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Near-surface soil CO2 gas-phase concentration (C) and concomitant incident rainfall (Pi) and through-fall (Pt) depths were collected at different locations in a temperate pine forest every 30 min during the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons (and then averaged to the daily timescale). At the daily scale, C temporal variations were well described by a sequence of monotonically decreasing functions interrupted by large positive jumps induced by rainfall events. A stochastic model was developed to link rainfall statistics responsible for these jumps to near-surface C dynamics. The model accounted for the effect of daily rainfall variability, both in terms of timing and amount of water, and permitted an analytical derivation of the C probability density function (pdf) using the parameters of the rainfall pdf. Given the observed positive correlation between daily C and soil CO2 fluxes to the atmosphere (Fs), the effects of various rainfall regimes on the statistics of Fs can be deduced from the behavior of C under different climatic conditions. The predictions from this analytical model are consistent with flux measurements reported in manipulative experiments that varied rainfall amount and frequency.  相似文献   

To investigate the interaction between cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria under gradients of glucose and nitrate, a cyanobacterial strain of Microcystis aeruginosa was grown in microcosms with and without a freshwater bacterial mixture, which was collected from Lake Taihu. Concentrations of glucose (1350, 975, 600, 300, 150, and 37.5 μmol C L−1) and nitrate (150, 300, and 9000 μmol N L−1) were used in a range of combinations giving 9 different treatments of glucose:nitrate. In the microcosm without the bacterial mixture, M. aeruginosa abundance gradually increased with days in all treatments. However, M. aeruginosa had much lower density in some treatments with the bacterial mixture. The difference in M. aeruginosa growth could be explained by competition with bacteria in the cultures in which these were added. The abundance of M. aeruginosa and bacteria when grown together was nearly equal and the number of the bacterial species was highest in the treatment with 300 μmol C L−1 and 150 μmol N L−1. Our results suggest that at this glucose:nitrate ratio M. aeruginosa and the bacterial mixture maintain a balance, and bacteria maintain diversity. In conclusion, we propose that dissolved organic carbon and nitrate availability fundamentally affects the structure as well as stoichiometry of pelagic associations.  相似文献   

—?A comparison of regional and teleseismic log rms (root-mean-square) L g amplitude measurements have been made for 14 underground nuclear explosions from the East Kazakh test site recorded both by the BRV (Borovoye) station in Kazakhstan and the GRF (Gräfenberg) array in Germany. The log rms L g amplitudes observed at the BRV regional station at a distance of 690?km and at the teleseismic GRF array at a distance exceeding 4700?km show very similar relative values (standard deviation 0.048 magnitude units) for underground explosions of different sizes at the Shagan River test site. This result as well as the comparison of BRV rms L g magnitudes (which were calculated from the log rms amplitudes using an appropriate calibration) with magnitude determinations for P waves of global seismic networks (standard deviation 0.054 magnitude units) point to a high precision in estimating the relative source sizes of explosions from L g-based single station data. Similar results were also obtained by other investigators (Patton, 1988; Ringdal et?al., 1992) using L g data from different stations at different distances.¶Additionally, GRF log rms L g and P-coda amplitude measurements were made for a larger data set from Novaya Zemlya and East Kazakh explosions, which were supplemented with m b (L g) amplitude measurements using a modified version of Nuttli's (1973, 1986a) method. From this test of the relative performance of the three different magnitude scales, it was found that the L g and P-coda based magnitudes performed equally well, whereas the modified Nuttli m b (L g) magnitudes show greater scatter when compared to the worldwide m b reference magnitudes. Whether this result indicates that the rms amplitude measurements are superior to the zero-to-peak amplitude measurement of a single cycle used for the modified Nuttli method, however, cannot be finally assessed, since the calculated m b (L g) magnitudes are only preliminary until appropriate attenuation corrections are available for the specific path to GRF.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that minima in local recurrence time, TL, or equivalently maxima in local probability, PL, may map asperities in the Kanto and Tokai areas of Japan, where the earthquake catalog of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) is complete at the M=1.5 (M1.5) level. We mapped TL (PL) based on the a- and b-values of the nearest earthquakes within 20 km of every node of a grid spaced 0.01° for M7 target events. Only earthquakes within the top 33 km were used. The b-values increase strongly with depth, in several areas. Therefore, some of the TL (PL) anomalies are not revealed if data from the entire crustal seismogenic zone are mixed. Thus, we mapped TL (PL) separately for the top 15 km and the rest of the depth range, as well as for the entire seismogenic crust. The resulting TL- and PL-maps show that approximately 12% of the total area shows anomalously short recurrence times. Out of six shallow target events with M≥6.5 and which occurred since 1890, five are located within the anomalous areas with TL <450 years. We interpret this to mean that areas with anomalously short TL map asperities, which are more likely than other areas to generate future target events. The probability that this result is due to chance is vanishingly small. The great Kanto rupture of 1923 appears to have initiated in the most significant asperity we mapped in the study area. One anomaly is located in the northeastern part of the area of the proposed future rupture of the Tokai earthquake, and another one at its southwestern corner. The absolute values of TL calculated are uncertain because they depend on the size of the volume used for the calculation.  相似文献   

Stress sensitivity of stylolite morphology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stylolites are rough surfaces that form by localized stress-induced dissolution. Using a set of limestone rock samples collected at different depths from a vertical section in Cirque de Navacelles (France), we study the influence of the lithostatic stress on the stylolites morphology on the basis of a recent morphogenesis model. We measured the roughness of a series of bedding-parallel stylolites and show that their morphology exhibits a scaling invariance with two self-affine scaling regimes separated by a crossover-length (L) at the millimeter scale consistent with previous studies. The importance of the present contribution is to estimate the stylolite formation stress σ from the sample position in the stratigraphic series and compare it to the crossover-length L using the expected relationship: L  σ ?2. We obtained a successful prediction of the crossover behavior and reasonable absolute stress magnitude estimates using relevant parameters: depth of stylolite formation between 300 to 600 m with corresponding normal stress in the range of 10–18 MPa. Accordingly, the stylolite morphology contains a signature of the stress field during formation and we thus suggest that stylolites could be used as paleo-stress gauges of deformation processes in the upper crust.  相似文献   

The optimal scaling problem for the time t(L × L) between two successive events in a seismogenic cell of size L is considered. The quantity t(L × L) is defined for a random cell of a grid covering a seismic region G. We solve that problem in terms of a multifractal characteristic of epicenters in G known as the tau-function or generalized fractal dimensions; the solution depends on the type of cell randomization. Our theoretical deductions are corroborated by California seismicity with magnitude M ≥ 2. In other words, the population of waiting time distributions for L = 10–100 km provides positive information on the multifractal nature of seismicity, which impedes the population to be converted into a unified law by scaling. This study is a follow-up of our analysis of power/unified laws for seismicity (see Pure and Applied Geophysics 162 (2005), 1135 and GJI 162 (2005), 899).  相似文献   

In this study, we aim to improve the scaling between the moment magnitude (M W), local magnitude (M L), and the duration magnitude (M D) for 162 earthquakes in Shillong-Mikir plateau and its adjoining region of northeast India by extending the M W estimates to lower magnitude earthquakes using spectral analysis of P-waves from vertical component seismograms. The M W-M L and M W-M D relationships are determined by linear regression analysis. It is found that, M W values can be considered consistent with M L and M D, within 0.1 and 0.2 magnitude units respectively, in 90 % of the cases. The scaling relationships investigated comply well with similar relationships in other regions in the world and in other seismogenic areas in the northeast India region.  相似文献   

Robust and physically understandable responses of the global atmospheric water cycle to a warming climate are presented. By considering interannual responses to changes in surface temperature (T), observations and AMIP5 simulations agree on an increase in column integrated water vapor at the rate 7 %/K (in line with the Clausius–Clapeyron equation) and of precipitation at the rate 2–3 %/K (in line with energetic constraints). Using simple and complex climate models, we demonstrate that radiative forcing by greenhouse gases is currently suppressing global precipitation (P) at ~?0.15 %/decade. Along with natural variability, this can explain why observed trends in global P over the period 1988?2008 are close to zero. Regional responses in the global water cycle are strongly constrained by changes in moisture fluxes. Model simulations show an increased moisture flux into the tropical wet region at 900 hPa and an enhanced outflow (of smaller magnitude) at around 600 hPa with warming. Moisture transport explains an increase in P in the wet tropical regions and small or negative changes in the dry regions of the subtropics in CMIP5 simulations of a warming climate. For AMIP5 simulations and satellite observations, the heaviest 5-day rainfall totals increase in intensity at ~15 %/K over the ocean with reductions at all percentiles over land. The climate change response in CMIP5 simulations shows consistent increases in P over ocean and land for the highest intensities, close to the Clausius?Clapeyron scaling of 7 %/K, while P declines for the lowest percentiles, indicating that interannual variability over land may not be a good proxy for climate change. The local changes in precipitation and its extremes are highly dependent upon small shifts in the large-scale atmospheric circulation and regional feedbacks.  相似文献   

Revealing of the sources and distributions of sedimentary organic matter in the East China Sea (ECS) is important for understanding its carbon cycle, which has significant temporal and spatial variability due to the influences of recent climate changes and anthropogenic activities. In this study, we report the contents of both terrestrial and marine biomarkers including ∑C27+C29+C31n-alkanes (38.6-580 ng/g), C37 alkenones (5.6-124.6 ng/g), brassicasterol (98-913 ng/g) and dinosterol (125-1521 ng/g) from the surface sediments in the Changjiang River Estuary (CRE) and shelf areas of the ECS. Several indices based on biomarker contents and ratios are calculated to assess the spatial distributions of both terrestrial and marine organic matter in the ECS surface sediments, and these results are compared with organic matter distribution patterns revealed by the δ13C (−20.1‰ to −22.7‰) and C/N ratio (5-7.5) of total organic matter. The contents of terrestrial biomarkers in the ECS surface sediments decrease seaward, controlled mostly by Changjiang River (CR) inputs and surface currents; while higher contents of the two marine biomarkers (brassicasterol and dinosterol) occur in upwelling areas outside the CRE and in the Zhejiang-Fujian coastal zone, controlled mostly by marine productivity. Four proxies, fTerr(δ13C) (the fraction of terrestrial organic matter in TOC estimated by TOC δ13C), odd-alkanes (∑C27+C29+C31n-alkanes), 1/Pmar-aq ((C23+C25+C29+C31)/(C23+C25) n-alkanes) and TMBR (terrestrial and marine biomarker ratio) (C27+C29+C31n-alkanes)/((C27+C29+C31) n-alkanes+(brassicasterol+dinosterol+alkenones)), reveal a consistent pattern showing the relative contribution of terrestrial organic matter (TOM) is higher in the CRE and along the Zhejiang-Fujian coastline, controlled mostly by CR inputs and currents, but the TOM contribution decreases seaward, as the influences of the CR discharge decrease.  相似文献   

—The maximum fault link distance (lateral separation) between two interacting strike-slip faults is studied in relation to fault length (combined length of the two interacting faults). Data collected for laboratory generated strike-slip faults indicate that fault linkage takes place when the lateral separation between two strike-slip faults is less than one tenth of the combined length of the two faults. Strike-slip faults developed in clay models require a smaller link distance than those developed in gouge materials. About 98% of the data collected for natural strike-slip faults and 93% of earthquake rupture data derived from Knuepfer (1989) follow the rule. These observations support a simple scaling relationship for strike-slip faults, i.e.,W≤ 0.1 L where Wis lateral link distance and L the combined fault length (An and Sammis, 1996a). Two possible explanations are discussed. Assuming a fault continues to be dominantly strike-slip after various fault coalescences, the fault link distance for both compressional coalescence (leading to restraining bend) and extensional coalescence (leading to releasing bend) can be constrained within 0.134 L. Assuming fault coalescence is caused by interaction between breakdown zones at fault tips, then the scaling relationship b = 0.1 l between the size of a breakdown zone, b,and the individual fault length, l (Scholz et al.,1993), leads to the scaling relationship W max = 0.1 L where W max is the maximum link distance.¶The above observed relationship between W max and L may not hold if faults coalesce through preexisting faults, if a fault has a mixed mode other than strike-slip, or if a fault bend is caused by cross faulting rather than fault coalescence. Limited exposure of natural fault traces may also lead to errors in link distance measurements.  相似文献   

The various useful source-parameter relations between seismic moment and common use magnitude lg(M 0) andM s,M L,m b; between magnitudesMs andM L,M s andm b,M L andm b; and between magnitudeM s and lg(L) (fault length), lg (W) (fault width), lg(S) (fault area), lg(D) (average dislocation);M L and lg(f c) (corner frequency) have been derived from the scaling law which is based on an “average” two-dimensional faulting model of a rectangular fault. A set of source-parameters can be estimated from only one magnitude by using these relations. The average rupture velocity of the faultV r=2.65 km/s, the total time of ruptureT(s)=0.35L (km) and the average dislocation slip rateD=11.4 m/s are also obtained. There are four strong points to measure earthquake size with the seismic moment magnitudeM w.
  1. The seismic moment magnitude shows the strain and rupture size. It is the best scale for the measurement of earthquake size.
  2. It is a quantity of absolute mechanics, and has clear physical meaning. Any size of earthquake can be measured. There is no saturation. It can be used to quantify both shallow and deep earthquakes on the basis of the waves radiated.
  3. It can link up the previous magnitude scales.
  4. It is a uniform scale of measurement of earthquake size. It is suitable for statistics covering a broad range of magnitudes. So the seismic moment magnitude is a promising magnitude and worth popularization.

Evaporation from small reservoirs, wetlands, and lakes continues to be a theoretical and practical problem in surface hydrology and micrometeorology because atmospheric flows above such systems can rarely be approximated as stationary and planar-homogeneous with no mean subsidence (hereafter referred to as idealized flow state). Here, the turbulence statistics of temperature (T) and water vapor (q) most pertinent to lake evaporation measurements over three water bodies differing in climate, thermal inertia and degree of advective conditions are explored. The three systems included Lac Léman in Switzerland (high thermal inertia, near homogeneous conditions with no appreciable advection due to long upwind fetch), Eshkol reservoir in Israel (intermediate thermal inertia, frequent strong advective conditions) and Tilopozo wetland in Chile (low thermal inertia, frequent but moderate advection). The data analysis focused on how similarity constants for the flux-variance approach, CT/Cq, and relative transport efficiencies RwT/Rwq, are perturbed from unity with increased advection or the active role of temperature. When advection is small and thermal inertia is large, CT/Cq < 1 (or RwT/Rwq > 1) primarily due to the active role of temperature, which is consistent with a large number of studies conducted over bare soil and vegetated surfaces. However, when advection is significantly large, then CT/Cq > 1 (orRwT/Rwq < 1). When advection is moderate and thermal inertia is low, then CT/Cq ∼ 1. This latter equality, while consistent with Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), is due to the fact that advection tends to increase CT/Cq above unity while the active role of temperature tends to decrease CT/Cq below unity. A simplified scaling analysis derived from the scalar variance budget equation, explained qualitatively how advection could perturb MOST scaling (assumed to represent the idealized flow state).  相似文献   

通过砂土的一系列动三轴实验,研究不规则地震荷载作用下与定次数等幅荷载作用下土体变形间的关系,给出砂土相对密实度对二者间关系的影响规律。结果表明:真实地震荷载下土的变形发展与等幅正弦荷载明显不同,应变发展时程的形态主要受地震动的形态控制;应变比C与砂土相对密度间关系具有规律性,随相对密度增大而降低,若采用以20周作为标准作用次数、0.65倍地震波峰值为等幅荷载代替不规则的地震荷载,修正真实地震应力下的残余变形,其应变比C随砂土密实度的增大而减小。同时,冲击型荷载的应变比C`要远大于振动型荷载。  相似文献   


Large errors in peak discharge estimates at catchment scales can be ascribed to errors in the estimation of catchment response time. The time parameters most frequently used to express catchment response time are the time of concentration (TC), lag time (TL) and time to peak (TP). This paper presents a review of the time parameter estimation methods used internationally, with selected comparisons in medium and large catchments in the C5 secondary drainage region in South Africa. The comparison of different time parameter estimation methods with recommended methods used in South Africa confirmed that the application of empirical methods, with no local correction factors, beyond their original developmental regions, must be avoided. The TC is recognized as the most frequently used time parameter, followed by TL. In acknowledging this, as well as the basic assumptions of the approximations TL = 0.6TC and TCTP, along with the similarity between the definitions of the TP and the conceptual TC, it was evident that the latter two time parameters should be further investigated to develop an alternative approach to estimate representative response times that result in improved estimates of peak discharge at these catchment scales.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor Qiang Zhang  相似文献   

We continue applying the general concept of seismic risk analysis in a number of seismic regions worldwide by constructing regional seismic hazard maps based on morphostructural analysis, pattern recognition, and the Unified Scaling Law for Earthquakes (USLE), which generalizes the Gutenberg-Richter relationship making use of naturally fractal distribution of earthquake sources of different size in a seismic region. The USLE stands for an empirical relationship log10N(M, L)?=?A?+?B·(5 – M)?+?C·log10L, where N(M, L) is the expected annual number of earthquakes of a certain magnitude M within a seismically prone area of linear dimension L. We use parameters A, B, and C of USLE to estimate, first, the expected maximum magnitude in a time interval at seismically prone nodes of the morphostructural scheme of the region under study, then map the corresponding expected ground shaking parameters (e.g., peak ground acceleration, PGA, or macro-seismic intensity). After a rigorous verification against the available seismic evidences in the past (usually, the observed instrumental PGA or the historically reported macro-seismic intensity), such a seismic hazard map is used to generate maps of specific earthquake risks for population, cities, and infrastructures (e.g., those based on census of population, buildings inventory). The methodology of seismic hazard and risk assessment is illustrated by application to the territory of Greater Caucasus and Crimea.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to illustrate the effects of spatial organization of lake chains and associated storage thresholds upon lake-overflow behaviour, and specifically their impact upon large scale flow connectivity and the flood frequency of lake overflows. The analysis was carried out with the use of a multiple bucket model of the lake chain system, consisting of a network of both lakes and associated catchment areas, which explicitly incorporated within it three storage thresholds: a catchment field capacity threshold that governs catchment subsurface stormflow, a total storage capacity threshold that governs catchment surface runoff, and a lake storage capacity threshold that determines lake overflow. The model is driven by rainfall inputs generated by a stochastic rainfall model that is able to capture rainfall variability at a wide range of time scales. The study is used to gain insights into the process controls of lake-overflow generation, and in particular, to explore the crucial role of factors relating to lake organization, such as the average catchment area to lake area (AC/AL) ratio and the distribution of AC/AL with distance in the downstream direction (increasing or decreasing). The study showed that the average AC/AL value was the most important factor determining the frequency of occurrence and magnitude of floods from a landscape consisting of lake chains. The larger the average AC/AL value the more runoff is generated from catchments thus increasing both the occurrence and magnitude of lake overflows. In this case the flood frequency curve reflects that of the catchment area, and lake organization does not play an important role. When AC/AL is small the landscape is lake dominated, the spatial organization of lakes has a significant impact on lake connectivity, and consequently on flood frequency. One of the aspects of lake organization that may have a significant influence on lake connectivity is the spatial distribution of AC/AL from upstream to downstream (increasing or decreasing). In a landscape in which AC/AL increases downstream, lake overflow will occur more frequently relative to a similar landscape (i.e. identical AC/AL) with a constant value of AC/AL. When AC/AL decreases downstream, however, runoff inputs from the upstream parts will trigger lake overflow in the downstream parts, and consequently, full connectivity may be achieved leading to increased flood frequencies.  相似文献   

—?Data sets of m b (Pn) and m b (Lg) measurements are presented for three continental regions in order to investigate scaling relationships with moment magnitude M w and event discrimination at small magnitudes. Compilations of published measurements are provided for eastern North American and central Asian earthquakes, and new measurements are reported for earthquakes located in western United States. Statistical tests on M w :m b relationships show that the m b (Lg) scale of Nuttli (1973) is transportable between tectonic regions, and a single, unified M w :m b (Lg) relationship satisfies observations for M w ~4.2–6.5 in all regions. A unified relationship is also developed for nuclear explosions detonated at the Nevada Test Site and test sites of the former Soviet Union. Regional m b for explosions scale at higher rates than for earthquakes, and of significance is the finding that m b (Pn) for explosions scales at a higher rate than m b (Lg). A model is proposed where differences in scaling rates are related to effects of spectral overshoot and near-field Rg scattering on the generation of Pn and Lg waves by explosions. For earthquakes, m b (Pn) and m b (Lg) scale similarly, showing rates near 1.0 or 2/3?·?log10 M o (seismic moment).¶M w :m b (Lg) scaling results are converted to unified M s :m b (Lg) relationships using scaling laws between log M o and M s . For earthquakes with M s greater than 3.0, the scaling rate is 0.69?·?M s , which is the same as it is for nuclear explosions if M s is proportional to 1.12?·?log M o, as determined by NTS observations. Thus, earthquake and explosion populations are parallel and separated by 0.68 m b units for large events. For small events (M s ?M s :m b (Lg) plots for stable and tectonic regions, respectively. While the scaling rate for explosions is ~0.69, this value is uncertain due to paucity of M o observations at small yields. Measurements of [m b (P)???m b (Lg)] for earthquakes in the western United States have an average value of ?0.33?±?.03 m b units, in good agreement with Nuttli's estimate of m b bias for NTS. This result suggests that Nuttli's method for estimating test site bias can be extended to earthquakes to make estimates of bias on regional scales. In addition, a new approach for quick assessments of regional bias is proposed where M s :m b (P) observations are compared with M s :m b (Lg) relationships. Catalog M s :m b (P) data suggest that m b bias is significant for tectonic regions of southern Asia, averaging about ?0.4 m b units.  相似文献   

Alan R. Hill 《水文研究》2012,26(20):3135-3146
The effect of preferential flow in soil pipes on nitrate retention in riparian zones is poorly understood. The characteristics of soil pipes and their influence on patterns of groundwater transport and nitrate dynamics were studied along four transects in a 1‐ to >3‐m deep layer of peat and marl overlying an oxic sand aquifer in a riparian zone in southern Ontario, Canada. The peat‐marl deposit, which consisted of several horizontal layers with large differences in bulk density, contained soil pipes that were generally 0.1 to 0.2 m in diameter and often extended vertically for 1 to >2 m. Springs that produced overland flow across the riparian area occurred at some sites where pipes extended to the peat surface. Concentrations of NO3?–N (20–30 mg L?1) and dissolved oxygen (DO) (4–6 mg L?1) observed in peat pipe systems and surface springs were similar to values in the underlying sand aquifer, indicating that preferential flow transported groundwater with limited nitrate depletion. Low NO3?–N concentrations of <5 mg L?1 and enriched δ15N values indicated that denitrification was restricted to small areas of the peat where pipes were absent. Groundwater DO concentrations declined rapidly to <2 mg L?1 in the peat matrix adjacent to pipes, whereas high NO3?–N concentrations of >15 mg L?1 extended over a larger zone. Low dissolved organic carbon values at these locations suggest that supplies of organic carbon were not sufficient to support high rates of denitrification, despite low DO conditions. These data indicate that it is important to develop a greater understanding of pipes in peat deposits, which function as sites where the transport of large fluxes of water with low biogeochemical reaction rates can limit the nitrate removal capacity of riparian zones. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The average velocity of shear waves in the top 30 m of soil, νL, has become the parameter used by many engineering design codes and most recently by published empirical-scaling equations to estimate the amplitudes of strong ground motion. Yet there are few studies to determine whether this is a meaningful parameter to use—and whether estimates that do use it are reliable. In 1995, the authors studied this problem and concluded that νL should not be used. We reported then that an older site characterization in terms of the soil site parameter proposed by Seed et al. [1], sL, worked better because it included a measure of the thickness of the soil layers to considerably greater depths. Our report, however, made no difference; numerous papers continued to be published based only on scaling in terms of νL, and worse, they also ignored the geological site conditions. The purpose of this paper is to emphasize that the average shear-wave velocity in the top 30 m of soil should not be the only site parameter used to scale strong-motion amplitudes. While the search continues for the more meaningful site parameters to use in empirical scaling of strong earthquake ground motion, it is better to use sL to describe the amplification of seismic waves by soil deposits near the surface.  相似文献   

Rare earth elements (REEs) are widely used to increase crop production in China. However, little attention has been paid to their impacts on aquatic ecology. Batch cultivation was used here to study the effects of lanthanum (La) and EDTA on the growth and competition of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. When EDTA was present at a very low concentration (0.269 μmol L−1), low lanthanum concentrations (?7.2 μmol L−1) had little stimulative effect on the growth of M. aeruginosa and S. quadricauda, whereas a high lanthanum concentration (72 μmol L−1) had significant inhibitory effect on both of them. The results of cultivation experiments suggested that the inhibitory effect on M. aeruginosa was higher than that on S. quadricauda and S. quadricauda could become dominant in mixed cultures. When lanthanum was not added to the culture medium, high EDTA concentrations (>13.4 μmol L−1) had a great inhibitory effect on the growth of M. aeruginosa but little effect on the growth of S. quadricauda, which could become dominant in the mixed cultures.Lanthanum and EDTA had complex effects on the growth and competition of M. aeruginosa and S. quadricauda. EDTA did not change the stimulation of low lanthanum concentrations on both, but at intermediated concentrations (2.69-13.4 μmol L−1) it could greatly alleviate lanthanum inhibition on M. aeruginosa; thus, M. aeruginosa would dominate S. quadricauda in these mixed cultures. Lanthanum at low concentration (7.2 μmol L−1) could also alleviate the inhibition of high EDTA on M. aeruginosa, but did not alter the outcome of the competition.  相似文献   

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