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Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are established for various purposes. Some are aimed at protection, some are intended as resource management tools, while others imply both of these objectives, as well as others. Regardless of the stated goals, the same MPA can mean different things to different people, and these meanings may be inconsistent. In practice, MPA goals are not always stated clearly, and even if they are, they do not necessary align well with what the different actors have in mind. Moreover, the stated goals are not always those that govern the actual operation of MPAs. The priorities of goals may also change over time for stakeholders and for MPAs. In this paper we argue that the goals of MPAs should not be assumed a priori but should be researched empirically. Thus, before we can answer why MPAs succeed or fail in reaching their goals, we must ask what these goals are in the first place and how they came into existence. How are they, for instance, established, negotiated and agreed upon among stakeholders? How do they reflect particular interests, perspectives and power differentials of those involved? Here, we provide a framework for how to analyze the formation, complexity, and displacement of goals in MPAs, presenting three case studies as illustration.  相似文献   

Since it was first documented in 1998, a trend of decreasing mean trophic level (MTL) has been reported in several ecosystems around the world. Some scientists have proposed that MTL may be used as an indicator of biodiversity and fishery sustainability. The use of this measure has been supported by several international bodies, including the Convention on Biological Diversity, European Union, and Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem and Adjacent Project. Recently, the use of MTL as an ecosystem health indicator has been called into question by the publication of studies examining the underlying cause of decreasing MTL. Evidence now shows that there are three primary mechanisms that could be driving the observed change: fishing down, fishing through, and increase to overfishing. Each of these scenarios corresponds to a specific sequence of fishery evolution over time. Additionally, the underlying ecology associated with these scenarios suggests that very different governance responses should be employed for each method. Rather than relying only on MTL trends for broad-based management decisions, MTL must be carefully examined in conjunction with historic catch data to determine the mechanism of change. Only then should this indicator be used to make management decisions, and such decisions should only be applied at the regional or ecosystem level.  相似文献   

The management and governance of shared stocks have long been identified as a challenge to achieve long-term sustainability in fisheries. This is the situation of fisheries in the Amazon basin, a region shared by nine countries. This paper provides an overview of the social-ecological outcomes and management implications of sharing fish stocks among countries with different public policies, taking the valuable Amazonian ornamental silver arawana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum) trade as a case study. Specifically, it (i) presents and discusses the policies of Colombia, Peru and Brazil for the silver arawana fishery, and how these are conducive for the successful management of this shared transboundary fishery; and (ii) analyzes the market for the ornamental silver arawana and how it affects the ability to sustainably manage the fishery. The interplay between the multiple environmental, economic and social dimensions involved in the ornamental silver arawana fishery affects the sustainability of this species even in Brazil, where this fishing is forbidden but still illegally caught by Colombians and Peruvians. Among the factors that make fisheries policies inefficient in this region are: (i) incongruent policies between the countries and institutions with low organizational capacity to accomplish the established policies; (ii) environmental heterogeneity of Amazonian aquatic systems, which requires local and adaptive measures; and (iii) complex socio-economic relationships in the live-fish trade business. Legally binding efforts to reduce problems derived from shared fish stocks are an urgent need and should be addressed by the multilateral organizations created for the Amazonian sustainable development.  相似文献   

Substantial economic opportunities have been identified in many Australian fisheries but may remain unimplemented due to the perception that the role of government is to ensure harvests are biologically sustainable, while economic decisions should be left to the commercial industry. This paper explores the role of government in driving changes that increase revenue and profit from fisheries (termed economic benefit). Australian fisheries resources are managed by eight different jurisdictions. While each have separate legislation, there is invariably a responsibility to manage on behalf of, and to the benefit of the public, who are the owners of the resource. This paper uses case studies to explore how government can struggle to determine the public interest, separate this from private interests and then implement management changes to ensure the public utility is maximised. Common problems were: (i) overarching economic objectives, which define who should benefit, were often ambiguous and open to interpretation; (ii) the public interest was usually abstract and often under-represented in decision-making processes, (in contrast to industry, who have direct representation); (iii) special interest groups were often able to lobby against changes; and (iv) government was often reluctant to seize opportunities to increase economic benefit when there was significant industry opposition to management changes. In drawing attention to these challenges and how they have been overcome historically, it is argued that government has both a role and requirement under their legislative objectives to take the lead in implementing measures that increase the economic benefit from Australian fisheries.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2001,25(4):303-312
Research by J.D. Sachs and A.M. Warner, indicates that resource-rich countries are less successful in terms of economic growth than are resource-poor countries. The question of what measures Icelanders need to take to prevent their fishery wealth from limiting economic growth is posed. The main body of the essay discusses arguments for a fishing fee. The principal arguments for a fishing fee are listed. One type of argument concerns flexibility, with a view to possibly introducing other forms of management or altering the distribution of profit in the future. Another type of argument concerns equity and fairness, contending that having a fishing fee makes it easier to ensure that the entire nation enjoys the benefit of the resource. A third type of argument is connected to risk-management, maintaining that, if properly arranged, a fishing fee would make it possible to offer vessel operators an indirect insurance policy which otherwise would not be available to them. The fourth type of argument concerns counter-cyclical policy and the problem of co-habitation of the fishery industry and other export industries and refers to the possibility of wage earners and/or taxpayers being forced (or tempted) to apply general policy instruments to secure a portion of the fishery rent. The general measures available to obtain a piece of the fishery rent share a common failing: their use unavoidably increases costs for other sectors of industry and thus limits possibilities for growth in those sectors and links their performance to fisheries performance. Then there are arguments for neutrality, based on the idea that the so-called resource rent taxes should not affect the use of the factors of production. Finally, there are economic growth arguments, which can be linked to theories of rent-seeking and Dutch disease.  相似文献   

This paper presents how environmental concerns emanating outside the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) are increasingly setting the stage for EU fisheries management. This is illustrated via what is termed the exogenous entrance of environmental concerns through the implementation of directives in EU policy. More endogenous entrance of environmental concerns occurs via stakeholder participation in Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) as well as market mechanisms, such as ecolabelling and traceability. This study discusses how these latter channels of environmental concern may have become a more potent and efficient way of reaching environmental goals, outside of the primacy of the CFP.  相似文献   

During the last decade, devolution of responsibilities of fisheries management has increasingly become an issue in the political debate. The CEC and national governments have expressed an interest in sharing responsibilities for fisheries management with stakeholders. This article investigates the dynamics and constraints of the devolution process in general and in relation to Danish demersal fisheries by answering the following questions: What are the important factors to consider with respect to sharing responsibilities in fisheries management; how can this delegation and/or devolution of responsibilities be institutionalised? And what kind of decisions should be delegated to stakeholders and to whom?  相似文献   

Development of a thermal bar in a laboratory flume with an inclined bottom (3.7°–12°) under the conditions of cooling/heating of the water with a temperature close to that of the maximal density is studied. The structure of the temperature field and currents during different stages of the circulation is examined: (i) formation of an along-slope gravity current, (ii) generation of a subsurface jet, and (iii) transformation of one type of the circulation into another at passing the temperature of the maximum density. The “fall” and “spring” types of the thermal bar are shown to be dynamically equivalent: the transport of the near-shore waters to the deepwater part, which is driven by the buoyancy flux rather than by the heat flux across the surface, transforms stage (i) into stage (ii), while the opposite (on-shore) flow is generated in the intermediate layers. A comparison of the results with the field and laboratory data published allows us to suggest that the propagation of the thermal bar front in the “fast” stage can be considered as the development of a convective jet with its velocity Uh 3/4, which is proportional to the growing thickness of the upper layer h affected by the heating/cooling processes  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(2):215-232
Two hundred and twenty-four benthic foraminiferal species were recognized in the total assemblages of fifty samples collected from the Senegalese continental shelf south of Dakar (down to a depth of 200 m). A factor analysis based on nineteen dominant species shows three main factors. The first two seem to be associated with temperature and its seasonal variations; they are depth-related and determine two main faunal changes. The third factor is substrate-related. The main depth-related species are: i) Cribrononion gerthi, Quinqueloculina akneriana, Quinqueloculina lamarckiana, Cribrolinoides curtus, Elphidium fichtellianum and Textularia sagittula in the coastal zone; ii) Discorbinella bertheloti, Cancris aff. C. sagrum, Textularia truncata, Nonion fabum, Bulimina elegans and Hanzawaia solei in the inner shelf; iii) Trifarina bradyana, Trifarina fornasinii, Uvigerina peregrina and Cassidulina laevigata in the outer shelf. The species that are substrate-related are: i) N. fabum, B. elegans, C. gerthi and H. solei in the fine-grained sands and ii) Lobatula lobatula, C. curtus, T. sagittula and D. bertheloti in the coarse-grained sands. The reduction in planktonic percentage and diversity in the outer shelf are related to the upwelling seasonal influence.  相似文献   

The present paper provides an overview of cold-water corals protection in the Hatton Bank deep-water fisheries through the implementation of the United Nations General Assembly resolution 61/105. The methodology and scientific evidence used to propose protection of cold-water coral ecosystems in the high seas (∼16,000 km2) are briefly summarised. The role of international agents and importance of interdisciplinary research for making management decisions are furthermore described. Implementation was slow because (i) of scarce initial scientific knowledge, (ii) research on the high seas was difficult and expensive, (iii) there were several international interests at stake, (iv) agreement from a number of agents was needed, and (v) international advisory and decision making processes were quite slow. Some lessons learned are also discussed since these may help to increase protection efficiency of deep-sea vulnerable marine ecosystems in the high seas.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2007,50(5-6):279-300
The paper aims to consider and compare some background trends in policy and science that are concerned with sustainable development, and, which may, influence the evolving approach to the sustainable management of islands, particularly that of the small island states. The presentation will consist of three steps.General trendThe sequence of some cardinal documents from intergovernmental organisations, which have been concerned with island management, is considered. Attention is concentrated on their teleological approach, as it has evolved moving from the 1992 Agenda 21 (Chapter 17, Subject Area G, Sustainable development of small islands), and from the 1994 Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, to the 2000 United Nations Millennium Declaration, and to the subsequent 2002 World Summit on sustainable development (WSSD) Plan of Implementation. Analysis is inclined to put into evidence how the approach to sustainable development has evolved passing through some stages, respectively marked by: (i) the focus on the ecological issues, leaving the other components of sustainable development in the background, and therefore concentrating on the first component of sustainable development, namely ecological integrity; (ii) an increasing consideration of economic and social issues, therefore concentrating on the second component of sustainable development, namely economic efficiency; and (iii) the diffusion of attention to human conditions, therefore focusing on the third component of sustainable development, namely social, intra- and inter-generational equity. The third stage has been marked by a peculiar consideration of culture, which has been regarded by decision-makers from two perspectives: first, as a resource for development, and secondly as a heritage to protect and transfer to future generations.Specific operational platformsWhere the role of island culture is the focus, two arenas are worthy of consideration. The first arena concerns United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In this respect, the criteria through which island places have been included in the UNESCO world heritage list (WHL) may be referred to the concept of sustainable development with the final aim of evaluating whether and how they could be used as an operational platform. A more specific relevance may be attributed to the inclusion of cultural landscapes in the WHL, and to the proclivity to design and to operate the protection and valuing of intangible culture, in that focusing on two streams—landscape and intangible culture—which have marked the recent implementation of the 1972 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage. It might be considered to what extent this articulated operational arena could help the protection and sustainable use of island cultural heritage. The second arena is concerned with the 2000 European Landscape Convention, which was designed by the Council of Europe, entering into force in 2003. In this respect, at least two peculiar features are relevant to island sustainable development: on the one hand, the aim of the Convention consists of framing the landscape in planning and management, therefore attributing a cardinal role to culture in designing praxis; on the other, the perception of the landscape by the individual local communities is regarded as the reference basis for protection, management, and planning, therefore focusing on those geographical features that are regarded as culturally relevant to the local systems. This approach leads to considering whether and how the landscape may be assumed as a focus for implementing sustainable development in small islands states.The role of scienceAt this point, attention shifts to science, in order to discuss how culture has been recently approached, and what inputs may be identified with respect to small islands and small island states. In this respect, two speculative arenas have solidified: the structuralist arena, where culture is essentially identified in tangible realities, such as archaeological remains, old buildings and monuments, therefore opening the perspective of attributing them a peculiar role in planning and management; the humanistic arena, according to which culture is thought of as a mantle of symbols, and as the associated values attributed to places by local communities, therefore opening the perspective of considering the intellectual and spiritual endowment of the individual communities as an essential basis for designing culturally sound strategies and actions. The question is how these two conceptual approaches may be integrated and, jointly, how they may be used to optimise the strategies carried out by UNESCO and other intergovernmental organisations involved in island management, being sensitive to the role of culture vis-à-vis sustainable development.ConclusionMoving from this three-step pathway some deductions are sketched in order to design how the cultural identity of islands may be assumed as a cardinal basis for spatial praxis, and it may be framed into a comprehensive view by also embracing ecological identity.  相似文献   

The fishing industry has been facing problems related to catch yields, predatory competition and economic collapse. Management should be based on substantial scientific studies and the state's ability to implement these. In Brazil, the surface longline fishery has been in existence since the 1950s, and remains of great economic importance. This study analyzes 179 legal instruments (1934–2014), divided into restrictive, administrative and promotional, comparing with catches landed (1996–2011). The results show that there was a complete disrespect for the regulations, wherein fleets continued landing prohibited or size limited species, such as Kajikia albida, Makaira nigricans, Alopias superciliosus, A. vulpinus, Carcharhinus longimanus, Galeorhinus galeus and Xiphias gladius. Furthermore, divergent regulatory provisions have hindered understanding/implementation of regulations by all those involved. Being a country of continental proportions and with different longline fisheries along the coast, conducting scientific studies and the development of normative approaches becomes a huge challenge. In a dynamic activity such as fishing, the constant review of these regulations will allow fisheries management to become more accurate and in accordance with the aspirations of the different interests involved. Despite the surface longline fishery having operated for 60 years in Brazil, the existence of incongruous laws makes the management and control of this activity incompatible with the conservation of species. The lack of regulations governing this fishery creates a "gap", increasing the risk of extinction of species (target and bycatch) and the future collapse of this activity.  相似文献   

The maximum sustainable yield concept (MSY) and the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) have been recently adopted by the European Commission with the objective to achieve, over the long term, the highest possible sustainable yield from a given exploited stock. In this context, a fishing mortality MSY reference level (i.e., FMSY) should be defined, taking into account recruitment, growth and natural mortality under current or recent ecosystem conditions. Thus, FMSY is used as a generic term for a robust estimate of a fishing mortality level that is associated with high sustainable yield in the long term, assuming the current harvesting regime in terms of size selectivity. In this study, using the Eastern Baltic cod as an example, we challenge this rather simplified view showing that by using a different harvest selectivity and thus changing the size range of harvested cod, it is possible to largely increase the yield and revenue from the fishery compared to the fishing mortality stipulated in the management plan (i.e., FMSY), while assuring sustainable high yield in the long term. Thus, implementing the MSY concept in terms of fishing mortality but neglecting selective harvesting effects will not achieve high long term sustainable yield for Eastern Baltic cod. The combination of size selective harvesting and economic reasoning may offer an important tool for the management of marine resources by potentially providing a common currency for the different stakeholders and offer guidance to achieve long term sustainability and human well-being. This would represent the natural step forward in the implementation of EAFM and MSY concepts.  相似文献   

《Ocean Engineering》2004,31(11-12):1407-1421
The paper presents an optimization study for the mechanical and electrical equipment of an oscillating-water-column (OWC) wave power plant of fixed shoreline or nearshore type, equipped with an air turbine. The plant’s structure geometry is assumed to be given and the corresponding hydrodynamic coefficients are known as functions of wave frequency. A stochastic model is adopted for the energy conversion process from wave to air turbine, it being assumed that the system is linear. The optimization concerns the turbine size, represented by its rotor diameter D. Two alternative criteria are used: (i) maximization of the produced electrical energy, (ii) maximization of the annual profit. An example calculation is presented, based on the hydrodynamic coefficients of the OWC on the island of Pico, Azores, and on the aerodynamic performance curves of its Wells turbine. The influence of the following parameters upon optimized turbine size and rated power output is analyzed: wave climate, capital costs of mechanical and electrical equipment, operation and maintenance costs, discount rate, equipment lifetime and price of electrical energy supplied to the grid.  相似文献   

Marine management has typically prioritised natural science methodological traditions as an evidence base for decision-making; yet better integration of social science methods are increasingly shown to provide a more comprehensive picture to base management decisions. Specifically, perceptions-based assessments are gaining support, as they can provide efficient and holistic evaluation regarding management issues. This study focuses on coral reefs because they are particularly threatened ecosystems, due to their ecological complexity, socio-economic importance, and the range of environmental drivers that impact them. Research has largely concentrated on assessing proximate threats to coral reefs. Less attention has been given to distal drivers, such as socio-economic and governance factors. A common understanding of threats related to coral reef degradation is critical for integrated management that takes account of peoples’ concerns. This study compares perceptions of drivers of reef health among stakeholders (n = 110) across different sectors and governance levels, in four Caribbean countries. Interview data identified 37 proximate and 136 distal drivers, categorised into 27 themes. Five sub-groups of themes connecting proximate and distal drivers were identified. Perceptions of two of these narratives, relating to ‘fishing and socioeconomic issues’ and ‘reef management and coastal development’, differed among respondents from different countries and sectors respectively. However, the findings highlight a shared perception of many themes, with 18 of the 27 (67%) mentioned by > 25% of respondents. This paper highlights the application of perceptions data for marine management, demonstrating how knowledge of proximate and distal drivers can be applied to identify important issues at different context-specific scales.  相似文献   

Political decision-making in Denmark can be characterised as negotiated economy. Negotiated economy works through an institutional setup, where advisory boards consisting of stakeholders advise the relevant Minister. Formally, the system is centralised, but in reality the stakeholders have a strong voice.Focusing on two Danish case studies (herring (Clupea harengus) fisheries and pound net fishermen versus cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) management), the article sheds light on different aspects of negotiated economy. The cases provide insight into the abilities of the system to work when facing external changes. The changes relate both to the institutional frameworks, the processes of decision-making and interaction between the stakeholders and decision-makers. The cases show that the system of negotiated economy does not always ensure a democratic decision-making process, as representation of the stakeholders requires skills they do not necessarily possess. Following the developments of the system, the tendency towards increasing demands on the stakeholders will continue.  相似文献   

The eider is one of the most important molluscivorous birds in the Wadden Sea, where it feeds mainly on blue mussels Mytilus edulis and edible cockles Cerastoderma edule. These prey species are within reach of the birds at all times. Other potential prey of suitable size that are abundantly present, such as several polychaete worms, or the clam Mya arenaria, are taken to a much lesser extent, possibly because they live buried in the sediment and digging them out would take too much effort. Mya may pose another problem because they grow to sizes that prevent eiders from swallowing them. Large Mya also live too deep down in the sediment, but young (small) specimens should be available to eiders. Yet, even these have only rarely been found as prey in eiders in the Wadden Sea. However, diet studies in relation to food abundance have been few, and may have missed prey that do not leave large shell fragments (i.e. in faeces studies). This paper describes observations on eiders taking both Mya and polychaete worms. The eiders fed on these prey in a fashion reminiscent of gulls that scavenge behind fishing vessels: some eiders have learnt to follow professional worm-digging boats that supply a bycatch of molluscs (mainly Mya arenaria) and polychaete worms (mainly Arenicola marina and Nephtys hombergii). Mya and worms were also the main targets of the eiders that fed in a dense flock close to the boat's stern. Faeces found on the flats at low tide comprised mainly cockle shell fragments, a prey rarely taken by the eiders behind the boat. Faeces studies may thus give a highly biased impression of local eider diet.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2007,50(5-6):481-497
The purple clam Amiantis purpurata supports a small-scale fishery in Patagonia by two modalities: (i) hand gathering along the beach (intertidal zone); (ii) diving fishery in the subtidal zone. In the first case, the influence of the fishermen's behavior (serial depletion of patches, degree of organization, economic threshold) on the catch per unit effort (CPUE) was analyzed. Harvesting processes in subtidal portions of populations were described matching the spatial distribution of abundance, derived from pre- and post-harvest surveys (1995 and 2005), and from temporal patterns of CPUE. Concentration profiles were used to establish an economic threshold; only 16.4% of the clams were dispersed in unprofitable areas. Reduction of density is in accordance with absence of recruitment during two decades. A management scheme was proposed with operative short-term management actions and strategic long-term components to avoid recruitment overfishing.  相似文献   

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