surrounding platform Harvest; and (3) to demonstrate the ability of the buoy to measure the sea state accurately. During the 1.6‐h period surrounding the time of the TIP overflight, the buoy‐measured sea level never differed by more than 1.5 cm from the sea level measured by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) acoustic tide gauge on the platform. The good agreement demonstrated the capability of this style of buoy to calibrate altimetric satellites. A paraboloid was fitted to sea level from 16 buoy locations surrounding the platform with a 2.5‐cm rms residual. On a 10‐km‐diameter circle centered on the platform, the paraboloid was within 2.4‐cm rms of the Ohio State University Mean Sea Surface (OSUMSS95). H u3 values calculated around the overflight times from the GPS buoy vertical positions had a mean difference of 2 cm and a standard deviation of 18 cm from values calculated from the University of Colorado (CU) pressure gauge system. At the time of the overflight, H u3 was near 2 m, while 3‐m seas were observed by the CU pressure system during measurements later in the day. This experiment demonstrates that a simple wave‐rider buoy design can give comparable accuracies to that of more complex GPS platforms such as the University of Colorado's spar buoy, but is much easier to deploy and capable of being used in more severe weather conditions. Thus, such a buoy and derivative designs have great potential for calibrating altimetric experiments, and for oceanographic and geodetic mapping experiments.  相似文献   

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