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甘肃白龙江流域生态系统服务变化及权衡与协同关系   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
甘肃白龙江流域是长江上游主要的水源涵养区和环境脆弱区,近几十年来高强度的人类活动加剧了生态环境压力,因此开展白龙江流域生态系统服务变化及权衡协同关系研究对该区域的可持续发展具有重要意义。本文通过生态系统服务变化指数(ESCI)、空间自相关、相关系数法,定量分析了1990-2014年甘肃白龙江流域生态系统服务时空变化过程、空间集聚特征及生态系统服务间的权衡与协同关系。结果表明:① 1990-2014年间产水量、碳储量、土壤保持和农作物生产4种典型生态系统服务的ESCI值变化迥异,空间分布各具特色,具体表现为:产水量ESCI极值变化超过1倍且前后两时段(1990-2002年,2002-2014年)分布格局有较大出入,而两时段内的碳储量ESCI值变化相同,分布格局也相似,土壤保持ESCI值两极化趋势较农产品生产不明显,但这两者后一时段均与前一时段的ESCI分布相反;② 4种典型生态系统服务存在空间自相关,局部上正相关类型“组团”出现,集聚性较强,负相关类型散布,集聚性低,空间异质性显著;③ 两种供给服务(产水量与农作物生产)呈负相关的权衡关系,两种调节服务(碳储量与土壤保持)呈正相关的协同关系,不同的供给和调节服务之间关系既有权衡也有协同关系;④ 数值关系上,不同生态系统服务之间的权衡/协同关系在Moran's I和相关系数上表现不一;空间格局上,生态系统服务间的权衡/协同关系异质性显著。  相似文献   

Land use change has a profound impact on biodiversity and ecological processes, and is closely related to changes in landscape patterns. This paper introduces the theory and method of land economic niche into landscape ecology, which provides a new method for spatial characterization of urban and rural spatial landscape patterns. Based on this theory, this paper analyzes the landscape pattern of Ganzhou District by using Landsat images as data source in 1995, 2000, 2005,2010 and 2015. We calculated the land economic niche by applying the niche potential theory. Combined with the theory of landscape ecology, we explored the effects of the land economic niche change on the landscape pattern at a county scale.The results show that economic niche of construction land, watershed and farmland increased during 1995–2015, and grassland declined significantly. The economic niche of farmland, construction land, watershed and grassland show a negative correlation with the number of patches(NP), fragmentation index(FN) and the fractal dimension index(FD), and had a positive correlation with the aggregation index(AI). There was no significant correlation between the forest land economic niche and landscape metrics. The change of land economic niche has a driving effect on the landscape pattern of the county, which can represent the economic development direction of Ganzhou District. The land economic niche is closely related to the landscape type which can directly obtain an economic benefit.  相似文献   

以大连市中山区2003年、2013年城市三维建筑数据为基础,选取三维景观指标,运用ArcGIS空间分析方法从多个角度来研究城市10年间建筑景观格局时空分异特征。结果表明:① 大连市中山区建筑加权平均高度和体积分别增加7.87 m、277.25×104 m3;地块覆盖率减少了16.27%,容积率增加了20.67%,反映出城市水平和垂直空间分别呈收缩、扩展的态势。② 中山区城市天际线起伏差异明显,东—西方向呈逐渐增高的趋势,南—北方向呈“北部高峰,中部和南部平缓”格局。城市高层建筑主要集中于城市的西北部,且2013年建筑最高点中心裕景比2003年宏进大厦高140 m。③ 建筑覆盖率和容积率在空间分布上差异明显,低和极低覆盖率与容积率地块所占比例大,分别增加了8.3%、-4.33%;高和极高覆盖率与容积率地块所占比例少,且集中分布在青泥洼桥和人民路街道。④ 2003年超高层建筑在空间分布上呈“聚集—离散”状态,即在距离660 m尺度范围内呈聚集状态,大于660 m时呈离散分布,其他三种建筑类型在空间上都呈一定的聚集分布状态;2013年4种不同类型建筑在空间分布上都呈现一定的聚集分布状态,聚集程度为:超高层建筑>低层建筑>多层建筑>高层建筑。  相似文献   

Taking the typical karst agricultural region, Xiaojiang watershed in Luxi of Yunnan Province as a research unit, utilizing the groundwater quality data in 1982 and 2004, the aerial photos in 1982 and TM images in 2004, supported by the GIS, we probe into the law and the reason of its space-time change of the groundwater quality over the past 22 years in the paper. The results show: (1) There were obvious temporal and spatial changes of groundwater quality during the past 22 years. (2) Concentrations of,SO42-,NO3-,NO2-,Cl-,and the pH value, total hardness, total alkalinity increased significantly, in which NH4+,NO3-, and NO2- of groundwater exceeded the drinking water standards as a result of non-point pollution caused by the expansion of cultivated land and mass use of the fertilizer and pesticide. (3) Oppositely, Ca2+ and HCO3- showed an obvious decline trend due to forest reduction and degradation and stony desertification. Meantime, there was a dynamic relation between the groundwater quality change and the land use change.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Ecological environment such as water, soil, etc. are very fragile in the karst area because of the special geological background. With the fast increase of the population and rapid social and economic development in karst area, contradictio…  相似文献   

Li  Yurui  Li  Yi  Fan  Pengcan  Sun  Jian  Liu  Yansui 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(5):719-729
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Exploring the impact of land consolidation on the changes of local land use and the landscape patterns is important for optimizing land consolidation models and...  相似文献   

人类干扰使景观空间异质性发生了剧烈变化,进而对生态系统服务产生了严重影响。目前,针对景观空间异质性与生态系统服务的关联关系研究还较为薄弱。以河南省伊河流域为研究区域,以地表水质服务为研究对象,分析了地表水质服务的空间变化;通过以水质采样点为中心建立缓冲区,分析了不同尺度下的景观空间异质性特征,并与地表水质指标进行相关性研究,以探讨景观空间异质性与地表水质服务间的影响规律及响应机制。结果表明:① 研究区地表水质状况整体上为西南、东北部较差,中部较好;② 从景观组成来看,林地面积占比或斑块个数的增加有利于地表水质的提高;③ 类型水平上,林地的景观构型与化学需氧量的质量浓度在200 m半径缓冲区内显著相关(P<0.05),城镇用地的景观构型对地表水质的影响则在2000 m半径缓冲区内更为明显;④ 景观水平上,总磷的质量浓度受到景观构型变化的强烈影响(P<0.05),景观构型异质性越低,总磷的质量浓度就越高;⑤ 适当增加景观空间异质性可有效降低地表水质污染物的质量浓度,提高地表水质服务。研究结论可为伊河流域的空间开发及水环境保护政策的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于GIS/RS环境对两期Landsat7-ETM 影像数据进行土地利用分类处理,运用景观生态学原理和数理统计分析方法,从区域整体景观格局水平和土地利用类型水平两个角度,选取景观多样性指数等5个指数描述白杨河流域土地利用变化的景观格局特征。结果表明:研究区各土地利用类型面积都有不同程度的变化,除草地和未利用土地有所减少,其他土地利用类型都有不同程度的增加。从景观水平上看,区域景观异质性在增大,景观斑块的连通性降低,表现为多样性指数和均匀度指数呈增加,优势度指数减小;从类型水平上看,5年间人类对景观的干预程度较大,对人工景观的干扰强于半自然景观,体现在半自然景观类型的分离度较小,而人工景观类型的分离度较大。同时,景观周长-面积分维度指数的增长趋势说明景观斑块的自我相似性减小,几何形状趋于复杂化。总体上,是人类活动加剧破坏了自然绿洲内部的整体性和完整性,并且人类活动干扰还在增加。  相似文献   

Using the theory and method of the ecological footprint, and combining the changes of regional land use, resource environment, population, society and economy, this paper calculated the ecological footprint, ecological carrying capacity and ecological surplus/loss in 1986-2002 on the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi Province. What is more, this paper has put forward the concept of ecological pressure index, set up ecological pressure index models, and ecological security grading systems, and the prediction models of different ecological footprints, ecological carrying capacity, ecological surplus and ecological safety change, and also has assessed the ecological footprint demands of 10,000 yuan GDP. The results of this study are as follows: (1) the ecological carrying capacity in northern Shaanxi shows a decreasing trend, the difference of reducing range is the fastest; (2) the ecological footprint appears an increasing trend; (3) ecological pressure index rose to 0.91 from 0.44 during 1986-2002 on the Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi with an increase of 47%; and (4) the ecological security in the study area is in a critical state, and the ecological pressure index has been increasing rapidly.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Ecological security is defined as the goal of stakeholders to create a condition where the physical surroundings of a community provide for the needs of its inhabitants without diminishing its natural stock (Chen, 2002; Wachernagel et al.,…  相似文献   

制度变迁是城镇空间演化的重要驱动,农垦城镇作为一类特殊且重要的城镇类型,受制度因素影响更直接、更显著。鉴于现有研究较少基于制度变迁探究农垦城镇空间演化,论文系统梳理了农场制度变迁的总体情况,并以湖北省五三农场为例,采用综合研究方法,揭示了制度变迁下农垦城镇空间演化及其动力机制。研究发现:① 农垦城镇空间演化主要体现在空间形态、空间关系和功能结构3个方面,即空间形态从缓变到剧变,空间关系从生产协作关系转为城乡关系,功能结构不断从公办到私营、从生产主导到消费主导、从单一化到多元化;② 制度变迁通过改变农场身份、利益关系和资源配置推动农垦城镇空间演化,其中农场身份变化直接影响农垦城镇空间的发展方向,利益关系变化促使农垦城镇空间产业化、市场化,资源配置变化通过改变资源配置主体、类型、尺度和速度作用于农垦城镇空间演化。通过研究,以期能更有针对性地指导农垦城镇在新时期的发展,同时也可丰富城镇空间演化的理论内涵。  相似文献   

Wu  Shanshan  Ma  Libang  Tao  Tianmin  Dou  Haojian 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(7):1297-1320
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The rural social space quality is an important indicator to measure the living standard and thinking ideas and so forth of rural residents in a certain region. In...  相似文献   

刘志林  丁银平  角媛梅 《地理学报》2021,76(9):2297-2311
全球气候变化背景下,降水格局改变食物供给将是人类当前和未来所面临的重大挑战,但很少有研究揭示食物供给随降水格局变化的关系。研究中国西南、东南季风共同作用区的降水与食物供给变化,对厘清该区降水与食物供给的动态关系、实现区域粮食安全、保障西南边疆稳定、落实区域民族政策、建成全面小康社会等具有重要意义。文章以中国西南地区的云南省为例,刻画了1988—2018年降水变化格局,并探讨了其对食物产量的影响。结果表明:云南省降水时间格局分为:Ⅰ降水丰沛期(1988—2004年)、Ⅱ降水偏少期(2005—2015年)、Ⅲ降水恢复期(2016—2018年)等3个降水时段;第Ⅰ~Ⅱ时段,全省降水发生显著变化区域为15.07%,第Ⅱ~Ⅲ时段为13.87%,第Ⅰ~Ⅲ时段为16.53%;全省水平上,降水与食物产量具有显著正相关关系(p<0.01),且粮食产量与各时间段降水相关系数高于肉奶产量;④ 当降水≥1500 mm时降水量快速下降,粮食产量保持稳定、700~1500 mm时降水量与粮食产量同为小幅下降、≤ 700 mm时降水量小幅下降,粮食产量大幅波动下降。总体而言,1988—2018年云南省降水格局发生了明显的变化,且在不同区域对食物供给产生了显著影响,故亟待划分全省范围的食物产量对降水响应的空间区划,以此来应对日益加剧的降水格局变化。  相似文献   

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