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Atmospheric dynamical mechanisms have been prevalently used to explain the characteristics of the summer monsoon intraseasonal oscillation (MISO), which dictates the wet and dry spells of the monsoon rainfall. Recent studies show that ocean–atmosphere coupling has a vital role in simulating the observed amplitude and relationship between precipitation and sea surface temperature (SST) at the intraseasonal scale. However it is not clear whether this role is simply ‘passive’ response to the atmospheric forcing alone, or ‘active’ in modulating the northward propagation of MISO, and also whether the extent to which it modulates is considerably noteworthy. Using coupled NCEP–Climate Forecast System (CFSv2) model and its atmospheric component the Global Forecast System (GFS), we investigate the relative role of the atmospheric dynamics and the ocean–atmosphere coupling in the initiation, maintenance, and northward propagation of MISO. Three numerical simulations are performed including (1) CFSv2 coupled with high frequency interactive SST, the GFS forced with both (2) observed monthly SST (interpolated to daily) and (3) daily SST obtained from the CFSv2 simulations. Both CFSv2 and GFS simulate MISO of slightly higher period (~60 days) than observations (~45 days) and have reasonable seasonal rainfall over India. While MISO simulated by CFSv2 has realistic northward propagation, both the GFS model experiments show standing mode of MISO over India with no northward propagation of convection from the equator. The improvement in northward propagation in CFSv2, therefore, may not be due to improvement of the model physics in the atmospheric component alone. Our analysis indicates that even with the presence of conducive vertical wind shear, the absence of meridional humidity gradient and moistening of the atmosphere column north of convection hinders the northward movement of convection in GFS. This moistening mechanism works only in the presence of an ‘active’ ocean. In CFSv2, the lead-lag relationship between the atmospheric fluxes, SST and convection are maintained, while such lead-lag is unrealistic in the uncoupled simulations. This leads to the conclusion that high frequent and interactive ocean–atmosphere coupling is a necessary and crucial condition for reproducing the realistic northward propagation of MISO in this particular model.  相似文献   

2005年6月湖南大暴雨过程的天气动力学诊断分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
利用NCEP分析资料和实测资料,对2005年6月初湖南大暴雨过程进行了天气动力学诊断分析。结果表明:暴雨区中上升运动和水汽辐合均大于周围区域,中低层为对流不稳定层结。暴雨区位于非地转湿Q矢量辐合强迫的次级环流上升支中,其南北两侧为非地转下沉气流,下沉气流的补偿有利于暴雨系统的维持。非地转湿Q矢量辐合区对6小时暴雨落区预报有指示意义。暴雨区位于700hPa湿位涡和850hPa湿相对位涡负值中心附近偏暖湿气流一侧。低层暖湿平流和强上升运动致使低层湿空气辐合补偿、热量上传,利于高层辐散增强,抽吸作用加强低空辐合,促使暴雨发展。  相似文献   

2010年1月鄂东一次暴雪过程中尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规观测资料及NCEP/GFS再分析资料,对2010年1月5—6日发生在湖北东部的暴雪过程进行中尺度分析。结果表明:500hPa北支槽后干冷空气配合南支槽前西南暖湿气流形成的冷暖交汇以及850hPa低涡北抬发展是产生暴雪的主要天气背景;200hPa高空急流、700hPa西南急流、925hPa东北气流、850hPa气流汇合区、700hPa及850hPa露点锋、锋生次级环流、风向随高度强烈顺转的垂直风切变以及地面中尺度辐合区的有利空间配置,对暴雪预报具有重要指示意义。此外,在上述研究的基础上对此次暴雪过程的三维物理模型进行了总结。  相似文献   

利用常规地面气象观测资料、NCEP/NCAR FNL 1°×1°网格点逐6 h再分析资料,对2018年6月20日浙江省一次暴雨过程的主要环流系统、等熵位涡、垂直螺旋度等进行了天气动力学诊断分析。结果表明:850 hPa低涡切变、对流层中层冷空气、200 hPa南亚高压、副热带高压是此次暴雨过程发生的主要影响系统;700 hPa上的正垂直螺旋度中心对暴雨的发生有良好的指示意义;等熵位涡的演变和形态对冷空气活动有较好的视踪作用,等熵位涡中心两侧气流辐合,有利于低压系统发展,高层等熵位涡与冷空气活动有较好的对应关系,等熵位涡大值区偏南侧的移动与强降水落区有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   

Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations (BSISOs) manifest in the active and break spells and act as the primary building block of the Indian summer monsoon. Although recent research has evolved a basic framework for understanding the scale selection and northward propagation of the BSISO, the role of different hydrometeors in modulating these processes remains poorly explored. In this study, TRMM-2A12 retrievals and Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications reanalysis data are examined to establish relationship between cloud hydrometeors and other atmospheric dynamical parameters with the northward propagation of the BSISOs. The study reveals that the cloud liquid water leads the deep convection during the northward propagation of BSISOs in the lower troposphere, while the cloud ice slightly lags the convection. This distribution indicates the occurrence of a possible mechanism of the lower level moistening through the large scale moisture advection in lower atmosphere and boundary layer (PBL) convergence, followed by triggering of the deep convection. The analyses of moisture advection and the dynamical fields with respect to the convection center show that low level moistening is a manifestation of the barotropic vorticity and PBL convergence of moisture anomaly north of the convection center. A new internal dynamical-thermodynamical mechanism is unraveled to understand the reason behind the middle tropospheric heating maximum and its role on the northward propagation. It is shown that the enhanced moisture perturbation in lower levels together with the heat transport by the sub-grid scale eddies within the PBL induces lower level instability required to precondition the lower atmosphere for triggering the deep convection. Vigorous upward motion inside the deep convection uplifts the liquid hydrometeors to upper levels and the formation of precipitable ice leads to the heating maxima in the middle troposphere. To check the robustness of the proposed hypothesis, similar analysis is performed for the weak northward propagating BSISO cases.  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料和NCEP 2.5°×2.5°再分析资料,选取1991年7月9日、1998年7月21日、2010年7月8日湖北省梅雨期的三次大暴雨过程,对影响三次暴雨天气背景以及暴雨发生所需的动力、水汽、热力条件进行诊断分析。试图总结这类区域性暴雨的预报着眼点。结果表明:三次过程的高、低空急流的位置,水汽输送路径有一定相似性;影响三次过程的中尺度系统为西南涡-切变线。850 hPa正涡度中心、水汽通量散度中心与暴雨落区有较好对应,反映了中低层风的辐合和垂直上升运动有利于降水的维持。三次过程暴雨区域700 hPa湿正压项和斜压项绝对值之和均在0.5~0.6 PVU之间,柱状的水汽饱和区均延伸至500 hPa以上;此类暴雨的预报着眼点为:西南涡-切变线以及低空急流的位置是暴雨落区预报的重点,低层的涡度、水汽通量散度、假相当位温高能舌,以及大气运动的垂直结构对暴雨落区预报有较好的参考价值。  相似文献   

利用1979-2007年卫星观测日平均OLR资料以及NCEP/DOE第2套再分析资料中的风场资料,采用有限区域波一频分析、合成分析等方法,分析对比对流层高、低层风场与对流场所表征的热带北半球夏季季节内振荡(BSISO)各种传播模态谱分布气候特征及其年际异常。结果表明:各要素反映的BSISO各种模态的气候特征及其年际变化存在一定差异,总体而言对流层低层风(850hPa纬向风或经向风)与对流比较一致。850hPa经向风(纬向风)所反映的纬向(经向)传播BSISO谱分布气候特征与对流情况最相似。在ENSO发展年,850hPa经向风反映的赤道东传波加强趋势与对流较为一致;850hPa纬向风、经向风反映的北传波变化趋势都与对流相似。在ENSO衰减年,850hPa纬向风(经向风)反映的赤道东传波(赤道外西传波)减弱趋势与对流较为一致;对流以及850hPa经向风、200hPa纬向风和200hPa经向风4种要素都能体现南海及周边地区北传波明显减弱这一特征。对流和850hPa纬向风所反映的北传波与印度洋偶极子模态之间关系一致。  相似文献   

提出并推导二阶位涡物理量,并利用美国NCEP/NCAR 0.5°×0.5°GFS的24 h预报资料,计算了东北冷涡暴雨、锋面暴雨、低槽暴雨、台风暴雨等类型暴雨500—850 h Pa二阶位涡绝对值的垂直积分,与相对应时刻的24 h累积地面观测降水量进行对比。结果表明:二阶位涡的水平分布与暴雨落区有较好的对应关系,其对观测降水具有指示预测作用。2013年6—8月华南地区(20°—35°N,105°—125°E)24 h预报的6 h累计降水量大于10 mm的ETS评分表明,二阶位涡预报降水的平均ETS评分高于美国GFS预报降水的平均ETS评分,其对降水有较好的指示作用。  相似文献   

利用自动气象站雨量资料、MICAPS4调阅资料以及NCEP再分析资料,对比分析了2016年8月21日和2018年7月22日宁夏贺兰山东麓两次局地暴雨过程的降水特征、环流形势等,重点对两次过程的湿位涡场进行了诊断分析。结果表明:两次暴雨过程第一阶段均为暖区降水,表现出降水范围小、时间短、强度大,相对第一阶段降水,第二阶段降水范围较大、雨强较小。两次过程强降水均发生在假相当位温(θse)等值线密集区,并沿低空急流轴呈长条状分布,强降水时段与θse最大值出现时间相一致。暴雨区位于位涡(PV)负值中心区附近,暴雨发生发展过程与PV负值中心的移动和变化较为一致,PV负值中心的加强和减弱以及移动方向对局地暴雨的预报有很好的指示意义。对流层500 hPa以上湿位涡正压项(MPV1)正的大值区对应700 hPa以下负的大值区,正负中心区垂直叠加的配置有利于暴雨发生发展。垂直剖面图上600 hPa都存在湿位涡斜压项(MPV2)负极值中心,对流层中低层MPV2负极值中心的强度和维持时间以及变化对局地暴雨的预报有一定的指示作用。  相似文献   

本文在前期统计工作的基础上,选取了一次典型的中尺度对流涡旋(MCV)个例,利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料分析其背景场特征,并利用WRF数值模拟结果分析其成因及其触发"二次对流"的可能机制。结果表明:MCV发生前,江淮地区处于200 h Pa强辐散场中,高层抽吸作用明显,500 h Pa江淮西北部短波槽槽后不断有冷空气南下,加强该地区大气层结不稳定,850 h Pa湖北至安徽中部有切变线活动,这种高低层配置十分有利于MCV生成及对流发生;MCV生命史各阶段垂直输送项和涡管倾斜项呈反位相分布,而水平平流项和辐合辐散项的作用基本是相互抵消的,垂直输送项和辐合辐散项是MCV生成阶段中低层涡度的主要来源;MCV引发的"二次对流"出现在其生成阶段,且位于其南侧,MCV发展成熟后,对流迅速减弱;MCV的生成使南侧西南低空急流加强,伴随水平涡度的变化,"二次对流"的发生发展与水平涡度对应的垂直环流上升支有直接联系。  相似文献   

利用常规观测资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料及雷达资料,对2014年6月浙江中部地区一次有冷空气侵入的梅汛期大暴雨过程进行了诊断分析。结果表明:短波槽携带冷空气与西南暖湿气流交汇所形成的低涡切变是大暴雨过程主要影响系统;冷空气侵入使垂直方向上形成上冷下暖的不稳定结构,在暴雨区域上空始终对应有配合垂直上升运动中心的低层辐合中心,同时800-900 h Pa的干冷平流向低层的输送对暴雨维持有重要作用。冷空气侵入加剧了低层大气的对流性不稳定,大暴雨的产生与低层大气对流性不稳定的加剧和不稳定能量的释放有密切关系。湿位涡正压项(MPV1)表明大气处于对流不稳定状态,斜压项(MPV2)由负转正发展使垂直涡度得到较大增长,从而为暴雨提供了很好的垂直动力条件。根据雷达速度图上高低层冷暖平流及实况反射率回波,可以初步判断降水的强弱和发展趋势。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对1949年以来7个进入北部湾后强度突然增强的热带气旋(TC)环流背景特征及物理量场特征进行分析,结果表明,有利TC进入北部湾后强度增强的环流背景是:(1)西太平洋副热带高压稳定加强西伸,(2)热带辐合带北抬至华南沿海活动,(3)西南季风爆发处于活跃期,(4)东风波西移叠加,(5)有适度的弱冷空气侵入;对物理量场的合成分析表明,TC进入北部湾前和进入北部湾后,环流中心附近500hPa涡度变化极小,200hPa高空散度增大,500hPa垂直上升速度增大,850hPa中南半岛水汽输送量增大。  相似文献   

2012年初夏滇中首场暴雨过程诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用地面加密观测资料、多普勒天气雷达回波强度、卫星云图TBB资料和NCEP 1°×1°分析资料,应用滤波和广义位涡理论, 对2012年6月1—2日云南省中部的首场切变冷锋型暴雨天气过程进行诊断分析。结果表明:中尺度天气系统是该次暴雨产生的直接原因, 强降水均发生在云顶亮温等值线梯度较大一侧,回波强度空间分布不均匀,回波发展高度较低,但回波结构致密,低质心,以液态降水粒子为主,因此降水分布不均匀,但降水效率高;水汽源地为孟加拉湾;低层水汽通量辐合带与冷锋、切变线、中尺度辐合线以及β中尺度低涡位置有较好的对应关系;700 hPa,850 hPa水汽通量强辐合区中心位置叠加时,其所在区域地面降水增强;强降水区域上空中低层广义湿位涡的正异常现象体现了降水区中低层高水汽集中特征;单站上空低层的广义湿位涡正异常增加时,地面降水强度增加,反之减小;800 hPa广义湿位涡正异常区对地面降水分布有一定指示作用,但暴雨中心与广义湿位涡强中心并不完全重合。  相似文献   

一次湖北暴雪天气的诊断与模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用NCEP GFS资料分析了2007年1月15—16日鄂东南地区降雪过程,对造成暴雪过程的天气系统发生、发展背景场进行分析。并利用中尺度数值天气模式WRF模拟了这次暴雪过程,探讨了其发生发展的机制。天气系统的背景分析表明,这次暴雪过程主要是受700 hPa西南急流和地面冷空气的共同影响而产生的,降水过程与西南急流的变化密切联系。WRF模式较好地再现了此次暴雪的过程。模拟结果表明西南急流的减弱和移出,对应着降雪的开始和停止;在西南急流的左侧,由于低层涡度的增加,使低空辐合、高空辐散,在连续性原理和动力机制约束下导致上升运动的加强是该次暴雪的形成机制。模式结果说明,产生暴雪的上升运动要远小于产生暴雨的上升运动,且在暴雪过程中,中层为上升运动,近地层和高层伴随着下沉运动。  相似文献   

利用WRF中尺度数值模式,NCEP/NCAR分析资料,多普勒雷达观测资料等,对2016年7月25日一次东北冷涡下的飑线过程进行数值模拟,研究了飑线形成和维持与水平涡度的关系及飑线过程中中尺度对流涡旋(MCV)的形成机制,分析发现,高低层水平涡度逆时针旋转对本次飑线的形成和维持有很好的指示意义。(1)飑线发生前,高层渤海湾西侧出现水平涡度的逆时针旋转中心,并有较强的辐散配合,低层水平涡度为逆时针弯曲,为飑线产生提供了有利的上升运动条件。随后高层多个对流单体的水平涡度气旋式涡旋合并形成较大范围的气旋式涡旋结构,触发低层的上升运动,同时低层对流区前部形成一致的气旋式弯曲使得对流单体组织成带状结构,形成飑线。(2)飑线成熟时期高层水平涡度表现为统一大范围气旋式涡旋结构,低层则呈现典型的S型弯曲结构,水平涡度x方向的分量沿对流带从南至北表现为正负正,y方向的分量始终为正,并由对流带的中心向两侧减小,显示出水平涡度矢量旋转的方向对飑线影响的重要性。(3)由垂直涡度方程的分析得出,在飑线发展中期,MCV形成前,雷达反射率回波在500 hPa左右表现出明显的旋转,此时主要与500 hPa以上强的正涡度水平平流项及中层倾侧项和水平散度项有关,之后,在这几项的作用下使得中层风场产生气旋式旋转,形成MCV。   相似文献   

This study examines the forecast performance of tropical intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) in recent dynamical extended range forecast (DERF) experiments conducted with the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecasting System (GFS) model. The present study extends earlier work by comparing prediction skill of the northern winter ISO (Madden-Julian Oscillation) between the current and earlier experiments. Prediction skill for the northern summer ISO is also investigated. Since the boreal summer ISO exhibits northward propagation as well as eastward propagation along the equator, forecast skill for both components is computed. For the 5-year period from 1 January, 1998 through 31 December, 2002, 30-day forecasts were made once a day. Compared to the previous DERF experiment, the current model has shown some improvements in forecasting the ISO during winter season so that the skillful forecasts (anomaly correlation>0.6) for upper-level zonal wind anomaly extend from the previous shorter-than 5 days out to 7 days lead-time. A similar level of skill is seen for both northward and eastward propagation components during the summer season as in the winter case. Results also show that forecasts from extreme initial states are more skillful than those from null phases for both seasons, extending the skillful range by 3–6 days. For strong ISO convection phases, the GFS model performs better during the summer season than during the winter season. In summer forecasts, large-scale circulation and convection anomalies exhibit northward propagation during the peak phase. In contrast, the GFS model still has difficulties in sustaining ISO variability during the northern winter as in the previous DERF run. That is, the forecast does not maintain the observed eastward propagating signals associated with large-scale circulation; rather the forecast anomalies appear to be stationary at their initial location and decay with time. The NCEP Coupled Forecast System produces daily operational forecasts and its predication skill of the MJO will be reported in the future.  相似文献   

青藏高原东北侧一次暴雪过程的湿位涡分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用NCEP(1°×1°)全球再分析格点资料,对青藏高原东北侧2002年10月18日一次暴雪天气进行诊断分析。结果表明:500 hPa北上的西南暖湿气流与东移南压的西北冷空气在36°N附近交汇形成的高原切变线是造成这次强降水的主要天气系统。暴雪发生在700 hPa湿位涡正压项MPV1正值密集带和湿位涡斜压项MPV2负值区中。由于等eθ线变得陡立密集,大气对流不稳定能量释放,MPV2绝对值增大,大气湿斜压性增强导致下滑倾斜涡度发展是形成此次暴雪的重要原因,它对暴雪预报有着很好的指示作用。  相似文献   

高原涡与西南涡相互作用暴雨天气过程的诊断分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用动力诊断方法,对2008年7月20~22日高原低涡与低层西南低涡相互作用引发西南低涡强烈发展和四川大面积特大暴雨天气发生机理进行了诊断分析。分析表明:高原涡与西南涡涡心之间的纬向距离在5个纬度的时候,两者上升气流都在500 hPa以下,当两者继续东移,在经向上耦合的时候,二者同时得到发展,西南涡中心的上升气流达到300 hPa,而高原涡中心的上升气流突破200 hPa;西南涡在低层出现初期,在一定程度上制约了高原涡的发展,随着两者在经向方向发生耦合,上下涡度平流不同造成垂直差动,将激发500 hPa以下的上升运动与气旋性涡度加强,使得500 hPa与700 hPa涡心正涡度值的增大近1倍。并且涡前的正涡度变率使得高原涡发展并东移,待垂直耦合后,高原涡与盆地涡相互强迫作用促使气流上升运动加强也是导致高原低涡与西南低涡共同发展的一种机制。  相似文献   

2008年江西省冻雨和暴雪过程对比分析   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7  
利用NCEP1°×1°逐6h分析资料和常规观测资料,从环流形势、垂直热力结构、动力抬升、水汽条件等方面着手,对2008年1月25—28日和2月1—2日江西省罕见大范围冻雨和暴雪过程进行了对比分析。结果表明,2次过程发生在相似的环流背景下,但暴雪过程的饱和湿度层更加深厚,冷空气条件、动力辐合、垂直风切变均强于冻雨过程。对流层中层的爆发性增温是冻雨、暴雪降水相态改变的关键,2次过程在925—700hPa都存在逆温层,但冻雨过程的锋面逆温更强,并在800hPa以上存在1~2km的0℃以上暖层,暖层最高温度为2~7℃;而暴雪过程整层温度均在0℃以下,不存在暖层。强降雪伴随着湿位涡的发展而加强,MPV1正中心附近的强梯度带和MPV2负斜压中心附近的密集等值线,以及深厚、强烈的上升运动对冻雨和暴雪的预报具有较好的指示意义。2次过程在低空都为辐散气流,中层辐合、高空辐散,且辐合、辐散层从高到低,从北向南倾斜分布。暴雪过程的高层辐散更强,高低空的抽吸作用更加剧烈。  相似文献   

The temporal clustering of the western North Pacific tropical cyclogenesis and its modulation by the Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) during the 1991 summer were examined based on the tropical cyclone best track, outgoing longwave radiation, and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis datasets. The wavelet analysis shows that convective activities around the monsoon trough in the western North Pacific possessed a distinct MJO with a period of 20–60 days. Two or more tropical cyclones were observed to form successively during each active phase of the MJO, and tropical cyclones tended to generate around the southeastern part of the maximum vorticity of the low-frequency cyclonic circulation during the developing and peak stages of the active MJO phase. But tropical cyclogenesis scarcely occurred during inactive MJO phases. Thus the MJO was a major agent in modulating repeated development of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific during the 1991 summer. The MJO in circulation was characterized by a huge anomalous cyclone (anticyclone) in the lower troposphere existing alternately over the western North Pacific, leading to an enhanced (weakened) monsoon trough. An examination of the meridional gradient of absolute vorticity associated with the zonal flow indicates that the zonal flow in the monsoon trough region satisfied the necessary conditions for barotropic instability, with both zonal flow and the meridional gradient of absolute vorticity varying on the similar MJO timescale. The intraseasonal oscillation of such an unstable zonal flow might thus be an important mechanism for temporal clustering of tropical cyclogenesis in the western North Pacific. The barotropic conversion could provide a major energy source for the formation and growth of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific during active MJO phases, with the eddy kinetic energy generation being dominated by both terms of eddies interacting with zonal and meridional gradients of the basic zonal flow.  相似文献   

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