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Great part of ecological thought in desert ecology is based on research findings in the northern hemisphere, and these have led to generalizations to other drylands. However, South American aridlands constitute an important scenario of aridland evolution in the Neotropical temperate biota. The degree of distinctiveness of the South American dryland biota is the result of the history of lineages and place (diverse topography, climates, vegetation) in the southern part of the continent since the Oligocene. The aim of our contribution is to provide an updated review of some aspects of the latest biogeographical, ecological, physiological, and behavioral research of the Monte Desert mammals and reassessment of their evolutionary ecology. The temperate Monte Desert extends from 24° to 43° south latitude and resembles parts of the North American warm deserts. The Monte is a heterogeneous mosaic of landscapes, from open sand dune habitats to Larrea shrublands and dense vegetation patches of Prosopis woodlands. The mammal assemblages show variations in richness, diversity and endemicity. The structure of mammal assemblages is closely related to vegetation structure over different spatial scales. The Monte mammal assemblages show a great diversity of niche types and ecological, physiological and behavioral attributes for desert existence, convergent, in greater or lesser degree, with ecological counterparts from other deserts of the world. We point out the need to be cautious when comparing heterogeneous arid ecosystems.  相似文献   

This article reviews and analyzes the available information on range and livestock production in the Monte Desert. Cow–calf operations, goats for meat, and sheep for wool are the dominant production systems under continuous grazing. Rest-rotational grazing systems improved the efficiency of the current cow–calf production. Forage resources are primarily composed of perennial grasses and woody species. Rain-use efficiency for the total vegetation ranged from 3.9 to 4.8 kg DM ha?1 year?1 mm?1. Carrying capacity showed a broad range: 18.7, 4.5–64.5, and 21.6–89.3 ha AU?1 in the north, central, and south portions of the Monte, respectively. Mean crude protein (CP) content of grasses varied from 8.4 to 10.3 (wet season) and 7.1–3.7% DM (dry season) in the central west and Patagonia, respectively. Grasses predominated in the cattle diet, while the sheep diet was highly diverse because they ate most of the available plant species, and there was no unanimity as to the fact that goats are strictly browsers. Livestock diseases have lower prevalence indices than those recorded in other areas of the country. The high variability in carrying capacity values could be attributed to differences in rangeland condition and to the different methods used for its estimation. The CP levels in forage could meet cattle requirements provided that a proper-stocking rate were used. The most promising species for land rehabilitation are Opuntia, Atriplex spp., Eragrostis curvula and Cenchrus ciliaris. Priorities for future research should include topics such as assessment of the carrying capacity for most of the areas and nutrient content of the components of livestock diet, the livestock intake values, the economic feasibility of the use of complementary feeds and the development of seeding technology for valuable forage resources as Trichloris crinita, among others.  相似文献   

The compilation of published results on the geography of the Monte Desert biome of Argentina that we present here offers a review of its boundaries and ecotones, and of its biophysical and socio-economic characteristics. In relation to socio-ecological issues, the focus is on a case study in the province of Mendoza. An analysis is presented about the ecological-economic issues and the sustainable investment policies in rangelands of the Patagonian Monte. In addition, this biome is compared with other South American arid biomes and their North American counterparts. We identified some gaps in the current knowledge, especially at a mesoscale level, where studies on Monte borders are deemed necessary as well as explicit boundary criteria for ecosystem differentiation. Also the ecological-economic relations and feedbacks between livestock herbivory, soil erosion and market behaviour should be considered within the framework of wider socio-ecological research.  相似文献   

The relationship between spatial scale and biodiversity patterns is a highly debated topic in ecology. We evaluated the partition of small mammal diversity at multiple spatial scales and analyzed protected areas in order to evaluate their role of protecting biodiversity at the regional scale. Diversity of small mammals in the Monte Desert was quantified at the regional biome scale (96,000 km2) (γ) and partitioned at three spatial scales: aridity range (α3,n = 6,16 000 km2), locality level (α2,n = 18,2-3 ha), and habitat patch (α1,n = 51,0.6 ha). We estimated their diversity using an additive approach with three indices (richness, Shannon-Weiner, Simpson). Diversity was higher than expected at the “between aridity range (β3)” scale, but lower at the “within-habitat scale (α1)”. Alpha was higher than beta diversity for most spatial scales; and at the regional scale protected areas preserved a higher biodiversity than unprotected ones. Our results are the first to partition the diversity of desert small mammals at multiple spatial scales and to support the hypotheses of an irregular scale dependence of alpha and beta diversity when increasing the spatial scales. They also highlight that a better understanding of biodiversity patterns is gained when several tools are integrated and combined at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that lower rates of granivory in South American warm deserts compared to their North American counterparts arose from a reduction of seed reserves in the former owing to the extinction of argyrolagid marsupials. We measured seed reserves in two habitats of the central Monte Desert in an attempt to detect such seed decline, but to no avail. After moderate rainfall, maximum seed standing crops reached 16,000 and 23,000 seeds m−2in shrublands and open forests, respectively. Under the canopy of trees and shrubs there were 19,000 and 37,000 seeds m−2; whereas in exposed areas there werec. 10,000 seeds m−2in both habitats. Seed banks in other South American semi-arid areas showed similar values. Total grass seeds as well as those presumably preferred by ants also seem to be similar in both continents. Hence, granivory in South America, as has been already reported for Australia, is lower than in North America in spite of the great similarity of seed bank sizes. Moreover, argyrolagids were unlikely seed-hoarding granivores, therefore some other reason than argyrolagid extinction should be sought to explain the lack of specialized seed-eating mammals, and the smaller overall seed consumption rates in South American deserts.  相似文献   

Plant assemblages' dynamics have been studied to evaluate the influence of different environmental factors. The aim of our work was to assess the effect of a disturbance in the form of livestock grazing on annual plants, in a South American desert. We tested the exclusion of cattle grazing by comparing the composition of annual plants in three major vegetation types within a MaB Reserve in the Monte Desert of Argentina, with those of an adjacent grazed field. Sampling was conducted in two consecutive years that differed in precipitation. We established three sampling sites within each vegetation type at the reserve and the grazed field. Transects were set to assess plant cover, abundance, and richness. Theoretically, changes in diversity are explained by changes in one of its components: species richness. Species richness of annual plants was not different between the grazed and ungrazed sites. However, plant cover and diversity were lower in grazed sites, whereas abundance increased. Owing to a strong species-specific effect, we propose that it is evenness the main parameter involved in diversity dynamics in the heterogeneous vegetation mosaic of the Monte desert. Finally, vegetation types (spatial heterogeneity) and rainfall regime (temporal heterogeneity) greatly interacted with grazing effects. We endorse the idea that rapid responses of annual plant assemblages to changes in rainfall conditions coupled with herbivore control, might result in a restoration pathway for degraded arid landscapes.  相似文献   

This paper documents the main features of climate and climate variability across the Monte Desert for the Last Glacial Maximum, the Glacial–Interglacial transition, and the Holocene on the basis of proxy records and for the 20th century using instrumental observations. The climate in the Monte is determined by interactions between regional physiography and atmospheric circulation in the 25–45°S sectors of South America. Although arid and semi-arid conditions prevail across the Monte, its large latitudinal extent and complex topography introduce many particularities at local scales. Paleoclimatic records and model simulations of past climates suggest significant variations in the atmospheric circulation, temperature and rainfall patterns since the Last Glacial Maximum. High-resolution proxy records east of the Andes support the existence of complex climatic patterns with similar temperature changes across the whole region but opposite precipitation variations between subtropical and mid-latitude sectors in the Monte during the past millennium.The present-day climate is depicted in terms of the space and time variability of the near-surface temperature, rainfall and tropospheric wind patterns. Uneven temperature trends over the Monte were recorded for two separate (1920–44 and 1977–2001) global warming periods in the 20th century. Additional warming evidence in the region is provided by extreme temperature records. The non-homogeneous regional pattern of precipitation shows a positive long-term increase between 30 and 40°S during the interval 1985–2001. Ensemble of climate experiments accomplished with general circulation models provide the most likely changes in temperature and rainfall to occur by the end of this century in relation to present climate. Temperature increases, larger in summer than in winter, will be concurrent with more abundant precipitations in summer, but almost no changes or even small reductions in winter across the Monte.  相似文献   

For almost a century biogeographers have used paleoecological methods, including tree-ring, pollen, macrofossil, and charcoal analysis, to reconstruct climate and environmental conditions for the late Quaternary, but paleolimnological proxies and approaches provide new opportunities for biogeographers. In the last two decades, paleolimnology has grown rapidly as a result of several technical advancements: (1) the development of new proxies, (2) improved coring, sampling, and dating techniques that provide finer temporal resolution, and (3) more sophisticated statistical techniques and greater computing power, which allow for enhanced quantitative calibration of climate and environmental signals from paleolimnological proxies. These advances have led to a plethora of research projects, many using novel approaches, on climate change, anthropogenic impacts, conservation and restoration, aquatic/terrestrial links, resource management, succession, biodiversity, and introduced species. Paleolimnologists are working at the frontiers of biogeographical research, particularly contributing to research on climate change, biogeochemical cycles, and anthropogenic impacts on Earth systems.  相似文献   

Botanical composition of cattle seasonal diets (faecal sampling with microhistological analysis) was determined in a four-pasture, one-herd grazing system during a 3-year period. Diets were classified using cluster analysis. Three diet groups were identified: beginning of rainy season (spring), peak of rainy season (summer) and dry season (fall and winter). Contribution of grasses and woody species to these diet groups was significantly different (p< 0·001). Grasses were the most important component of cattle diets throughout the rainy season, while shrubs and trees were important in the dry season. The major shifts in diets occurred in response to changes in grass phenology.  相似文献   

We review the current state of research on vegetation heterogeneity in the Monte Desert at scales varying from landscape to intra-patch. Different factors are related to vegetation heterogeneity at every scale. At a coarse scale (i.e. landscapes and communities) vegetation heterogeneity is commonly determined by abiotic factors, whereas biotic interactions usually influence fine scale (patch, intrapatch) heterogeneity. Communities are distributed at the landscape scale according to differences in precipitation, topography and soil attributes. On the other hand, there is evidence that the spatial pattern of plant patches within communities is determined by runon –runoff processes, although biotic influences such as grazing can induce changes in the spatial pattern of patches when plant cover is strongly reduced. In the same way, at patch and intrapatch scales, biotic interactions (i.e. plant –plant interactions, grazing) determine the size and the species composition of plant patches as well as the distribution of species inside plant patches. However, the mechanisms operating behind such biotic interactions at small scales are commonly related to plant-induced changes in the physical environment. We also found evidence of cross-scale interactions, feedbacks, and non-linear effects such as those induced by grazing disturbance. Our analysis showed some regional differences in patterns and processes related to vegetation heterogeneity along the Monte Desert which can be ascribed to climatic and taxonomic variation among areas. Although information about vegetation heterogeneity and its causes and consequences in the Monte Desert is abundant, some areas where knowledge is scarce are detailed.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of ant herbivory on the establishment and survival of the annual plant Schismus barbatus. We hypothesized that ants may control this species when biomass of native plants is generally low during their vegetative period. We predicted that ant herbivory will decrease plant survival and reproduction. We tested our prediction with an insect exclosure experiment in a sandy desert of Northern-Central Monte.We found more than 12 000 established seedlings per square meter on early May, after two consecutive rain pulses of ca. 20 mm each. Overall, we found that almost 75% of recruited plants survived by the end of the cool season (September), and that 22–24% of the initially established plants survived as mature reproductive plants by the end of the growing season (December). Contrary to our expectation, insect herbivory did not affect plant establishment, plant survival or the proportion of flowering and fruiting individuals of S. barbatus.The large number of seedlings reported, the ability to exploit a temporal window free of plant competitors and enemies, and the availability of microsites where this species can succeed, all suggest that S. barbatus may have the potential to become an important plant invader in the Monte Desert.  相似文献   

The complex interactions between human activity and natural processes determine non-linear dynamics in ecosystems that can difficult their management. Human settlements in arid lands contribute to the modification of disturbance regimes, including the introduction of new disturbances and the elimination of others. In consequence, they can alter the functional mechanisms that allow systems to overcome limiting factors, leading to desertification. In this revision, we evaluated the effects of the changes on disturbance regimes produced by the different forms of land transformation on the structure and function of ecosystems of the Monte Biogeographical Province, in Argentinean arid west. Two approaches were used: the analysis of land use history and the analysis of the effects of the main disturbances on the dynamics of different communities. We concluded that throughout the history of the Monte Desert, the joint action of natural and anthropic agents has resulted in complex dynamics that lead most area of the Monte to a moderate to severe status of desertification. The modification of the disturbance regime had strong consequences for several aspects of the dynamics of communities, such as species composition and diversity, water dynamics, soil conditions, trophic structure and productivity of Monte Desert ecosystems. However, disturbance regimes could be managed to promote favorable transitions in ecosystems and, therefore, could be a tool for optimizing productivity of agro-ecosystems, and recovering and conserving natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(9):526-529

Urban change, university growth, and partial cultural realignment within the student-youth community contiguous to the Boulder campus of the University of Colorado have all contributed to the development of a youth ghetto. As an analytical framework for community analysis, a five-part ghetto model is applied to the community including (1) spatial enclave, (2) minority status, (3) inferior status, (4) lack of choice, and (5) social disorganization. Increasing importance of non-students in the youth ghetto combines with substandard housing, drug abuse, and rising crime as all-important ingredients in a ghettoization process that has resulted in urban blight for most neighborhoods adjacent to the Universty, and community disfunction (University Hill Riot, May 21-23, 1971). As a stabilizing force the University and the larger community are the likely candidates to initiate measures to effect a reversal in the trend. Until this is done the future of both remains uncertain.  相似文献   

我国生物地理学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
生物地理学研究是生物学和地理学交叉非常明显的部门自然地理学学科,它具有很强的基础研究特点,同时研究成果也具有很大的应用潜力。近年来,我国生物地理学基础研究在国家自然科学基金委等部门的支持下,在山地植被与地理环境、干旱半干旱区植被与地理环境、植物区系、植物物候、土壤动物与土壤生态功能、土壤生物结皮等方面开展了全面而深入的研究。同时拓展了传统生物地理学的研究方向,在植物地理学与全球变化、植物地理学与生物多样性保护、植物地理学与生态系统管理等方面也开展了大量研究。尤为可贵的是干旱半干旱区土壤生物结皮研究、典型温带荒漠区原生荒漠植被对水分改变的响应与适应研究取得了令国内外关注的高水平研究成果。  相似文献   

Effective management of natural populations depends heavily on the capacity for understanding and predicting their habitat requirements. For endemic and threatened species like the mara (Dolichotis patagonum), this information is extremely necessary for populations survival. I investigated and constructed a mathematical habitat model for the mara, with the capacity to predict the probability of finding animals in a particular environment. In the Monte Desert, maras prefer habitats with low shrub density and high percentage of bare soil. The area used by each couple of maras was 7.73 ha and shows an aggregation pattern. Contrary to expectation, about 94% of these areas were in habitats created by human activities. Grazed, burned and crop areas seem to be prefered by maras when natural open habitat disappear. This information and the results of habitat requirements can be used to monitor the status of mara populations and predict potential population extinctions according to habitat variables.  相似文献   

当前,社会对人才创新能力与实践能力的要求越来越高,如何培养高素质创新能力的人才已成为检验高等教育的重要标志.本文探讨了将"自主、探究与合作的学习方式"运用于<生物地理学>实践教学,激发学生的创新思维,学习科学研究的方法,发展综合运用知识的能力,培养创新能力.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠与腾格里沙漠分别为中国面积第二、第三大流动性沙漠,对两大沙漠连接带新月形沙丘的动态监测可以揭示该地区沙丘形成演化规律,为沙漠连接带风沙地貌发育研究提供科学支撑。通过Google Earth高清历史影像对巴丹吉林沙漠与腾格里沙漠连接带的新月形沙丘带进行监测,分析了两大沙漠交界处沙丘的移动速率和形态变化。结果表明:巴丹吉林沙漠与腾格里沙漠连接带沙丘移动速率范围5.88-19.55 m·a^(-1),平均移动速率10.03 m·a^(-1);移动方向范围109°-135°,平均移动方向122°。风况为沙丘移动提供动力条件,合成输沙方向与沙丘移动方向吻合。受NW、WNW方向输沙影响,新月形沙丘南翼在移动速率增加的同时长度不断伸长,显著区别于北翼。沙丘移动受控于沙丘本身形态,沙丘各形态参数(迎风坡长度、高度、宽度、周长、底面积)与移动速率呈现显著负相关关系(P<0.01)。植被覆盖以及沙丘密度的差异导致了研究区沙丘移动速率的差异。沙丘移动前后,形态参数变化具有复杂性,而沙源丰富度差异以及丘间地灌丛沙包对沙丘形态的改变,是沙丘形态变化复杂性的主要原因。两大沙漠连接带年输沙通量170-521 t·m^(-1),均值为301 t·m^(-1)。  相似文献   

风沙土是形成于干旱区、半干旱区的一种特殊性质的土。由于风沙土赋存环境及其工程地质性质的特殊性,沙漠地区的工程建筑要经受更为严酷的自然环境的考验,常常引起不良的工程地质现象,影响工程建筑的安全运行。沙漠地区的地质灾害主要为盐害、沙害及地基不均匀沉降。本文分析了产生这些不良工程地质现象的原因及条件,并提出防治意见。  相似文献   

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