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We present a fossil pollen analysis from a swamp forest in the semiarid coast of Chile (32°05′S; 71°30′W), at the northern influence zone of southern westerly wind belt. A ∼10,000 cal yr BP (calendar years before 1950) palynological sequence indicates a humid phase characterized by dense swamp forest taxa dated between ∼9900 and 8700 cal yr BP. The presence of pollen-starved sediments with only scant evidence for semiarid vegetation indicates that extreme aridity ensued until ∼5700 cal yr BP. The swamp forest recovered slowly afterwards, helped by a significant increase in moisture at ∼4200 cal yr BP. A new swamp forest contraction suggests that another slightly less intense drought occurred between ∼3000 and 2200 cal yr BP. The swamp forest expansion begins again at ∼2200 cal yr BP, punctuated by a highly variable climate. Comparisons between the record presented here with other records across the region imply major variations in the extent of the southern westerlies during the Holocene. This variability could have been caused either by latitudinal displacements from the present mean position of southern westerlies wind belt or by changes in the intensity of the South Pacific Subtropical Anticyclone, both of which affect winter precipitation in the region.  相似文献   

Despite the high potential of pollen records for climate reconstruction, pollen–climate relationships may be biased due to past and present human activities on the landscape. We use (i) transfer functions based on modern pollen–climate relationships to infer seasonal temperature and summer precipitation for the period 11 500–4500 cal. a BP and (ii) lake‐level change records based on different sedimentary proxies in multiple cores that are mainly indicative for summer hydrology at Lago dell'Accesa (central Italy). Quantitative reconstructions indicate lowest summer precipitation during two phases (8500–7700 cal. a BP and after 6000 cal. a BP) and a gradual winter temperature increase from 11 500 to ca. 8000 cal. a BP. Lowest summer precipitation was reconstructed during these phases characterised by vegetation shifts from open forests dominated by summergreen oaks (Quercus) to forests dominated by evergreen oaks (Quercus ilex), which are at present most abundant where summer drought is stronger. Similarly, the lake‐level record indicates two long‐lasting low summer precipitation phases (8800–7700 and 6400–4400 cal. a BP) that were interrupted by short‐term high summer precipitation events. Based on the broad agreement between the pollen‐inferred summer precipitation and the low‐frequency lake‐level changes, we suggest that the duration of the high summer precipitation events may have been too short to maintain drought‐sensitive trees, which may have been affected by high mortality rates when summer dry conditions returned. Although past and modern pollen–climate relationships may very likely have been affected by human activities since the Neolithic (i.e. when exploitation of the landscape started), we reject the hypothesis of a significant anthropogenic bias in the pollen‐based climate reconstruction. In addition, we suggest that pollen‐based and lake‐level reconstructions may have different inherent abilities of capturing high‐ and low‐frequency precipitation signals. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Precipitation in northern Chile is controlled by two great wind belts—the southern westerlies over the southern Atacama and points south (> 24° S) and the tropical easterlies over the northern and central Atacama Desert (16–24° S). At the intersection of these summer and winter rainfall regimes, respectively, is a Mars‐like landscape consisting of expansive surfaces devoid of vegetation (i.e. absolute desert) except in canyons that originate high enough to experience runoff once every few years. Pollen assemblages from 39 fossil rodent middens in one of these canyons, Quebrada del Chaco (25° 30′ S), were used to infer the history of vegetation and precipitation at three elevations (2670–2800 m; 3100–3200 m; 3450–3500 m) over the past 50 000 years. When compared to modern conditions and fossil records to the north and south, the pollen evidence indicates more winter precipitation at > 52, 40–33, 24–17 k cal. yr BP, more precipitation in both seasons at 17–14 k cal. yr BP, and more summer precipitation from 14–11 k cal. yr BP. Younger middens are scarce at Quebrada del Chaco, and the few Holocene samples indicate hyperarid conditions comparable to today. The only exception is a pollen assemblage that indicates a brief but significant interlude of increased winter precipitation in the last millennium. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Palaeoenvironmental data for the Late Glacial and Holocene periods are provided from Caleta Eugenia, in the eastern sector of Canal Beagle, southernmost Patagonia. The record commences at c. 16 200 cal a bp following glacier retreat in response to climatic warming. However, cooler conditions persisted during the Late Glacial period. The onset of more temperate conditions after c. 12 390 cal a bp is indicated by the arrival of southern beech forest and later establishment at c. 10 640 cal a bp , but the woodland growth was restricted by lower levels of effective moisture. The climate signal is then truncated by a rapid marine incursion at c. 8640 cal a bp which lasted until a more gradual emergence of the coast at c. 6600 cal a bp. During this period the pollen record appears to be dominated by the southern beech woodland. A punctuated hydroseral succession follows the isolation of the site from the sea leading to the re‐establishment of a peat bog. Between c. 5770 cal a bp and the present there were several periods of short rapid climatic change leading to drier conditions, probably as a result of late Holocene periods of climatic warming. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


贵州西部位于北亚热带云贵高原山地湿润-半湿润气候区,西南季风是该区域水汽来源的主要气候系统。贵州六盘水娘娘山有连片分布的垫状泥炭沼泽沉积,较完整记录了过去的植被和气候历史,是研究气候-植被-火灾-人类活动变化的理想场所。本研究以六盘水娘娘山1999 m海拔的一处泥炭湿地钻孔上部52 cm岩芯为研究材料,通过AMS 14C测年获得年代框架,采用孢粉和炭屑分析,重建了该地区晚全新世气候变化和人类活动叠加影响下的植被演替及火灾活动历史。结果表明:3500~3100 cal.a B.P. 期间,当地亚热带常绿阔叶林繁盛,火灾活动为气候控制为主的森林火灾,但火灾活动并未改变阔叶林的总体面貌;3100~600 cal.a B.P. 期间,气候呈变干趋势,阔叶类木本植物显著减少,当地植被从亚热带常绿阔叶林转变为疏林草地和针叶类疏林,极可能是趋于冷干的气候环境的结果;大约600 cal.a B.P. 之后,当地植被演变为开阔林,同时,出现大颗粒炭屑(>125 μm)以及伴人花粉的明显增加,表明人类农业活动高强度的刀耕火种已经扩张到较高海拔山区。区域对比显示,西南地区在3500 cal.a B.P. 以来,主要以区域性火灾为主,而3100 cal.a B.P. 以后的火灾活动受到气候变干和人类活动的双重影响,特别是600 cal.a B.P. 以来,人类活动(刀耕火种)成为局地火灾和植被更替的主要因素。


Holocene pollen and diatom analyses and complementary data from δ18O and δ13C, malacology and sedimentology have provided a detailed record of vegetation history and palaeoenvironmental change at arroyo Las Brusquitas, on the southeastern coast of the pampas of Argentina especially in relation to past sea levels. Holocene palaeosalinity trends were estimated by Detrended Correspondence Analysis and by salinity indexes based on pollen and diatom data. As a consequence of sea‐level rise from the postglacial an extensive wave‐cut platform formed over which Holocene infilling sequences were deposited unconformably. In these sequences, variation in pollen and diatom assemblages occurred in agreement with changes in mollusc diversity and abundance, isotope values, and sediment deposits. Between ca. 6700 and 6190 14C yr BP (6279–6998 cal. yr BP) saline conditions predominated in an environment highly influenced by tides and salt water during the Holocene sea‐level highstand. Between ca. 6200 and 3900 14C yr BP (4235–4608 cal. yr BP) shallow brackish water bodies formed surrounded by saltmarsh vegetation that became more widespread from 5180 14C yr BP (5830–6173 cal. yr BP) to 3900 14C yr BP in relation to a sea‐level stabilisation period within the regression phase. Less saline conditions marked by frequent variations in salinity predominated between ca. 3900 and 2040 yr 14C BP (1830–2160 cal. yr BP). The intertidal saltmarsh environment changed into a brackish marsh dominated by freshwater conditions and sporadic tidal influence. Halophytic vegetation increased towards ca. 200014C yr BP indicating that saline conditions may be due to either desiccation or an unusually high tide range with rare frequency. After ca. 2000 14C yr BP the sedimentary sequences were buried by aeolian sand dunes. Changes in Holocene vegetation and environments in Las Brusquitas area are in agreement with data obtained from various southeastern coastal sites of the Pampa grasslands. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A high-resolution macroscopic charcoal record from Lago Melli (42°46′S, 73°33′W) documents the occurrence of forest fires in the lowlands of Isla Grande de Chiloé, southern Chile, over the last 16,000 yr. Our data suggest that fire activity in this region was largely modulated by the position/intensity of the southern westerlies at multi-millennial time scales. Fire activity was infrequent or absent between 16,000-11,000 and 8500-7000 cal yr BP and was maximal between ∼ 11,000-8500 and 3000-0 cal yr BP. A mosaic of Valdivian/North Patagonian rainforest species started at ∼ 6000 cal yr BP, along with a moderate increase in fire activity which intensified subsequently at 3000 cal yr BP. The modern transition between these forest communities and the occurrence of fires are largely controlled by summer moisture stress and variability, suggesting the onset of high-frequency variability in summer precipitation regimes starting at ∼ 5500 cal yr BP. Because negative anomalies in summer precipitation in this region are teleconnected with modern El Niño events, we propose that the onset of El Niño-like variability at ∼ 5700-6200 cal yr BP led to a reshuffling of rainforest communities in the lowlands of Isla Grande de Chiloé and an increase in fire activity.  相似文献   

Three pollen and charcoal records from three lakes lying at 3400 m elevation in southern Peru provided a record of landscape change spanning the last ca.18 000 cal. a BP. The tree line lay close to the site between ca. 16 000 and 12 000 cal. a BP, with Polylepis woodlands growing near the lakes. Progressively drying conditions led to increased fire after 12 000 cal. a BP, coinciding with a decline in Polylepis cover and Andean forest relicts as puna grasslands expanded. A strong decrease in the rate of sediment deposition between ca. 12 000 and ca. 4400 cal. a BP was interpreted to indicate the presence of sedimentary hiatuses. With the return of wet conditions after 4400 cal. a BP, forests did not reassemble around the lakes. Instead, fire‐maintained grasslands dominated the landscape. Humans probably induced the intensified fire activity during the late Holocene and thereby deflected local successions. The modern fragmented landscape, with Polylepsis woodlands existing in fire‐resistant pockets above the general limit of the Andean tree line, resulted from the intensification of human land use practices during the last 4400 cal. a BP. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

青藏高原气候变化在冰期-间冰期、千年、十年际和季节尺度上受亚洲季风和西风环流的交互影响,表现出显著的区域性特征。然而全新世以来青藏高原气候变化的机制还不甚清楚,主要原因之一是缺少指示意义明确的古气候代用指标。课题组近年来利用叶蜡氢同位素(δDwax)重建了高原东北部的青海湖、中北部的令戈错、中部的达则错、西部的班公错和阿翁错不同时间尺度的大气降水同位素记录,本文对上述工作进行总结,并结合青藏高原全新世以来已发表的其他地点的同位素和古水文记录,揭示全新世以来季风与西风对青藏高原不同区域气候变化的影响。结果表明:1)早全新世青海湖、令戈错、班公错和阿翁错4个湖泊均主要受夏季风影响,夏季风可以影响到青藏高原的大部分地区,此时夏季风在青藏高原的最北界限可能位于青海湖以北、克鲁克湖以南。2)中全新世青海湖、班公错和阿翁错受夏季风影响逐渐减弱;然而令戈错在7.0~4.5 ka水汽主要来源于西风环流。3)晚全新世青海湖和班公错受季风的影响进一步减弱;西风在3.5~1.7 ka和2.0~1.0 ka分别影响到高原中部的令戈错和达则错;晚全新世阿翁错受冰川融水补给影响降水同位素异常偏负。4)本研究表明在中晚全新世季风较弱的时期,西风能够深入到青藏高原内部地区,给高原内部地区带来冷湿的水汽。  相似文献   

Alluvial sequences constitute a recognised source of information on past environmental change, but one that has scarcely been tapped in central Mexico. This paper reviews what is currently known about the Holocene alluvial stratigraphy of the region, focusing on the interplay between climate and the pace and style of sedimentation in the incised headwater reaches of stream networks. The records obtained in five different drainage basins – four in the state of Tlaxcala and one in Guanajuato – are presented and compared to published reconstructions of climate change. A near‐synchronous incision of all stream networks occurred close to 10 200 14C a BP in response to an increase in precipitation and stream discharge. A spell of very humid but markedly seasonal conditions ensued, resulting in the formation of wet meadows along streams and the accumulation of thick fine‐textured valley fills dominated by cumulic soil A horizons. After 9100 14C a BP a transition to a warmer and more arid climate provoked the thinning of vegetation cover on slopes, accelerated runoff and increased sediment delivery to streams. The aggradation of coarser‐textured valley fills poor in organic matter set in. It ceased or slowed down significantly after a few millennia as the studied stream reaches achieved a near‐graded condition adjusted to the relatively stable climate. Arid mid Holocene conditions are also reflected in the abundant precipitation of secondary carbonates in Guanajuato. At 3100 14C a BP higher precipitation caused more frequent flooding and a resumption of aggradation. Shortly after that date sedentary farmers colonised Tlaxcala. Agriculture altered runoff and sediment delivery to streams and accelerated cut‐and‐fill cycles on a scale that masked the impact of any climatic fluctuations. Guanajuato was colonised later and its alluvial record suggests the persistence of a humid climate at least until 1000 14C a BP. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pollen‐based quantitative estimates of seasonal precipitation from Lake Pergusa and lake‐level data from Lake Preola in Sicily (southern Italy) allow three successive periods to be distinguished within the Holocene: an early Holocene period before ca. 9800 cal a BP with rather dry climate conditions in winter and summer, a mid‐Holocene period between ca. 9800 and 4500 cal a BP with maximum winter and summer wetness, and a late Holocene period after 4500 cal a BP with declining winter and summer wetness. This evolution observed in the south‐central Mediterranean shows strong similarities to that recognized in the eastern Mediterranean. But, it contrasts with that reconstructed in north‐central Italy, where the mid‐Holocene appears to be characterized by a winter (summer) precipitation maximum (minimum), while the late Holocene coincided with a decrease (increase) in winter (summer) precipitation. Maximum precipitation at ca. 10 000–4500 cal a BP may have resulted from (i) increased local convection in response to a Holocene insolation maximum at 10 000 cal a BP and then (ii) the gradual weakening of the Hadley cell activity, which allowed the winter rainy westerlies to reach the Mediterranean area more frequently. After 4500 cal a BP, changes in precipitation seasonality may reflect non‐linear responses to orbitally driven insolation decrease in addition to seasonal and inter‐hemispheric changes of insolation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Records of past vegetation and fire history can be complicated by changes in the depositional environment of a sampling location. However, these changes can alternatively be used as a measure of climate variability. Our study site, ca. 18.0 cal. ka BP record from Little Brooklyn Lake, Wyoming, located near the crest of the Snowy Range, records three moisture states. Initially, the lake was likely a glacier‐fed pond indicated by the presence of Pediastrum algae colonies. Around 13.0 cal. ka BP this pond transitioned to a meadow environment, suggested by the loss of Pediastrum algae colonies and slow sedimentation rates. Meadow conditions were maintained until ca. 5.0 cal. ka BP when Pediastrum algae colony abundance increased,indicating the formation of a shallow lake. From 18.0 to ca. 5.0 cal. ka BP, the pollen record is suggestive of alpine vegetation conditions with relatively high spruce and herbaceous taxa. Low charcoal influx also characterizes the period between 18.0 and 5.0 cal. ka BP. After 5.0 cal. ka BP, the coincidence of the formation of shallow lake and pollen data, indicating a shift to a spruce and fir forest, suggests an increase in effective moisture. Fire remained rare in this basin over the entire record, however, once the lake established sedimentation rates and charcoal influx increased. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between patterns of human settlements and environmental change during the Holocene along the northwestern margins of the equatorial rain forest of central Africa. Palaeoenvironmental data from high-resolution sediment cores from lacustrine deposits, plant macro-remains from forest soils, and archaeological data are harnessed to discuss the differential impact of climate and/or humans on the central African rain forest. It is shown that climate change impacted the rain forest well before the widespread expansion of human settlements all over the study area.  相似文献   

In Vietnam, the coastal sand barriers and dunes located in front of the steep slopes of the high rising Truong Son Mountains are sensitive to climate and environment change and give evidence for Holocene sea-level rise. The outer barrier sands were deposited shortly before or contemporaneous with the local sea-level high stand along the Van Phong Bay postdating the last glacial maximum (LGM). Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating yielded deposition ages ranging from 8.3 ± 0.6 to 6.2 ± 0.3 ka for the stratigraphically oldest exposed barrier sands. Further periods of sand accumulation took place between 2.7 and 2.5 ka and between 0.7 and 0.5 ka. The youngest period of sand mobilisation was dated to 0.2 ± 0.01 ka and is most likely related to reworked sand from mining activities. At the Suoi Tien section in southern central Vietnam, the deposition of the inner barrier sands very likely correlate with an earlier sea-level high stand prior to the last glaciation. OSL age estimates range from 276 ± 17 to 139 ± 15 ka. OSL dating significantly improves our knowledge about the sedimentary dynamics along the coast of Vietnam during the Holocene.  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Journal of Quaternary Science 17(7) 2002, 721. There is conflicting evidence concerning the extent and timing of late Quaternary climate variability in southern South America and how this may be linked to climate change in the Northern Hemisphere. Critical unresolved questions include whether or not a cool period occurred in southern South America during the Younger Dryas Chronozone (YDC) (11 000–10 000 14C yr BP; 13 000–11 200 yr BP), and the timing of wet and dry phases during the Holocene. To date most evidence is from glacial, pollen and beetle records but, in an attempt to resolve these questions, we have used chironomid midges as an independent proxy in one of the first studies of its kind in Patagonia. We investigated the dynamics of midge assemblages during the Late‐glacial and Holocene at Lago Stibnite on the Taitao Peninsula, southern Chile (46°S). Changes in the midge assemblage suggest that the climate may have become cooler and drier during the YDC. During the Holocene there were cyclical changes in the midge assemblage that may have been in response to trophic change and/or to changes in precipitation when conditions appear to have been drier than today at 9400–6300 14C yr BP and 2400–1600 14C yr BP. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据长江中游湖北省荆江段中洲子牛轭湖孔深为89cm的ZZ-2钻孔(29°48'02N,112°45'14E)孢粉-炭屑记录,结合器测气候数据、前人建立的年代序列、粒度分析和县志记载等,探讨了近70年来ZZ-2孔孢粉-炭屑记录对植被和气候变化以及人类活动的响应。1940年到2012年研究区气候总体表现为冷暖、干湿交替,对应中洲子牛轭湖ZZ-2钻孔的5个孢粉-炭屑组合带:1940~1961年间,乔木花粉含量的减少、农作物花粉含量和炭屑浓度增加与人类砍伐森林、耕地增加和焚烧活动增强有关;1962~1967年间,水生草本及蕨类孢子含量增加是汛期长江水倒灌、或洪水事件的反映;1968~1982年,乔木花粉增加、湿地和林地面积增加,是实施湿地保护政策的响应;1983~1997年间,伴随着松属花粉明显减少,枫杨花粉显著增加,说明经过人工育林,枫杨成为当地的优势种;1998~2012年间,水生草本花粉及大炭屑(粒径大于125μm)含量增加,是实施退耕还湖政策、大量耕地被鱼塘替代、湿地面积扩大以及人类活动加剧的结果。中洲子牛轭湖孢粉-炭屑组合可以清晰的揭示研究区不同时期的环境变化和人类活动事件,如长江流域的大洪水(1949年、1954年、1980年和1983年大洪水)以及“大炼钢铁”(1958年)、人工造林(1982年)和退田还湖(1998年)等事件。  相似文献   

Through an extensive sampling and dating of pairs of associated shells and charcoal fragments combined with reanalysis of all the available previous data, we reconstruct the evolution throughout the Holocene of the regional marine radiocarbon reservoir effect (ΔR) values along the northern Chile-southern Peru area (14°-24°S). After elimination of the cases in which the terrestrial component yielded older ages than the marine shells to which they were associated, the study is based upon data from 47 pairs of associated marine and terrestrial material.Our results suggest major changes in both the magnitude and variability range of ΔR during the whole Holocene Period: (1) between 10,400 and 6840 cal yr BP, high values (511 ± 278 yr) probably result from a strengthened SE Pacific subtropical anticyclone and shoaling of equatorial subsurface waters during intensified upwelling events; (2) between 5180 and 1160 cal yr BP, lower values (226 ± 98 yr) may reflect a major influence of subtropical water and diminished coastal upwelling processes; (3) during the last ~ thousand years, high values (between 355 ± 105 and 253 ± 207 yr) indicate an increased influence of 14C-depleted water masses and of ENSO. For the early twentieth century a ΔR value of 253 ± 207 yr was calculated.  相似文献   

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