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An energy-based envelope function is developed for use in the stochastic simulation of earthquake ground motion. The envelope function is directly related to the Arias intensity of the ground motion as well to the manner in which this Arias intensity is built-up over time. It is shown that this build-up, represented by a Husid plot, can be very well modelled using a simple lognormal distribution. The proposed envelope makes use of parameters that are commonly available in seismic design situations, either following a deterministic scenario-type analysis or following a more comprehensive probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), either in terms of Arias intensity or the more common spectral acceleration. The shape parameters of the envelope function are estimated following the calculation of the analytic envelopes for a large number of records from PEER Next Generation of Attenuation (NGA) database. The envelope may also be used to predict the distribution of peak ground acceleration values corresponding to an earthquake scenario. The distribution thus obtained is remarkably consistent with those of the recent NGA models.  相似文献   

基于三维GIS技术的地震灾情场景模拟系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
设计并实现了基于三维GIS技术的地震灾情场景模拟系统。根据现场救援工作的特点和需求,对基于基础地理信息数据的自动三维建模方法和场景生成技术进行了研究,建立了基于地震动影响场和结构易损性的地震灾情场景模型;基于ArcGISEngine开发组件,实现了灾前、灾后场景的自动生成和直观显示,实现了整体破坏情况分析、重点搜索区域判定、关键目标震害与属性查询等灾情分析和辅助决策功能。该系统以震区基础地理信息数据和地震基本参数作为数据源,可以在获得地震基本参数之后快速地估计和分析震区建筑结构的破坏及其空间分布情况,预判重点搜索救援区域,为应急指挥决策和救援行动提供有效的支持,适合在现场救援工作中实际应用。  相似文献   

2014年8月3日云南省昭通市鲁甸县发生了Ms6.5级地震.在已知的三维介质模型、地形数据基础上,利用震源运动学初步反演模型(张勇等,2014),作者采用曲线坐标网格三维曲线有限差分方法模拟了鲁甸地震波场传播过程,并计算了模拟区域地震烈度分布.结果表明:地震最大烈度为Ⅶ度,破坏主要集中在鲁甸县以及巧家县、会泽县靠近鲁甸县的边界.另外,模拟结果还显示地震动在山峰、山脊处具有较大的幅度.计算表明断层东北侧的低速沉积盆地的波动放大效应加强了该地区的地震灾害.  相似文献   

2014年2月12日新疆自治区于田县发生了MS7.3级地震.在已知的三维介质模型、地形数据基础上,利用震源运动学初步反演模型(张勇等,2014),作者采用曲线坐标网格三维曲线有限差分方法模拟了于田地震波场传播过程,并计算了模拟区域地震烈度分布.结果表明:地震最大烈度为7度,距离震中最近的于田县城烈度约为5度,断层西北侧地面震动略强于断层东南侧.另外模拟结果还显示地震动在山脊处具有较大的幅度.该地震本身主要能量释放区域在中地壳,主要滑动未及地表,因此对地表造成的破坏有限,这与目前尚无人员伤亡报告的情况相符合.  相似文献   

The earthquake disaster rapid assessment(EDRA)is the core technical support for the post-earthquake emergency response. At present, with the popularization of high-precision population, social and economic data, most of the subordinate units of China Earthquake Administration(CEA)have heightened the precision of hazard bearing body data used in EDRA from the original county-level precision to the 30″×30″ precision. However, while the precision of fundamental data has been heightened, no efforts have been made to improve the main algorithms and the technical process of EDRA. It turns out that the assessment has become more accurate, but the problems of the time-consuming process(10-20 minutes, probably 20 minutes or more in great earthquakes)and the low-precision losses distributions that exposed in EDRA supported by county-level precision data remain unresolved.This paper introduces the high-precision(30″×30″)hazard bearing body data, and describes the principle of EDRA and its implementation under the support of county-level precision data at first. Then the paper elaborates the principle of improving EDRA's data foundation using high-precision hazard bearing body data, the principle of improving the computation efficiency and persisting the data precision in the assessment process by means of the cell-to-cell grid algebraic operation, and the method for improving the assessment speed through the segmentation and reorganization of the technical process of EDRA.It is validated that through the improvements, the EDRA has become more accurate and much less time-consuming(less than 1 minute), and is able to output high-precision(30″×30″)distributions of seismic losses. The high-precision hazard bearing body data of wide range are the simulated data but not the survey data. Though the data have been simulated based on the census data, there is still a gap between their accuracy and the real situation. Further research and optimization on the data are needed.  相似文献   

用随机模拟方法研究设定地震地面运动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用随机模拟方法研究设定地震地面运动可分两步进行:(1)采用中小地震的数字观测资料确定研究区路径、场地参数;(2)把确定的参数应用到研究区的强地面运动随机模拟中. 为此,本文首先采用了一种可行的方法,分离软基岩场地效应和非弹性衰减的影响,并把二者分别确定出来. 研究区北部中软基岩场地的平均效应在2~4Hz频率范围为15倍左右;研究区的S波品质因子为QS=278f[KG*2]0.346. 把这些参数用于研究区的场地和路径模型中,并选择单拐角频率震源谱模型,随机模拟了研究区未来中强地震可能在北天山中段可能造成的地面运动,模拟加速度时程和反应谱可以服务于本地区的地震灾害预测和建筑物可靠性验算.  相似文献   

通过位移复现控制实现地震加速度波模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中采用位移复现控制方法,实现了地震加速度波模拟。通过对误差谱加某一指数函数窗,加强高频修正力度,进一步改善了地震波在高频段的复现精度。通过某一低频地震模拟台的试验验证,引入的控制方法较好地解决了低频、低量级地震加速度波复现精度差的困难。试验结果表明,经过3次迭代后便能取得面积误差在2%以内的地震加速度波模拟效果。  相似文献   

采用一个描述饱和砂土中固相颗粒和液相流体耦合的离散元数值模型,固相颗粒采用离散元的颗粒流理论(PFC)模拟,液相流体通过求解平均Navier-Stokes方程的计算流体动力学(CFD)技术计算.采用上述模犁数值模拟了在地震荷载作用液化场地的加速度、剪应力、剪应变时程以及超孔隙水压力和土层表面位移的发展过程.数值模拟结果...  相似文献   

地震灾害基本特点及防震减灾对策的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:本文从地震灾害的源一地震和地震灾害的客体一震区和社会环境两方面分析得出地震灾害的几个基本特点:瞬间突发性、破坏与损失的严重性、时空强不均匀性、次生灾害多样性等,并由此思考了防震减灾对策的几个问题。  相似文献   

Introduction In recent years, all kinds of observation networks of seismology have been established, which have been continuously producing numerous digital information. In addition, there are many study results about 3D velocity structure model and tectonic model of crust (Huang and Zhao, 2006; Huang et al, 2003; Li and Mooney, 1998), which are valuable for studying the inner structure of the earth and earthquake preparation process. It is badly needed to combine the observed data, experimental study and theoretical analyses results by the way of numerical simulation and develop a database and a corresponding application platform to be used by numerical simulation, and is also a significant way to promote earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

2011年3月10日云南盈江发生5.8级地震,地震造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失.震后,各级政府和地震部门立即启动应急预案,周密安排和部署各项应急处置和救灾行动.本文简要介绍了盈江5.8级地震的应急行动和灾害情况及特征.  相似文献   

2015年4月25日尼泊尔发生Mw7.9地震.本文采用三维曲线坐标网格有限差分方法,依据USGS给出的震源运动学反演结果和震源区域地形数据,模拟了尼泊尔地震波场传播过程,得到震源区域烈度分布模拟结果,与实际观测的地表峰值速度(PGV)大体吻合.结果表明:地震烈度的空间分布整体上受控于震源的单边破裂特征,高烈度区域主要分布在破裂传播方向上,即震源东半部.震源南侧到东南侧近场,由于受到震源和地形的双重影响,形成最大烈度分布区域,最大烈度约为IX.南侧平原受低速沉积层影响形成高烈度区域.震源西侧及盆地内烈度相对较低.  相似文献   

Introduction The Xiuyan earthquake(MS=5.4)on Nov.29,1999,occurred between Hushan town and Pi-anling town at the southeast end of the aftershocks of Haicheng earthquake(MS=7.3).These two earthquakes′sequences are highly similar in the way that the foreshocks are very frequent,focal mechanisms of the main shocks are about the same and fault strikes are approximately in the same direction.It is important to study these earthquakes for further research on seismogenesis to fore-cast earthquake…  相似文献   

介绍了2010年1月12日海地发生的7.3级地震灾害、受灾国政府应急响应、国际救援行动的情况.总结了海地地震应急救援的经验及其启示.  相似文献   

地震现场灾情信息反馈途径和集成软件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在破坏性地震作用下,可导致人员伤亡、建筑物及基础设施破坏、财产损失、社会与经济秩序的混乱及生产系统停止运行等,现场灾情信息是地震现场应急指挥决策的重要依据,迅速、全面对这些信息进行采集与集成是非常重要的。分析了当前地震应急指挥技术系统建设中在该方面存在的一些问题,阐述了地震现场灾情信息分类,同时就其收集反馈途径和集成技术实现进行了研究,并以青岛市地震应急指挥决策软件系统为例,说明了该方法的实用性。  相似文献   




地震活动性总体参量Rt及其在地震预测中应用的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
考虑到地震活动性综合分析在地震预测中的重要作用,提出一种地震活动性总体状态参量Rt。该参量由多项地震活动性预测因子构成,其中包括:地震频次、缺震、地震熵、b值和调制比,该参数描述了某时段内,多种地震活动性参量对正常状态的偏离。当Rt=1时,地震活动状态是稳定的,反之,当Rt<1时,则表明地震活动处于不同程度的不稳定态。文中对华北、东北和西北地区地震以及矿山地震的Rt值在强事件前后随时间的变化进行了研究,初步结果表明:在强震或较大矿震前Rt值明显偏离1。同时,对Rt值的地震预测效能进行了检验评估。  相似文献   

如何减少地震灾害所引起的人员伤亡、次生灾害以及快速判断灾情以落实全面的防御观,是我国自汶川地震以来非常关注的问题.在建设我国地震烈度速报和预警系统的背景下,我们提出尽可能减少投资以改变传统模式、建设不需要专门观测房的监测系统,提高烈度速报和预警系统的监测点密度,实现地震预警、报警和烈度速报综合系统,为全社会提供更好的防...  相似文献   

Three studies of site amplification factors, based on the recorded aftershocks, and one study based on strong motion data, are compared one with another and with the observed distribution of damage from the Northridge, CA, earthquake of 17 January 1994 (ML=6.4). In the epicentral area, when the peak ground velocities are larger than vm≈15 cm/s, nonlinear response of soil begins to distort the amplification factors determined from small amplitude (linear) wave motion. Moving into the area of near-field and strong ground motion (vm>30 cm/s), the site response becomes progressively more affected by the nonlinear soil response. Based on the published results, it is concluded that site amplification factors determined from small amplitude waves (aftershocks, small earthquakes, coda waves) and their transfer-function representation may be useful for small and distant earthquake motions, where soils and structures respond to earthquake waves in a linear manner. However in San Fernando Valley, during the Northridge earthquake, the observed distribution of damage did not correlate with site amplification determined from spectra of recorded weak motions. Mapping geographical distribution of site amplification using other than very strong motion data, therefore appears to be of little use for seismic hazard analyses.  相似文献   

In this paper, the new LDDA (Lagrangian Discontinuous Deformation Analysis) method is used in modeling the dynamic process of the MS=7.8 Tangshan earthquake on July 28, 1976 and obtain directly the dynamic and quasi-static dislocations, shear stress drops, fracture velocities of the Tangshan earthquake fault. The simulation shows that the slip history at each point of the fault is different. The displacement vectors at the concave side of the fault is greater than that of the convex side of the fault. The "over shoot" of the fault slip is greatest at the middle part of the fault and attenuates to its ends. The rupture velocities of the fault from the epicenter towards south-west and towards north-east are 3.08 m/s and 1.18 m/s, respectively, the average one is 2.13 m/s. The maximum dynamic and quasi-static dislocations are 7.1 m and 6.2 m respectively, the average quasi-static one on the fault is 4.5 m. The maximum dynamic and quasi-static shear stress drops are 8.1 MPa and 5.4 MPa, respectively, the average quasi-static shear stress drop is 3.9 MPa.We found that the rupture velocities and shear stress are related to the initial stress states of the fault.  相似文献   

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