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Polygonal terrain is found in a variety of polar environments on Earth and Mars. As a result, many areas of northern Canada may represent ideal terrestrial analogues for specific regions of Mars - in particular the northern plains. In the Canadian Arctic, polygon troughs are commonly underlain by wedges of massive ice, with rare examples of other wedge types. If the same is true for Mars, this raises interesting implications for the processes that concentrate H2O at the Martian poles. This study uses an electromagnetic induction sensor to investigate the electromagnetic characteristics of terrestrial polar ice-wedge polygons. Surveys were conducted in two regions of the Canadian Arctic using a DUALEM-1S dual-geometry electromagnetic induction sensor, which measures electrical conductivity in the first 1.5-2 m of the subsurface. At locations where strong geomorphological evidence of ice was found, polygon troughs corresponded to local conductive anomalies. Trenching confirmed the presence of ice wedges at one site and allowed ground-truthing and calibration of the geophysical data. Previously unknown bodies of massive ice were also identified through the use of this geophysical technique. This study shows that an electromagnetic induction sounder is a useful instrument for detecting and mapping out the presence of subsurface ice in the Canadian Arctic. Taking together with its small size, portability and ruggedness, we suggest that this would also be a useful instrument for any future missions to Mars’ polar regions.  相似文献   

Polygonal terrain, a landform commonly associated with the presence of ground ice, is widespread throughout the high latitudes on Mars. In this paper, we present the results of field testing a potential mission concept for the robotic prospecting of ground ice in polygonal terrain. The focus of the paper is on the key robotic technologies that could be used to implement the concept and the engineering lessons we learned (as opposed to the specific scientific findings of our field tests). In particular, we have found that a lander- or rover-mounted lidar and a rover-borne stereo camera/ground-penetrating radar suite are two important scientific tools that may be used to help pin-point ground ice prior to subsurface sampling. We field tested some aspects of this mission concept on a previously - unstudied polygonal terrain site on Devon Island in the Canadian High Arctic (a common Mars/Moon analogue site) during the summer of 2008. This unique collaboration between technological and scientific communities has led to a deeper understanding of how such a science-driven mission could actually be implemented robotically.  相似文献   

Rapidly-flowing sectors of an ice sheet (ice streams) can play an important role in abrupt climate change through the delivery of icebergs and meltwater and the subsequent disruption of ocean thermohaline circulation (e.g., the North Atlantic's Heinrich events). Recently, several cores have been raised from the Arctic Ocean which document the existence of massive ice export events during the Late Pleistocene and whose provenance has been linked to source regions in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. In this paper, satellite imagery is used to map glacial geomorphology in the vicinity of Victoria Island, Banks Island and Prince of Wales Island (Canadian Arctic) in order to reconstruct ice flow patterns in the highly complex glacial landscape. A total of 88 discrete flow-sets are mapped and of these, 13 exhibit the characteristic geomorphology of palaeo-ice streams (i.e., parallel patterns of large, highly elongated mega-scale glacial lineations forming a convergent flow pattern with abrupt lateral margins). Previous studies by other workers and cross-cutting relationships indicate that the majority of these ice streams are relatively young and operated during or immediately prior to deglaciation. Our new mapping, however, documents a large (> 700 km long; 110 km wide) and relatively old ice stream imprint centred in M'Clintock Channel and converging into Viscount Melville Sound. A trough mouth fan located on the continental shelf suggests that it extended along M'Clure Strait and was grounded at the shelf edge. The location of the M'Clure Strait Ice Stream exactly matches the source area of 4 (possibly 5) major ice export events recorded in core PS1230 raised from Fram Strait, the major ice exit for the Arctic Ocean. These ice export events occur at 12.9, 15.6, 22 and 29.8 ka (14C yr BP) and we argue that they record vigorous episodes of activity of the M'Clure Strait Ice Stream. The timing of these events is remarkably similar to the North Atlantic's Heinrich events and we take this as evidence that the M'Clure Strait Ice Stream was also activated around the same time. This may hold important implications for the cause of the North Atlantic's Heinrich events and hints at the possibility of a pan-ice sheet response.  相似文献   

David P. Page 《Icarus》2007,189(1):83-117
Outside polar latitudes, features corresponding to surface thaw have yet to be identified on Mars. The youthful gully landforms observed at mid-high latitude [Malin, M., Edgett, K., 2000. Science 288, 2330-2335] are the nearest candidate, but the source (and nature) of the gully carving agent remains controversial [e.g., Musselwhite, D.S., Swindle, T.D., Lunine, J.I., 2001. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 1283-1285; Mellon, M.T., Phillips, R.J., 2001. J. Geophys. Res. 106, 1-15; Knauth, L.P., Burt, D.M., 2002. Icarus 158, 267-271; Costard, F., Forget, F., Mangold, N., Peulvast, J.P., 2002. Science 295, 110-113; Christensen, P.R., 2003. Nature 422, 45-48; Treiman, A.H., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108]. At higher obliquity than the present epoch, near-surface ground ice should be present globally [Mellon, M.T., Jakosky, B.M., 1995. J. Geophys. Res. 100 (E6), 11781-11799], populated by condensation of atmospheric water vapour in the top few metres of the regolith, or emplaced as dusty ice sheets reaching down towards the equator. The latitudinal restriction of these gullies to regions poleward of ±30° appears to argue against a thaw component to their formation—since ground ice is present and stable at all latitudes at high obliquity, the current (low) obliquity regime should result in ground ice thaw at low latitudes, where insolation and daytime temperatures are currently greatest, and this is not observed. A previously undescribed meltwater sequence in the Cerberus plains, at 20° N/187° E, shows that comparable, but much more continuous, and mappable melting and surface runoff have occurred in the geologically recent past at near-equatorial latitudes on Mars. Polygonal ground in the Cerberus plains is seen by the Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) to suffer sequential, regional-scale volatile-loss consistent with thaw of near-surface ground ice under periglacial conditions. This degradation is continuously sampled by a single MOC strip, showing an icy landscape undergoing thaw modification and collapse, and may form the first evidence of equatorial wet-based glaciation during late Amazonian time, with indications of melting within the last million years. The dissolution and re-formation of polygonal ground links this landform to freeze-thaw processes, providing the conclusion to a question that has been the subject of debate for three decades—whether Mars' polygonal grounds require ice to form—and a consistent explanation for the fate of the water that carved the great outflow channels, much of which may still reside as ground ice in the regolith. This thaw occurs in the Cerberus Formation; deposits that are considered to be magmatic in origin, and the type formation for late-stage, “plains-style” volcanism on Mars [Keszthelyi, L., McEwen, A.S., Thordarson T., 2000. J. Geophys. Res. 105, 15027-15049]. By superposing large numbers of small impact craters, polygonal ground in the Cerberus plains sustains previous suggestions of a non-magmatic origin for this and other landforms in the region [Page, D.P., Murray, J.B., 2006. Icarus 183, 46-54]. Together, these periglacial landforms document evidence of climate change much younger than is currently recognised by crater counts, with important implications for age constraints on young surfaces and absolute age determinations by this method. It is tentatively suggested that this melting may be occurring today, with a striking correspondence between permafrost thaw in the Cerberus plains, the high atmospheric methane flux currently observed over this region [Mumma, M.J., Novak, R.E., DiSanti, M.A., Bonev, B.P., Dello Russo, N., 2004. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 36, 1127; Krasnopolsky, V.A., Maillard, J.P., Owen, T.C., 2004. Icarus 172, 537-547; Formisano, V., Atreya, S., Encrenaz, T., Ignatiev, N., Giuranna, M., 2004. Science 306, 1758-1761], and the only latitude zone on Mars—equatorward of 30° N—where melting of ground ice is thought possible in the current climate [Haberle, R.M., McKay, C.P., Schaeffer, J., Cabrol, N.A., Grin, E.A., Zent, A.P., Quinn, R., 2001. J. Geophys. Res. 106 (E10), 23317-23326; Lobitz, B., Wood, B.L., Averner, M.M., McKay, C.P., 2001. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 98, 2132-2137]. Low-latitude polygonal ground as transient, and hydrologically active over wide areas transforms our understanding of the recent climatic evolution of Mars, supporting models of atmospheric water-ice migration [Mischna, M., Richardson, M.I., Wilson, R.J., McCleese, D.J., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (E6). 5062], complex, volatile stratigraphies [Clifford, S.M., Parker, T.J., 2001. Icarus 154, 40-79], and hypothesised, geologically recent ‘ice ages’ [Head, J.W., Mustard, J.F., Kreslavsky, M.A., Milliken, R.E., Marchant, D.R., 2003. Nature 426, 797-802]. The temporal coincidence of glacial epochs on the Earth and Mars during the Quaternary and latest Amazonian would suggest a coupled system linking both [Sagan, C., Young, A.T., 1973. Nature 243, 459].  相似文献   

Methane clathrate hydrate reservoirs capped by overlying permafrost have been proposed as potential sources of atmospheric methane plumes on Mars. However, the surface flux of methane from hydrate dissociation is limited by the diffusion rate of methane through the overlying ice. Assuming hydrates underlay the entire plume footprint, the maximum diffusion path length is expected to be less than 15 m, depths too shallow to stabilize pure methane hydrates under Mars geothermal and lithostatic conditions at low to mid latitudes. Therefore, pure methane hydrates confined within permafrost could not produce methane surface fluxes of the magnitude observed near the equator. However, the addition of 10% H2S, a secondary gas commonly associated with methane production on Earth, expands the hydrate stability field, with clathrates expected within 10 m of the surface at the equator and at depths less than 1 m at higher latitudes. This indicates that H2S would also be expected to be released as well as methane if the plumes have a confined hydrate reservoir source.  相似文献   

Abrupt climate warming during glacial–interglacial transitions promotes regional thermokarst activity in areas of ice-rich permafrost. The ensuing thaw-related processes of melt-out, soft-sediment deformation and resedimentation may produce widespread thermokarst sediments and sedimentary structures. Examples of the most distinctive thermokarst sediments and sedimentary structures from the Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands, western Arctic Canada, comprise: (1) soft-sediment deformation structures (thermokarst involutions) in a palaeoactive layer; (2) ice-wedge casts and composite-wedge casts; (3) peaty to sandy diamicton deposited mainly by debris flows in retrogressive thaw slumps; and (4) a basal unit of diamicton and/or impure sand in some thermokarst-basin sequences, deposited by progradation of resedimented materials in thermokarst lakes. Many of the thermokarst sediments and sedimentary structures in the Tuktoyaktuk Coastlands formed as a result of rapid climate warming during the last glacial–interglacial transition, although some continue to form at present due to local (non-climatic) factors.Identification of thermokarst sediments and sedimentary structures in the geological record requires evidence for the thaw of excess ice. Direct evidence for the former occurrence of excess ice includes: (1) ice-wedge casts; (2) composite-wedge casts; (3) lenticular platy microstructures in frost-susceptible sediment; (4) certain near-surface brecciation of frost-susceptible bedrock; and (5) ramparted depressions attributed to the decay of frost mounds. Indirect evidence for former excess ice results where thaw consolidation initiates soft-sediment deformation or gelifluction.  相似文献   

Michael D. Smith 《Icarus》2009,202(2):444-452
We use infrared images obtained by the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) instrument on-board Mars Odyssey to retrieve the optical depth of dust and water ice aerosols over more than 3.5 martian years between February 2002 (MY 25, Ls=330°) and December 2008 (MY 29, Ls=183°). These data provide an important bridge between earlier TES observations and recent observations from Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. An improvement to our earlier retrieval [Smith, M.D., Bandfield, J.L., Christensen, P.R., Richardson, M.I., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108, doi:10.1029/2003JE002114] to include atmospheric temperature information from THEMIS Band 10 observations leads to much improved retrievals during the largest dust storms. The new retrievals show moderate dust storm activity during Mars Years 26 and 27, although details of the strength and timing of dust storms is different from year to year. A planet-encircling dust storm event was observed during Mars Year 28 near Southern Hemisphere Summer solstice. A belt of low-latitude water ice clouds was observed during the aphelion season during each year, Mars Years 26 through 29. The optical depth of water ice clouds is somewhat higher in the THEMIS retrievals at ∼5:00 PM local time than in the TES retrievals at ∼2:00 PM, suggestive of possible local time variation of clouds.  相似文献   

Mitrofanov  I. G.  Litvak  M. L.  Kozyrev  A. S.  Sanin  A. B.  Tret'yakov  V. I.  Boynton  W. V.  Shinohara  C.  Hamara  D.  Saunders  S.  Drake  D. M. 《Solar System Research》2003,37(5):366-377
We present the first results of the global neutron mapping of Mars by the Russian High-Energy Neutron Detector (HEND) onboard the US 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft. Global neutron maps of Mars in various spectral ranges allow the content of water ice and adsorbed and bound water in a near-surface layer of the planet 1 to 2 m in thickness to be estimated. Huge regions of permafrost with a high (several tens of percent by weight) content of water ice are shown to be present in the north and the south of Mars. The continuous observations of Mars for 12 months, from February 18, 2002, through February 8, 2003, are indicative of significant seasonal variations on Mars where the transition from northern winter to northern summer occurred.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Devon Ice Cap, Northwest Territories, has been targeted for searches for extra-terrestrial material in the Canadian Arctic. Of three expeditions (1981, 1986, 1990), only the last met with weather conditions favourable for meteorite reconnaissance. Surveys were carried out on the ice cap margin, along boulder trains brought to the surface along ice layers, supra-glacial stream and lake sediments, and the ubiquitous cryoconite that covers the ice surface. In addition, outwash streams and plains were covered, in the hope of discerning meteoritic material lying on the Lower Palaeozoic bedrock. No meteorites were recovered, though a number of pseudotaks were identified as potential searching grounds for future expeditions. Samples of cryoconite, supra-glacial lake sediments and outwash silts were collected, and some of these have been given a preliminary examination. SEM analysis indicates that this material represents a new source for micro-meteoritic material, analogous to the deposits found in Greenland.  相似文献   

If life ever existed on Mars, a key question is the genetic relationship of that life to life on Earth. To determine if Martian life represents a separate, second genesis of life requires the analysis of organisms, not fossils. Ancient permafrost on Mars represents one potential source of intact, albeit probably dead by radiation, Martian organisms. Strong crustal magnetism in the ancient heavily cratered southern highlands between 60 and 80°S and at about 180°W indicates what may be the oldest, best preserved ice-rich permafrost on Mars. Drilling to depths of 1000 m would reach samples unaffected by possible warming due to cyclic changes in Mars’ obliquity. When drilling into the permafrost to retrieve ancient intact Martian organisms, it is necessary to take special precautions to avoid the possibility of contamination. Earth permafrost provides an analog for Martian permafrost and convenient sites for instrument development and field testing.  相似文献   

David Andrew Fisher 《Icarus》2007,187(2):430-441
A time varying stable isotope model for the D/H history of Mars water cycle is developed with variable atmosphere, space loss rate, ground and ice cap flux rates. It considers coupled ground reservoirs and traces D/H in the air and reservoirs secularly and over obliquity cycles. The various flux rates are prescribed time variables that simulate surface flux, and solar driven space loss rates. Predicted bulk averages for the ice cap, ground ice reservoirs and atmosphere span the observed ranges reported by Mumma et al. [Mumma, M.J., Novak, R.E., DiSanti, M.A., Bonev, B., Dello Russo, N., Magee-Sauer, K., 2003. The Martian Atmosphere. Conference Reports of “Sixth International Conference on Mars Atmosphere,” No. 3186]. When the dominant obliquity cycle variations are scaled so that the model delivers present seasonal variations, the present long term bulk D/H average for the ice cap is ∼+2.7 (equivalent to +1700‰ in δ(D) wrt SMOW). The obliquity driven D/H cycle in the ice cap's layers varies between 3 and 6. The smaller more accessible reservoirs have larger bulk averages with the smallest being able to reach D/H values over 9 within ∼105 years. Small hypothetical solar activity driven variations in the escape rate to space and in the fractionation constant [Krasnopolsky, V.A., Feldman, P.D., 2001. Science 294, 1914-1917] for the escape process can produce a “solar wiggle” whose D/H amplitude can reach 0.1 (δ(D) amplitude of 100‰). Because of the temporal variability, a single modern measured atmospheric D/H ratio at a particular Ls cannot tell very much about the total water inventory of Mars. A bulk average for the Northern Ice Cap and better still a dated vertical profile of D/H from the ice cap would, however, go a long way towards illuminating the “modern” water history of Mars. The age and stability of the Northern Ice Cap and the D/H history locked in the layering is discussed. An ice cap that is very young and exchanges its mass through the atmosphere often will necessarily have a large D/H.  相似文献   

On Earth, glacial and periglacial features are common in areas of cold climate. On Mars, the temperature of the present-day surface is appropriate for permafrost, and the presence of water is suspected from data relating to the outgassing of the planet, from remote-sensing measurements over the polar caps and elsewhere on the Martian surface, and from recognition of fluvial morphological features such as channels. These observations and the possibility that ice could be in equilibrium with the atmosphere in the high latitudes north and south of ±40° latitude suggest that glacial and periglacial features should exist on the planet. Morphological studies based mainly on Viking pictures indicate many features that can be attributed to the action of ice. Among these features are extensive talus aprons; debris avalanches; flows that resemble glaciers or rock glaciers; ridges that look like moraines; various types of patterned ground, scalloped scarps, and chaotically collapsed terrain that could be attributed to thermokarst processes; and landforms that may reflect the interaction of volcanism and ice.  相似文献   

Permafrost and climatic change in China   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The permafrost area in China is about 2.15×106 km2, and is generally characterized by altitudinal permafrost. Permafrost in China can be divided into latitudinal and altitudinal types, the latter can be further divided into plateau and alpine permafrost. Altitudinal permafrost also can be divided into five thermal stability types. The permafrost environment has changed significantly since the Late Pleistocene. In northeastern China, the southern limit of permafrost extended to 41–42°N during the last glaciation maximum; in the Holocene megathermal, it retreated northward. The ice wedges and permafrost formed during the Late Pleistocene are still present in the northern part of the Da-Xing'anling Mountains. The inactive ice wedges at Yitulihe indicate a cooling and subsequent permafrost expansion during the Late Pleistocene. The lower limit of altitudinal permafrost in western China has elevated from 800 to 1500 m since the last glaciation maximum. Compared with that in northern Europe and North America, latitudinal permafrost in northeastern China is less sensitive to climatic warming, but altitudinal permafrost, especially permafrost on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP), is sensitive to climatic warming. Since the early 20th century, significant permafrost degradation has occurred and is occurring in most permafrost regions in China. Due to the combined influence of climatic warming and increasing anthropogenic activities, substantial retreat of permafrost is expected on the QTP and in northeastern China during the 21st century. Permafrost degradation has and will cast great influence on engineering construction, water resources and environments in the cold regions of China. The wetlands in the cold regions of China emit significant amounts of CH4 and N2O to the atmosphere and uptake atmospheric CO2 at a considerable rate, which might contribute to the global atmospheric carbon budget and feedback to climatic systems. However, uncertainties about permafrost changes, rates of changes and their environmental impacts are still large and call for intensive studying.  相似文献   

H.M. Böttger  S.R. Lewis  F. Forget 《Icarus》2005,177(1):174-189
This paper describes General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations of the martian water cycle focusing on the effects of an adsorbing regolith. We describe the 10-layer regolith model used in this study which has been adapted from the 1-D model developed by Zent, A.P., Haberle, R.M., Houben, H.C., Jakosky, B.M. [1993. A coupled subsurface-boundary layer model of water on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E2), 3319-3337, February]. Even with a 30-min timestep and taking into account the effect of surface water ice, our fully implicit scheme compares well with the results obtained by Zent, A.P., Haberle, R.M., Houben, H.C., Jakosky, B.M. [1993. A coupled subsurface-boundary layer model of water on Mars. J. Geophys. Res. 98 (E2), 3319-3337, February]. This means, however, that the regolith is not able to reproduce the diurnal variations in column water vapour abundance of up to a factor of 2-3 as seen in some observations, with only about 10% of the atmospheric water vapour column exchanging with the subsurface on a daily basis. In 3-D simulations we find that the regolith adsorbs water preferentially in high latitudes. This is especially true in the northern hemisphere, where perennial subsurface water ice builds up poleward of 60° N at depths which are comparable to the Odyssey observations. Much less ice forms in the southern high latitudes, which suggests that the water ice currently present in the martian subsurface is not stable under present conditions and is slowly subliming and being deposited in the northern hemisphere. When initialising the model with an Odyssey-like subsurface water ice distribution the model is capable of forcing the simulated water cycle from an arbitrary state close to the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer observations. Without the actions of the adsorbing regolith the equilibrated water cycle is found to be a factor of 2-4 too wet. The process by which this occurs is by adsorption of water during northern hemisphere summer in northern mid and high latitudes where it remains locked in until northern spring when the seasonal CO2 ice cap retreats. At this time the water diffuses out of the regolith in response to increased temperature and is returned to the residual water ice cap by eddie transport.  相似文献   

New temperature logs in wells located in the grassland ecozone in the Southern Canadian Prairies in Saskatchewan, where surface disturbance is considered minor, show a large curvature in the upper 100 m. The character of this curvature is consistent with ground surface temperature (GST) warming in the 20th century. Repetition of precise temperature logs in southern Saskatchewan (years 1986 and 1997) shows the conductive nature of warming of the subsurface sediments. The magnitude of surface temperature change during that time (11 years) is high (0.3–0.4°C). To assess the conductive nature of temperature variations at the grassland surface interface, several precise air and soil temperature time series in the southern Canadian Prairies (1965–1995) were analyzed. The combined anomalies correlated at 0.85. Application of the functional space inversion (FSI) technique with the borehole temperature logs and site-specific lithology indicates a warming to date of approximately 2.5°C since a minimum in the late 18th century to mid 19th century. This warming represents an approximate increase from 4°C around 1850 to 6.5°C today. The significance of this record is that it suggests almost half of the warming occurred prior to 1900, before dramatic build up of atmospheric green house gases. This result correlates well with the proxy record of climatic change further to the north, beyond the Arctic Circle [Overpeck, J., Hughen, K., Hardy, D., Bradley, R., Case, R., Douglas, M., Finney, B., Gajewski, K., Jacoby, G., Jennings, A., Lamourex, S., Lasca, A., MacDonald, G., Moore, J., Retelle, M., Smith, S., Wolfe, A., Zielinski, G., 1997. Arctic environmental change of the last four centuries, Science 278, 1251–1256.].  相似文献   

Walter MR  Des Marais DJ 《Icarus》1993,101(1):129-143
Current interpretations of the early history of Mars suggest many similarities with the early Earth and therefore raise the possibility that the Archean and Proterozoic history of life on Earth could have a counterpart on Mars. Terrestrial experience suggests that, with techniques that can be employed remotely, ancient springs, including thermal springs, could well yield important information. By delivering water and various dissolved species to the sunlit surface of Mars, springs very likely created an environment suitable for life, which could have been difficult, if not impossible, to attain elsewhere. The chemical and temperature gradients associated with thermal springs sort organisms into sharply delineated, distinctive and different communities, and so diverse organisms are concentrated into relatively small areas in a predictable and informative fashion. A wide range of metabolic strategies are concentrated into small areas, thus furnishing a useful and representative sampling of the existing biota. Mineral-charged springwaters frequently deposit chemical precipitates of silica and/or carbonate which incorporate microorganisms and preserve them as fossils. The juxtaposition of stream valley headwaters with volcanoes and impact craters on Mars strongly implies that subsurface heating of groundwater created thermal springs. On Earth, thermal springs create distinctive geomorphic features and chemical signatures which can be detected by remote sensing. Spring deposits can be quite different chemically from adjacent rocks. Individual springs can be hundreds of meters wide, and complexes of springs occupy areas up to several kilometers wide. Benthic microbial mats and the resultant stromatolites occupy a large fraction of the available area. The relatively high densities of fossils and microbial mat fabrics within these deposits make them highly prospective in any search for morphological evidence of life, and there are examples of microbial fossils in spring deposits as old as 300 Myr.  相似文献   

Lipids can be present within gypsum as intracrystalline inclusions if they become incorporated within the mineral as is it precipitates. The lipids that comprise these inclusions are protected against alteration or destruction by an external oxidising chemical environment because a protective mineral matrix surrounds them. Sulfate minerals are abundant on the surface of Mars and were present in the samples that were analysed by the Viking landers. The quantities of secondary intracrystalline fossil-lipids that are present in samples of gypsum and gypsum-rich soils from the Haughton Impact Structure, Devon Island, Canadian High Arctic are sufficient to suggest that if a similar concentration of fossil lipids was present in the sulfate-rich samples analysed by the Viking Landers then they could have been detected. Possible reasons why a secondary fossil-lipid signature was not detected include a poor rate of conversion during pyrolysis, exposure of intracrystalline lipids during periods of weathering to oxidative martian diagenesis, a low level of biological productivity or an absence of a source for lipids on the surface of Mars. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons of meteoritic origin, and terpane biomarkers such as hopanes and steranes, are not present in the Haughton gypsum in sufficient quantities to have been readily detected.  相似文献   

Role of Arctic sea ice in global atmospheric circulation: A review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Formed by the freezing of sea water, sea ice defines the character of the marine Arctic. The principal purpose of this review is to synthesize the published efforts that document the potential impact of Arctic sea ice on remote climates. The emphasis is on atmospheric processes and the resulting modifications in surface conditions such as air temperature, precipitation patterns, and storm track behavior at interannual timescales across the middle and low latitudes of the Northern hemisphere during cool months. Addressed also are the theoretical, methodological, and logistical challenges facing the current observational and modeling studies that aim to improve our awareness of the role that Arctic sea ice plays in the definition of global climate. Moving towards an improved understanding of the role that polar sea ice plays in shaping the global climate is a subject of timely importance as the Arctic environment is currently undergoing rapid change with little slowing down forecasted for the future.  相似文献   

The role of CO2 permafrost as an erosive agent on Mars is considered. In the CO2H2O system, with a CO2 triple point at 217°K and 5.1-bar pressure, carbon dioxide solid, liquid, or gas, CO2 clathrate, and ice are possible stable phases in the range of temperatures and pressures likely to be encountered in the Martian regolith. It is argued that conditions may exist in which CO2 permafrost is extensive on Mars, provided that adequate CO2 is available: the maximum ratio of H2O:CO2 required in the subsurface pore space system is 17:3. Erosional processes likely to result from such permafrost are block slumping, leading to canyon development; pit chains along faults; chaotic terrain where massive permafrost destruction has occured; large-scale flows of slurry; and perhaps even the flash floods which create channels.  相似文献   

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