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王金华  董玉祥 《热带地理》2014,34(5):719-728
地处全球变化敏感地区的海岸沙地的利用变化及其环境效应日益受到关注。文章通过对海岸沙地利用及其变化研究的发展历程,海岸沙地利用变化研究的案例与技术方法,海岸沙地利用变化所引起的大气环境、水环境、土壤环境、生物环境等方面的环境效应研究等文献的梳理和总结,对国内外海岸沙地利用变化及其环境效应的研究进展进行了综述,并提出了今后研究的主要方向:海岸沙地利用变化未来发展的情景模拟、海岸沙地利用演变驱动机理的定量分析、海岸沙地利用的整体生态环境效应研究、海岸沙地防护林地的合理开发与布局等。  相似文献   

气候变化与湿地   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
概括介绍了湿地的重要性,详细论述气候变化对不同类型湿地的影响,以及湿地作为温室气体的库、汇和源在缓解气候变化方面所起的作用,并从湿地保护和合理利用的角度,提出缓解气候变化影响的对策,包括:开展湿地资源清查,收集全球各种类型湿地的数据和信息,建立更加完善的气候变化模型,以便将气候变化纳入保护和管理活动;保护、维持或恢复湿地生态系统是减缓全球气候变化的重要措施。  相似文献   

自工业革命以来,全球环境发生深刻变化。生态脆弱区生态系统稳定性差、抗干扰和自我恢复能力弱,在全球变化背景下,自然资源供给能力下降、土地退化、生物多样性减少、灾害频发,生态系统面临巨大风险,亟需开展生态脆弱区全球变化风险应对研究。本文重点对中国典型生态脆弱区全球变化风险来源、全球变化对生态脆弱区的影响、全球变化风险应对等研究进行总结,并提出未来全球变化应对策略,以期促进中国典型生态脆弱区生态系统对全球变化响应的深入理解,提高生态脆弱区应对全球变化的能力。生态脆弱区全球变化风险源于环境变化对自然、社会、经济复杂系统的影响。全球变化对生态脆弱区的影响是显著的,以气候变化为主要标志,人类活动为主要驱动力,引起极端气候事件、灾害频发、土地退化、植被生产力降低、生物多样性减少、冰川冻土消融和水资源格局改变等环境问题,并在未来全球变化持续影响下可能加剧,而生态建设工程的实施显著改善了生态环境。今后应加强自然、社会、经济系统耦合,加强资源环境要素监测和全球变化风险评估与预警等方面的研究。  相似文献   

土壤环境变化与可持续发展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
土壤环境的变化在短时间内是缓慢且不易察觉的,但是在地球历史的演化中,它留下了一丝丝印迹,这就是古土壤,它包含了当时环境的大量依据,是5大成土因素的综合产物,当人类出现后,尤其是近百年来在复杂的自然因素上又叠加了人为作用,并且这种作用的强度与日俱增,当它对土壤的影响超过其它作用后,例形成人为土壤,同时,也可能引起土壤退化和土壤污染,这些变化同全球变化和社会持续发展密切相关。  相似文献   

Climate change is a global phenomenon but is modified by regional and local environmental conditions. Moreover, climate change exhibits remarkable cyclical oscillations and disturbances, which often mask and distort the long-term trends of climate change we would like to identify. Inspired by recent advancements in data mining, we experimented with empirical mode decomposition (EMD) technique to extract long-term change trends from climate data. We applied GIS elevation model to construct 3D EMD trend surface to visualize spatial variations of climate change over regions and biomes. We then computed various time-series similarity measures and plot them to examine spatial patterns across meteorological stations. We conducted a case study in Inner Mongolia based on daily records of precipitation and temperature at 45 meteorological stations from 1959 to 2010. The EMD curves effectively illustrated the long-term trends of climate change. The EMD 3D surfaces revealed regional variations of climate change, while the EMD similarity plots disclosed cross-station deviations. In brief, the change trends of temperature were significantly different from those of precipitation. Noticeable regional patterns and local disturbances of the changes in both temperature and precipitation were identified. The trends of change were modified by regional and local topographies and land covers.  相似文献   

在简要介绍气候变化对欧洲的影响、欧盟的气候变化适应举措的基础上,分析了欧盟水资源管理、海洋与渔业、沿海地区、农业、林业、生物多样性、金融与保险、减灾防灾、人类健康等9个重点领域的气候变化适应政策行动;总结了欧盟气候变化适应政策行动的特征:以“自上而下”的政府层面举措与“自下而上”的脆弱经济部门应对策略相结合,采取分阶段的推进方式,并重视相关平台工具的开发应用;最后,结合我国国情和气候变化适应行动现状,提出了我国加强气候变化适应政策行动的建议:及时制定气候变化适应国家战略;加强气候变化适应的科技基础设施与条件平台建设;加快完善气候变化适应的体制机制建设;强化气候变化适应的能力建设。  相似文献   

气候变化与城市化的叠加使城市成为温室气体减排和气候变化许多关键风险集中的区域,如何应对气候变化已成为城市面临的重大挑战。以空间形态作为切入点,开展城市应对气候变化研究日益成为城市环境与气候变化领域的发展前沿和热点问题。本文通过文献分析和归纳,综述了城市空间形态应对气候变化研究的主要影响及评估方法、城市空间形态与温室气体排放和气候变化主要风险之间的关系、空间形态应对策略以及规划应用研究。在此基础上,展望了未来的研究重点和方向。  相似文献   

气候变化与多维度可持续城市化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈明星  先乐  王朋岭  丁子津 《地理学报》2021,76(8):1895-1909
全球大规模城市化和气候变化已是不争的事实,这是全人类需要共同面对和关注的突出问题。当前对于两者之间的复杂关系以及城市化进程如何科学应对气候变化并不清晰,从科学、管理到实践都需要进一步加强探究,以实现全球和区域可持续发展。本文首先给出全球大规模城市化和气候变化发生的基本事实,综述归纳城市化与气候变化的相互影响以及可能机制,城市化导致热岛效应、降水分配不均以及极端天气,并具有局地—区域—全球多尺度叠加效应,加剧了全球气候变化问题;气候变化对城市化的影响主要表现为能源消费变化、死亡率与传染病传播、海平面上升、极端天气对基础设施的破坏、水资源短缺等方面。简要梳理相关的国际研究和行动联盟,从城市化的4个关键维度:人口、土地、经济和社会视角出发,提出适应与减缓气候变化的多维度可持续城市化的分析框架。呼吁加强自然与人文学科交叉,将城市化等人类活动纳入地—气系统,探究人—地—气复杂耦合过程,从城市化为代表的人类活动角度的适应与减缓,或许是应对气候变化的最关键和最现实的路径。  相似文献   

冀北地区植被指数变化特征及影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
陈辉  刘劲松  王卫 《地理科学》2008,28(6):793-798
利用8km分辨率的NOVV/AVHRR NDV I数据、土地利用/覆被变化TM影像解译数据、气候数据、DEM数据和经济统计数据,对冀北地区1987~2000年植被覆被变化特征及影响因素进行了分析,得出主要结论如下:冀北地区土地覆被变化下NDVI平均增加值为0.35,变化特征为集中连片。土地利用变化导致NDVI平均减小值为0.17,变化特征呈斑块状离散分布。土地利用类型变化、错季蔬菜生产等人为因素对土地覆被变化下NDVI变化贡献率较低,降水、特别是生长季降水分布特征是影响NDVI变化的重要因素。  相似文献   

干旱区土地利用/土地覆盖变化与全球环境变化   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
土地利用与土地覆盖是人类活动在地球表面是宏观的表现,为分析全球环境变化中人类活动的作用提供了切入点,土地利用/土地覆盖变化(LUCC)既是全球环境变化的原因,也是全球环境变化的结果,而占全球陆地表面40%以上的干旱区,由于其具有成因复杂,类型多样,对环境变化敏感,变化过程快,幅度大,景观差异明显等特点,是全球变化特别是LUCC研究的重要场所,文章在介绍LUCC概念的基础上,综述了全球环境变化与LUCC的关系,依据干旱区的自然和生态环境,分析了干旱区LUCC的特点,阐述了干旱区土地利用/覆盖变化研究对全球环境变化研究的重要性,概括了干旱区LUCC研究的方法。  相似文献   

Global climate change has evolved from a scientific problem into an economic and political problem oI worlOwloe rater- est. National perspectives play a crucial role in addressing climate change. Mutual understanding of perspectives is nec- essary to result in rational policies and a consensus among stakeholders with divergent interests. Conceptual frameworks for understanding the problem of climate change in China, the largest developing country and the largest greenhouse gas emitter, are of great significance to national and international efforts to address the problems of climate change. Chinese perceptions of climate change as a sustainable development problem have recently been in tension with an emerging Western perspective that frames climate change as a security issue. This paper explores Chinese perceptions of climate change as expressed in recent governmental policy statements, public opinion surveys, and academic scholarship with a focus on publications in Chinese-language journals, often unfamiliar in the West. It looks at the relationship between Chinese research and policy and finds that the Chinese policy frame of climate change as a sustainable development problem draws from the body of domestic research and is reflective of the perspectives and multidisciplinary approach of Chinese researchers in areas of climate change.  相似文献   

黄土高原和鲁西南案例区乡村居民对全球气候变化认知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常跟应  黄夫朋  李曼  李国敬 《地理研究》2012,31(7):1233-1247
基于甘肃省会宁县黄河灌溉区、旱作农业区和山东省单县农业区的问卷调查,分析了案例区乡村居民对全球气候变化认知的一般特征、减缓全球气候变化的能力认知、义务认知和支付意愿及其区域和社会人口差异。研究发现:案例区乡村居民普遍关注全球气候变化,但对全球气候变化概念和发生原因的理解较肤浅。一定程度上,受访者通过当地气候变化及其影响来理解全球气候变化;受访者认为中央政府和国际组织应为减缓全球气候变化负主要责任,个人和家庭在减缓气候变化方面能力有限、支付意愿低,不同文化程度和职业受访者认知差异明显;存在原因认知决定责任者归属和能力认知、进而决定支付意愿的因果链,作者据此提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

Climate change and water resource issues are global problems of common concern to the international community, and they are major bottlenecks affecting the eco-environment and sustainable socio-economic development in the arid region of Northwest China. On the basis of results from previous studies, this paper points out that the unique landscape of Northwest China increases the complexity and uncertainty of the climate system. This paper analyzes the key constraints on socio-economic development and ecological security in the region, discusses the impact of climate change on water resources in Northwest China, identifies common themes and the main problems present in research on climate change and water resources in the arid northwest region, and finally, based on the importance and urgency of conducting research on the region’s water resources, proposes scientific problems that need to be addressed: first, the impact of climate change on the formation, conversion and future trends of water resources in the region; second, bidirectional coupling of high-resolution regional climate models and water cycle models of arid region land surface patterns; third, the impact of climate change and human activities on water resources of the arid northwest region. Through consideration and discussion of the above, this paper seeks to further clarify specific areas of research on pressing issues related to climate change and water resources in Northwest China, so as to establish a solid scientific basis for significantly enhancing our ability to respond to climate change and water shortages.  相似文献   

The interaction between the cryosphere and atmosphere is an essential and extremely sensitive mutual action process on the earth. Due to global warming and the cryospheric melting, more and more attention has been paid to the interaction process between the cryosphere and atmosphere, especially the feedback of the cryosphere change to the atmosphere. A comprehensive review of the studies on the interaction between the cryosphere and atmosphere is conducted from two aspects: (1) effects of climate change on the cryosphere or responses of the cryosphere to climate change; and (2) feedback of the cryosphere change to the climate. The response of the cryosphere to climate change is lagging. Such a lagging and cumulative effect of temperature rise within the cryosphere have resulted in a rapid change in the cryosphere in the 21st century, and its impacts have become more significant. The feedback from cryosphere change on the climate are omnifarious. Among them, the effects of sea ice loss and snow cover change, especially the Arctic sea ice loss and the Northern Hemisphere snow cover change, are the most prominent. The Arctic amplification (AA) associated with sea ice feedback is disturbing , and the feedback generated by the effect of temperature rise on snow properties in the Northern Hemisphere is also of great concern. There are growing evidence of the impact of the Arctic cryosphere melting on mid-latitude weather and climate. Weakened storm troughs, steered jet stream and amplified planetary waves associated with energy propagation become the key to explaining the links between Arctic cryosphere change and atmospheric circulation. There is still a great deal of uncertainty about how cryosphere change affects the weather and climate through different atmospheric circulation processes at different spatial and temporal scales due to observation and simulation problems.  相似文献   

植被 NDVI 对城市扩展及气候变化响应研究,对于科学评估区域生态环境变化及调整与约束人类活动具有重要理论和现实意义。以西安及其附近区域为例,基于区域土地利用、MODIS NDVI、气温和降水数据,分析了植被 NDVI 对城市扩展及气候变化的响应,结果表明:(1)2000-2014 年研究区植被 NDVI 变化过程划分为2000-2007 年的显著增加阶段和2007-2014 年的显著减少阶段,前者主要分布于区域北部黄土高原、南部秦岭北坡,后者主要分布于区域中部关中平原尤其是西安及其附近区域。(2)2000-2015 年研究区建设用地增加1 428.27 km2 ,建设用地增加区域植被 NDVI 呈显著减少趋势。(3)研究区植被 NDVI 与年降水量的相关性高于年平均气温,同时西安及其以南区域植被 NDVI 与年平均气温、年降水量均呈负相关关系,反映出城市扩展等人类活动对植被 NDVI 变化的影响超过了气候变化的影响。研究结果表明植被 NDVI 总体受气候变化控制,但局部受人类活动影响更为严重,并且植被 NDVI 对气候变化的响应表现出波动性,而对城市扩展表现出线性减少趋势性,为通过植被 NDVI 变化区分自然因素与人为因素对环境影响提供了可能。  相似文献   

物候信息化及物候时空变化分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
物候信息具有明显的地方性和时间性,是全球环境变化研究所需的一类典型的时空数据,同时物候现象的变化也是全球环境变化的一个重要方面。要发挥物候信息在全球变化研究中的作用, 必须提高物候信息化的水平, 并在此基础上加强物候时空变化分析研究。本文分析了物候信息化的必要性,以及地理信息系统时空变化分析方法在物候时空变化研究中的应用。并利用我国近30 年的植物物候数据, 借助GIS方法, 进行了物候信息时空查询、面向区域的物候时空变化总体规律研究和面向物候时空对象的时空变化研究。  相似文献   

当代气候变化的主要特点、关键问题及应对策略   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张强  李裕  陈丽华 《中国沙漠》2011,31(2):492-499
总结归纳了当代气候变化的主要特点和基本规律,并从能量角度分析了全球气候变化的原因和气候变暖的本质驱动力。同时,还提出了目前气候变暖中几个值得重点关注的问题,讨论了为何要更加重视气候变暖的不利影响及其不利影响的深刻性和广泛性,并从长远发展和短期现实角度对目前科学应对气候变暖做了一些初步思考。  相似文献   

Global large-scale urbanization and climate change have become indisputable scientific facts yet are unresolved issues, and are a common concern for mankind. The relationship between these two topics is unclear and it is not known how to deal appropriately at the scientific level with climate change in the process of urbanization. Further exploration of the science, management and practice, are needed to achieve global and regional sustainadevelopment. This paper first considers the basic facts concerning mass urbanization and climate change and summarizes the interactions and possible mechanisms of urbanization and climate change. Urbanization leads to the heat island effect, an uneven distribution of precipitation and extreme weather, together with a local-regional-global multi-scale superposition effect, which aggravates the consequences of global climate change. The impact of climate change on urbanization is mainly manifested in aspects such as changes of energy consumption, mortality, and the spread of infectious diseases, sea level rise, extreme weather damage to infrastructure, and water shortages. This paper also briefly reviews relevant international research programs and action coalitions and puts forward an analysis framework multi-dimensional sustainable urbanization which can adapt to and mitigate climate change, from the perspective of the four key dimensions—population, land use, economy, and society. It is imperative that we strengthen the interdisciplinary activities involving the natural and social sciences, take urbanization and other human activities into consideration of the land-atmosphere system, and explore the human-land-atmosphere coupling process. The adaptation and mitigation from the perspective of human activities, as represented by urbanization, might be the most critical and realistic way to deal with climate change.  相似文献   

昆明市土地利用变化的强度分析与稳定性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在遥感、地理信息系统和统计定量分析结合的基础上,引进土地利用变化强度分析理论方法。作为一种解释性的数学框架,通过不同时间间隔的土地利用转移矩阵计算了每个时间间隔和每种地类的变化面积和变化强度。强度分析自上而下分为3个层次:间隔层次、地类层次和转变层次,将观察变化强度与平均变化强度比较,揭示不同层次的变化特征,并依次用快速的与缓慢的、活跃的与平稳的、来源与转变三对术语来描述。本文以昆明市的土地利用变化为例,深入阐述了不同层次的面积变化和强度变化,并对不同层次的稳定性进行了深入分析。结果表明:在间隔层次,2000年后昆明市的土地利用变化强度逐渐加大;在地类层次,建设用地的变化强度是最活跃的,林地的变化强度是最平稳的;在转变层次,增加的建设用地主要来源于耕地,减少的林地主要转变为草地。强度分析在土地利用变化过程分析中具有系统性的优势,对深入挖掘土地利用变化信息、理解土地利用变化过程具有重要作用。  相似文献   

气候变化对成都桃花观赏旅游的影响与人类适应行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于中国物候观测网14年桃花盛花期数据,1987-2014年四川历年报纸100余条桃花节日期记录,以及1987-2013年研究区月均温数据,采用小波分析,相关分析等方法评估了气候变化对桃花观赏旅游的影响.结果表明:研究区气候变化显著,物候期对气候变化高度敏感,桃花盛花期前三个月和前一个月温度升高1℃,盛花期分别提前6.47天和4.16天.桃花节开幕日期与温度变化趋势及周期对比,两者相关分析发现,过去近30年,成都桃花节组织者通常会根据温度变化调节赏花节开幕日期,但2000-2008年更多的是将节日安排在周末.研究证明气候变化已通过改变植物花期,对赏花旅游产生了影响.管理部门调节节庆日期的方式是赏花旅游适应气候变化影响的有效策略.研究可为评估气候变化对其他时令旅游活动的影响提供新的视角和方法,也可为中国赏花旅游提出适应气候变化的有效策略提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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