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Using ion-electron fluid parameters derived from Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) observations within Saturn's inner magnetosphere as presented in Sittler et al. [2006a. Cassini observations of Saturn's inner plasmasphere: Saturn orbit insertion results. Planet. Space Sci., 54, 1197-1210], one can estimate the ion total flux tube content, NIONL2, for protons, H+, and water group ions, W+, as a function of radial distance or dipole L shell. In Sittler et al. [2005. Preliminary results on Saturn's inner plasmasphere as observed by Cassini: comparison with Voyager. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32(14), L14S04), it was shown that protons and water group ions dominated the plasmasphere composition. Using the ion-electron fluid parameters as boundary condition for each L shell traversed by the Cassini spacecraft, we self-consistently solve for the ambipolar electric field and the ion distribution along each of those field lines. Temperature anisotropies from Voyager plasma observations are used with (T/T)W+∼5 and (T/T)H+∼2. The radio and plasma wave science (RPWS) electron density observations from previous publications are used to indirectly confirm usage of the above temperature anisotropies for water group ions and protons. In the case of electrons we assume they are isotropic due to their short scattering time scales. When the above is done, our calculation show NIONL2 for H+ and W+ peaking near Dione's L shell with values similar to that found from Voyager plasma observations. We are able to show that water molecules are the dominant source of ions within Saturn's inner magnetosphere. We estimate the ion production rate SION∼1027 ions/s as function of dipole L using NH+, NW+ and the time scale for ion loss due to radial transport τD and ion-electron recombination τREC. The ion production shows localized peaks near the L shells of Tethys, Dione and Rhea, but not Enceladus. We then estimate the neutral production rate, SW, from our ion production rate, SION, and the time scale for loss of neutrals by ionization, τION, and charge exchange, τCH. The estimated source rate for water molecules shows a pronounced peak near Enceladus’ L shell L∼4, with a value SW∼2×1028 mol/s.  相似文献   

Gravity results are available from radio Doppler data acquired by the Deep Space Network during the encounter of the Cassini spacecraft with Enceladus in February 2005. We report the mass of Enceladus to be (1.0798±0.0016)×1020 kg, which implies a density of . For a core made of hydrated silicates with a density of 2500 kg m−3 the core radius is ∼190 km and the quadrupole moment C22∼1.4×10−3. If Enceladus is in hydrostatic equilibrium, the larger than previously anticipated density implies that the recently proposed secondary spin-orbit resonance cannot be present. Therefore, the source of endogenic activity of Enceladus remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Saturn's southern pole was observed at high resolution by the Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) during the spacecraft insertion orbit in July 2004. Cloud tracking of individual features on images taken at a wavelength of 938 nm reveal the existence of a strong polar vortex enclosed by a jet with maximum speed of relative to System III rotation frame, and peak at 87 °S planetographic latitude. Radiative transfer models of the reflected light, based on the Cassini images complemented by Hubble Space Telescope images from March 2004, indicate that the aerosol particles in the vortex are structured vertically in three detached layers. We find two hazes and one dense cloud distributed in altitude between ∼500 mbar (top of the dense cloud) and few mbar (top of the stratospheric haze), spanning a vertical altitude range of ∼200 km. The vortex area coincides with a thermal hot spot recently reported, indicating that winds decrease with altitude above polar clouds.  相似文献   

A 3-D Monte Carlo model is used to describe the ejection of N and N2 from Titan due to the interaction of Saturn's magnetospheric N+ ions and molecular pick-up ions with its N2 atmosphere. Based on estimates of the ion flux into Titan's corona, atmospheric sputtering is an important source of both atomic and molecular nitrogen for the neutral torus and plasma in Saturn's outer magnetosphere, a region now being studied by the Cassini spacecraft.  相似文献   

Measurements of the vertical and latitudinal variations of temperature and C2H2 and C2H6 abundances in the stratosphere of Saturn can be used as stringent constraints on seasonal climate models, photochemical models, and dynamics. The summertime photochemical loss timescale for C2H6 in Saturn's middle and lower stratosphere (∼40-10,000 years, depending on altitude and latitude) is much greater than the atmospheric transport timescale; ethane observations may therefore be used to trace stratospheric dynamics. The shorter chemical lifetime for C2H2 (∼1-7 years depending on altitude and latitude) makes the acetylene abundance less sensitive to transport effects and more sensitive to insolation and seasonal effects. To obtain information on the temperature and hydrocarbon abundance distributions in Saturn's stratosphere, high-resolution spectral observations were obtained on September 13-14, 2002 UT at NASA's IRTF using the mid-infrared TEXES grating spectrograph. At the time of the observations, Saturn was at a LS≈270°, corresponding to Saturn's southern summer solstice. The observed spectra exhibit a strong increase in the strength of methane emission at 1230 cm−1 with increasing southern latitude. Line-by-line radiative transfer calculations indicate that a temperature increase in the stratosphere of ≈10 K from the equator to the south pole between 10 and 0.01 mbar is implied. Similar observations of acetylene and ethane were also recorded. We find the 1.16 mbar mixing ratio of C2H2 at −1° and −83° planetocentric latitude to be and , respectively. The C2H2 mixing ratio at 0.12 mbar is found to be at −1° planetocentric latitude and at −83° planetocentric latitude. The 2.3 mbar mixing ratio of C2H6 inferred from the data is and at −1° and −83° planetocentric latitude, respectively. Further observations, creating a time baseline, will be required to completely resolve the question of how much the latitudinal variations of C2H2 and C2H6 are affected by seasonal forcing and/or stratospheric circulation.  相似文献   

Solar and X-ray radiation and energetic plasma from Saturn's magnetosphere interact with the upper atmosphere producing an ionosphere at Titan. The highly coupled ionosphere and upper atmosphere system mediates the interaction between Titan and the external environment. A model of Titan's nightside ionosphere will be described and the results compared with data from the Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) and the Langmuir probe (LP) part of the Radio and Plasma Wave (RPWS) experiment for the T5 and T21 nightside encounters of the Cassini Orbiter with Titan. Electron impact ionization associated with the precipitation of magnetospheric electrons into the upper atmosphere is assumed to be the source of the nightside ionosphere, at least for altitudes above 1000 km. Magnetospheric electron fluxes measured by the Cassini electron spectrometer (CAPS ELS) are used as an input for the model. The model is used to interpret the observed composition and structure of the T5 and T21 ionospheres. The densities of many ion species (e.g., CH+5 and C2H+5) measured during T5 exhibit temporal and/or spatial variations apparently associated with variations in the fluxes of energetic electrons that precipitate into the atmosphere from Saturn's magnetosphere.  相似文献   

In this work we analyze and compare the vertical cloud structure of Saturn's Equatorial Zone in two different epochs: the first one close to the Voyagers flybys (1979-1981) and the second one in 2004, when the Cassini spacecraft entered its orbit around the planet. Our goal is to retrieve the altitude of cloud features used as zonal wind tracers in both epochs. We reanalyze three different sets of photometrically calibrated published data: ground-based in 1979, Voyager 2 PPS and ISS observations in 1981, and we analyze a new set of Hubble Space Telescope images for 2004. For all situations we reproduced the observed reflectivity by means of a similar vertical model with three layers. The results indicate the presence of a changing tropospheric haze in 1979-1981 (Ptop∼100 mbar, τ∼10) and in 2004 (Ptop∼50 mbar, τ∼15) where the tracers are embedded. According to this model the Voyager 2 ISS images locate cloud tracers moving with zonal velocities of 455 to 465 (±2) m/s at a pressure level of 360 ± 140 mbar. For HST observations, our previous works had showed cloud tracers moving with zonal wind speeds of 280±10 m/s at a pressure level of about 50±10 mbar. All these values are calculated in the same region (3°±2° N). This speed difference, if interpreted as a vertical wind shear, requires a change of per scale height, two times greater than that estimated from temperature observations. We also perform an initial guess on Cassini ISS vertical sounding levels, retrieving values compatible with HST ones and Cassini CIRS derived vertical wind shear, but not with Voyager wind measurements. We conclude that the wind speed velocity differences measured between 1979-1981 and 2004 cannot be explained as a wind shear effect alone and demand dynamical processes.  相似文献   

We have undertaken an analysis of the Voyager photopolarimeter (PPS) stellar occultation data of Saturn's A ring. The Voyager PPS observed the bright star δ Scorpii as it was occulted by Saturn's main rings during the spacecraft flyby of the Saturn system in 1981. The occultation measurement produced a ring profile with radial resolution of approximately 100 m, and radial structure is evident in the profile down to the resolution limit. We have applied an autoregressive technique to the data for estimating the power spectrum as a function of radius, which has allowed us to identify 40 spiral density waves in Saturn's A ring, associated with the strongest torques due to forcing from the moons. The majority of the detected waves are observed to disperse linearly in regions beginning a few kilometers from the resonance location. We have used the dispersion behavior for those waves to calculate local surface mass densities in the vicinity of each wave. We find that the inner three-quarters of the A ring (up to the beginning of the Encke gap) has an average surface mass density of , while the outer region has an average surface mass density of . The two regions have different mean surface mass densities with a significance of approximately 0.999993, as estimated with a T-statistic, which corresponds to about 4.5σ. While the mean optical depth of the A ring increases slightly with increasing distance from Saturn, we find that it is not significantly correlated with the surface mass density; the two quantities having a linear Pearson's correlation coefficient of rcorr≈−0.03. The variation of mass density, independent of PPS optical depth, is consistent with previous conjectures that the particle size distribution and composition are not constant across the entire A ring, particularly in the very outer portion. We estimate the mass of Saturn's A ring from our surface mass density estimates as 4.9×1021 gm, or 8.61×10−9 of the mass of Saturn, roughly equivalent to the mass of a 110-km diameter icy satellite. This mass is almost 25% smaller than estimates from previous studies, but is well within the expected errors of the derived mass densities. We also identified three previously unstudied features which exhibit linear dispersion. The strongest of these features is tentatively identified as the Janus 13:11 density wave. The other two features do not fall near any known satellite resonances and may represent density waves created by previously undetected satellites.  相似文献   

Wei-Ling Tseng  Wing-Huen Ip 《Icarus》2011,212(1):294-299
The existence of an oxygen exosphere and ionosphere in Saturn’s main ring region has been confirmed by the Saturn Orbital Insertion (SOI) observations of the Cassini spacecraft. Through the ion-molecule collisions, the ring atmosphere could serve as a source of ions throughout Saturn’s magnetosphere. If photolysis of ice in the main rings is the dominant source of O2, then the complex structure of the ring atmosphere/ionosphere and the injection rate of neutral O2 will be subject to modulation by the seasonal variation of Saturn along its orbit (Tseng, Wei-Ling, Ip, W.-H., Johnson, R.E., Cassidy, T.A., Erlod, M.K. [2010]. Icarus 206, 382-389). In addition, the radio and plasma wave science (RPWS) instrument onboard Cassini found that a large amount of the Enceladus-originated water-group plasma would be deposited on the outer edge of the A ring (Farrell, W.M., Kaiser, M.L., Gurnett, D.A., Kurth, W.S., Persoon, A.M., Wahlund, J.E., Canu, P. [2008]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L02203). A large amount of Enceladus’ plume neutrals (water-group neutrals) would collide with the main rings through collisional interaction with the ambient neutrals and plasma ions (Jurac, S., Richardson, J.D. [2007]. Geophys. Res. Lett. 34, L08102; Cassidy, T.A., Johnson, R.E. [2010]. Icarus, in press). These absorbed ions and neutrals could be recycled to neutral oxygen molecules via grain-surface chemistry to contribute the ring oxygen atmosphere. In this work, we have examined the mass budget of the ring oxygen atmosphere of Saturn taking into account such an “exogenic” source. The maximum O2 source rate from recycling of Enceladus-originated plasma and neutrals is probably comparable or higher to the one from photolytic decomposition of ices. In the above case, the neutral O2 source rate would be independent of the solar insolation angle. Therefore, even at Saturn’s Equinox, the extended oxygen atmosphere still could be an important supplier of oxygen ions in the saturnian magnetosphere. We have performed several studies for different recycling source rates from Enceladus. These predictions need further the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) and the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI) observations to be verified in future.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (UVIS) observations of the Jupiter aurora with an auroral atmosphere two-stream electron transport code. The observations of Jupiter by UVIS took place during the Cassini Campaign. The Cassini Campaign included support spectral and imaging observations by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). A major result for the UVIS observations was the identification of a large color variation between the far ultraviolet (FUV: 1100-1700 Å) and extreme ultraviolet (EUV: 800-1100 Å) spectral regions. This change probably occurs because of a large variation in the ratio of the soft electron flux (10-3000 eV) responsible for the EUV aurora to the hard electron flux (∼15-22 keV) responsible for the FUV aurora. On the basis of this result a new color ratio for integrated intensities for EUV and FUV was defined (4πI1550-1620 Å/4πI1030-1150 Å) which varied by approximately a factor of 6. The FUV color ratio (4πI1550-1620 Å/4πI1230-1300 Å) was more stable with a variation of less than 50% for the observations studied. The medium resolution (0.9 Å FWHM, G140M grating) FUV observations (1295-1345 Å and 1495-1540 Å) by STIS on 13 January 2001, on the other hand, were analyzed by a spectral modeling technique using a recently developed high-spectral resolution model for the electron-excited H2 rotational lines. The STIS FUV data were analyzed with a model that considered the Lyman band spectrum (B ) as composed of an allowed direct excitation component (X ) and an optically forbidden component (X followed by the cascade transition ). The medium-resolution spectral regions for the Jupiter aurora were carefully chosen to emphasize the cascade component. The ratio of the two components is a direct measurement of the mean secondary electron energy of the aurora. The mean secondary electron energy of the aurora varies between 50 and 200 eV for the polar cap, limb and auroral oval observations. We examine a long time base of Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer color ratios from the standard mission (1996-1998) and compare them to Cassini UVIS, HST, and International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) observations.  相似文献   

W.-L. Tseng  W.-H. Ip  T.A. Cassidy 《Icarus》2010,206(2):382-389
The saturnian system is subject to constant bombardment by interplanetary meteoroids and irradiation by solar UV photons. Both effects release neutral molecules from the icy ring particles either in the form of impact water vapor or gas emission in the form of H2O, O2 and H2. The observations of the Cassini spacecraft during its orbit insertion have shown the existence of molecular and atomic oxygen ions. Subsequent modeling efforts have led to the picture that an exospheric population of neutral oxygen molecules is probably maintained in the vicinity of the rings via photolytic-decomposition of ice and surface reactions. At the same time, ionized products O+ and ions move along the magnetic field lines and, depending on the optical local thickness rings, can thread through the ring plane or impact a ring particle, the ion principal sink. In addition, collisional interactions between the ions and neutrals will change the scale height of the ions and produce a scattered component of O2 molecules and O atoms which can be injected into Saturn’s upper atmosphere or the inner magnetosphere. The ring atmosphere, therefore, serves as a source of ions throughout Saturn’s magnetosphere. If photolysis of ice is the dominant source of O2, then the complex structure of the ring atmosphere/ionosphere and the injection rate of neutral O2 will be subject to modulation by the seasonal variation of Saturn along its orbit. In this work, we show how the physical properties of the ring oxygen atmosphere, the scattered component, and the magnetospheric ion source rate vary as the ring system goes through the cycle of solar insolation. In particular, it is shown that the magnetopheric ions should be nearly depleted at Saturn’s equinox if O2 is produced mainly by photolysis of the ring material.  相似文献   

Molecular oxygen produced by the decomposition of icy surfaces is ubiquitous in Saturn's magnetosphere. A model is described for the toroidal O2 atmosphere indicated by the detection of and O+ over the main rings. The O2 ring atmosphere is produced primarily by UV photon-induced decomposition of ice on the sunlit side of the ring. Because O2 has a long lifetime and interacts frequently with the ring particles, equivalent columns of O2 exist above and below the ring plane with the scale height determined by the local ring temperature. Energetic particles also decompose ice, but estimates of their contribution over the main rings appear to be very low. In steady state, the O2 column density over the rings also depends on the relative efficiency of hydrogen to oxygen loss from the ring/atmosphere system with oxygen being recycled on the grain surfaces. Unlike the neutral density, the ion densities can differ on the sunlit and shaded sides due to differences in the ionization rate, the quenching of ions by the interaction with the ring particles, and the northward shift of the magnetic equator relative to the ring plane. Although O+ is produced with a significant excess energy, is not. Therefore, should mirror well below those altitudes at which ions were detected. However, scattering by ion-molecule collisions results in much larger mirror altitudes, in ion temperatures that go through a minimum over the B-ring, and in the redistribution of both molecular hydrogen and oxygen throughout the magnetosphere. The proposed model is used to describe the measured oxygen ion densities in Saturn's toroidal ring atmosphere and its hydrogen content. The oxygen ion densities over the B-ring appear to require either significant levels of UV light scattering or ion transmission through the ring plane.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) spectra of Saturn's aurora obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS), the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) have been analyzed. Comparisons between the observed spectra and synthetic models of electron-excited H2 have been used to determine various auroral characteristics. Far ultraviolet (FUV: 1200-1700 Å) STIS and UVIS spectra exhibit, below 1400 Å, weak absorption due to methane, with a vertical column ranging between 1.4×1015 and . Using the low-latitude Moses et al. [Moses, J.I., Bézard, B., Lellouch, E., Feuchtgruber, H., Gladstone, G.R., Allen, M., 2000. Icarus, 143, 244-298] atmospheric model of Saturn and an electron energy-H2 column relationship, these methane columns are converted into the mean energy of the primary precipitating electrons, estimated to lie in the range 10-18 keV. This result is confirmed by the study of self-absorption with UVIS and FUSE extreme ultraviolet (EUV: 900-1200 Å) spectra. Below 1200 Å, it is seen that transitions connecting to the v<2 vibrational levels of the H2 electronic ground state are partially self-absorbed by H2 molecules overlying the auroral emission. Because of its low spectral resolution (∼5.5 Å), the UVIS EUV spectrum we analyzed does not allow us to unequivocally determine reasonable ranges of temperatures and H2 columns. On the other hand, the high spectral resolution (∼0.2 Å) of the FUSE LiF1a and LiF2a EUV spectra we examined resolve the H2 rotational lines and makes it possible to determine the H2 temperature. The modeled spectrum best fitting the FUSE LiF1a observation reveals a temperature of 500 K and self-absorption by a H2 vertical column of . When converted to energy of precipitating electrons, this H2 column corresponds to primary electrons of ∼10 keV. The model that best fits the LiF2a spectrum is characterized by a temperature of 400 K and is not self-absorbed, making this segment ideal to determine the H2 temperature at the altitude of the auroral emission. The latter value is in agreement with temperatures obtained from infrared polar spectra. Self-absorption is detectable in the LiF2a segment for H2 columns exceeding , which sets the maximum mean energy determined from the FUSE observations to ∼15 keV. The total electron energy range of 10-18 keV deduced from FUV and EUV observations places the auroral emission peak between the 0.1 and 0.3 μbar pressure levels. These values should be seen as an upper limit, since most of the Voyager UVS spectra of Saturn's aurora examined by Sandel et al. [Sandel, B.R., Shemansky, D.E., Broadfoot, A.L., Holberg, J.B., Smith, G.R., 1982. Science 215, 548] do not exhibit methane absorption. The auroral H2 emission is thus likely located above but close to the methane homopause. The H2 auroral brightness in the 800-1700 Å bandwidth varies from 2.9 kR to 139 kR, comparable to values derived from FUV Faint Object Camera (FOC) and STIS images.  相似文献   

Gravity field and interior of Rhea from Cassini data analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Cassini spacecraft encountered Rhea on November 26, 2005. Analysis of the Doppler data acquired at and around closest approach yields the mass of Rhea and the quadrupole moments of its gravity field with unprecedented accuracy. We obtained which corresponds to a density of . Our results for J2 and C22 are (7.947±0.892)×10−4 and (2.3526±0.0476)×10−4, respectively. These values are consistent with hydrostatic equilibrium. From the value of C22, we infer the non-dimensional moment of inertia C/MR2=0.3721±0.0036. Our models of Rhea's interior based on the gravity data favor an almost undifferentiated satellite. A discontinuity between a core and a mantle is possible but not required by the data. Models with a constant silicate mass fraction throughout the body cannot account for the determined quadrupole coefficients. The data exclude fully differentiated models in which the core would be composed of unhydrated silicates and the mantle would be composed of pure ice. If the mantle contains 10% in mass of silicates, the core extends to 630 km in radius and has a silicate mass fraction of 40%. A continuous model in which the silicates are more concentrated toward the center of the body than in the outer layers is allowed by the gravity data but excluded by thermal evolution considerations. The one model that fits the gravity data and is self-consistent when energy transport and ice melting are qualitatively considered is an “almost undifferentiated” Rhea, in which a very large uniform core is surrounded by a relatively thin ice shell containing no rock at all.  相似文献   

Early ground-based and spacecraft observations suggested that the temperature of Saturn's main rings (A, B and C) varied with the solar elevation angle, B. Data from the composite infrared spectrometer (CIRS) on board Cassini, which has been in orbit around Saturn for more than five years, confirm this variation and have been used to derive the temperature of the main rings from a wide variety of geometries while B varied from near −24° to 0° (Saturn's equinox).Still, an unresolved issue in fully explaining this variation relates to how the ring particles are organized and whether even a simple mono-layer or multi-layer approximation describes this best. We present a set of temperature data of the main rings of Saturn that cover the ∼23°—range of B angles obtained with CIRS at low (α∼30°) and high (α≥120°) phase angles. We focus on particular regions of each ring with a radial extent on their lit and unlit sides. In this broad range of B, the data show that the A, B and C rings’ temperatures vary as much as 29-38, 22-34 and 18-23 K, respectively. Interestingly the unlit sides of the rings show important temperature variations with the decrease of B as well. We introduce a simple analytical model based on the well known Froidevaux monolayer approximation and use the ring particles’ albedo as the only free parameter in order to fit and analyze this data and estimate the ring particle's albedo. The model considers that every particle of the ring behaves as a black body and warms up due to the direct energy coming from the Sun as well as the solar energy reflected from the atmosphere of Saturn and on its neighboring particles. Two types of shadowing functions are used. One analytical that is used in the latter model in the case of the three rings and another, numerical, that is applied in the case of the C ring alone. The model lit side albedo values at low phase are 0.59, 0.50 and 0.35-0.38 for the A, B and C rings, respectively.  相似文献   

Darrell F. Strobel 《Icarus》2006,182(1):251-258
Tidal waves driven by Titan's orbital eccentricity through the time-dependent component of Saturn's gravitational potential attain nonlinear, saturation amplitudes (|T|>10 K, , and ) in the upper atmosphere (?500 km) due to the approximate exponential growth as the inverse square root of pressure. The gravitational tides, with vertical wavelengths of ∼100-150 km above 500 km altitude, carry energy fluxes sufficient in magnitude to affect the energy balance of the upper atmosphere with heating rates in the altitude range of 500-900 km.  相似文献   

We report the detection of 13CH3D in Titan's stratosphere from Cassini/CIRS infrared spectra near 8.7 μm. Fitting simultaneously the ν6 bands of both 13CH3D and 12CH3D and the ν4 band of CH4, we derive a D/H ratio equal to and a 12C/13C ratio in deuterated methane of , consistent with that measured in normal methane.  相似文献   

Observations made by the Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS), Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) and the long-wavelength Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) aboard the Cassini spacecraft reveal that the large, long-lived cyclonic vortex at Saturn's south pole has a 4200-km-diameter cloud-free nearly circular region. This region has a 4 K warm core extending from the troposphere into the stratosphere, concentric cloud walls extending 20-70 km above the internal clouds, and numerous external clouds whose anticyclonic vorticity suggests a convective origin. The rotation speeds of the vortex reach . The Saturn polar vortex has features in common with terrestrial hurricanes and with the Venus polar vortex. Neptune and other giant planets may also have strong polar vortices.  相似文献   

We present interferometric mapping of the 225.9-GHz HDO and 203.4-GHz lines on Mars obtained with the IRAM Plateau de Bure facility (PdBI). The observations were performed during martian year 28 (MY28), at Ls=320.3° for the HDO line, and at Ls=324.3° for the line. The HDO line is detected at the eastern (morning) and western (evening) limbs of the northern hemisphere, corresponding to a water column density in the range 3-6 pr.-μm. The line is not detected, which is compatible with the column densities derived from the HDO line. Quasi-simultaneous far infrared measurements obtained by the Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) onboard the Mars Express spacecraft confirm our PdBI results, yielding a 5±1 pr.-μm meridionally constant water column abundance.Such a low water abundance during the southern mid-autumn of MY28 does not correspond to the standard martian climatology as observed during the previous years. It was however already retrieved from near-infrared observations performed by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft [Smith, M.D., Wolff, M.J., Clancy, R.T., Murchie, S.L. 2009. CRISM observations of water vapor and carbon monoxide. J. Geophys. Res. 114, doi: 10.1029/2008JE003288]. Our observations thus confirm that the planet-encircling dust storm that occurred during MY28 significantly affected the martian water cycle. Our observations also demonstrate the usefulness of interferometric submillimeter observations to survey the martian water cycle from ground-based facilities.  相似文献   

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