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青藏铁路设计中热棒路基的应用及其技术指标 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
In accordance with the application of thermal pipe in the Qinghai-Tibet Railway subgrade project and the research data made on the Qingshuihe experimental field, this paper makes an attempt to illustrate the design principles, basis and technical characteristics, puts forward the problems needing further study, and pipe the reason and tendency of the longitudinal crack in the subgrade applied with thermal pipe. 相似文献
保温材料在青藏铁路路基工程中应用的数值分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In many cases, preventing permafrost from further thaw due to human activities might be the first choice for embankment design in permafrost regions. 2-D finite element analysis was conducted in this paper, in which phase change was taken into consideration to simulate the thermal regime of the Qinghai-Tibetan Railway with Expandable Polystyrene (EPS). Based on the predicted maximum thaw depth in the following 50 year, the best position for insulation was presented and the relationship between the thickness of insulation and the height of embankment was analyzed. Besides, the applicable range of insulation in embankment engineering of the Qinghai-Tibetan Railway in terms of Mean Annual Air Temperature (MAAT) was suggested and the influence of geothermal field of permafrost on the applicable range of the insulation was discussed. 相似文献
风沙危害正在威胁着青藏铁路的安全营运. 通过数值方法研究了风积沙填堵和覆盖青藏铁路块碎石路基后, 块碎石层降温机理以及降温效果的变化特征. 结果表明:开放条件下块石路基具有较强的强迫对流效应; 风积沙填堵后, 块碎石层降温效果减弱. 封闭条件下, 冷季路基坡脚处自然对流较强, 冻土上限抬升; 路基内部自然对流较弱, 由于路基填土作用, 路基中心处冻土上限抬升较大, 但随时间增长而降低; 沙层覆盖后, 块碎石层降温效果减弱, 路基下部冻土上限下降. 在气候变暖背景条件下, 封闭块碎石层自然对流减弱, 冻土上限下降, 不利于冻土路基的热稳定. 因此, 建议对沙害路段的块碎石路基采取补强措施. 相似文献
The 6^th International Symposium on Permafrost Engineering was successfully held in China in September 2004. About 150 scientists and engineers from 7 countries attended the symposium in Lanzhou on 5~7 September, and about 35 people from 6 countries participated in the field trip along the QinghaiTibet Highway/Railway on 8~13 September and the seminar in Lhasa on 14 September 2004. During the Symposium, the latest progress on permafrost engineering and the surveys, design and construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were exchanged and inspected. Fifty-eight technical papers in English from the Symposium were published in the first volume of the Proceedings of the Symposium, as a supplement of the Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, before the symposium. About 6 papers from the symposium are published in the second volume in the volume 27(1) of the Journal of the Glaciology and Geocryology, after the symposium. The Qinghai-Tibet Railway (QTR) under construction will traverse 632 km of permafrost, and the engineers are facing unprecedented engineering and environmental challenges. With the QTR under construction and to be completed in 2007, permafrost engineering has become the research focus of permafrost scientists and engineers in China. Many encouraging and promising achievements in permafrost engineering have been obtained during the past three years. However, there are still numerous engineering and environmental problems needing to be solved or resolved. In the discussions, some experts pointed out that methods, such as removal of snow cover on the embankments and toe areas, light-color embankments and side slope surfaces, awnings for shading the solar radiation, hairpin or tilted thermosyphons, could be applied to actively cool the roadbed of the QTR. Some new ideas on utilization of the natural cold reserves were proposed to protect the QTR permafrost roadbed from thawing. Many questions and answers on the survey, design, construction, operations, maintenance and environmental protection were exchanged in situ and in the Lhasa seminar with participation by some major railway designers, regulators and administrators. 相似文献
Finite Element Method has been used to operate the numerical analysis and comparison between the traditional ventilated embankment and the adjustable ventilated embankment adopted in Qinghai-Tibet Railway construction. The numerical results show that: 1) The adjustable ventilated embankments can prevent the thermal entry from air into ducts during summer from thawing the permafrost beneath the embankments; 2) The cooling effects of the adjustable ventilated embankments on permafrost is much better than the traditional ventilated embankments although two kinds of embankments can generate the thawing bulbs at the beginning of finishing construction; 3) The drop of the mean temperature of permafrost under the adjustable ventilated embankments keeps faster than that of the mean temperature of permafrost under the traditional ventilated embankments. It is clear that the adjustable ventilated embankments can keep the embankment more stable than the traditional ventilated embankments. 相似文献
Considering the only retaining structure L-type retaining wall used in Golmud-Lhasa section of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the earth pressure and frost-heaving force was tested in a frost-thaw circle for one year, and several different analysis models were studied. Compared with site test and theory analysis, it was found that the actual earth pressure is much larger than the designed earth pressure. Hence,a revised analysis model of earth pressure is put forward, which could include another possible force except slide triangle or frost heaving force. The model in this paper is only consider the thrust force other than failure sliding wedge. This model could be used as reference for the design and construction of similar projects. 相似文献
Vladimir P. Vlasov 《冰川冻土》2004,26(Z1):189-193
The vast majority of buildings in Russia have been constructed on pile foundations incorporating a ventilated air space between the structure and ground surface (passive construction method, or Principle I in the Russian Building Code 2.02.04-88). Warming of the frozen soil during the life of the structure is one of the primary factors leading to structural damage. This paper presents a new technique for preventing failure in engineering structures. 相似文献
为解决废旧沥青混合料(RAP)和铁尾矿砂(ITS)固废处理问题,将两者充当砂石料掺加到水泥稳定碎石中,通过无侧限抗压试验、弯拉试验和温缩试验对水泥稳定碎石进行路用性能研究,分析了RAP和ITS掺量对水泥稳定碎石的影响。结果表明:RAP掺量一定时(25%),ITS掺量增加有利于提高水泥稳定碎石的抗压强度和弯拉强度,但会增大材料的温缩应变和温缩系数,降低温缩性能,其中ITS45(ITS掺量为45%)有较好的温缩性能;ITS掺量一定时(60%),RAP掺量增加不利于水泥稳定碎石的抗压强度,但可以提高水泥稳定碎石的弯拉强度,降低温缩应变和温缩系数,其中RAP70(RAP掺量为70%)温缩性能达到最优;与ITS45相比,RAP70有更宽泛的施工温度区间。 相似文献
青藏铁路片石气冷路基工程试验研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
为确定青藏高原多年冻土区片石气冷路基修筑后温度场的变化过程,在青藏铁路清水河高温冻土细粒土段设计并开展了片石气冷路堤和普通路堤实体工程对比试验.基于两个测试断面的两个冻融循环的地温和变形监测资料,对比分析了片石气冷路堤与普通路堤的天然地面孔、左、右路肩孔的地温变化情况、温度场中最大融化深度的变化及路基的沉降变形情况.结果表明:片石气冷路堤体内地温寒季明显低于普通路堤段,利于积存冷量,其最大融化深度抬升幅度较大,该路基的沉降变形小于对比段.片石气冷路堤能够有效发挥降低地温、保护多年冻土的作用,是一种主动保护多年冻土的措施. 相似文献
"冷却路基"方法在青藏铁路上的应用 总被引:12,自引:7,他引:12
青藏铁路穿越550 km多年冻土,其中约一半为高温多年冻土,其年平均地温为0~-1℃.青藏铁路是百年大计,必须考虑未来50~100 a的气候变化.在全球变暖的背景下,青藏铁路高温冻土段的建设必须改变单纯依靠热阻(增加路堤高度、采用保温材料等)的消极“保”温方法,而改用“冷却路基”的积极“降”温措施.青藏铁路的建设采用了一整套“冷却路基”的方法:通过遮阳板调控辐射;通过通风管、热管和气冷路堤调控对流;通过“热半导体”材料调控传导;通过这些调控方式的组合,加强冷却效果.这些方法均可有效地降低路基下多年冻土的地温,保证青藏铁路路基的稳定. 相似文献
青藏铁路多年冻土工程的研究与实践 总被引:18,自引:11,他引:18
青藏铁路建设需穿越高原多年冻土区, 在探明沿线多年冻土分布特征的基础上, 合理确定了青藏铁路线路的走向方案.在多年的冻土研究和工程实践的指导下, 有针对性地开展了 5 个不同类型冻土工程试验研究, 取得重要科研成果, 指导设计和施工.全面总结4 a来青藏铁路多年冻土工程的研究与实践, 提出了“主动降温, 冷却地基, 保护冻土”的设计思想, 制定了路基、桥涵、隧道成套工程技术措施和先进施工工艺, 对确保多年冻土工程质量发挥了重要作用. 相似文献
青藏铁路多年冻土区路基变形特征及其来源 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于青藏铁路多年冻土区34个路基监测断面2005-2011年的变形与地温资料,分析路基的变形特征及其来源。监测结果表明:①监测期累计变形量大于100 mm的断面均为普通路基,其变形主要来自路基下部因冻土上限下降而引起的高含冰量冻土的融沉变形以及融土的压密变形,其次为路基下部多年冻土因地温升高而产生的高温冻土的压缩变形。②监测期累计变形量小于100 mm的普通路基与块石结构路基断面,其变形主要来自路基下部多年冻土的压缩变形。③总体而言,块石结构路基变形量明显小于普通路基,从而验证了主动冷却措施的长期有效性。其研究结果可为冻土区路基稳定性判断及病害预警提供数据支持。 相似文献
青藏铁路建设冻土工程问题的深入研究和实践 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
青藏铁路开工建设以来的冻土工程问题研究, 在综合以往冻土学研究成果基础上, 针对冻土区大规模工程实践对冻土和冻土环境的影响特点, 冻土和冻土工程之间相互作用本质, 用系统工程论的观点, 以工程变形为冻土工程问题研究的综合目标, 抓住冻土工程问题的热学机理本质, 用工程热力结构作为解决问题的主要手段, 取得很好的实践效果. 同时把我国冻土工程问题研究和冻土工程建设提高到一个新的水平, 为建设世界一流的高原铁路奠定了坚实的技术基础. 相似文献
青藏铁路冻土路基变形监测与分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
基于现场监测资料,对作为青藏铁路中的主要保护冻土的几种路基形式(如:通风管路基、块石路基、块石护坡路基、保温材料路基和普通素土路基)进行了变形和温度分析,发现所有路基的变形均以沉降变形为主,且其变形与其下伏冻土的地温场变化密切相关。经过2~3个冻融周期后,通风管路基、块石路基、块石护坡路基和保温材料路基的变形已趋于稳定,而无任何措施的普通路基目前变形仍未稳定。另外,各种路基左右路肩均存在变形差。基于以上分析可得到一个启示:在高温、高含冰量冻土地区,由于路基下多年冻土温度升高产生的高温冻土压缩变形而引起的路基沉降变形具有相当大的量级,很有可能成为冻土路基发生破坏的一个重要原因,工程实践中应给予足够的重视。 相似文献
多年冻土南界附近青藏铁路路基下的冻土退化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于2006-2012年青藏铁路多年冻土区唐古拉山南侧安多断面地温监测资料,分析了多年冻土南界附近路基下多年冻土的退化过程及其影响因素.结果表明:该监测断面天然场地多年冻土退化表现为多年冻土天然上限下降与多年冻土地温升高,观测期内多年冻土天然上限下降0.29 m,下降速率为4 cm·a-1;路基下10 m处多年冻土温度升高0.03℃,升温速率为0.004℃·a-1.该监测断面路基左路肩下多年冻土退化表现为多年冻土人为上限下降、多年冻土地温升高、多年冻土下限抬升以及多年冻土厚度减少.观测期内多年冻土人为上限下降0.41 m,下降速率为6 cm·a-1;路基下10 m处多年冻土地温升高0.06℃,升温速率为0.009℃·a-1;多年冻土下限抬升0.50 m,抬升速率为7 cm·a-1;多年冻土厚度减少0.90 m,减少速率为13 cm·a-1.工程作用是导致路基下多年冻土退化的主要原因,气温升温与局地因素中的冻结层上水发育促进了这一退化过程.路基下融化夹层的出现,导致多年冻土垂向上由衔接型变为不衔接型. 相似文献