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During the last few decades, hydrological models have become very powerful, capable of spatially analysing the hydrological information and accurately representing the geomorphological characteristics of the studied area. However, one of the drawbacks of this heightened intricacy is the amount of time required to set up a hydrological model. In this study, a simple methodology that requires only a minimum set-up time is presented. This methodology employs linear regression to combine the outputs of simple hydrological models to simulate hydrological responses. Two kinds of simple hydrological models are employed. The first one represents the characteristics of the streamflow attributed to overland flow, and the second the characteristics of the streamflow attributed to interflow and baseflow. The methodology was tested in 4 case studies, and the results were encouraging. The best performance was achieved in the case study with data of fine time step with significant length.  相似文献   

Subsurface flow and solute transport simulations are performed using different scenarios of permeability fields generated from the sequential Gaussian simulation method (SGS), the multiple-point FILTERSIM algorithm and a new multiple-point wavelet-based simulation method (SWS). The SWS method is a multiple-point pattern-based simulation method which uses discrete wavelet transformation for the representation of geologic heterogeneity. For pattern-based simulation, patterns are generated by scanning a training image with a spatial template. The pattern classifications were performed after reducing the dimension of patterns by wavelet decomposition at the suitable scale and by taking only scaling components of wavelet decomposed patterns. The simulation is performed in a sequential manner by finding the best-matched class corresponding to the conditioning data and by randomly sampling a pattern from the best-matched class. The developed method is compared with two other multi-point simulation algorithms, FLTERSIM and SIMPAT. The comparative results revealed that the proposed method is computationally faster than the other two methods while the simulation maps are comparable. Numerical simulations of two flow problems are performed using SGS, SWS and FILTERSIM realizations. The numerical results show a superiority of the SWS method over SGS and FILTERSIM in terms of reproduction of the reference images main features, and agreement with flow and transport results obtained on reference images.  相似文献   

Resource extraction and transportation activities in subarctic Canada can result in the unintentional release of contaminants into the surrounding peatlands. In the event of a release, a thorough understanding of solute transport within the saturated zone is necessary to predict plume fate and the potential impacts on peatland ecosystems. To better characterize contaminant transport in these systems, approximately 13,000 L/day of sodium chloride tracer (200 mg/L) was released into a bog in the James Bay Lowland. The tracer was pumped into a fully penetrating well (1.5 m) between July 5 and August 18, 2015. Horizontal and vertical plume development was measured via in situ specific conductance and water table depth from an adaptive monitoring network. Over the spill period, the bulk of the plume travelled a lateral distance of 100 m in the direction of the slight regional groundwater and topographical slope. The plume shape was irregular and followed the hollows, indicating preferential flow paths due to the site microtopography. Saturated transport of the tracer occurred primarily at ~25 cm below ground surface (bgs), and at a discontinuous high hydraulic conductivity layer ~125 cm bgs due to a complex and heterogeneous vertical hydraulic conductivity profile. Plume measurement was confounded by a large amount of precipitation (233 mm over the study period) that temporarily diluted the tracer in the highly conductive upper peat layer. Longitudinal solute advection can be approximated using local water table information (i.e., depth and gradient); microtopography; and meteorological conditions. Vertical distribution of solute within the peat profile is far more complex due to the heterogeneous subsurface; characterization would be aided by a detailed understanding of the site‐specific peat profile; the degree of decomposition; and the type of contaminant (e.g., reactive/nonreactive). The results of this research highlight the difficulty of tracking a contaminant spill in bogs and provide a benchmark for the characterization of the short‐term fate of a plume in these complex systems.  相似文献   

Variations in fluid density can greatly affect fluid flow and solute transport in the subsurface. Heterogeneities such as fractures play a major role for the migration of variable-density fluids. Earlier modeling studies of density effects in fractured media were restricted to orthogonal fracture networks, consisting of only vertical and horizontal fractures. The present study addresses the phenomenon of 3D variable-density flow and transport in fractured porous media, where fractures of an arbitrary incline can occur. A general formulation of the body force vector is derived, which accounts for variable-density flow and transport in fractures of any orientation. Simulation results are presented that show the verification of the new model formulation, for the porous matrix and for inclined fractures. Simulations of variable-density flow and solute transport are then conducted for a single fracture, embedded in a porous matrix. The simulations show that density-driven flow in the fracture causes convective flow within the porous matrix and that the high-permeability fracture acts as a barrier for convection. Other simulations were run to investigate the influence of fracture incline on plume migration. Finally, tabular data of the tracer breakthrough curve in the inclined fracture is given to facilitate the verification of other codes.  相似文献   

The mean value of a density of a cloud of points described by a generalized Liouville equation associated with a convection dispersion equation governing adsorbing solute transport yields a joint concentration probability density. The general technique can be applied for either linear or nonlinear adsorption; here the application is restricted to linear adsorption in one-dimensional transport. The equation generated for the joint concentration probability density is in the general form of a Fokker-Planck equation, but with a suitable coordinate transformation, it is possible to represent it as a diffusion equation with variable coefficients.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel platform to study the dampening of water and solute transport in an experimental channel under unsteady flow conditions, where literature data are scarce. We address the question about what could be the smallest size of experimental platform that is useful for research, project studies, and teaching activities and that allows to do rational experiments characterized by small space occupation, short experimental duration, high measurement precision, high quality and reproducible experimental curves, low water and energy consumption, and the possibility to test a large variety of hydrograph scenarios. Whereas large scale hydraulic laboratories have focused their studies on sediment transport, our platform deals with solute transport. The objectives of our study are (a) building a platform that allows to do rational experiments, (b) enriching the lack of experimental data concerning water and solute transport under unsteady state conditions, and (c) studying the dampening of water and solute transport. We studied solute transport in a channel with lateral gain and lateral loss under different experimental configurations, and we show how the same lateral loss flow event can lead to different lateral loss mass repartitions under different configurations. In order to characterize water and solute dampening between the input and the output of the channel, we calculate dampening ratios based on peak coordinates of time flow curves and time mass curves and that express the decrease of peak amplitude and the increase of peak occurrence time between the input and output curves. Finally, we use a solute transport model coupling the diffusive wave equation for water transfer and the advection–diffusion equation for solute transport in order to simulate the experimental data. The simulations are quite good with a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency NSE > 0.98 for water transfer and 0.84 < NSE < 0.97 for solute transport. This platform could serve hydrological modellers because it offers a variety of measured parameters (flow, water height, and solute concentration), at a fine time step under unsteady flow conditions.  相似文献   

A Eulerian analytical method is developed for nonreactive solute transport in heterogeneous, dual-permeability media where the hydraulic conductivities in fracture and matrix domains are both assumed to be stochastic processes. The analytical solution for the mean concentration is given explicitly in Fourier and Laplace transforms. Instead of using the fast fourier transform method to numerically invert the solution to real space (Hu et al., 2002), we apply the general relationship between spatial moments and concentration (Naff, 1990; Hu et al., 1997) to obtain the analytical solutions for the spatial moments up to the second for a pulse input of the solute. Owing to its accuracy and efficiency, the analytical method can be used to check the semi-analytical and Monte Carlo numerical methods before they are applied to more complicated studies. The analytical method can be also used during screening studies to identify the most significant transport parameters for further analysis. In this study, the analytical results have been compared with those obtained from the semi-analytical method (Hu et al., 2002) and the comparison shows that the semi-analytical method is robust. It is clearly shown from the analytical solution that the three factors, local dispersion, conductivity variation in each domain and velocity convection flow difference in the two domains, play different roles on the solute plume spreading in longitudinal and transverse directions. The calculation results also indicate that when the log-conductivity variance in matrix is 10 times less than its counterpart in fractures, it will hardly influence the solute transport, whether the conductivity field is matrix is treated as a homogeneous or random field.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of connectivity for the characterization of heterogeneous porous aquifers or reservoirs is a very active and new field of research. In that framework, connectivity metrics are becoming important tools to describe a reservoir. In this paper, we provide a review of the various metrics that were proposed so far, and we classify them in four main groups. We define first the static connectivity metrics which depend only on the connectivity structure of the parameter fields (hydraulic conductivity or geological facies). By contrast, dynamic connectivity metrics are related to physical processes such as flow or transport. The dynamic metrics depend on the problem configuration and on the specific physics that is considered. Most dynamic connectivity metrics are directly expressed as a function of an upscaled physical parameter describing the overall behavior of the media. Another important distinction is that connectivity metrics can either be global or localized. The global metrics are not related to a specific location while the localized metrics relate to one or several specific points in the field. Using these metrics to characterize a given aquifer requires the possibility to measure dynamic connectivity metrics in the field, to relate them with static connectivity metrics, and to constrain models with those information. Some tools are already available for these different steps and reviewed here, but they are not yet routinely integrated in practical applications. This is why new steps should be added in hydrogeological studies to infer the connectivity structure and to better constrain the models. These steps must include specific field methodologies, interpretation techniques, and modeling tools to provide more realistic and more reliable forecasts in a broad range of applications.  相似文献   

 The advection-dispersion equation (ADE) is inadequate for describing tails in solute breakthrough curves. Re-examination of solute breakthrough curves from one-dimensional experiments in porous media and channel flow literature shows a consistent discrepancy compared with solutions to the ADE. The leading tail of breakthrough curves is sharper, and the trailing tail is longer and smoother, than best fitting, least-squares ADE solutions. A random particle simulation exercise shows that the ADE may firstly be erroneous because of the assumption of time steps over which random solute movements are considered independent. Definition of such time steps hinges upon the slowest random movements, such as those predominantly by molecular diffusion. A second potential source of error is the highly skewed nature of the inverse distribution of underlying, micro-scale velocities, which causes slow convergence to normality under the central limit theorem.  相似文献   

The main processes affecting the migration of a solute in a fissured aquifer will be advection and dispersion in the fissures, diffusion into the porous matrix; and adsorption. This paper considers solute transport in an idealized fissured aquifer consisting of slabs of saturated rock-matrix separated by equally spaced, planar fissures. The solution of the transport equations is developed as far as Laplace transforms of the solute concentrations in the fissure and matrix water. Numerical inversion of the transforms is used to investigate characteristic behaviour of the model for a number of special cases.  相似文献   

A numerical algorithm for predicting the migration of multiple subsurface pollutants has been developed accounting for dispersion, convection, soluble complexation and solid phase accumulations (sorption). The basis of the model is a finite element solution of the mass transport equation. The essence of the algorithm is the treatment of the sorption terms as implicit functions of the total soluble concentrations facilitating a general and modularized treatment of solution phase and solid phase chemistry. Examples are presented illustrating the effects of soluble complexation and competitive sorption on the transport of multicomponent solutions.  相似文献   

A new modeling approach for solute transport in streams and canals was developed to simulate solute dissolution, transport, and decay with continuously migrating sources. The new approach can efficiently handle complicated solute source feeding schemes and initial conditions. Incorporating the finite volume method (FVM) and the ULTIMATE QUICKEST numerical scheme, the new approach is capable of predicting fate and transport of solute that is added to small streams or canals, typically in a continuous fashion. The approach was tested successfully using a hypothetical case, and then applied to an actual field experiment, where linear anionic polyacrylamide (LA-PAM) was applied to an earthen canal. The field experiment was simulated first as a fixed boundary problem using measured concentration data as the boundary condition to test model parameters and sensitivities. The approach was then applied to a moving boundary problem, which included subsequent LA-PAM dissolution, settling to the canal bottom and transport with the flowing canal water. Simulation results showed that the modeling approach developed in this study performed satisfactorily and can be used to simulate a variety of transport problems in streams and canals.  相似文献   

An Eulerian perturbation approach was applied to develop a method of moment for solute transport in a nonstationary, fractured medium. The conceptualized fractured medium is described through a dual-porosity model. Stochastic governing equations for mean concentration and concentration covariance were analytically derived to the first-order accuracy of log-conductivity variance and solved with a numerical method––a finite difference method. The developed method is called a numerical Eulerian method of moment (NEMM). This method was compared with the stationary transport theory [Water Resour. Res. 36(7) (2000) 1665] for predicting mean concentration and its spatial moments. The comparison indicated that the two methods matched very well in predicting first and second spatial moments. NEMM solutions were also compared with Monte Carlo simulations for solute transport in stationary fractured media. The results of the two methods were consistent for calculating small log conductivity variance. The theory was then used to study effects of various parameters and nonstationarity of the medium on flow and transport processes. Results indicated that medium nonstationarity would significantly influence the solute transport process. The nonstationary transport theory relaxes many assumptions adopted in stationary theories and paves the way for applying the NEMM to many environmental projects, especially in analyzing uncertainty of solute transport.  相似文献   

Modelling pollutant transport in water is one of the core tasks of computational hydrology, and various physical models including especially the widely used nonlocal transport models have been developed and applied in the last three decades. No studies, however, have been conducted to systematically assess the applicability, limitations and improvement of these nonlocal transport models. To fill this knowledge gap, this study reviewed, tested and improved the state-of-the-art nonlocal transport models, including their physical background, mathematical formula and especially the capability to quantify conservative tracers moving in one-dimensional sand columns, which represents perhaps the simplest real-world application. Applications showed that, surprisingly, neither the popular time-nonlocal transport models (including the multi-rate mass transfer model, the continuous time random walk framework and the time fractional advection-dispersion equation), nor the spatiotemporally nonlocal transport model (ST-fADE) can accurately fit passive tracers moving through a 15-m-long heterogeneous sand column documented in literature, if a constant dispersion coefficient or dispersivity is used. This is because pollutant transport in heterogeneous media can be scale-dependent (represented by a dispersion coefficient or dispersivity increasing with spatiotemporal scales), non-Fickian (where plume variance increases nonlinearly in time) and/or pre-asymptotic (with transition between non-Fickian and Fickian transport). These different properties cannot be simultaneously and accurately modelled by any of the transport models reviewed by this study. To bypass this limitation, five possible corrections were proposed, and two of them were tested successfully, including a time fractional and space Hausdorff fractal model which minimizes the scale-dependency of the dispersion coefficient in the non-Euclidean space, and a two-region time fractional advection-dispersion equation which accounts for the spatial mixing of solute particles from different mobile domains. Therefore, more efforts are still needed to accurately model transport in non-ideal porous media, and the five model corrections proposed by this study may shed light on these indispensable modelling efforts.  相似文献   

We derive a meshless numerical method based on smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) for the simulation of conservative solute transport in heterogeneous geological formations. We demonstrate that the new proposed scheme is stable, accurate, and conserves global mass. We evaluate the performance of the proposed method versus other popular numerical methods for the simulation of one- and two-dimensional dispersion and two-dimensional advective–dispersive solute transport in heterogeneous porous media under different Pèclet numbers. The results of those benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed scheme has important advantages over other standard methods because of its natural ability to control numerical dispersion and other numerical artifacts. More importantly, while the numerical dispersion affecting traditional numerical methods creates artificial mixing and dilution, the new scheme provides numerical solutions that are “physically correct”, greatly reducing these artifacts.  相似文献   

This article presents a new public domain tool for generalized Lagrangian particle tracking in rivers. The approach can be applied with a variety of two- and three-dimensional flow solvers. Particle advection by the flow is incorporated using flow fields from the chosen solver assuming particles follow the Reynolds-averaged flow, although some other simple passive and active particle behaviors are also treated. Turbulence effects are treated using a random walk algorithm with spatial step lengths randomly chosen from Gaussian distributions characterized by the diffusivity from the flow solver. Our work extends this concept to a general framework that is solver and coordinate system independent to allow easy comparisons between differing flow treatments. To better treat problems where detailed information is required in specific regions, the approach includes novel cloning and colligation algorithms which enhance local resolution at modest computational expense. We also provide tools for computing local concentrations and total exposure over a user-specified time interval. Several examples of predictions are provided to illustrate applications of the technique, including examination of the role of curvature-driven secondary flows, storage in lateral separation eddies, treatment of larval drift, treatment of fuel spill dispersion, river-floodplain connections, and sedimentation in floodplain ponds by tie channel connections. We also demonstrate that the model can reproduce analytically derived concentration profiles for simple diffusivities. These examples show that the Lagrangian particle tracking approach and the extensions proposed here are broadly applicable and viable for treating difficult river problems with multiple temporal and spatial scales. The examples also illustrate the utility of the cloning/colligation extensions and show how these can decrease the computational effort required on problems where high local resolution is required. Enhancement of the tools and even broader applicability can be achieved through the inclusion of multiple particle populations and particle–particle interactions.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional analytical solutions for solute transport in saturated, homogeneous porous media are developed. The models account for three-dimensional dispersion in a uniform flow field, first-order decay of aqueous phase and sorbed solutes with different decay rates, and nonequilibrium solute sorption onto the solid matrix of the porous formation. The governing solute transport equations are solved analytically by employing Laplace, Fourier and finite Fourier cosine transform techniques. Porous media with either semi-infinite or finite thickness are considered. Furthermore, continuous as well as periodic source loadings from either a point or an elliptic source geometry are examined. The effect of aquifer boundary conditions as well as the source geometry on solute transport in subsurface porous formations is investigated.  相似文献   

The concentration fluctuations resulting from hazardous releases in the subsurface are modeled through the concentration moments. The local solute exposure concentration, resulting from the heterogeneous velocity field and pore scale dispersion in the subsurface, is a random function characterized by its statistical moments. The approximate solution to the exact equation that describes the evolution of concentration standard moments in the aquifer transport is proposed in a recursive form. The expressions for concentration second, third and fourth central moments are derived and evaluated for various flow and transport conditions. The solutions are sought by starting from the exact upper bound solution with the zero pore scale dispersion and introducing the physically based approximation that allows the inclusion of the pore scale dispersion resulting in simple closed-form expressions for the concentration statistical moments. The concentration moments are also analyzed in the relative and absolute frame of reference indicating their combined importance in the practical cases of the subsurface contaminant plume migration. The influence of pore scale dispersion with different source sizes and orientations are analyzed and discussed with respect to common cases in the environmental risk assessment problems. The results are also compared with the concentration measurements of the conservative tracer collected in the field experiments at Cape Cod and Borden Site.  相似文献   

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