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本文概略介绍了“多种地震仪器标定数据综合处理系统”的研制目的、主要技术内空及编程中遇到的问题和解决方法,认为用该系统对测震仪、水氡仪、核旋仪的标定、比测数据处理既可以提高标定结果的精度,又可将此项工作规范化、微机化、所以这套系统的实施对整个地震观测及地震分析预报质量的提高有着重要作用。  相似文献   

珠海泰德企业有限公司和广东省地震局共同研制的“ADP数字地震前兆综合观测台网系统” (以下简称“ADP系统”) ,于 2 0 0 3年 3月 2 7日获得由中国地震局科技发展司组织的以中国工程院院士许绍燮为主任的鉴定委员会的鉴定通过。中国地震局局长宋瑞祥同志 ,广东省人民政府副秘书长程良洲同志及中国地震局机关的5位司长参加了鉴定会。“九五”以前 ,我国的地震前兆观测仪器系统以基本上都是以模拟记录为主 ,部分观测方法甚至还停留在手工操作人工读数的阶段。在我国防震减灾“九五”计划安排中 ,中国地震局决定要以先进的数字化观测系统 ,…  相似文献   

牟其铎教授是国家地震局地球物理研究所研究员、中国数字地震台网技术管理研究室主任。本文包括:作一个线性系统的地震观测系统、数字地震记录的压缩、数字地震记录的格式三部分。  相似文献   

对中国数字地震台网记录的宽带数字化地震数据进行了仿真处理,即将记录映射成多种传统窄带地震仪(SK,DK1,DD2和763等)的记录,并通过与实际记录的比较联合解释了模拟记录和仿真数字记录.分析结果证实了仿真技术在数字化地震数据处理中的有效性和可行性,从而为仿真技术的进一步应用提供了依据.  相似文献   

范军 《四川地震》2004,(3):44-45
2003年9月9~29日,中国地震局数字资料应用赴日培训团一行16人赴日本东京大学、京都大学和东北大学进行了为期21天的培训和考察.该项目由中国地震局分析预报中心数字化地震资料应用与地震活动图像实验室组织,国家外国专家局和各省、自治区地震部门提供支持.培训团成员先后参观和考察了京都大学防灾研究所地震预知研究中心、东京大学地震研究所和东北大学地震及火山喷火预知观测研究中心,并在此接受了培训.培训的主要内容是数字地震观测资料的应用.之后,培训团还参观了在东京国立科学博物馆举办的"关东大震灾80年地震展"、东北大学远野地震观测所和GPS观测站等.期间分别经历了东京千叶5.8级地震和仙台北海道8.0级大震,对地震发生的实际过程和日本的地震速报体制有了切身感受.  相似文献   

前言在中国地震局与安徽省政府的大力支持下 ,“九五”期间安徽省地震局完成了合肥数字遥测地震台网、蒙城区域有人值守数字地震台、国家数字地震台网合肥台的建设 ,现投入正式观测运行 ,并取代了原模拟观测。但是监测设施的数字化改造仅占全省地震台网的2 7% ,合肥数字地震台监控 ML 2 .5地震范围仅为全省地域面积的 1 / 3 ,而皖南、皖北地区台站仍为模拟观测 ,难以适应新形势下安徽省防震减灾事业发展需求 ,因此 ,在“十五”期间将建设省级数字地震台网。图 1是“九五”期间安徽省数字地震台网的建设概况。1 “十五”安徽省级数字地震观…  相似文献   

延庆数字地震台阵及其观测新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对地震震源过程和震源区的细结构进行详细的研究,并在减轻北京地区地震灾害方面作出贡献,中国地震局和德国联邦地球科学和自然资源研究院于2000年开始进行一项“中—德地震科技合作流动台阵近场地震观测和北京地区防震减灾”的地震科研课题(王培德,陈运泰,2001)。在这个课题中,由德国联邦地球科学和自然研究院(BGR)提供9台宽频带数字地震仪构成流动台阵,在中国进行观测。该台阵布设在北京西北的延庆地区,称为延庆数字地震台阵。延庆数字地震台阵使用了一些国际地震观测技术中的新技术,本文对延庆数字地震台阵进行一些介绍…  相似文献   

地震地面运动模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地震地面运动被模拟成均值为零的两次过滤Gauss白噪声随机过程。第一次过滤削减白噪声的高频含量;第二次过滤削减白噪声的低频含量。根据地震记录的功率谱,使用非线性函数的最小二乘法,确定了两次过滤Gauss白噪声随机过程的功率谱密度函数的参数。  相似文献   

辽宁数字地震台网地震参数自动处理系统的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对数字地震观测台网记录的地震.P波和S波震相的振幅、周期、偏振等多种特征进行分析,利用这些特征进行地震震相自动识别,在此基础上进行自动定位。本文主要介绍了地震事件的自动判别、地震震相自动识别、地震的自动定位三个方面的内容。  相似文献   

Theeffectoflocalirregulartopographyonseismic ground motionJIG-hoLIU(刘晶波)(DepartmentofCivilEngineering,TsinghuaUniversityBeiji...  相似文献   

ThelimitpropertiesofspatialcoherenceofseismicgroundmotionJUN-JIEWANG(王君杰)WEICHEN(陈玮)DepartmentofBridgeEngineering,TongjiUniv...  相似文献   

基于ArcView CIS软件开发平台,建立了设计地震动参数和最不利设计地震动数据库,建成了基于性态设计和考虑最不利设计地震动因素的设计地震动查询系统,该系统主要为基于PC机工作的结构抗震设计人员提供相应的设计地震动参数和最不利设计地震动的设计地震动信息查询服务。  相似文献   

Study on the severest real ground motion for seismic design and analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How to select the adequate real strong earthquake ground motion for seismic analysis and design of trucures is an essential problem in earthquake engineering research and practice.In the paper the concept of the severest design ground motion is proposed and a method is developed for comparing the severity of the recorded strong ground motions.By using this method the severest earthquake ground motions are selected out as seismic inputs to the structures to be designed from a database that consists of more than five thousand significant strong ground moton records collected over the world.The selected severest ground motions are very likely to be able to drive the structures to their critical response and thereby result in the highest damage potential.It is noted that for different structures with diffferent predominant natural periods and at different sites where structures are located the severest design ground motions are usually different.Finally.two examples are illustrated to demonstrate the rationality of the concept and the reliability of the selected design motion.  相似文献   

在和田地震台阵中心子台安放9台CMG-40T型短周期地震计,采用EDAS-24IP数据采集器进行数据采集。对同一时段观测数据的地动噪声功率谱、动态范围等参数进行测定,并对测定结果进行对比,在使用者的角度分析该类型地震计的一致性。  相似文献   

This is the 6th contribution in the series of Historical Notes on seminal concepts in earthquake engineering and structural dynamics. It documents the origins and early developments (from the 1880s through 1992) of the effects of site geology on seismic ground motion. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文介绍了中美两国地震动区划的技术方法、使用的资料、区划结果,并对两国的区划图特点进行对比分析,它们分别反映了两国地震科学研究的程度和抗震设防的水平,结果表明:中关两国具有相同的编图思路,具体技术方法和区划结果有一定的差别.  相似文献   

The effect of seismic super-shear rupture on the directivity of ground motions using simulated accelerations of a vertical strike-slip fault model is the topic of this study. The discrete wave number/finite element method was adopted to calculate the ground motion in the horizontal layered half space. An analysis of peak ground acceleration (PGA) indicates that similar to the sub-shear situation, directivity also exists in the super-shear situation. However, there are some differences as tbllows: (1) The PGA of the fault-normal component decreases with super-shear velocity, and the areas that were significantly affected by directivity in the PGA field changed from a cone-shaped region in the forward direction in a sub-shear situation to a limited near-fault region in a super-shear situation. (2) The PGA of the fault-parallel and vertical component is not as sensitive as the fault-normal component to the increasing super-shear velocity. (3) The PGA of the fault-normal component is not always greater than the fault-parallel component when the rupture velocity exceeds the shear wave velocity.  相似文献   

Traditional probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) uses ground-motion models that are based on the ergodic assumption, which means that the distribution of ground motions over time at a given site is the same as their spatial distribution over different sites. Evaluations of ground-motion data sets with multiple measurements at a given site and multiple earthquakes in a given region have shown that the ergodic assumption is not appropriate as there are strong systematic region-specific source terms and site-specific path and site terms that are spatially correlated. We model these correlations using a spatial Gaussian process model. Different correlations functions are employed, both stationary and non-stationary, and the results are compared in terms of their predictive power. Spatial correlations of residuals are investigated on a Taiwanese strong-motion data set, and ground motions are collected at the ANZA, CA array. Source effects are spatially correlated, but provide a much stronger benefit in terms of prediction for the ANZA data set than for the Taiwanese data set. We find that systematic path effects are best modeled by a non-stationary covariance function that is dependent on source-to-site distance and magnitude. The correlation structure estimated from Californian data can be transferred to Taiwan if one carefully accounts for differences in magnitudes. About 50% of aleatory variance can be explained by accounting for spatial correlation.  相似文献   

Assessment of the vertical distribution on seismic ground motion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is very important for the facilities such as nuclear power plants to infer seismic force loading on the earthquake stability assessment of the building foundation and the surrounding slope. The purpose of this paper was to propose a method to evaluate underground seismic coefficients, taking into account dynamic response along the depth in horizontally multi-layered ground. The dynamic property of the seismic coefficient was analyzed on the basis of earthquake records observed at hard and soft rock sites mostly found in Tertiary deposits and sedimentary ground sites of the Pleistocene and Holocene epoch. The evaluation methods of a vertical distribution on underground seismic coefficients were proposed for a few calculation methods on the classified layered ground. Extended evaluation for underground seismic coefficients was confirmed with respect to some multi-layered ground during strong motion.  相似文献   

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