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Lablab purpureus(50 cultivars throughout the world) is a drought-tolerant legume widely grown as a high-protein grain food and forage legume within a wide range of neotropical regions with extensive production in India and similar climatic areas of Asia, Africa, Central and South America. The objective of this work was to study the nitrogen-fixing potentialities of L. purpureus under the effects of the extreme environmental conditions prevailing in the southern part of Egypt aiming at the recommendation of its propagation in areas of the National giant projects.L. purpureusinoculated with Rhizobium sp. Strain I4 (21 days after planting) grown on Nile valley and Wadi Allaqi soils was relatively tolerant to mild levels of salinity, but the nodule number was reduced to about 35% of the control plants when subjected to a high salt level (120mM NaCl). Lablab plants were similarly affected by different rates of water deficits. This legume was tolerant to moderate levels of drought. The nodule number and weight at 50% of field capacity was about 70% of the control. These values were reduced to 45–55% at a field capacity of 16·5%.Absolute nitrogenase activity, leghaemoglobin content of nodules and protein content of bacteroids and cytosol were moderately affected by mild levels of NaCl and drought but significantly reduced to about 25–35% of the control treatments.The results also indicate that plants grown on the soil of Nile Valley exhibited slightly higher values (nitrogenase, protein, etc.) than those grown on Wadi Allaqi soil. This would encourage the possibility of propagating L. purpureus in the newly reclaimed areas of southern Egypt.  相似文献   

曾胤新  俞勇  陈波  李会荣 《极地研究》2004,15(2):118-128
The potential of 324 bacteria isolated from different habitats in polar oceans to produce a variety of extracellular enzymatic activities at low temperature was investigated. By plate assay, lipase, protease, amylase, gelatinase, agarase, chitinase or cellulase were detected. Lipases were generally present by bacteria living in polar oceans. Protease-producing bacteria held the second highest proportion in culturable isolates. Strains producing amylase kept a relative stable proportion of around 30% in different polar marine habitats. All 50 Arctic sea-ice bacteria producing proteases were cold-adapted strains, however, only 20% were psychrophilic. 98% of them could grow at 3% NaCl, and 56% could grow without NaCl. On the other hand, 98% of these sea-ice bacteria produced extracellular proteases with optimum temperature at or higher than 35℃, well above the upper temperature limit of cell growth. Extracellular enzymes including amylase, agarase, cellulase and lipase released by bacteria from seawater or sediment in polar oceans, most expressed maximum activities between 25 and 35℃. Among extracellular enzymes released by bacterial strain BSw20308, protease expressed maximum activity at 40℃, higher than 35℃ of polysaccharide hydrolases and 25℃ of lipase.  相似文献   

To obtain the basic information required before using Populus alba L. to phytoremediate degraded saline environments, we investigated the effects of saline irrigation on the growth, survival, Na partitioning, and Na dynamics of 1-year-old rooted cuttings. The plants were grown in a greenhouse in lysimeters containing sandy soil and were watered with field water (control) or solutions containing either 2000 or 5000 mg L?1 of a mixture of NaCl and CaCl2 (low- and high-salt treatments, respectively). All plants in the control and the low-salt treatment survived after 1 year of treatment, but the high-salt treatment significantly decreased growth and caused 20% mortality. Strong Na partitioning was observed in the roots in all three treatments, suggesting that this is an important salt tolerance mechanism in P. alba. Total Na uptake was similar in the low-salt and high-salt treatments, and was about 3 times the value in the control. However, the compartmentalization of Na in fallen leaves, dead leaves and dead branches in the high-salt treatment was about twice the level in the low-salt treatment. The plants accumulate Na under moderate levels of salinity, suggesting that P. alba is a good candidate for phytoremediating salinized soil.  相似文献   

金露梅灌丛草甸氧化亚氮排放特征及冻融交替的影响研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位研究站地区,利用密闭箱-气相色谱法对金露梅灌丛草甸群落中的丛间草地(GC)、金露梅灌丛(GG)和裸地(GL)3种斑块的氧化亚氮(N_2O)排放季节特征和冻融过程、降水事件的影响进行了初步研究.结果显示:GG年平均排放速率显著高于C.C和GL(P<0.05),C.C与GL差异不显著(P>0.05).3种斑块N_2O排放速率表现出明显的季节波动,生长季高于休眠季,其中GC和GG排放速率在8月出现明显峰值,2月最低;而GL的排放速率2004年最大值出现在3月,2005年在3月和8月出现了两个峰值,最低值均出现在1月.冻融交替过程中各斑块N_2O平均排放速率白天高于夜间,并且除了2005年GL斑块外,均为封冻期土壤排放速率较低,而冻融期提高.2004-07 GC和GG斑块在降雨时排放速率降低,降雨后迅速上升;而2005年时3种斑块在降雨时以及积雪融化时排放速率均大幅升高.各斑块排放速率与土壤5 cm地温呈极显著(GC和GG;P<0.01)或显著正相关关系(GL,P<0. 05).金露梅灌丛草甸2004年和2005年平均排放速率分别为0.043和0.046 mg/(m~2·h),是大气N_2O的一个源,粗略估算整个青藏高原高寒灌丛草甸N_2O排放的辐射强迫约为0.125 Tg CO_2,其在整个青藏高原温室气体收支中的作用不应忽略.  相似文献   

水分、盐分和埋深对铃铛刺和疏叶骆驼刺种子萌发的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在塔里木河下游通过不同水分、盐分和埋深对铃铛刺(Halimodendron halodendron)和疏叶骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)种子萌发的影响进行了研究,结果显示:(1)水分显著影响铃铛刺种子的萌发(P<0.001),随着土壤水分含量的增加,种子的萌发率呈现先增加后下降的趋势;水分对疏叶骆驼刺种子萌发的影响不显著(P>0.05).(2)盐分极显著影响2种植物种子的萌发(P<0.05),铃铛刺种子萌发率随盐(NaCL)浓度增加呈直线下降趋势(R2=0.935 1);疏叶骆驼刺种子的萌发率随着盐浓度的增加呈现先增加后降低的趋势(R2=0.845 8),即低盐浓度(0~0.2 mol/,L)促进骆驼刺种子的萌发,盐浓度>0.3 mol/L,种子萌发开始受到抑制.(3)埋深明显影响豆科植物种子的萌发.两种植物种子发芽率随埋深的增加呈先增加后下降的趋势,当埋深为0和2 cm时均不萌发.  相似文献   

To determine the effects of and the interactions between salinity and temperature, and alkalinity and temperature, we conducted three germination tests of Medicago ruthenica (L.) Sojak cv. ‘Zhilixing’ seeds in growth chambers. In experiment 1, the seeds were placed at a range of temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40 °C), and in experiments 2 and 3, we varied the salinity (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, or 250 mM NaCl) and alkalinity (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, or 25 mM Na2CO3), respectively, within three ranges of alternating temperatures (10–20, 15–25, and 20–30 °C). The seeds of M. ruthenica (L.) Sojak cv. ‘Zhilixing’ showed high percentage germination at all temperatures, except for 5 °C. Seeds germinated well at low NaCl and Na2CO3 concentrations under all three alternating temperature regimes. Approximately half the seeds germinated at high salinity and alkalinity at 15–25 °C, whereas the ungerminated seeds germinated when the high-saline and alkaline stresses were removed. These results suggest that M. ruthenica (L.) Sojak cv. ‘Zhilixing’ has potential utility as a forage legume in saline and alkaline environments.  相似文献   

Land-use and soil management affects soil organic carbon (SOC) pools, nitrogen, salinity and the depth distribution. The objective of this study was to estimate land-use effects on the distribution of SOC, labile fractions C, nitrogen (N) and salinity in saline-alkaline wetlands in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin. Three land-use types were selected: intact saline-alkaline meadow wetland, artificial shrubbery (planting Tamarix) and farmland (cultivated for 18 years) of soils previously under meadow wetland. SOC, easily oxidized carbon, microbial biomass carbon, total N, NO3--N and salinity concentrations were measured. The results show that SOC and labile fraction carbon contents decreased significantly with increasing soil depth in the three land-use wetlands. The labile fraction carbon contents in the topsoil (0-20cm) in cultivated soils were significantly higher than that in intact meadow wetland and artificial shrubbery soil. The aboveground biomass and soil permeability were the primary influencing factors on the contents of SOC and the labile carbon in the intact meadow wetland and artificial shrubbery soil, however, the farming practice was a factor in cultivated soil. Agricultural measures can effectively reduce the salinity contents; however, it caused a significant increase of NO 3--N concentrations which posed a threat to groundwater quality in the study area.  相似文献   

本项研究选取柴达木盆地尕斯库勒盐湖区作为研究区,筛选出了9种优势盐生植物,开展了盐生植物生长区土体颗粒、容重、含水量等物理性质指标,以及土体中HCO<sub>3</sub><sub><sup>-</sup></sub>、Cl<sub><sup>-</sup></sub>、SO<sub>4</sub><sub><sup>2-</sup></sub>、K<sub><sup>+</sup></sub>、Na<sub><sup>+</sup></sub>、Ca<sub><sup>2+</sup></sub>和Mg<sub><sup>2+ </sup></sub>7种易溶盐离子含量试验测试,分析了区内芦苇、海韭菜等9种盐生植物茎叶和根系部分HCO<sub>3</sub><sub><sup>-</sup></sub>、Cl<sub><sup>-</sup></sub>等7种易溶盐离子含量及其分布规律。在此基础上,探讨了区内9种盐生植物对易溶盐离子吸收作用及其差异性;采用盐生植物地上茎叶部分K<sub><sup>+</sup></sub>/Na<sub><sup>+</sup></sub>值结果,定量评价了区内9种盐生植物耐盐性及变化规律,结果表明,区内9种盐生植物茎叶部分K<sub><sup>+</sup></sub>/Na<sub><sup>+</sup></sub>比值,其由大至小依次为:小花棘豆0.84、羊齿天门冬0.58、白刺0.55、盐地风毛菊0.52、海韭菜0.50、无脉苔草0.47、洽草0.41、芦苇0.39和赖草0.34。本项研究结果,利用为尕斯库勒湖区及其周边地区,利用盐生植物有效改良土壤盐渍化方面提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

针对黄土丘陵区退耕还林工程与农业生态经济社会系统协同性研究滞后的现实,运用向量自回归模型(VAR),通过对安塞县1995–2014年相关数据的分析,明确了其协同效应。退耕还林工程结果表明:退耕还林工程对农业生态经济社会系统产生作用的同时,农业生态经济社会系统的改变也反作用于退耕还林工程,明确了退耕还林工程与农业生态经济社会系统之间存在协同互馈的效应。在这一协同过程中,退耕还林工程对农业生态系统的贡献率达34%,明显高于退耕对农业经济系统、农业社会系统的贡献率;农业经济系统对退耕还林工程的影响程度最为明显,贡献率最高点达55.3%且常年稳定,这些都与现实状况相一致。基于此,为了推进退耕还林工程与农业生态经济社会系统的优化耦合,需要在增强生态功能基础上,通过发展碳汇产业促使生态功能的经济显化,构建以提高区域内资源的有效利用率为核心的农业产业–资源链。  相似文献   

Florida Bay is a highly dynamic estuary that exhibits wide natural fluctuations in salinity due to changes in the balance of precipitation, evaporation and freshwater runoff from the mainland. Rapid and large-scale modification of freshwater flow and construction of transportation conduits throughout the Florida Keys during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries reshaped water circulation and salinity patterns across the ecosystem. In order to determine long-term patterns in salinity variation across the Florida Bay estuary, we used a diatom-based salinity transfer function to infer salinity within 3.27 ppt root mean square error of prediction from diatom assemblages from four ~130 year old sediment records. Sites were distributed along a gradient of exposure to anthropogenic shifts in the watershed and salinity. Precipitation was found to be the primary driver influencing salinity fluctuations over the entire record, but watershed modifications on the mainland and in the Florida Keys during the late-1800s and 1900s were the most likely cause of significant shifts in baseline salinity. The timing of these shifts in the salinity baseline varies across the Bay: that of the northeastern coring location coincides with the construction of the Florida Overseas Railway (AD 1906–1916), while that of the east-central coring location coincides with the drainage of Lake Okeechobee (AD 1881–1894). Subsequent decreases occurring after the 1960s (east-central region) and early 1980s (southwestern region) correspond to increases in freshwater delivered through water control structures in the 1950s–1970s and again in the 1980s. Concomitant increases in salinity in the northeastern and south-central regions of the Bay in the mid-1960s correspond to an extensive drought period and the occurrence of three major hurricanes, while the drop in the early 1970s could not be related to any natural event. This paper provides information about major factors influencing salinity conditions in Florida Bay in the past and quantitative estimates of the pre- and post-South Florida watershed modification salinity levels in different regions of the Bay. This information should be useful for environmental managers in setting restoration goals for the marine ecosystems in South Florida, especially for Florida Bay.  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research - Low salinity water (LSW) flooding alters rock surface wettability toward more water wetness, and consequently, oil recovery will be increased from a carbonate oil...  相似文献   

The Ramsar-listed Coorong lagoon lies at the terminus of the Murray-Darling River system in South Australia. Diatom and foraminifera relationships with water quality were characterised in order to develop diatom- and foraminifera-based models with the potential to infer water column salinity. Seventy-four samples were collected during 2007, a year of continuing drought in the catchment, and of no discharges at the Murray Mouth. The sample sites had a salinity gradient of 1.8–190 g l−1 total dissolved solids. The diatom data set comprised 215 taxa, while there were only eight taxa in the foraminiferal data set. Canonical correspondence analysis of diatom species-environment relationships showed that salinity explained the largest proportion of diatom variance. Hence, a diatom-based salinity transfer function with reasonable predictive power (measured vs. diatom-inferred salinity r jack2 = 0.82; Root Mean Squared Error of Prediction = 16 g l−1) was developed. Application of the transfer function to fossil diatom assemblages from The Coorong suggested that pre-European salinity values were generally >50 g l−1 and that salinity declined following settlement. These results, however, contradict the recent history of The Coorong where there have been substantial lagoon-wide salinity increases. The pre-impact diatom flora has no analogue in the modern data set, highlighting the degree of departure from past conditions. CCA of the foraminiferal data set identified salinity and total nitrogen as the variables with the greatest explanatory power. However, accurate predictive models could not be developed using either variable due to low foraminiferal abundance and species richness. These factors may have been a consequence of diminished foraminiferal recruitment rates over successive years, an artefact of reduced marine water input to The Coorong. Future attempts to generate predictive models from this region would benefit from the inclusion of data from distant locations, since suitable analogue sites do not exist in close proximity. The study has generated useful insights to the apparently broad salinity tolerances for several cosmopolitan diatom and foraminifera species, and has identified a number of diatom and foraminifera taxa that may prove useful in the qualitative interpretation of down-core trends in The Coorong and the lower Murray River region.  相似文献   

盐分与水分胁迫对两种猪毛菜种子萌发的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
王娅  李利  钱翌  张希明 《干旱区地理》2007,30(2):217-222
通过对盐分与水分胁迫对钠猪毛菜和紫翅猪毛菜种子萌发的影响的分析,结果显示:钠猪毛菜与紫翅猪毛菜种子萌发的最适温度分别为25℃和20℃。在盐溶液和PEG溶液中,两个种子的萌发规律相似,都是随着水势的降低,萌发率和萌发速率下降。在盐胁迫下钠猪毛菜种子萌发的最低水势接近-7.2 MPa,紫翅猪毛菜种子萌发的最低水势接近-6.15 MPa;在水分胁迫下两种种子萌发的最低水势均未超过-2.0 MPa。并且在相同水势下,钠猪毛菜的最终萌发率、萌发指数高于紫翅猪毛菜。两个种对盐分胁迫的忍耐能力超过对水分胁迫。适宜萌发温度下,钠猪毛菜与紫翅猪毛菜的耐盐极限值分别为-6.29 MPa和-6.03 MPa。  相似文献   

Short-term hydrological measurements at one site show that throughflow provided the dominant input of water but not of soluble salts to the salt-affected land. Interceptors will therefore reduce saltland waterlogging caused by inputs of throughflow from valley sides. Leakages through and beneath the monitored interceptors are problems which are partly attributable to incorrect design and construction, and partly to unfavourable soil properties.The salinity of deeper groundwaters was also too low to account for the quantities of soluble salts being exported from the site. This finding suggests that a proportion of the salts accumulated in situ and have only recently been mobilized within the site by increased inputs of fresh throughflow and relatively fresh groundwaters from the catchment of the salt-affected area.Control of deeper groundwater movements as well as throughflow is probably necessary in most locations, but the precise combinations in different situations, and the most appropriate techniques for controlling these water movements, require further research. Increased groundwater discharges are attributed to reduced transpiration by the replacement of deep-rooted, indigenous vegetation with shallow-rooted, seasonally growing exotic crops and pastures, rather than to increased groundwater recharge. The ideal method of controlling both water systems is likely to involve farm management strategies on saltland catchments, employing commercially useful vegetation which simulates the hydrological role of the native species, in conjunction with improvement of soil properties.  相似文献   

盐碱荒地开垦年限对表层土壤盐分的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
周丽  王玉刚  李彦  黄刚 《干旱区地理》2013,36(2):285-291
 以典型荒漠区原生盐碱荒地及开垦农田为研究对象,通过对比研究,以阐明原生盐碱荒地开垦后不同管理措施下土壤可溶盐总量的变化规律,开垦后土壤剖面中可溶盐总量的垂直分布和季节变化规律。结果表明:开垦显著降低了0~50 cm土壤的可溶性盐含量,开垦达100 a以上老耕地的可溶性盐含量(2.31 g/kg)仅为原生盐碱荒地(26.62 g/kg)的11%;长期的耕作改变了土壤可溶性盐分在土层中的分布,原生荒漠土壤盐分具有鲜明的表聚特征,0~30 cm土层的盐分含量占整个土壤剖面的79%,开垦50 a后,土壤中的盐分分布趋于均匀,各离子浓度的垂直分布不再明显;开垦使土壤中的盐分离子组成也发生了变化,Cl-、K+、Na+离子浓度降低,而SO42-、Mg2+、Ca2+离子浓度增加,耕作层土壤由SO4-2-Cl-1盐土转变为Cl-1-SO4-2盐土;盐碱荒地土壤可溶盐浓度伴随着降水变化具有显著的季节变化特征,而季节对开垦耕地没有显著影响。总体而言,盐碱荒地经过多年开垦利用后,土壤可溶性盐分和pH值均显著降低。  相似文献   

Since the mass development of halophilic bacteria in 1980 and the subsequent decline of the community in 1982, no new mass development of bacteria has occurred in the Dead Sea, and bacterial numbers have remained extremely low. The lake’s salinity, and more specifically the divalent cation concentration, have increased greatly during the last ten years. To quantitate the activity of the community of heterotrophic bacteria in the Dead Sea water column, rates of incorporation of amino acids, glycerol, and acetate were measured, both during the 1980–1981 bloom and in recent years. With the development of the bloom, rates of incorporation amino acids, glycerol and acetate increased. Concomitant with the decline in bacterial numbers, the incorporation rates of amino acids and acetate decreased at the end of 1980-beginning of 1981, while glycerol incorporation rates remained high for one more year. Measurements in 1989 and in 1991 showed very low but significant incorporation rates (three to four orders of magnitude lower than during the 1980–1981 bloom). By the use of specific inhibitors, it was shown that the remaining activity was due to halophilic archaeobacteria. The mechanism of the long-term survival of a small active bacterial community in the Dead Sea in the absence of primary producers and other obvious sources of organic carbon, and at divalent cation concentrations greatly exceeding those enabling growth, is still unknown.  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,中国博物馆发展的制度环境呈现根本变化,探究博物馆发展状况及其与制度环境的关系对于指导博物馆发展、丰富博物馆研究的理论内涵具有重要意义.以成都市为例,采用参与式观察、半结构访谈和文本分析等质性方法,对成都市博物馆发展的过程、特征及空间效应进行系统研究,研究发现:①成都市博物馆主要经历了国有化发展、非国有化...  相似文献   

东北黑土区是中国重要的粮食生产基地,也是中国气候变化最敏感的地区之一。然而,气候变化背景下东北黑土区气候及物候变化对农业生产力的综合影响并不清晰,未来农业生产风险评估的定量化程度不够,风险等级制定缺乏依据。本文借助遥感产品、气候资料和模拟数据等资料,综合运用多元线性回归、相关分析及干旱危险性指数等方法,探究东北黑土区作物物候动态及其气候响应特征,辨识气候与物候变化对农业生产的复合效应及未来可能风险。结果表明:① 2000—2017年东北黑土区29.76%的区域作物生长季开始期呈显著延后趋势,16.71%的区域作物生长季结束期呈提前态势,生长季开始期受气温的影响范围广,且滞后时间长;生长季结束期与前期气候变化关系更加密切,且带状差异性响应格局尤其明显。② 气候变化和物候期改变对作物生产的解释能力较生长季同期气候变化的解释能力增加了70.23%,解释面积扩大了85.04%。③ RCP8.5情景下东北黑土区粮食总产量呈现上升趋势,粮食生产风险表现出“南增北减”的演变特征,风险区面积不断扩大,全球温升2.0 ℃时,松嫩黑土亚区南部粮食减产量可能达到10%。研究有助于深入认识气候—物候—作物生产的关联机理及未来粮食生产风险,对制定气候变化应对策略,保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We investigate the response of the Nordic seas-Arctic Ocean system to surface freshwater flux anomalies that we regard as typical for long-term atmospheric variability. We employ response experiments with a coupled sea ice-ocean model where we introduce a surface freshwater flux anomaly (A) over the Norwegian Sea and (B) in the Laptev Sea. Case A offers an explanation for the intermediate depth salinity changes observed in the Amundsen Basin. The signal observed there belongs to an original perturbation that, according to the model, occurred around a decade earlier. Salinity fluctuations in the Laptev Sea could play a role in changes in the near surface salinity in the Amundsen Basin.  相似文献   

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