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Plant species in the Edwards Plateau region of central Texas often face drought conditions. Some of these species reduce water stress by rooting into moist bedrock crevices. A dominant woody plant (Juniperus ashei) and co-occurring xeric sedge (Carex planostachys) were greenhouse-grown in growth tubes with or without water-blocking partial barriers in tubes with water added below the barrier (~70 cm). Soil moisture at various depths was related to growth response (above- and below-ground biomass, root length, and number of root tips) per species. Barrier treatment yielded significantly drier soil than non-barrier. Juniperus plants were significantly smaller with barrier treatment, while Carex showed no significant differences between treatments. The results suggest the sedge is more able than the shrub to increase root production in the upper layers of the soil when faced with access restriction to lower layers. The sedge may resist drought by exploring sub-superficial soil layers. When access to sub-superficial water sources is restricted, the shrub is more affected than the sedge. The plants’ growth in water-restricted surface soil for several months suggests these species may not need deep water to survive. In fact seedling growth may differ in mature plants.  相似文献   

露水作为下垫面水汽凝结的产物,对其水质的研究可揭示当地大气环境质量状况和露水的生态效应.为此,分别于2008年7月中旬至9月中旬和2009年5月中下旬至9月初,在中国科学院三江平原沼泽湿地生态试验站收集了毛苔草(Carex lasiocarpa)植株上的露水样品,使用ICP-MS测定了样品中K、Na、Ca和Mg等26种...  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of various grazing systems, including continuous grazing, rotational grazing, and no-grazing systems, on the community biomass in the Stipa breviflora Griseb desert grassland during the grazing seasons in 2005, 2006, and 2007, based on study sites established in 1999. We found that the seasonal dynamics of the aboveground biomass were quite similar among the three treatments, which reached peak values in period from August to September during each study year. The continuous grazing system reduced the aboveground biomass from 2005 to 2007 under drought conditions, and the rotational grazing and no-grazing systems maintained more aboveground biomass than the continuous grazing system did. The belowground biomass declined with the increase of soil depth among the three treatments, and in the surface 20-cm soil layer it accounted for more than 60% of the total biomass. The belowground biomass was found to be highly correlated with soil depth under rotational grazing. The total belowground biomass within the 0–100-cm soil layer for rotational grazing was significantly higher than for continuous grazing and no-grazing, and had 15,775 kg/ha more biomass. Our results demonstrate that conservative rotational grazing can alleviate grassland deterioration by reserving more aboveground and belowground biomass than the continuous grazing system does.  相似文献   

三江平原毛苔草沼泽CO2排放通量日变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用静态暗箱/气相色谱法,在毛苔草(Carex lasiocarp)4个生长期(开花期、果熟期、果后营养期和立枯期),对三江平原毛苔草沼泽CO2排放通量的日变化进行了观测实验。结果表明,在开花期和果熟期,沼泽CO2日平均排放通量较大,分别为1 286.79 mg/(m2.h)和829.28 mg/(m2.h),在果后营养期和立枯期,沼泽CO2日平均排放通量较小,分别为472.54 mg/(m2.h)和237.27 mg/(m2.h);在开花期、果熟期和果后营养期,沼泽CO2排放通量的日变化与温度的相关性不明显,而在立枯期,沼泽CO2排放通量的日变化与气温和地表温度(水温)呈显著正相关(n=11,p<0.05)。各生长期的沼泽CO2日平均排放通量之间具有显著差异(n=4,p<0.01)。从整个生长季来看,CO2日排放通量与气温、地表温度(水温)、5 cm地温和10 cm地温呈显著正相关(n=40,p<0.01),与15 cm地温也呈显著正相关(n=40,p<0.05)。  相似文献   

作为叶经济学谱系中的一个关键指标,叶寿命是植物为了获得最大化光合碳收获的重要适应策略。由于很难鉴别越冬芽鳞痕以及区别不同叶龄叶片,鲜有研究关注柏科物种的叶寿命,使得我们对该类群的叶经济学谱系研究缺乏了解。基于此,我们对西藏东南部色季拉山不同海拔、不同冠层高度的方枝柏叶寿命和单位重量的叶氮含量(N;)开展了调查分析。结果表明,方枝柏平均叶寿命约为4.2±1.2年,总体上不同海拔间叶寿命差异不明显。随树冠高度的垂直变化,叶寿命总体上并未表现出明显的线性变化趋势。随叶寿命的增加,N;呈现降低趋势。进一步分析了叶寿命与对应绿色小枝长度的关系,发现二者关系不显著或解释度极低,表明小枝长度不能很好地预测叶寿命的变化。总的来说,在高山林线以及邻近的亚高山地区,海拔和冠高的变化对方枝柏叶寿命的影响较小,而叶寿命与叶氮含量的关系符合叶的经济学法则。  相似文献   

三江平原湿地毛果苔草群落的演替特征   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
为了说明三江平原湿地植物物种多样性近30年的演替特征,选择三江平原湿地中分布最广泛的毛果苔草群落为研究对象,进行了广泛的野外样方调查。研究发现毛果苔草群落的物种丰富度呈明显减少趋势。毛果苔草的平均高度减少了约为18cm。Drude多度级几乎降低了一个级别。物种构成发生了重大改变,物种重要值≥0.3的一些优势物种的重要性降低,物种重要值≥0.2的物种数目明显减少。群落演替处于快速衰落阶段,退化迹象十分明显。而水量的减少是导致毛果苔草群落快速退化的主要的因素。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the dew amounts and analysis formation conditions of dew by examining the correlations between dew amounts and meteorological factors in Carex lasiocarpa marsh in the Sanjiang Plain, the dew amounts and several meteorological factors were monitored during the growing season from June to September in 2005 and 2008 at the Sanjiang Mire Wetland Experimental Station, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dew was collected by woodstick made by poplar tree in Carex lasiocarpa marsh and the amounts were estimated by subtraction method. The results indicated that average daily accumulated dew amounts reached the peak in August. The highest dew amounts in Carex lasiocarpa marsh were 0.201 mm/d, and the most frequent dew volume ranged from 0.08 mm/d to 0.14 mm/d. The amounts correlated positively with relative humidity, dew point temperature, and water vapor pressure. Whereas it correlated negatively with wind speed. The dew production in Carex lasiocarpa marsh more frequently occurred under the conditions of wind speed around 2.0 m/s, the water vapor pressure above 9 hPa; the relative humidity between 90% and 95% and dew point temperature above 6 ℃.  相似文献   

乌拉苔草光合速率日变化及日同化量   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
乌拉苔草沼泽是长白山沟谷湿地的重要类型 ,对其光合速率研究的结果表明 ,乌拉苔草光合速率日变化呈单峰曲线 ,最高峰出现在 1 0时 ,最大值是 1 8.0 7μmol(CO2 ) / (m2 ·s) ;与其该群落伴生的修氏苔草光合速率日变化出现“午休”现象。影响光合速率最大的环境因素是光量子通量密度和叶温 ,呈极显著的正相关 ,其他因素亦多呈正相关 ,环境因子综合影响了乌拉苔草的光合日进程。乌拉苔草光合作用的日总同化量为 1 896 0 1 .2 μmol(CO2 ) /m2 ,是光合能力较强的一种沼泽植物  相似文献   

在人类活动持续干扰的背景下,云南部分湖泊面临着污染物输入增加的环境压力,特别是营养盐富集和重金属污染。以云南地区遭受过严重工业污染的阳宗海为研究对象,通过沉积物硅藻群落、砷浓度、营养元素与稳定同位素、粒度等多指标分析,结合文献记录和湖泊调查结果,揭示了阳宗海硅藻群落对湖泊富营养化和砷污染的长期响应特征,并识别了不同时期的主要环境压力与其驱动强度。结果表明:长期的营养盐累积使得浮游硅藻逐渐占据优势地位,且耐污染的底栖硅藻种的快速增加与砷污染出现的时段一致。在阳宗海长期富营养化的背景下,当水体砷污染物浓度达到一定阈值水平后,硅藻群落结构的改变和多样性的降低都指示了湖泊生态系统发生了灾难性的转变。同时1965年开始的湖泊引水工程导致了贫营养种的突然增加。因此,水体富营养化、重金属污染与湖泊水文调控是导致阳宗海硅藻群落长期变化的主控因子,对阳宗海的生态修复与综合治理需要综合考虑不同胁迫因子的长期影响与驱动作用。  相似文献   

取三江平原沼泽湿地漂筏苔草(Carexpseudocuraica)无性系种群在生长季(5~9月)进行桶栽实验,设计了6个水分梯度,即持续干旱(土壤含水量S1和S2分别为20%和50%)和持续淹水(S3、S4、S5、和S6的淹水深度分别为0cm、10cm、30cm和50cm)6个水分处理水平,研究了漂筏苔草株高生长变化规律。结果表明:在6月末以前,各水分处理(S1~S6)下株高呈单峰曲线变化,高峰值分别出现在S3、S4和S5处理下。从7月份开始直到生长季末,随着生长时期的延续、土壤湿度的增大和水位的加深株高值不断增加,即株高在S6处理下最大,S1处理下最小。到8月末以后,深水处理S6的株高远远高于其它处理。生长季各水分处理下(S1~S5)的株高增长量均呈单峰曲线变化;在S6状态下株高增长量呈双峰曲线变化。处理S1、S2、S3和S4的植株高度绝对增长速率(HAGR)随着植物生长呈逐渐降低趋势;S5和S6状态下HAGR呈单峰曲线变化。随着水分含量的增加和水位的提高(6~9月),植株高度相对增长速率(HRGR)不断增加,S1处理下最小,S6处理下最大;5月份的HRGR值呈单峰曲线变化。随着植物的生长各水分处理下植株HRGR5月时最大,6~9月依次减小。综合分析认为,漂筏苔草对水分条件的适应性较强,无论是缺水(土壤20%含水量)或淹水环境下均可生长,淹水50cm时更有利于株高的增长,不同水分条件下株高及增长速率变化幅度较大。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of state affinity in community struggles against authoritarian, neoliberal urban transformation projects (UTPs) in Turkey. It argues that as neoliberal hegemonic devices, UTPs produce contentious political spaces within which communities negotiate, resist, or comply with state-imposed, pro-market rationales (i.e. common sense). As an alternative to depictions of subaltern communities in mobilization as totally ‘co-opted‘ or ‘victimized‘ in neoliberal renewal or as ’unwilling’ or ’unable’ to produce a collective rights identity, the analysis offers a more complicated picture of community resistance, inactivity, and co-optation. To do this, it adopts a combination of Henri Lefebvre’s theory of production of space and Antonio Gramsci’s theory of hegemony. The analysis is based on the findings from original ethnographic research on two ethnically distinct working-class neighborhoods under UTP threat in Gebze, a satellite city of Istanbul. It compares communities’ affinity with the state-sponsored ideologies (Sunni-Turkish nationalism, neoliberalism) by looking at their ethnic identities and social histories.  相似文献   

In drylands, environmental conditions under shrub canopy differ from those found in open sites. We should expect that microclimate conditions under shrubs with distinct canopy architecture should also be different. Plant Area Index (PAI) of the three most abundant shrubs species (Porlieria chilensis, Adesmia bedwellii and Proustia cuneifolia) in Bosque Fray Jorge National Park, north-central Chile was measured using a Plant Canopy Analyzer. During two years (2004-2005), we recorded the Relative Humidity and Air Temperature underneath and away from the canopy of the shrubs.The three shrub species showed significant differences in PAI. Microclimate at 30 cm and 2 m above the soil in the open conditions were drier and warmer than underneath shrub canopies. Vegetation patches generate moderate microclimate conditions.Canopy structure can buffer climatic variability, contributing to high herbaceous productivity as well as shrub recruitment. Reflecting shrub architecture and observed PAI values, the lowest microclimate variations were observed under the canopies of P. chilensis, followed by P. cuneifolia and finally A. bedwellii. We bring a novel approach quantifying the Plant Area Index instead of the Plant cover and using a low cost method that integrates the distribution of leaves and may be derived from remote sensing products.  相似文献   

干旱胁迫下三江平原湿地毛苔草光合作用日变化特性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为了探讨干旱胁迫下毛苔草的光合特性,选三江平原湿地毛苔草(Carex lasiocarpa)无性系种群进行桶栽模拟实验,采用Li6400型便携式光合仪测定毛苔草光合作用日变化特性。结果表明:毛苔草对干旱的适应能力较强,在土壤含相对水量保持在300g/kg的干旱处理(S1)下,仍能进行光合生产,但其光合参数除气孔限制值(Ls)外,均较对照(CK,水位在0—10cm波动的自然降水)有所降低。2种水分处理下毛苔草的光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr)的日变化趋势均呈单峰曲线变化,干旱处理的峰值均出现在8:30,而对照处理的峰值出现在10:30;胞间CO2浓度(Ci)的日变化均呈“V”字型,干旱和对照处理的最低值分别出现在10:30和12:30。毛苔草Pn日变化过程即有气孔限制的贡献也有非气孔限制的作用。毛苔草在干旱处理下Pn与Gs和Tr均呈极显著正相关,与Ci和Ls的日变化呈不显著的负相关关系;而在对照处理下Pn与Ci极显著负相关,与Tr呈极显著正相关,而与Gs呈显著正相关关系,与Ls呈不显著的相关关系。干旱胁迫使光合速率与其它光合参数之间的相关性发生较大变化。  相似文献   

洪河自然保护区乌拉苔草生物量高光谱遥感估算模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
尝试用不同方法构建洪河自然保护区湿地植被乌拉苔草(Carex meyeriana)的高光谱植被指数,建立水上鲜/干生物量高光谱估算模型,并比较了不同模型的反演精度。通过实测不同覆盖度和水深状况下乌拉苔草的冠层高光谱反射率与水上生物量的数据,采用高光谱可见光—近红外波段及其微分光谱波段(350~1 050 nm)逐波段构建FNDVI、FRVI、FDVI、FDNDVI、FDRVI、FDDVI植被指数,分别找出与水上鲜生物量和干生物量具有最佳相关性波段组合的植被指数,建立乌拉苔草水上生物量的最佳估算模型,并对比分析了反射率光谱植被指数(FNDVI、FRVI、FDVI)模型和微分光谱植被指数(FDNDVI、FDRVI、FDDVI)模型的反演精度。结果显示,微分光谱与乌拉苔草水上生物量的相关性比反射率光谱好;微分光谱植被指数与乌拉苔草水上生物量的相关性比反射率光谱植被指数好,尤其以微分光谱植被指数FDRVI与FDNDVI建立的二次函数模型反演乌拉苔草的水上鲜生物量和干生物量的效果最好,精度分别达74.9%、71.4%,其均方根误差分别为0.074 4和0.026 2,通过了p<0.01极显著验证。这表明,采用微分光谱植被指数FDRVI、FDNDVI对乌拉苔草水上鲜生物量和干生物量的估算可以取得较高的预测精度。  相似文献   

2006年5月至10月期间,对三江平原典型的毛苔草(Carex lasiocarpa)沼泽和小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)沼泽化草甸湿地表层积水中可溶性铁(Fe2 ,Fe3 )含量进行了现场采样和测试分析,同步测定了水体氧化还原电位(Eh)、电导率(EC)、pH值等指标。结果表明,除8月份的几次观测外,生长季内小叶章沼泽化草甸湿地水体中可溶性铁含量明显高于毛苔草沼泽湿地;两种湿地水体中可溶性铁存在的主要形态为Fe3 ,且Fe2 与Fe3 含量之间呈显著正相关;受水温和降水的影响,湿地水体中可溶性铁含量具有明显的季节性差异,其中小叶章沼泽化草甸湿地水体中的可溶性铁含量呈单峰型季节变化,而其在毛苔草沼泽湿地水体中呈双峰型季节变化。统计分析表明,Fe2 含量与水体的Eh值具有负相关关系,Fe3 含量与水体的Eh值的相关性较小,而且其含量并未随着还原性Fe2 的增加而减少;pH值对沼泽湿地水体中铁的形态分布无显著影响;Fe2 含量与EC值相关性显著。  相似文献   

阿尼玛卿山地祁连圆柏径向生长对气候的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对阿尼玛卿山地5 个坡面20 个祁连圆柏树轮宽度标准年表的分析, 发现公共区间内各树木年轮宽度标准年表中的信噪比SNR 和样本总解释量EPS 值都较高, 说明年表中都含有较强的环境信息; 树轮宽度年表之间的平均相关为0.35 (大多达到95%的置信程度), 具有较好的区域一致性。聚类分析使树木年轮宽度年表分成东、西两大部分, 而年表的第一主分量显示出: 西部树轮的指数序列明显长于东部即树木生长有自西向东扩展的趋势, 并且东、西区域树木生长变化的特征年变化具有同步性。东、西树轮宽度年表中第一主分量和第二主分量与气候因子的相关和响应都表现出一定的相似性, 但第二主分量对气候因子响应的差异性更显著。西部树木生长PCI 的主要限制因子是温度, 尤其当年春末夏初及前一年秋季温度影响最大, 同样降水也起着重要的作用, 西部树木生长PC2 的主要限制因子是降水量; 而东部树木生长PC1 主要受降水的制约, 第二主分量PC2 的响应分析显示出气候的滞后影响(树木前期生长) 是非常重要的限制因子。  相似文献   

Changes in macrophyte communities have occurred over the past decades in many oligotrophic softwater lakes with low carbon availability. Slow-growing isoetid species have been replaced by faster-growing elodeid species. Commonly, these changes are explained by anthropogenic nutrient enrichment or acidification of the lake water. Here we present a multi-proxy study in which we analysed plant macrofossils, pollen and spores, as well as sedimentological data from several cores taken from a SW Norwegian softwater lake. Our results indicate that the elodeid macrophyte Callitriche hamulata first appeared in this lake in the 1970s. Proliferation of C. hamulata occurred in the 1990s, replacing the hitherto dominant submerged Isoëtes macrophyte vegetation. Independent lines of evidence, such as diatom-inferred TP and pH reconstructions, showed no change during the past 200 years, therefore ruling out both acidification and phosphorus enrichment of the lake as possible causes for the observed change in the macrophyte community. Alternatively, expansion of Callitriche at the expense of Isoëtes may have been related to increased aquatic carbon availability, although nitrogen enrichment may also have been important.  相似文献   

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