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Fire in shrub-dominated portions of the Great Basin, largely fueled by non-native annuals such as Bromus tectorum, has become an important structuring force altering vegetation composition and soil characteristics. The extent to which fire affects native species in drier portions of the Great Basin, termed salt desert, is poorly documented. We conducted a survey of grazed salt desert habitat in northwestern Nevada 5 years after wildfires burned 650,000 ha, with the goal of investigating community response to fire and factors correlating with post-fire recovery. We found that recruitment of a dominant shrub, Artemisia spinescens, is severely restricted following fire: it occurred in only 2 of the 24 burned sites. The co-dominant shrub, Atriplex confertifolia, occurred in most burned sites although on average its percent cover was one-third lower than adjacent unburned sites. Biotic soil crust cover was four times lower, and non-native species cover 5 times higher, in burned sites compared to unburned. Ordination analyses confirmed differences among plant communities in burned versus unburned sites, with environmental variables soil conductivity, plant litter, soil potassium (K+) and pH explaining 38% of the variance in community composition. However, we found no environmental predictors of recovery for native species in burned sites. Future recruitment is likely to be further limited, as fire frequency in the salt desert is expected to increase with invasion by non-native annual grasses and with global climate change.  相似文献   

Changes in plant community structure and composition of the Mojave Desert in response to greater fire intensity and extent are likely to have strong bottom-up effects on the biological community. The objective of this study was to determine how expansive fire in Mojave Desert impacts small mammal communities across seasons. We sampled small mammals in paired burned (4–5 years post-fire) and unburned areas of Beaver Dam Wash in southwestern Utah. Fire reduced total abundance of small mammals, and species richness and species diversity of the small mammal community. Merriam’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami) responded positively to fire (15% greater in burned areas). Long-tailed pocket mouse (Chaetodipus formosus) and canyon mouse (Peromyscus crinitus) were 91% and 98% less abundant in burned versus unburned areas. The positive response of Merriam’s kangaroo rat to fire is most likely correlated with their preference for open foraging microhabitat while other species captured prefer greater and more diverse cover. Because the small mammal community has been dramatically affected by fire, it is likely that top-down control of vegetation structure will be dominated by Merriam’s kangaroo rat in burned areas, which may promote more open habitat by limiting the growth of annual and perennial grasses.  相似文献   

The desert tortoise occurs in two strikingly different desert regimes in the southwestern United States. In the Mojave Desert, rainfall is more irregular and resources are more limited than in the Sonoran Desert. We examined the age structure of tortoise populations from these two deserts to determine whether the difference in resource availability has driven an evolutionary divergence in life history strategies. Age and growth rates strongly reflect the ecological adaptation of the two populations. The oldest Sonoran males reached 54 years, compared to only 43 years in females. The oldest West Mojave (WM) males reached 56 years, compared to only 27 years in females. WM tortoises grew faster than Sonoran ones, and females reached sexual maturity at earlier ages (~17–19 years) than Sonoran females (~22–26 years). These traits and the higher rate of clutch production in the WM population are likely the evolutionary adaptation for low juvenile survivorship and a significantly shorter life span. Frequent droughts in the WM Desert and the lowest annual rainfall area within the range of the desert tortoise cause chronic physiological stress, likely annually, and are proposed as a major selection force producing contrasting life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Wind erosion of soil is an appreciable but unstudied event following fires in cold desert. We examined aeolian transport of sediment for 1 year following fire in semi-arid shrub steppe on loess soils in southern Idaho, USA. Sediment collectors were used to determine horizontal mass transport of soil and saltation sensors and anemometers were used to determine saltation activity (fraction of time having saltation) and threshold wind speed in an area burned in August and an unburned control site. Horizontal mass transport (per 30-day period) was negligible in the unburned area, but in the burned area was 5.40 kg m?1 in October and decreased to 2.80 kg m?1 in November and 0.32 kg m?1 in December. Saltation activity was high enough to determine threshold wind speeds only in the burn site during fall, when values ranged from 10.0 to 10.6 m s?1. Sediment flux and saltation activity in the burned site became much less pronounced following the emergence of herbaceous vegetation in the spring. Post-fire sediment flux in the shrub steppe we examined was of greater magnitude but shorter duration than post-fire fluxes in warm deserts or sandier regions that experience more frequent wind erosion.  相似文献   

Starting in 2005, we examined differences in vegetation for three consecutive years across an airport fence that separated heavily grazed areas from areas in which grazing had been excluded for 24 years in Mandalgobi, Mongolia. We performed repeated-measures analysis separately on two community types (dominated by Allium polyrrhizum and Achnatherum splendens, respectively) to compare the effects of fencing and year on the cover of different plant functional types. There was a significant fence × year interaction for grass cover in the Allium type (but not the Achnatherum type), due to greater cover of grasses inside the fence only when rainfall was sufficient during the growing season. The effect of grazing exclusion on perennial forb cover was confounded by a significant fence × year interaction in both types. In 2007, perennial forbs were found outside the fence, but had almost disappeared inside the fence, resulting in this interaction. Annual forbs only had much greater cover values inside the fence than outside in 2006, also resulting in a significant fence × year interaction in both community types. This study thus suggests that the high rainfall variability in arid and semi-arid rangelands may modify the effects of long-term exclosure on vegetation.  相似文献   

Responses of herbaceous and suffrutescent species to fire, grazing, and presence of Prosopis glandulosa were examined in a Chihuahuan desert grassland in south-central New Mexico. Treatments were assigned randomly to eight 12×8 m plots within each of two blocks. Following fires in June 1995, unfenced plots were exposed to livestock grazing over 4 years. Plots were established that either included or excluded P. glandulosa. Perennial grass cover, primarilyBouteloua eriopoda , decreased by 13% in burned plots but increased 5% in unburned areas. Conversely, perennial forb cover was 4% greater after fire. Perennial grass frequency decreased 30% more and perennial forb frequency increased 10% more following burning. Further, increases in evenness after fire resulted in a 225% increase in species diversity. Grazing also resulted in a decrease in perennial grass cover while frequency decreased 22% more in grazed than ungrazed plots. Only frequency and not cover of perennial forbs and annual grasses increased more following grazing. Presence of P. glandulosa had no differential effect on responses of non-shrub species. Fires were conducted during near drought conditions while grazing occurred during years of precipitation equivalent to the long-term average. Precipitation immediately following fire may be critical for recovery of B. eriopoda -dominated desert grasslands; relationships between fire and post-fire precipitation patterns require future investigation.  相似文献   

A prescribed burn resulted in significant decreases in canopy cover of the grasses: Bouteloua eriopoda, Sporobolus flexuosus, and Aristida purpurea. One year post-burn, basal cover of B. eriopoda remained significantly lower in burned patches than in unburned areas but there were no differences in basal cover of the other perennial grasses. Only one species of the 14 summer annual species occurred in both burned and unburned plots. There were six species of spring annuals in burned patches but no spring annuals in the unburned grassland ten months post-burn. Fire killed 100% of the snakeweed shrubs (Gutierrezia sarothrae), 77% of the Ephedra torreyana shrubs, and 36% of the Yucca elata. All mesquite shrubs that were top-killed by fire, resprouted one month post-burn. Fire had no effect on abundance and species richness of rodents. There were fewer wolf spider, Geolycosa spp. burrows in burned areas than in unburned grassland. The area and volume of soil in termite galleries and sheeting were significantly larger in the unburned grassland than in the burned areas.  相似文献   

Patagonia grasslands are subjected to two main disturbances, fire and grazing, but little information is available about its effects on vegetation. We studied post-fire survival and resprouting ability of two dominant grass species, Stipa speciosa and Festuca pallescens, for four years; evaluated the effect of early post-fire defoliation on both species; and tested whether competition is important in post-fire recovery in San Ramón Ranch, NW Patagonia (Argentina). To simulate grazing, a clipping treatment was applied at the beginning and end of growing seasons. Survival rates were high (>60%) and, after three years, biomass of both species in the burned area was similar to the unburned area. Competition seems to play an important role in the early post-fire recovery of both species, particularly in the case of F. pallescens that increased 87% the biomass production without competition. Fire may improve forage quality by eliminating the standing dead material, but early post-fire grazing might endanger the persistence of F. pallescens. We suggest requiring a resting period before livestock introduction and controlling grazing intensity.  相似文献   

This article reviews and analyzes the available information on range and livestock production in the Monte Desert. Cow–calf operations, goats for meat, and sheep for wool are the dominant production systems under continuous grazing. Rest-rotational grazing systems improved the efficiency of the current cow–calf production. Forage resources are primarily composed of perennial grasses and woody species. Rain-use efficiency for the total vegetation ranged from 3.9 to 4.8 kg DM ha?1 year?1 mm?1. Carrying capacity showed a broad range: 18.7, 4.5–64.5, and 21.6–89.3 ha AU?1 in the north, central, and south portions of the Monte, respectively. Mean crude protein (CP) content of grasses varied from 8.4 to 10.3 (wet season) and 7.1–3.7% DM (dry season) in the central west and Patagonia, respectively. Grasses predominated in the cattle diet, while the sheep diet was highly diverse because they ate most of the available plant species, and there was no unanimity as to the fact that goats are strictly browsers. Livestock diseases have lower prevalence indices than those recorded in other areas of the country. The high variability in carrying capacity values could be attributed to differences in rangeland condition and to the different methods used for its estimation. The CP levels in forage could meet cattle requirements provided that a proper-stocking rate were used. The most promising species for land rehabilitation are Opuntia, Atriplex spp., Eragrostis curvula and Cenchrus ciliaris. Priorities for future research should include topics such as assessment of the carrying capacity for most of the areas and nutrient content of the components of livestock diet, the livestock intake values, the economic feasibility of the use of complementary feeds and the development of seeding technology for valuable forage resources as Trichloris crinita, among others.  相似文献   

Creosote bushes (Larrea tridentata) form islands of fertility that influence annual plant abundances in desert ecosystems, and the distribution of native and non-native annuals with respect to creosote may differ. We established plots on the north and south facing sides of L. tridentata in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts within four different microhabitats spanning from under the shrub canopy into the open. We counted native and non-native annuals twice during the winter growing season to determine the effects of L. tridentata on the spatial distribution of native and non-native annuals. In both deserts, annual plant abundances were higher on the north side of L. tridentata and in open areas. Native annuals in the Mojave were most abundant near the edge of the shrub canopy, whereas native annuals in the Sonoran were most abundant in open areas. The effects of L. tridentata fertility islands on annual abundances were not consistent between the two deserts we studied. Our study emphasizes the importance of research on native and non-native annuals in multiple regions before generalizations can be made about the effects of L. tridentata on annual plant abundances in desert scrub ecosystems.  相似文献   

Fire has been historically infrequent in the Mojave Desert, and its increased prevalence caused by the invasion of non-native annual grasses is a major concern for land managers there. The most dramatic changes have occurred in middle elevation shrublands dominated by creosotebush (Larrea tridentata), Joshua tree (Yucca brevifolia), and/or blackbrush (Coleogyne ramossissima), where most of the fires occurred between 1980 and 2004. This zone is more susceptible than other areas of the Mojave Desert to increased fire size following years of high rainfall. Increases in fire size are likely related to the flush of non-native annual grasses, Bromus rubens in particular, that produces continuous fuelbeds following years of high rainfall. This dynamic also has occurred to some degree at lower elevations, but the background cover of native perennial fuels there is already very low, muting the effects of the ephemeral fuels. At elevations above the middle elevation shrublands, fire size does not vary with rainfall, indicating that native woody fuels dictate fire regimes. These results suggest that an invasive plant/fire regime cycle is currently establishing in the middle and possibly the low elevation shrublands of the Mojave Desert, but not at higher elevations.  相似文献   

In arid environments, soil fertility exhibits a high degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity, which results from high climatic variability seasonally and heterogeneous plant distribution. However, because most desert areas have been altered by human activities, heterogeneous fertility would originate from grazing or logging activities. We evaluated spatial and temporal heterogeneity of soil fertility in cattle-excluded sites under and outside woody plant cover (Prosopis flexuosa and Larrea divaricata), and in sites disturbed by tree removal during wet and dry season in Ñacuñán Biosphere Reserve (Central Monte desert of Argentina). Soil organic matter, fulvic acids, bioavailable organic matter, and nitrate were lower outside plant canopy (8.9 mg g?1, 0.03 mg g?1, 8.2 mg g?1, and 4.17 mg kg?1, respectively). Total N, humic acids, and abundance of microbial functional groups did not show differences among sites. Most parameters differed between seasons, tending to be higher in the wet season. Overall soils of Ñacuñán Reserve are characterized by: a) more homogenous spatial pattern than expected from woody plant presence; b) very heterogeneous temporal pattern; and c) after two years, tree removal does not seem to induce infertile soil formation.  相似文献   

The perennial saltgrass nipa (Distichlis palmeri, Poaceae) is endemic to northern Gulf of California tidal marshes flooded with hypersaline (38–42 g L−1) seawater. Nipa was a wild harvest staple of the Cocopah people of the Río Colorado delta. We investigated the physiology, anatomy, chromosome number, and agronomic potential of nipa as a global food crop. Nipa seeds had 60–93% germination on salinities ranging from 0 to 30 g L−1. Relative Growth Rates (RGR) on both flooded and aerobic conditions remained above 4% d−1 up to 30 g L−1, about half the RGR on freshwater. Nipa grain (caryopses) had 7–8% protein, 8% sugar and 79% total digestible carbohydrates (mostly starch) and only 2% ash and 8% fiber, equal to conventional grains in apparent nutritional value. Shoots were low in ash and sodium, and compared favorably to alfalfa forage in protein, digestible carbohydrates and energy contents. Mature female stands in the Colorado River delta produced an estimated 1.25 t ha−1 of grain, but over two years in the greenhouse only partial flowering was observed. Nevertheless, D. palmeri appears to be worth developing as a perennial grain and forage crop, especially for salinized, flooded soils.  相似文献   

Aerial photography from the 1930s serves as the earliest synoptic depiction of vegetation cover. We generated a spatially explicit database of shrub (Prosopis velutina) stand structure within two 1.8 ha field plots established in 1932 to address two questions: (1) What are the detection limits of panchromatic 1936 aerial photography?, and (2) How do these influence P. velutina biomass estimates? Shrub polygons were manually digitized on 1936 imagery and linked to 1932 field measurements of P. velutina canopy area. Aboveground 1932 P. velutina biomass was estimated using a site-specific allometric relationship for field-measured canopy area. Shrub canopy detection limits on the 1936 imagery were comparable to those reported for contemporary imagery. Based on a conservative shrub size detection threshold of 3.8 m2, 5.8% of P. velutina biomass was missed. Spatial resolution (0.6 vs. 1.0 m) did not influence detection limits, but the overall accuracy of shrub cover estimates was greater on 1.0 m images. Presence of the sub-shrub Isocoma tenuisecta may also have significantly influenced estimates of P. velutina canopy area. These analyses illustrate the importance of standardizing aerial photo interpretation protocols, accounting for uncertainty estimating shrub biomass, and caution species-specific interpretations for historic aerial photography.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conduced to assess the synergic effect of chilling and light on photosystem II photochemistry of the halophyte, Sarcocornia fruticosa, grown at different salinity concentrations (0, 170, 340, 510 and 1030 mM). Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured after chilling (at 5 °C in darkness) and light-chilling (at 5 °C and 700 μmol m?2 s?1) treatments, and after 24 h of recovery (at 20 °C and 75 μmol m?2 s?1). At 5 °C and 700 μmol m?2 s?1, plants grown with 0 and 170 mM NaCl showed the lowest Fv/Fm values, whereas quantum efficiency of PSII (ΦPSII) was higher for plants grown at 170 and 340 mM NaCl, these results being consistent after two exposures to chilling treatments. Susceptibility to photoinhibition decreases when low temperature and high light are combined with high salinity. Therefore, populations of S. fruticosa that occur in arid environments with salinities c. 340 mM could show a higher tolerance to light-chilling.  相似文献   

This paper describes evaluation of forest stand density combining satellite imagery with forest inventory data set. The degree of canopy cover is described in terms of fractional vegetation cover (FVC) obtained by a linear mixture model applied on multi-spectral IKONOS image and canopy cover (CC). CC was calculated from field measurements of crown width of 646 standing trees sited within 72 circular (200 m2) plots. A comparison between CC and FVC shows that the former can be accurately represented by the latter linking in-situ measured forest characteristics with surface reflectance measured by a satellite.Stand density expressed as an absolute term (number of trees per unit area) showed high and significant positive correlation to FVC (R2 = 0.96) and to relative density measure (Crown Competition Factor; R2 = 0.89).In order to show the applicability of the presented approach for managerial practices, a map of the spatial distribution of stand density within the forest was produced using the above-mentioned correlations. Its quality was verified against an independent data set of ground measurements. The correlation between field- and map-based number of trees per unit area was found to be satisfactory (R2 = 0.4; p < 0.05), even though a slight lack of sensitivity was evident for low-density stands.  相似文献   

Allometric equations and community biomass stocks are presented for Guiera senegalensis J.F. Gmel (Gs) and Piliostigma reticulatum (DC.) Hochst (Pr) – two native shrub species in the Sahel. These shrubs are of interest because they dominate semi-arid sub-Sahalien Africa but have been largely overlooked as a key biomass component and regulator of ecosystem composition and function in this landscape. In Year 1, best predictors of aboveground biomass were height and number of stems (Gs) and crown diameter (Pr); and for belowground biomass were height and basal diameter (Gs) and basal diameter (Pr). In Year 2, height and crown diameter were the best predictors of aboveground biomass (R2 = 0.90 for Gs and 0.87 for Pr), whereas basal diameter and number of stems (Gs) and basal diameter (Pr) were best predictors of belowground biomass. Peak-season biomass estimates ranged from 0.44 to 4.58 ton ha?1 (mean = 2.38 ton ha?1) in the Gs sites and from 0.33 to 7.38 ton ha?1 (mean = 3.71 ton ha?1) in the Pr communities. Both species exhibited unusually large root:shoot ratios (4.5:1 for Gs and 10.2:1 for Pr). Although models differ between years, allometric relationships provide reasonable biomass estimates for Gs and Pr.  相似文献   

Pine plantations coexist with Stipa tenacissima grasslands in many semiarid western Mediterranean areas. We compared three microsites created by a 30-year-old Pinus halepensis plantation: below pine plantation line (BP), below canopy of pines (BC) and interline bare band (BA). They were evaluated in terms of soil properties, pine litter and suitability as recruitment niches for S. tenacissima. Next, in a manipulative experiment in growth chambers we tested the hypothesis that pine litter interferes with the seedling emergence of S. tenacissima. Three treatments in pots were compared: (a) soil from BA; (b) intact soil + litter from BP; and (c) soil + litter from BP, which was mixed in the laboratory (BPMX). In the field the main microsite differences were pine cover and litter cover and thickness. Seedling emergence was significantly greater in BA than in BP. Emergence and litter depth fits a linear regression model. In the growth chamber litter did not interfere with the emergence of S. tenacissima. However, seedlings grown without litter were 28% longer and their mass was 27% greater than in the litter treatments. The detected pine litter interference may be relevant for plant dynamics and might be considered in forestry management programs.  相似文献   

火因子是生态系统中重要的干扰因素,对生态系统格局与过程有着深远的影响。采用人为放火的方法研究了草原化荒漠草本层片植物物种丰富度、地上部生物量、植物多度以及高度等群落学特征对火因子的响应。结果表明,火烧后两年(2008—2009年),火烧样地单位面积中草本层片植物物种丰富度有所降低;植物多度多于对照样地,但无显著性差异(P>0.05)。火烧后当年,火烧样地中草本植物地上部生物量显著高于对照样地(P<0.05),第2年地上部生物量无显著性差异(P>0.05),说明火烧后当年有利于提高荒漠生态系统生物生产力,而第2年该效应消除。火烧后当年,研究区3种主要草本植物多根葱、无芒隐子草和茵陈蒿的高度受到了抑制,第2年其高度较对照样地又有所增长,但另一主要植物刺蓬则与其他3种植物反应相反,这可能与荒漠草本植物种不同生长特性有关。  相似文献   

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