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The up-to-date petrological and microtextural information on the Ligurian Alps indicates that the metamorphic rocks from the oceanic lithosphere and the paleo-European continental margin underwent an alpine-type metamorphic evolution characterized by low dT/dP gradients. In particular, rocks from the Ligurian-Piedmontese oceanic lithosphere underwent an alpine metamorphism typical of alpine-type blueschist rocks. The distribution of the alpine metamorphic facies in paleo-European continental margin is closely related to the structural position of the different tectonic units. The prograde evolution frequently preserves paragenetic and textural relics of the earlier parageneses. If relics of the earlier parageneses are preserved, the rock exhibits continuous prograde reactions confirmed by strong compositional zoning of the metamorphic minerals. Therefore, these reactions lead to chemical and microtextural equilibrium relations, between the minerals, in limited domains of the rocks (microtextural sites). The main compositional aspect of coronitic textures is the mineral zoning, particularly when the minerals of the coronas are the consequence of a wide range of solid solutions. In such cases, the reacting minerals are armored and the kinetics are lowered. The prograde metamorphic evolution, which involved the rocks from the oceanic lithosphere and the paleo-European continental margin, is quite consistent with a subduction-type geodynamic process in different ages during alpine times.Mineral Abbreviations Ab albite - Acm acmite - Alm almandine - Amp amphibole - Ant antigorite - Act actinolite - Bt biotite - Ced celadonite - Chl chlorite - Chlrm chloromelanite - Chltd chloritoide - Cpx clinopyroxene - Di diopside - Ep epidote - Fo forsterite - Gl glaucophane - Gnt garnet - Gro grossular - Hed hedenbergite - Hor hornblende - Jd jadeite - Kfld K-feldspar - Lau laumontite - Lw lawsonite - Ma margarite - Mu muscovite - Omp omphacite - Pa paragonite - Ph phengite - Pl plagioclase - Py pyrope - Pyr pirophyllite - Prh prehnite - Pump pumpellyite - Qz quartz - Rieb riebeckite - Rut rutile - Tchu titanclinohumite - Tc talc - Tr tremolite - Zeo zeolites - Zo zoisite - Wm white mica  相似文献   

Structural and petrological analyses on the Alì Unit, in the Peloritani Thrust Belt, document the first evidence for Alpine exhumation associated with syn-orogenic extension in this part of the Calabria-Peloritani Arc. The Alì Unit displays ductile structures occurred during three Alpine deformation phases (Da1, Da2, Da3). Da1 and Da3 developed in a contractional context, whereas Da2 was generated in an extensional regime. The present-day tectonic contact between the Alì Unit and the overlying Mandanici Unit is interpreted as a low-angle extensional detachment responsible for the metamorphic break between the two units. Structural overprinting relationships indicate that the development of Da2 structures and related tectonic exhumation occurred during syn-convergence extension, and were followed by further nappe stacking in the Peloritani Belt. To cite this article: R. Somma et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

The continental redbeds from the Internal Domains of the central-western Mediterranean Chains have an important role in the palaeogeographic and palaeotectonic reconstructions of the Alpine circum-Mediterranean orogen evolution since these redbeds mark the Triassic-Jurassic rift-valley stage of Tethyan rifting. The composition and the sedimentary evolution of the Middle Triassic to Lowermost Jurassic continental redbeds of the San Marco d’Alunzio Unit (Peloritani Mountains, Southern Italy), based on mineralogical and chemical analyses, suggests that the studied mudrock sediments share common features with continental redbeds that constitute the Internal Domains of the Alpine Mediterranean Chains. Phyllosilicates are the main components in the mudrocks. The 10 Å-minerals (illite and micas), the I–S mixed layers, and kaolinite are the most abundant phyllosilicates. The amount of illitic layers in I–S mixed layers coupled with the illite crystallinity values (IC) are typical of high degree of diagenesis, corresponding to a lithostatic/tectonic loading of about 4–5 km. The mineralogical assemblage coupled with the A-CN-K plot suggest post-depositional K-enrichments. Palaeoweathering proxies (PIA and CIW) record intense weathering at the source area. Further, the studied sediments are affected by reworking and recycling processes and, as consequence, it is likely these proxies monitor cumulative effect of weathering. The climate in the early Jurassic favoured recycling and weathering occurred under hot, episodically humid climate with a prolonged dry season. The source-area is the low-grade Paleozoic metasedimentary basement. Mafic supply is minor but not negligible as suggested by provenance proxies.  相似文献   

The ongoing debate about the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediternean is fuelled in part by the lack of an adequate time control. The most accurate and, at the same time, detailed constraints are nowadays provided by the astronomical dating technique. Here we present an astronomical age model for the cyclically bedded Tripoli diatomite Formation on Sicily (pre-evaporite Messinian, Italy) based on an integrated stratigraphic study of three key-sections, Falconara, Gibliscemi and Capodarso. Characteristic sedimentary cycle patterns allow (i) the sections to be cyclostratigraphically correlated, the 'bed-to-bed' correlations being confirmed by high-resolution planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, and (ii) the Tripoli cycles to be calibrated to the astronomical record. Despite minor misfits the correctness of the tuning is evident from the match between precession-obliquity interference in the astronomical target and its reflection in the sedimentary cycle record. The tuning provides absolute astronomical ages for all sedimentary cycles and planktonic foraminiferal events. The base of the Tripoli is astronomically dated at 7.005 Ma, indicating that the onset of diatomite formation is diachronous in the Mediternean since it started 300 000 years earlier on Sicily than on Gavdos, south of Crete. The top of the Tripoli, and thus the onset of the salinity crisis proper on Sicily, arrives at 5.98 Ma.  相似文献   

Petrological and geochronological investigations were carried out on metamorphic rocks of the Veporic unit (Inner Western Carpathians) in northern Hungary. K/Ar and Ar/Ar data on micas and amphibole show only Alpine ages (mostly in the range of 87-95 Ma) in this basement unit. Thermobarometric calculations yield lower amphibolite facies peak conditions (ca. 550냴 °C and 9ǃ kbar) for the Eoalpine metamorphic event. Complex evolution of gneissic rocks is reflected by the presence of discontinuously zoned garnets, the cores of which may represent relics of a pre-Alpine (presumably Variscan) thermal event. Zircon fission track (FT) data in the narrow range of 75-77.5 Ma indicate that this portion of the Veporic unit was emplaced to shallow crustal levels already during the Senonian time. The relative minor difference between zircon FT and K/Ar or Ar/Ar ages suggests very rapid cooling during the Late Cretaceous, most probably related to the extensional unroofing of the Veporic core complex. The obtained cooling ages do not support previous models of Tertiary uplift and exhumation of the Veporic unit along the Hurbanovo-Diósjeni Line.  相似文献   

 A hydrogeochemical study of the Salso River highlighted the chemical and isotopic space-time evolution along its flow path and the main contamination processes. Within the basin, three different hydrogeochemical facies have been individuated: (1) Ca-Mg-HCO3, (2) Ca-Mg-SO4 and (3) Na-Cl. The first facies reflects the chemical composition of the groundwaters hosted in the carbonate reliefs that belong to the Madonie Mountains. The second and the third facies are the result of the interaction processes between surface waters and the gypsum and salty clays, respectively. Two pollution sources have been also located in the basin downstream from the salt mine and downstream from a discharge area of wastewater from the town of Gangi. On the basis of the location of natural and anthropogenic pollution sources, the waters available for drinking and irrigation use are also indicated. Received: 16 July 1999 · Accepted: 22 December 1999  相似文献   

Summary A wide range of relatively undifferentiated lavas, ranging in composition from quartz-tholeiites to ankaratrites, were erupted in the Iblean area (SE Sicily) during the Upper Miocene-Lower Pleistocene. New Sr-Nd-Pb isotope analyses, presented in this paper, have been used to constrain the petrogenesis of the Iblean magmas, and to characterise their sources. The results (87Sr/86Sr: 0.70271–0.70328;143Nd/144Nd: 0.51325–0.51291;206pb/204Pb: 19.25–20.00) indicate that the Iblean lavas are mantle-derived anorogenic melts, involving DM+HIMU mantle components. Isotope and trace element data suggest that magmas formed from a heterogeneous mantle source that equilibrated in the spinel-peridotite field; the Iblean melts were thus formed within the subcontinental lithosphere. The mantle source region, was originally characterised by a depleted isotopic signature (DM), and was repeatedly and variably impregnated (refertilized) by metasomatic agents of sublithospheric origin characterised by a HIMU signature.
Mantel-Quellen für den känozoischen Vulkanismus des Iblei-Plateaus (Südost-Sizilien, Italien): Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopen-Daten
Zusammenfassung Eine Vielfalt von relativ undifferenzierten Laven, die in ihrer Zusammensetzung von Quarz-Tholeiiten bis zu Ankaratriten reichen, wurden in dem Iblei-Gebiet (Südost-Sizilen) während des Oberen Miozäns — Unteren Pleistoziins eruptiert. Neue Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopenanalysen, die hier präsentiert werden, ermöglichen es, die Möglichkeiten petrogenetischer Deutung der Iblei-Magmen einzuschränken und ihre Quellen zu charakterisieren. Die Resultate (87Sr/86Sr: 0.70271–0.70328;143Nd/144Nd: 0.51325–0.51291;206Pb/204Pb: 19.25–20.00) zeigen, dass die Iblei-Laven anorogene Schmelzen aus dem Mantel sind, die DM+HIMU Komponenten umfassen. Die Isotopen- und Spurenelement-Daten zeigen, dass die Magmen aus einer heterogenen Mantelquelle stammen, die im Spinell-Peridotit-Feld equilibrierte. Die Iblei Magmen haben sich daher innerhalb der subkontinentalen Lithosphäre gebildet. Ihre Ursprungsregion im Mantel war durch eine abgereicherte Isotopensignatur (DM) charakterisiert und wurde wiederholt und in verschiedener Weise durch metasomatische Einflüsse sublithosphärischen Ursprunges imprägniert, die durch eine HIMU Signatur charakterisiert waren.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study on the geochemistry of waters circulating in the mineralised area of the south-eastern sector of Mt. Peloritani (north-eastern Sicily, Italy), aimed at basic understanding of the geochemical processes influencing their chemical composition. Chemico-physical parameters and data on 26 major and minor chemical elements are reported for 103 water samples. Water chemistry is mainly dominated by dissolution of carbonates and hydrolysis of aluminosilicate minerals. Total dissolved salts (TDS) range from 80 to 1398 mg/L. All the waters exhibit EH characteristic of an oxygenated environment. Excluding two samples, which show very high H+ activity (pH = 3.0 and 2.7), all the waters have pH values in the range 6.2–8.6. Cluster analysis based on major ion contents defined three main chemical water types, reflecting different hydrochemical processes. The first, group I, has low salinity (average TDS = 118 ± 30 mg/L) and abundance orders (meq/L) Na > Ca ≈ Mg > K and Cl ≈ HCO3 > SO4. With increased water–rock interaction, waters in groups II and III become more saline, changing composition towards SO4–Cl-alkaline earth and HCO3-alkaline earth types. Weathering of carbonate minerals causes waters to become saturated with respect to calcite and dolomite, whereas the incongruent dissolution of aluminosilicate minerals causes the solution to reach equilibrium with kaolinite and to form smectites. Trace element geochemistry in the analysed waters reflects interactions between waters and existing mineralisation, with elemental concentrations showing highly variable values, and higher concentrations of As, Pb, Sb and Zn near known mineralisation. Lead–Zn and As–Sb statistical associations, probably distinguishing interactions with different mineralogical phase paragenesis, were revealed by factor analysis. The main aqueous chemical forms of trace elements predicted by chemical speciation calculations are also reported. As most of the analysed spring waters provide the main source of freshwater for domestic purposes, attention should be given to As and Sb, whose concentrations exceed the recommended limits.  相似文献   

In the Rocca Busambra area (mid-west Sicily, Italy), from November 1999 to July 2002, 23 water points including wells and springs were sampled and studied for their chemical and isotopic compositions. Two rain gauges were also installed at different altitudes, and rainwater was collected monthly to determine the isotopic composition. The obtained results revealed the Rocca Busambra carbonate complex as being the main recharge area on account of its high permeability value. From a chemical view point, two main groups of water can be distinguished: calcium–magnesium–bicarbonate-type and calcium–magnesium–chloride–sulphate-type waters. The first group reflects the dissolution of the carbonate rocks; the second group probably originates from circulation within flyschoid sediments. Three water wells differ from the other samples due to their relatively high Na and K content, which probably is to be referred to a marked interaction with the “Calcareniti di Corleone” formation, which is rich in glauconite [(K, Na)(Fe3+, Al, Mg)2(Si, Al)4O10(OH)2]. In accordance with WHO guidelines for drinking water (2004), almost all the samples collected can be considered drinkable, with the exception of four of them, whose NO3 , F and Na+ contents exceed the limits. On the contrary, the sampled groundwater studied is basically suitable for irrigation.  相似文献   

J. D. HUDSON 《Sedimentology》1978,25(3):339-370
In interpreting the results of a petrographic and isotopic study of concretions, a range of subjects is discussed including the original texture of the Oxford Clay sediment, Jurassic palaeotemperatures, the diagenetic history of pore-waters and the palaeo-hydrology of central England. The concretions are all composed predominantly of calcite. They include precompactional, pyrite-rich concretions that later suffered an eposide of brecciation, and others that only commenced to form after compaction had crushed ammonite shells included in the bituminous clay sediment. Petrographic, chemical, and especially carbon isotope data demonstrate a dominantly organic source for the carbon in the early formed concretions. Oxygen isotopes indicate formation at the same temperatures (13-16°C) at which benthic molluscs were living. Concretion growth in pelleted, anaerobic mud proceeded concurrently with bacterial sulphate reduction and pyrite precipitation. Cracking of the concretions started at this stage: in a few concretions, the cracks were also partially filled with brown calcite. During post-compactional growth, δ13C increased and pyrite content decreased, showing waning organic influence; δ18O decreased. The brecciated concretions were intruded by clay in which baryte crystals grew; finally, most remaining voids were filled with strongly-ferroan calcite of δ18O about—7 PDB and δ13C about O PDB. This must indicate strong depletion of the pore waters in 18O. Mechanisms that might lead to this are reviewed. It is concluded that the sequence of mineralogical and chemical changes is most readily explained if originally marine porewaters, first modified by bacterial activity, were flushed from the compacting clays by water of ultimately meteoric origin. This had its source in palaeo-aquifers beneath the Oxford Clay. Speculative attempts are made to relate this history to the geology of the region.  相似文献   

According to historical reports, the north-eastern coastal sector of the volcanic Pantelleria Island (Sicily Channel, Italy) was uplifted up to 1.0 m a.s.l. in the year preceding the October 1891 offshore eruptive event. To better understand the nature and timing of coastal uplift, a detailed survey of morphological and biological indicators of raised palaeo-shorelines has been carried out along the island coastline. This survey identified raised palaeo-shoreline levels at three elevation ranges: 2.5–4.2 m a.s.l. (highest), 1.5–2.7 m a.s.l. (intermediate) and 0.4–1.0 m a.s.l. (lowest). Radiocarbon dating on samples of corals and vermetids placed tight temporal constraints on the uplifting of the raised shorelines. In general, they indicate that the north-eastern sector of the island, centred on the area of Cala del Gadir, has undergone major uplifting, tilting the island towards the southwest from 900 years ago. Applying accurate corrections for sea-level variations, the total amount of volcano-tectonic uplift can be estimated. Uplift rates up to 5 mm/a suggest that the vertical deformation was caused by inflation processes related to magmatic intrusion along feeding fissures.  相似文献   

With a few exceptions, shales from the Archean Witwatersrand Supergroup (~2800 Ma) in South Africa are depleted in Na, Ca, LILE, REE and HFSE compared to Phanerozoic shales. Cr, Co and Ni are enriched in all Witwatersrand shales and Fe and Mg are high in shales from the West Rand Groups (WRG) and lower Central Rand Group (CRG). Shales from the CRG and uppermost WRG are enriched in Na, Al, LILE, REE, HFSE and transition metals relative to shales from the lower WRG. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for all Witwatersrand shales are enriched in light-REE and exhibit small to moderate negative Eu anomalies. A positive correlation of REE and Al2O3 contents in the shales suggests that REE are contained principally in clay minerals.Relative to shales from the CRG, shales from the WRG exhibit depletions of Na, Ca and Sr, a feature probably reflecting intense chemical weathering of their source rocks. CIA indices in Witwatersrand shales are variable (chiefly 70–98), even within the same shale unit. Such variations reflect chiefly variable climatic zones or rates of tectonic uplift in source areas with perhaps some contribution from provenance and element remobilization during metamorphism.Compared to present-day upper continental crust, all but the Orange Grove, Roodepoort, and K8 shales appear to have been derived from continental sources depleted in LILE, REE, and HFSE and enriched in transition metals. Computer mixing models based on six relatively immobile elements (Th, Hf, Yb, La, Sc, Co) and four source rocks indicate that the relative proportions of granite, basalt and komatiite increased with time in sediment source areas at the expense of tonalite. The contributions of basalt and komatiite appear to reach a maximum during deposition of the Booysens shale, and granite during deposition of the K8 shales and possibly during deposition of the Orange Grove shales.  相似文献   

Here the authors present results of an isotope study on precipitation collected during a 2-a period from a rain-gauge network consisting of 6 stations located at different elevations in the Hyblean Mountains (HM) region, in south-eastern Sicily. The slope of the local meteoric water line (δD = 6.50 δ18O + 9.87) obtained for the region suggests that precipitation is affected by evaporation during rainfall events. The main variations in rainwater isotope composition are due to seasonal effects and elevation. An average 2H excess value of +21.2‰ was found for precipitation events less affected by evaporation (i.e. when the rainfall was >65 mm/month). The spatial distribution of O isotope composition of precipitation shows a negative gradient from east and south to the inner areas. The depositional rate of Cl, used as a tracer of the origin of air masses, is highest at the coastal rain-gauges (SR and MRG stations) and lowest on the northern flank of the HM region (SC station). Based on these findings, a model is proposed for the origin of precipitation in the HM region, which assumes that a Mediterranean-derived component is the main source of moisture in the studied area. D/H and 18O/16O ratios of inferred meteoric recharge waters were also compared with the isotope composition of waters collected from the main local springs and wells. The best linear fit of the δ18O vs δD relationship for Hyblean groundwater is δD = 4.85 δ18O–2.01. The enrichment of heavy isotopes in Hyblean groundwater is probably due to evaporation occurring after precipitation events or to a recharging contribution from surface waters (lakes or rivers) enriched in heavy isotopes.  相似文献   

Cultrera  F.  Barreca  G.  Burrato  P.  Ferranti  L.  Monaco  C.  Passaro  S.  Pepe  F.  Scarf&#;  L. 《Natural Hazards》2016,86(2):253-272

The Gulf of Patti and its onshore sector represent one of the most seismically active regions of the Italian Peninsula. Over the period 1984–2014, about 1800 earthquakes with small-to-moderate magnitude and a maximum hypocentral depth of 40 km occurred in this area. Historical catalogues reveal that the same area was affected by several strong earthquakes such as the Mw = 6.1 event in April 1978 and the Mw = 6.2 one in March 1786 which have caused severe damages in the surrounding localities. The main seismotectonic feature affecting this area is represented by a NNW–SSE trending right-lateral strike-slip fault system called “Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni” (ATLFS) which has been interpreted as a lithospheric transfer zone extending from the Aeolian Islands to the Ionian coast of Sicily. Although the large-scale role of the ATLFS is widely accepted, several issues about its structural architecture (i.e. distribution, attitude and slip of fault segments) and the active deformation pattern are poorly constrained, particularly in the offshore. An integrated analysis of field structural geology with marine geophysical and seismological data has allowed to better understand the structural fabric of the ATLFS which, in the study area, is expressed by two major NW–SE trending, en-echelon arranged fault segments. Minor NNE–SSW oriented extensional structures mainly occur in the overlap region between major faults, forming a dilatational stepover. Most faults display evidence of active deformation and appear to control the main morphobathymetric features. This aspect, together with diffused continental slope instability, must be considered for the revaluation of the seismic and geomorphological hazard of this sector of southern Tyrrhenian Sea.


The Gulf of Patti and its onshore sector represent one of the most seismically active regions of the Italian Peninsula. Over the period 1984–2014, about 1800 earthquakes with small-to-moderate magnitude and a maximum hypocentral depth of 40 km occurred in this area. Historical catalogues reveal that the same area was affected by several strong earthquakes such as the Mw = 6.1 event in April 1978 and the Mw = 6.2 one in March 1786 which have caused severe damages in the surrounding localities. The main seismotectonic feature affecting this area is represented by a NNW–SSE trending right-lateral strike-slip fault system called “Aeolian–Tindari–Letojanni” (ATLFS) which has been interpreted as a lithospheric transfer zone extending from the Aeolian Islands to the Ionian coast of Sicily. Although the large-scale role of the ATLFS is widely accepted, several issues about its structural architecture (i.e. distribution, attitude and slip of fault segments) and the active deformation pattern are poorly constrained, particularly in the offshore. An integrated analysis of field structural geology with marine geophysical and seismological data has allowed to better understand the structural fabric of the ATLFS which, in the study area, is expressed by two major NW–SE trending, en-echelon arranged fault segments. Minor NNE–SSW oriented extensional structures mainly occur in the overlap region between major faults, forming a dilatational stepover. Most faults display evidence of active deformation and appear to control the main morphobathymetric features. This aspect, together with diffused continental slope instability, must be considered for the revaluation of the seismic and geomorphological hazard of this sector of southern Tyrrhenian Sea.  相似文献   

The Jurassic succession of Rocca Busambra consists of two lithostratigraphic units: a pile of peritidal limestones several hundreds of metres thick (Inici Formation: Hettangian to Sinemurian) and a 2 to 15 m thick sequence of Rosso Ammonitico‐type pelagic limestones (Toarcian? to lowermost Berriasian). An extensive interval of non‐deposition is evidenced by a thick Fe–Mn oxide crust on the bounding disconformity and is recorded partially in the material contained within a complex network of neptunian dykes and sills. Seven lithofacies are distinguished in the Rosso Ammonitico. These lithofacies show that the Rosso Ammonitico limestones differ from most analogues both in Sicily and elsewhere: sediments are mostly grain‐supported and non‐nodular; obviously bottom currents were important during deposition of these sediments. These currents were pulsating at different frequencies and induced winnowing, intraclast production and early cement precipitation. Other Rosso Ammonitico lithosomes of Late Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous age, usually decimetre thick and discontinuous, overlie the Inici Formation without any Fe–Mn crust; their anomalous stratigraphical and geometrical relationships show that they were deposited on an inclined, stepped, erosional surface incised in the sub‐horizontal Inici Formation. This ancient escarpment is interpreted as the result of a mainly gravitational collapse of the margin of a pelagic plateau. Such mass wasting was probably due to the backstepping of the tectonic plateau–basin margin that is not observable directly, but may be inferred from circumstantial evidence. This observation clearly shows that tectonic activity affected the Rocca Busambra sector of the West Tethys continental margins a few tens of millions of years after the end of the rifting stage. The anomalous Rosso Ammonitico sediments are the only indication of the escarpment and their occurrence in the stratigraphic record is probably more widespread than reported in the literature. More accurate palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic reconstructions may depend on the identification of these sediments.  相似文献   

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