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Mare ridges were caused by compressional tectonics and indicate the shortening of the planum surface foiled by lavas. At least two separate tectonic phases within Syrtis Major Planum can be found. The two central calderas are located on the southwestern continuation of the Nili Fossae graben zone at the junction of the N-S and NW-SE mare ridge sets. These central calderas were formed by surface collapses into relatively shallow magma chambers. Radial and concentric mare ridges around the two calderas represent a shortened surface environment within the large compressional megacaldera. Shortening was caused by sinking of the crust due to the lava load, plumbing of the magma chambers and cooling of the interiors. The main NW-SE ridge trend parallels highland faults of the major structural zone extending from Hesperia Planum to Vastitas Borealis. These NW-SE ridges indicate the large scale areal tectonic trend along the Scopulus Oenotria - Phison Rupes fault zone and support the idea of a main SW-NE compression. The N-S directed mare ridges of the northern planum area favour a change in compressional stress direction from SW-NE in the south to E-W in the northern planum, obviously due to the buried local topography. These linear mare ridges can also be interpreted as forming a large Isidis Planitia-concentric ridge circle connecting Nili Fossae to Libya Montes. Formation of the mare ridges was the youngest of the main tectonic phases involved within the area studied.  相似文献   

The stresses which must be maintained on faults bounding the rift topography at Tempe Fossae—the “North Tempe Rift” (NTR)—and Valles Marineris (VM) on Mars are estimated, using a simple elastic model and topographic data from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). The absence of rift-flank uplift at the NTR is consistent with an elastic thickness, Te, of 20 km or greater at the time of rift formation. The maximum resolved shear stresses on bounding faults due to this topography do not therefore exceed 20 MPa, similar to the inferred strength of terrestrial faults. Elastic thickness estimates at VM are mostly around 50 km or greater. Therefore, for canyon widths of ∼400 km, the bounding faults of VM, if present, must be able to withstand stresses of up to approximately 100 MPa. However, if the fault-controlled sections of the canyons do not exceed 150 km in width, as suggested by geomorphological analysis, the fault strength required is only 20 MPa. Although the maximum resolved shear stresses required to support the topography at VM may need to be greater than the stresses which terrestrial faults can support, at least some faults on Mars are no stronger than similar features on Earth. This observation is consistent with the existence of liquid water in the shallow subsurface of Mars at the time the faults were active. On Venus, plate tectonics is probably prevented by the frictional resistance to motion across strong faults. On Mars, it is more likely that the large thickness of the elastic layer of the lithosphere and the possible positive buoyancy of the crust are responsible for the observed lack of plate tectonics.  相似文献   

H.J. Melosh 《Icarus》1980,44(3):745-751
Both geologic and free-air-gravity data suggest that the positive mass anomaly associated with the Tharsis volcanoes may have reoriented Mars' lithosphere by as much as 25°. Since Mars is oblate (with flattening ? ?0.005), rotation of the lithosphere over the equatorial bulge by 25° produces membrane stresses of several kilobars, large enough to initiate faulting. These stresses were first evaluated by F.A. Vening-Meinesz (1947, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union28, 1–61) who treated the lithosphere as a thin elastic shell. The fracture patterns which result from these stresses are determined by the relation between stress and faulting proposed by E.M. Anderson (1951, The Dynamics of Faulting, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh). Plots of the magnitude and direction of stresses in a reoriented planet show that near Tharsis the dominant fault type should be north-south- trending normal faults. This normal fault province is centered about 30°N latitude and extends about 45° east and west in longitude. Similar faults should occur at the antipodes, north of Hellas Planitia. The polar regions should be occupied by roughly north-south-trending thrust faults which extend close to the equator south of Tharsis and north of Hellas. The regions between Tharsis and Hellas are subject to compression on a NE-trending axis and extension along a NW axis east of Tharsis (west of Tharsis the directions are NW compression and NE extension), thus predicting a zone of NNW and ENE strike slip faults east of Tharsis (NNE and WNW west of Tharsis). Although these patterns, except for the north-south normal faults north of Tharsis, have not yet been recognized, the discovery of such a tectonic system of the same age as Tharsis would provide strong support for the reorientation idea. Stresses due to reorientation appear to have little to do with Valles Marineris, since the stress normal to the axis of the Valles is predicted to be compressive, whereas geologic evidence suggests extension.  相似文献   

H. Jay Melosh 《Icarus》1977,31(2):221-243
Mercury, the Moon, and many large satellites of the major planets have been tidally despun from an initially faster rotation. These bodies probably possessed equatorial bulges which relaxed as they lost their spin. An analysis of the stresses induced in an elastic shell by the relaxation of an equatorial bulge indicates that differential stresses may reach a few kilobars and that the tectonic pattern developed depends mainly upon the shell thickness. In every model studied the azimuthal stress σ?? is larger (more compressive) than the meridional stress σθθ. For a thin elastic shell (thickness less than one-twentieth of the planet's radius) the zone from the equator to 48° latitude is characterized by strike-slip faulting. Poleward of this, normal faults and graben trending east-west are expected. Thicker elastic shells acquire an equatorial belt of thrust faults with east-west throw and rough north-south trends. These tectonic styles may be modified by a small (0.05-0.1%) radial expansion or contraction. Expansion shifts the polar normal faulting province toward the equator, while contraction shifts the equatorial provinces poleward. These patterns are not substantially altered by plastic yielding of the shell, although the equatorial thrust fault province is suppressed by strike-slip faulting until strike-slip faults occur poleward of 64.8° latitude. We conclude that there are many tectonic patterns consistent with despinning and radial contraction or expansion, but they must all be consistent with σ?? > σθθ. These results also indicate that the polar regions of a despun planet are of particular interest in deciding whether a given lineament system is due to stresses induced by the relaxation of the planet's equatorial bulge.  相似文献   

Some en echelon structures, tension gashes and compressional ridges may form similar patterns. The N-S compression activates diagonal conjugate zones of weakness with tension gashes in the vicinity of the compressional direction. In the case of E-W compression similar arrangements of en echelon compression ridges are generated.The global N-S compression existing at the time of fracturing of the lava-flooded Oceanus Procellarum basin is arguable. It is possible to interpret some different scale mare ridge arrangements as en echelon within en echelon structures. Major ridge ranges evidently have Riedel and opposite Riedel orientations and they consist of minor en echelon structures which may in places be intruded tension gashes but are evidently mostly sheared and compressed Riedel fractures.The en echelon withinen echelon structures of mare ridges manifest the significance of different scale strike-slip movements along the lithosphere zones of weakness indicated by present mare ridge zones. The orientation of these Riedel-fracture-like en echelon structures also points to the existence of an areal compression during shearings along the zones of weakness. The Oceanus Procellarum basin sinking caused by lava loadings and lunar internal cooling led to the lithosphere shortening and to compressional circumstances. The angle between proposed Riedel structures and the mare ridge zones varies within this area, possibly indicating differences in compression and shearing in distinct parts of the shortened basin lithosphere.  相似文献   

Centers of tectonic activity in the eastern hemisphere of Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compiled a paleotectonic map for the eastern hemisphere of Mars to determine if extensional tectonic features (graben) are radial or compressional tectonic features (wrinkle ridges) are concentric to centers of tectonic activity defined by axisymmetric stress fields. Using a vector analysis technique all latitude and longitude points (1° bins) are tested to see if they lie on great circle extensions of extensional structures (the plane defined by the maximum and intermediate principal stresses) or great circle perpendiculars to compressional structures (the plane defined by the maximum and minimum compressional stresses). Centers of tectonic activity are defined as 5° areas whose concentrations of great circle extensions of tectonic features are statistically significant (e.g., 3σ or 7.4σ for large populations) and therefore are not the result of random noise. Our paleotectonic investigation has identified four statistically significant centers of tectonic activity within the eastern hemisphere: Elysium, Hadriaca/Tyrrhena-Hellas, Isidis-Syrtis, and Arabia Terra. Two of these centers (Hadriaca/Tyrrhena and Isidis-Syrtis) meet the 7.4σ statistical criteria and thus represent primary centers of tectonic activity with axisymmetric stress fields. The remaining two meet the 3σ statistical criteria and thus are defined as secondary centers of tectonic activity. Because the structures that define the centers extend over 80° of the planet the defined centers of tectonic activity are regional in character and related to modified impact basins or volcanic centers (all are more limited in extent than the Tharsis stress system that extends over the entire western hemisphere). The observation that statistically significant centers of tectonic activity are quantifiably and statistically identified argues that the crust and lithosphere of the eastern hemisphere at a regional scale is not dominated by regional inhomogeneities and anisotropies.  相似文献   

The structural architecture of the Ovda Regio, Venus, derived from regional and detailed structural mapping of several key segments, reveals a new tectonic perspective, for the first time that varies from most of the existing tectonic models. The interpreted structural features include folds of different styles and scales, mega shear zones, ribbon structures, and other kinematic indicators. While concentric folding is predominant in the western Ovda, the eastern Ovda is characterized by shear folding. Two mega shear zones are recognised: dextral NW-SE trending GMSZ and a complimentary sinistral NE-SW trending KKSZ. Two tectonic stages are identified in a coherent and continuous strain history involving initial N-S compression that gave rise to regional east-west folding providing the fundamental tectonic architecture of a mountain fold-thrust belt. Ribbon structures in a broad radial pattern were developed contemporaneously with this folding. The second tectonic stage saw the development of a conjugate pair of mega shear zones and a range of kinematic indicators, consistent with continued N-S compression and the pre-existing fold pattern was modified resulting in the development of new fold structures, particularly in the eastern Ovda. The structural characteristics of Ovda Regio are analogous to those of Himalaya-Tibet collision front and also the Precambrian mobile belts of southern India.  相似文献   

Dimension of the Earth's General Ellipsoid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The problem of specifying the Earth's mean (general)ellipsoid is discussed. This problem has been greatly simplified in the era of satellite altimetry, especially thanks to the adopted geoidal geopotential value, W0 = (62 636 856.0 ± 0.5) m2 s-2.Consequently, the semimajor axis a of the Earth's mean ellipsoid can be easily derived. However, an a priori condition must be posed first. Two such a priori conditions have been examined, namely an ellipsoid with the corresponding geopotential that fits best W0 in the least squares sense and an ellipsoid that has the global geopotential average equal to W0. It has been demonstrated that both a priori conditions yield ellipsoids of the same dimension, with a–values that are practically identical to the value corresponding to the Pizzetti theory of the level ellipsoid: a = (6 378 136.68 ± 0.06) m.  相似文献   

Lucas Reindler 《Icarus》2003,162(2):233-241
A self-gravitating, elastic, spherical thick shell model is used to derive the present state of the lateral variations of density and stress differences within the lunar lithosphere. The model is allowed to deform under the load of an initial surface topography and internal density distribution, such that the resulting deformed body gives rise to the observed surface topography and gravity specified by the spherical harmonics of degree up to 70. Two main models are considered, Model A and Model B, with elastic lithospheres of thickness 300 and 210 km, respectively. Model A displays density perturbations of generally less than ±200 kg/m3 within the crustal layers, reducing rapidly to less than ±20 kg/m3 at the base of the lithosphere. The density perturbations in Model B are similar in the crust and marginally higher at the base of the lithosphere. The major stress differences in the mantle are associated with the mascon basins and are found to reach maximums of 8-10 MPa within the lower lithosphere (150-270 km) of Model A and maximums of 12-16 MPa at 150 to 180 km depth for Model B. A moderate correlation exists between the modeled stress distributions and shallow moonquake epicenters. However, the overall results of this study imply that other remnant stresses, due to processes other than density perturbations, exist and play a critical role in the large shallow moonquakes.  相似文献   

The main major ridge belts of Ganiki Planitia on Venus (Lama, Ahsonnutli and Pandrosos Dorsa) are part of the fan-shaped ridge belt complex along the 200 parallel of longitude. These ridge belts with evidence of crustal shortening support the idea of a large-scale E-W compression. The ridge belt patterns indicate a N-S shear component. These forces are explained by a triangular planitia area which compressed by surrounding terrains. The crustal shortening and ridge belt formation indicates compressional plate movement stresses in the uppermost lithosphere.Three sizes of ridge belt structure are to be found within Ganiki Planitia. (1) The ridge belt spacing of 200–400 km can be used to estimate the depth of the major uppermost homogeneous layer of Venus. There are numerous volcanic coronae, paterae and montes located along the main ridge belts or at their junctions. (2) Mid-size ridge groups or subbelts are to be found within the major ridge belts. These are formed by more local responses to tectonic stresses in the stratified uppermost crust. A wavelength of 40–70 km can be seen as a result of bending of the crustal strata and may relate to its thickness. (3) Small individual ridges are connected with most local stresses, defining places where the surface layers broke along the crests of large ridge belts or mid-scale subbelts. Radial and concentric mare ridge-like structures around coronae indicate that corona formation was effective at a sufficiently close vicinity to fault the surface.  相似文献   

H.J. Melosh 《Icarus》1980,43(3):334-337
Tidal deformation of the lithosphere of a synchronously rotating planet or satellite produces stresses that may result in a distinctive tectonic pattern. The lithosphereis treated as a thin elastic shell which maintains the equilibrium shape of a tidally distorted body. Stresses develop as the equilibrium shape changes during orbital evolution. E. M. Anderson's theory of faulting is used to translate this stress pattern into a tectonic pattern of faults on the planet's surface (The Dynamics of Faulting, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh, 1951). On a body such as the Moon, which has receded from the Earth, an originally large tidal bulge has collapsed. The predicted tectonic pattern includes N-S striking thrust faults over an area extending roughly 30° in latitude and longitude around the sub-Earth point and its antipode. The polar regions above roughly 70° latitude exhibit normal faults striking from the near side of the Moon toward the far side. Strike slip faults, with offsets consistent with east-west compression, occur near the limbs. Stress differences are largest at the equator on the limbs, and may have reached several hundreds bars over the last few billion years of the Moon's history. The existence of such a tectonic pattern on the Moon can only be resolved by photogeologic mapping. At present, there is little evidence of this pattern; however, the crucial evidence probably lies in the poorly mapped lunar polar regions. These tectonic patterns, which could provide geologic evidence for large tidal distortions, may also be present on the Galilean satellites of Jupiter.  相似文献   

In this study we present a semi-analytical Maxwell-viscoelastic model of the variable tidal stress field acting on Europa’s surface. In our analysis, we take into account surface stresses induced by the small eccentricity of Europa’s orbit, the non-zero obliquity of Europa’s spin axis - both acting on a diurnal 3.55-days timescale - and the reorientation of the ice shell as a result of non-synchronous rotation (NSR). We assume that Europa’s putative ocean is covered by an ice shell, which we subdivide in a low-viscous and warm lower ice layer (asthenosphere, viscosity 1012-1017 Pa s), and a high-viscous and cold upper ice layer (lithosphere, viscosity 1021 Pa s).Viscoelastic relaxation influences surface stresses in two ways: (1) through viscoelastic relaxation in the lithosphere and (2) through the viscoelastic tidal response of Europa’s interior. The amount of relaxation in the lithosphere is proportional to the ratio between the period of the forcing mechanism and the Maxwell time of the high-viscous lithosphere. As a result, this effect is only relevant to surface stresses caused by the slow NSR mechanism. On the other hand, the importance of the viscoelastic response on surface stresses is proportional to the ratio between the relaxation time (τj) of a given viscoelastic mode j and the period of the forcing function. On a diurnal timescale the fast relaxation of transient modes related to the low viscosity of the asthenosphere can alter the magnitude and phase shift of the diurnal stress field at Europa’s surface. The effects are largest, up to 20% in magnitude and 7° in phase for ice rigidities lower than 3.487 GPa, when the relaxation time of the aforementioned transient modes approaches the inverse of the average angular rate of Europa’s orbit. On timescales relevant for NSR (>104 years) the magnitude and phase shift of NSR surface stresses can be affected by viscoelastic relaxation of the ocean-ice boundary. This effect, however, becomes only important when the behavior of the lithosphere w.r.t. NSR approaches the fluid limit, i.e. for strong relaxation in the lithosphere. The combination of NSR and diurnal stresses for different amounts of viscoelastic relaxation of NSR stresses in the lithosphere leads to a large variety of global stress fields that can explain the formation of the large diversity of lineament morphologies observed on Europa’s surface. Variation of the amount of relaxation in the lithosphere is likely due to changes in the spin rate of Europa and/or the rheological properties of the surface.In addition, we show that a small obliquity(<1°) can have a considerable effect on Europa’s diurnal stress field. A non-zero obliquity breaks the symmetric distribution of stress patterns with respect to the equator, thereby affecting the magnitude and orientation of the principal stresses at the surface. As expected, increasing the value of Europa’s obliquity leads to larger diurnal stresses at the surface, especially when Europa is located 90° away from the nodes formed by the intersection of its orbital and equatorial planes.  相似文献   

Saturn’s moon Iapetus is unique in that it has apparently despun while retaining a substantial equatorial bulge. Stresses arising from such a non-hydrostatic shape should in principle cause surface deformation (tectonics). As part of a search for such a tectonic signature, lineaments (linear surface features) on Iapetus were mapped on both its bright and dark hemispheres. Lineament orientations were then compared to model stress patterns predicted for spin-down from a rotation period of 16.5 h (or less) to its present synchronous period, and for a range of lithospheric thicknesses. Many lineaments are straight segments of crater rimwalls, which may be faults or joints reactivated during complex crater collapse. Most striking are several large troughs on the bright, trailing hemisphere. These troughs appear to be extensional and are distinctive on that hemisphere, because the interior floors and walls of the troughs contain dark material. Globally, no specific evidence of strike slip or thrust offsets are seen, but this could be due to the age and degraded nature of any such features. We find that observed lineament orientations do not correlate with predicted patterns due to despinning on either hemisphere (the equatorial ridge was specifically excluded from this analysis, and is considered separately). Modest evidence for preferred orientations ±40° from north could be construed as consistent with respinning, which is not necessarily far-fetched. Assuming the rigidity of unfractured ice, predicted maximum lithospheric differential stresses from despinning range from ∼1 MPa to ∼160 MPa for the elastic spheroid and thin lithosphere limits, respectively (although it is only for thicker elastic lithospheres that we expect a nonhydrostatic state to be maintained over geologic time against lithospheric failure). The tectonic signature of despinning may have been obscured over time because the surface of Iapetus is very ancient, Iapetus’ thick lithosphere may have inhibited the full tectonic expression of despinning, or both. Several prominent lineaments strike E–W, and are thus parallel to the equatorial ridge (though not physically close to it), but a tectonic or volcanic origin for the ridge is highly problematic.  相似文献   

The propagation properties of the various elements of the plane-wave angular spectrum of a Pc1 pulsation signal in the ionosphere are determined by a full-wave numerical analysis. A spectral component is characterized by the wave-vector azimuthal direction, and the Snell constant S. The isotropic R-mode transmission coefficient to ground is fairly flat for S ? 400, but thereafter (S > 500) drops rapidly with increasing S. Coupling of energy from the field-guided L-mode to the R-mode occurs along the entire length of the L-mode trajectory within the ionospheric duct in which the R-mode can propagate. Within the duct, the R-mode attenuation is determined largely by R to L-mode coupling, which is larger for E-W than for N-S azimuths, especially for steep angles of incidence (S < 100). This should lead to enhanced injection of energy into E-W high altitude, high velocity paths, but to higher E-W attenuation at oblique angles. For oblique propagation (S ? 200) horizontal group velocities are slightly higher than the Alfvén phase velocity at the F-layer peak, but about twice as high for steep angles (S ≈ 100).  相似文献   

Io: Geochemistry of sulfur   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
John S. Lewis 《Icarus》1982,50(1):103-114
The evidence from Voyager imaging, Earth-based spectral reflectivity studies, and thermal emission measurements combine to suggest an extremely fresh, volcanically recycled sulfur-rich crust for Io, with very shallow large-scale melting. Two present styles of volcanism are possible, depending on the thickness of local deposits of sulfur: shallow liquid sulfur magma generation with quiescent flooding, and high-temperature volcanism with violent eruption of a sulfur-iron magma driven by SO2. Evolutionary considerations preclude direct derivation of Io's lithosphere from any metal-bearing chondritic source material. Metal-free C3V- or C2M-type parent material of either primary or secondary origin is the most plausible direct antecedent of the present sulfur-rich crust. Sulfates are almost certainly important constituents of the mantle, and can participate in the recycling of reduced, dense sulfide species to prevent total extraction of sulfur into the core.  相似文献   

We have determined the global fracture patterns resulting from combinations of stresses due to tidal despinning and contraction or expansion. We find that Mercury's lineament pattern is consistent with a history of despinning and contraction. According to our model, the observed tectonic pattern implies that the despinning process reached completion before the planet ceased contracting. Our model predicts a stress due to contraction which is up to 1.8 times the maximum despinning stress on Mercury. The maximum contractional stress could be as large as 4 times the maximum despinning stress if the oldest fractures on the planet are N-S thrust faults in the equatorial region.  相似文献   

Regions of maximum shear and tension–compression stresses in the Martian interior have been revealed using two types of models: the elastic model and the model with an elastic lithosphere of varied thickness (150–500 km) positioned on a weak layer that has partially lost its elastic properties. The weakening is simulated by a ten-fold lower value of the shear modulus down to the core boundary. The numerical simulation applies Green’s functions (load number method) with the step of 1 × 1 grade along latitude and longitude down to a depth of 1000 km. The boundary condition is the expansion of the latest data on Martian topography and the gravitational field (model MRO120D) in spherical harmonics up to the degree and order of 90 in relation to the reference surface that is assumed an equilibrium spheroid. The considered two-level compensation model assumes nonequilibrium relief and density anomalies at the crust–mantle boundary to be the sources of the anomalous gravitational field. Calculations are performed for two test models of Martian internal structure with the crust mean thicknesses of 50 to 100 km and mean density of 2900 kg/m3. Considerable tangential and simultaneously compressive stresses occur under the Tharsis region. The main regions of high shear and simultaneously extentional stresses are located in the Hellas region crust and in the lithosphere of the following regions: Argyre Planitia, Mare Acidalium, Arcadia Planitia and Valles Marineris. The zone of high maximum shear and extentional stresses has been found at the base of the lithosphere under the Olympus volcano and that under the Elysium rise.  相似文献   

The catalogue of protoplanetary nebulae by Vickers et al. has been supplemented with the line-of-sight velocities and proper motions of their central stars from the literature. Based on an exponential density distribution, we have estimated the vertical scale height from objects with an age less than 3 Gyr belonging to the Galactic thin disk (luminosities higher than 5000 L ) to be h = 146 ± 15 pc, while from a sample of older objects (luminosities lower than 5000 L ) it is h = 568 ± 42 pc. We have produced a list of 147 nebulae in which there are only the line-of-sight velocities for 55 nebulae, only the proper motions for 25 nebulae, and both line-of-sight velocities and proper motions for 67 nebulae. Based on this kinematic sample, we have estimated the Galactic rotation parameters and the residual velocity dispersions of protoplanetary nebulae as a function of their age. We have established that there is a good correlation between the kinematic properties of nebulae and their separation in luminosity proposed by Vickers. Most of the nebulae are shown to be involved in the Galactic rotation, with the circular rotation velocity at the solar distance being V 0 = 227 ± 23 km s?1. The following principal semiaxes of the residual velocity dispersion ellipsoid have been found: (σ1, σ2, σ3) = (47, 41, 29) km s?1 from a sample of young protoplanetary nebulae (with luminosities higher than 5000 L ), (σ1, σ2, σ3) = (50, 38, 28) km s?1 from a sample of older protoplanetary nebulae (with luminosities of 4000 L or 3500 L ), and (σ1, σ2, σ3) = (91, 49, 36) km s?1 from a sample of halo nebulae (with luminosities of 1700 L ).  相似文献   

Observations by the Mariner 10 spacecraft suggest that the lobate scarps on Mercury, which have been interpreted to record at most 1-2 km of radial contraction of the planet after the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment, possess a global, preferred N-S orientation but lack a strong latitudinal dependence on their surface expression. Here, we reexamine the idea that a decrease in the planetary rotation rate (despinning) coupled with global contraction of at least 3-5.5 km prior to the end of Late Heavy Bombardment resulted in global N-S oriented thrust faults. The surface expression of these faults is assumed to have been erased by the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment, and the faults were subsequently reactivated by later global contraction, producing generally N-S oriented thrust faults from an isotropic stress field. We use the estimate of >3-5.5 km contraction prior to ∼4 Ga as an additional constraint to thermomechanical simulations of the evolution of Mercury, finding that a wide range of models are consistent with this observation. The fact that a wide range of states are consistent with the contraction of Mercury prior to the end of Late Heavy Bombardment but only a restricted set of states are consistent with the at most 1-2 km of subsequent contraction bolsters the idea that there may be hidden strain on Mercury, features unseen by Mariner 10 but likely visible to the MESSENGER spacecraft.  相似文献   

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