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Ultrahigh temperature (UHT) granulites in the Eastern Ghats Province (EGP) have a complex P–T–t history. We review the P–T histories of UHT metamorphism in the EGP and use that as a framework for investigating the P–T–t history of Mg–Al‐rich granulites from Anakapalle, with the express purpose of trying to reconcile the down‐pressure‐dominated P–T path with other UHT localities in the EGP. Mafic granulite that is host to Mg–Al‐rich metasedimentary granulites at Anakapalle has a protolith age of c. 1,580 Ma. Mg–Al‐rich metasedimentary granulites within the mafic granulite at Anakapalle were metamorphosed at UHT conditions during tectonism at 960–875 Ma, meaning that the UHT metamorphism was not the result of contact metamorphism from emplacement of the host mafic rock. Reworking occurred during the Pan‐African (c. 600–500 Ma) event, and is interpreted to have produced hydrous assemblages that overprint the post‐peak high‐T retrograde assemblages. In contrast to rocks elsewhere in the EGP that developed post‐peak cordierite, the metasedimentary granulites at Anakapalle developed post‐peak, generation ‘2’ reaction products that are cordierite‐absent and nominally anhydrous. Therefore, rocks at Anakapalle offer the unique opportunity to quantify the pressure drop that occurred during so‐called M2 that affected the EGP. We argue that M2 is either a continuation of M1 and that the overall P–T path shape is a complex counter‐clockwise loop, or that M1 is an up‐temperature counter‐clockwise deviation superimposed on the M2 path. Therefore, rather than the rocks at Anakapalle having a metamorphic history that is apparently anomalous from the rest of the EGP, we interpret that other previously studied localities in the EGP record a different part of the same P–T path history as Anakapalle, but do not preserve a significant record of pressure decrease. This is due either to the inability of refractory rocks to extensively react to produce a rich mineralogical record of pressure decrease, or because the earlier high‐P part of the rocks history was erased by the M1 loop. Irrespective of the specific scenario, models for the tectonic evolution of the EGP must take the substantial pressure decrease during M2 into account, as it is probable the P–T record at Anakapalle is a reflection of tectonics affecting the entire province.  相似文献   

Polymetamorphic metapelites and embedded eclogites share a complex, episodic interplay of dehydration and fluid infiltration at the eclogite type‐locality (Saualpe–Koralpe, Eastern Alps, Austria). The metapelites inherited a fluid content (i.e. mineral‐bound OH expressed in terms of mol.% H2O) of ~6–7 mol.% H2O from high‐T–low‐P metamorphism experienced during the Permian. At or near Pmax of the subsequent Eoalpine event (~20 kbar and 680°C), the breakdown of paragonite to Na‐rich clinopyroxene and kyanite in metapelites released a discrete pulse of hydrous fluid. Prior to the dehydration event, the rocks were largely fluid absent, allowing only limited re‐equilibration during the prograde Eoalpine evolution. Similarly, Permian‐aged gabbros have persisted metastably due to the absence of a catalyst prior to fluid‐induced re‐equilibration. The fluid triggered partial to complete eclogitization along a fluid infiltration front partially preserved in metagabbro. Near‐isothermal decompression to ~7.5–10 kbar and 670–690°C took place under fluid‐absent conditions. After decompression, a second breakdown of phengitic white mica and garnet produced muscovite, biotite, plagioclase and ~0.1–0.7 mol.% H2O that enhanced extensive fluid‐aided re‐equilibration of the metapelites. Potential relicts of high‐P assemblages were largely obliterated and replaced by the recurrent amphibolite facies assemblage garnet+biotite+staurolite+kyanite+muscovite+plagioclase+ilmenite+quartz. The hydrous fluid originating from the metapelites infiltrated the embedded eclogites at these P–T conditions and induced the local breakdown of the peak assemblage omphacite and garnet to fine‐grained symplectites of diopside and plagioclase. Further fluid infiltration led to the formation of hornblende–quartz poikiloblasts at the expense of the symplectites. The metapelites re‐equilibrated until the growth of retrograde staurolite consumed any remaining free fluid, thereby terminating the process. Further re‐equilibration is inhibited by both the lack of a catalytic fluid and H2O as a reactant essential for rehydration reactions. The interplay between fluid sources and fluid sinks describes a closed cycle for the rocks at the eclogite type‐locality. Final, near‐isobaric cooling is indicated by a slight increase of XFe in garnet rims. Post‐decompression dehydration and fluid‐aided re‐equilibration arrested by the introduction of staurolite might explain the apparently homogeneous retrogression conditions as well as the notorious absence of diagnostic high‐P assemblages in metapelites at the eclogite type‐locality.  相似文献   

The Eastern Tianshan Orogenic Belt (ETOB) in NW China is composed of the Dananhu–Tousuquan arc belt, the Kanggurtag belt, the Aqishan–Yamansu belt and the Central Tianshan belt from north to south. These tectonic belts have formed through arc–continent or arc–arc collisions during the Paleozoic. A number of Fe(‐Cu) deposits in the Aqishan–Yamansu belt, including the Heifengshan, Shuangfengshan and Shaquanzi Fe(‐Cu) deposits, are associated with Carboniferous–Early Permian volcanic rocks and are composed of vein‐type magnetite ores. Metallic minerals are dominated by magnetite and pyrite, with minor chalcopyrite. Calcite, chlorite, and epidote are the dominant gangue minerals. Pyrite separates of ores from those three deposits have relatively high and variable Re contents ranging from 3.7 to 184 ppb. All pyrite separates have very low common Os, allowing us calculation of single mineral model ages for each sample. Pyrite separates from the Heifengshan Fe deposit have an 187Re–187Os isochron age of 310 ± 23 Ma (MSWD = 0.04) and a weighted mean model age of 302 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 0.17). Those from the Shuangfengshan Fe deposit have an isochron age of 295 ± 7 Ma (MSWD = 0.28) and a weighted mean model age of 292 ± 5 Ma (MSWD = 0.33). The Shaquanzi Fe‐Cu deposit has pyrite with an isochron age of 295 ± 7 Ma (MSWD = 0.26) and a weighted mean model age of 295 ± 6 Ma (MSWD = 0.23). Pyrite separates from these Fe(‐Cu) deposits have δ34SCDT ranging from ?0.41‰ to 4.7‰ except for two outliers. Calcite from the Heifengshan Fe deposit and Shaquanzi Fe‐Cu deposit have similar C and O isotope compositions with δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW ranging from ?5.5‰ to ?1.0‰ and from 10‰ to 12.7‰, respectively. These stable isotopic data suggest that S, C, and O are magmatic‐hydrothermal in origin. The association of low‐Ti magnetite and Fe/Cu‐sulfides resembles those of Iron–Oxide–Copper–Gold (IOCG) deposits elsewhere. Our reliable Re–Os ages of pyrite suggest that the Fe(‐Cu) deposits in the Aqishan–Yamansu belt formed at ~296 Ma, probably in a back‐arc extensional environment.  相似文献   

Series of α, β, ω and (ω-1) hydroxy fatty acids (FAOHs) were determined in several freshwater and brackish water lacustrine sediments in Japan. Analytical procedure used was digestion of the solvent-extracted sediment with HF/HCl followed by solvent and saponification extraction of the residue. Abundances of α/β and ω-FAOH determined by this procedure were 2–3 times higher than those obtained by single alkaline saponification and of the same order with those provided by HCl hydrolysis. Major portion of α/β-FAOH was obtained by solvent extraction of the acid-treated sediments, while subsequent alkaline saponification was needed for the majority of ω-FAOH to be recovered. Thus determined FAOHs comprised 33–61% (Av. = 42%) of the “bound” acid constituents in the lacustrine surface sediments. The α/β and ω-FAOH composition was principally the same among the samples examined, except for relative proportions of the iso to anteiso C15 and C17 ß(α)-FAOH, which showed significant variations in the ranges of 0.30–1.1 and 0.46–1.5, respectively. In the holomictic lakes, the ratios together with the same ratios of the “bound” branched monocarboxylic acids tended to decrease with increasing water depth of the lakes, suggesting that the ratios may indicate an extent of the early diagenetic alteration of the bacteria-derived lipids either in water column or in surface sediment.  相似文献   

The Great Xing'an Range (GXR), Northeast (NE) China, is a major polymetallic metallogenic belt in the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The newly discovered Xiaokele porphyry Cu (–Mo) deposit lies in the northern GXR. Field geological and geochronological studies have revealed two mineralization events in this deposit: early porphyry‐type Cu (–Mo) mineralization, and later vein‐type Cu mineralization. Previous geochronological studies yielded an age of ca. 147 Ma for the early Cu (–Mo) mineralization. Our 40Ar/39Ar dating yielded 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of 124.8 ± 0.4 to 124.3 ± 0.4 Ma on K‐feldspar in altered Cu‐mineralized diorite porphyrite dikes that represent the overprinting vein‐type Cu mineralization, consistent with zircon U–Pb ages of the diorite porphyrite (126.4 ± 0.5 to 125.0 ± 0.5 Ma). The Cr and Ni contents and Mg# of the Xiaokele diorite porphyrites are high. The diorite porphyrites at Xiaokele are enriched in light rare‐earth elements (REEs), and large‐ion lithophile elements (e.g., Rb, Ba, and K), are depleted in heavy REEs and high‐field‐strength elements (e.g., Nb, Ta, and Ti), and have weak negative εHf(t) values (+0.29 to +5.27) with two‐stage model ages (TDM2) of 1,164–845 Ma. Given the regional tectonic setting in Early Cretaceous, the ore‐bearing diorite porphyrites were likely formed in an extensional environment related to lithospheric delamination and asthenospheric upwelling induced by subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate. These tectonic events caused large‐scale magmatic activity, ore mineralization, and lithospheric thinning in NE China.  相似文献   

The Qingchengzi orefield in northeastern China, is a concentration of several Pb–Zn, Ag, and Au ore deposits. A combination of geochronological and Pb, Sr isotopic investigations was conducted. Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb ages of 225.3 ± 1.8 Ma and 184.5 ± 1.6 Ma were obtained for the Xinling and Yaojiagou granites, respectively. By step-dissolution Rb–Sr dating, ages of 221 ± 12 Ma and 138.7 ± 4.1 Ma were obtained for the sphalerite of the Zhenzigou Zn–Pb deposit and pyrargyrite of the Ag ore in the Gaojiabaozi Ag deposit, respectively. Pb isotopic ratios of the Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi (206Pb/204Pb = 18.38 to 18.53) are higher than those of the Pb–Zn ores (206Pb/204Pb = 17.66 to 17.96; Chen et al. [Chen, J.F., Yu, G., Xue, C.J., Qian, H., He, J.F., Xing, Z., Zhang, X., 2005. Pb isotope geochemistry of lead, zinc, gold and silver deposit clustered region, Liaodong rift zone, northeastern China. Science in China Series D 48, 467–476.]). Triassic granites show low Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 17.12 to 17.41, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.47 to 15.54, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.51 to 37.89) and metamorphic rocks of the Liaohe Group have high ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.20 to 24.28 and 18.32 to 20.06, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.69 to 16.44 and 15.66 to 15.98, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.29 to 38.61 and 38.69 to 40.00 for the marble of the Dashiqiao Formation and schist of the Gaixian Formation, respectively).Magmatic activities at Qingchengzi and in adjacent regions took place in three stages, and each contained several magmatic pulses: ca. 220 to 225 Ma and 211 to 216 Ma in the Triassic; 179 to 185 Ma, 163 to 168 Ma, 155 Ma and 149 Ma in the Jurassic, as well as ca. 140 to 130 Ma in the Early Cretaceous. The Triassic magmatism was part of the Triassic magmatic belt along the northern margin of the North China Craton produced in a post-collisional extensional setting, and granites in it formed by crustal melting induced by mantle magma. The Jurassic and Early Cretaceous magmatism was related to the lithospheric delamination in eastern China. The Triassic is the most important metallogenic stage at Qingchengzi. The Pb–Zn deposits, the Pb–Zn–Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi, and the gold deposits were all formed in this stage. They are temporally and spatially associated with the Triassic magmatic activity. Mineralization is very weak in the Jurassic. Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi was formed in the Early Cretaceous, which is suggested by the young Rb–Sr isochron age, field relations, and significantly different Pb isotopic ratios between the Pb–Zn–Ag and Ag ores. Pb isotopic compositions of the Pb–Zn ores suggest binary mixing for the source of the deposits. The magmatic end-member is the Triassic granites and the other metamorphic rocks of the Liaohe Group. Slightly different proportions of the two end-members, or an involvement of materials from hidden Cretaceous granites with slightly different Pb isotopic ratios, is postulated to interpret the difference of Pb isotopic compositions between the Pb–Zn–(Ag) and Ag ores. Sr isotopic ratios support this conclusion. At the western part of the Qingchengzi orefield, hydrothermal fluid driven by the heat provided by the now exposed Triassic granites deposited ore-forming materials in the low and middle horizons of the marbles of the Dashiqiao Formation near the intrusions to form mesothermal Zn–Pb deposits. In the eastern part, hydrothermal fluids associated with deep, hidden Triassic intrusions moved upward along a regional fault over a long distance and then deposited the ore-forming materials to form epithermal Au and Pb–Zn–Ag ores. Young magmatic activities are all represented by dykes across the entire orefield, suggesting that the corresponding main intrusion bodies are situated in the deep part of the crust. Among these, only intrusions with age of ca. 140 Ma might have released sufficient amounts of fluid to be responsible for the formation of the Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi.Our age results support previous conclusions that sphalerite can provide a reliable Rb–Sr age as long as the fluid inclusion phase is effectively separated from the “sulfide” phase. Our work suggests that the separation can be achieved by a step-resolution technique. Moreover, we suggest that pyrargyrite is a promising mineral for Rb–Sr isochron dating.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):227-243
As a newly discovered medium‐sized deposit (proven Pb + Zn resources of 0.23 Mt, 9.43% Pb and 8.73% Zn), the Dongzhongla skarn Pb–Zn deposit is located in the northern margin of the eastern Gangdese, central Lhasa block. Based on the geological conditions in this deposit of ore‐forming fluids, H, O, C, S, Pb, Sr, and noble gas isotopic compositions were analyzed. Results show that δ18OSMOW of quartz and calcite ranged from −9.85 to 4.17‰, and δDSMOW ranged from −124.7 to −99.6‰ (where SMOW is the standard mean ocean water), indicating magma fluids mixed with meteoric water in ore‐forming fluids. The δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW values of calcite range from −1.4 to −1.1‰ and from 5.3 to 15.90‰, respectively, show compositions consistent with the carbonate limestone in the surrounding rocks, implying that the carbon was primarily sourced from the dissolution of carbonate strata in the Luobadui Formation. The ore δ34S composition varied in a narrow range of 2.8 to 5.7‰, mostly between 4‰ and 5‰. The total sulfur isotopic value δ34S was 4.7‰ with characteristics of magmatic sulfur. The 3He/4He values of pyrite and galena ranged from 0.101 to 5.7 Ra, lower than those of mantle‐derived fluids (6 ± 1 Ra), but higher than those of the crust (0.01–0.05 Ra), and therefore classified as a crust–mantle mixed source. The Pb isotopic composition for 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb values of the ores were in the ranges of 18.628–18.746, 15.698–15.802, and 39.077–39.430, respectively, consistent with the Pb isotopic composition of magmatic rocks in the deposit, classified as upper‐crust lead. The ore lead was likely sourced partially from the crustal basement of the Lhasa Terrane. The initial (87Sr/86Sr)i value from five sulfide samples ranged from 0.71732 to 0.72767, and associated ore‐forming fluids were mainly sourced from the partial melting of the upper‐crust materials. Pb isotopic compositions of ore sulfides from the Dongzhongla deposit are similar to that of the Yuiguila and Mengya'a deposit, indicating that they have similar sources of metal‐rich ore‐forming solution. According to basic skarn mineralogy, the economic metals, and the origin of the ore‐forming fluids, the Dongzhongla deposit was classified as a skarn‐type Pb–Zn deposit.  相似文献   

红壤酸化过程中铁铝氧化物矿物形态变化及其环境意义   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
铁铝矿物对土壤中有机质的稳定保持具有十分重要的作用。酸化作用的研究表明,随着浸泡时间的增加,红壤中铁铝总量降低,铝溶蚀较严重;红壤中铁铝氧化物的矿物形态变化表现为:游离态晶质铁铝氧化物大量溶出,而无定形和络合态变化不大。酸性条件下有机质溶出显著,说明除了可能发生水解作用外,游离态铁铝的溶出也起着关键性作用。此外,SEM观察也表明酸化作用引起了土壤团聚体结构的破坏。  相似文献   

The Nuri Cu–W–Mo deposit is a large newly explored deposit located at the southern margin of the Gangdese metallogenic belt. There are skarn and porphyry mineralizations in the deposit, but the formation age of the skarn and the relationship between the skarn and porphyry mineralizations are controversial. Constraints on the precise chronology are of fundamental importance for understanding the ore genesis of the Nuri deposit. To determine the formation age of the skarn, we chose garnets and whole rock skarn samples for Sm–Nd dating. We also selected biotite associated with potassic alteration for Ar–Ar dating to confirm the ore formation age of the porphyry mineralizations. The Sm–Nd ages of the skarn are 25.73 ± 0.92 – 25.2 ± 3.9 Ma, and the age of the potassic alteration is 24.37 ± 0.32 Ma. The results indicate that the skarn and porphyry mineralization are coeval and belong to a unified magmatic hydrothermal system. Combined with a previous molybdenite Re–Os age, we think that the hydrothermal activity of the Nuri deposit lasted for 1.2 – 2.1 Myr, which indicates that the mineralization formed rapidly. The chronologic results indicate that the Nuri deposit formed in the period of transformation from compression to extension in the late collisional stage of the collision between the Indian and Eurasian continents.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of the analysis of paired cosmogenic isotopes (10Be and 26Al) from eight quartz‐rich samples collected from ice‐moulded bedrock on the Aran ridge, the highest land in the British Isles south of Snowdon. On the Aran ridge, comprising the summits of Aran Fawddwy (905 m a.s.l.) and Aran Benllyn (885 m a.s.l.), 26Al and 10Be ages indicate complete ice coverage and glacial erosion at the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Six samples from the summit ridge above 750–800 m a.s.l. yielded paired 10Be and 26Al ages ranging from 17.2 to 34.4 ka, respectively. Four of these samples are very close in age (10Be ages of 17.5 ± 0.6, 17.5 ± 0.7, 19.7 ± 0.8 and 20.0 ± 0.7 ka) and are interpreted as representing the exposure age of the summit ridge. Two other summit samples are much older (10Be ages of 27.5 ± 1.0 and 33.9 ± 1.2 ka) and these results may indicate nuclide inheritance. The 26Al/10Be ratios for all samples are indistinguishable within one‐sigma uncertainty from the production rate ratio line, indicating that there is no evidence for a complex exposure history. These results indicate that the last Welsh Ice Cap was thick enough to completely cover the Aran ridge and achieve glacial erosion at the LGM. However, between c. 20 and 17 ka ridge summits were exposed as nunataks at a time when glacial erosion at lower elevations (below 750–800 m a.s.l.) was achieved by large outlet glaciers in the valleys surrounding the mountains. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Xiuwenghala gold deposit is located in the Beishan Orogen of the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. The vein/lenticular gold orebodies are controlled by Northeast‐trending faults and are hosted mainly in the brecciated/altered tuff and rhyolite porphyry of the Lower Carboniferous Baishan Formation. Metallic minerals include mainly pyrite and minor chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, and sphalerite, whilst nonmetallic minerals include quartz, chalcedony, sericite, chlorite, and calcite. Hydrothermal alterations consist of silicic, sericite, chlorite, and carbonate. Alteration/mineralization processes comprise three stages: pre‐ore silicic alteration (Stage I), syn‐ore quartz‐chalcedony‐polymetallic sulfide mineralization (Stage II), and post‐ore quartz‐calcite veining (Stage III). Fluid inclusions (FIs) in quartz and calcite are dominated by L‐type with minor V‐type and lack any daughter mineral‐bearing or CO2‐rich/‐bearing inclusions. From Stages I to III, the FIs homogenized at 240–260°C, 220–250°C, and 150–190°C, with corresponding salinities of 2.9–10.9, 3.2–11.1, and 2.9–11.9 wt.% NaCl eqv., respectively. The mineralization depth at Xiuwenghala is estimated to be relatively shallow (<1 km). FI results indicate that the ore‐forming fluids belong to a low to medium‐temperature, low‐salinity, and low‐density NaCl‐H2O system. The values decrease from Stage I to III (3.7‰, 1.7–2.4‰, and ?1.7 to 0.9‰, respectively), and a similar trend is found for their values (?104 to ?90‰, ?126 to ?86‰, and ?130 to ?106‰, respectively). This indicates that the fluid source gradually evolved from magmatic to meteoric. δ34S values of the hydrothermal pyrites (?3.0 to 0.0‰; avg. ?1.1‰) resemble those of typical magmatic/mantle‐derived sulfides. Pyrite Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 18.409–18.767, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.600–15.715, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.173–38.654) are similar to those of the (sub)volcanic ore host, indicating that the origin of ore‐forming material was mainly the upper crustal (sub)volcanic rocks. Integrating evidence from geology, FIs, and H–O–S–Pb isotopes, we suggest that Xiuwenghala is best classified as a low‐sulfidation epithermal gold deposit.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present new U–Pb zircon ages, Hf isotope data and major and trace elements for Early Mesozoic granitic rocks in Mohe area in the Erguna Massif of northeast China to elucidate the southward subduction of the eastern Mongol–Okhotsk Oceanic plate in Early Mesozoic. Zircons from two representative intrusions, syenogranites and monzogranites, in the Mohe area are euhedral–subhedral in shape, display oscillatory growth zoning in cathodoluminescence (CL) images, and have Th/U ratios of 0.10–0.72, and in combination these features indicating that the zircons are of igneous origin. U–Pb zircon dating results demonstrate that the syenogranites formed at 245.1 ± 1.4 Ma and monzogranites formed at 212.2 ± 1.7 Ma. These granitic rocks are characterized by high SiO2, Al2O3 and (Na2O + K2O), low TFeO, MgO, TiO2 and P2O5 concentrations, belonging to the high‐K calc‐alkaline series. They are enriched in LREE and large ion lithophile elements (e.g., Rb, K, and Sr), depleted in HREE and high field strength elements (e.g., Nb, Ta, Th, and Ti), as well as very weak negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.48 ~ 1.01). Their zircon εHf(t) values range from −7.9 to −2.0 and range from 0.20 to 0.49, in response to their two‐stage Hf model ages (TDM2) range from 1.40 Ga to 1.77 Ga range from 0.94 Ga to 1.24 Ga, respectively, indicating that primary magmas of syenogranites were derived from partial melting of newly accreted juvenile crustal material that formed from the enriched mantle during the Mesoproterozoic, monzogranites are generated by partial melting of newly accreted juvenile crustal material that formed from the depleted mantle during the Meso‐ to Neoproterozoic. We conclude, therefore, that the early Mesozoic granitic rocks of the Mohe area are associated with the continuous southward subduction of the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate rather than the Paleo‐Asian and circum‐Pacific tectonic regimes.  相似文献   

The Zedong ophiolites in the eastern Yarlung–Zangbo suture zone of Tibet represent a mantle slice of more than 45 km~2. This massif consists mainly of mantle peridotites, with lesser gabbros, diabases and volcanic rocks. The mantle peridotites are mostly harzburgite, lherzolite; a few dike-like bodies of dunite are also present. Mineral structures show that the peridotites experienced plastic deformation and partial melting. Olivine(Fo89.7–91.2), orthopyroxene(En_(88–92)), clinopyroxene(En_(45–49) Wo_(47–51) Fs_(2–4)) and spinel [Mg~#=100×Mg/(Mg+Fe)]=49.1–70.7; Cr~#=(100×Cr/(Cr+Al)=18.8–76.5] are the major minerals. The degree of partial melting of mantle peridotites is 10%–40%, indicating that the Zedong mantle peridotites may experience a multi–stage process. The peridotites are characterized by depleted major element compositions and low REE content(0.08–0.62 ppm). Their "spoon–shaped" primitive–mantle normalized REE patterns with(La/Sm)_N being 0.50–6.00 indicate that the Zedong ultramafic rocks belong to depleted residual mantle rocks. The PGE content of Zedong peridotites(18.19–50.74 ppb) is similar with primary mantle with Pd/Ir being 0.54–0.60 and Pt/Pd being 1.09–1.66. The Zedong peridotites have variable, unradiogenic Os isotopic compositions with ~(187)Os/~(188)Os=0.1228 to 0.1282. A corollary to this interpretation is that the convecting upper mantle is heterogeneous in Os isotopes. All data of the Zedong peridotites suggest that they formed originally at a mid-ocean ridge(MOR) and were later modified in supra–subduction zone(SSZ) environment.  相似文献   

The Yangchang granite‐hosted Mo deposit is typical of the Xilamulun metallogenic belt, which is one of the important Mo–Pb–Zn–Ag producers in China. A combination of major and trace element, Sr, Nd and Pb isotope, and zircon U–Pb age data are reported for the Yangchang batholith to constrain its petrogenesis and Mo mineralization. Zircon LA‐ICPMS U–Pb dating yields mean ages of 138 ± 2 and 132 ± 2 Ma for monzogranite and granite porphyry, respectively. The monzogranites and granite porphyries are calc‐alkaline with K2O/Na2O ratios of 0.75–0.92 and 1.75–4.42, respectively. They are all enriched in large‐ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and depleted in high‐field‐strength elements (HFSEs) with negative Nb and Ta anomalies in primitive‐mantle‐normalized trace element diagrams. The monzogranites have relatively high Sr (380–499 ppm) and Y (14–18 ppm) concentrations, and the granite porphyries have lower Sr (31–71 ppm) and Y (5–11 ppm) concentrations than those of monzogranites. The monzogranites and granite porphyries have relatively low initial Sr isotope ratios of 0.704573–0.705627 and 0.704281, respectively, and similar 206Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.75–18.98 and 18.48–18.71, respectively. In contrast, the εNd(t) value (−3.7) of granite porphyry is lower than those of monzogranites (−1.5 to −2.7) with Nd model ages of about 1.0 Ga. These geochemical features suggest that the monzogranite and granite porphyries were derived from juvenile crustal rocks related to subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific plate under east China. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The left-lateral strike-slip shearing along the Ailao Shan–Red River (ASRR) shear zone in the Southeastern Tibet, China, has been widely advocated to be a result of the Indian–Eurasian plate collision and post-collisional processes. The Diancang Shan (DCS) massif, which occurs at the northwestern extension of the Ailao Shan massif, is a typical high-grade metamorphic complex aligned along the ASRR tectonic belt. Structural and microstructural analysis of the plutonic intrusions in the DCS revealed different types of granitic intrusions spatially confined to the shear zone and temporally related to the left-lateral shearing along the ASRR shear zone in the DCS massif. The combined structural and geochronological results of SHRIMP-II and LA-ICP-MS zircon U/Pb isotopic dating have revealed successive magmatic intrusions and crystallization related to the Oligo-Miocene shearing in the DCS massif. The pre-, early- and syn-kinematic emplacements are linked to regional high-temperature deformation (lower amphibolite facies) at relatively deep crustal levels. The zircon U/Pb geochronological results suggest that the left-lateral ductile shearing along the ASRR shear zone was initiated at ca. 31 Ma, culminated between ca. 27 and 21 Ma resulting in high-temperature metamorphic conditions and slowed down at ca. 20 Ma at relatively low-temperatures.  相似文献   

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