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This article reviews and analyzes the available information on range and livestock production in the Monte Desert. Cow–calf operations, goats for meat, and sheep for wool are the dominant production systems under continuous grazing. Rest-rotational grazing systems improved the efficiency of the current cow–calf production. Forage resources are primarily composed of perennial grasses and woody species. Rain-use efficiency for the total vegetation ranged from 3.9 to 4.8 kg DM ha?1 year?1 mm?1. Carrying capacity showed a broad range: 18.7, 4.5–64.5, and 21.6–89.3 ha AU?1 in the north, central, and south portions of the Monte, respectively. Mean crude protein (CP) content of grasses varied from 8.4 to 10.3 (wet season) and 7.1–3.7% DM (dry season) in the central west and Patagonia, respectively. Grasses predominated in the cattle diet, while the sheep diet was highly diverse because they ate most of the available plant species, and there was no unanimity as to the fact that goats are strictly browsers. Livestock diseases have lower prevalence indices than those recorded in other areas of the country. The high variability in carrying capacity values could be attributed to differences in rangeland condition and to the different methods used for its estimation. The CP levels in forage could meet cattle requirements provided that a proper-stocking rate were used. The most promising species for land rehabilitation are Opuntia, Atriplex spp., Eragrostis curvula and Cenchrus ciliaris. Priorities for future research should include topics such as assessment of the carrying capacity for most of the areas and nutrient content of the components of livestock diet, the livestock intake values, the economic feasibility of the use of complementary feeds and the development of seeding technology for valuable forage resources as Trichloris crinita, among others.  相似文献   

Assemblages of small bird species (<90 g body mass) from the Monte desert in Argentina were studied to analyze spatial and temporal variation in abundance and species richness. Mean species richness was higher during breeding season than in non-breeding season. The same pattern was observed in aerial insectivores, while granivores and substrate insectivores did not differ between breeding and non-breeding seasons. Overall bird abundance was similar across seasons. Species richness was positively correlated with bird abundance and negatively correlated with dominance; bird abundance and dominance were not correlated. These patterns could be explained by distinct responses of functional groups of birds; dominant species were granivores in the non-breeding season and aerial insectivores during the breeding season, and bird abundance in functional groups changed according to food supply. Most species are residents or regular migrants, while there are few nomadic and transient species. Predictable annual fluctuations in rainfall and resource availability should favor a migratory strategy more than nomadic movements. Similarly, breeding is strongly seasonal and most species start breeding when the first summer rains have generally not yet fallen. Finally, concordances in assemblage structure at local and regional scale suggest that similar mechanisms are acting on the local bird assemblages across the Monte.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that lower rates of granivory in South American warm deserts compared to their North American counterparts arose from a reduction of seed reserves in the former owing to the extinction of argyrolagid marsupials. We measured seed reserves in two habitats of the central Monte Desert in an attempt to detect such seed decline, but to no avail. After moderate rainfall, maximum seed standing crops reached 16,000 and 23,000 seeds m−2in shrublands and open forests, respectively. Under the canopy of trees and shrubs there were 19,000 and 37,000 seeds m−2; whereas in exposed areas there werec. 10,000 seeds m−2in both habitats. Seed banks in other South American semi-arid areas showed similar values. Total grass seeds as well as those presumably preferred by ants also seem to be similar in both continents. Hence, granivory in South America, as has been already reported for Australia, is lower than in North America in spite of the great similarity of seed bank sizes. Moreover, argyrolagids were unlikely seed-hoarding granivores, therefore some other reason than argyrolagid extinction should be sought to explain the lack of specialized seed-eating mammals, and the smaller overall seed consumption rates in South American deserts.  相似文献   

The compilation of published results on the geography of the Monte Desert biome of Argentina that we present here offers a review of its boundaries and ecotones, and of its biophysical and socio-economic characteristics. In relation to socio-ecological issues, the focus is on a case study in the province of Mendoza. An analysis is presented about the ecological-economic issues and the sustainable investment policies in rangelands of the Patagonian Monte. In addition, this biome is compared with other South American arid biomes and their North American counterparts. We identified some gaps in the current knowledge, especially at a mesoscale level, where studies on Monte borders are deemed necessary as well as explicit boundary criteria for ecosystem differentiation. Also the ecological-economic relations and feedbacks between livestock herbivory, soil erosion and market behaviour should be considered within the framework of wider socio-ecological research.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of plant cover, carrying capacity and diversity in areas of Monte vegetation at the Biosphere Reserve of Ñacuñán, Mendoza, Argentina, in 1982, 1984 and 1995. Treatments applied in 1981 were: control (untreated plots), selective hand-cutting, roller-chopping, and root-plowing. By 1995, woody cover was lower in root-plowed plots (27%) than in the others treatments (41–51%), and herbaceous cover was similar in treated (28–39%) and untreated areas (26%). Carrying capacity of treated areas (6–8 ha per Large Stock Unit (LSU)) was higher than in the control areas (12 ha LSU−1). Woody species diversity, quantified by the Shannon index, for both areas was similar in the study period (0·62), except in root-plowed sites in 1982 (0·0) and 1995 (1·3). Herbaceous species diversity was similar on treated (0·81) and untreated sites (1·2) in 1995. We could recommend less drastic treatments to improve carrying capacity.  相似文献   

Overgrazing by livestock has caused desertification in the Monte, where ctenomyids and livestock share grasses as main food items. The diet of Ctenomys eremophilus, above-ground food availability and changes related to cattle grazing are analyzed in the arid plain of Mendoza, Argentina. The most available categories were grasses, followed by low shrubs and tall shrubs. Tuco-tucos showed dietary generalism, ate mainly above-ground plant parts, preferred grasses and avoided shrubs at both grazed and ungrazed sites. Plant cover, grass diversity and availability decreased under livestock grazing, which was reflected in the diet by a lower percentage of grasses, a shift toward low shrubs and higher number of frequently used resources. Tuco-tucos in the grazed paddock compensated for lower consumption of vegetative plant parts by increasing the use of Prosopis flexuosa pods stored inside burrows. Moreover, greater dietary variation among individuals suggests foraging restricted to the items closest to burrow holes. These feeding tactics would allow them to reduce above-ground foraging as a response to high raptor predation risk due to increased bare soil. The plant recovery detected during the rest period, favoured by moderate stocking rate and rotational grazing system, would allow coexistence of tuco-tucos and cattle.  相似文献   

Botanical composition of cattle seasonal diets (faecal sampling with microhistological analysis) was determined in a four-pasture, one-herd grazing system during a 3-year period. Diets were classified using cluster analysis. Three diet groups were identified: beginning of rainy season (spring), peak of rainy season (summer) and dry season (fall and winter). Contribution of grasses and woody species to these diet groups was significantly different (p< 0·001). Grasses were the most important component of cattle diets throughout the rainy season, while shrubs and trees were important in the dry season. The major shifts in diets occurred in response to changes in grass phenology.  相似文献   

In arid environments, soil fertility exhibits a high degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity, which results from high climatic variability seasonally and heterogeneous plant distribution. However, because most desert areas have been altered by human activities, heterogeneous fertility would originate from grazing or logging activities. We evaluated spatial and temporal heterogeneity of soil fertility in cattle-excluded sites under and outside woody plant cover (Prosopis flexuosa and Larrea divaricata), and in sites disturbed by tree removal during wet and dry season in Ñacuñán Biosphere Reserve (Central Monte desert of Argentina). Soil organic matter, fulvic acids, bioavailable organic matter, and nitrate were lower outside plant canopy (8.9 mg g?1, 0.03 mg g?1, 8.2 mg g?1, and 4.17 mg kg?1, respectively). Total N, humic acids, and abundance of microbial functional groups did not show differences among sites. Most parameters differed between seasons, tending to be higher in the wet season. Overall soils of Ñacuñán Reserve are characterized by: a) more homogenous spatial pattern than expected from woody plant presence; b) very heterogeneous temporal pattern; and c) after two years, tree removal does not seem to induce infertile soil formation.  相似文献   

Cattle grazing is an important disturbance in the Monte plain, reducing grass biomass and rates of fruit setting. Grass seeds are the most important food for granivorous birds (Emberizidae) during winter. The objective of this study was to test whether granivorous bird populations (Emberizidae), grass seed production, and vegetation structure differed at sites with different intensities of grazing. Emberizid density and species richness were higher in the ungrazed site than in the two grazed paddocks. Seed abundance was also higher in ungrazed vs. grazed sites. Woody vegetation, that serve as safe nest sites, did not differ among treatments. Granivorous bird populations seemed to be affected by cattle grazing; however, the main mechanisms of this process remain unknown.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of ant herbivory on the establishment and survival of the annual plant Schismus barbatus. We hypothesized that ants may control this species when biomass of native plants is generally low during their vegetative period. We predicted that ant herbivory will decrease plant survival and reproduction. We tested our prediction with an insect exclosure experiment in a sandy desert of Northern-Central Monte.We found more than 12 000 established seedlings per square meter on early May, after two consecutive rain pulses of ca. 20 mm each. Overall, we found that almost 75% of recruited plants survived by the end of the cool season (September), and that 22–24% of the initially established plants survived as mature reproductive plants by the end of the growing season (December). Contrary to our expectation, insect herbivory did not affect plant establishment, plant survival or the proportion of flowering and fruiting individuals of S. barbatus.The large number of seedlings reported, the ability to exploit a temporal window free of plant competitors and enemies, and the availability of microsites where this species can succeed, all suggest that S. barbatus may have the potential to become an important plant invader in the Monte Desert.  相似文献   

In arid and semiarid ecosystems, primary productivity and nutrient cycling are directly related to the amount and seasonal distribution of precipitation. However, depending on morphological, phenological, physiological, and biochemical traits, plants may influence the quality and quantity of organic matter inputs to the soil and thus the biomass and activity of the soil biota responsible for carbon and nitrogen dynamics. In this paper, we review the available knowledge on plant functional traits and their impacts on ecosystem processes such as N and C cycling throughout the Monte Phytogeographical Province. We address the mechanisms of N conservation, the quantity and quality of leaf litterfall and root traits of the dominant plant life forms and their effects on decomposition processes, soil organic matter accretion, and soil-N immobilization and mineralization. We conclude that plant functional traits affect ecosystem processes in the Monte Phytogeographical Province since the chemistry of senesced leaves and root biomass exerts an important control on organic matter decomposition and N availability in soil.  相似文献   

The invertebrates of the arid interior of Western Australia have been little studied. As part of a project investigating the effect of wild fire on vegetation in the Gibson Desert, ant species were also collected and analysed. A total of 71 ant species was identified from six replicated 250 m2 plots in an area within the Gibson Desert Nature Reserve. The six sites were established in recently burnt and long unburnt areas of three main vegetation types: Triodia basedowii grassland, Triodia shinzii grassland, and Acacia aneura woodland. Twenty-nine ant species occurred exclusively in recently burnt sites, 16 species were exclusive to the long unburnt sites and the remaining 26 occurred in both site types. Functional group analyses revealed a predominance of Subordinate Camponotini and Opportunists at the long unburnt sites whereas Dominant Dolichoderinae and Generalist Myrmicinae were more common in the recently burnt sites. Ant species distribution demonstrated only a slight difference between recently burnt and long unburnt sites (P=0.1), although vegetation structure was significantly different in terms of both burn and vegetation type (P<0.05). While there are no definite trends for the impact of fire on ants in this study, the findings provide further insight into the effect of fire on invertebrates and suggest that a burning mosaic be considered as part of a management program for arid ecosystems.  相似文献   

Arthropods living in the canopies of two woody shrub species (a sub-shrub (Gutierrezia sarothrae) and a large shrub (Prosopis glandulosa)) and perennial grasses plus associated herbaceous species, were sampled on 18, 0.5 hectare plots in a Chihuahuan Desert grassland for five consecutive years. Mesquite shrubs were removed from nine plots, six plots were grazed by yearling cattle in August and six plots were grazed in February for the last 3 years of the 5 year study. Arthropod species richness ranged between 154 and 353 on grasses, from 120 to 266 on G. sarothrae, and from 69 to 116 on P. glandulosa. There was a significant relationship between the number of families of insects on grass and G. sarothrae and growing season rainfall but species richness was not a function of growing season rainfall on any of the plants. Several of the arthropod families that were the most species rich in this grassland were found on all of the plants sampled, i.e. Salticid spiders, Bruchid and Curculionid beetles, Cicadellid and Psyllid homopterans, and ants (Formicidae). There were more species rich families that were shared by grasses and the sub-shrub G. sarothrae than with mesquite. The absence of a relationship between growing season rainfall and species richness was attributed to variation in life history characteristics of arthropods and to the non-linear responses of annual and perennial desert grassland plants to rainfall.There were no significant differences in insect family or species richness on any of the plant types as a result of removal of mesquite (P. glandulosa) from selected plots. Intense, short duration (24 h) grazing by livestock during in late summer resulted in reduced species richness in the grass-herb vegetation layer but had no effect on insect species richness on snakeweed or mesquite shrubs. Livestock grazing in winter had no effect on insect species richness on any of the vegetation sampled.  相似文献   

通过比较封育6年的围栏内外植物群落种类组成、结构差异,以及土壤特性,研究了家畜啃食对新疆准噶尔荒漠植物群落及土壤特性的影响.使用X2-test和U-test分析表明,围栏内外相比,植物种数(n=7.03)、半灌木种数(n=2.40)、草本植物种数(n=4.63)、植被盖度(35.77%)和生物量(144.19 g/m2)在围栏内显著增加,而植被密度在围栏外显著降低(87.93株/m2).灌木中,梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)在围栏内出现的频率和密度显著增加(X2=4.63,p<0.05;z=2.56,p<0.05).小半灌木中,博乐绢蒿(Seriphidium borotalense)在围栏内出现的频率和密度显著高于围栏外(X2=13.08,p<0.01;Z=4.01,p<0.01).4种多年生草本植物的密度在围栏内均显著升高,有3种在围栏内出现的频率也同时明显高于围栏外.二年生草本植物沙生婆罗门参(Tragopogon sabulosus)在围栏内出现的频率和密度显著高于围栏外(X2=4.71,p<0.05;Z=2.51,p<0.05).4种一年生草本植物在围栏内外出现的频率均无显著差异,其中3种在围栏内外的密度也无明显变化.研究结果表明,过度放牧导致灌木和半灌木衰败;多年生和二年生草本植物几近绝迹;一年生植物所受影响则较小.土壤理化特性中,围栏内土壤水分显著低于围栏外(Z=2.65,p<0.01),HCO3、Cl-和速效K含量在围栏内外土壤中差异显著.作者建议在准噶尔荒漠建立一定数量和面积的永久性围栏以维系物种多样性.  相似文献   

This paper documents the main features of climate and climate variability across the Monte Desert for the Last Glacial Maximum, the Glacial–Interglacial transition, and the Holocene on the basis of proxy records and for the 20th century using instrumental observations. The climate in the Monte is determined by interactions between regional physiography and atmospheric circulation in the 25–45°S sectors of South America. Although arid and semi-arid conditions prevail across the Monte, its large latitudinal extent and complex topography introduce many particularities at local scales. Paleoclimatic records and model simulations of past climates suggest significant variations in the atmospheric circulation, temperature and rainfall patterns since the Last Glacial Maximum. High-resolution proxy records east of the Andes support the existence of complex climatic patterns with similar temperature changes across the whole region but opposite precipitation variations between subtropical and mid-latitude sectors in the Monte during the past millennium.The present-day climate is depicted in terms of the space and time variability of the near-surface temperature, rainfall and tropospheric wind patterns. Uneven temperature trends over the Monte were recorded for two separate (1920–44 and 1977–2001) global warming periods in the 20th century. Additional warming evidence in the region is provided by extreme temperature records. The non-homogeneous regional pattern of precipitation shows a positive long-term increase between 30 and 40°S during the interval 1985–2001. Ensemble of climate experiments accomplished with general circulation models provide the most likely changes in temperature and rainfall to occur by the end of this century in relation to present climate. Temperature increases, larger in summer than in winter, will be concurrent with more abundant precipitations in summer, but almost no changes or even small reductions in winter across the Monte.  相似文献   

放牧对古尔班通古特沙漠南部半固定沙垄地表性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intensive grazing in spring-summer has been responsible for environmental deg- radation of the Gurbantunggut Desert in recent years. The coverage of plants and biological crusts, sand surface stability and physicochemical characteristics of soil on the dune surface were conducted in 2002 (winter grazing) and 2005 (spring-summer grazing). The results showed that over 80% of the total area of the dune surface was covered by well-developed biological crusts and plants in 2002, when the interdune and middle to lower part of dune slopes were stabilized and only the crest had 10-40 m wide mobile belt. Affected by spring-summer grazing in 2005, over 80% of the total cover of biological crust was destructed and the plant coverage only reached 1/5 of that in 2002, especially the ephemeral plant cover had a great change. The value of sand transport potential in 2005 only reached 1/3 of that in 2002, but the total surface activity in 2005 was 1.6 times stronger than that in 2002. Mean- while the mobile area began to expand from the dune top to the whole dune surface following spring-summer grazing. Compared with 2002, medium sand content of the dune surface soil increased by 13.9%, while that of fine and very fine sands decreased by 7.4% and 8.0% re- spectively in 2005 and the soil organic matter in 2005 was only about 1/2 of that in 2002. It is obvious that the presence of snow cover and frozen soil in winter could avoid the surface structure destruction in winter, while spring--summer grazing made excessive damage to biologic crusts and ephemeral plants. Spring is the main windy season in Gurbantunggut Desert and therefore intensive activity of dune surface occurred following spring-summer grazing, which led to a great loss of fine sand and organic matter. It can be seen that grazing season have a significant influence on the sustainable development of the desert ecosystem in Northwest China.  相似文献   

The complex interactions between human activity and natural processes determine non-linear dynamics in ecosystems that can difficult their management. Human settlements in arid lands contribute to the modification of disturbance regimes, including the introduction of new disturbances and the elimination of others. In consequence, they can alter the functional mechanisms that allow systems to overcome limiting factors, leading to desertification. In this revision, we evaluated the effects of the changes on disturbance regimes produced by the different forms of land transformation on the structure and function of ecosystems of the Monte Biogeographical Province, in Argentinean arid west. Two approaches were used: the analysis of land use history and the analysis of the effects of the main disturbances on the dynamics of different communities. We concluded that throughout the history of the Monte Desert, the joint action of natural and anthropic agents has resulted in complex dynamics that lead most area of the Monte to a moderate to severe status of desertification. The modification of the disturbance regime had strong consequences for several aspects of the dynamics of communities, such as species composition and diversity, water dynamics, soil conditions, trophic structure and productivity of Monte Desert ecosystems. However, disturbance regimes could be managed to promote favorable transitions in ecosystems and, therefore, could be a tool for optimizing productivity of agro-ecosystems, and recovering and conserving natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

In this review, we compiled published results on biological interactions at different spatial scales in the Monte desert of Argentina and identified gaps in current knowledge. We presented evidence of competitive and facilitative plant–plant conspecific and heterospecific interactions, and plant–soil–microbes interactions in relation to the abiotic environment at the fine patch-scale. We also showed evidence of animal–animal interactions and plant–animal interactions at the community scale through study cases involving both native and introduced herbivores. Moreover, we identified bottom-up and top-down forces governing the interactions between granivores (birds, ants, and small mammals) and seed availability/production at the community scale. At the landscape scale, we discussed feedbacks between domestic grazers and the spatial patterns of resources and their interrelationships with processes occurring at other scales. We concluded that research has steadily increased during the last 6 years but knowledge on biological interactions in the Monte desert is still scarce, particularly at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

This study investigates how familiarity and initial contact with species can be explained by social-demographic variables in an arid environment of Argentina. Our main objectives were to investigate which species children are familiar with, and analyse the effect of place of residence, sex and age on students' knowledge and initial contact with species. In total, 1746 students between 7 and 18 years old participated in the study, from 25 urban and 19 rural schools. Students were asked to write down ten animals and ten plants, and to indicate where they had seen them for the first time. Children were able to name an important number of species but they were mostly acquainted with exotic ones. Familiarity with species and the use of different sources of information can be explained by interactions between the studied factors, while place of residence was not as significant as we expected. Sex was an important explanatory variable, likely influenced by differences in roles and children activities' preferences. It is necessary to improve the knowledge on native species, particularly those with conservation problems by using information sources close to nature, without neglecting the knowledge of the exotic species that children showed more familiarity from everyday life.  相似文献   

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