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么枕生 《气象学报》1941,15(2):95-97
1.民國二十九年四月。(1)四月方值寒暑迭代之際,冷暖氣團衝突浸為頻繁。本月上中二旬亦如常年,颮線數見不鲜,惟下旬則NPc氣圍盤踞華中,日久其勢倔強不變,故平均雨量各地多較少於常年。月初一冷鋒由北南侵,在江湖盆地且因地形關係一氣旋造成,漸向日本推進,惟不久冷氣圍漸趨穩定,除山地尚呈陰象外,平原地帶皆轉晴佳。六日至入日雖任穩定冷氣圍控制之下,然各地先後報雨,考其原因則係暖氣流緣冷流之上而北進之故。七日一盛大V形氣旋已  相似文献   

(1)該項獎金為現款二百元用以給與徵文當選之第一第二兩名第一名得獎金壹百伍拾元第二名得獎金伍拾元第兩年徵文一次。(2)如所定徵文期内無論文應徵或應徵之論文不能當選則此項獎金得移至下届作論文獎金之用(3)本會理事會每兩年組織徵文委員主持徵文及審查文稿事宜其論文題目之範圍限於氣象學(4)凡現在國内开究氣象學或服務氣象機關者俱得參與徵文投稿(5)論文字數應在三千以上一萬以下撰文材科務充實新穎正確文字務求  相似文献   

刁欽奎 《气象学报》1941,15(2):83-87
(一)槪述峨眉山位於我國西部,實當北偉二九度二八分,東經一○三度四一分,為四川西南面之高山,係川邊山脈之支脈。南、西、北、為大涼、大雪、邛崃三高山所圍:勢如城垣,高不可越。而峨眉山實居此三高山所圍半圓之中。山之東東北及東南而,為峨眉嘉定廣大之平原壩地,除接連壩地之面為懸岩絕壁外,其北及南各有坡道,可拾級而登。其最高峯拔海高度凡三千零七十公尺。吾人每登此山絕頂,辄於夜間攀臨山頂之岩沿,藉覩全山夜景,常見無数燈光,呈現眼  相似文献   

西域一名,起自前漢。有廣狹二義,從廣義言,奄有今天山南北路及葱嶺外中央亞西亚、印度、高加索及黑海以北一帶之地。從狹義言,僅指天山、葱嶺及崑崙三山間之塔里木盆地是也。本文所論之西域,為狹義之西域,即今新彊省天山南路之塔里木盆地也。至題中不言四川而言西蜀,則因大部論證皆以川西為言故也。在未入正文之前,請先略述本文研究之經過。作者於二十八年五月隨氣象研究所遷北碚,是年秋冬。雨澤稀少。九月上半月且極燠熱,有似盛夏。同事薛君鐵虎(二十九年四月死難於民用輪)適任繪裂天氣圖事,就予叩其故。予初亦茫然,經數次商討後,遂引起研究四川天氣及氣候之興趣。二十九年初寫成‘控制四川雨量的三個主因’一文(註1),其中一个主因,予創其名为‘天漏’。此篇中國氣象上特有之新例。後根據此理引申之而有‘巴山夜雨’之作(註2)。‘天漏’之根據為西藏高原,高原面積之大,世無其匹,西蜀天氣一部分既受此大高原之影響,則此高原上之氣象情形,自為一極有興味之問题。予遂因此而有西藏高原上雨量與氣壓等之研究(註  相似文献   

物候之觀察,我國起源甚早,詩豳風七月之"春日載陽,有嗚倉庚"及"四月秀葽,五月嗚蜩"等(1),皆物候紀述之最古者。夏小正、禮记、呂氏春秋、淮南子、易緯及逸周書諸書,更詳記物候(2),分節氣之早遲,以為耕作之準則。歐西之物候學,早在希臘時代已略具端倪,自十八世紀而降,且成為研究之科學(3)。顧我國古籍中所載者,已曆時數千年,古今氣候有異,南北地域亦殊,自未可實用於今日之全國,唯有施行普遍觀察,探求物候之變遷,庶可從事新月令之制定也。近年物候之調查,自民國国廿三年起卽由中央農業實驗所各地農情報告員觀測记載,選定之物類,植物凡廿一類,動物有九種,觀測之標準植物為發芽、葉盛、始花、盛花、果熟及落葉;動物則為始見、初嗚及絕見。民國二十三年至二十四年三月之紀錄,業經盧鋈君撰有"物候初步報告"一文(4),本篇乃赓续盧君之作,将逐年各地所記  相似文献   

楊鑑初 《气象学报》1941,15(1):43-43
本會會員薛鐵虎先生,於二十九年四月中旬因公赴渝,公畢便道至岳家接其夫人胡健華女士及其公子小鷹,於四月二十日同乘民生公司民用輪返北碚氣象研究所,不幸該輪駛至磁器口飛纜子灘時失吉,薛君及眷屬同罹於難!因公殉職,禍不單行,壯志未伸,英年矢折,憶音容之宛在,忽幽明而永分,撫今追昔,曷勝哀悼!君子御風,金慶人,民國三年生,南京中學畢業後肄業於金陵大學化學系,君體格壯健,性情活潑,對於自然科學興趣繁博;民國二十三年中央研究院第三  相似文献   

(1)該項獎金為現款二百元用以給與徵文當選之第一第二兩名第一名得獎金壹百伍拾元第二名得獎金伍拾元每兩年徵文一次。(2)如所定徵文期内無論文應徵或應徵之論文不能當選則此項獎金得移至下屆作論文獎金之用(3)本會理事會每兩年組織徵文委員會主持徵文及審查文稿事宜其論文題目之範圍限於氣象學  相似文献   

(一)地理環境與峨眉山之氣壓升降峨眉山在四川盆地西南,居東經103度41分。北緯29度28分,高度約三千公尺,北有邛崍山,西有大雪山,南有大涼山,三面包圍,各山高度均達三千公尺以上,其西之西藏高原,面積遼闊,拔海高度,亦不下四千公尺。峨眉山當川康交界大相嶺之東側,靑衣江大渡河东西環流,匯於樂山。其地理環境舆卓立華北大平原之泰山異,而天氣現象遂亦颇有不同之處。該處之氣象觀測。始於民國二十一年八月,翌年八月極年終了,卽行結束。迨二十八年四川建設聽及氣象研究所議定恢復,於四月開始工作,迄三十年三月適滿二載,茲篇所述,以近二年之紀錄為主,而以極年觀測為輔。夫大氣壓力乃隨高度而遞减,高山氣壓自視其鄰近低處氣壓為低,北為無可懷疑之  相似文献   

本文載英國皇家氣象學會季刊一九三七年七月號,為F.A.Paneth所著,其中所列地面大氣中各種氣體所佔百分率之數字,與一般者颇有岐異,且謂在對流層及平流下層,並不隨高度而生若何變動,亦與前人研究之結果相違。茲特加以節述,以供同道者之參考。關於大氣成份之分析,乃化學家分内之事,氣象學家不過就化學家所得結果,加以研討。目前氣象典籍中所列大氣成份百分率,每互有出入,推究其因,不外二種:所援引之原作不同。此其一分析手續未盡精當而生錯誤,此其二。Paneth 本人為化學家,且於大氣成份研討應有年所,故其說當視一般為可信也。  相似文献   

張寶堃 《气象学报》1941,15(1):27-42
人多說重慶天氣壞,昆明天氣好。昆明天氣好到如何程度,容當另文述之。重慶天氣壞到如何程度,與何時比較好些,何時的確最壞,作者為欲明瞭此中情形,遂有起草本文之動機。茲根據海關測候所民國十六年至二十五年十年間之天氣紀錄,詳加整理,按月按季按候(每五天)用表解說明其晴雨陰霧可能性,藉供關心重慶天氣與防穿人員們的參攷。(一) 逐月睛兩陰霧可能性(甲) 雨天日數與降雨可能性重慶近十年來雨天日數,以十月為最多(13.8天),五、六月次之,一月八月最少(各為6.2天)。如與長江三峡以東之宜同時期(1927-1936年)天氣比,則知宜昌雨日以八月為最多,適與重慶相反,一月最少,彼此互同,且  相似文献   

Asian dust events occurred in Asia during March 2010 were simulated using the Asian Dust Aerosol Model 2 (ADAM2). The performance of the model for simulations of surface dust concentrations and dust event occurrences was tested at several monitoring sites located in the dust source region and the downstream region of Korea. The observed and modeled dust event occurrences at each monitoring site were defined with the hourly observed and modeled dust concentrations that were used to evaluate the performance of the model by constructing a contingency table for the dust event occurrence. It was found that the model simulated quite well the starting and ending times of dust events with their peak dust concentrations for most dust events occurred both in the dust source region and the downstream region of Korea. However, the model failed to simulate a few dust events observed in both regions mainly due to the inaccurate simulations of the meteorological fields. Inaccurate simulations of wind speeds have caused for the model to simulate dust events poorly in the dust source region whereas poor simulations of precipitation of the fifth-generation mesoscale model (MM5) model have led to miss dust events in the downstream region of Korea. The contingency table made with the hourly data for the dust event occurrence made it possible to evaluate the ADAM2 model for the simulation of the dust event occurrence. It was found that the model has the probabilistic simulation capability for dust events of about 78% with the hit rate of more than 83% and the false alarm rate of about 27% for the dust events occurred during March in 2010. The probabilistic capability of the model could be much improved by improving the meteorological model (MM5 model).  相似文献   

The importance of specifying realistic lateral boundary conditions in the regional modeling of mineral aerosols has not been examined previously. This study examines the impact of assigning values for mineral aerosol (dust) concentrations at the lateral boundaries of Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) and its aerosol model over Southwest Asia. Currently, the dust emission module of RegCM3 operates over the interior of the domain, allowing dust to be transported to the boundaries, but neglecting any dust emitted at these points or from outside the domain. To account for possible dust occurring at, or entering from the boundaries, mixing ratios of dust concentrations from a larger domain RegCM3 simulation are specified at the boundaries of a smaller domain over Southwest Asia. The lateral boundary conditions are monthly averaged concentration values (μg of dust per kg of dry air) resolved in the vertical for all four dust bin sizes within RegCM3’s aerosol model. RegCM3 simulations with the aerosol/dust model including lateral boundary conditions for dust are performed for a five year period and compared to model simulations without prescribed dust concentrations at the boundaries. Results indicate that specifying boundary conditions has a significant impact on dust loading across the entire domain over Southwest Asia. More specifically, a nearly 30% increase in aerosol optical depth occurs during the summer months from specifying realistic dust boundary conditions, bringing model results closer to observations such as MISR. In addition, smaller dust particles at the boundaries have a more important impact than large particles in affecting the dust loading within the interior of this domain. Moreover, increases in aerosol optical depth and dust concentrations within the interior domain are not entirely caused by inflow from the boundaries; results indicate that an increase in the gradient of concentration at the boundaries causes an increase of diffusion from the boundaries. Lastly, experiments performed using a climatology of dust concentrations yield similar results to those using actual monthly values. Therefore, using a climatology of dust mixing ratios is sufficient in implementing lateral boundary conditions for mineral aerosols. In short, this work concludes that realistic specification of lateral boundary conditions for mineral aerosols can be important in modeling the dust loading over arid regional climates such as Southwest Asia.  相似文献   

内蒙古科尔沁沙地起沙近地层动力学阈值的试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用内蒙古科尔沁沙地沙尘暴探测与监测试验站2008年和2009年春季沙尘和近地层观测资料,研究了不同沙尘天气条件下沙尘浓度随摩擦速度的变化规律,对比分析了不同天气(晴天、扬沙、沙尘暴和强沙尘暴)入射短波辐射和净辐射的演变,并利用两层高度沙尘浓度差,区分局地起沙和非局地起沙,有效地避免了沙尘水平输送引起的起沙阈值的低估。结果表明,起沙前,摩擦速度和沙尘浓度数值都较低;临近起沙阶段,摩擦速度迅速增大而沙尘浓度基本保持不变;起沙时,摩擦速度数值较高,沙尘浓度迅速增大;沙尘天气减弱阶段,沙尘浓度随摩擦速度近似呈线性减小。科尔沁沙地春季临界起沙摩擦速度u*t和临界起沙风速ut分别为0.62m.s-1和9.5m.s-1,扬沙、沙尘暴和强沙尘暴天气的起沙阈值依次略有增加。与晴天天气相比,沙尘天气到达地面的短波辐射和净辐射明显减少。  相似文献   

The linear particle depolarization ratios were retrieved from the observation with a multiwavelength Raman lidar at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea (35.11°N, 126.54°E). The measurements were carried out in spring (March to May) 2011. The transmission ratio measurements were performed to solve problems of the depolarization-dependent transmission at a receiver of the lidar and applied to correct the retrieved depolarization ratio of Asian dust at first time in Korea. The analyzed data from the GIST multiwavelength Raman lidar were classified into three categories according to the linear particle depolarization ratios, which are pure Asian dust on 21 March, the intermediate case which means Asian dust mixed with urban pollution on 13 May, and haze case on 10 April. The measured transmission ratios were applied to these cases respectively. We found that the transmission ratio is needed to be used to retrieve the accurate depolarization ratio of Asian dust and also would be useful to distinguish the mixed dust particles between intermediate case and haze. The particle depolarization ratios of pure Asian dust were approximately 0.25 at 532 nm and 0.14 at 532 nm for the intermediate case. The linear particle depolarization ratios of pure Asian dust observed with the GIST multiwavelength Raman lidar were compared to the linear particle depolarization ratios of Saharan dust observed in Morocco and Asian dust observed both in Japan and China.  相似文献   

Episode Simulation of Asian Dust Storms with an Air Quality Modeling System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A dust deflation module was developed and coupled with the air quality modeling system RAMS-CMAQ to simultaneously treat all the major tropospheric aerosols(i.e.,organic and black carbons,sulfate,nitrate, ammonia,soil dust,and sea salt).Then the coupled system was applied to East Asia to simulate Asian dust aerosol generation,transport and dry/wet removal processes during 14-25 March 2002 when two strong dust storms occurred consecutively.To evaluate model performance and to analyze the observed features of dust aerosols over the East Asian region,model results were compared to concentrations of suspended particulate matter of 10μm or less(PM10;1-h intervals) at four remote Japanese stations and daily air pollution index (API) values for PM10 at four large Chinese cities.The modeled values were generally in good agreement with observed data,and the model reasonably reproduced two dust storm outbreaks and generally predicted the dust onset and cessation times at each observation site.In addition,hourly averaged values of aerosol optical thickness(AOT) were calculated and compared with observations at four Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) stations to assess the model’s capability of estimating dust aerosol column burden.Analysis shows that modeled and observed AOT values were generally comparable and that the contribution of dust aerosols to AOT was significant only with regard to their source regions and their transport paths.  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of dust key optical properties are presented from measurements during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM) by Raman and depolarization lidar at two ground-based sites and by airborne high spectral resolution lidar. One of the sites, Tinfou, is located close to the border of the Sahara in Southern Morocco and was the main in situ site during SAMUM. The other site was Ouarzazate airport, the main lidar site. From the lidar measurements the spatial distribution of the dust between Tinfou and Ouarzazate was derived for 1 d. The retrieved profiles of backscatter and extinction coefficients and particle depolarization ratios show comparable dust optical properties, a similar vertical structure of the dust layer, and a height of about 4 km asl at both sites. The airborne cross-section of the extinction coefficient at the two sites confirms the low variability in dust properties. Although the general picture of the dust layer was similar, the lidar measurements reveal a higher dust load closer to the dust source. Nevertheless, the observed intensive optical properties were the same. These results indicate that the lidar measurements at two sites close to the dust source are both representative for the SAMUM dust conditions.  相似文献   

The Asian dust forecasting model, Mongolian Asian Dust Aerosol Model (MGLADAM), has been operated by the National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring of Mongolia since 2010, for the forecast of Asian dust storms. In order to evaluate the performance of the dust prediction model, we simulated Asian dust events for the period of spring 2011. Simulated features were compared with observations from two sites in the dust source region of the Gobi desert in Mongolia, and in the downstream region in Korea. It was found that the simulated wind speed and friction velocity showed a good correlation with observations at the Erdene site (one of the sites in the Gobi desert). The results show that the model is proficient in the simulation of dust concentrations that are within the same order of magnitude and have similar start and end times, compared with PM10 observed at two monitoring sites in the Gobi regions. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the dust simulation ranges up to 200 μg m?3 because of the high concentrations in source regions, which is three times higher than that in the downstream region. However, the spatial pattern of dust concentration matches well with dust reports from synoptic observation. In the downwind regions, it was found that the model simluated all reported dust cases successfully. It was also found that the RMSE in the downwind region increased when the model integration time increased, but that in the source regions did not show consistent change. It suggests that MGLADAM has the potential to be used as an operational dust forecasting model for predicting major dust events over the dust source regions as well as predicting transported dust concentrations over the downstream region. However, it is thought that further improvement in the emission estimation is necessary, including accurate predictions in surface and boundary layer meteorology. In the downwind regions, background PM10 concentration is considerably affected by other aerosol species, suggesting that a consideration of anthropogenic pollutants will be required for accurate dust forecasting.  相似文献   

新疆不同降水观测资料的比较及其差异的可能原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用新疆地区89个气象站和38个水文站1961~2005年的降水资料,对比分析了这两类降水观测资料在表征新疆地区降水的时间演变特征上所存在的差异,进而探究了造成这种差异的原因,并在此基础上研究了增暖背景下新疆地区降水与地形(包括海拔高度、坡度和坡向)的关系。研究发现:1)从区域平均来看,水文站观测的年降水量(221.4 mm)明显高于气象站的观测值(152.1 mm),其差值为69.3 mm,但是二者具有相同的时空变化特征;2)气象站与水文站降水均值之间的差异,主要受海拔高度的影响,坡度和坡向的影响次之。新疆地区地形地貌复杂,降水时空变化较大,观测数据分布不均匀均可导致对降水的估算存在较大差异,因此多源降水数据相互融合是客观估算该地区降水量及其变化的一个途径。  相似文献   

2010年春季北京地区强沙尘暴过程的微气象学特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用北京大学校园地区PM10质量浓度观测资料、中国科学院大气物理研究所325m气象塔气象要素梯度和湍流观测资料,分析了北京地区2010年3月20~22日两次强沙尘暴过程微气象学要素和沙尘参量的时空演变以及湍流输送特征,为理解北京地区强沙尘暴天气沙尘输送规律和微气象学特征提供参考。结果表明:3月20~22日强沙尘暴过程前后不同高度温度先升后降,气压和相对湿度则相反。强沙尘暴来临时,高层风速先迅速增大,低层风速增加略有滞后,风切变明显加强,PM10浓度最大值和风速极大值出现时间较吻合。强沙尘暴过境时,不同高度向下的湍流动量输送、向上的湍流热量输送和湍流动能明显加强。与3月21日非沙尘暴日相比,强沙尘暴过程湍流动量通量增加,有利于沙尘粒子的水平和垂直输送过程;由于冷锋过境,水平热通量增大;垂直热通量因白天温度垂直梯度减小而减小,夜间因逆温层被破坏而增加;水平湍流动能对湍流动能占主要贡献,垂直湍流动能仅占水平湍流动能的10%~25%。  相似文献   

Assuming spheroidal and spherical particle shapes for mineral dust aerosols, the effect of particle shape on dust aerosol optical depth retrievals, and subsequently on instantaneous shortwave direct radiative forcing (SWDRF) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA), is assessed based on Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data for a case study. Specifically, a simplified aerosol retrieval algorithm based on the principle of the Deep Blue aerosol retrieval method is employed to retrieve dust aerosol optical depths, and the Fu-Liou radiative transfer model is used to derive the instantaneous SWDRF of dust at the TOA for cloud-free conditions. Without considering the effect of particle shape on dust aerosol optical depth retrievals, the effect of particle shape on the scattering properties of dust aerosols (e.g., extinction efficiency, single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor) is negligible, which can lead to a relative difference of at most 5% for the SWDRF at the TOA. However, the effect of particle shape on the SWDRF cannot be neglected provided that the effect of particle shape on dust aerosol optical depth retrievals is also taken into account for SWDRF calculations. The corresponding results in an instantaneous case study show that the relative differences of the SWDRF at the TOA between spheroids and spheres depend critically on the scattering angles at which dust aerosol optical depths are retrieved, and can be up to 40% for low dust-loading conditions.  相似文献   

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