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This study employs an event location algorithm based on grid search to investigate the possibility of improving seismic event location accuracy by using non-Gaussian error models. The primary departure from the Gaussian error model that is considered is the explicit use of non-Gaussian probability distributions in defining optimal estimates of location parameters. Specifically, the class of generalized Gaussian distributions is considered, which leads to the minimization of Lp norms of arrival time residuals for arbitrary p≥1. The generalized Gaussian error models are implemented both with fixed standard errors assigned to the data and with an iterative reweighting of the data on a station/phase basis. An implicit departure from a Gaussian model is also considered, namely, the use of a simple outlier rejection criterion for disassociating arrivals during the grid-search process. These various mechanisms were applied to the ISC phase picks for the IWREF reference events, and the resulting grid-search solutions were compared to the GT locations of the events as well as the ISC solutions. The results indicate that event mislocations resulting from the minimization of Lp residual norms, with p near 1, are generally better than those resulting from the conventional L2 norm minimization (Gaussian error assumption). However, this result did not always hold for mislocations in event depth. Further, outlier rejection and iterative reweighting, applied with L2 minimization, performed nearly as well as L1 minimization in some cases. The results of this study suggest that ISC can potentially improve its location capability with the use of global search methods and non-Gaussian error models. However, given the limitations of this study, further research, including the investigation of other statistical and optimization techniques not addressed here, is needed to assess this potential more completely.  相似文献   

The accuracy of automatic procedures for locating earthquakes is influenced by several factors such as errors in picking seismic phases, network geometry, modeling errors and velocity model uncertainties. The main purpose of this work is to improve the performances of the automatic procedure employed for the “quasi-real-time” location of seismic events in North Western Italy by developing a procedure based on a waveform similarity analysis and by using only one seismic station.To detect “earthquake families” a cross-correlation technique was applied to a data set of seismic waveforms recorded in the period 1985-2002, in a small test area (1600 km2) located in the South Western Alps (Italy). Normalized cross-correlation matrices were calculated using about 2700 seismic events, selected on the basis of the signal to noise ratio, manually picked and located by using the Hypoellipse code. The waveform similarity analysis, based on the bridging technique, allowed grouping about 65% of the selected events into 80 earthquake families (multiplets) located inside the area considered. For each earthquake family a master event is selected, manually re-picked and re-located by using Hypoellipse code. Having chosen a reference station (STV) on the basis of the completeness of the available data set, an automatic procedure has been developed with the aim of cross-correlating new seismic recordings (automatically picked) to the waveforms of the events belonging to the detected families. If the new event is proved to belong to a family (on the basis of the cross-correlation values), its hypocenter co-ordinates are defined by the location of the master event of the associated family. The performance of the proposed procedure is tested and demonstrated using a data set of 104 selected earthquakes recorded in the period January 2003-June 2004 and located in the test area. The automatic procedure is able to locate, associating events with the multiplets detected by the waveform similarity analysis, about 50% of the test events, almost independently of the accuracy of the automatic phase picker and without the biasing of the network geometry and of the velocity model uncertainties.  相似文献   

The different operating requirements of the International Seismological Centre (ISC) from those of the National Earthquake Information Service of the US Geological Survey(NEIS), and of the prototype International Data Center to monitor the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (pIDC), result in some discrepancies between earthquake locations computed by the three agencies. For larger events recorded by many stations the differences are small, but for some smaller events differences in location of up to 20° may occur. The largest discrepancies are found for small events in areas where later analysis by ISC has the benefit of additional readings from regional seismograph networks and where ISC has made a different interpretation of the station readingsavailable to pIDC and NEIS. We identify regions where such discrepancies occur most frequently, and give some examples for which the augmented data set of ISC has resulted in significant improvement for specific earthquakes. NEIS and, particularly, pIDC produce their results more speedily than ISC, and these form a valuable starting point for the later, more complete ISC analysis, which is commonly considered the most definitive compilation of global earthquake information.  相似文献   

How can the ISC location procedures be improved?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For many decades the International Seismological Centre (ISC) has used a well defined procedure to locate seismic events using first P-onsets and the Jeffreys-Bullen tables ([Jeffreys, H., Bullen, K.E., 1940. Seismological Tables. British Association for the Advancement of Science, Gray Milne Trust, London, 50 pp]) as the travel-time reference. However, during the last two decades, more accurate spherical Earth models have been published and enhanced computer capabilities make it easier to implement more sophisticated data inversion schemes. Several features that may improve the location procedure at the ISC were systematically tested using the location program HYPOSAT. The investigated features were the influence of
the usage of the spherical Earth models JB, PREM, IASP91, SP6, and AK135;
the usage of later onsets;
travel-time corrections for local crustal structure based on CRUST 5.1;
different weighting of the residuals;
reducing the amount of defining data at a late stage of the inversion process.
Application of different combinations of these factors led to a reduction of the location errors for the 156 test events, of which the epicenter is known with an accuracy of less than 5 km. However, no clear rule of common factors to achieve this result could be defined. Most promising is the application of AK135 as model for travel-time calculations, applying crust specific station corrections and corrections for the reflection points of surface reflections, a combined usage of surface and core reflections, and removing data which have large residuals or do not much contribute to the solution for the last iterations.  相似文献   

The International Seismological Centre (ISC) is charged with production of the definitive global bulletin of seismic events, based on the most comprehensive set of parametric data collected from all over the world. Almost every event in the bulletin retains the original hypocentral solutions reported to the ISC by contributing agencies. In addition, where possible, the ISC computes its own solution, which is intended to be the most accurate where the data from several networks are used. It is because of the requirement for consistency of the bulletin over the years that the procedures used at the centre to compute hypocentres have remained rather conservative despite considerable advances made in the field of earthquake location.The ISC has developed and put into operation a new data management system. As a result, it is now possible to review and subsequently introduce more up-to-date methods of locating seismic events into the operations. The ISC Governing Council called for a workshop dedicated to location procedures, which was held during the 2005 IASPEI General Assembly in Santiago, Chile.To compare the accuracy of different location algorithms, a list of 156 reference events (IWREF) was selected prior to the workshop. The list includes geographically well distributed earthquakes and explosions with positions known with an accuracy of up to 5 km. It covers the period of 1954-2001 and includes all station readings and hypocentral solutions of different agencies available for these events in the ISC bulletin. Although the original ISC solutions are included, these may be different from the solution obtainable now due to changes in the ISC procedures over the years. This paper presents the results of relocation of these events using standard ISC location procedures as of 2005. These new ISC locations and analysis of their shifts with respect to reference locations present a benchmark for further improvement.  相似文献   

—?In order to improve on the accuracy of event locations at teleseismic distances it is necessary to adequately correct for lateral variations in structure along the ray paths, either through deterministic model-based corrections, empirical path/station corrections, or a combination of both approaches. In this paper we investigate the ability of current three-dimensional models of mantle P-wave velocity to accurately locate teleseismic events. We test four recently published models; two are parameterized in terms of relatively long-wavelength spherical harmonic functions up to degree 12, and two are parameterized in terms of blocks of constant velocity which have a dimension of a few hundreds of km. These models, together with detailed crustal corrections, are used to locate a set of 112 global test events, consisting of both earthquakes and explosions with P-wave travel-time data compiled by the Internation al Seismological Centre (ISC). The results indicate that the supposedly higher resolution block models do not improve the accuracy of teleseismic event locations over the longer wavelength spherical harmonic models. For some source locations the block models do not predict the range of observed travel-time residuals as well as the longer wavelength models. The accuracy of the locations largely varies randomly with geographic position although events in central Asia are particularly well located. We also tested the effect of reduced data sets on the locations. Multiple location iterations using 30 P-wave travel times indicate that teleseismic events may be located within an area of 1000?km2 of the true location 66% of the time with only the model-based corrections, and increasing to 75% if calibration information is available. If as few as 8 phases are available then this is possible only 50% of the time. Further refinement in models and/or procedure, such as the addition of P n phases, azimuth data, and consideration of P-wave anisotropy may provide further improvement in the teleseismic location of small events.  相似文献   

The International Seismological Centre (ISC) publishes the definitive global bulletin of earthquake locations. In the ISC bulletin, we aim to obtain a free depth, but often this is not possible. Subsequently, the first option is to obtain a depth derived from depth phases. If depth phases are not available, we then use the reported depth from a reputable local agency. Finally, as a last resort, we set a default depth.In the past, common depths of 10, 33, or multiples of 50 km have been assigned. Assigning a more meaningful default depth, specific to a seismic region will increase the consistency of earthquake locations within the ISC bulletin and allow the ISC to publish better positions and magnitude estimates. It will also improve the association of reported secondary arrivals to corresponding seismic events.We aim to produce a global set of default depths, based on a typical depth for each area, from well-constrained events in the ISC bulletin or where depth could be constrained using a consistent set of depth phase arrivals provided by a number of different reporters.In certain areas, we must resort to using other assumptions. For these cases, we use a global crustal model (Crust2.0) to set default depths to half the thickness of the crust.  相似文献   

Two well-known methods for estimating statistical distributions in hydrology are the Method of Moments (MOMs) and the method of probability weighted moments (PWM). This paper is concerned with the case where a part of the sample is censored. One situation where this might occur is when systematic data (e.g. from gauges) are combined with historical data, since the latter are often only reported if they exceed a high threshold. For this problem, three previously derived estimators are the “B17B” estimator, which is a direct modification of MOM to allow for partial censoring; the “partial PWM estimator”, which similarly modifies PWM; and the “expected moments algorithm” estimator, which improves on B17B by replacing a sample adjustment of the censored-data moments with a population adjustment. The present paper proposes a similar modification to the PWM estimator, resulting in the “expected probability weighted moments (EPWM)” estimator. Simulation comparisons of these four estimators and also the maximum likelihood estimator show that the EPWM method is at least competitive with the other four and in many cases the best of the five estimators.  相似文献   

We investigate a special type of variability in response spectral amplification ratios computed from numerical “engineering” models for a soft soil site. The engineering models are defined by shallow soil layers over “engineering” bedrock with a shear-wave velocity over 600–700 m/s and the model is subjected to vertical propagating shear waves. The variability, perhaps unique in earthquake engineering, is a result of the “perfectly accurate” computational procedure. For example, an engineering soil site model, subjected to two rock site records or the two horizontal components of a rock site record, produces different response spectral amplification ratios. We use a large number of strong-motion records from “engineering” rock sites, with a reasonably balanced distribution with respect to magnitude and source distance, generated by subduction earthquakes in Japan, to investigate the nature of the variability. In order to avoid any approximation in removing the effect of soil nonlinear response, we use a simple model, a single horizontal soil layer over a bedrock, modelled as elastic. We then demonstrate that a similar type of variability observed in the one- or two-dimensional nonlinear soil models is caused by the nature of response spectral amplification ratios, not a direct result of soil nonlinear response. Examination of variability reveals that the average of response spectral amplification ratios systematically depends on both earthquake magnitude and source distance. We find that, at periods much longer than the site natural periods of the soil sites, the scatter of the amplification ratios decreases with increasing magnitude and source distance. These findings may have a potential impact in establishing design spectra for soft soil sites using strong-motion attenuation models or dynamic numerical modelling.  相似文献   

Peaks of transient strains in a layer over semi-infinite half space are amplified by interference during up- and down-propagating waves, and they depend upon the impedance ratio of the layer and of the half space, as well as the wavelength. The amplification of incident motion on the ground surface is usually described in the frequency space for the response to a steady state, periodic excitation. To understand how this amplification develops for transient responses and for applications in which the linear theory leads to satisfactory answers, this paper describes the amplification in time in a layer excited by a shear-wave pulse. It is shown that the maximum amplification is equal to 2 for a “stiff” layer on a “soft” half space, and equal to 4 for a “soft” layer on a “stiff” half space, when the layer thickness corresponds to the quarter wavelength of the wave in the layer.  相似文献   

The accuracy and precision of microseismic event locations were measured, analyzed, and compared for two types of location systems: anolog and digital. In the first system, relative times of first arrival were estimated from analog signals using automated hardware circuitry; station positions were estimated from mine map coordinates; and event locations were determined using the BLD (Blake, Leighton, and Duvall) direct solution method. In the second system, arrival times were manually measured during interactive displays of digital waveforms; station coordinates were surveyed; and the SW-GBM (Salamon and Wiebols; Godson, Bridges, and McKavanagh) direct basis function was used to solve for locations. Both systems assume constant isotropic seismic velocity of slightly different signals data sets, calibration blast signals with known source site and origin time, and microseismic event signals, were recorded by each location system employing the same array of high-frequency (5 kHz) accelerometers with 150 m maximum dimension. The calibration blast tests indicated a location precision of ±2 m and accuracy of ±10 m for the analog system. Location precision and accuracy for the digital system measured ±1 m and ±8 m, respectively. Numerical experiments were used to assess the contributions of errors in velocity, arrival times, and station positions on the location accuracy and precision for each system. Measured and estimated errors appropriate to each system for microseismic events were simulated in computing source locations for comparison with exact synthetic event locations. Discrepancy vectors between exact locations and locations calculated with known data errors averaged 7.7 and 1.4 m for the analog and digital systems, respectively. These averages are probably more representative of the location precision of microseismic events, since the calibration blast tests produce impulsive seismic arrivals resulting in smaller arrival-time pick errors in the analog system. For both systems, location accuracy is limited by inadequate modeling of the velocity structure. Consequently, when isotropic velocity models are used in the travel-time inversions, the increased effort expended with the digital location system does not, for the particular systems studied, result in increased accuracy.  相似文献   

We have relocated seismic events registered within the Barents and Kara sea region from early twentieth century to 1989 with a view to creating a relocated catalog. For the relocation, we collected all available seismic bulletins from the global network using data from the ISC Bulletin (International Seismological Centre), ISC-GEM project (International Seismological Centre–Global Earthquake Model), EuroSeismos project, and by Soviet seismic stations from Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The location was performed by applying a modified method of generalized beamforming. We have considered several travel time models and selected one with the best location accuracy for ground truth events. Verification of the modified method and selection of the travel time model were performed using data on four nuclear explosions that occurred in the area of the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago and in the north of the European part of Russia. The modified method and the Barents travel time model provide sufficient accuracy for event location in the region. The relocation procedure was applied to 31 of 36 seismic events registered within the Barents and Kara sea region.  相似文献   

Wave-induced sediment resuspension in nearshore regions has been observed occurring in an event-like manner and associated with the passage of wave groups. This paper describes field measurements of turbulent velocities obtained simultaneously with suspended sediment concentration and water surface elevation from Floreat Beach, Perth, Western Australia. The data were used to study the relationship between turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) on suspension events caused by wave groups and the intermittent nature of bottom turbulence production and sediment suspension. The field measurements showed the high TKE events occurred under wave crests, and sometimes under wave toughs, when the wave heights were increasing during the passage of a wave group; the TKE decreased after the maximum wave in the wave group had passed over the measurement location. High suspended sediment concentrations (ssc) and the intermittent high TKE events were not related rather the higher ssc events were associated with a secondary peak in the surface elevation, close to the maxima in the offshore velocity, and “burst” events in the Reynolds stress.  相似文献   

An important first step in marine spatial planning and ecosystem-based management efforts is the creation of benthic habitat maps that allow scientists and managers to understand the distribution of living and non-living resources on the seafloor. However, the location of boundaries between and composition of habitats is highly dependent on the approach taken to integrate abiotic and biotic information. The purpose of this study was to test “top-down” and “bottom-up” approaches for integrating physical and biological data derived from commonly used sub-tidal benthic mapping tools to create a habitat map compatible with the US Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS). We found that a top-down framework, where we tested for differences in macrofauna assemblages among side scan sonar facies, defined two broad-scale and general habitats. Using the bottom-up approach, where patterns in abiotic and biotic variables were examined with multivariate statistics (BEST, LINKTREE, ANOSIM, SIMPER), we generated seven biotopes based on the macrofauna abundance, percent sand, water depth, and backscatter standard deviation that corresponded well to, but provided more fine-scale detail than the top-down habitats. We were able to use the statistical relationship between abiotic variables and macrofauna assemblages in the LINKTREE to predict the spatial distribution of assemblages over ∼50% of the study area. We created a local catalogue of biotopes specific to our study area that contributes to the CMECS library. In addition, we were able to fully map CMECS Geoform, Surface Geology, and Biotic Cover Components. This mapping effort represented real progress toward reconciling the “data density mismatch” between physical and biological mapping methods, and it provided further evidence that using a bottom-up methodology preserves species–environment relationships.  相似文献   

According to earthquake catalog records of Fujian Seismic Network, the T now method and the four-station continuous location method put forward by Jin Xing are inspected by using P-wave arrival information of the first four stations in each earthquake. It shows that the four-station continuous location method can locate more seismic events than the T now method. By analyzing the results, it is concluded that the reason for this is that the T now method makes use of information from stations without being triggered, while some stations failed to be reflected in earthquake catalog because of discontinuous records or unclear records of seismic phases. For seismic events whose location results can be given, there is no obvious difference in location results of the two methods and positioning deviation of most seismic events is also not significant. For earthquakes outside the network, the positioning deviation may amplify as the epicentral distance enlarges, which may relate to the situation that the seismic stations are centered on one side of epicenter and the opening angle between seismic stations used for location and epicenter is small.  相似文献   

Calibration of the Tibetan Plateau Using Regional Seismic Waveforms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We use the recordings from 51 earthquakes produced by a PASSCAL deployment in Tibet to develop a two-layer crustal model for the region. Starting with their ISC locations, we iteratively fit the P-arrival times to relocate the earthquakes and estimate mantle and crustal seismic parameters. An average crustal P velocity of 6.2–6.3 km/s is obtained for a crustal thickness of 65 km while the P velocity of the uppermost mantle is 8.1 km/s. The upper layer of the model is further fine-tuned by obtaining the best synthetic SH waveform match to an observed waveform for a well-located event. Green's functions from this model are then used to estimate the source parameters for those events using a grid search procedure. Average event relocation relative to the ISC locations, excluding two poorly located earthquakes, is 16 km. All but one earthquake are determined by the waveform inversion to be at depths between 5 and 15 km. This is 15 km shallower, on average, than depths reported by the ISC. The shallow seismicity cut-off depth and low crustal velocities suggest high temperatures in the lower crust. Thrust faulting source mechanisms dominate at the margins of the plateau. Within the plateau, at locations with surface elevations less than 5 km, source mechanisms are a mixture of strike-slip and thrust. Most events occurring in the high plateau where elevations are above 5 km show normal faulting. This indicates that a large portion of the plateau is under EW extension.  相似文献   

According to the European Water Framework Directive, the ecological status (ES) of a water body is determined by comparing observation data with undisturbed Reference Conditions (RCs). Defining RCs is crucial when evaluating the ES of a water body as it strongly affects the final outcome of any index application. Identifying RCs by observing real sites is not feasible in many marine environments, such as the Emilia-Romagna coast (Italy, N-Adriatic Sea). We used a statistical approach on a large dataset to derive RCs for the application of the benthic index M-AMBI in this area. We then applied M-AMBI to samples collected along a gradient of presumed environmental disturbance. The results put 14.8% of the Emilia-Romagna samples in “High” ES, 60.2% in “Good”, 23.0% in “Moderate” and 2.0% in “Poor”, showing a spatial gradient of improving quality. These results are in agreement with the extensive ecological knowledge available for this area.  相似文献   

One of the main purposes of the International Seismological Centre (ISC) is to collect, integrate and reprocess seismic bulletins provided by agencies around the world in order to produce the ISC Bulletin. This is regarded as the most comprehensive bulletin of the Earth’s seismicity, and its production is based on a unique cooperation in the seismological community that allows the ISC to complement the work of seismological agencies operating at global and/or local-regional scale. In addition, by using the seismic wave measurements provided by reporting agencies, the ISC computes, where possible, its own event locations and magnitudes such as short-period body wave m b and surface wave M S . Therefore, the ISC Bulletin contains the results of the reporting agencies as well as the ISC own solutions. Among the most used seismic event parameters listed in seismological bulletins, the event magnitude is of particular importance for characterizing a seismic event. The selection of a magnitude value (or multiple ones) for various research purposes or practical applications is not always a straightforward task for users of the ISC Bulletin and related products since a multitude of magnitude types is currently computed by seismological agencies (sometimes using different standards for the same magnitude type). Here, we describe a scheme that we intend to implement in routine ISC operations to mark the preferred magnitudes in order to help ISC users in the selection of events with magnitudes of their interest.  相似文献   

From 2002 through 2004, time-series sediment trap samples were collected from a depth of 410 m in Cuenca Alfonso, Bahía de La Paz, on the SW coast of the Gulf of California. The instrument recorded the impact of the local passage of hurricanes “Ignacio” (24–26 August) and “Marty” (21–23 September) in 2003. These two events accounted for 82% of the total rainfall measured in 2003, equivalent to the annual average precipitation in years without hurricanes. Mean total mass fluxes (TMFs) of 2.88 and 3.58 g m−2 d−1 were measured during the week of each hurricane as well as the following week. This may have been enough to produce a lamina in the underlying sediment with characteristics peculiar to such events. The terrigenous component was particularly abundant, with notably higher concentrations of Fe, Sc, Co and Cs and REEs. In contrast, TMFs throughout 2002–2004 (excluding the hurricane periods) averaged only 0.73 g m−2 d−1 and had a larger marine biogenic component. The extraordinary elemental fluxes during the 29 days of hurricane-influenced sedimentation represented a great proportion of the totals over an entire “normal” year: Co (67.8%) >Sc (62.6) >Fe (59.6) >Cs (53.4)>Lu (51.5)>La (51.3)>Yb (51.0)>Ce (49.5) >Tb (48.4) >Sm (44.7)>Cr (36.5) >Ca (31.0)>Eu (25.4%). The terrigenous fraction was calculated using (a) TMF minus the sum of CaCO3, biogenic silica and organic matter and (b) the ratio of Sc in the trap samples to the average in the Earth's crust. The latter was consistently smaller, but the two methods offered similar results following hurricanes (78% vs. 63%, respectively). For normal sedimentation, however, the difference method yielded values twice as large as the Sc method (58% vs. 30%) This suggests that the mineralogy of the terrigenous fraction may also vary, with unsorted dessert soil being carried to sea by the powerful flash floods associated with hurricanes. Eolian supply of particles, particularly Sc-free quartz grains, possibly from beyond the limited fluvial drainage basin, apparently dominates normal sedimentation.  相似文献   

Understanding where seismically induced landslides are most likely to occur is crucial in land use planning and civil protection actions aimed at reducing property damage and loss of life in future earthquakes. For this purpose an approach proposed by Del Gaudio et al. [1] has been applied to the whole Iranian territory to provide the basis to assess location and temporal recurrence of conditions of seismic activation of slope failures, according to the Newmark's model [2]. Following this approach, occurrence probabilities for different levels of seismic shaking in a time interval of interest (50 years) were first obtained through a standard hazard estimate procedure. Then, empirical formulae in the form proposed by Jibson et al. [3] and calibrated for the main seismogenic Iranian regions were used to evaluate the slope critical acceleration (Ac)x for which a prefixed probability exists that, under seismic shakings, Newmark's displacement DN exceeds a threshold×corresponding to landslide triggering conditions. The obtained (Ac)x values represent the minimum slope resistance required to limit the probability of landslide seismic triggering within the prefixed value. A map reporting the spatial distribution of these values gives comparative indications on regional different exposure of slopes to shaking capable of inducing failures and provides a reference for hazard estimate at local scale. The obtained results show that the exposure to landslide seismic induction is maximum in the Alborz Mountains region, where critical accelerations up to ∼0.1 g are required to limit the probability of seismic triggering of coherent type landslides within 10% in 50 years.  相似文献   

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