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Westerly wind bursts or events (WWBs or WWEs) are commonly viewed as stochastic processes, independent of any oceanic forcing. Some recent work and observations have suggested that these events can be viewed as state-dependent noise in that they are modulated by the SST variability. This potentially affects the predictability of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In this study, we examine the impact of parameterized WWBs on ENSO variability in the Community Climate System Model version 3.0 and 4.0 (CCSM3 and CCSM4). The WWBs parameterization is derived based on 50 years of atmospheric reanalysis data and observed estimates of tropical Pacific SST. To study the impact of WWBs three experiments are performed. In the first experiment, the model is integrated for several hundred years with no prescribed WWBs events (i.e. the control). In the second case, state-independent WWBs events are introduced. In other words, the occurrence, location, duration, and scale of the WWBs are determined (within bounds) randomly. These wind events are always positive (eastward) without a westward counterpart and are totally independent of the anomalies in the state variables, and can be thought of as additive noise. For the third case, the WWBs are introduced but as multiplicative noise or state-dependent forcing, modulated by SST anomalies.The statistical moments for the Niño 3.4 index shows that the state-dependent case produced larger El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and the bias toward stronger cold events is reduced as compared to the control and the state-independent runs. There is very little difference between the control and the state-independent WWB simulations suggesting that the deterministic component of the burst is responsible for reshaping the ENSO events. Lag-lead correlation of ocean variables with Niño 3.4 index suggests larger temporal coherence of the ENSO events. This, along with SSTA composites, also suggest a shift toward a more self sustained mechanism as the experiments progress from the control to the state dependent WWBs. Overall, the parameterized WWBs have the capability to modify the ENSO regime in the CGCM, demonstrating the importance of sub-seasonal variability on interannual time scales. The fast varying (stochastic) component of WWB is of little importance, whereas the slow (SST dependent) component has a significant impact overall. The results are consistent between CCSM3 and CCSM4.  相似文献   

 A primitive equation model is used to investigate the warm pool equilibrium of the tropical Pacific ocean. Attention is focused on the upper ocean. The oceanic response is described using an isothermal approach applied to warm waters contained in the TOGA-COARE domain. The heat balance shows that all the terms, atmospheric surface fluxes, advection and diffusion, operate in the heat bugdet with different time scales. Over long periods, diffusive heat fluxes transfer heat received from the atmosphere out of the warm pool trough the top of the main thermocline. Over short periods, the impact of westerly wind bursts modifies this balance: atmospheric heating is reversed, diffusion is enhanced and advective heat transports out of the warm pool operate through zonal and vertical contributions. We were able to relate the two latter processes to zonal jets and Ekman pumping, respectively. Conversely, the meridional contribution always represents a source of heat, mainly due to the tropical wind convergence. The modelling results clearly show that except during strong wind events, entrainment cooling is not an important component of the budget. The inability to remove heat is due to the salt stratification which needs to be first reduced or even destroyed by westerly wind bursts to activate heat entrainment into deeper layers. Finally, we suggest that the near zero estimate for the surface heat flux entering the warm pool may be extended to longer periods including seaosnal to interannual time scale. Received: 16 December 1996 / Accepted: 8 July 1997  相似文献   

Incorporating organic soil into a global climate model   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Organic matter significantly alters a soil’s thermal and hydraulic properties but is not typically included in land-surface schemes used in global climate models. This omission has consequences for ground thermal and moisture regimes, particularly in the high-latitudes where soil carbon content is generally high. Global soil carbon data is used to build a geographically distributed, profiled soil carbon density dataset for the Community Land Model (CLM). CLM parameterizations for soil thermal and hydraulic properties are modified to accommodate both mineral and organic soil matter. Offline simulations including organic soil are characterized by cooler annual mean soil temperatures (up to ∼2.5°C cooler for regions of high soil carbon content). Cooling is strong in summer due to modulation of early and mid-summer soil heat flux. Winter temperatures are slightly warmer as organic soils do not cool as efficiently during fall and winter. High porosity and hydraulic conductivity of organic soil leads to a wetter soil column but with comparatively low surface layer saturation levels and correspondingly low soil evaporation. When CLM is coupled to the Community Atmosphere Model, the reduced latent heat flux drives deeper boundary layers, associated reductions in low cloud fraction, and warmer summer air temperatures in the Arctic. Lastly, the insulative properties of organic soil reduce interannual soil temperature variability, but only marginally. This result suggests that, although the mean soil temperature cooling will delay the simulated date at which frozen soil begins to thaw, organic matter may provide only limited insulation from surface warming.  相似文献   

The modulation of twin tropical cyclogenesis in the Indian-western Pacific Oceans by the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) during the onset period of 1997/98 ENSO is explored for the period of September 1996 to June 1997 based on daily OLR, NCEP/NCAR wind vector, and JTWC best track datasets. The MJO westerly wind burst associated with its eastward propagation can result in a series of tropical cyclogeneses in a multi-day interval. Only in the transition seasons are pairs of tropical cyclones observed in both the tropical sectors of the Indian-western Pacific Oceans. Two remarkable twin tropical cyclogeneses probably modulated by the MJO westerly wind burst are found: one is observed in the Indian Ocean in the middle of October 1996, and the other is observed in the Western Pacific Ocean in late May 1997. The twin tropical cyclogenesis in mid-October 1996 is observed when the super cloud cluster separates into two isolated clusters by the enhanced westerly wind, which is accompanied by two independent vortices in the equatorial tropical sectors. The other one, in late-May 1997, however, is characterized by one cyclonic flow that later results in another cyclonic cell in its opposite equatorial sector. Thus, there are two very important conditions for twin cyclogenesis: one is the MJO westerly wind straddling the equator, and the other is the integral super cloud cluster, which later splits into two cloud convective clusters with independent vortices.  相似文献   

A simple method for initializing intermediate coupled models (ICMs) using only sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly data is comprehensively tested in two sets of hindcasts with a new ICM. In the initialization scheme, both the magnitude of the nudging parameter and the duration of the assimilation are considered, and initial conditions for both atmosphere and ocean are generated by running the coupled model with SST anomalies nudged to the observations. A comparison with the observations indicates that the scheme can generate realistic thermal fields and surface dynamic fields in the equatorial Pacific through hindcast experiments. An ideal experiment is performed to get the optimal nudging parameters which include the nudging intensity and nudging time length. Twelve-month-long hindcast experiments are performed with the model over the period 1984–2003 and the period 1997–2003. Compared with the original prediction results, the model prediction skills are significantly improved by the nudging method especially beyond a 6-month lead time during the two different periods. Potential problems and further improvements are discussed regarding the new coupled assimilation system.  相似文献   

The morning diurnal precipitation maximum over the coastal sea upstream of the Philippines during intraseasonal westerly wind bursts is examined from observations and numerical model simulations. A well-defined case of precipitation and large-scale circulation over the coastal sea west of the Philippines during 17?C27 June 2004 is selected as a representative case. The hypothesis is that the mesoscale diurnal circulation over the Philippines and a large-scale diurnal circulation that is induced by large-scale differential heating over Asian continent and the surrounding ocean interact to produce the offshore precipitation maximum during the morning. Three-hourly combined satellite microwave and infrared rainfall retrievals define the morning rainfall peak during this period, and then later the stratiform rain area extends toward the open sea. A control numerical simulation in which a grid-nudging four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA) is applied to force the large-scale diurnal circulation represents reasonably well the morning rainfall maximum. An enhanced low-level convergence similar to observations is simulated due to the interaction of the local- and large-scale diurnal circulations. The essential role of the local-scale diurnal circulation is illustrated in a sensitivity test in which the solar zenith angle is fixed at 7?am to suppress this diurnal circulation. The implication for climate diagnosis or modeling of such upstream coastal sea precipitation maxima is that the diurnal variations of both the local- and the large-scale circulations must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

A hybrid coupled model (HCM) for the tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere system is employed for ENSO prediction. The HCM consists of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory ocean general circulation model and an empirical atmospheric model. In hindcast experiments, a correlation skill competitive to other prediction models is obtained, so we use this system to examine the effects of several initialization schemes on ENSO prediction. Initialization with wind stress data and initialization with wind stress reconstructed from SST using the atmospheric model give comparable skill levels. In re-estimating the atmospheric model in order to prevent hindcast-period wind information from entering through empirical atmospheric model, we note some sensitivity to the estimation data set, but this is considered to have limited impact for ENSO prediction purposes. Examination of subsurface heat content anomalies in these cases and a case forced only by the difference between observed and reconstructed winds suggests that at the current level of prediction skill, the crucial wind components for initialization are those associated with the slow ENSO mode, rather than with atmospheric internal variability. A “piggyback” suboptimal data assimilation is tested in which the Climate Prediction Center data assimilation product from a related ocean model is used to correct the ocean initial thermal field. This yields improved skill, suggesting that not all ENSO prediction systems need to invest in costly data assimilation efforts, provided the prediction and assimilation models are sufficiently close. Received: 17 April 1998 / Accepted: 22 July 1999  相似文献   

Wang  Lin  Ren  Hong-Li  Zhu  Jieshun  Huang  Bohua 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(7):3229-3243
Climate Dynamics - This study focuses on improving prediction of the two types of ENSO by combining multi-model ensemble (MME) with a statistical error correction method that is based on a stepwise...  相似文献   

A review of ENSO prediction studies   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A hierarchy of ENSO (El Niño/Southern Oscillation) prediction schemes has been developed which includes statistical schemes and physical models. The statistical models are, in general, based on advanced statistical techniques and can be classified into models which use either low-frequency variations in the atmosphere (sea level pressure or surface wind) or upper ocean heat content as predictors. The physical models consist of coupled ocean-atmosphere models of varying degrees of complexity, ranging from simplified coupled models of the shallow water-type to coupled general circulation models. All models, statistical and physical, perform considerably better than the persistence forecast on predicting typical indices of ENSO on lead times of 6 to 12 months. The most successful prediction schemes, the fully physical coupled ocean-atmosphere models, show significant prediction abilities at lead times exceeding one year period. We therefore conclude that ENSO is predictable at least one year in advance. However, all of this applies to gross indices of ENSO such as the Southern Oscillation Index. Despite the demonstrated predictability, little is known about the predictability of specific features known to be associated with ENSO (e.g. Indian Monsoon rainfall, Southern African drought, or even off-equatorial sea surface temperature). Nor has the relative importance for prediction of different regional anomalies or different physical processes yet been established. A seasonal dependence in predictability is well established, but the processes responsible for it are not fully understood.  相似文献   

ENSO事件对东亚副热带西风急流影响的诊断分析   总被引:4,自引:10,他引:4  
黄兴春  江静 《气象科学》2008,28(1):15-20
本文利用NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料,用合成分析和相关分析方法就ENSO事件对东亚副热带西风急流的影响进行诊断分析.主要结论为:El Nino年冬季200 hPa东亚副热带西风急流主要在急流出口区纬向风有正距平,急流增强东扩.而La Nina年冬季急流在急流出口区纬向风有负距平,急流减弱西移.El Nino年夏季急流增强,主要在急流区内的偏南部纬向风有正距平.La Nina年夏季急流减弱,主要在急流区内的偏南部纬向风有负距平;相关分析表明东亚副热带西风急流冬、夏季纬向风与热带中东太平洋冬、夏季海表温度有显著的相关.研究表明,ENSO年冬、夏季对流层中上层有较大的气温异常,并由此产生大的经向温度梯度的异常,这可能是ENSO事件影响东亚副热带西风急流的原因之一.  相似文献   

The mean climatology and the basic characteristics of the ENSO cycle simulated by a coupled model FGCM-1.0 are investigated in this study. Although with some common model biases as in other directly coupled models, FGCM-1.0 is capable of producing the interannual variability of the tropical Pacific, such as the ENSO phenomenon. The mechanism of the ENSO events in the coupled model can be explained by “delayed oscillator” and “recharge-discharge” hypotheses. Compared to the observations, the simulated ENSO events show larger amplitude with two distinctive types of phase-locking: one with its peak phase-locked to boreal winter and the other to boreal summer. These two types of events have a similar frequency of occurrence, but since the second type of event is seldom observed, it may be related to the biases of the coupled model. Analysis show that the heat content anomalies originate from the central south Pacific in the type of events peaking in boreal summer, which can be attributed to a different background climatology from the normal events. The mechanisms of their evolutions are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have devised a partial differential equation for the prediction of dust concentration in a thin layer near the ground. In this equation, erosion (detachment), transport, deposition and source are parameterised in terms of known quantities. The interaction between a wind prediction model in the boundary layer and this equation affects the evolution of the dust concentration at the top of the surface layer. Numerical integrations are carried out for various values of source strength, ambient wind and particle size. Comparison with available data shows that the results appear very reasonable and that the model should be subjected to further development and testing.Notation (x, y, z, t) space co-ordinates and time (cm,t) - u, v components of horizontal wind speed (cm s–1) - u g, vg components of the geostrophic wind (cm s–1) - V=(u2+v2)1/2 (cm s–1) - (û v)= 1/(h – k) k h(u, v)dz(cm s–1) - V * friction velocity (cm s–1) - z 0 roughness length (cm) - k 1 von Karman constant =0.4 - V d deposition velocity (cm s–1) - V g gravitational settling velocity (cm s–1) - h height of inversion (cm) - k height of surface layer (cm) - potential temperature (°K) - gr potential temperature at ground (°K) - K potential temperature at top of surface layer (°K) - P pressure (mb) - P 0 sfc pressure (mb) - C p/Cv - (t)= /z lapse rate of potential temperature (°K cm–1) - A(z) variation of wind with height in transition layer - B(z) variation of wind with height in transition layer - Cd drag coefficient - C HO transfer coefficient for sensible heat - C dust concentration (g m–3) - C K dust concentration at top of surface layer (g m–3) - D(z) variation with height of dust concentration - u, v, w turbulent fluctuations of the three velocity components (cm s–1) - A 1 constant coefficient of proportionality for heat flux =0.2 - Ri Richardson number - g gravitational acceleration =980 cm s–2 - Re Reynolds number = - D s thickness of laminar sub-layer (cm) - v molecular kinematic viscosity of air - coefficient of proportionality in source term - dummy variable - t time step (sec) - n time index in numerical equations On sabbatical leave at University of Aberdeen, Department of Engineering, September 1989–February 1990.  相似文献   

Global climate models predict that the increasing Amazonian-deforestation rates cause rising tempera- tures (increases of 1.8℃ to 8℃ under different conditions) and Amazonian drying over the 21st century. Observations in the 20th century also show that over the warmer continent and the nearby western South At- lantic Ocean, the lower-layer equatorial westerly wind (LLEWW) strengthens with the initiation of tropical cyclones (TCs). The warmer-continent-related LLEWW can result from the Coriolis-force-induced deflection of the cross-equatorial flow (similar to the well-known heat-island effect on sea breeze) driven by the enhanced land-sea contrast between the warmer urbanized continents and relatively cold oceans. This study focuses on the processes relating the warmer-continent-related LLEWW to the TC initiation and demonstrates that the LLEWW embedded in trade easterlies can directly initiate TCs by creating cyclonic wind shears and forming the intertropical convergence zone. In addition to this direct effect, the LLEWW combined with the rotating Earth can boost additional updraft vapor over the high sea-surface temperature region (factor 1), facilitating a surface-to-midtroposphere moist layer (factor 2) and convective instability (factor 3) followed by diabatic processes. According to previous studies, the diabatic heating in a finite equatorial region also activates TCs (factor 4) on each side of the Equator with weak vertical shear (factor 5). Factors 1-5 are favorable conditions for the initiation of severe TCs. Statistical analyses show that the earliest signal of sustained LLEWW not only leads the earliest signal of sustained tropical depression by >3 days but also explains a higher percentage of total variance.  相似文献   

Summary Contour maps of any meteorological variable cannot give radius or area of influences around the measurement station by considering the records at surrounding sites. The main purpose of this paper is to propose a trigonometric point cumulative semivariogram (TPCSV) concept for deciding on a spatial dependence function and then its use for regional prediction. The TPCSV provides a unique opportunity for the establishment of a regional objective prediction method whereby the radius of influence helps to predict wind velocity at any site by using the weighted averages. The spatial correlations and weightings are obtained through the TPCSV provided that the distance between two sites is known. If the slope of TPCSV is greater than 80° after some distance, then beyond this distance the regional correlation is considered as negligible. The implementation of the proposed methodology is presented for 68 wind velocity measurement stations in Turkey. The proposed method yields the least prediction error compared with other objective methodologies. It is seen that areas of influence at Central Anatolia are generally bigger than coastal areas of Turkey.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments are performed to test one reasonably economical method of producing regional forecasts. Starting with initial conditions interpolated from a 20 hour coarse grid Northern Hemisphere forecast, a fine mesh model is integrated for a further period of 4 hours over a limited area. The fine mesh is located over the north‐eastern part of North America and its resolution is sufficient to re‐produce topographic features such as the St. Lawrence and Richelieu Valleys. The resulting forecast at hour 24 is then compared with the coarse mesh prediction for the same time. The comparison reveals how the horizontal and vertical components of the wind are affected by the small scale topography. In particular, the channelling effect of the main valleys is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Using Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models it has been shown that they, combined with models (either physical or statistical) taking local effects into account, can be used to predict the wind locally better than the models commonly used today (as eg persistence). By local is meant at one distinct spot, as eg the location of a meteorological mast. The physical model of local effects takes the following into account: shelter from near-by obstacles, the effect of roughness changes and the effect of the local orography. The large-scale flow is linked to the surface flow by the geostrophic drag law, and the logarithmic wind profile. The predictions are made up to 36 hours ahead. The model is tested on data from 50 meteorological stations scattered all over Europe.  相似文献   

Here we study the low-frequency variability of the tropical Indian and Pacific basins with a new statistical technique, Bayesian oscillation patterns (BOP). To describe the climatic system in this region, zonal wind and sea surface temperature (SST) are the selected variables. Their variability can be explained in terms of a reduced number of frequencies and spatial patterns. These are identified for each field by a statistical procedure. With the help of the patterns and the frequencies a predictive scheme is devised and applied in two forecast experiments. In the first, zonal wind anomalies are predicted using patterns and frequencies identified in the wind field. A more sophisticated scheme, a linear model which includes non-harmonic oscillations and interactions between patterns, is used when forecasting SST seasonal anomalies in the Niño3 region. In this case, the predictors include the values of the frequencies identified in the BOP analysis of both wind and SST fields, and thecorresponding patterns.  相似文献   

Summary Hurricanes cause a variety of damage due to high winds, heavy rains, and storm surges. This study focuses on hurricanes’ high winds. The most devastating effects of sustained high winds occur in the first few hours of landfall. During the short period, hurricanes’ rainfall often increases, while the low-level pressure gradients continue to weaken. Latent heating does not appear to strengthen the surface winds. The indicator is that dry mechanisms such as the boundary layer processes and terrain are responsible for the damaging winds in the coastal areas. In this study, the design of a dry hurricane boundary layer wind model is described. The goal is to develop a forecast tool with near-real time applications in expeditious wind damage assessment and disaster mitigation during a hurricane landfall event. Different surface roughness lengths and topographic features ranging from flat land to the mountainous terrain of Taiwan were used in the model simulation experiments to reveal how the coastal environment affected the hurricane surface winds. The model performed quite well in all cases. The experiments suggested that the downward transfer of high momentum aloft played a significant role in the maintenance of high wind speeds at the surface. The surface wind maximums were observed on the lee sides of high terrain. The surface streamline analyses showed that the high mountains tended to block the relatively weak flow and caused small eddies, while they forced the stronger flow to turn around the mountains. Due to great difficulty in data collection, the hurricane boundary layer over land remains one of the least understood parts of the system. The dry model proves to be an effective way to study many aspects of hurricane boundary layer winds over a wide range of terrain features and landfall sites. The model runs efficiently and can be run on a medium-size personal computer. Received March 16, 2001 Revised September 10, 2001  相似文献   

S. Kravtsov 《Climate Dynamics》2012,39(9-10):2377-2391
This paper assesses potential predictability of decadal variations in the El Ni?o/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) characteristics by constructing and performing simulations using an empirical nonlinear stochastic model of an ENSO index. The model employs decomposition of global sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies into the modes that maximize the ratio of interdecadal-to-subdecadal SST variance to define low-frequency predictors called the canonical variates (CVs). When the whole available SST time series is so processed, the leading canonical variate (CV-1) is found to be well correlated with the area-averaged SST time series which exhibits a non-uniform warming trend, while the next two (CV-2 and CV-3) describe secular variability arguably associated with a combination of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) signals. The corresponding ENSO model that uses either all three (CVs 1–3) or only AMO/PDO-related (CVs 2 and 3) predictors captures well the observed autocorrelation function, probability density function, seasonal dependence of ENSO, and, most importantly, the observed interdecadal modulation of ENSO variance. The latter modulation, and its dependence on CVs, is shown to be inconsistent with the null hypothesis of random decadal ENSO variations simulated by multivariate linear inverse models. Cross-validated hindcasts of ENSO variance suggest a potential useful skill at decadal lead times. These findings thus argue that decadal modulations of ENSO variability may be predictable subject to our ability to forecast AMO/PDO-type climate modes; the latter forecasts may need to be based on simulations of dynamical models, rather than on a purely statistical scheme as in the present paper.  相似文献   

 We examine 800-year time series of internally generated variability in both a coupled ocean-atmosphere model where water vapor anomalies are not allowed to interact with longwave radiation and one where they are. The ENSO-like phenomenon in the experiment without water vapor feedback is drastically suppressed both in amplitude and geographic extent relative to the experiment with water vapor feedback. Surprisingly, the reduced amplitude of ENSO-related sea surface temperature anomalies in the model without water vapor feedback cannot be attributed to greater longwave damping of sea surface temperature. (Differences between the two experiments in radiative feedback due to clouds counterbalance almost perfectly the differences in radiative feedback due to water vapor.) Rather, the interaction between water vapor anomalies and longwave radiation affects the ENSO-like phenomenon through its influence on the vertical structure of radiative heating: Because of the changes in water vapor associated with it, a given warm equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature anomaly is associated with a radiative heating profile that is much more gravitationally unstable when water vapor feedback is present. The warm sea surface temperature anomaly therefore results in more convection in the experiment with water vapor feedback. The increased convection, in turn, is related to a larger westerly wind-stress anomaly, which creates a larger decrease in upwelling of cold water, thereby enhancing the magnitude of the original warm sea surface temperature anomaly. In this manner, the interaction between water vapor anomalies and longwave radiation magnifies the air-sea interactions at the heart of the ENSO phenomenon; without this interaction, the coupling between sea surface temperature and wind stress is effectively reduced, resulting in smaller amplitude ENSO episodes with a more limited geographical extent. Received: 26 March 1999 / Accepted: 25 October 1999  相似文献   

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