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We have remapped the geology of the north polar plateau on Mars, Planum Boreum, and the surrounding plains of Vastitas Borealis using altimetry and image data along with thematic maps resulting from observations made by the Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Odyssey, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. New and revised geographic and geologic terminologies assist with effectively discussing the various features of this region. We identify 7 geologic units making up Planum Boreum and at least 3 for the circumpolar plains, which collectively span the entire Amazonian Period. The Planum Boreum units resolve at least 6 distinct depositional and 5 erosional episodes. The first major stage of activity includes the Early Amazonian (∼3 to 1 Ga) deposition (and subsequent erosion) of the thick (locally exceeding 1000 m) and evenly-layered Rupes Tenuis unit (Abrt), which ultimately formed approximately half of the base of Planum Boreum. As previously suggested, this unit may be sourced by materials derived from the nearby Scandia region, and we interpret that it may correlate with the deposits that regionally underlie pedestal craters in the surrounding lowland plains. The second major episode of activity during the Middle to Late Amazonian (1 Ga) began with a section of dark, sand-rich and light-toned ice-rich irregularly-bedded sequences (Planum Boreum cavi unit, Abbc) along with deposition of evenly-bedded light-toned ice- and moderate-toned dust-rich layers (Planum Boreum 1 unit, Abb1). These units have transgressive and gradational stratigraphic relationships. Materials in Olympia Planum underlying the dunes of Olympia Undae are interpreted to consist mostly of the Planum Boreum cavi unit (Abbc). Planum Boreum materials were then deeply eroded to form spiral troughs, Chasma Boreale, and marginal scarps that define the major aspects of the polar plateau's current regional topography. Locally- to regionally-extensive (though vertically minor) episodes of deposition of evenly-bedded, light- and dark-toned layered materials and subsequent erosion of these materials persisted throughout the Late Amazonian. Sand saltation, including dune migration, is likely to account for much of the erosion of Planum Boreum, particularly at its margin, alluding to the lengthy sedimentological history of the circum-polar dune fields. Such erosion has been controlled largely by topographic effects on wind patterns and the variable resistance to erosion of materials (fresh and altered) and physiographic features. Some present-day dune fields may be hundreds of kilometers removed from possible sources along the margins of Planum Boreum, and dark materials, comprised of sand sheets, extend even farther downwind. These deposits also attest to the lengthy period of erosion following emplacement of the Planum Boreum 1 unit. We find no evidence for extensive glacial flow, topographic relaxation, or basal melting of Planum Boreum materials. However, minor development of normal faults and wrinkle ridges may suggest differential compaction of materials across buried scarps. Timing relations are poorly-defined mostly because resurfacing and other uncertainties prohibit precise determinations of surface impact crater densities. The majority of the stratigraphic record may predate the recent (<20 Ma) part of the orbitally-driven climate record that can be reliably calculated. Given the strong stratigraphic but loose temporal constraints of the north polar geologic record, a comparison of north and south polar stratigraphy permits a speculative scenario in which major Amazonian depositional and erosional episodes driven by global climate activity is plausible.  相似文献   

We present results of our morphologic and stratigraphic investigations in the Amenthes region for which our observations suggest a complex spatial and temporal interrelation between volcanic and possibly water-related processes. We have produced a series of self-consistent geological maps and a stratigraphic correlation chart that show the spatial and temporal distribution of volcanic, fluvial and tectonic processes.The Amenthes region consists of a broad trough-like topographic depression that has served as a path for the supply of materials from Hesperia Planum to Isidis Planitia. It is most likely that Hesperia Planum and, in particular the area north of Hesperia Planum, including Tinto Vallis, Palos crater and the surrounding dissected highlands have acted as a source region for materials that were transported into the Amenthes trough and farther into the Isidis basin. The Amenthes trough, as well as the graben of Amenthes Fossae were formed after the Isidis impact in the Noachian and represent likely the oldest features in the Amenthes region. Dendritic valley networks, that bear evidence for surface runoff, have dissected the highlands adjacent to Amenthes Planum and within the Tinto Vallis and Palos crater region before ∼3.7 Ga. The ridged volcanic plains located near the Palos crater and Tinto Vallis region, within Amenthes Planum as well as within the Isidis transitional plains were formed between ∼3.5 and 3.2 Ga and represent the volcanic activity which resulted in the flooding of the Amenthes trough. The sinuous channel of Tinto Vallis was formed in the Hesperian (?3.5 Ga) and shows characteristics, which are consistent with both ground water sapping and igneous processes. The Palos crater outflow channel was formed nearly at the same time as Tinto Vallis, between ∼3.5 Ga and ∼3.2 Ga and postdates the volcanic flooding of the Amenthes trough in the Hesperian. Small valleys (∼3.4-2.8 Ga) incised into the ridged plains of Amenthes Planum appear also within the transitional plains located between the Amenthes plains and the Isidis interior plains. Our model ages show that Tinto Vallis, the Palos crater outflow channel as well as the small valleys are unlikely formed at the same time and by the same processes as the dendritic valley networks and represent an episode that clearly postdates the volcanic activity.  相似文献   

The nature of strong martian crustal field sources is investigated by mapping and modeling of Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer data near Apollinaris Patera, a previously proposed volcanic source, supplemented by large-scale correlative studies. Regional mapping yields evidence for positive correlations of orbital anomalies with both Apollinaris Patera and Lucus Planum, a nearby probable extrusive pyroclastic flow deposit that is mapped as part of the Medusae Fossae Formation. Iterative forward modeling of the Apollinaris Patera magnetic anomaly assuming a source model consisting of one or more uniformly magnetized near-surface disks indicates that the source is centered approximately on the construct with a scale size several times larger and comparable to that of the Apollinaris Patera free-air gravity anomaly. A significantly lower rms deviation is obtained using a two-disk model that favors a concentration of magnetization near the construct itself. Estimates for the dipole moment per unit area of the Lucus Planum source together with maximum thicknesses of ∼3 km based on topographic and radar sounding data lead to an estimated minimum magnetization intensity of ∼50 A/m within the pyroclastic deposits. Intensities of this magnitude are similar to those obtained experimentally for Fe-rich Mars analog basalts that cooled in an oxidizing (high fO2) environment in the presence of a strong (?10 μT) surface field. Further evidence for the need for an oxidizing environment is provided by a broad spatial correlation of the locations of phyllosilicate exposures identified to date using Mars Express OMEGA data with areas containing strong crustal magnetic fields and valley networks in the Noachian-aged southern highlands. This indicates that the presence of liquid water, which is a major crustal oxidant, was an important factor in the formation of strong magnetic sources. The evidence discussed here for magnetic sources associated with relatively young volcanic units suggests that a martian dynamo existed during the late Noachian/early Hesperian, after the last major basin-forming impacts and the formation of the northern lowlands.  相似文献   

Mid-latitude pedestal craters on Mars offer crucial insights into the timing and extent of widespread ice-rich deposits during the Amazonian period. Our previous comprehensive analysis of pedestal craters strongly supports a climate-related formation mechanism, whereby pedestals result from impacts into ice-rich material at mid latitudes during periods of higher obliquity. The ice from this target deposit later sublimates due to obliquity changes, but is preserved beneath the protective cover of the armored pedestal. As such, the heights of pedestals act as a proxy for the thicknesses of the paleodeposits. In this analysis, our measurement of 2300 pedestal heights shows that although pedestals can reach up to ∼260 m in height, ∼82% are shorter than 60 m and only ∼2% are taller than 100 m. Mean pedestal heights are 48.0 m in the northern mid latitudes and 40.4 m in the southern mid latitudes, with the tallest pedestals located in Utopia Planitia, Acidalia Planitia and Malea Planum. We use these data in conjunction with prior climate model results to identify both regional and global trends regarding ice accumulation during obliquity excursions. Our data provide evidence for multiple episodes of emplacement and removal of the mid-latitude ice-rich deposit based on stratigraphic relationships between pedestal craters and the close proximity of pedestals with significantly different heights.  相似文献   

An extensive layered formation covers the high plateaus around Valles Marineris. Mapping based on HiRISE, CTX and HRSC images reveals these layered deposits (LDs) crop out north of Tithonium Chasma, south of Ius Chasma, around West Candor Chasma, and southwest of Juventae Chasma and Ganges Chasma. The estimated area covered by LDs is ∼42,300 km2. They consist of a series of alternating light and dark beds, a 100 m in total thickness that is covered by a dark unconsolidated mantle possibly resulting from their erosion. Their stratigraphic relationships with the plateaus and the Valles Marineris chasmata indicate that the LDs were deposited during the Early- to Late Hesperian, and possibly later depending on the region, before the end of the backwasting of the walls near Juventae Chasma, and probably before Louros Valles sapping near Ius Chasma. Their large spatial coverage and their location mainly on highly elevated plateaus lead us to conclude that LDs correspond to airfall dust and/or volcanic ash. The surface of LDs is characterized by various morphological features, including lobate ejecta and pedestal craters, polygonal fractures, valleys and sinuous ridges, and a pitted surface, which are all consistent with liquid water and/or water ice filling the pores of LDs. LDs were episodically eroded by fluvial processes and were possibly modified by sublimation processes. Considering that LDs correspond to dust and/or ash possibly mixed with ice particles in the past, LDs may be compared to Dissected Mantle Terrains currently observed in mid- to high latitudes on Mars, which correspond to a mantle of mixed dust and ice that is partially or totally dissected by sublimation. The analysis of CRISM and OMEGA hyperspectral data indicates that the basal layer of LDs near Ganges Chasma exhibits spectra with absorption bands at ∼1.4 μm, and ∼1.9 μm and a large deep band between ∼2.21 and ∼2.26 μm that are consistent with previous spectral analysis in other regions of LDs. We interpret these spectral characteristics as an enrichment of LDs in opaline silica or by Al-phyllosilicate-rich layers being overlain by hydroxylated ferric sulfate-rich layers. These alteration minerals are consistent with the aqueous alteration of LDs at low temperatures.  相似文献   

The depths of 109 impact craters 2–16 km in diameter, located on the ridged plains materials of Hesperia Planum, Mars, have been measured from their shadow lengths using digital Viking Orbiter images (orbit numbers 417S–419S) and the PICS computer software. On the basis of their pristine morphology (very fresh lobate ejecta blankets, well preserved rim crests, and lack of superposed impact craters), 57 of these craters have been selected for detailed analysis of their spatial distribution and geometry. We find that south of 30°S, craters <6.0 km in diameter are markedly shallower than similar-sized craters equatorward of this latitude. No comparable relationship is observed for morphologically fresh craters >6.0 km diameter. We also find that two populations exist for older craters <6.0 km diameter. When craters that lack ejecta blankets are grouped on the basis of depth/diameter ratio, the deeper craters also typically lie equatorward of 30° S. We interpret the spatial variation in crater depth/diameter ratios as most likely due to a poleward increase in volatiles within the top 400 m of the surface at the times these craters were formed.  相似文献   

D. Reiss  M. Zanetti  G. Neukum 《Icarus》2011,215(1):358-369
Active dust devils were observed in Syria Planum in Mars Observer Camera - Wide Angle (MOC-WA) and High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) imagery acquired on the same day with a time delay of ∼26 min. The unique operating technique of the HRSC allowed the measurement of the traverse velocities and directions of motion. Large dust devils observed in the HRSC image could be retraced to their counterparts in the earlier acquired MOC-WA image. Minimum lifetimes of three large (avg. ∼700 m in diameter) dust devils are ∼26 min, as inferred from retracing. For one of these large dust devil (∼820 m in diameter) it was possible to calculate a minimum lifetime of ∼74 min based on the measured horizontal speed and the length of its associated dust devil track. The comparison of our minimum lifetimes with previous published results of minimum and average lifetimes of small (∼19 m in diameter, avg. min. lifetime of ∼2.83 min) and medium (∼185 m in diameter, avg. min. lifetime of ∼13 min) dust devils imply that larger dust devils on Mars are active for much longer periods of time than smaller ones, as it is the case for terrestrial dust devils. Knowledge of martian dust devil lifetimes is an important parameter for the calculation of dust lifting rates. Estimates of the contribution of large dust devils (>300-1000 m in diameter) indicate that they may contribute, at least regionally, to ∼50% of dust entrainment by dust devils into the atmosphere compared to the dust devils <300 m in diameter given that the size-frequency distribution follows a power-law. Although large dust devils occur relatively rarely and the sediment fluxes are probably lower compared to smaller dust devils, their contribution to the background dust opacity by dust devils on Mars could be at least regionally large due to their longer lifetimes and ability of dust lifting into high atmospheric layers.  相似文献   

Stephen D. Eckermann  Jun Ma 《Icarus》2011,211(1):429-442
Using a Curtis-matrix model of 15 μm CO2 radiative cooling rates for the martian atmosphere, we have computed vertical scale-dependent IR radiative damping rates from 0 to 200 km altitude over a broad band of vertical wavenumbers ∣m∣ = 2π(1-500 km)−1 for representative meteorological conditions at 40°N and average levels of solar activity and dust loading. In the middle atmosphere, infrared (IR) radiative damping rates increase with decreasing vertical scale and peak in excess of 30 days−1 at ∼50-80 km altitude, before gradually transitioning to scale-independent rates above ∼100 km due to breakdown of local thermodynamic equilibrium. We incorporate these computed IR radiative damping rates into a linear anelastic gravity-wave model to assess the impact of IR radiative damping, relative to wave breaking and molecular viscosity, in the dissipation of gravity-wave momentum flux. The model results indicate that IR radiative damping is the dominant process in dissipating gravity-wave momentum fluxes at ∼0-50 km altitude, and is the dominant process at all altitudes for gravity waves with vertical wavelengths ?10-15 km. Wave breaking becomes dominant at higher altitudes only for “fast” waves of short horizontal and long vertical wavelengths. Molecular viscosity plays a negligible role in overall momentum flux deposition. Our results provide compelling evidence that IR radiative damping is a major, and often dominant physical process controlling the dissipation of gravity-wave momentum fluxes on Mars, and therefore should be incorporated into future parameterizations of gravity-wave drag within Mars GCMs. Lookup tables for doing so, based on the current computations, are provided.  相似文献   

We report on observations made of the ∼36 km diameter crater, Louth, in the north polar region of Mars (at 70° N, 103.2° E). High-resolution imagery from the instruments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft has been used to map a 15 km diameter water ice deposit in the center of the crater. The water ice mound has surface features that include roughened ice textures and layering similar to that found in the North Polar Layered Deposits. Features we interpret as sastrugi and sand dunes show consistent wind patterns within Louth over recent time. CRISM spectra of the ice mound were modeled to derive quantitative estimates of water ice and contaminant abundance, and associated ice grain size information. These morphologic and spectral results are used to propose a stratigraphy for this deposit and adjoining sand dunes. Our results suggest the edge of the water ice mound is currently in retreat.  相似文献   

D. Ravat 《Icarus》2011,214(2):400-412
Using model studies, the total gradient (TG) of the Z-component magnetic field is shown to be a useful quantity for delineating sources of satellite-altitude magnetic anomalies; this field is used to constrain the location and lateral boundaries of sources of high amplitude magnetic anomalies of southern highlands of Mars. The TG field suggests two parallel linear and oppositely magnetized sources of 1000 and 1800 km length separated by 1000 km of region of intervening non-parallel sources. The simplest interpretation of the long, linear features is that they are zones of multitudinous crustal scale dikes formed in separate episodes of rifting, and not features associated with the mechanism of seafloor spreading. Forward modeling with uniformly magnetized sources suggests that magnetizations of the order of 10-50 A/m (40 km thickness) over ∼100 km width in the case of the southern source and of 12.5-27.5 A/m (40 km thickness) and ∼200 km width for the northern source are necessary to explain the Z-component amplitudes and features of the TG field. If the crustal magnetization on Mars were to be distributed fractally as on Earth, magnetizations matching the largest amplitude features on Mars may be spatially correlated from a 50-100 km distance range (β ∼ 3) to approaching nearly uniform magnetization (β ∼ 5) values. To keep magnetization intensity as small as possible, the higher end of β values are preferred, whereas, small amplitude anomaly features could be generated from sources with β ∼ 3. Many of the Mars anomaly features could be coalescence effects similar to the coalescence of anomaly features observed on http://icarus.cornell.edu/information/keywords.html.Earth.  相似文献   

Uzboi Vallis (centered at ∼28°S, 323°E) is ∼400 km long and comprises the southernmost segment of the northward-draining Uzboi-Ladon-Morava (ULM) meso-scale outflow system that emerges from Argyre basin. Bond and Holden craters blocked the valley to the south and north, respectively, forming a Late Noachian-to-Hesperian paleolake basin that exceeded 4000 km3. Limited CRISM data suggest lake deposits in Uzboi and underlying basin floor incorporate relatively more Mg-clays and more Fe-clays, respectively. The short-lived lake overflowed and breached Holden crater’s rim at an elevation of −350 m and rapidly drained into the crater. Fan deltas in Holden extend 25 km from the breach and incorporate meter-sized blocks, and longitudinal grooves along the Uzboi basin floor are hundreds of meters long and average 60 m wide, suggesting high-discharge drainage of the lake. Precipitation-derived runoff rather than regional groundwater or overflow from Argyre dominated contributions to the Uzboi lake, although the failure of most tributaries to respond to a lowering of base level indicates their incision largely ended when the lake drained. The Uzboi lake may have coincided with alluvial and/or lacustrine activity in Holden, Eberswalde, and other craters in southern Margaritifer Terra, where fluvial/lacustrine activity may have required widespread, synoptic precipitation (rain or snow), perhaps associated with an ephemeral, global hydrologic system during the Late Noachian into the Hesperian on Mars.  相似文献   

We study the thermal fields over Olympus Mons separating seasons (northern spring and summer against southern spring and summer) and local time observations (day side versus night side). Temperature vertical profiles retrieved from Planetary Fourier Spectrometer on board Mars Express (PFS-MEX) data have been used. In many orbits (running north to south along a meridian) passing over the top of the volcano there is evidence of a hot air on top of the volcano, of two enhancement of the air temperature both north and south of it and in between a collar of air that is colder than nearby at low altitudes, and warmer than nearby at high altitudes. Mapping together many orbits passing over or near the volcano we find that the hot air has the tendency to form an hot ring around it. This hot structure occurs mostly between LT = 10.00 and 15.00 and during the northern summer. Distance of the hot structure from the top of the volcano is about 600 km (10° of latitude). The hot atmospheric region is 300-420 km (5-7°) wide. Hot ring temperature contrasts of about 40 K occur at 2 km above the surface and decrease to 20 K at 5 km and to 10 K at 10 km. The atmospheric circulation over an area of 40° × 40° (latitudes and longitudes) is affected by the topography and the presence of Olympus Mons (−133°W, 18°N). We discuss also the thermal stability of the atmosphere over the selected area using the potential temperatures. The temperature field over the top of the volcano shows unstable atmosphere within 10 km from the surface. Finally, we interpret the hot temperatures around volcano as an adiabatic compression of down-welling branch coming from over the top of volcano.Different air temperature profiles are observed in the same seasons during the night, or in different seasons. In northern spring-summer during the night the isothermal contours do not show the presence of the volcano until we reach close to the surface very much, where a thermal inversion is observed. The surface temperature shows higher values (by 10 K) in correspondence of the scarp (an abrupt altimetry variation of roughly 5 km) on south (6°N) and north (30°N) sides of volcano. During the southern spring-summer, on the contrary the isothermal curves run parallel to the surface even on top the volcano, just like the GCM have predicted.  相似文献   

Syrtis Major Planum is a volcanic plain dominated by lava flows. High resolution stereo camera (HRSC) images of the northern Syrtis Major region display erosional features such as grooves, teardrop-shaped islands and valleys. These landforms are characteristics of outflow channels seen on Mars, therefore implying that a flood event took place in this region. The flow of 100 km long and a few kilometer wide followed the local slopes in most locations. Maximum flood discharges estimated from images and topography vary from about 0.3×106 to 8×106 m3/s, and therefore are in the range of terrestrial mega-floods in the Scablands or Lake Bonneville. In North Syrtis Major, the relationships with surrounding lava flows and the timing of the flood coeval to Syrtis Major volcanic activity suggest that it could be related to the subsurface water discharge mobilized by the volcanic activity. The proximity of Noachian age basement rocks 20 km away from the flood and below lava flows might have played a role in its formation and water presence.  相似文献   

The plains of Aurorae and Ophir in the equatorial region of Mars display geomorphic evidence indicative of extensive but generally short-lived paleohydrological processes. Elaver Vallis in Aurorae Planum south of Ganges Chasma is an outflow channel system >180 km long, and here inferred to have formed by cataclysmic spillover flooding from a paleolake(s) contained in the Morella crater basin. Ganges Cavus is an enormous 5-km-deep depression of probable collapse origin located in the Morella basin. The fluid responsible for the infilling of the Morella basin likely emerged at least partially through Ganges Cavus or its incipient depression, and it may have been supplied also from small-scale springs in the basin. Similar paleohydrological processes are inferred also in Ophir Planum. It is reasonable to assume that water, sometimes sediment-laden and/or mixed with gases, was the responsible fluid for these phenomena although some of the observed features could be explained by non-aqueous processes such as volcanism. Water emergence may have occurred as consequences of ground ice melting or breaching of cryosphere to release water from the underlying hydrosphere. Dike intrusion is considered to be an important cause of formation for the cavi and smaller depressions in Aurorae and Ophir Plana, explaining also melting of ground ice or breaching of cryosphere. Alternatively, the depressions and crater basins may have been filled by regional groundwater table rising during the period(s) when cryosphere was absent or considerably thin. The large quantities of water necessary for explaining the paleohydrological processes in Aurorae and Ophir Plana could have been derived through crustal migration from the crust of higher plains in western Ophir Planum where water existed in confined aquifers or was produced by melting of ground ice due to magmatic heating or climatic shift, or from a paleolake in Candor Chasma further west.  相似文献   

Javier Ruiz  Rosa Tejero 《Icarus》2006,180(2):308-313
Two independent sets of heat flow estimates provide constraints on the Hesperian-era surface and mantle heat flows, and the thickness of the heat-producing elements (HPE)-enriched upper crust, in the Solis Planum region of Mars. The calculations, which use the concentration of uppermost crust heat sources deduced from orbital gamma ray spectroscopy and soils geochemistry, are based on the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere and the minimum depth of faults underlying winkle ridges. We find that, for the majority of analyzed settings, the HPE-enriched crust is thinner than the whole crust thickness in this region (∼65 km). Thus, our results strongly support a differentiated martian crust.  相似文献   

Jafar Arkani-Hamed 《Icarus》2009,204(2):489-498
We investigate the polar wander of Mars in the last ∼4.2 Ga. We identify two sets of basins from the 20 giant impact basins reported by Frey [Frey, H., 2008. Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L13203] which trace great circles on Mars, and propose that the great circles were the prevailing equators of Mars at the impact times. Monte Carlo tests are conducted to demonstrate that the two sets of basins are most likely not created by random impacts. Also, fitting 63,771 planes to randomly selected sets of 5, 6, or 7 basins indicated that the identified two sets are unique. We propose three different positions for the rotation pole of Mars, besides the present one. Accordingly, Tharsis bulge was initially formed at ∼50 N and moved toward the equator while rotating counterclockwise due to the influence of the two newly forming volcanic constructs, Alba Patera and Elysium Rise. The formation of the giant impact basins, subsequent mass concentrations (mascons) in Argyre, Isidis, and Utopia basins, and surface masses of volcanic mountains such as Ascraeus, Pavonis, Arsia and Olympus, caused further polar wander which rotated Tharsis bulge clockwise to arrive at its present location. The extensive polar motion of Mars during 4.2-3.9 Ga implies a weak lithosphere on a global scale, deduced from a total of 72,000 polar wander models driven by Tharsis bulge, Alba Patera and Elysium Rise as the major mass perturbations. Different compensation states, 0-100%, are examined for each of the surface loads, and nine different thicknesses are considered for an elastic lithosphere. The lithosphere must have been very weak, with an elastic thickness of less than 5 km, if the polar wander was driven by these mass perturbations.  相似文献   

The atmospheres of Mars and Titan are loaded with aerosols that impact remote sensing observations of their surface. Here we present the algorithm and the first applications of a radiative transfer model in spherical geometry designed for planetary data analysis. We first describe a fast Monte-Carlo code that takes advantage of symmetries and geometric redundancies. We then apply this model to observations of the surface of Mars and Titan at the terminator as acquired by OMEGA/Mars Express and VIMS/Cassini. These observations are used to probe the vertical distribution of aerosols down to the surface. On Mars, we find the scale height of dust particles to vary between 6 km and 12 km depending on season. Temporal variations in the vertical size distribution of aerosols are also highlighted. On Titan, an aerosols scale height of 80 ± 10 km is inferred, and the total optical depth is found to decrease with wavelength as a power-law with an exponent of −2.0 ± 0.4 from a value of 2.3 ± 0.5 at 1.08 μm. Once the aerosols properties have been constrained, the model is used to retrieve surface reflectance properties at high solar zenith angles and just after sunset.  相似文献   

Data from the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) and the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS) instruments are used to assess the mineralogic and dust cover characteristics of landing regions proposed for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. Candidate regions examined in this study are Eberswalde crater, Gale crater, Holden crater, Mawrth Vallis, Miyamoto crater, Nili Fossae Trough, and south Meridiani Planum. Compositional units identified in each region from TES and THEMIS data are distinguished by variations in hematite, olivine, pyroxene and high-silica phase abundance, whereas no units are distinguished by elevated phyllosilicate or sulfate abundance. Though phyllosilicate minerals have been identified in all sites using near-infrared observations, these minerals are not unambiguously detected using either TES spectral index or deconvolution analysis methods. For some of the sites, small phyllosilicate outcrop sizes relative to the TES field of view likely hinder phyllosilicate mineral detection. Porous texture and/or small particle size (<∼60 μm) associated with the phyllosilicate-bearing surfaces may also contribute to non-detections in the thermal infrared data sets, in some areas. However, in Mawrth Vallis and Nili Fossae, low phyllosilicate abundance (<10-20 areal %, depending on the phyllosilicate composition) is the most likely explanation for non-detection. TES data over Mawrth Vallis indicate that phyllosilicate-bearing surfaces also contain significant concentrations (>15%, possibly up to ∼40%) of a high-silica phase such as amorphous silica or zeolite. High-silica phase abundance over phyllosilicate-bearing surfaces in Mawrth Vallis is higher than that of surrounding surfaces by 10-15%. With the exception of these high-silica surfaces in Mawrth Vallis, regions examined in this study exhibit similar bulk mineralogical compositions to that of most low-albedo regions on Mars; the MSL scientific payload will thus be able to provide important information on surface materials typical of low-albedo regions in addition to investigating the origin of phyllosilicate and/or sulfate deposits. With the exception of Gale crater, all of the landing sites have relatively low dust cover compared to classic high-albedo regions (Tharsis, Arabia and Elysium) and to previous landing sites in Gusev Crater, Utopia Planitia, and Chryse Planitia.  相似文献   

The interval from Ls = 330° in Mars Year (MY) 26 until Ls = 84° in MY 27 has been used to compare and validate measurements from the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) and the Mars Express Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS). We studied differences between atmospheric temperatures observed by the two instruments. The best agreement between atmospheric temperatures was found at 50 Pa between 40°S and 40°N latitude, where differences were within ±5 K. For other atmospheric levels, differences as large as ∼25 K were observed between the two instruments at some locations. The largest temperature differences occurred mainly over the Hellas Planitia, Argyre Planitia, Tharsis and Valles Marineris regions.On this basis we report on the variability of the martian atmosphere during the 5.5 martian years of Mars climatology obtained by combining the two data sets from TES and PFS. Atmospheric temperatures at 50 Pa responded to the global-scale dust storms of MY 25 and in MY 28 raising temperatures from ∼220 K to ∼250 K during the daytime. An atmospheric temperature of ∼140 K at 50 Pa was observed poleward of 70°N during northern winter and poleward of 60°S during southern winter each year in both the PFS and TES results. Water vapor observed by the two spectrometers showed consistent seasonal and latitudinal variations.  相似文献   

The unusual 80 km diameter Noachian-aged Asimov crater in Noachis Terra (46°S, 5°E) is characterized by extensive Noachian-Hesperian crater fill and a younger superposed annulus of valleys encircling the margins of the crater floor. These valleys provide an opportunity to study the relationships of gully geomorphology as a function of changing slope orientation relative to solar insolation. We found that the level of development of gullies was highly correlated with slope orientation and solar insolation. The largest and most complex gully systems, with the most well-developed fluvial landforms, are restricted to pole-facing slopes. In contrast, gullies on equator-facing slopes are smaller, more poorly developed and integrated, more highly degraded, and contain more impact craters. We used a 1D version of the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique GCM, and slope geometries (orientation and angle), driven by predicted spin-axis/orbital parameter history, to assess the distribution and history of surface temperatures in these valleys during recent geological history. Surface temperatures on pole-facing slopes preferential for water ice accumulation and subsequent melting are predicted to occur as recently as 0.5-2.1 Ma, which is consistent with age estimates of gully activity elsewhere on Mars. In contrast, the 1D model predicts that water ice cannot accumulate on equator-facing slopes until obliquities exceed 45°, suggesting they are unlikely to have been active over the last 5 Ma. The correlation of the temperature predictions and the geological evidence for age differences suggests that there were two phases of gully formation in the last few million years: an older phase in which top-down melting occurred on equator-facing slopes and a younger more robust phase on pole-facing slopes. The similarities of small-scale fluvial erosion features seen in the gullies on Mars and those observed in gullies cut by seasonal and perennial snowmelt in the Antarctic Dry Valleys supports a top-down melting origin for these gullies on Mars.  相似文献   

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