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Dust is a major environmental factor on the surface and in the atmosphere of Mars. Knowing the electrical charge state of this dust would be of both scientific interest and important for the safety of instruments on the Martian surface. In this study the first measurements have been performed of dust electrification using suspended Mars analogue material. This has been achieved by attracting suspended dust onto electrodes placed inside a Mars simulation wind tunnel. The Mars analogue used was from Salten Skov in Denmark, this contained a high concentration of ferric oxide precipitate. Once suspended, this dust was found to consist of almost equal quantities of negatively (46±6%) and positively (44±15%) charged grains.These grains were estimated to typically carry a net charge of around 105e, this is sufficient to dominate the processes of adhesion and cohesion of this suspended dust. Evidence is presented for electrostatic aggregation of the dust while in suspension. Development of a simple instrument for measuring electrical charging of the suspended dust on Mars will be discussed.  相似文献   

The electrification of wind-blown dust grains was studied in a series of laboratory experiments to examine how grain electrification depends on grain size, grain mineralogy, atmospheric composition, atmospheric pressure, and the method of dust dispersal. This work is intended to contribute to a deeper physical understanding of particle electrification on both Mars and Earth. Findings indicate that the amount of electrification per suspended particle generally is independent of dust entrainment process and atmospheric composition. As expected, the electrification process is grain size-dependent, with smaller grains predominantly electrifying negatively. Although there appears to be a weak dependence upon dust mineralogy, this work supports the expectation that dust suspended in the Martian atmosphere will be significantly electrified.  相似文献   

A fine grained magnetic iron oxide precipitate found in Denmark has been studied with regard to grain size, magnetic properties, aerosol transport, grain electrification, aggregation and optical reflectance. It has shown itself to be a good Martian dust analogue. The fraction of the Salten Skov I soil sample <63 μm was separated from the natural sample by dry sieving. This fraction could be dispersed by ultrasonic treatment into grains of diameter ~1 μm, in reasonable agreement with suspended dust grains in the Martian atmosphere estimated from the Viking, Pathfinder and Mars Exploration Rover missions. Though mineralogical and chemical differences exist between this analogue and Martian dust material, in wind tunnel experiments many of the physical properties of the atmospheric dust aerosol are reproduced.  相似文献   

Suspended dust is a dominant component of the Martian environment. It has a major influence on atmospheric circulation and it is deposited widely over the planetary surface causing a serious hazard to instrumentation. In order to study dust transport, quantification of the wind flow and dust concentration are vital. A simple laser-based anemometer system is presented that is able to measure suspended dust grain velocity and turbulence from a landed spacecraft. This system has advantages over other techniques of wind speed determination in being insensitive to contamination or atmospheric conditions such as temperature, pressure or composition. For the first time it would allow direct measurement of the suspended dust concentration on Mars. A prototype instrument has been constructed and successfully tested in a wind tunnel facility under simulated Martian conditions. The optics are simple in design, light weight and the instrument has low power consumption. It is also robust and the output signal is easily interpreted, producing only a small data volume. Future improvements will be discussed, specifically modification to measure wind direction, the possibility of obtaining information about dust grain size and the construction of a flight model.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted under atmospheric pressures appropriate for Earth and Mars to determine the efficiency of sand in saltation as a means for raising dust into the atmosphere under wind speeds which would otherwise be too low for dust entrainment. Experiments involving intimate mixtures of sand and dust (1:1 ratio by mass) showed that after an initial flurry of activity of a few seconds duration, the bed stabilized with little movement of either sand or dust. In contrast, sands set into saltation upwind from dust beds were efficient in injecting the dust into suspension, with low-pressure Martian conditions being some five times more efficient than terrestrial conditions. This result is attributed to the higher kinetic energies of the saltating grains on Mars, which is a consequence of the higher velocities of the grains. These results suggest that sands saltating across dust beds on Mars are an effective means for setting dust into suspension.  相似文献   

Dust and water vapour are fundamental components of the Martian atmosphere. In view of tracing the past environmental conditions on Mars, that possibly favoured the appearing of life forms, it is important to study the present climate and its evolution. Here dust and water vapour have (and have had) strong influence. Of major scientific interest is the quantity and physical, chemical and electrical properties of dust and the abundance of water vapour dispersed in the atmosphere and their exchange with the surface. Moreover, in view of the exploration of the planet with automated systems and in the future by manned missions, it is of primary importance to analyse the hazards linked to these environmental factors. The Martian Environmental Dust Systematic Analyser (MEDUSA) experiment, included in the scientific payload of the ESA ExoMars mission, accommodates a complement of sensors, based on optical detection and cumulative mass deposition, that aims to study dust and water vapour in the lower Martian atmosphere. The goals are to study, for the first time, in-situ and quantitatively, physical properties of the airborne dust, including the cumulative dust mass flux, the dust deposition rate, the physical and electrification properties, the size distribution of sampled particles and the atmospheric water vapour abundance versus time.  相似文献   

Physical characteristics of naturally formed convective vortices in the Phoenix Mars lander environment have been investigated on a relatively hot summer Martian arctic day. For this, the NCAR LES has been adapted and developed to conduct three micro-scale simulations of the Martian Convective Boundary Layer (CBL), in situations with and without geostrophic wind, and atmospheric radiative flux divergence. Time series analysis of the vortices’ properties is discussed. The study confirms the decrease of vortex populations in windy conditions and also illustrates that intense but small vortices are expected to be observed in higher geostrophic wind situations. This may lead to more dust migration rather than dust devil formation on windy days. The background (geostrophic) wind causes the vortices to become less cyclostrophically balanced.  相似文献   

A new optical instrument has been developed to precisely measure the local accumulation of dust particles on a surface. This device can be used in combination with applied magnetic or electric fields in order to investigate physical properties of the dust and its interactions with the surface. In this prototype instrument, permanent magnets were used to capture suspended magnetic dust in a Mars simulation wind tunnel. The scientific objectives that may be addressed with such a device are discussed.  相似文献   

Dust devils – convective vortices made visible by the dust and debris they entrain – are common in arid environments and have been observed on Earth and Mars. Martian dust devils have been identified both in images taken at the surface and in remote sensing observations from orbiting spacecraft. Observations from landing craft and orbiting instruments have allowed the dust devil translational forward motion (ground velocity) to be calculated, but it is unclear how these velocities relate to the local ambient wind conditions, for (i) only model wind speeds are generally available for Mars, and (ii) on Earth only anecdotal evidence exists that compares dust devil ground velocity with ambient wind velocity. If dust devil ground velocity can be reliably correlated to the ambient wind regime, observations of dust devils could provide a proxy for wind speed and direction measurements on Mars. Hence, dust devil ground velocities could be used to probe the circulation of the martian boundary layer and help constrain climate models or assess the safety of future landing sites.We present results from a field study of terrestrial dust devils performed in the southwest USA in which we measured dust devil horizontal velocity as a function of ambient wind velocity. We acquired stereo images of more than a 100 active dust devils and recorded multiple size and position measurements for each dust devil. We used these data to calculate dust devil translational velocity. The dust devils were within a study area bounded by 10 m high meteorology towers such that dust devil speed and direction could be correlated with the local ambient wind speed and direction measurements.Daily (10:00–16:00 local time) and 2-h averaged dust devil ground speeds correlate well with ambient wind speeds averaged over the same period. Unsurprisingly, individual measurements of dust devil ground speed match instantaneous measurements of ambient wind speed more poorly; a 20-min smoothing window applied to the ambient wind speed data improves the correlation. In general, dust devils travel 10–20% faster than ambient wind speed measured at 10 m height, suggesting that their ground speeds are representative of the boundary layer winds a few tens of meters above ground level. Dust devil ground motion direction closely matches the measured ambient wind direction.The link between ambient winds and dust devil ground velocity demonstrated here suggests that a similar one should apply on Mars. Determining the details of the martian relationship between dust devil ground velocity and ambient wind velocity might require new in situ or modelling studies but, if completed successfully, would provide a quantitative means of measuring wind velocities on Mars that would otherwise be impossible to obtain.  相似文献   

The interest towards Mars is nowadays renewed as various satellites, already launched or foreseen for the future, will visit this planet, providing a new wealth of data. In particular, infrared spectroscopic observations need a parallel modelling effort for a proper interpretation of observations. The goal of our modelling is to evaluate the influence of a non negligible fraction of dust particles on intensity and profile of atmospheric Martian spectra. The joint effects of the atmosphere and the surface materials have been also accounted for. For the modelling, a version of the MODTRAN code, expressly modified for application to the Mars environment, has been used. As an example of the materials forming dust dispersed in the atmosphere and on the surface, we have considered andesite. Indices of refraction (n and k) of this material have been derived from laboratory measurements. The obtained results can have an important impact on the interpretation of infrared spectra that instruments such as TES (Thermal Emission Spectrometer), on board the Mars Global Surveyor, and PFS, in the Mars Express mission, will provide.  相似文献   

G.S. Golitsyn 《Icarus》1973,18(1):113-119
A short review is given of the observational data on the great Martian dust storms. It is noted that these storms are observed at the time of the great oppositions, when Mars is at its perihelion. It is then late spring-early summer in the Southern Hemisphere and the insolation is a maximum. Intense storms were observed during the 1892, 1924, 1941, 1956 and 1971 oppositions, but not in 1909 or 1939. These storms were of various duration and intensity which points out the importance of local time and space meteorological conditions at the moment of storm origin. Storm generation is caused by local conditions, but the fact that they frequently reach global scale implies that there are some feedback processes favoring the global spread of the dust. Possible such processes are described qualitatively together with the causes of storm declines. Those problems of Martian meteorology and micrometeorology are discussed which have to be studied for a better understanding of the generation, development and decay of a dust storm.  相似文献   

The knowledge of Martian geology has increased enormously in the last 40 yr. Several missions orbiting or roving Mars have revolutionized our understanding of its evolution and geological features, which in several ways are similar to Earth, but are extremely different in many respects. The impressive dichotomy between the two Martian hemispheres is most likely linked to its impact cratering history, rather than internal dynamics such as on Earth. Mars' volcanism has been extensive, very long-lived and rather constant in its setting. Water was available in large quantities in the distant past of Mars, when a magnetic field and more vigorous tectonics were active.Exogenic forces have been shaping Martian landscapes and have led to a plethora of landscapes shaped by wind, water and ice. Mars' dynamical behavior continues, with its climatic variation affecting climate and geology until very recent times. This paper tries to summarize major highlights in Mars' Geology, and points to deeper and more extensive sources of important scientific contributions and future exploration.  相似文献   

There are reasons to expect that Mars is surrounded by a region of dust, similar to rings, originating from the bombardment of Phobos and Deimos by meteroids. Using a simple radiative transfer model, we have investigated the angular distribution and the absolute values of the solar radiance scattered by such a dust region, to the purpose of assessing the possibilities and limitations of future photometric searches after the circummartian dust. Our model values of the number density of the dust grains in the space around Mars and of their size distribution have been derived from the results obtained by other authors. The single-scattering albedo of the dust grains has been deduced from the reflectance spectra of Phobos, taken by the spacecraft Phobos 2. Calculations, carried out for a few phenomenological phase functions, have shown that in the visible the radiance scattered by the rings is well within the detectability range of a modern sensible photometer, so that the prospectives for photometric search for the Martian dust rings are optimistic. Furthermore, our results confirm that the dust region could not be observed by the Viking cameras and this supports o our assumptions regarding the optical properties of the circummartian grains.  相似文献   

Mariner 9 ultraviolet spectra of the 1971 dust clouds were analyzed to obtain the phase function times single scattering albedo of the dust particles. The phase functions were matched with Mie scattering calculations for size distributions of spheres of homogeneous and isotropic material. The absorption index of the dust particles was found to increase with decreasing wavelenght from 350 nm down to about 210 nm, and drop off shortward of this wavelength. A structural shoulder occurs in the absorption spectrum between 240 and 250 nm. Titanium dioxide (anatase) has the correct transitions at 210 and 250 nm to match the absorption curve of Martian dust, and is proposed as a candidate constituent in Martian surface material. The spectral neutrality of TiO2 between 0.5 and 4 μm is consistent with visible and infrared observations of Mars. The high refractive index of TiO2 can explain the large refringence of Martian dust. The titanium dioxide content of the dust particles is estimated to be a few percent or less. Uncertainties in the results due to limitations in the model and data are discussed.  相似文献   

Infrared spectra of Mars are made up of three separate components, each of which may dominate the spectrum under different Martian meteorological and observational conditions. By means of laboratory examples we show that both the shape and spectral contrast of the spectral curves change dramatically, depending on which component is dominant. Each experimental condition has been experienced during either the Mariner 69 or 71 observations. Comparing the preliminary Mariner 71 radiance data with laboratory transmission spectra, we suggest that the clay mineral montmorillonite could be the major component of the Martian dust cloud.  相似文献   

A semiquantitative analysis of clearing in the 1971 great dust storm on Mars is presented as a function of time and altitude, using Mariner 9 orange- and visual-light photos. Steady settling of dust approximately accounts for the decline of the storm after December 22, 1971. Continuous settling cannot be invoked prior to that date; injection of dust into the atmosphere, i.e., a storm resurgence, occurred in mid-December 1971. Theoretical models of optical depth versus time are developed for various distributions of particles in the atmosphere. By intespreting settling in terms of Stokes' law, estimates of the maximum radii of dust particles throughout the atmosphere have been obtained. Models which best account for the dust-storm decline indicate particles ? 5μm in diameter high in the atmosphere, with a concentration of larger particles (? 10μm) near the ground in the lowest parts of Mars. Long-term thin high hazes should persist through much of the Martian year, perhaps clearing before perihelion.  相似文献   

The evolution of the Martian atmosphere and the potential existence of a past hydrosphere is a scientific issue of great interest in planetary research. Although the first missions to Mars had a focus on surface features and atmospheric properties, some of the missions (e.g., The Soviet Mars 2, 3 and 5) also carried instruments addressing the solar wind interaction with the Martian atmosphere and ionosphere and the potential existence of an intrinsic magnetic field on Mars. However, it took until 1989 before a spacecraft, Phobos-2, was able to carry out a more detailed investigation of the solar wind interaction with Mars. Phobos-2 gave valuable data on the Solar wind interaction with Mars during about 2 months of operations, leading to a better understanding of the solar wind impact on a weakly magnetized planet. However, Phobos-2 also raised a number of critical issues that has left science without adequate data since 1989.Investigations planned for Mars Express will cast new light on important aspects of the solar wind interaction with Mars. ASPERA-3 (Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms) on Mars Express will focus on the overall plasma outflow and monitor remotely the outflow and inflow of energetic neutral atoms produced by charge exchange processes. This report will discuss some of the unsolved issues about the solar wind interaction with Mars and how we plan to address these issues with Mars Express.  相似文献   

One of the most puzzling aspects of Mars is that organics have not yet been found on the surface. The simplest of organic molecules, methane, was detected in the Martian atmosphere for the first time in 2003. The existence and behavior of methane on Mars is of great significance, as methane is a potential biomarker. In this paper we review our current understanding of possible sources and sinks of methane on Mars. We also investigate the role of other trace species in the maintenance and removal of methane from the atmosphere, as well as of other organic material from the surface. In particular, we examine the exogenous, hydrogeochemical—especially serpentinization—and biological sources, for supplying methane to Mars. We suggest that comets and meteorites are the least likely, whereas low-temperature serpentinization is the most plausible of all candidates to explain the methane observations. Nevertheless, it is premature to rule out the role of biology in producing methane on Mars, in view of available data. It is important to note that the loss of methane to surface must also be factored into any “source” scenarios for methane. Ordinary heterogeneous loss process to surface tends to be very slow. On the other hand, a reactive surface could potentially accelerate the destruction of methane. If correct, it would imply that a larger source of methane is present than currently estimated on the basis of photochemical loss alone. A reactive surface can also explain why no organic material has ever been detected on the Martian surface. The surface could become reactive if some oxidizer were present. We suggest that vast quantities of a powerful oxidant, hydrogen peroxide, can be produced in electrochemistry triggered by electrostatic fields generated in the Martian dust devils and dust storms, and in normal saltation process close to the surface. Finally, current observations are inadequate to prove or disprove the existence of life on Mars, now or in the past. The question of extraterrestrial life is a fundamental one, and it should be addressed meticulously on future missions to Mars. Measurements planned on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), especially carbon isotopes and chirality, will go a long way in meeting this goal. A brief overview of the MSL Mission and measurements relevant to the question of life and habitability of Mars is also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

P.C Thomas  P Gierasch  D.S Miller  B Cantor 《Icarus》2003,162(2):242-258
Variable surface albedo features on Mars are likely caused by the entrainment and deposition of dust by the wind. Most discrete markings are associated with topographic forms or with regional slopes that serve to alter the effective wind shear stress on the surface. Some of the largest variable features, here termed mesoscale linear streaks, are up to 400 km in length and repeatedly occur in one of the smoothest regions of Mars: Amazonis Planitia. Their orientations and apparent season of variability as observed by Viking and Mars Orbiter cameras indicate linear streak formation by enhanced surface wind stresses during regional or local dust storms and during the initial stages of global dust storms. They provide an example of the ability of large-scale winds, without significant local enhancement, to initiate dust motion on Mars. The sizes and spacing of the linear streaks may be controlled by boundary layer rolls. The repetitive formation of these streaks, over a span of more than 11 Mars years, gives one measure of the stability of Mars’ eolian processes.  相似文献   

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