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Abstract The age of recent deposits can be determined using an intrinsic characteristic of the lichen ‘population’ growing on their surface. This paper presents a calibrated dating curve based on the gradient of the size‐frequency distribution of yellow‐green Rhizocarpon lichens. The dating potential of this new curve is tested on surfaces of known age in southeast Iceland. This particular size—frequency technique is also compared with the more traditional largest‐lichen approach. The results are very encouraging and suggest that the gradient can be used as an age indicator, at least on deposits formed within the last c. 150 years – and probably within the last c. 400 years – in the maritime subpolar climate of southeast Iceland. Using both lichenometric techniques, revised dates for moraines on two glacier forelands are presented which shed new light on the exact timing of the Little Ice Age glacier maximum in Iceland.  相似文献   

皖南花山石窟群开凿年代地衣测年及成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据在花山石窟地区古代桥梁、桥垛、牌坊、墓碑、古民居、古房基和石窟洞壁洞口量测出的96个黄绿地图衣最人内切圆直径,测定出花山石窟主要开采年代为距今515~370年即明代中晚期(公元1477~1632年间),石窟岩性与周边地区古建筑岩性的比较以及史料记载和石窟中遗留的古代瓷器残片年代均能证明这一点。鉴于石窟地衣量测工作主要在石窟洞口进行,由此推测石窟深处开采时代可能延续至清代。  相似文献   

This study presents a growth curve developed from direct and indirect growth rates of Rhizocarpon geographicum lichens from study sites on Mounts Baker, Rainier, Adams, and Hood in the northern Cascade Range of the western USA. Our observations of direct growth rates are based on 31 measurements of 11 lichens growing on different surfaces. This direct growth rate dataset is complemented by indirect growth rates based on measurements of the largest lichen observed on 20 different surfaces over 24–33‐yr periods. The direct and indirect datasets produce statistically indistinguishable mean radial growth rates of 0.48 and 0.50 mm yr?1, respectively. Statistical analysis of zero and first order fits of our growth rate data suggests that lichen growth is best characterized by the average of our mean growth rate (zero order) models at 0.49 mm yr?1. Our revised growth curve for the study area extends the applicable range for dating rock surface in the study area to the seventeenth century, approximately 175 years longer than previous calibrated curves.  相似文献   

分析理塘与稻城之间库昭-桑堆处的冰蚀面以及兔儿山北侧宽谷中的羊背石的宇生核素^10Be.研究结果表明,库昭-桑堆处的冰蚀面暴露于133.4ka B.P.,即倒数第二次冰期大约结束于133ka B.P..这一时间与深海氧同位素第6期相吻合。兔儿山北侧的冰川作用大约结束于18.5ka B.P.,即末次冰期大约结束于18.5ka B.P.,这一时间与深海氧同位素第二期相吻合。由同一地区的两个样品X8、X9得出相同的测年年代,并从样品X6得出的测年年代与野外观测的结论相一致来看,运用字生核素^10Be对冰蚀面的形成年代进行测年是一个行之有效的测年技术,并且还可运用于火山熔岩、断层、侵蚀阶地等其它地貌面的测年,该测年技术具有很大的运用潜力。  相似文献   

杨宏宇  赵晖  王兴繁 《中国沙漠》2019,39(1):97-104
标准生长曲线(Standardised Growth Curve,SGC)法的提出为高效快速地测定释光样品的等效剂量(De)值提供了可能。不同实验室的放射源剂量率、操作流程、仪器误差等的不同会导致SGC参数的不同。运用最小二乘法标准化实验剂量校正后的信号Lri/Tri*De得到一条本实验室的标准生长曲线,用来快速得到等效剂量值。通过R软件实现了最小二乘法标准化过程,建立了50、100、150、200、250℃激发温度下的钾长石的标准生长曲线,分析发现250℃下的SGC收敛性最好,由于此温度下的信号衰退率可忽略不计,因此,我们用250℃激发温度下的SGC方程来估计样品的等效剂量。比较250℃ SGC De和250℃ MET-pIRIR De的一致性,发现在0~500 Gy范围内用SGC法估计的De和MET-pIRIR法估计的De非常接近,表明了此范围内SGC法的可靠性,而在>600 Gy范围内出现较大差别。一方面,此范围内用于拟合SGC的数据点较少导致高剂量区域内拟合的方程参数不够准确;另一方面,600 Gy与SGC对应的饱和剂量水平值844.5 Gy已经接近,所以在>600 Gy区域测出的De很可能出现较大偏差。因此需在今后工作中逐步积累更多样品,完善SGC参数,使其也能胜任较老年龄样品。  相似文献   

A stratigraphic sequence exposed by river erosion in the foreland of Skalafellsjokull, southern Iceland, displays five lithofacies documenting glaciofluvial deposition followed by glaciotectonic disturbance and subglacial deformation. Lithofacies 1a and 1b are glaciotectonically thrust glaciofluvial outwash and subglacial deformation till respectively from an early advance of Skalafellsjokull. Lithofacies 2, massive gravels and clast–supported diamictons, documents the deposition of glaciofluvial outwash in the proto–River Skala prior to overriding by Skalafellsjokull during the Little Ice Age. During overriding, lithofacies 2 was glaciotectonically disturbed and now possesses the clast fabric and structural characteristics of G B (non–penetratively deformed) and G A (penetratively deformed) type glaciotectonites. A shear zone separates lithofacies 2 from overlying lithofacies 3, the latter possessing the clast fabric signature of a D A (dilatant) type deformation till although it was originally deposited as a discontinuous diamicton within a glaciofluvial sequence, probably as a hyperconcentrated flow, and appears to have been at least partially derived from underlying materials by glaciotectonic cannibalization. Lithofacies 4 is a glaciofluvial deposit comprising two coarseningupward sequences of gravel and diamicton. These facies have been overprinted with G B glaciotectonite and D A?B (dilatant to non–dilatant) deformation till structures and clast fabrics recording a vertical progression towards more pervasively deformed material. The sequence is capped by lithofacies 5, a two–tiered deformation till possessing the characteristics of D A and D B horizon subglacial tills previously reported from Icelandic glacier snouts. The whole sequence comprising lithofacies 2–5 represents a gravel outwash/deformation till continuum displaying variable strain signaturesproduced in response to stress induced by the overriding of Skalafellsjokull during the Little Ice Age. These signatures are dictated by the sediment rheology and a vertical strain profile for the sediment pile during glacier overriding is reconstructed.  相似文献   

基于社会网络分析的东南亚地缘关系研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
秦奇  吴良  李飞  成升魁  张丹  陈晓鹏 《地理学报》2018,73(10):2014-2030
在全球化背景下,考察国家间地缘关系需将其置于宏观地缘格局中。安全等传统地缘政治因素仍对世界格局的变化起着重要推动作用,不可忽视。鉴于此,本文构建了地缘系统视角下地缘关系分析框架,结合社会网络分析方法,定量研究冷战后东南亚地缘系统内地缘经济和地缘政治(安全)关系的整体与结构特征,测度系统内各国在经济和安全上的权力特征以及依赖关系,并初步探索东南亚地缘政治(安全)依赖关系形成机制。结果显示:① 冷战后东南亚地缘系统内对东南亚10国地缘经济权力总和最高国家的转移路径是从日本到美国再到中国;对东南亚10国地缘政治(安全)权力总和最高的国家始终是美国,2005年以后中国跃居至第二位,但与美国还有明显差距。在地缘经济领域,东南亚国家总体上对中国的依赖水平最高;在地缘政治(安全)领域,东南亚各国对美国及其盟友英、法、德等国的依赖较高,中俄也不可忽视;“东南亚在经济上靠中国、安全上靠美国”的地缘政治论述可见一斑。② 国家实力差异是产生安全依赖关系的根本动力;国家间地理距离可以调节安全依赖的具体方向;国家的政治地理属性差异是形成安全依赖和影响安全依赖程度的重要条件。  相似文献   

在位于河套盆地内部的西山咀凸起区发现了典型的湖滩岩、湖蚀平台和一套较完整的湖相沉积地层。基于海拔高程的推断,地貌和地层沉积记录指示西山咀地区曾经存在过一个海拔达到1080 m上下的古湖面。完整的沉积地层反映西山咀凸起区经历了深湖相-滨湖相-冲洪积相-风成堆积的演变过程。光释光测年结果表明,在距今65 ka 前后,“吉兰泰-河套”古大湖在西山咀地区曾经连通;但在距今约50~30 ka 湖面再没有上涨。这一研究表明:在MIS 3 阶段某一时期,该地区的古湖面发生衰退。随后,再没有发育高于“吉兰泰-河套”古大湖最高湖面的湖泊。  相似文献   

A 36 Ky record of iceberg rafting and sedimentation from north-west Iceland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Evidence from north-west Iceland's shelf and fjords is used to develop a scenario for environmental change during the last 36 cal Ky. The retreat history of the Iceland Ice Cap during the last deglaciation is delineated through lithofacies studies, carbon analyses and magnetic susceptibility, and studies of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in sediment cores. Sedimentological data from lake Efstadalsvatn, Vestfirdir peninsula, trace the glacier retreat on land. In two of the high resolution shelf cores we detect near continuous IRD accumulation from 36 to 11 cal Kya. However, IRD is absent in the cores from ca. 22 to 19 cal Kya, possibly indicating more extensive landfast sea ice conditions. All cores show intensified IRD during the Younger Dryas chronozone; the fjord cores show a continuous IRD record until 10 cal Kya. Magnetic susceptibility and carbon analyses from Efstadalsvatn reveal the disappearance of local ice in the basin just before 10.5 cal Kya. No IRD was detected in the sediment cores during 10 to Ø4 cal Kya. Some indication of cooling occurs between 4 and 3 cal Kya, with a fresh input of IRD in fjord cores after 1 cal Kya.  相似文献   

Debris flows in the Gleivarhjalli area in northwestern Iceland occurred after a sudden and intensive snowmelt period during 10–12 June, 1999. The area, in the northwestern part of the town of Ísafjörvur, was chosen for a detailed study. Meteorological data and bedrock conditions, triggering mechanisms and geomorphological and human impacts were examined. This paper describes and emphasises the role of rapid snowmelt as a mechanism for the release of debris flows in a subpolar basaltic fjord setting. Post‐event mapping of erosional and depositional landforms showed strong geomorphic impacts of debris flows and their role in mass transfer in a mountainous environment. The estimated denudation rate for the singleevent is 0.29 mm/km2. The use of a new lichen growth curve provides relative dating of previous unreported events. Finally, the paper estimates the mean return period for debris‐flow events in the Gleivarhjalli area as 4–5 years, thus constituting a serious threat to the community.  相似文献   

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